Scope and Sequence PART 1

Scope and Sequence
Grammar and structures
1 A New School
PB pp. 4–5
school objects; prepositions
of place; adjectives (afraid,
excited, happy, worried)
possessive ‘s; prepositions of place;
Where’s the …? It’s on (name)’s desk.;
It’s made of …; past simple and past
2 My School Day
PB pp. 6–7
telling the time; school
timetable and subjects; days of
the week
What time do you …? What subjects do
you …?
on (Monday); What have you got at (quarter
past nine)? I’ve got (maths).
3 Aunt Jane Gets Married
PB pp. 9–10
family members; clothes
possessive ‘s
4 My Clothes
PB pp. 11–12
prepositions of place; present continuous
Unit 1 Review
PB p. 8
Unit 2 Review
PB p. 13 Photocopiable Resource 1, p. 110–111
5 Sports Day
PB pp. 14–15
sports; sports rules and
equipment; action verbs
Can/can’t; have to; must/mustn’t
6 The Olympic® Games
PB pp. 16–17
Where’s …? Who/What …? Is there a …?
Are there any …? How many …? What
colour …?
Unit 3 Review
PB p. 18 Photocopiable Resource 2, p. 112
7 Cookery Class
pp. 19–20
food & drink
8 Let’s Be Healthy!
PB pp. 21–22
food & drink; healthy and
unhealthy habits
Wh- questions; present perfect Have you
ever …? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
9 The Wax Museum
PB pp. 24–25
jobs & work
past simple; relative clauses; question
10 What do you Want to Be?
PB pp. 26–27
jobs; everyday routine; school
I like/love/enjoy …ing; I’m good at …ing;
My favourite subject is …; present simple
for routines; frequency adverbs
Unit 4 Review
PB p. 23
Unit 5 Review
PB p. 28 Photocopiable Resource 3, p. 113
11 Winter Holiday
PB pp. 29–30
weather; Christmas holidays
past simple; past continuous; question
12 What’s the Weather Like?
PB pp. 31–32
seasons; weather; places
comparative and superlative adjectives;
What’s the weather like? What was it like
Unit 6 Review
PB pp. 33–34
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Reading & Writing
listen for detail
practise for Part 5
talk about position of objects
reading for specific information
talk about school timetable and subjects
practise for Part 3
practise for Part 5
talk about special events
practise for Part 5
practise for Part 2; categorise vocabulary
in a spidergram
practise for Part 4; talk about who things
belong to; talk about people’s clothes and
practise for Part 1
practise for Part 2
practise for Part 4; practise of different
question forms
practise for Part 5
read for specific information; practise
practise for Part 3
read for gist
listen for specific
practise for Part 4
talk about jobs
practise for Part 4
talk about personal preferences and ideal
talk about past events; talk about different
practise for Part 3
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talk about the weather
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Grammar and structures
1 The Transport Museum
PB pp. 35–36
places and transport
imperatives to give directions;
2 The Big City
PB pp. 37–38
place and transport; big
numbers (100+)
imperatives to give directions
3 Sally’s Birthday
PB pp. 40–41
Would you like to …?
4 Special Days
PB pp. 42–43
celebrations; months; ordinal
numbers; dates
telling the date
Unit 1 Review
PB p. 39
Unit 2 Review
PB p. 44 Photocopiable Resource 4, p. 114
5 I Want to Be a Journalist
PB pp. 45–46
food; hobbies; musical
instruments; sports
6 Free Time Fun!
PB pp. 47–48
sports & leisure
question forms
7 At Home
PB pp. 50–51
Photocopiable Resource 5,
p. 115
home; everyday objects
prepositions of place
8 How Green are you?
PB pp. 52–53
the environment; materials
It’s made of …; You can use it to …
9 In the Future
PB pp. 55–56
variety of YLE lexis
will/won’t and may/might for predictions;
