Demonstration: Innovative PLEASURE equipment to support the technology (20 minutes) Alain LE-BAILa, Mathieu SADOTa, Nikhil NAIR a, Sylvie CHEVALLIERa, Guenaelle LERAYa, José CHEIOb & Mark DEBOEVEREc aOniris, UMR 6144 GEPEA CNRS, Nantes, F - 44307, France aCNRS, Nantes, F - 44307, France bVMI, Rue Joseph Gaillard, 85600 Montaigu, France cPromatec Food Ventures BV Rootven 24a, NL-5531 MB Bladel * corresponding author: [email protected] [email protected] PLEASURE PROJECT: INNOVATIVE PROCESSES ATMOSPHERIC MIXER VACUUM MIXER DOUGH SHEETER CONCLUSION ATMOSPHERIC MIXER - BRUSHLESS MOTOR; ACCURATE ONLINE MEASURE OF POWER - TOUCHLESS INFRA RED TEMPERATURE SENSOR - SPECIFIC TOOL + NO PIVOT ROD IN THE MIXER Temperature sensor Rotating mixer bowl SPEC: 3 kg DOUGH CAPACITY PROGRAMMABLE BOWL SPEED PROGRAMMABLE TOOL SPEED Spiral tool Temperature sensor ATMOSPHERIC MIXER IMPACT OF TOOL SPEED Rotating mixer bowl TTP: TIME TO PEAK Spiral tool Kneading • Increase of tool rotation speed effect: Ø ì tool power Ø î kneading time Ø ì dough temperature • Impact of salt reduction: Ø î kneading time T (°C) • Impact of fat in the formulation Ø î kneading time Ø î tool power PLEASURE PROJECT: INNOVATIVE PROCESSES ATMOSPHERIC MIXER VACUUM MIXER DOUGH SHEETER CONCLUSION PLEASURE PROJECT and DOUGH PROCESSING Low pressure Kneading Spiral tool VMI SPIRAL MIXER Pressure modulation Range - 0.9 to + 0.5 Atm PLEASURE PROJECT and DOUGH PROCESSING Low pressure Kneading LID – MOBILE PART CONTROL PANE TOUCH SCREEN MOTOR and GEARING ELECTRICAL CABINET VACUUM,TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEM WATER JACKET and BOWL PLEASURE PROJECT and DOUGH PROCESSING Low pressure Kneading WATER JACKET SYSTEM around MIXER BOWL T SENSOR (DE) PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER EXTERNAL COOLING BATH PUMP HEATER MIXER BOWL WATER JACKET - Control of dough temperature; water jacket around the mixer’s bowl - Important to control dough rheology - New opportunities in dough mixing … ! PLEASURE PROJECT and DOUGH PROCESSING Low pressure Kneading Infra red temperature sensor Touchless;fast and accurate Water jacket – temperature control Sensor installation: Temperature, NIR, others…. USER – INTERFACE VMI VACUUM MIXER USER – INTERFACE VMI VACUUM MIXER Plots during expoeriments: power, cumulative energy, pressure, temperature.. PLEASURE PROJECT and DOUGH PROCESSING Low pressure Kneading Spiral tool VMI PROTOTYPE SPIRAL MIXER Pressure modulation Range - 0.9 to + 0.5 Atm VACUUM (PRESSURE) MIXING: î GLUTEN OXYDATION ì DOUGH RHEOLOGY CONTROL OF DOUGH AERATION PIZZA DOUGH ì DOUGH RHEOLOGY î DOUGH STICKINESS PAN BREAD ì DOUGH & BREAD POROSITY PLeASURe PROJECT SALT & LIPIDS REDUCTION STRATEGY; CEREAL DOUGH • Laminated dough (pizza & puff pastry) • Target = - 25% Salt or less + Reduction of saturated fat PROCESS STRATEGY : a) LOW SALT MIXING ( - 50 % to - 75%) (ì