JW 22 July 2014 TO ALL MEMBERS OF FAVERSHAM TOWN COUNCIL Please Note: This is a Statutory Meeting at which robes will be worn Dear Councillor YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO ATTEND a Statutory Meeting of Faversham Town Council to be held in the Guildhall, Market Place, Faversham, on Monday, 28 July 2014 at 7 p.m. The following business will be transacted. Yours sincerely Jackie Westlake OBE Town Clerk The Mayor will allow fifteen minutes for Members of the Council to receive questions from registered electors for the Town before the formal meeting commences AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest – Members who have an interest to declare must declare the existence and nature of it at the start of the meeting. 3. To receive the Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on 30 June 2014 (copy enclosed). 4. Mayor’s Announcements. 5. To consider and make representations on Planning Applications contained in the enclosed list dated 28 July 2014. 6. To receive the minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group meeting held on 23 July 2014 (copy to follow). 7. To receive the minutes of the Magna Carta Committee meeting held on 7 July 2014 (copy enclosed). 8. To receive the minutes of the Growth and Development Panel meeting held on 14 July 2014 (copy enclosed). 9. To receive the minutes of the Youth Working Party meeting held on 15 July 2014 (copy enclosed). 1 10. To receive the minutes of the Conservation Liaison Group meeting held on 26 June 2014 (copy enclosed) 11. To receive the Town Clerk’s Report (copy enclosed). 12. To consider and, if approved, confirm payments and receipts made since the meeting held on 30 June 2014. 13. Private Session. To receive the Town Clerk’s Confidential Report (attached). ***** AT A MEETING OF FAVERSHAM TOWN COUNCIL held at the Guildhall, Market Place, Faversham, on Monday, 30 June 2014 Present: The Mayor, Cllr N A Kay, the Deputy Mayor, Cllr Mrs J Hawkins, and Councillors T Gates, Mrs C Davis, M S Gates, Mrs A J Walker, D H S Simmons, J N Coulter, A Culham, Mrs S C Campbell, T F Abram and T R Payne. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllr E J Wilcox. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI) under the Localism Act 2011. The nature as well as the existence of any such interest must be declared. After declaring a DPI, the Member must leave the meeting and not take part in the discussion or vote. This applies even if there is provision for public speaking. (b) Disclosable Non Pecuniary Interests (DNPI) under the Code of Conduct adopted by the Town Council on 30 July 2012. The nature as well as the existence of any such interest must be declared. After declaring a DNPI interest, the Member may stay, speak and vote on the matter. There were no declarations of interest. 3. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meetings of Faversham Town Council held on Monday, 2 June were approved by Members and signed by the Mayor as a correct record, subject to the deletion of the reference to Cllr T Payne acting as a reserve member of the Growth and Development Panel (item 8 of the Town Clerk’s report on Representation on Committees and Outside Bodies). Cllr Payne had been made a full member of the Panel. 4. MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Mayor noted that, since the last Town Council meeting, he had attended: the unveiling of the new façade at the Abbey School with the Rt Hon Hugh Robertson MP; the annual Fynvola garden party; and, with the Deputy Mayor, 2 the Faversham Swimming Club Championships. He had also opened the Tulip Tree Fete at St Catherine’s Church Vicarage; dug the first sod of earth for the Faversham Scouts and Guides (Sheldwich) new facilities block; and entertained students and teachers from Queen Elizabeth Grammar School partner school in Kerala in the Guildhall and the Mayor’s Parlour. He was pleased to report the students showed a keen interest in Faversham’s civic history and much admired the Mayor’s Robe and Chain of Office. The Deputy Mayor had kindly attended the Faversham Creek Trust Dinghy Race on his behalf. 5. PLANNING APPLICATIONS It was: RESOLVED that recommendations be sent to Kent County Council and Swale Borough Council as set out in Planning Schedule 30.6.14. The Mayor said there had been a few teething problems with Swale Borough Council’s new planning system. It was to be hoped these would all be resolved over the next few months. 6. MINUTES OF THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN STEERING GROUP MEETING HELD ON 4 JUNE 2014 The minutes were approved. The Mayor made the following points: Meeting with representative organisations: the Mayor had met the Faversham Creek Trust and the Brents Community Association to discuss their membership of the Steering Group, as resolved by the Town Council. He proposed and, on its being put to the meeting, it was: RESOLVED that the Faversham Creek Trust and Brents Community Association be appointed to the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. Both groups to provide a representative and a substitute to the Group meetings James Freeman, Swale Borough Council, had provided a useful update on the National Planning Policy Framework. Among other things, he made the following points which the Town Council needed to be clear on: (a) The NP needed to be in conformity with the current Local Plan. However, the emerging Local Plan, because of its likely submission at the time of the independent examination, should also be taken into account (b) Viability would be assessed across the whole Plan but the Plan was the sum of its parts and if one site was not considered viable, that could have an impact on the whole Plan Consultation: the Town Council was grateful to members of the Communications and Engagement Group for all their hard work on presenting the draft Plan to various groups around the town Timetable: Members would have noted the paper from Swale Borough Council on the Neighbourhood Plan timetable. It would seem that, 3 rather than reaching referendum stage in January 2015, the external bodies’ timetable (including SBC and the independent examiner) means that the referendum was not now likely to take place until the summer/early autumn of 2015. This was extremely disappointing news. Following the Town Council’s approval of the final draft of the Neighbourhood Plan in August, all papers would be passed to Swale Borough Council who would be responsible for the next stages of neighbourhood planning. In the circumstances, it would be sensible to have a meeting on 23 July and one on 19 August. The first meeting would, it was hoped introduce the new independent planning consultant to the Group Thanks were due to all members of the Group. It had been a long and sometimes difficult task and he was grateful to all those who had stuck with it Members considered the delay and expressed disappointment and concern, recognizing that there was little that could be done to make any significant changes to the timetable. 