Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change University of Graz Leechgasse 25, A-8010 Graz, Austria Human Dimensions of Global Change Programme Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria Final Report March 2010 Karl Steininger (Coordination) Stefan Höltinger Study on behalf of Executive Summary The region East Styria has started already many years ago to promote renewable energy and thus now is one of Europe’s leading regions in the fields of biogas and biomass. Policies to increase the share of bioenergy are very popular for different reasons. First, climate change has to be tackled and biofuels represent a solution to reduce greenhouse gases. Second, many countries consider their dependency on fossil fuel imports as critical and thus focus on domestic biomass feedstock. Third, industrialized countries whose agriculture is characterized by overproduction aim to foster rural development and to revitalise their agricultural sector by defining new and alternative demand for biomass. However, since biomass has manifold possible uses and the global land area is limited, competition for land among different uses arises. The best example is the competition for land between biofuels, food and feed production. It already became a striking problem when the expansion of bioethanol production in the USA contributed – among other factors – to soaring food prices that made staple food unaffordable in many low-income countries. Other uses of biomass, which could interfere with expanding bioenergy, are the use of biomass as industrial feedstock and for the purpose of biodiversity conservation. Therefore, it is necessary to use existing biomass potentials as efficient as possible, considering all steps, i.e. from cultivation, harvesting up to transportation and finally the conversion into the desired energy service or product. The biorefinery concept is based on this insight and should – in analogy to an oil refinery – convert biomass into different energy services and products, as well as other (e.g. material) products. For successfull implementation of new concepts, such as biorefineries, it is crucial to include all stakeholders and to stimulate the cooperation along the whole value chain. As the integrated planning and coordination of the goals of different projects is the future main challenge, the following measures are recommended: decrease farmers dependency on fossil inputs by establishing new cropping systems as mixed or double cropping and agroforestry systems use synergies of existing bioenergy production systems for implementing new concepts such as biorefineries, which provide a wide range of products promote the utilization of wood in the construction sector and new innovative wood products such as wood plastic composites Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. The Region East Styria ......................................................................................1 1.1. Agriculture in East Styria .............................................................................. 2 1.2. Forestry in East Styria .................................................................................. 3 1.3. The Energy System of East Styria................................................................ 4 1.4. Regional Projects to promote Renewable Energy ........................................ 5 1.5. Renewable Energy Sources and Fields of Excellence ................................. 6 Biomass and Bioenergy.....................................................................................7 2.1. Common Motives for promoting Bioenergy .................................................. 8 2.2. Competing Biomass Uses in Agriculture and Forestry ................................. 9 2.3. Current Role of Renewable Energy and Biomass in Austria ...................... 11 2.4. Biomass Potentials in Austria ..................................................................... 12 2.5. The Bioenergy Potential in East Styria ....................................................... 14 Sustainable Bioenergy Production Systems .................................................17 3.1. Cropping Systems ...................................................................................... 17 3.2. Energy Crops in Agriculture........................................................................ 19 3.3. Biomass Conversion Pathways .................................................................. 21 The Biorefinery Concept..................................................................................22 4.1. Definition and different Types of Biorefineries............................................ 23 4.2. The Concept of the Green Biorefinery........................................................ 24 4.3. The Chemical Conversion Process in the Green Biorefinery...................... 25 5. Socioeconomic Impacts of Biomass Use.......................................................25 6. Future Challenges and Recommended Course of Actions ..........................27 7. References ........................................................................................................30 Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 1 1. The Region East Styria The NUTS 3 region East Styria is located in the south eastern part of Austria. It is divided into the five districts Feldbach, Fürstenfeld, Hartberg, Radkersburg and Weiz. East Styria has an area of 3,350 km² (20 % of Styria) and is inhabited by 268,000 residents (23 % of Styria). From 1991 to 2001 the population grew by 2 % and stayed at a constant level since then. The only district showing a deviating development is Radkersburg with a population decline of 2.9 % from 1991 to 2001 and a decline of 3.7 % from 2001 to 2009. The regional GDP per capita is at 19,000 € significantly lower than the Austrian average of 31,000 € (Beigl et al., 2009). Another characteristic is the traditionally high rate of people employed in agriculture, forestry or fisheries (see figure 1). However, a structural change took place in the last years. From 1995 to 2006, the share of people working in this sector decreased from 31.1 % to 23 %. The unemployment rate in the region is between 4.1 % in Weiz and 6.4 % in Radkersburg (Beigl et al., 2009). Employment in different economic sectors in 2006 East Styria Styria Austria 23% 27% 10% 7% 50% 26% 24% Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 64% 70% Industry Trade and Services Figure 1: Employment in the different economic sectors in 2006 (Source: Beigl et al., 2009) Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 2 The two key sectors for the biomass provision in the region are agriculture and forestry. Figure 2 depicts the share of forest- and agricultural area in the five districts of East Styria. 