∠ qr{a qiGFliI GOVERNMENT OF:ND:A M:N:STRY OF F:NANCE DEPARTMENT OF EXPENDITじ RE CENTRAL PENStON ACCouN■ NG OFF:OE TR!KOOT‐ ‖,BHlKA」 iCAMA PLACに NEW OELHl-110066 PHONES:26174596,26174456,26174438 . Br q;erao, qq B.tr'I ffiq iiYrr icc srqtaq B-qg-tr r5tjr : rffi oTqr r{ ffi-rtooee *q , 26174596, 26174456, 2617443a No. CPAO/Co-ord/Disposal of pen.cases(llStt2}t6-t7l-/O3 Dated:23d February,20rz Office Memorandum Sub: Disposal of pending pre-2006 oenst'on revision cases-req. A reference is invited to this office O.M. No.CPAO/lT&Tech/Revision Pre2006/8(Vol-lv)/2015 lPart tilellLgl dated 14th December, 2016 (copv enclosed) regarding disposal of pending pre-2005 pension revision cases wherein banks were requested to take certain steps and ensure that pensioner's records are matching with KYC details and forward the copies of life certificates received from the pensioners to CPAO by 15th February, 2O\7 after counter verification' ln this connection, no such details have been received from CPPCs. Therefore, you are once again requested to (i) Confirm the status of updation of KYC details of these pensioners in banks (ii) Counter verify the Life Certificates of the pensioners who have not personally visited the banks for submission of Life Certificate. (iii) Forward the copies of life certificates received from these pensioners urgently and latest by 5th March, 2017 The updated list of pending pre- 2006 (including pre-1990) revision cases is available in bank login of CPAO main website (www.cpao.nic.in). Encl: As above ゝ 、 (Subhast-ChE-n 175) Controller of Accounts To 1. Heads of CPPCs of all Banks 2. Heads of Government Business Divisions of all Banks Copy for information to: 1' PPS to Addl' cGA (AL), o/o the CGA' Mahalaekha Niyantrak Bhawan' E-block' General Pool Office (GPO) Complex, lNA, New Delhi. ″ 鶴 濃赫 1縮 :義 無 / 打 OF静 降D:A 饉摯 oovE椰 亀 i絲 `響‐ф師 141観 1瀬 ギ 盤 ・ 鶴 観 轟守 qtq : ?61 "積 OF自 :執 ltcE :NISTRY L郡 朧 1鮮 軋 "=tr/DttLHl‐ 110036 1,HOパ・ ニ● 7{596, 2:D17445a' ?r'1?44*i `23174501`2617448612617443● CPAI/=`警│卜 /n磁 。ip撃 4縛 。│ィ ltVOHIプ 211■ │■ 1疇 ル 9= 14`.1212016 OFFnce鷲 き鸞o〕峨滉d襲 濃 Sub,L.Ct:こ ,1,P■ al1lpll奪 ■4,粋 12,参 6pe轟意lon「 ewisわ n tasaふ すo● IJヽ 議詢 plndil息 iン 19鶴 of pen轟 6h cases ■‐ 子 │12‐ 0,I Iind‐ │111機 ,た lre17i轟 お やⅢⅢ l11,3 tO ttVillMi=iStrie,/DepaⅢ■enl町 ,輔 licll is‐ aV導 11し ` l under c,,こ 〕 bgin CPAOれ lS prepareo l拿 Ⅲ l ll,1‐ OF on ittP,″ eppattci■ Ⅲ 中 Call, ,争 n■ 1軍 ,reqtte=轟 a tl ‐ ‐ i 犠1。 aatllesa"│.