7. MINUTES OF THE MAGNA CARTA MEETING HELD ON 4 JUNE 2014 The minutes were approved. Cllr D Simmons gave the following update: Touring exhibition: the Heritage Lottery Fund bid had been submitted. A curator and designer were being organised for the Faversham Magna Carta exhibition Funding (a): the Magna Carta 800 committee had allocated £20,000 to Faversham’s Magna Carta exhibition. The grant was from the £1m awarded to the national committee by the Chancellor in his budget Funding (b): NADFAS had kindly donated £500 towards the development of the 21st century charters Other artefacts: the Faversham Society was reviewing artefacts that could be used for the exhibition. Some might need repair and restoration. A list was being prepared by Clive Foreman 8. MINUTES OF THE FRONT BRENTS COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 10 JUNE 2014 The minutes were approved. Cllr C Davis gave the following update: Town Quay: the committee considered Town Quay ownership. It was agreed the matter of ownership should be revisited after six months Dredging: this would be considered for the financial year 2015/16 Repairs: these were ongoing Moorings (a): the chain would provide moorings for 13 dinghies Moorings (b): the Deputy Town Clerk would be writing to all boat owners stressing the need to moor safely Neighbourhood Plan: all members were encouraged to take part in the consultation 4 9. MINUTES OF THE GUILDHALL WORKING PARTY MEETING HELD ON 23 JUNE 2014 The minutes were approved. Cllr T Abram gave an update: Damp-proofing: work was ongoing. Work to the ceiling had ceased to allow remedial work to be undertaken on the flat roof Roof: Cllr T Abram proposed, seconded by Cllr D Simmons and, on being put to the meeting, it was: RESOLVED to accept the proposal by Kemp, builders, to undertake work on the flat roof Plinths: Cllr T Abram proposed, seconded by Cllr C Davis and, on being put to the meeting, it was: RESOLVED to seek the Town Council’s consultant architect for advice and a specification for work on all the pillars and plinths Guildhall access: Cllr T Abram proposed, seconded by Cllr C Davis and, on being put to the meeting, it was: RESOLVED to accept stage 1 work proposed by the consultant architect 10. TOWN CLERK’S REPORT Faversham Municipal Charities 2010: Representative Trustee The Mayor, Cllr N A Kay, proposed and, on being put to the meeting: it was: RESOLVED that the Town Council agree that Cllr E W Wilcox be reappointed as a Representative Trustee for another four years to 31 August 2018 Faversham Recreation Ground Improvements Members considered the work which had been procured by Swale Borough Council for consultation, preliminary design and fundraising for the Recreation Ground. Members were keen to be involved and agreed that the consultants should work closely with the Town Council. Government Transparency Code Members noted the Code and that the Town Council published its expenditure on a monthly and quarterly basis. Grant: Faversham Bowls Club Cllr Davis proposed, seconded by Cllr M Gates and, on being put to the meeting, it was: RESOLVED to award £500 to the Faversham Recreation Bowls Club, under s 137, Local Government Act 1972 Grant: Dementia Action Alliance Faversham Cllr M Gates said that, as the Town Council representative to the Alliance, he had advised them that the grant application was premature, and that it should be deferred until they had developed a project that could be supported by 5 Faversham Town Council. Members agreed to that course of action and wished it to be formally noted that the Town Council wished to be supportive of the work of the Alliance. ZF5 Footpath Members agreed that the outstanding funding for consultancy on ZF5 Footpath could be used for any possible contingency work following the outcome of the public inquiry. The Milestone Society Cllr C Davis, as chairman of the Conservation Liaison Group, agreed to take the issue of Faversham milestones to the next meeting of the Group. Cllr Coulter pointed out that one of the milestones allocated to Faversham was in the parish of Boughton. Open House stewards Members agreed to advise the Town Clerk of their availability to act as stewards at the Open House days (5, 12 and 19 July). Faversham FM Ltd Members agreed a general letter of support for the idea of a local community radio station be sent to Faversham FM Ltd. Individual support would be difficult as there might be other competitors and it would be invidious to offer support to one without knowing the merits of another. Quarterly spreadsheet Members noted the spreadsheet and agreed its publication on the Town Council webpage. Committee meeting dates Members noted the dates and agreed their publication on the Town Council webpage. Proms in the Market Place Cllr Davis noted the Prom was a very successful occasion, and thanked Cllr T Gates for putting up the bunting. Cllr Davis proposed, seconded by Cllr Abram and, on being put to the meeting, it was: RESOLVED to RESOLVED to award the following donations: Faversham Mission Brass £100 Fleur Singers £50 Dementia Action Alliance Faversham Cllr M Gates gave a brief update on the Alliance’s (DAAF) activities. Alison Carter had been elected chairperson. At the moment, the Alliance would concentrate on awareness-raising, including speaking to the Scouts. Although the Traders were unable to make the inaugural meeting, it was hoped they would be represented as it was important that those working in 6 shops and businesses understood how to deal appropriately with customers with dementia issues. DAAF was being supported by Kent County Council, through Peter Marsh, and Tassells, who dealt with Lasting Power of Attorney issues as part of their work. 9. PAYMENTS AND RECEIPTS It was proposed by the Mayor, Cllr N A Kay, and, on being put to the meeting, it was: RESOLVED that the Payments and Receipts, circulated with the Agenda, be approved and confirmed. 10. PRIVATE SESSION In pursuance of section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960, the Mayor moved that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during the discussion of the following items on the grounds that they were concerning confidential or other matters prejudicial to the public interest: Staffing It was proposed by Cllr D H S Simmons, seconded by Cllr A Walker, and, on being put to the meeting, it was: RESOLVED that, having completed a satisfactory period of probation, the Deputy Town Clerk be confirmed in post. Pension It was proposed by Cllr C Davis, seconded by Cllr T Abram, and, on being put to the meeting, it was: RESOLVED to agree the pensions policies as outlined in the draft paper. Number: Location and Subject: 14/500233/TCA DAVINGTON PRIMARY SCHOOL, FAVERSHAM Works to Various Trees 14/500990/TCA 13 FAVERSHAM REACH, FAVERSHAM T1 and 2 Leylandii both to be removed due to storm damage in December. 14/501047/TCA OSPRINGE CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL, WATER LANE, FAVERSHAM Tree in Conservation Area, Scots Pine – Remove lower branches 14/501325/TCA ST MARY COURT, CHURCH ROAD, FAVERSHAM T1 Sycamore – Lift tree over the roof of the building to give at least 2 metres of clearance, crown reduction in size by approx.. 25%. T2 Damson – Crown reduction by 1/3rd. T3 Sycamore – 7 Fell to ground. T4 Sycamore – Remove the 3 lowest secondary branches over the roof of property to give 3 metres clearance. 14/501369/TCA FAVERSHAM LIBRARY, NEWTON ROAD, FAVERSHAM Lime: remove major deadwood. 14/501536/TCA 22 OSPRINGE PLACE, FAVERSHAM Blue Spruce – prune to reduce and thin branches crown lift to give ground clearance of 2m. English Oak – reduce radial crown spread to no less than 2m, crown thinning and cut back branches to clear adjacent, remove dead wood. Small Cedar – fell an overshadowed by -nearby large Wellingtowiat (top branch) and unable to get light (diseased). 14/501780/TCA 5 FLOOD LANE, FAVERSHAM Ash – reduce crown by 50%, shape, thin out. Fig – cut down to ground level. 14/501367/FULL 78 OSPRINGE ROAD, FAVERSHAM Single storey rear extension and internal re-modelling 14/500149/FULL 70 LONDON ROAD, FAVERSHAM Side and rear one and a half storey extension. 14/500335/FULL 48 HILTON CLOSE, FAVERSHAM Single storey extension to tear elevation of property and side elevation of garage. 14/500341/FULL 15 SOUTH ROAD, FAVERSHAM Two storey extension above existing single storey kitchen. Single storey side/rear extension of breakfast room. 14/ 500528/FULL 91 ASHFORD ROAD. FAVERSHAM Proposed two storey rear extension. 14/500647/OUT LAND ADJACENT TO 13 ATHELSTAN ROAD, FAVERSHAM Outline with some reserved matters’ Access, Appearance and Landscaping – Proposed new dwelling. 14/500682/FULL 8 BROGDALE ROAD, FAVERSHAM Erection of single storey side extension 14/500697/FULL 6A PRESTON STREET, FAVERSHAM Change of use from retail (A1) to mixed A1 + A4 – Micro pub selling Beer/Cider/Wine on the premises and for off –sales. 