100% 80% Other Areas 60% Forest 40% Agricultural Land 20% W ei z Ra dk er sb ur g Ha rtb er g Fü rs te nf el d Fe ld ba ch 0% Figure 2: Share of agricultural- and forest area in the districts of East Styria (Source: Steininger et al. 2008) 1.1. Agriculture in East Styria Due to the fertile soils, agriculture plays an important role in East Styria. The total agricultural land area is 153,000 hectares. Two thirds of the area is used for crop production and one third is grassland. However the distribution varies a lot both across and within the five districts (see figure 3). The major crop is maize, which is cultivated on 47 % of the arable land. Other important crops are different types of cereals (19 %) and oleiferous fruits (10 %) such as pumpkin and rapeseed. Energy crops are cultivated on only 1.5 % of the agricultural land (2,110 ha) in East Styria. The most widespread energy crop is again maize - accounting for around 80 % of the whole energy crop production. This concentration on maize is very questionable from an ecological point of view as maize monocultures endanger biodiversity, favour the spread of pests and increase the risk of soil erosion. Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 3 30.000 area in hectares 25.000 20.000 Arable Land 15.000 Grassland 10.000 5.000 W ei z Ra dk er sb ur g Ha rtb er g Fü rs te nf el d Fe ld ba ch 0 Figure 3: Grassland and Arable Land in the districts of East Styria (Source: Steininger et al. 2008) Therefore, measures should be taken to promote the cultivation of other energy crops like miscanthus, sorghum, sudan grass or short rotation coppice (SRC). So far these crops are cultivated only on test fields. But the Styrian Chamber of Agriculture is already taking efforts to boost the share of other energy crops, especially miscanthus and short rotation coppice. 1.2. Forestry in East Styria Compared with other regions in Styria, the forest area in East Styria is quite low. In total 151,010 ha are covered with forest. That is 43.5 % of the area, while the share of forest in Styria is 61.1 %. (BFW, 2002) Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 4 60.000 area in hectares 50.000 40.000 Agricultural Land Forest 30.000 20.000 10.000 W ei z rg bu rg R ad ke rs H ar tb e d te nf el Fü rs Fe ld ba ch 0 Figure 4: Agricultural Land and Forest area in the districts (Source: Steininger et al. 2008) 1.3. of East Styria The Energy System of East Styria Steininger et al. (2008) carried out a comprehensive study about the energy system in East Styria. The considered sectors are heating, electricity and mobility. The heating demand depends on various factors such as the total living space, the share of detached houses, the average age of buildings and the number of heating degreedays. The fact that the share of detached houses and older buildings is relatively high in East Styria results in a yearly heating demand of 9.11 petajoule (PJ). An analysis of energy carriers for heating shows that oil is still prevailing with 44 %. Firewood satisfies at least 37 % of the heating demand - coal, gas, electricity, wood chips and pellets provide the rest. The regional electricity demand was estimated by using the electricity demand of an average Styrian household. This calculation shows a total electricity demand of 1.59 PJ per year for the region East Styria. The mobility demand for the region was estimated to be 4,000 passenger kilometres. The motorised private transportation, which is responsible for most of the passenger kilometres, results in an energy demand of 6.82 PJ. Altogether the sectors heat, electricity and mobility result in an energy demand of 17.52 PJ for households. Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 5 The industry sector has an annual energy demand of 8.75 PJ, the service sector 2.44 PJ and agriculture and forestry 1.56 PJ. Thus, the total annual energy demand of the region East Styria is 30.27 PJ. Figure 5 gives a detailed overview of the energy demand in different sectors. Energy Demand of different Sectors in East Styria (PJ) Agriculture & Forestry 1.56 Service Sector 2.44 Heating 9.11 Industry 8.75 Households 17.52 Mobility 6.82 Electricity 1.59 Figure 5: Energy Demand of different Sectors in East Styria in Petajoule (PJ) (Source: Steininger et al. 2008) 1.4. Regional Projects to promote Renewable Energy Renewable energy is an important issue in regional development programs for many years now. In 1999, the East Styrian Regional Development Program (D.E.O.) placed an emphasis on renewable energy. The idea was to promote bio-, solar-, wind-, and geothermal energy and to improve the cooperation between companies and other institutions to increase the value added in the region. (EU-Regionalmanagement Oststeiermark, 1999) GO BEST stands for a common East Styrian economic- and development strategy and serves as groundwork for subsidies for future projects. The main idea was to connect local knowledge with expertise. In 2004, the project “Energy Region East Styria” was initiated - aiming to let East Styria become a European model region for renewable energy. The priority was to strengthen the existing capacities by implementing new thematic lighthouse projects to assume a top position in Europe. Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 6 Projects that were realized within the project “Energy Region East Styria“ were developed together with the stakeholders during the project GO BEST. Therefore, it can be seen as the implementation process of the common goals and strategies. Another goal was to create new employment in the region by promoting the sectors biogas, biomass, vegetable oil and mobility, energy optimised construction and solar heating and photovoltaic. (EU-Regionalmanagement Oststeiermark, 2009) 1.5. Renewable Energy Sources and Fields of Excellence Because of the regional topography, the share of hydro energy in East Styria is comparatively low but the mix of the other renewable energy carriers well balanced. To identify and promote the regional strength five fields of excellence were identified: biogas, biomass, energy efficient construction, vegetable oil and solar heating and photovoltaic (Energieregion Oststeiermark, 2009). 