STICKINESS) b) ENCAPSULATED SALT EMBEDDED IN DOUGH DURING SHEETING c) LIPID MIX REDUCED IN SAT. LIPIDS (ì STICKINESS) Sel enrobé B ENCAPSULATED SALT (1.25 / 2 mm) FLOUR MIXING î SAT. LIPIDS SHEETING DOUGH with ENCAPSULATED SALT î SALT (-25% to – 50%) SALTINESS PRESERVED 2010- Noort et al - Journal of Cereal Science. Vol 52. p 378-386. MIXING & ENERGY APPROACH POWER (W) « OPTIMAL » MIXING BAKER’S POINT OF VIEW tPEAK POWER (W) MIXING Proteins and starch hydration Oxydation of thiols groups Prot-Prot. disulfure bonds SE (J) SPECIFICENERGY SLOW = MIXING FAST = KNEADING TIME TIME TO PEAK of MAX. POWER = t tPEAK PEAK : END OF MIXING Kilborn, R.H. et Tipples, K.H., 1972. Factors affecting mechanical dough development. Effect of mixing intensity and work input. Cereal Chem. 49: 34-47. résultats SALT REDUCTION & MIXING Mixing in Spiral mixer (« SPI11 » - VMI-France) Power (W) ¡ î SALT : ì TORQUE & î MIXING TIME Salt Dissolution : water needed NO SALT SALT - NaCl delays dough mixing - Gluten netw ork is more cohesive - î dough stickiness NaCl Helps to create the gluten network 2012- Beck et al – Impact of sodium chloride on wheat flour dough for yeast-leavened products. I. Rheological attributes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. Vol 92 (3), p 585-592. TIME PIZZA DOUGH RECIPES PIZZA DOUGH PROPERTIES Extensibility Stickiness SALT, LIPIDS and MIXING DOUGH POROSITY IMPACT OF PRESSURE and LIPIDS ON DOUGH POROSITY (NOMINAL – FULL SALT ) î PRESSURE = î DOUGH POROSITY 30 POROSITY Porosity (%) (%) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 -100 -200 -300 148 -400 74 -500 Pressure (mbar)(mb) PRESSURE -600 0 111 37 FAT Fat (g)(g) 185 222 SALT, LIPIDS and MIXING DOUGH STICKINESS STICKINESS (g force) Stickiness (g force) IMPACT OF PRESSURE and SALT on DOUGH STICKINESS (HALF FAT RECIPE) î PRESSURE DURING MIXING = î DOUGH STICKINESS (same trend for all fat 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 -100 31.5 -200 -300 18.9 -400 12.6 -500 Pressure (mbar) -600 6.3 0 (g) T L Salt SA(g) 25.2 SALT, LIPIDS and MIXING DOUGH EXTENSIBILITY RESISTANCE TO EXTENSION (g force) IMPACT OF PRESSURE and SALT on DOUGH EXTENSIBILITY (FULL FAT RECIPE) î PRESSURE DURING MIXING = ì EXTENSIBILITY of DOUGH OTHER FAT: SAME TREND @ FULL SALT è OXYGEN INTERACTS WITH GLUTEN/LIPIDS NETWOR PRES SURE (mb) ) SALT (g INTEREST OF PRESSURE - VACUUM MIXING PAN BREAD - Reduction of size of gas nuclei in the dough - Faster start of expansion during fermentation - More homogenous gas cell distribution - ì dough rheology ? The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again. P P1=P(+) PATM MIXING KNEADING P2=P(-) TIME Va (L air/L degazed dough) VAIR (L AIR/LDEGAZED DOUGH) RESULTS IMPACT OF TOOL RPM ON DOUGH POROSITY 0.43 TOOL-BOWL (RPM) 0.41 0.39 180-15 RPM 0.37 0.35 120-10 RPM 0.33 0.31 96-8 RPM 0.29 0.27 0.25 0.23 0 200 400 600 800 1000 NUMBER OF TOOL REV. TO t PEAK TOOL REV. COUNT vs DOUGH POROSITY : • NO IMPACT OF TOOL RPM ON DOUGH POROSITY • DOUGH POROSITY IF PROPORTIONNAL TO COUNT OF TOOL REVOLUTIONS. 