8 14/500919/SUB 5-6 THE FOUNDRY BUSINESS PARK, SEAGER ROAD, FAVERSHAM Submission of Details Pursuant to Condition 3 - Finishing Materials, Condition 4 - Cross Sectional Drawings, Condition 5 Suppression of Dust, Condition 6 - Foul and Surface Waters, Condition 7 - Contaminated Land, Condition 8 - Hard and Soft Landscaping, Condition 9 - Parking during Construction, Condition 10 - Biodiversity and Wildlife, Condition 11 - Acoustic Fence, Condition 12, Code of Sustainable homes and Condition 13 - access details of SW/13/1138 14/500938/NMAMD 11 CHART CLOSE, FAVERSHAM Non material amendment in relation to Sw14/0377 – Change to south west and north east elevations changed from horizontal barding to brickwork to match existing. 14/501151/SUB 13 PRESTON PARK, FAVERSHAM Submission of details pursuant to Condition 2 – Material Samples of SW/11/0700 14/501367/FULL 78 OSPRINGE ROAD, FAVERSHAM Single storey rear extension and internal re-modelling 14/501383/FULL 16 GOLDINGS WHARF, BELVEDERE ROAD FAVERSHAM Single storey conservatory at rear. 14/501416/LAWPRO25 UPPER BRENTS, FAVERSHAM Lawful development certificate for building work only to consist of conservatory base and brickwork (proposed). 14/501474/FULL ST ANNS CROSS, 87 SOUTH ROAD, FAVERSHAM Restoration and conversion of Coach House into 2 bedroom affordable dwelling. Demolition of single storey partly ruined rear extension, removal of existing rotten 1st floor sole plates and cutting-off approximately 150mm from bottoms of existing studs. Insertion of new sole plates attached to studs with galv. steel angles and bolted into new masonry on existing walls. Dismantle existing roof structure apart from tie beams and both gables above wall plate. Take down part of garden wall. Reinstate some existing windows and alter 1st floor front and rear windows. New rear bay window and bedroom 2 window. New timber bridge, vehicle gateway for St Anns Cross and pedestrian gate for Coach House. 14/501475/LBC ST ANNS CROSS, 87 SOUTH ROAD, FAVERSHAM Restoration and conversion of Coach House into 2 bedroom affordable dwelling. Demolition of single storey partly ruined rear 9 extension, removal of existing rotten 1st floor sole plates and cutting-off approximately 150mm from bottoms of existing studs. Insertion of new sole plates attached to studs with galv. steel angles and bolted into new masonry on existing walls. Dismantle existing roof structure apart from tie beams and both gables above wall plate. Take down part of garden wall. Reinstate some existing windows and alter 1st floor front and rear windows. New rear bay window and bedroom 2 window. New timber bridge, vehicle gateway for St Anns Cross and pedestrian gate for Coach House. 14/501476/FULL BALTIC HOUSE, STANDARD QUAY, FAVERSHAM Internal alterations to provide first floor kitchen and shower room plus new staircase, replacement windows to match existing. Small window to north east elevation to be lowered. 14/501477/LBC BALTIC HOUSE, STANDARD QUAY, FAVERSHAM Internal alterations to provide first floor kitchen and shower room plus new staircase, replacement windows to match existing. Small window to north east elevation to be lowered 14/501570/FULL 10 THE OLD DAIRY, ABBEY ROAD, FAVERSHAM To replace the softwood doors and windows with better-quality hardwood doors and windows. 14/501632/FULL LAND BETWEEN 25 AND 27 WELLS WAY, FAVERSHAM Erection of new bungalow on land between 25 and 27 Wells Way . 14/501713/SUB 94 WEST STREET, FAVERSHAM Submission of details pursuant to Condition 4 – Dormer Details, Condition 5 – Joinery Details, Condition 6 – Eaves Details, Condition 8 – Materials, Condition 9 Rooflight Details of SW/13/1115 _ SW/13/1116 ******* NOTIFICATION OF APPROVAL Number Location and Subject: SW/13/1576 MACKNADE FINE FOODS, SELLING ROAD, FAVERSHAHM Comprehensive redevelopment of the site to provide a new extended food hall including a café, a food and drinks theatre, a retail building, pedestrian court yard and new access and associated car parking and landscaping. SW/14/0158 10 CROSS LANE, FAVERSHAM 10 Replace the existing window – first floor, front of the building SW/14/0371 SAINSBURY’s SUPERSTORE, BYSING WOOD ROAD, FAVERSHAM Construction of extension of 213sq. meters to the Eastern elevation of the existing store to be used for an ancillary customer café. SW/14/0435 LAND TO REAR OF 20 WATERSIDE CLOSE, FAVERSHAM To create a ramped footpath link between Waterside Close, Faversham and footpath ZF32 on the seawall. SW/14/0455 32 EAST STREET, FAVERSHAM Installation of new front windows. SW/14/0536 11 GREENWAY, FAVERSHAM Lawful Development Certificate for rear aspect dormer roof extension. SW/14/0542 58 BYSING WOOD ROAD, FAVERSHAM Two storey rear extension to provide kitchen/living at ground floor, bedroom/bathroom and en-suite at first floor, pavement crossover from Bysing Wood Road to provide off road parking. NOTIFICATION OF REFUSAL TP/14/0014 30 PRESTON PARK, FAVERSHAM Fell Copper Beech Tree. SW/14/0015 LAND AT PERRY COURT, (EAST OF BROGDALE ROAD, WEST OF ASHFORD ROAD), FAVERSHAM Outline application (with all matters reserved other than access into the site) for a mixed use development comprising; up to 315 dwellings; 11,875sqm of B1a (offices) floorspace; 3,800sqmof B1b (research and development) floorspace; 2,850sqm of B1c (Light industrial) floorspace; a hotel (use class C1)(up to 3,250sqm) of up to 100 bedrooms including an ancillary restaurant; a care home (use class C2)(up to of 3,800sqm) of up to 60 rooms including all associated ancillary floorspace; a local convenience store (use class A1) of 200sqm; internal accesses; associated landscaping and open space; areas of play; a noise 11 attenuation bund north of M2; vehicular and pedestrian access from Ashford and Brogdale Road; and all other associated infrastructure SW/14/0504 1 OSPRINGE ROAD, FAVERSHAM External insulation and rendering of property. SW/14/0587 24 PRIORY ROAD, FAVERSHAM Construction of first floor extension above existing attached garage to provide additional bedroom accommodation and internal alterations. NOTIFICATION OF WITHDRAWL SW/14/0414 LAND ADJ TO 25 & 27 WELLS WAY, FAVERSHAM Erection of new bungalow on land between 25 & 27 Wells Way, Faversham. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST WERE MADE BY: Councillors declaring a pecuniary interest (DPI) as above, after signing the Declaration of Interest Book, left the meeting whilst discussions took place. Councillors declaring non-pecuniary interests (DNPI) as above, signed the Declaration of Interest Book. Number: SW/14/0257 Location and Subject: LAND AT OARE GRAVEL WORKS, HAM ROAD, FAVERSHAM A) OUTLINE COMPONENT: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF 375 DWELLINGS WITH ALL MATTERS RESERVED OTHER THAN THE MEANS OF ACCESS AND REALIGNMENT OF THE OARE ROAD AND HAM ROAD JUNCTION OF LAND AT OARE MINERAL WORKS (NORTH OF OARE ROAD AND WEST AND SOUTH OF HAM ROAD) FAVERSHAM. B) DETAILED COMPONENT: CHANGE OF USE FROM STORAGE AND VACANT USES OF THE FORMER GUNPOWDER WORKS LISTED BUILDINGS TO PROVIDE 873 SQUARE METRES OF OFFICES, WORKSHOPSTUDIOS, STORAGE, AND 714 SQUARE METERS OF COMMUNITY USES (WITH RETENTION OF THE 2 12 EXISTING DWELLINGS) INCLUDING MINOR INTERNAL ALTERATIONS TO FORM TOILET AND WASHROOM FACILITIES AND THE FORMATION OF ASSOCIATED PARKING AREAS, EARTH BUND ENGINEERING WORKS, COUNTY PARK, LANDSCAPING, DEMOLITION OF PLANT AND BUILDINGS, ILLUSTRATIVE DETAILS OF LANDSCAPED PARKING AREA; ON LAND AT OARE MINERAL WORKS (NORTH OF OARE ROAD AND WEST AND SOUTH OF HAM ROAD), FAVERSHAM. No Comment. SW/14/0301 BRETT AGGREGATES, HAM ROAD, FAVERSHAM LISTED BUILDING CONSENT FOR THE RESTORATION AND REPAIR OF ALL LISTED FORMER GUNPOWDER WORKS BUILDINGS INCLUDING MINOR INTERNAL ALTERATIONS TO FORM TOILET AND WASHROOM FACILITIES. Comments: 1) The use of a reinforced concrete floor is likely to have an adverse effect on the breathability of the buildings. The Town Council would recommend the investigation of alternative methods of flooring the buildings such as the use of limecrete. 2) In carrying out repairs to structural timber there should be a presumption in favour of methods which retain the maximum of original fabric. 