THEORY DATE SHEET OF B.PHARMACY 1ST, 2ND 3RD AND 4TH YEAR SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMS, 2014 Date/Day 24.09.2014 (Wednesday) B. Pharmacy 1st year Pharmaceutical Chemistry –I (Inorganic Chemistry) Pharmaceutical ChemistryI (Organic Chemistry)(2008 Batch) Code S.N0. BPH 111 1001 BPH 101 1001x B.Pharmacy 2nd year Pharmaceutical ChemistryIII (Physical Chemistry) Pharmaceutical ChemistryIII (Physical Chemistry) 2008 Batch 26.09.2014 (Friday) Code BPH 211 BPH 201 Sr. No B. Pharmacy 3rd year Code S.N0. Pharmaceutical Chemistry - VI (Medicinal Chemistry- I) Pharmaceutical Chemistry - VI (Medicinal Chemistry- I) (2008Batch) BPH 311 1031 BPH 301 1031x Pharmaceutical Chemistry-VIII (Medicinal Chemistry-II) Pharmaceutical Chemistry-VIII (Medicinal Chemistry-II) (2008 batch) 30.09.2014 (Tuesday) 01.10.2014 (Wednesday) BPH 112 BPH 102 1002x Pharmaceutical ChemistryIV (Pharmaceutical AnalysisI) Pharmaceutical ChemistryIV (Pharmaceutical AnalysisI) 2008 Batch Sr.No 1021x 28.09.2014 (Sunday) Pharmaceutical ChemistryII(Organic Chemistry) Pharmaceutical Mathematics(2008 Batch) Code 1021 27.09.2014 (Saturday) 29.09.2014 (Monday) B.Pharmacy 4th year BPH 212 1022 BPH 202 1022x Pharmaceutical Chemistry - VII (Heterocyclies, Carbohydrates, Proteins and Nucleic Acids) Pharmaceutical Chemistry - VII (Heterocyclies, Carbohydrates, BPH 312 1032 BPH 302 1032x BPH 411 1041 BPH 401 1041x Proteins and Nucleic Acids) (2008 Batch) 04.10.2014 (Saturday) 05.10.2014 (Sunday) Pharmaceutics- I (Introduction to Dosage Forms) Pharmacognosy – I (2008 Batch) BPH 113 1003 BPH 103 1003x Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Pharmaceutical iochemistry) Pharmaceutical Chemistry- V (PharmaceuticalBiochemistry) 2008 Batch 07.10.2014 (Tuesday) BPH 213 BPH 203 10-10.2014 (Friday) 12.10..2014 (Sunday) BPH 114 1004 BPH 104 1004x Pharmaceutics-IV (Pharmaceutical Microbiology) Pharmaceutics-III (Pharmaceutical Microbiology) 2008 Batch 1042 BPH 402 1042x Pharmaceutics-X (Pharmaceutical Technology-II) BPH 413 1043 Pharmaceutics-X (Pharmaceutical Technology-II) (2008 Batch) BPH 403 1043x 1023x Pharmaceutics- VII (Physical Pharmacy) Pharmaceutics- VII (Physical Pharmacy) (2008 Batch) Pharmaceutics- II(Forensic Pharmacy) Pharmaceutical Chemistry –II(Inorganic Chemistry)(2008 Batch) BPH 412 1023 09.10.2014 (Thursday) 11.10.2014 (Saturday) Pharmaceutical Chemistry-IX (Pharmaceutical Analysis-II) Pharmaceutical Chemistry-IX (Pharmaceutical Analysis-II) (2008 batch) BPH 214 1024 BPH 204 1024x BPH 313 BPH 303 1033 1033x Pharmaceutics- VIII (Pharmaceutical EngineeringII) Pharmaceutics- VIII (Pharmaceutical EngineeringII) (2008 Batch) 13.10.2014 (Monday) BPH 314 1034 BPH 304 1034x 14.10.2014 (Tuesday) 15.10.2014 ( Wednesday) Pharmacognosy – I BPH 115 1005 PharmaceuticsI(Dispensing & Hospital Pharmacy)(2008 Batch) BPH 105 1005x Pharmaceutics-V (Pharmaceutical Engineering –I) Pharmaceutics-IV (Pharmaceutical Engineering –I) 2008 Batch 16.10.2014 (Thursday) 1025 BPH 205 1025x Pharmaceutics-IX (Pharmaceutical Technology-I) Pharmaceutics-IX (Pharmaceutical Technology-I) (2008 Batch) 17.10.2014 (Friday) 18.10.2014 (Saturday) 19.10.2014 (Sunday) BPH 215 Pharmacology-I(Anatomy, Physiology & Health Education) Pharmaceutics- II(General BPH 116 1006 BPH 1006x BPH 315 1035 BPH 305 1035x Pharmaceutical Management & Psychology Pharmaceutical Management & Psychology (2008 Batch) BPH 414 1044 BPH 404 1044x Pharmaceutics –XI (Pharmaceutical Packaging Technology) Pharmaceutics –XI (Pharmaceutical Packaging Technology (2008 Batch) BPH 415 1045 BPH 405 1045x Pharmacy) (2008 Batch) 106 Pharmacognosy- II 20.10.2014 (Monday) Pharmacognosy- II batch 2008 BPH 216 BPH 206 1026 1026x Pharmaceutics-X (Forensic Pharmacy) (2008 Batch) Environmental Sciences (2009 batch) 21.10.2014 (Tuesday) BPH 306 BPH319 1036x 1040 22.10.2014 (Wednesday) 25.10.2014 (Saturday) Pharmaceutics- III(Drug Store & Hospital Pharmacy) BPH 117 1007 Pharmacology- I(Human Anatomy & Physiology) (2008 Batch) BPH 107 1007x Computer in Pharmacy 26.10.2014 (Sunday ) Computer in Pharmacy 2008 Batch BPH 217 BPH 207 29.10.2014 (Wednesday) Pharmaceutical Biology Remedial Biology (2008 Batch) BPH 118 BPH 108 1008 1008x 1046 1046x Pharmaceutics-XII (Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics) Pharmaceutics-XII (Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (2008 Batch) BPH 417 1047 BPH 407 1047x 1027x Pharmacology-II (2008 Batch) 28.10.2014 (Tuesday ) BPH 416 BPH 406 1027 Pharmacology-II 27.10.2014 (Monday) Pharmacology-IV Pharmacology-IV (2008 Batch) BPH 316 BPH 307 1037 1037x 30.10.2014 (Thursday) 31.10.2014 (Friday) Pharmaceutical Mathematics BPH 219 1028 Pharmacognosy-III (Natural Products) Pharmacognosy-III (Natural Products) (2008 batch) BPH 317 BPH 308 1038 1038x Pharmacognosy-IV (Pharmaceutical Plant Biotechnology) Pharmacognosy-IV (Pharmaceutical Plant Biotechnology) 2008 Batch 02.11.2014 (Sunday) Pharmacology-III (Pharmaceutical Animal Biotechnology Pharmacology-III (Pharmaceutical Animal Biotechnology) (2008 Batch) NOTE ;- 1. Before answering the question paper, the candidates should ensure that they have been supplied the correct question paper. Complaints in this regards, if any, shall not be entertained after the examination 2. The pager/mobile phone should not be allowed in the examination centre at any cost Sd/Dated: - 11.09.2014 Controller of Examinations 03.11.2014 (Monday) BPH 318 BPH 309 1039 1039x BPH 418 1048 BPH 408 1048x
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