26 out of the 40 biogas plants in Styria are situated in East Styria – making East Styria, especially the districts of Feldbach and Radkersburg, to have one of the highest densities of biogas plants in Europe. The average electricity output of biogas plants in Styria is 2 GWh per year (Reichhard, 2005). Applying this average for the biogas plants in East Styria results in an annual electricity output of about 45 GWh (0.162 PJ). This is equivalent to about 10 % of the annual electricity demand of all East Styrian households. As the agricultural sector plays an important role in the region, the main substrates are cow and pig manure, other agricultural residues and maize silage. Another important field is biomass, which is mainly used for heating - either in the form of firewood, pellets or wood chips in private households or in mostly small scale district heating plants. In 2005, 83 out of 204 Styrian district heating plants were operated in East Styria. Energy efficient construction is a measure to foster energy efficiency in the region. The main goal is to increase the spread of buildings meeting passive house standards. These require a yearly heating demand of less then 15 kW / m². The advantage is an up to 90 % cost reduction for heating at only 5 % higher construction costs. The target for 2010 is at least one passive house in each of the 192 East Styrian communities. Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 7 In the mobility sector vegetable oil is promoted as alternative fuel. The objective is to become more independent of fossil fuels and to strengthen the regional agriculture by creating new markets. The intensified use of vegetable oil and the further expansion of gas stations providing vegetable oil would also result in positive employment effects. Until 2005, more than 100,000 m² of solar heating panels and photovoltaic panels with a peak capacity of 816 kW have been installed in East Styria. The rapid growth of solar heating installations in Styria has been triggered already in the early 1980ies by self-construction groups, which developed collector designs for home construction and ran training seminars for building collectors (Boyle, 2004). 2. Biomass and Bioenergy Biomass is a broad term as it stands for all kinds of living matter, including different types of woody crops, energy crops and biogenous residues from households and industry (Boyle, 2004). Other important terms are bioenergy and biofuels. Bioenergy is the available final energy after converting the biomass and the term biofuel refers to all fuels made out of biomass. Biofuels for transport are distinguished in first, second, and sometimes even third generation biofuels. First generation biofuels include vegetable oil, biodiesel and bioethanol. The second generation includes synthetic biofuels (biomass-to-liquid and Fischer-Tropsch diesel), biogas and biohydrogen (WBGU, 2009). Biofuels from algae are often referred to as third generation biofuels. However, there are some technical problems to be solved and they are still far from being economically feasible. Traditionally firewood was the most important biofuel and still is in many countries. In the last decades, the term “new biomass” emerged. It describes all kind of solid, liquid or gaseous biofuels that are often produced on a large scale. These new biofuels are not only used for heating, but also for electricity generation and as transport fuel. One of the diverse advantages of bioenergy is that it can be stored easily and thus can balance the power output fluctuations of solar- or wind energy plants. Furthermore, biomass is an important carbon reservoir as plants remove CO2 from the atmosphere and store it. However, one has to keep in mind that biomass has unique properties and is not substitutable in many areas, e.g. in food and fodder production. Nevertheless, biomass is also an important resource for the Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 8 manufacturing-, paper- and chemical industry. For these reasons, biomass has to be used efficiently and responsible. To give an example, the combustion of biomass for the heating of buildings does not seem reasonable in the long terms – if one considers; the same effect can be achieved by better insulation. In the last years, policies to promote bioenergy gained momentum in many countries and different measures are taken to increase the share of renewable energies. The EU has agreed to the targets of 20% of renewable energy sources in gross inland consumption and a share of 10 % of biofuels for the traffic sector by 2020 and the USA aim to cover at least 20 % of their transport fuel demand in 2022 with biofuels (WBGU, 2009). Policy measures to promote biofuels include mandatory blending quotas, fixed feed-in tariffs for electricity, tax exemptions or relief and promotion of research. The motives to pursue bioenergy promotion strategies are numerous. 2.1. Common Motives for promoting Bioenergy One of the main arguments for promoting biofuels are geopolitical motives and energy autonomy - based on the insight that the global fossil fuel reserves are steadily diminishing and that it will not be possible in the future to satisfy the current or an even raising global energy demand. A term often mentioned in this context is peak oil. It describes the point when the global oil production has reached its maximum and begins to decrease. From this time on oil will become more and more expensive and other options become not only economically more feasible but also necessary for substituting oil. Hallock et al. (2004) predicted peak oil between 2004 and 2037 depending on different rates of growth in oil demand. But they concede that ‘oil resources necessary for the decline point to occur in 2037 have not been discovered yet’. Tsoskounoglou et al. (2008) expect peak oil within the next 15 years by applying the Hubert’s curve. Using lower estimates for the global oil reserves, they stress that peak oil maybe already happened. A general trend is the reduction of oil exporting countries in the next decades. This means fewer countries controlling the global oil reserves. This has led to growing concerns in the US and the EU to become too dependent on a few countries that are controlling large amounts of the global fossil fuel reserves. Therefore, plans to expand biofuels are supported to reduce the dependence on imported oil and thus contribute to the national energy security (WDR 2008). Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 9 Another motive is climate change mitigation. To avoid more severe climatic impacts and the triggering of a series of positive feedback loops, which would lead to a further rise of temperature, scientists agreed that the increase of temperature has to be kept below 2°C (Metz et al., 2007). So far more than 100 countries have accepted the necessity of this threshold. Meinshausen, et al. (2009) showed that the probability of exceeding this 2°C limit is 32 % even if the Kyoto-gas emissions are halved from 2000 to 2050. Therefore, drastic and immediate measures for cutting down greenhouse gases are needed. This puts enormous pressure on governments to act. Consequently, biofuels provide a welcome and apparently easy solution. However, governments have started to rethink some of their biofuel policies since concerns are growing about possible negative effects of biofuels such as competition with food production, decreasing soil fertility and overestimation of greenhouse gas savings. For example, the European Union made a step back from the declared goal to boost the share of biofuels to 10 % of the total transport fuels by 2020. The former directive was specified so that at least 40% of the goal must be met from ‘non-food and feed-competing second-generation biofuels or from cars running on green electricity and hydrogen’ (Euractiv, 2008). A motive especially apparent in the US and the EU is rural development and the revitalisation of the agrarian sector, which is currently highly dependent on subsidies. Bioenergy definitely offers huge potentials for countries where overproduction is an issue by creating new markets for agricultural and forest products. The positive effects on the regional value added are described in detail in chapter 5. However, possible consequences on world food markets and prices by competing interests for agricultural land have to be considered to avoid conflicts. The so-called second-generation biofuels are expected to solve this conflict by using crops grown on marginal lands, which are not suitable for food production. Nevertheless, it has to be considered that yields on more fertile lands will always be higher, if the prices paid for energy are higher than those for food, energy crops will inevitably always compete with food crops. 2.2. Competing Biomass Uses in Agriculture and Forestry The agricultural markets are globally interlinked and the importance of bioenergy trade is steadily increasing. Therefore, it is not possible to focus solely on regional factors and exclude global developments for evaluating a regions bioenergy Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 10 potential. For example, agriculture in many industrialized countries is dependent on fodder imports, e.g. soybeans. Also the EU and USA targets for biofuels in the transport sector will be hard to meet using domestic feedstock only. Thus, a more holistic view has to be applied when dealing with assessments in this sector. The available land area and the yields of the cultivated energy crops determine the future biomass potential. Since agricultural land is a limited resource, the land area available for energy crops is dependent on the development of the land area necessary for food and fodder production; as long as self-sufficiency is seen as desirable target, the priority goes to food and fodder production. At least as long selfsufficiency is seen as desirable target and food and fodder production is given a priority. One key driver for the food and fodder production is logically the population number and the prevailing average diets. With higher meat consumption, the demand for agricultural land is significantly rising – even if advances in plant breeding can contribute to reduce the required land area. Other factors that lead to more pressure on agricultural lands are soil sealing and soil erosion. Soil sealing means the “loss of soil resources due to the covering of land for housing, roads or other construction work” (IES, 2009). Soil erosion is a common result of not site-specific crops and inadequate cultivation methods. Another measure to increase the biomass potential in agriculture is the use of set aside areas or marginal land areas. The obligatory set aside of 10 % per farm was a measure of Europe’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to fight overproduction. Due to the strong demand for bioenergy on international markets and the binding renewable energy targets of the EU for 2020, there was no longer a reason to give energy crops specific support. Therefore, the obligatory set aside and the energy crop scheme were abolished at the end of 2009 (AMA, 2010). The biomass potential of forestry is dependent on the future forest area and the annual timber growth. Due to ecological reasons, not the total annual growth can be used since forest residues often have important environmental functions. They are a source of nutrients; regulate water flows and help to prevent soil erosion. However, on eutrophicated sites biomass removal can also bring positive benefits by reducing nutrient leakage (EEA, 2006). As wood is also an important resource for saw timber production and the paper industry, only a limited share of the annual growth can be used for energy provision. Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 11 This means that the future bioenergy potential is largely dependent on the development of these industries and their demand for wood. The residues of sawand paper mills also offer an important resource for the bioenergy sector. Consequently, an estimation of the future forest biomass potential is only possible by including the whole timber industry (Haas & Kranzl, 2008). 