=二 薇│=kOお lⅢ u7in色 ltepti ∼ わ■ Si° 1摯 COrO'Idi華 ´ 1■ 11=騰 奪 6111Ⅲ Ⅲ l‐ all'撫 姜 tO事 摯 ‐ Ⅲ ofPPo& IⅢ 「 bFanChes/PienⅢ CPPc/3a黛 '131=,otibn Autho彙 し Ⅲ eF,, l bb・ Ⅲ 03 a.7ailablatVitll 'e‐ 0■ │IF■ :摯 中 ●す0■ qtirea t6量 ulo二 僣 clled p撼 おⅢ alnd ttnd 一 鳳 e,go車電 機"1申 ab、 ヽ ヽ つ一 tll● . '1摯 lsamc to CPA01摯 ceSsa7 Ⅲ O坤 ,'Ⅲ 4uirllfOI“lre.7i“ │,lF lo■ 急vanablⅢial ヽank=lmlay tOltaken珈 omな 11わ 響 ,19■ ers cateふ tё 滅負 lubmlssil彙 lf■ Ⅲ Ⅲ畠‐ at tllcl薔 車 1轟 ёジWiSit br l=nk b■ ichё ζ‐ ■‐ │ .: ■│‐ _ │ 14■ 1_糞 二盤6■ ●撃lrccOrd,asimentioneCabllと ヽ 轟atoicomPared轟th壺だnlcで tetattof ■1籍磯 P l Ⅲ I■ lisione"お 議ilabL● ,ユ lr tlDo=b:lkalllⅢ ■ lⅢ Ⅲ I101a"Ⅲ lSmatch‐ “ 。 1意 ■ ma■ llle,dS“ be■ 10rteatOtP“ 誠 中ギithe cl■ rell輝 ヽ thiⅢ ゃ ● ..:騨 1111… =理 雪 距 聖 整 ユ学 ││:11'1 FJ′ 二灯 、 二 1秦 三 1,■ 軽■1三 二 堅 .:ニ ニ “ 11, 1‐ 、 i ` . ib,plン 韓 ゃふ ζ CPAO. '疵 `a■ks lLOul`ぶ ,筆 篠●│lrtittca● 6r■ on ttvanabibtb7ご FeClrd,to ‐ 01れ d五 彎 41 All tteSe,甲 siOp Cases tre pending for re■tion ttnCe lom=● 轟 cOttpl轟 nt/JicvanCI韓 ζbee摯 I● ageaも y thaSe‐ pemttOneお ノfamly pe“ i。 ■ =,│ltト t'AO.亀 erefore"ban務 are‐ req● Ⅲe111り ,SIけ 摯 ri,thO,anicularstle,ph9toMPh: signatuFё ‐ ttCi Ofthё se pengOners/faniy pe=10nlrs at thl● 平 摯 ly宙 盤t tlle ba意 │‐ braich for submisSion Ofttё irlife ce轟 餞atesana allo u71id〕 KYCletanS‐ ― 持・ : 5o"e pensi,■ を マ ,IIじ ri、 :11,メ :│り l.111準 'S/● `:晨 1“ ℃ cCrtins‐ tes.T卜 y打 l● y,111n,,t tlヽ 〔 )iI・ I・ '`)l visil llnnk l〕 lifr cむ rtincatts ・ alv of tlle autl亀 o減 ties ttctl■ で ,坤 cl‐ ″C″ reqlirla tti c6tlntcFVむ ,,,ち throuttL ccrtifiじ 社 SI:,Nti.141r,中 “ lbyr И llll″ θ こIlpir″ ″‐ ′ ts,rl′ レ F夕 ● PI″ }“ rlど 「 '10“ `tr1 6″ "rrar 60,絆 〕 ィ lctit1l 「 :● 3綸 (11● 玲 ∫ :)rゝ lill講 ::、 ,i● サ t(): Fヽ ′tll● │● !1「 :: r・ 1サ li島 c11モ ,s rlolll fザ br・ lヵ 書 ==ivCil by I,‐ り ′ rγ 〕 r′ イ '1‐ lSrdぉ rl′ :risi 凛1き tゃ Iヽ な i競 l,aけ 'Iltて kl are ' │、 111::1= autil● ritics, 6, The cOpic、 ofl,fth ccSri;驚 bⅢ 鶴 tO CPAOby 15Ⅲ ateヽ 資)reiv゛ `:F「 l'● l・ l・ 11恣 theSe l¬ (〕 ぃ11'01‐ ■ ensioners■ 嵐yl,c f01wardla by “ <F二 、 .ヽ 一 ―¬ SLbllttζ li 〔 Citaliti,な 〕 (:ontI・ :ぅ lit〕 1‐ Of'Aさ │れ ,1■ itド Pi10■ :N● c・ .2で ,1‐ 7418(〕 り Ettc::As● bOvF To′ 1.│‖ cadt olCPPCS bra:1澤 AllitS Hcaas oF● ovorn,le■ lB‖ sittcs,'1ヽ ′ 2. ‐ :1lon5 oral,3aFlkヽ Clpy fOr in“「碑atiOn tol l. SrIPPS tO C(lA,0/1)till● CCA′ :Mal棗 14]lζ A NI夕 :蒙 ttr11(1〕 ha“ │■ ,1`疑 Poo1 0fflce〔 CPo〕 〔k〕 nl,ltX,INA,Ncv,De111:. l、 2.1:l麟 ∫ :れ 秘∬ 謡 ま′ 遭憮ボ認霊 │:∫ 3. :'S tOICC〔 P〕 ′ CrA,,N。 D■ 111: ‐ 嶺善 l鶯 1鐘 1:賊 liγ `:II議 II》 "瑯 1‐ 'attk議 131● ぐk,CorrF・ 澱 Wat嘲 1キ 1 L “
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