Efficient Insulation for Your Premises-insulationmachines.net In the countries of the northern belt of Europe there is a steady tendency to increase the requirements for thermal protection of buildings. This task is mainly solved by increasing the thickness of the thermal insulation layer, which, however, complicates the work and reduces the useful area of the structures. Therefore, the creation of a highly effective thermal insulation material is currently an urgent task in the construction. Using the use of the commercial insulation blower is important here. Vacuum heat insulation and the prospects for its use in construction Modern prospects for improving the quality of thermal insulation are associated with the use of vacuumed materials. As is known, the thermal conductivity of various materials can be significantly reduced by placing them in a vacuum. In many works, it is proposed to use hollow vacuum insulating panels to provide high thermal resistance of enclosing structures. In the space between the walls of the panel a high vacuum is created, and heat transfer caused by convection and thermal conductivity of the air is virtually eliminated. Due to the application of a number of technical solutions, the wall thickness of the panel with an area of 1 m 2 was reduced to 0.2 mm. However, it is quite difficult to provide a high degree of vacuum in the inter-wall space of the panel during the operating life, and the appearance of even a small pressure (10-4 -10 -5 bar) leads to a significant (by orders of magnitude) deterioration in thermal insulation. In addition, a significant proportion of the heat in such panels is transmitted through sufficiently thick walls of the metal shell. Proper options for the cool insulation machine are also there. A more promising direction is the creation of vacuum insulating panels with filler made of porous materials - fine powders. The physical principles of this type of insulation were developed back in the 60s of the last century, but it was used only in the deep-cooling technique. The modern technology of manufacturing of film packaging materials makes it possible heat insulation with evacuation for mass application in construction. The coefficient conductivity of these products can reach a value of 0.002 W / (m · K), which is more than magnitude lower than traditionally used in construction of heaters. The use of the Machines Company is important now. to produce of thermal an order of Insulation Physical principles of creating thermal insulation with vacuuming of powder materials To understand the high thermal insulation properties of vacuum insulation, it is necessary to recall the mechanisms of heat transfer. True opportunities for the proper cool insulation blowing machine are now availability. The main mechanism of heat transfer in solids is heat conduction. When one of the ends of the metal rod is heated, the heat flow moves to its other end. By heat conduction, heat can also be transported through gases. In this case, the fast molecules of the warm gas layer collide with the slow molecules of the neighboring cold layer. The result is a flow of heat. Gases from light molecules (hydrogen) conduct heat better than heavy gases (nitrogen). A true opportunity for the insulation blower machine is there now. By convection, heat transfer occurs only in gases and liquids and is based on the fact that when the gas is heated, its density decreases. With uneven heating, the lighter layers rise, the heavy ones go down. The vertical flow of heat associated with this movement, as a rule, considerably exceeds the flow associated with thermal conductivity.
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