60s P1 = 0 mbar 4.25 45s 4.15 30s 4.05 3.95 3.85 4.25 4.05 P1 = 500 mbar 45s 30s 3.85 3.75 3.65 3.65 3.55 3.45 -500 60s BREAD SPECIFIC VOLUME (mL/g) BREAD SPECIFIC VOLUME (mL/ g) RESULTS IMPACT OF LOW PRESSURE LEVEL & DURATION ON BREAD VOLUME -400 -300 -200 P2 (mbar) -100 0 P1 = 0 mbar (MIXING @ Atm. PRESSURE): TREND TO ì SPEC. VOL. WITH î P2 3.45 -600 -400 -200 P2 (mbar) 0 P1 = +0.5 Atm (500mbar) : ì SPEC. VOL. OF BREAD BEST VOLUME : 30 s @ P2=-0.2 Atm 45 s @ P2=0 Atm(atm Pressure) CONTINUUM : NEW CONTINUOUS DOUGH MIXER DEVELOPPED BY VMI AWARDED AT EUROPAIN 2014 « INNOVATION TROPHEE » CONTINUUM : CONTINOUS VACUUM MIXER A RUPTURE TECHNOLOGY FOR THE BAKING INDUSTRY CONTINUUM : IN LINE PROCESS CONTROL OF MIXING ! Mixing ! Dough control = Final product control aeration, dough rheology, … CONTINUUM : IN LINE PROCESS CONTROL OF MIXING Tweedy (625) ! Mixing control = Final product ! Example sliced bread. VMI Optimum (630) control PLEASURE PROJECT: INNOVATIVE PROCESSES ATMOSPHERIC MIXER VACUUM MIXER DOUGH SHEETER CONCLUSION DOUGH SHEETER PROTOTYPE SHEETER BASED ON RONDOSTAR ECO SFE 6607H sheeter Table width: Table length: Rolls length: Rolls gap: Rolls diameter: Conveyor belt width: Conveyor belt speed: Engine power: Supply voltage: Interface: 650mm 3490mm 660mm 0.2-45mm 84mm 640mm 85cm/s 2.0kVA/1.2kW 3 x 200-480 V, 50/60 Hz 100 automatics programs DOUGH SHEETER Salt duster Roller s Protection grid Touch screen interface Conveyor belt DOUGH SHEETER Temperature and laser sensors Salt Duster Torque sensor Laser sensors Temperature sensors Torque Sensor: 5 N.m max range Temperature sesor: Infra red Laser sensors: dough thickness (10 µm) DOUGH SHEETER; SALT DISTRIBUTOR Salt reservoir Distributor – variable spee dough Upper & Lower roll Conveyor belt DOUGH SHEETER; SALT DISTRIBUTOR Dusting speed grains/(m.s) Conveyor belt speed m/s Dimmers permits to control the added salt DOUGH SHEETER; SALT DISTRIBUTOR Images Analysis Image acquisition of dough after black salt dusting COLOR to RGB + THRESHOLDING + BINARISATION DOUGH SHEETER; SALT DISTRIBUTOR Calculation of average distance between salt grains : Evaluation of average amount of salt per cm² Prototype dough sheeter (Rondostar ECO) h0 Upper roller hIN DOUGH STICKINESS DOUGH ELASTICITY hOUT Lower roller STICKINESS + SPRINGNESS CONTRIBUTIONS Final thickness hOUT STICKINESS CONTRIBUTION Salt & fat effect on dough plasticity OBSERVED STRAIN (hIN-hOUT)/ hIN hout=0 1 § NO SALT EFFECT ON DOUGH PLASTICITY § THRESHOLD FOR DOUGH ELASTICITY (SMALL DEFORMATON) § DOUGH BECOMES PLASTIC FOR LARGE DEFORMATION 0.9 0.8 P ATM MIXING 0.7 0.6 NO FAT 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 hIOUT= hIN 100% elastic (hOUT=hIN) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 y = 1.17x - 0.2609 R² = 0.99185 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 IMPOSED STRAIN (hIN-h0)/hIN h0=hIN no fat nominal salt 0.5 no fat -25% salt y = 1.2006x - 0.2663 R² = 0.99713 no fat -50% salt y = 1.1379x - 0.2404 R² = 0.9964 1 h0=0 no fat 0% salt y = 1.1023x - 0.222 R² = 0.9931 Salt & fat effect on dough plasticity hout=0 P ATM MIXING FULL FAT hIOUT= hIN 100% elastic (hOUT=hIN) Salt & fat effect on dough plasticity ELASTIC PLASTIC IMPACT OF SALT REDUCTION ON DOUGH DURING SHEETING î SALT : GLOBAL î DOUGH RE-EXPANSION AFTER SHEETING (MORE PLASTIC) î SALT ì STICKINESS IS LESS IMPACTING THAN î DOUGH PLASTICITY IMPOSED STRAIN : 67% DOUGH STABILITY AFTER SHEETING & BAKING DOUGH DISK : 10 cm diameter BAKING: Impact of sheeting on gluten network structuration è SCHRINKAGE and DEFORMATION OF THE DISK OF DOUGH è Equivalent diameter + LENGTH / WIDTH RATIO è L/W RATIO STABILITY RATIO AFTER BAKING SHEETING DIRECTION MIXING PRESSURE & SHAPE STABI 6 % increase in length/width ratio L/W % CHANGE IMPACT OF PRESSURE ON L/W AFTER BAKING è LOW PRESSURE = MORE STABLE DOUGH è ì SALT ; LESS STABLE, ì ELASTICITY (AFTER BAKING) NO FAT 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 0 0 -100 31.5 -200 25.2 -300 18.9 -400 -500 Pressure (mbar) PRESSURE (mbar)-60 -600 6.3 0 12.6 Salt (g) SALT (g) MIXING PRESSURE & SHAPE STABILITY FULL FAT 8 % increase in length/width ratio L/W % CHANGE IMPACT OF PRESSURE ON L/W AFTER BAKING è LOW PRESSURE = SMALL DECREASE OF STABILITY (OPPOSITE to NO FAT) è ì SALT: MORE STABLE, î ELASTICITY (OPPOSITE to NO FAT) è OVERALL: TREND TO SMALL î STABILITY WITH ì FAT ; GLUTEN-LIPID INTERACTIONS …. 7 6 5 4 3 0 0 -100 31.5 -200 25.2 -300 18.9 -400 12.6 -500 PRESSURE Pressure(mbar) (mbar) -600 -600 6.3 0 Salt (g) (g) SALT Conclusion Ø PRESSURE DURING MIXING ü î PRESSURE = î Dough stickiness and porosity ü î PRESSURE = ì Dough extensibility Ø BAKING STABILITY ü No fat: ì Salt ì deformation during baking ü Full fat: ì Salt î deformation during baking ü Pressure has small effect ü è Fat is more impacting than salt on shape stability EVIDENCE OF LIPID-GLUTEN INTERACTION, … LIPID FORMULATION è ROLE IN BAKING STABILITY? CONCLUSION - INNOVATIVE LOW PRESSURE MIXER DEVELOPPED è NEW FRONTIERS FOR SALT REDUCTION IN CEREAL DOUGH - INNOVATIVE PROTOTYPE DOUGH SHEETER è BETTER CONTROL OF DOUGH SHEETING SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS FOR SALT DISTRIBUTION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS • Jacques LAURENCEAU, Valentin CLAUDIN, Luc GUIHARD, Christophe COUEDEL – ONIRIS • Sylvie CHEVALLIER – IMAGE ANALYSIS & Micro CT – ONIRIS • TORQUE SENSOR : Institute of Fluid Mechanics (Technical Faculty Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg - GERMANY). • KYENCE NL and KYENCE France QUESTIONS?
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