There will/won’t/ may/might be …
10 Life in 2050
PB pp. 57–58
variety of YLE lexis
What will … be like? I think … will/won’t/
may/might …
11 Who Wants to Win?
PB pp. 60–61
variety of YLE lexis
variety of question forms
12 Living with Wildlife
PB pp. 62–63
Photocopiable Resource 6,
p. 116
animals; the world around us;
the body
Unit 3 Review
p. 49
Unit 4 Review
PB p. 54
Unit 5 Review
PB p. 59
Unit 6 Review
PB pp. 64–65
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Reading & Writing
practise for Part 1
practise for Part 1
practise for Part 2
practise for Part 4
give and follow directions
practise for Part 3
practise for Part 5
talk about birthday parties and presents
practise for Part 3
practise spelling the months
talk about celebrations and national holidays
practise for Part 2
read for specific information
practise for Part 4
practise spelling
practise for Parts 1 and 4
practise for Part 5
practise defining everyday objects
practise for Part 1
practise defining objects and what they are made of
practise for Part 5
make future predictions
practise for Part 2
talk about the future; practise asking and answering
questions with will
practise for Part 5
practise for Part 2
practise for Part 5
practise for Part 1; talk about animals’ physical
appearance and abilities
practise for Part 3
listen for gist
listen for detail
Young Learners English Skills Flyers Teacher’s Book
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Grammar and structures
1 Holiday Time
PB pp. 66–67
places & transport
yes/no questions; Excuse me. How long did it
take? It took (seven hours).
2 Camping Adventures!
PB pp. 68–69
holidays; variety of YLE lexis
Unit 1 Review
p. 70 Photocopiable Resource 7, p. 117
3 Walking in the Wood
PB pp. 71–72
variety of YLE lexis
Shall we …? Let’s …! I wish we were there!
What’s the matter?
4 The Seasons
PB pp. 73–74
animals & habitats; seasons
& weather; places & the
yes/no & Wh- questions
home & places
be like / look like / sound like; Why don’t you
Unit 2 Review
PB p. 75
5 Moving House
PB pp. 76–77
6 Life on a Space Station
routines; free time activities
PB pp. 78–79
Photocopiable Resource 8, p. 118
present simple; Wh- ... questions
Unit 3 Review
PB p. 80
7 The Castle Visit
PB pp. 81–82
clothes; variety of YLE lexis
8 My Weekend
variety of YLE lexis
PB pp. 83–84
Photocopiable Resource 9, p. 119
present continuous; past simple and past
continuous; be going to
base forms and past participles of verbs
I don’t mind. Have you ever …? Yes, I have. /
No, I haven’t.
Unit 4 Review
PB p. 85
9 Let’s Be Friends!
PB pp. 86–87
variety of lexis; big numbers
be going to; let’s; might; I’d like that.
past simple; comparatives and superlatives
10 My Best Friends
PB pp. 88–89
adjectives; jobs; school
subjects; months; ordinal
like/love + ing; question forms
11 Helping Others
PB pp. 91–92
variety of YLE lexis
will for spontaneous
decisions/offers; past simple
12 Making a Difference
PB p. 93
variety of YLE lexis
good at …ing; twice (a week)
Unit 5 Review
PB p. 90
Unit 6 Review
PB pp. 94–95
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Reading & Writing
practise for Part 5
practise asking and answering yes/no questions
read for specific information
practise for Part 1
practise for Part 1
practise for Part 4
practise for Part 5
practise for Parts 3 and 4
story sequencing
practise for Part 6
practise for Part 3
talk about animals and their lives
practise spelling
practise spelling
practise for Part 1
read for gist
talk about what people are doing
read for specific information
talk about experiences; practise for
Part 4
practise for Parts 3 and 5
practise acting out a dialogue; talk about
read for specific information
practise for Part 2; describe people’s physical
appearance and personality
read for specific information
practise asking and answering yes/no questions,
practise making decisions and offers
read for gist and specific
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