3) The statement of significance needs to be expanded to show the extent to which the fabric of the buildings is evidence of the history and use of the site. 4) The proposed mezzanine floor in the office/store building should be less extensive to maximise the amount of building retaining its full height interior. 5) The number of proposed internal partitions in the refining house is excessive and will have a harmful effect on the interior of the building. 14/500381/ FULL/GISI 46 SOUTH ROAD, FAVERSHAM CHANGE OF USE FROM YOUTH CLUB TO RESIDENTIAL. Defer. Comments: 1) The information provided with this application is inadequate to enable the Town Council to make a recommendation. ******* Minutes of the Magna Carta Committee Meeting: Monday, 7 July 2014 13 Present Mick Gates, Faversham Town Councillor, Vice Chairman John Coulter, Faversham Town Councillor Sally Wookey, Faversham Tourism Officer Laurence Young, Faversham projects manager Hilary Riva, Chair, Alexander Centre Trust Clive Foreman, Faversham Society Lynn Brigden, Schools Team representative In attendance Jackie Westlake, Faversham Town Council Clerk – Secretary 1. Apologies for absence 1.1 Received from Sandra Matthews-Marsh, Visit Kent, Lynnette Crisp, Visit Kent, Cllr David Simmons and Cllr Trevor Payne. 2. Minutes of 5 June 2014 and Matters Arising 2.1 The minutes were approved, subject to an amendment to agenda item 5: 21st Century Charter – “Guest speakers were being sought by the schools team in collaboration with QE School.” 2.2 Under matters arising, all actions had been completed, or would be raised under agenda item 3, with the exception of the following: Sally Wookey (SW) to write on behalf of the Town Council to schools regarding the 21st Century Charter. The letters had been sent out week beginning 30 June Charter Concerts: Jackie Westlake (JW) had met David Knotts and had a productive discussion with him about the possibility of music being written for a one-off community choir. He would make a bid to the Arts Council, England, but the Town Council would need to contribute 10% of the overall costs. Members agreed this should go before the Town Council at its next meeting for agreement ACTION: Recommendation to the Town Council to support the bid to the Arts Council for up to £2,500 Quiz Night: a quiz master had been identified in discussion with a potential sponsor Legacy project: the paper had been held over due to annual leave commitments 3. Update on the draft project plan on Faversham Magna Carta celebrations 3.1 Members agreed the inclusion of a detailed programme plan approach for the projects. JW said she had not heard back from the project consultant and, in the interim, would be prepared to take on the 14 programme management role. Should this prove too burdensome, it would be necessary to seek additional support. 3.2 The following projects were discussed: Lectures: SW had contacted Dr Louise Wilkinson (CCCU). Professor Ken Fincham had also agreed to help out re: guest lecturers. It was suggested that the Rt Hon Hugh Robertson MP should be contacted Schools projects: the letter to schools regarding the 21st Century Charter had now been sent out as a taster. More details would be provided to schools in September. Magna Carta Ball: Cllr Simmons would be asked to progress this through his contacts Magna Carta Fair: Laurence Young (LY) said further discussions with traders had identified a local funder who was prepared to defray some of the costs. They had been approached by a street theatre company who would be willing to get involved Magna Carta Trail: it was agreed that LY, SW, LB and Clive Foreman (CF) should get together to discuss the potential cross-over on the various town trails that were being envisaged/already in existence ACTIONS LY/SW to arrange meeting LY to circulate the food trail briefing 3.3 Other issues were discussed, including the following: Development of products and marketing should be incorporated into the project plan ACTION: LY to update the programme plan Faversham Society engagement: the Society would be meeting shortly and CF would raise the issues of the town trail and the Garden Party Timeline: all definite events should be highlighted in bold for easy reference. This should include all the schools work. Cllr Coulter (JC) said that faversham.org should be notified of firm events so they could be placed on the website in good time. Other events (e.g. the Faversham Society exhibition) should be incorporated into the timeline for information and to avoid potential clashes of events ACTION: LY to update the programme plan Launch: members agreed the launch should incorporate an event for sponsors and volunteers Creek models: members agreed this would be a matter for the schools in liaison with the Rotary Club 4. Touring exhibition update 15 4.1 In Visit Kent’s absence, JW provided a brief update: Interviews were taking place for the curator and exhibition designer. It was hoped that these would be agreed by the end of the week (11 July) National trail: a printed DL leaflet had been agreed, with updates to the main Magna Carta 800 website. A launch date in September was being planned 4.2 SW gave the following update: Faversham would be included in the November 800 edition of the MC800 newsletter Mark Gill was discussing MC coverage with the Daily Telegraph On the national trail leaflets, all partners were expected to distribute them through their networks SW was discussing Faversham’s presence on the MC800 website 5. Any Other Business 5.1 SW said the Friends of Faversham Magna Carta first newsletter had been distributed. Hard copies would be available in the Visitor Information Centre and the Alexander Centre. 5.2 It was agreed that feedback on other touring exhibition towns’ plans would be provided as regular updates at the meetings. 5.3 It was agreed the date of the next meeting would be Monday, 1 September. Minutes of the Growth & Development Panel meeting: Monday 14th July 2014 Present: Cllrs Mick Gates (Chairman), Shiel Campbell, John Coulter, Cindy Davis, Jane Hawkins, Ted Wilcox. In attendance: Lucy Guthrie, Ima Rix, Sally Wookey, Laurence Young. Apologies: Cllrs Trevor Payne, David Simmons; Katy Cox, Graham Hukins (Faversham Area Tourism Association). Minutes 1. The minutes of the meeting of 19th May 2014 were agreed. Matters arising 2. New representatives from Faversham Traders and from FATA were needed for the group. It was agreed the situation should be discussed with each organisation. Action: LY 3. It was confirmed the £2,000 budget reservation for PR work from the tourism development section of the 2014/15 Growth & Development Fund was to be 16 primarily used for production of email newsletters and associated work. The Chairman emphasised the importance of using PR to promote short-stay visitor business. Action: KC Faversham Rewards and town centre support 2014/15 4. IR presented an update on work undertaken on the two subjects since autumn 2013. Considerable progress had been made with both topics. 5. The number of Faversham Rewards card holders continued to increase and now numbered more than 4,000. New card holders were being offered a free ticket for Faversham’s Royal Cinema, the offer had been well received. Three new businesses had joined the scheme. A new system for the scheme was being investigated with the intention of introducing a new platform early in 2015. 6. Increasing levels of positive collaboration between traders was reported with a series of new initiatives, such as new festivals launched, and greater crosspromotion taking place. There was a generally more buoyant mood among town centre businesses. A new shops and services directory was to be produced. 7. Increasing collaborative working between officers (KC, LG, IR, SW, and LY) was helping to optimise the promotional and logistical efforts of the support team. The ‘merger’ of the FEP with Faversham Traders was moving ahead. 