YADDO GARDEN ASSOCIATION POTPOURRI SPRING 2014 EDITOR: Margaret Jacobson We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they’re called memories. Some take us forward, they’re called dreams.” Jeremy Irons A focal point of President Jean Dugan’s report was the Saratoga 150 Floral Fete in which the YGA participated in many ways, particularly in the decorating of the parade vehicles. At the same time, the team partnered with The Creative Place International to sponsor their August 11 performance of Saratoga Chips at the Art Center. Jean also reported that although there were some challenges in the gardens in 2013, the weather was beautiful and the pergola, rose beds, tree roses, entrance garden and rock garden prospered and enchanted all season. In this issue of the Potpourri we will be looking forward to the annual renewal of the Yaddo Gardens while looking back at the year past. Our 2013 year ended with the annual November membership meeting where accomplishments of the past year were highlighted. Following is a brief summary of items of interest that are now part of YGA memories. The Docent and Tours reports were highlighted by the fact that 2013 saw a very busy season with booked tour groups, garden and ghost tours and Power Point presentations. In total, 733 people attended these functions, resulting in an increase of income from the previous year. A new venture was the issuing of Yaddo Gardens Gift Certificates, good for either private garden or ghost group tours. At the annual meeting it was announced that financial inflows increased by $4,895 from the previous year through donations, memberships and tours. Inflows exceeded outflows by $9,235. Overall net worth increased as well. As in the previous year the largest areas of expenditures were on roses and spraying. The Garden Volunteers hours totaled 3,175 hours in 2013. Community service volunteers’ hours were increased by 42 hours. While the total number of YGA volunteer hours in 2013 decreased 329 hours from the previous year, they do not reflect the additional hours given by the YGA team, which made major commitments of at least 280 hours to the floral fete through the end of July. YADDO GARDEN ASSOCIATION POTPOURRI SPRING 2014 A FETE FOR THE FLORAL FETE VOLUNTEERS The Saratoga 150 Floral Fete was a great effort for volunteer gardeners from The Heritage Garden Club and The Schuylerville Garden Club as well as The Yaddo Garden Association. The more than 50 volunteers made miles of evergreen garlands, strung flowers, de-thorned roses and combined them all into the decorations and bouquets bedecking The Starting Gate and the fifteen carriages that led the parade. In appreciation of this effort, planning is now under way to get all these volunteers together on June 21st to reminisce. It is promised that there won’t be a single cut rose or evergreen bough in sight! Jane Wait will host the reunion that afternoon at the Wait’s lakeside home on Lake George where the order of the day will be eating, boating, swimming and renewing old and new friendships. Let’s hope the weather cooperates. EDITOR: Margaret Jacobson RETREAT AND REFORM ALONG THE SHORES OF LAKE GEORGE The featured speaker at the annual meeting was Megan Springate, who spoke about the archeological dig that she headed at The Wiawaka Holiday House on Lake George last summer. Having experienced a wide range of previous research projects, Megan has centered her interest on Post European United States archeological sites - those dating from the Mid17th to 20th Century. Wiawaka attracted her interest as a PhD candidate at the University of Maryland because of its history as the longest continuous holiday house still in operation with an amazingly full and unique source of historical archives. Written records, however, represent only a small part of what is done at any site. Pieces individually and in context fill out the narrative and provide some differences to what the written records say and what actually happened. The archeological process involved digging up the lawn to set up grids with use of trowels and mesh to help in sorting by strata and levels. The artifacts found in each section were sorted, washed, categorized and analyzed. YADDO GARDEN ASSOCIATION POTPOURRI SPRING 2014 Megan described the history of the Wiawaka Holiday House and then summarized the findings to date. Guests were more diverse than anticipated, coming from within a 250 mile radius from their homes, and were more religiously diverse as well, representing every Christian denomination, with the largest being Episcopalian. Wiawaka opened in 1903 initially as a Girl’s Friendly Society which was a moral purity society founded in England to protect single urban women from evil and provide domestic skills. Holiday House was an extension of the society’s mission to provide affordable vacations for the working women in the factories of Troy and Cohoes. The change from the Girl’s Friendly Society to welcome all women happened before the 1920’s as documented in shards found in the archeological dig. These