2.3. Current Role of Renewable Energy and Biomass in Austria The share of renewable energy is constantly high since 1990, with share exceeding 20% every year. In 2007, the total final energy consumption in Austria was 1082.6 petajoule (PJ), in which renewable energy sources contributed to around 305 PJ or 28% (Statistik Austria, 2009). This share of 28 % was achieved, by providing more renewable energy than in the decades before and reducing the final energy consumption at the same time. Regarding the EU target that by 2020 renewable energy should account for 34 % of Austria’s final energy consumption, it will be a key factor to keep the energy consumption low. Therefore, according to the preliminary objectives of the national energy strategy the total final energy consumption should be stabilized at the level of 2005 with 1,100 PJ per year (BMWFJ & BMLFUW, 2009). The current (2007) contribution of the different renewable energy carriers is depicted in figure 6. Share of Renewable Energy Carriers on Final Renewable Energy Consumption in 2007 (Total 305 PJ) Heat Pumps, Solar Heating and Burnable Wastes Geothermal Energy 2% 3% Biofuels for Heating and Transport 22% Firewood 22% District Heating from Bioenergy 5% Electric Energy from Hydropower 44% Electric Energy from Wind and Photovoltaik 2% Figure 6: Share of different renewable energy carriers in final renewable energy consumption in 2007 (Source: Statistik Austria, 2009) Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 12 As shown in figure 5, biomass plays an important role in the energy supply. The categories firewood, biofuels for heating and transport and district heating from bioenergy account for 47 % of the final renewable energy consumption. 2.4. Biomass Potentials in Austria The first step to quantify the biomass potential of the region is to estimate the forest area and the annual timber growth, the area available for the cultivation of energy crops and the amount of residues that can be utilized for energy production. However, due to its multiple and sequential uses in different sectors, the actual biomass potential is often hard to measure (Rosillo-Calle et al., 2007). Estimating the bioenergy potential that results out of the available biomass is even more complex, because the demand for several other biomass uses such as for food, fodder or as a feedstock for industry has to be estimated. Moreover, the different efficiencies of the numerous conversion routes have to be included. In 2007, the agricultural area used for cultivating energy crops was estimated to be 50,000 to 55,000 ha (Brainbows, 2007). Considering various driving factors, several studies about the biomass potential in Austria expect the potential land area for growing energy crops to rise significantly. Table 1 gives an overview about the results of different studies about the biomass potential in Austria. Table 1: Potential arable land area for cultivating energy crops (1,000 ha) Author European Environment Agency (EEA - 2006) Brainbows and Agricultural Chamber Lower Austria (2007) Haas and Kranzl (2008) Scenario Reference Scenario Environmental Scenario Biomass Scenario Basis Low High 2010 2020 204 266 125 - 195 83 - 137 203 - 276 149 148 149 283 175 406 246 215 278 The European Environment Agency (EEA, 2006) traced the question how much bioenergy can be produced without harming the environment. As bioenergy production often focuses on only a few crops and is related with further intensification, the EEA has identified possible risks, such as the additional pressure on water and soil resources or the loss of biodiversity. To reduce these risks the EEA recommends considering the following environmental criteria: Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 13 at least 30 % share of environmental friendly farming 3 % of the currently intensively cultivated land is reserved for set aside extensively cultivated areas are maintained bioenergy crops with low environmental pressure are used Brainbows and the Agricultural Chamber of Lower Austria (2007) have developed three scenarios to give a possible range of future developments under different assumptions. The reference scenario shows the development under business as usual conditions. The environmental scenario assumes a strong increase in organic farming, whereas in the biomass scenario organic farming plays only an inferior role and all biomass potentials are utilized. Haas and Kranzl (2008) choose a similar approach. They developed three scenarios (basis, low and high) assuming different developments for a Common Agricultural Policy, the number of cattle and pigs and the selection of different crops for cultivation. The forest biomass potential in Austria is dominated by two trends. Firstly the growing annual wood harvest and secondly the decreasing wood imports (Zwettler, 2006). Another important parameter is the influence of property rights on the wood harvest. The statistics about the annual wood harvest show that larger and betterorganised forest companies use a significantly higher share of the annual timber growth. The “Austrian Federal Forests”, Austria’s largest forest managing company, which owns 15 % of the woodland, uses about 81 % of the annual growth. Forest companies owning more than 200 ha use even more, approximately 84 %. Contrarily owners with less than 200 ha use only 46 %. (BFW, 2002) Table 2: Forest Biomass Potential (in 1,000 Solid m³ / year) without short rotation coppice Author BMLFUW 2009 Brainbows and Agricultural Chamber Lower Austria (2007) Haas and Kranzl (2008) Scenario 2010 Reference Scenario Environmental Scenario Biomass Scenario Biomass Min Biomass Max 390 2020 1,620 - 2,000 1,100 1,560 1,330 1,330 1,295 1,490 Table 2 shows the results of three studies dealing with the forest biomass potential in Austria. The BMLFUW (2009) estimates the forest biomass potential to increase to 16.2 to 20 million solid cubic meters (scm) including 1.98 million scm from imports. The estimations depend on different assumptions for the wood price and scenarios Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 14 for the utilization of wood. Haas and Kranzl (2008) used different scenarios for the development of the timber industry. The “biomass max scenario” assumes a growing importance of the sawing industry and a declining importance of the paper industry resulting in a higher share of by-products available for the bioenergy sector. This scenario would be realistic under high wood and energy prices and high subsidies for bioenergy. The “biomass min scenario” shows an opposite development but is seen as very unlikely. The numbers of Brainbows and the Agricultural Chamber (2007) vary a lot due to the different assumptions for bioenergy from by-products from wood sawing and waste materials. Estimations were given only for 2010 since the utilization of the annual timber growth, especially by small forest owners, cannot be estimated. 