17 8. Councillors welcomed increasing trader involvement with initiatives, noting it as an asset for the town, and also increased inter-officer working. However, it was felt participating businesses should do more to promote Faversham Rewards, particularly at point-of-sale. Action: IR Faversham PR programme 2014/15 9. The Panel reviewed an update on current work prepared by KC. The Communications Calendar was being maintained, the latest quarterly enewsletter had been sent to c.1,500 people. The e-newsletter was popular, with an average 37% open rate, well above standard levels, and good associated social media traffic. 10. Because the e-newsletter was content-rich KC proposed increasing its frequency to two-monthly, with monthly updates to local and regional media. KC also proposed the Communications Calendar was updated and distributed every two months and the e-newsletter database was divided into local and non-local audiences to enable a better focus of information. The Panel agreed the proposals. 11. Collaborative working between officers and joined up operations with faversham.org had been key to successfully moving forward. KC noted there were substantial PR opportunities for Faversham in the coming six to 12 months, including Magna Carta, and that PR proposals to capture them should be formulated. Action: KC FTC Tourism 12. SW presented an update on recent work that she had prepared for the Panel. Faversham was taking part in a Kent-wide promotion being staged at St Pancras station. Faversham would be specifically promoted from Monday 28 th July to Sunday 3rd August when the promotional stand would be dressed with Faversham materials. Staffing of the stand would be by personnel from FTC, FATA, FEP, Best of Faversham, Faversham Markets and local businesses. The collaborative project had involved close working between KC, LG, IR and SW. The Panel welcomed the venture and requested feedback in due course. 13. A design brief had been prepared for replacement content for information noticeboards in car parks and elsewhere in the town centre. It had been distributed to five local design firms for quotes. 14. FATA had decided to adopt the Kent Accommodation Scheme for grading of local accommodation providers; this would operate instead of national schemes, now considered to be redundant. 15. The Chairman thanked KC, IR and SW for their helpful reports. 18 GDP future programme of action 16. The Chairman observed the GDP had been working through a very full programme of activity, a number of actions from which were now being successfully completed. It was considered it might be an appropriate time to review the panel’s workload and look to set new priorities that would steer future activity. 17. Panel members discussed the proposal. It was noted the Faversham 2020: Town Action Plan adopted by FTC as its template for the future included topics and activities relevant to the GDP’s local economic development remit. It was considered that in order to continue to align the GDP’s work with FTC’s overall aims it would be correct to concentrate on TAP topics. 18. It was agreed a summary of TAP topics and activities relevant to the GDP should be prepared and discussed at the next meeting. That meeting would seek to select topics and activities for future action. The Town Clerk would be consulted on the way ahead. Action: MG, LY Parking issues 19. An update on business-related parking issues in Faversham from Brian Planner, SBC’s Head of Service Delivery was reported, as was other activity. Queen’s Hall signage 20. Proposals had been received from SBC Parking for new pedestrian signage and information panel in the car park. SBC Parking had been informed FTC were now providing content for the information panel and that the council was looking for pedestrian connectivity signage between the car park and the town centre, rather than more signage in it. It had been agreed to meet to define proposals. Action: LY Coach parking 21. The new arrangement was beginning to work well, with coaches starting to use the new facilities at Macknade. Incorrect route signage was being replaced. A member asked whether agreed plans for new buildings and layout at Macknade provided for continuation of coach parking and it was agreed this should be investigated. Action: LY Parking in the core (semi-pedestrianised) town centre 22. The new scheme was now in place and, after an initial familiarisation period, was being enforced. No major problems had been encountered; however, there had been some parking in the unlined area around the Guildhall which had the potential to block traffic flows and that situation was being monitored. 19 Vehicle access to the core (semi-pedestrianised) town centre 23. Consultation on making permanent the experimental routing was complete. No formal objections had been received. New traffic orders would now be made. Signage needs were being discussed by SBC with KCC Highways. The Panel reiterated its request for new signage to be appropriate for the conservation area. Action: LY Upper Preston Street traffic orders 24. Letters from traders and a petition were being presented to SBC in support of a change in single-yellow-line time restrictions to 8.30am to 5pm, from 8.30am to 6.30pm. The Panel continued to support the change of time restrictions, while being aware that any change should not add to traffic flow disruption in a busy area of the town. Traders in Preston Street maintained the proposed change would merely codify the working practices of the previous 30+ years. Action: LY Discounted parking tickets 25. No further news had been received from Faversham Traders or SBC about progression of this scheme and the Panel requested an update on status. Action: LY Additional on-street parking bays 26. Proposals made to SBC for additional 30-minute, free bays around the town continued to be pursued by JC and LY with SBC. 27. Bays had been suggested for The Mall, Bank Street, Institute Road, Newton Road, Thomas Road, Partridge Lane and Church Road. SBC had agreed informal consultation on the proposals, barring Church Road, where it was considered the narrowness and turn of the road near East Street prevented new bays being formed. Action: JC, LY 28. A member suggested the regulation stopping motorists from turning right from Preston Street into Stone Street should be dropped, drivers having good sight lines in both directions at that point. It was agreed the matter should be investigated. Action: LY Any Other Business 29. There was no further business. Date of next meeting 30. The date of the next GDP meeting was set for Tuesday 2 nd September, 5pm, the Guildhall 20 FAVERSHAM TOWN COUNCIL: MINUTES OF THE YOUTH WORKING PARTY MEETING: 15 July 2014 Present: The Mayor, N Kay, Cllr E Wilcox and Mrs C Davis. Also in attendance: Mrs S Cooke, T Old, G Tuff. Ms J Westlake acted as secretary to the meeting. 1. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN 1.1 It was proposed by Cllr Cindy Davis (CD), seconded by the Mayor, Cllr Nigel Kay (NK) and, on being put to the meeting, it was resolved that Cllr Ted Wilcox (TW) be elected Chair of the Youth Working Party for the year 2014/15. 1.2 It was proposed by Cllr Ted Wilcox (TW), seconded by the Mayor, Cllr Nigel Kay (NK) and, on being put to the meeting, it was resolved that Cllr Cindy Davis (CD) be elected Vice Chairman of the Youth Working Party for the year 2014/15. 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2.1 Apologies were received from Cllr Jane Hawkins, Sarah Sales, Lynn Logronio, Matthew Robbins and Louise Funnell. 3. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING 3.1 The minutes were agreed. 3.2 All matters arising had been completed. 4. UPDATE ON YOUTH FORUM 4.1 In the Youth Forum’s absence, there was no update on its activities. Further discussion on its future was held over to agenda item 7 5. UPDATE ON YOUTH ACTIVITIES/ISSUES 5.1 Tony Old (TO) had finished working with the schools. There was limited funding available, except for those working with young people not in education, employment and training (NEETs). They should be referred to the various youth services by e.g. Job Centre Plus, but this was not happening. He was involved in the summer scheme on the Isle of Sheppey. 