findings include canned foods, parasite eggs as found in chamber pot fragments, a small number of fine china versus everyday types, toiletries and personal effects. In the 1920 layer was found a treasure trove of bottle tops, aspirins, creams and toothbrushes. These finds all are representative of women’s lives at the time. Megan tells us that you can find out more about the excavations at www.wiawakaproject.com and follow the Wiawaka Project on Facebook. EDITOR: Margaret Jacobson LOOKING FORWARD TO A WONDERFUL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY YGA has recently received word from Megan that she is looking for volunteers in the summer of 2014 to continue in the excavation begun last year. She reminded us that they will again be documenting the early years of the Wiawaka Holiday House by looking at materials the organizers, staff and visitors left behind. Her PhD dissertation research involves looking at the intersections of class and gender in the early twentieth century and the findings at Wiawaka are a great example of this. She reminds us that no archeological experience is necessary and volunteers are asked to volunteer for three or more days with accommodations and meals available at Holiday House for a fee. Three areas of the site will be excavated this year and excavation dates are Monday to Friday June 16 through July 11, 2014. Eight hours a day will be spent excavating with a one hour break for lunch. Instruction will include archeological methods, note taking, and basic artifact identification and interpretation. For more information and to YADDO GARDEN ASSOCIATION POTPOURRI SPRING 2014 sign up for this unique opportunity please contact Megan Springate at [email protected] or phone 732-768-2985. Please contact http://www.wiawaka.org for rates if interested in staying over during that time. THE MORE YOU CAN DREAM THE MORE YOU CAN DO Although this year it seemed to live up to the old song lyrics “spring will be a little late this year” it is here at last and with it the YGA goes into top gear. Fortunately we are off to a good start as the tree roses and fountain plants did well after their winter storage and spring planting. Since the last Potpourri update, the two pergola columns that were showing wear, have been fixed, as has the poet’s bench. It has been an ongoing challenge dealing with water features in the rock garden but hopefully the water issue will be fixed by the time you read this newsletter. The working garden year began in April with the delivery of compost, fertilizer and deer spray while the water was turned on for volunteer use and the statues EDITOR: Margaret Jacobson were uncovered for the season. Experienced volunteers came to the gardens on April 26. Some of the brochures and posters offering volunteer garden opportunities were distributed and May 3 brought 7 new volunteers to the garden for the first time. The sheds have been cleaned. All new containers were purchased for 2014 and they are now in their usual places. Those on the plinths next to the marble steps contain colorful annuals. Evergreen bushes are placed along the curbs below the pergola. New roses, which were ordered in the fall, have arrived and were planted and fertilized in midMay. Fertilizing will continue in June and July this year. Leaf and disease spraying will have received its second application by the end of May. By Memorial Day Weekend the gardens should be all ready for the season. A TYPICAL DAY IN THE YADDO GARDENS Although the first work day on April 26 is long past as you read this newsletter, I would like to share with you an e-mail that Vera Weiss sent to our president about the experience of the first work day in the garden for experienced YADDO GARDEN ASSOCIATION POTPOURRI SPRING 2014 volunteers so that you readers can share a little of the flavor of what garden volunteering is all about: EDITOR: Margaret Jacobson Editor’s note: I am sure the sun was a positive omen for the YGA Gardens in which all of us are looking forward to working this year. “Jean: Just got home from Yaddo. There were 12 people there during the 3 1/2 hours I was in the gardens this morning. Donna Bates and Dom De Lorio came around 8:30 and we opened the sheds. Kathy Sweet came and then Tohru Takekoshi, who brought some yellow daffodils. Deb Brown, Jim Hart, Ellen Downing, Charlie DiSanto, Linda Hoyt, Pat Meaney and Lyn Madden were all there. Linda brought one of the old pots which she had spray-painted and it looked pretty good. She will show it to you on Tuesday. Dom worked for a while in Pat’s rose bed and they got all the string off around the roses. Jim and I along with Deb, Kathy, Donna and Lyn got the string off the roses in the other beds and began taking the dirt away from the base of the roses. Charlie looked over the roses in the Pergola and was pretty satisfied with their wintering over. Ellen Downing and Mary Curtis raked up the rock garden and Dom raked around Marilyn De Lorio’s Entrance Garden. A very good morning. The sun was even starting to come out when we