2.5. The Bioenergy Potential in East Styria The scenarios and assumptions about the future biomass potential in Austria form a basis for estimating the future biomass potential of East Styria. The statistics about the agricultural land area in Styria reveal a steady decrease in the last decades. But at the same time the area necessary for animal feed production is declining, due to the lower number of cattle and pigs and the advances in plant breeding. According to ARGES, the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, yields are increasing about 1 % for cereals and for maize about 1.5 % per year (Brainbows, 2007). Considering the abolition of obligatory set aside, the Styrian Chamber of Agriculture expects 1,300 to 1,700 ha of the current 4,302 ha of set aside area to be used for production again. The other areas are not expected to be used due to their low yields or difficult cultivation, which does not allow an economic viable production. The total agricultural biomass potential of East Styria was estimated by using some of the assumptions of Haas and Kranzl (2008) for the development of the agricultural land area and the area that will be available for cultivating energy crops (see Table 3). The main assumptions were: continuing agricultural land area loss due to land sealing and soil erosion fewer demand for arable land after further improvements in plant breeding less set aside areas after abolishing obligatory set aside decline in grassland as the number of cattle is expected to dwindle as well Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria Table 3: 15 Scenario for the Development of the agricultural land area 2006 2010 2020 2030 2040 Total agricultural land 153,0 150,2 145,7 141,3 137,1 Arable Land 86,6 85,0 83,3 81,6 80,0 Set Aside Area 4,6 4,5 4,1 3,7 3,3 Grassland 43,7 42,9 42,0 41,2 40,4 Extensive Grassland Area available for non-food Crops 18,0 10 17,7 18,4 16,3 27,1 14,8 32,7 13,4 35,9 (Source: Own Calculation based on Haas and Kranzl, 2008) However, it has to be stated that the conversion of grassland to arable land mostly has negative effects on biodiversity and carbon storage in the soil (WBGU, 2009). Therefore, finding alternative uses for grass e.g. as feedstock for green biorefineries is a desirable target. The importance of forestry in East Styria is lower than in most other parts of Styria. The average annual wood harvest from 2005 to 2008 in East Styria was 957,000 solid cubic meters (scm) - 17.4 % of the total Styrian wood harvest. The most important segment was sawtimber with 437,000 scm, followed by woodfuel with 421,000 scm, and pulpwood with 99,000 scm. The wood removals in the different districts are depicted in figure 7. Av e rage Annual Wood Harv e st 2005 - 2008 thousand cubic meters under bark 250 Woodfuel Sawwood Pulpwood 200 150 100 50 0 Feldbach Fürstenfeld Hartberg Radkersburg Figure 7: Average annual wood harvest 2005 – 2008 (Source: Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 2006) Weiz Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 16 For the estimation of the forest biomass potential in East Styria, the forest area is assumed to stay constant over the next decades even if the forest area was steadily increasing over the last decades and this trend is assumed to continue. However, most of the time the additional areas are situated in areas where the annual growth cannot be used due to technical or economically reasons. For estimating the biomass potential, the annual timber growth is more meaningful than the forest area. According to the Austrian forest inventory, the annual growth in East Styria is 1,767,000 solid cubic meters, but only 54 % of it is used. This is lower than the Austrian average of 60 % (Land Steiermark, 2009 & Karl-FranzensUniversität Graz, 2006). Another factor that has to be considered for estimating the annual wood supply is the influence of extreme whether events such as storms or thousand solid m³ of standing wood droughts or the occurrence of bark beetle plagues. 800 Used Annual Growth Unused Annual Growth 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Feldbach Fürstenfeld + Radkersburg Hartberg Weiz Figure 8: Use of the annual timber growth in the East Styrian districts (Source: Steininger et al. 2008) Measures to activate these potentials are increased logging and forest thinning as well the intensified use of forest residues, which are normally left in the forest. Especially for the use of residues, ecological restrictions have to be considered since removing residues causes a loss of nutrients from the ecosystem. Including all these measures, the Styrian Chamber of Agriculture estimates the additional biomass from forests to be around 135,000 solid cubic metres per year (Steininger et. al, 2008). Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 17 3. Sustainable Bioenergy Production Systems Referring to the declining fossil fuel reserves, the role of agriculture for providing bioenergy will become more and more important. Several programmes and incentive schemes as the EU target for 20 % renewable energy in 2020 try to boost the share of renewable energy. However, the agricultural land area is a limited resource and the competition between food and energy production are likely to become more severe. Therefore, the available areas have to be used as efficient as possible. This means not only increasing the output per area, but also managing the soils to sustain their fertility and guarantee high yields also in the future. Hence, energy crops should have low requirements on the soils and high annual growth rates at low inputs of fertilizers and pesticides. Energy crops, which require low inputs, also reduce the farmer’s vulnerability to fluctuating oil prices since fertilizer prices are closely interlinked with oil prices. The high oil prices in 2007 and 2008 resulted in skyrocketing fertilizer prices and contributed to the soaring food prices (FAO, 2008). Furthermore, lower fertilizer inputs help reducing greenhouse gas emissions - as at the one hand fertilizer production is a very energy intensive process and at the other hand also N2O soil emissions are rising with higher fertilizer inputs. 