鋪 赫 喫 Ч介可 GOVERNMEN丁 OF INDIA ヽ1ヽ CpIく 鴨 釧q'wFT ‖嘲 ldq′ 軸 油 MINISTRY OF F!NANCE DEPARTMENT OF EXPEND:TURE CENTRAL PENS:ON ACCOUNT:NG OFF!CE 赫 TRIK00T¨ ‖,BHiKAJI CAMA PLACE, NEW DELH卜 110066 PHONE:26174596,26174456,26174438 癬 1硼6れ : 26174596,26174456,26174438 CPAO/DBK/Pre-9()/2017/1 12-Ol-2017 ф‖lф /No.. frqi.r/oated.. Oflicc Memorandum Subject : Allotment of 12 Digit PPO Number to Pre-90 pensioners - regarding. Reference is invited to this office circular No. CPAO/TECH/PRE-90/DBK/2011l2l115 dated 02.01 .2012 (copy enclosed). regarding allotment of 12 Digit PPO Numbers to the Pre-90 pensioners/fanrily pensioners. Since CPAO database recognizes only 12 digit PPO Numl'rer. it is required to lodge & track grievances and make queries on CPAO website. The 12 Digit PPO number is also required for the e-revision of pension. Therefore. all the Pay and Accor-rnts officers are advised to follow the instructions contained in previous circular dated 02.01 .2012 for the conversion of Old PPOs. A list of all pending Pre-90 cases where PPO numbers are not yet converted into unique 12 digits PPO number is displayed at Sl. No. 19 under the login of PAO in CPAO website W\A,1,v'.CpaO. n i C. in. AII the Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs(IC) are requested to instruct concemed PAOs to download old cases and send tl.re photocopies of PPOs along with duly filled proforma for allotment of l2 digits PPO Number. Er-rcl. - as above (ABHE SINGH) Dy.Controner of Accounts To All Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs (Independent Charge)/ &4* \、 一 ■ ′′ /五 一 ・ . . : . :i 一¨一 一 一・ 一 ″一 一 一 .\\ DrlD r ilLl;i)- . \13J ItisObscrvcdthatttctttlii:Ll:Iを ponslOncls arc bcillg lcccivcd、 d士 cctcd 江i° r_Of 61h CPC ilD IC,PCC1 0fPIc_9o Ew]2 dlgit PPO Nコ 里btts f0110w tlle LshlctiOns as undttI_ All ) 2) f such cases o,ay noibe sent to CpAO v,ri mmbtts」 1■ cPり &Acco■ lntS fiorti2riigitnev;PPOlumbers.,r" In casc■ e12 digit PPo r.ttbtt is l10t avahЫ 3 icあ コOwmg dcmiis mり b3=L面 shedゎ ate 12 dijtPPO I1117}bclttlcspCdOfrc宙 cPA0 1o g釦 可 siっ ]cascs ⊃atc OfB士ぬ Date OfRc七 静αEMI■ NЯ ¬ε6fPclsiOn Pり 強 g BIttcp_´ Accou=IA4o.畑 d BSR COde i) 11リ Ш リ r) う 、 Basic PcILS1011 つ Nttc oftte ttOusc ‐ Ddc bfBIItt1 0f■ 11 SPOusc hanced島 y pcILSiOIl frorl_T。 _ =己 Nol超 al family PttsiOn± om PAO■ OIII Ⅲ 凸 ■ c PmsiOncl htt ret■cd eSidmtial Address(cOPy OfAmex■ LrC{誦 手 宙) vif) i) ■う 7」 i⇒ ⇒ 砲 c10s島 『 :111:]廻 榔 し ' ) OIl its webslte li『脚 w12 digil PPo mlTnbcl alld up10ad o爵 /e cases_ l:『 ]翼 lethene¬ If the above r-equired details are riot fi*,ll"rilble with Pay Accouats & office, the persicn \uy*qbranch qay be contacted to send thephotocop,l,oippo aud obtain t2 dJgrrn,.mbrr tbrou-gh CPAO 5) O“ ces ac Tb.e 72 dtgit nevt ppO numbers ma:l he obtarned l froro Aa::ezure,flJ of the respective pensi oir p ayjrlg branch. 3) 4) \ 〕::t旨lilll]1:l「 II霊 Sincc thc E― rc宙 siOn utili″ _V7il]ュ 01 accep1 01dⅡ )O tr」 \ ircrlar C _ l- -Withoul arrd 1o expedite the reyisjon case!. abor.e details, case if senl to CPA0, would be refurned w-hich rr,ould-cause deiay uanecessarypaperwork- : 電 . To rhe all Pr,cCAs/CCAs/cAs 神 ざ τ :´ プ百,Shま ) 的百 ` Co万 troller OFAccountS ヽ
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