left! EPSOM SALTS AND ROSES As a new venture this year Epsom salts will be spread on the rose beds on June 1st. They are entirely composed of Magnesium Sulfate and roses in particular can greatly benefit from use of these crucial minerals critical to plant life. It is said to make foliage greener and healthier and leads to more canes and flowers. Both cost effective and gentle on greenery, it has long been considered a planter’s secret ingredient to a lovely lush garden. Unlike some other fertilizers it does not build up in the soil over time and so is very safe to use. It will be interesting to see the effect on the roses in the Yaddo Gardens. YADDO GARDEN ASSOCIATION POTPOURRI SPRING 2014 OTHER GROUPS WHO JOIN IN VOLUNTEERING IN THE YADDO GARDENS The fountains are now open and the fish are back from their winter home at BOCES. BOCES has been involved in our projects as part of their Horticulture Program. This is a tradition which has been ongoing since YGA first started working in the gardens. This year they came in to the gardens on May 6, 20 and 27. Also, in what has become a new tradition, Senior Giveback Day on May 23 saw volunteers from the Saratoga Springs High School Senior Class again working in the Yaddo Gardens. Continuing with this tradition of involving the youth of the area in aiding in our volunteer work, Barbara Hefter will head a gardening session with area Girl Scouts on May 31. The Healthy Living Market has expressed an interest in again having volunteers from their group work in the Yaddo Gardens on a Saturday morning each month of the growing season. They will be coming June 28 and dates have yet to be determined for the later months as it will be necessary to have some experienced volunteers to guide them. EDITOR: Margaret Jacobson DOCENT TOURS AND SCHEDULED PRESENTATIONS Drop in tours are scheduled to begin on Saturday June 14 and will continue Saturdays and Sundays as well as dark Tuesdays during racing season. The seasonal tours end on August 31. As usual, tours begin at 11:00 a.m. at the lawn fountain featuring the statue of Dawn being awakened by the Naiads. This year a new fee has been approved by the YGA Board of $10.00 per tour participant. Tours are given by experienced docents and last for about 45 minutes with highlights on the history of the gardens and the Trasks. The popular Ghost Tours will begin on Friday, September 26 and end on Friday, October 31. These tours will be included on the New York State Haunted History Trail sponsored by the New York State Chamber of Commerce. There will be more news on the Ghost Tours in the fall issue of the Potpourri. Donna Bates is presently working on a separate Power Point Presentation of the Ghost Tour information which is separate from the regular one highlighting the gardens. Interested groups are invited to take advantage of the Power Point. Some garden group tours have already been scheduled and more are coming in as I write. YADDO GARDEN ASSOCIATION POTPOURRI SPRING 2014 Gift certificates are available for both the garden and ghost tours. If your group is interested in having either a tour or a Power Point presentation you may contact Katie Hart at [email protected] or phone and leave a message for her at the Yaddo Office. SOROPTIMIST SECRET GARDENS TOUR DATE IS ANNOUNCED To mark the 20th anniversary of Secret Gardens Tour the Soroptimists held a preview party at the Sunnyside Gardens on May 2nd from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. hosted by Ned Chapman to which all YGA volunteers were invited in recognition of their continuing commitment to the Secret Garden Tours over the years. The Soroptimist Secret Garden Tour is scheduled for July 13 this year. Although Yaddo Gardens are not one of the formal scheduled stops this year, they are on the list of suggested gardens to visit. Those on the garden tours that day are being encouraged to visit the Yaddo Gardens where docents will be available throughout to answer questions and highlight items of historical and gardening interest. EDITOR: Margaret Jacobson YADDO MASTER PLAN STATUS At the April Board meeting, Steve Dennin, Director of Development for Yaddo, joined Lynn Farenell. He updated the members on the present status of the Yaddo Facilities Master Plan and, in particular, the Mansion restoration. He emphasized the importance of the work that the Yaddo Garden Association continues to do in the garden and its dedication to the Yaddo mission. Both he and Lynn Farenell, liaison from Yaddo to the YGA Board, expressed their appreciation for this. Steve announced that meetings with New York State Senators Kathy Marchione and Betty Little to discuss an appropriation for Yaddo in the State budget had resulted in an appropriation of $50,000., an amount which may increase in the future. The money will go toward restoration projects for the Mansion and the Yaddo Garden Association can be included in any future conversations if we so desire. He also spoke about the designation of Yaddo as a National Historic Landmark. A plaque will be installed on a metal pedestal that would be on a center line from the Mansion to the large fountain on the lawn, so that it can be read by the public with the Mansion in view. The dedication ceremony will be held on Saturday, July 26, 2014. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is expected to attend in what would be her first YADDO GARDEN ASSOCIATION POTPOURRI SPRING 2014 EDITOR: Margaret Jacobson visit to Yaddo and the gardens. She has been actively involved in securing the public funding which is critical to the Yaddo restoration project. A CHANGE ON THE YGA BOARD the rose garden where she was to be found on many a volunteer work day, she was most appreciated by the many friends she made in the organization for her warmth, graciousness and ready wit. Gifts made to the YGA from September 10, 2013 until May 7, 2014: Because Yvonne Bastian has recently been given new responsibilities in her job which involves increased travel time, she has regretfully decided her increased work load will no longer permit her to continue as a member of the YGA Board. Yvonne’s second term on the Board was scheduled to end at the close of 2014 and she will not be replaced at this time. Her responsibilities as Publicity Chairman will now be assumed by fellow YGA Board member Pat Mangini with assistance from former Publicity Chair, Barbara Hefter. IN MEMORIAM It is with deep regret that the Yaddo Garden Association marks the passing of a Founding Board Member, Mary Murray, in February, 2014. YGA was among the many community organizations in which she actively participated. A former Captain of Bed One in Gifts made in memory: Elise Arnold Audrey Christensen Norman Brown Ellen Brown Robin (Pellegri) Brown Sandy Robinson, Judy Wyle, and Don Coletti Mimi Chatenoy Jane Adams Wait Vincent Ryan Corrou Jane and John Corrou Kathleen Farrel Susan and Anthony DePaula Milton Gray June Foote Gray Joseph J. Hannan Jane and John Corrou Louise Jordan Kathy and Charlie DiSanto Aggie Lewis Audrey Christensen Joyce Mastroianni John and Jane Corrou Elizabeth Milligi Carmen Milligi Mary Murray Mary Pat Meaney and Joseph Zarzynski YADDO GARDEN ASSOCIATION POTPOURRI SPRING 2014 Sonny Ovitt Mary Pat Meaney and Joseph Zarzynski Charles and Katie Richman Jane Adams Wait Edward J. Ryan Barbara and Stuart Hefter Scout beloved and faithful dog of McKenzie and Kyle Klopstock Holly K. Grande Grace Baker Wheatley Jane and John Corrou Gifts made in Honor: John Catone Mary and Stephen J. Zabala Charlie DiSanto's 90th birthday Jane and John Corrou Jean Dugan The Pages Dr. and Mrs. Edward Finger Michael Cahill Elizabeth Fridley Ward A. Cavanaugh Clarita Mango Judith Banks James Murphy Mary and Stephen Zabala Barbara Sutherland Mellicent and Bill Hawke Michael Veitch Mary and Stephen Zabala Jane Adams Wait Anonymous Barbara and Stuart Hefter Elizabeth Ireland MaryLou Whitney and John Hendrickson’s Anniversary Jane Adams Wait EDITOR: Margaret Jacobson Memberships Sponsor Jean Dugan and Ben Ford Carmen Milligi Advocate Maggie Moss-Tucker and Paul Hayes Tucker Contributor Susan Brynteson Jane and John Corrou Ellen and Todd Downing Steve and Dorothy Harran Barbara Hefter Mary Pat Meaney and Joseph W. Zarzynski Donald and Sheila Nelson Charles and Katie Richman Verena and Tohru Takekoshi Ralph Vincent and Steven Golime Robert and Shirley Voelker Nancy and David Wilder Family Janet Altamari David and Helen Porter George and Beth Vodapivc Joseph and Joyce Zanchelli Individual Minnie Bolster Eleanor Boyle Nancy Downing Lynn Farenell Nancy O’Leary Marie Oppenheim Kathleen Sweet Martha Van Patten YADDO GARDEN ASSOCIATION POTPOURRI SPRING 2014 Senior/Student Elaine Bourassa Ellen Brown Florence Campion Gloria Ciejka Roberta Eaton Patricia Gallagher Gay Gamage Mellicent Hawke Elizabeth Ireland Barbara Kolapakka Joan Lapitsky Faith Palma Barbara Parrish Christine Root Ruth Talmon “PLEASURE IS THE FLOWER THAT PASSES; REMEMBRANCE THE LASTING PERFUME”…Jean de Bouflers At the very first meeting of the Yaddo Garden Association in 1991 Jane Wait outlined the need for development of a program for the restoration and maintenance of the gardens of Yaddo which had been sadly neglected for some years. At that meeting goals were established to raise money to purchase and maintain roses and to improve the weedy and overgrown EDITOR: Margaret Jacobson entrance to the gardens. By the next year officers had been elected and the first official meeting of the newly elected Board of Directors took place. At the same time long range plans were drawn up for gardens. As we gaze at the Yaddo Gardens today we can all rejoice in the restoration of its glory that was once part of a lost memory. With the help of the volunteers in the Yaddo Garden Association plans that have been made over the years have been brought to fruition and will continue in the future to delight visitors who come here to find peace and beauty. “Good plans shape good decisions. That’s why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true.”
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