Adjectives - Klett Sprachen

Network Now A1 Starter
Schreiben Sie zunächst das Gegenteil des jeweiligen Wortes.
friendly - _________________________
warm - ___________________________
comfortable - ______________________
hot - _____________________________
big - _____________________________
helpful - __________________________
awful - ___________________________
good - ____________________________
clean - ___________________________
easy - ____________________________
new - ____________________________
boring - ___________________________
Schreiben Sie nun 3 Begriffe in jedes Kästchen.
Write the names of
three people.
Write the names of
three hobbies.
Write the names of
three cities.
Seite 1
Network Now A1 Starter
Unit 5 Step 3 - can be used any time after exercise 1d.
Writing the opposite of given adjectives.
Using adjectives to describe things and people.
15+ minutes.
Print out Adjectives - one for each student.
In class:
Give students time to write the opposite of the adjectives in the box.
Encourage students to ask each other for help, if necessary.
Check by asking individuals to read out: The opposite of (clean) is
Then give students time to write the information in the boxes.
In pairs, students share their opinions of the people, cities and
hobbies. They can use adjectives from the box or think of other ones
they know. Demonstrate this and write an example on the board:
A: I think football is boring.
B: Really? I think it’s fantastic!
Seite 2
friendly – unfriendly
warm – cool
comfortable – uncomfortable
hot – cold
big – small
helpful – unhelpful
awful – nice / great / fantastic
good – bad
clean – dirty
easy – hard / difficult
new – old
boring – interesting