5.2 Members considered the issue of referrals. NK said the West Faversham Community Centre was working with various funders to support the NEET cohort. Kent Integrated Advisory Services were taking over youth activities in WFCC. 5.3 Sam Cooke said she was working with a different group of young people who were interested in volunteering, particularly facilitating youth work abroad. The group considered that a letter should be written to the Rt Hon Hugh Robertson MP to ask for support in tackling the lack of referrals of NEETs from statutory agencies to those organisations that could provide alternative support and guidance alongside the statutory agencies. It was important to provide continuity in terms of services and those working with young people. 21 ACTION: Town Council to agree to write to the Rt Hon Hugh Robertson MP about NEET referrals 5.4 Graeme Tuff updated the group on the appointment of consultants for the development of Faversham Recreation Ground. Nothing was being ruled out although the Municipal Charities had asked for some elements to be incorporated into the development. The intention was to fundraise to provide match funding for the s106 monies. The consultants had a list of consultees, including the Town Council and the Youth Forum, as well as near neighbours and the wider community, bearing in mind that it was the only large, significant space in Faversham. 5.5 Members considered the consultation and made a number of suggestions, e.g. concerning the running of a community café by a social enterprise/social firm. They also considered the long term management of the space and whether this should form part of the Town Council’s localism agenda. 5.6 Nigel Kay said WFCC had launched the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme for young people in the whole of Faversham. 6. GRANT APPLICATION 6.1 Members considered the grant application for support for Active Church’s youth activities in WFCC. Members agreed in principle to recommend the application to the Town Council provided that the activities were non-denominational, open to all and were not provided on the basis of attending any religious ceremony. The Town Council’s grant policy states that “the grant will help provide a facility or service that will be of real and direct benefit to local residents”. Therefore, it must be spent on an inclusive project. ACTIONS JW to contact Rev Tracey Bateson on the above points Recommendation to the Town Council 7. YOUTH WORKING PARTY/FORUM NEXT STEPS 7.1 Members considered the discussion paper on the future of the Youth Working Party. JW read out Lynn Logronio’s thoughts on next steps. They agreed with her analysis and made the following points: The YWP worked in the past as a good networking event but fewer and fewer people attended which reduced its effectiveness Information exchange could be done more effectively via the internet It was worth supporting the Youth Forum as a means of the Town Council supporting young people in the town to deliver projects they wanted to see The Youth Forum would need help, support (including some financial support) and guidance to ensure it could grow and develop in the way originally envisaged 22 7.2 Members agreed to propose the closure of the YWP as a committee of the Town Council. An informal meeting of those interested in supporting the Youth Forum would be held, probably at the WFCC, to brainstorm ideas about next steps. ACTION: Recommendation to the Town Council to close the Committee but provide support to the Youth Forum, depending on the outcome of the informal consultation 8. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 8.1 There was no other business. The Chair, Cllr Wilcox, thanked members for their support and attendance over the years. Minutes of the Faversham Conservation Liaison Group meeting: Thursday 26th June 2014 Present: Cindy Davis (Chairman), Peter Bell, Alan Blackburn, John Coulter, Brett O’Connell, Anita Walker, Ted Wilcox, Laurence Young. Apologies: Trevor Abram, Mike Knowles. STREET LIGHTING Stone Street 1. Installation of up-to-date, heritage-style lamps and columns had now been completed. Feedback from residents and others had been positive. Group members agreed the style of lamp and column used had enhanced the road’s Victorian streetscape. Market Place 2. Progression of the agreed new lighting and paving schemes was discussed in-depth. It was agreed it was very desirable that both schemes were completed by mid-December. However, it was recognised the rate of progress to-date meant that was becoming a less and less likely outcome. While AB had obtained samples of York Stone paving, agreed them with PB and was in a position to go ahead with paving works, lighting issues remained unresolved, despite general proposals having been agreed some years ago and detailed plans agreed in 2013. 3. It was noted MK had arranged a meeting for the near future with Dan Pritchett of the KCC Highways lighting team and KCC Cllr Tom Gates in an attempt to resolve those outstanding issues. It was also noted those issues were solely concerned with achieving a satisfactory lighting level in the small area immediately in front of the Guildhall, the scheme’s initial plans indicating lighting levels there might fall below the required level. All other issues had seemingly been resolved. 4. It was agreed the ‘necked’ lamp column immediately in front of the Guildhall and the second, working, column next to it should be removed as a matter of urgency in order to allow re-paving to proceed. It was also agreed all other aspects of the lighting scheme should be progressed so accurate costs could be obtained. 23 5. The effect of removing the two columns was to be monitored. It was considered likely light levels would be satisfactory because a considerable volume of permanent ambient lighting, eg, under the Guildhall, had not been taken into account when the scheme was first drawn up. However, if their removal in reality provided a lower-than-standard lighting level, wall-mounting a new lamp either on 2 Market Place or on the Guildhall would be explored. 24 6. It was agreed the considerable urgency of the situation, the increasing concerns of town councillors and others about the matter and the need for pragmatism and a willingness to compromise should be communicated. Action: Cllrs, AB, MK, LY 7. Further concerns about the timing of delivery of the WWI memorial slab to be placed in Market Place in front of the Guildhall were discussed. AB and LY were asked to seek details of that. Details of the nature and manufacture of the WWI slabs had been received from central government. Action: AB, LY ICELAND STORE, EAST STREET 8. Loading/unloading difficulties experienced by Iceland were being resolved by SBC introducing a no parking or loading/unloading order in a short stretch of East Street opposite the store. Action: BO’C/MK 9. FTC had written to Iceland asking the company to take action to stop parking taking place on its forecourt. STATION ROAD AND PRESTON STREET JUNCTION 10. Work by the KCC Highways design team on detailed proposals for the draft upgrade scheme was pending instruction from Cllr Tom Gates as the Faversham KCC member. It was agreed AB and LY would offer to assist Cllr Gates in setting up the job. Action: AB, LY YELLOW LINING/PARKING/ACCESS Town centre yellow lining 11. The project to liberalise town centre parking via new traffic orders was complete, required lining having been laid. It was considered a good piece of work had been undertaken to assist town centre businesses and users. Lining had been laid to conservation area standards. It was felt its visual impact was very modest and it would be even more unobtrusive when it had weathered a little. 