3.1. Cropping Systems In the last decades Monocultures became the most widespread cropping system in industrialized countries, due to mechanization and modernisation in agriculture. The functions of traditional cropping systems and crop rotations as nitrogen inputs by legumes or suppressed insects, pests and weed, were replaced by increased use of fertilizers and pesticides. These inputs also contribute to a big share of the biomass production costs. Fertilizers and pesticides contribute to about 20 % of the production costs of silage maize (Steininger et al., 2008). Under this consideration, alternative cropping systems may be interesting not only ecologically but also from an economical point of view. In “Mixed Cropping Systems”, two or more crops are cultivated at the same time on the same field. As a result, plants with different nutrient demands or root systems can be combined in an optimal way as each crop has different attributes. Depending on the desired “end-product” different combinations of cereals, legumes and oilseeds can be used. This way fodder and energy can be produced at the same time. Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 18 Possible advantages are higher and more constant yields, better weed suppression and better CO2 balance as more carbon can be captured in the soil. However depending on the crop combination harvest may be more complicated and hence more expensive. Double cropping means the successive cultivation of two crops on the same field within one year. Double or multiple cropping is common practice in regions with milder climates, where crops can be cultivated the whole year. In regions with more severe winters as in Europe, the vegetation period is too short for double cropping. However, for biomass production double cropping offers important opportunities in these regions. Since the crops high energy content is the interest (instead of the fruits themselves), the crops can be harvested before the fruits are mature. A typical double cropping system for biomass consists of one frost resistant winter crop such as winter cereals, winter rapeseed or winter sugar beet, which is cultivated in autumn and harvested in spring and a summer crop such as maize or sunflower, which is cultivated in spring and harvested in autumn. (FNR, 2009) In Agroforestry Systems agricultural crops and trees or bushes are cultivated on the same area. These systems have been very common for many centuries as mixed orchards or forest pasture systems. During the last decades, these systems mostly disappeared due to the intensified mechanisation in agriculture. In the last years, agroforestry became attractive again for producing biomass. On sites with low average yields, the cultivation of poplars or widows can provide an economically interesting option for farmers. Furthermore, the plantation of tree rows brings also ecological advantages as erosion control and shadowing of the cultivated plants. Ideally, agroforestry systems should provide the same or an even higher yield than the trees and agricultural crops on separated sites. An indicator to compare different cropping systems is the Land Equivalent Ratio (LER). It compares the yields of growing two or more crops together with growing the same crops separated on different sites. An LER greater than one indicates that the agroforestry system requires less area than cultivating the crops in a monoculture. This measure can also be used for the evaluation of mixed cropping systems. (Kantor, 1999) Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 3.2. 19 Energy Crops in Agriculture Energy crops can be divided into annual and perennial crops. Typical annual energy crops are maize, cereals, rapeseed, sunflower, sugar beet and potatoes. For annual energy crops, site adopted crop rotation systems are vital to sustain the soil fertility and to avoid pests. Examples for perennial energy crops are miscanthus, switchgrass and short rotation coppice as widow or poplar plantation. (FNR, 2009) The statistics about the energy crop mix in East Styria (figure 9) reveal that maize and rapeseed are the dominating energy crops in the region. So far in most regions energy crops are dominating which were used already before for food and fodder production, because their attributes as high yields and resistance against pests have been optimized in breeding over the last decades. Another reason is that no new machinery for cultivation and harvest is needed. Energy Crop Mix in East Styria Miscanthus 2% Others 3% Short Rotation Forest 2% Winter Rapeseed 15% Corn Maize 19% Maize Silage 59% Figure 9: Energy Crop Mix in East Styria (Source: Steininger et al. 2008) Silage maize accounts for 59 % and grain maize for 19 % of the cultivated energy crops in East Styria. Silage maize is mainly used as a co-substrate for the biogas production - as it offers a high dry matter yield per hectare and a high share of carbon hydrates with good attributes for fermentation (FNR, 2009). Maize requires a good soil structure to guarantee the availability of sufficient water and nutrients for the plant Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 20 (Vetter, Heiermann & Toews, 2009). To achieve high yields considerable high inputs of fertilizer and pesticides are necessary. Another problem is the risk of soil erosion especially on hilly grounds. Rapeseed is cultivated mainly for the production of vegetable oil or biodiesel, which is produced through the process of transesterfication. The press cake can be used as animal feed. As the self-compatibility of rapeseed is very