12. The actions of those members of the public who subjected contractors and SBC staff laying the lining to sustained foul-mouthed abuse were deplored by the group. Parking 13. No further news had been received from SBC regarding the suggestions made for more on-street parking in Church Road and Newton Road and the matter would be pursued. Action: LY 25 Access 14. Consultation on making permanent re-routing of traffic from East Street to Preston Street was drawing to a close. BO’C noted discussion was under way with Kent Police and others on signage required for enforcement of possible new traffic orders. Proposals would be discussed with the group to help ensure they were in keeping with the conservation area. Action: BO’C, LY TOWN CENTRE SURFACES West Street 15. Uneven and deteriorating paving surfaces in the pedestrianised area of West Street were noted and AB agreed to review them. It was also noted the street’s block paving was more than 30 years old and appeared to be in need of more general renewal. While it was recognised the cost of such work might be prohibitive, it was agreed it would be helpful to know indicative costs of such work. AB agreed to obtain a quote. Action: AB Court Street/Middle Row 16. The mortar setting of cobbles in Court Street and Middle Row had also deteriorated and AB agreed to obtain an indicative price for its renewal. Action: AB DECLUTTERING At Any Time (AAT) signs 17. Two columns scheduled for removal had been identified as possibly ‘live’ and information on that had been sought from KCC Highways. AB requested further information on the detail of those columns. Action: AB, LY Developers/KCC Highways signs 18. A schedule of redundant developers’/KCC Highways’ signs from past schemes/developments was awaited. Action: MK, LY Napleton Road area decluttering 19. Outline proposals for reducing street furniture/signage in the block bordered by Napleton Road, Tanners Street, West Street and South Road were discussed (enclosed). Street furniture included parking signage, highways signage and bollards. KCC and SBC officers consulted had agreed there was scope for reducing the volume of clutter in the area. It was agreed a decluttering project should be progressed with more detailed proposals now drawn up for consideration by the group. Action: MK, LY 26 20. It was reported road humps in ‘lower’ West Street had subsided and AB agreed to have the situation monitored. Action: AB GUILDHALL LIGHTING 21. The planned external lighting improvements were now complete. FLORAL DECORATIONS 22. More than 50 hanging baskets had been put in place in the town centre for the summer season. The baskets were larger than those used in 2013 and were felt to have a strong and positive visual impact. Action: CD, TW, LY EAST STREET TRAFFIC ISLAND 23. Options for refurbishing the small traffic island at the East Street/Preston Street junction were presented and discussed. The group selected an option to re-lay the island’s setts and blocks flush to the carriageway. An indicative cost of £3,300 had been obtained for that work. Firm, detailed estimates for the group to consider were requested. It was also requested those costings took into account the probability that work would need to be undertaken ‘outof-hours’ to minimise disruption in the town centre. Action: AB, MK, LY HERITAGE STREET NAMEPLATES 24. It was reported the latest batch of plates were being fixed in place. A few householders who it was understood had agreed to plates being fixed to their property subsequently objected to that. It was requested MK look into the issue with LY on his return from holiday. Action: MK, LY 25. A review of the heritage nameplate scheme and recommendations for future action were presented and considered (enclosed). It was noted some 180 plates had been introduced during the nine years the project had been running. Most streets in the conservation area had had their name-plates reviewed. 26. It was agreed two more phases should be undertaken, one in 2014/15 and one in 2015/16, with up to 60 plates installed. Doing this would complete coverage of the conservation area and allow inclusion of adjacent Victorian and Edwardian streets. Action: MK, LY 27. It was reported that a Smack Alley name-plate had been stolen. Action: LY 27 28. A St Catherine’s Drive street name-plate identified at the group’s April meeting as a trip hazard had been re-positioned. CRESCENT ROAD 29. The new gully had been re-laid with paving also re-laid. The new configuration appeared to have greatly improved pavement drainage. PEDESTRIAN SAFETY North Lane crossing 30. Cllr Tom Gates had been informed by KCC Highways it no longer considered it appropriate that a crossing should be constructed in North Lane. The group considered a strong case remained for such a new crossing. It was understood Cllr Gates also remained of that opinion and intended to pursue the matter. Action: AB, LY South Road crossing 31. It was confirmed KCC Highways would seek to include a build-out, road markings or similar when South Road resurfacing work was carried out, provisionally scheduled for 2015/16. Action: AB Pedestrian crossings 32. Road markings of all Faversham zebra crossings had been repainted, barring Whitstable Road crossing which would be repainted during major resurfacing work at the end of July. New, brighter LED lighting would be fitted there at that time. Action: AB HIGHWAY REPAIRS 33. Scheduled 2014/15 repairs by KCC Highways were now in hand. Repairs had already been effected to footpaths in St Mary’s Road. It was noted KCC had received an additional £6.25 million central government funding to repair carriageway and footpath potholes. The Swale area had been allocated £400,000 of that sum. Action: AB FAVERSHAM RECREATION GROUND 34. SBC were planning to upgrade facilities at the Recreation Ground, using S.106 funding from the Arterra housing development. The Town Clerk and LY had met SBC officers about the project who were keen FTC was involved with the work. It was agreed the group might be a suitable forum for that FTC involvement and the matter would be raised at the next FTC meeting. Action: Cllrs 28 2014 CLG MEETINGS CLG meetings for the remainder of 2014 are scheduled for: Thursday 14th August Thursday 30th October Thursday 11th December. Meetings start at 9.30am. Meetings will be held at the Guildhall, Market Place, other than the meeting of 14th August which will be held in the Mayor’s Parlour, Alexander Centre, Preston Street. TOWN CLERK’S REPORT TO A MEETING OF FAVERSHAM TOWN COUNCIL held on 28 JULY 2014 1. FINANCIAL REGULATIONS Please see attached the latest draft financial regulations for Members’ consideration. 2. SWALE BOROUGH COUNCIL STATEMENT OF INTENT The Mayor and I attended a workshop held by Cllr M Whiting to discuss the draft Statement of Intent (see attached). This is likely to be updated following the meeting, but if Members have any further thoughts, I would be happy to take them back to Cllr Whiting. 3. REPRESENTATION ON OUTSIDE BODIES Please see attached a list of Members’ involvement to date. 4. STAFF/PRESS POLICIES: STANDING ORDERS Please see the attached draft policies for comments. 5. LIGHTS OUT Town and Parish Councils and other organisations, are being asked to take part in the Lights Out commemoration - an invitation to everyone to turn their lights off from 10pm to 11pm on 4 August, leaving a single light or candle for a shared moment of 29 reflection. Members might wish to consider whether or not to turn off the Guildhall lights for this period. 6. KENT MINERAL AND WASTE PLAN CONSULTATION Members will wish to note that Kent County Council will be holding the final consultation on the Kent MWLP from 9.00am on Thursday 31 July to 5.00pm on Friday 12 September 2014. The Kent MWLP will be submitted to the Secretary of State in October 2014, with representations made before the end of the consultation period, for an independent examination by a planning inspector. From Thursday 31st July 2014, all the documents to be submitted to the Secretary of State will be available to view (or download) at http://consult.kent.gov.uk/portal/mwcs/mwlp-submission with a representations form and guidance note. The submission documents will be: Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2013-30 Submission Document (July 2014) Sustainability Appraisal, URS (July 2014) Habitat Regulations Assessment, URS (July 2014) TRM1: Construction Aggregate Assessment and Need, KCC (July 2014) Statement of Representations Procedure, (July 2014) Once the consultation period begins, consultees will be able to make representations on issues relating to the soundness and legal compliance of the Kent MWLP. Once adopted, the Kent MWLP will become the development management policy framework against which planning applications for minerals and waste related developments will be determined by the County Council. The MWLP includes criteria for assessing the suitability of new minerals and waste sites and an assessment of the need for additional minerals resources and waste management infrastructure in Kent, during the period up to 2030. 7. FAVERSHAM WAR MEMORIAL SBC Cllr M Cosgrove has asked for Town Council views on renovation of the Faversham War Memorial (see attached). I understand there might be land ownership issues which will need to be resolved. Are Members content to progress this? It might be something the Localism Committee could consider in the longer term but work could be progressed via the Conservation Liaison Group. 8. ZF5 FOOTPATH Members will be pleased to note that the Planning Inspector, following the public inquiry on ZF5 Footpath, found in favour for the Town Council on both counts. The order to create a footpath (ZF42) was not confirmed; and the order to extinguish ZF5 Footpath through Faversham Reach was also not confirmed. 30 Members will wish to note that work will now begin on how best ZF5 Footpath can be diverted through Faversham Reach away from the five houses, taking into account the matter of a continuous path linking up to Waterside Close. This will have to be done with Kent County Council and residents. 9. A2/A251 JUNCTION PROPOSALS Members will note the decision by the Joint Transportation Board to recommend a roundabout at this junction, rather than the traffic lights as proposed by the Town Council. I have been asked to place this on the agenda to enable Members to consider whether a separate letter to Kent County Council would be in order. 10. AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY REGULATIONS 2014 Members will wish to note that, from 6 August, the above regulations enable members of the public to film, take photographs and otherwise record meetings of the Town Council and its committees. Current Standing Orders state: 1(g) Photographing, recording, broadcasting or transmitting the proceedings of a meeting by any means is not permitted without the Council’s prior written consent The draft guidelines (attached) state that: “councils and other local government bodies are required to allow any member of the public to take photographs, film and audio-record the proceedings, and report on all public meetings. While no prior permission is required to carry out this activity, it is advisable that any person wishing to film or audio-record a public meeting let staff know so that all necessary arrangements can be made for the public meeting. This is important because the rules require local government bodies to provide reasonable facilities for any member of the public to report on meetings.” Standing Orders will need to be revised to take account of the new legislation. Issues around disruption to meetings will need to be taken into account, but the Town Council must provide reasonable facilities. 11. ALLOTMENTS Please see the attached letter from Swale Borough Council regarding its latest position on the transfer of management responsibilities for Faversham allotments to Faversham Town Council. This is also on the agenda for the Localism Committee, but in view of the timetable set out by Swale Borough Council, I thought it would be helpful for Members to see the letter in time for the Town Council meeting. Any issue of leasehold transfer would need to be considered in the light of the Town Council’s decision, which was taken on 7 April, not to take up Swale Borough Council’s offer of the leasehold. Standing Order 13(c)(e) states: No Motion to rescind any Resolution passed within the preceding six months, and no Motion or amendment to the same effect as one which has been negatived within the preceding six months shall be proposed unless the notice thereof given bears the 31 names of at least five Members of the Town Council and has been delivered to the Town Clerk at least seven clear days and not later than noon on Monday in the week before the next Meeting of the Council. 12. TOWN COUNCIL PHOTOGRAPH Members will be aware that the Town Council photograph on Faversham.org needs updating to reflect the new Mayor. Are Members content for me to contact Mr Smith, who did the last photograph, to arrange a new one for the website? Additional, individual photographs will not be necessary at this stage. 13. COMMITTEE MEETING DATES Please see the attached for information. -----------------------------Jackie Westlake OBE Town Clerk 22 July 2014 SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS Net May salaries HM Revenue & Customs – Tax & NI for February salaries Kent County Council –May superannuation payment Virgin Internet Mr A Miller – Guildhall Windows Mr C Sherwood – Sign Writing in Guildhall Mr B Brockman – Repairs to Noticeboard Mr B Brockman – Deputy Town Sergeant Running Imp – Flags for Proms Viking Direct – Stationary St John Ambulance – Attendance at Proms Front Brents Berth Holders Association- Maintenance Mrs J Westlake – Expenses Zurich Municipal – Insurance Confederation of Cinque Ports – Annual Subscription Trico- Streetscape Abbey Print – Printing for Streetscape BT Payment – Mayor’s Parlour Alarm Design Set Ltd. – Neighbourhood Plan Ms M Eddowes – Guildhall Cancellation Refund Cinque Ports Mayor Association – Bowls Tournament Entry Faversham Mission Brass – Donation for playing at Proms Mr D J Macnally – Guildhall Locks Mr A Mussett – Donation to Fleur Singers for singing at Proms Mrs L Muddiman – Guildhall Expenses £ p 4078.19 1184.08 952.28 17.30 60.00 45.00 30.00 51.68 67.50 515.87 84.48 235.00 68.80 62.26 225.00 4540.80 159.00 26.40 3008.02 40.20 20.00 100.00 320.00 50.00 92.11 32 Mrs S Wookey – Expenses Mitec Computer Solutions – Office Computer Faversham & District Carnival Club – Annual Grant Faversham Recreation Bowls Club – Annual Grant South East Water – Guildhall Fav-Va-Voom – Annual Grant Faversham Society – Annual Grant 66.80 774.00 1000.00 500.00 43.59 500.00 1500.00 £20418.36 SCHEDULE OF RECEIPTS Brogdale Court Restaurant – FATA Subscription Posillipo – FATA Subscription Faversham Hop Festival - – FATA Subscription SB Greta - – FATA Subscription Carmelite Charity Trust – FATA Subscription Gladstone House B & B – FATA Subscription The Black Lion – FATA Subscription Faversham Carnival Club – FATA Subscription Ossie’s Fish Bar – FATA Subscription Green Cottage – FATA Subscription March Cottage – FATA Subscription Loft at Acorns – FATA Subscription Grow at Brogdale – FATA Subscription QE School – Bunting Davington School – Bunting KSA - Bunting FEP - Contribution to Heritage Name Plates Mr L Burns – Moorings Mr A J Bradley – Moorings Mr B A Sherlock – Moorings Mr Sokolowski – Moorings Mr S Grillet – Moorings Fav.Decorative & Fine Art Society – Donation to Magna Carta Bank Interest – HMRC – VAT refund Faversham Market Co-op – Guildhall Hire £ p 100.00 100.00 128.00 153.00 128.00 113.00 113.00 45.00 100.00 113.00 113.00 113.00 128.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1111.92 109.25 74.13 89.13 74.13 332.56 500.00 252.50 4167.36 21.12 £8081.10 Bank Balances as at 27 May 2014 Current Account Business Reserve Account Bonus Saver Account £ p 100.00 153,826.29 4,660.55 £158,586.84 33
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