low, rapeseed should account for not more than 25 % of the crop rotation (FNR, 2009). Beside these ‘traditional’ crops, there is a wide range of other crops, which are suitable as energy crops. Examples are elephant grass (Miscanthus giganteus), sorghum (Sorghum Sudanese and Sorghum bicolor), Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.), Cup plant (Silphium perfoliatum) and also short rotation coppice with poplar or willow. Miscanthus already accounts for about 2 % of the total energy crop area in East Styria. Miscanthus is a perennial grass showing high biomass yields with more than 15 tonnes per ha under good conditions. It favours similar conditions as maize regarding soil, temperature and precipitation. Advantages of miscanthus are the low fertilizer intensity and the high pest resistance and thus no pesticides are necessary (FNR, 2009). The high requirements on soils are seen as possible disadvantage as it may result in competitive situations with food production. Another problem is the lower ash melt temperature of miscanthus, which leads to problems in standard wood chip or pellet boilers (Stubenschrott, 2009). In the past sorghum has been mainly used for food and fodder production; but due to its high dry matter yields, it has become an interesting source for renewable energy. So far, there are only few experiences with cultivating sorghum for energy purposes. The average annual dry matter yields vary between 8 and 17 tonnes per ha. In a biogas plant, ten tons of dry matter provide about 4,500 m3 gas with a methane content of 53 %. Compared with maize, sorghum is more resistant against dry conditions but achieves only low yields at low average temperatures. (FNR, 2009) The Jerusalem Artichoke (topinambur) is an herbaceous perennial plant that can grow up to 5m tall and has edible tubers similar to potatoes. The yields range from 4 to 13 tonnes of dry matter per ha for tubers; and 8 to 20 tonnes of dry matter per ha for foliage. For the use in a biogas plant the foliage is harvested until September; whereas for combustion harvest should be in December or January when the dry Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 21 matter content reaches 75 % or more. The tubers are harvested between October and March and can be used for biogas or ethanol production. (FNR, 2009) Although it offers various advantages the Cup Plant is cultivated only on some test fields so far. The plant promises high dry matter yields with more than 20 tons, good biogas yields comparable with those of maize, a good drought resistance and so far no pests have been reported. But the plant has one big disadvantage: the planting costs are extremely high as the seeds can not be sowed directly - as pre-grown plants have to be used. As long as this problem is not solved no commercial use of the cup plant is expected. (FNR, 2009) Short rotation coppice (SRC) accounts for 2 % of the energy crop area in East Styria. The two most widespread tree species are high yield varieties of poplar and willow. They guarantee high annual dry matter yields of 5 to 10 tonnes per ha for willow plantations and 10 to 15 tonnes per ha for poplar plantations (FNR, 2009). The trees can be planted either on the whole area or in agroforestry systems. In the first two years weed control is essential but the following years do not require any further pesticide or fertilizer inputs. Normally SRC are grown on 2 to 4 year harvesting cycles depending on the tree species. Cultivation tests in Bavaria have shown that all tested former grass- and crop land areas were suitable for SRC. However, the cultivation on marginal lands and in regions with an annual perception of less than 650 mm results in significantly lower yields (ASP, 2008). 3.3. Biomass Conversion Pathways The variety of energy crops is enormous, but there is also a vast amount of conversion routes to receive the demanded energy services (heat, electricity and transport fuel). Depending on the process technology and products, the biomass resources can be structured as shown in figure 10. Traditionally the combustion of firewood was the most important biomass process. The use of biogas, the extraction of vegetable oil and the production of ethanol via fermentation are relatively new. Gasification and pyrolysis are not used on a commercial scale yet (Haas & Kranzl, 2008). Gasification allows the use of any cellulosic feedstock as wood, straw or other residues. The raw gas can either be converted into electricity and heat or be used as a transport fuel. Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 22 In the discussion whether to favour small-scale or large-scale plants different arguments have to be considered. Referring to efficiency larger plants show a better performance, which positively effects the energy provision costs (WBGU, 2009). Small-scale facilities mostly create more employment and a higher regional value added (Steininger et al., 2008). However, it is difficult to make a general statement, as the effects vary for different feedstock. Assessing efficient biomass conversion pathways needs to include other renewable energy carriers as well. Since biomass can be used very flexible, it should be used to cover the energy demands, which cannot be satisfied by wind, solar, hydro or thermal energy. Biomass Resource Cellulose richplants (wet) (grass- and maize silage, manure, biowaste) Process Technology Product Anaerobic Digestion Fermentation Oil-rich plants (rapeseed, sunflower) H E T E A L E C T R I C I T Y R A N S P O R T Biogas Sugar- and starch rich plants (cereals, sugar beet, potatoes, etc) Cellulose rich plants (dry) (straw, miscanthus, short rotation coppice) Energy Service Gasification T Ethanol Methanol, DME Combustion F Extraction Vegetable Oil Transesterfication RME U E L Figure 10: Classification of Energy Crops according to their conversion pathways (Source: Boyle, 2004; WBGU, 2009) 4. The Biorefinery Concept The biorefinery concept is based on different considerations. The increased use of biomass and the replacement of oil as the basis for numerous products and services, could contribute to reduce CO2 emissions, to guarantee energy security and to Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 23 increase the value added in rural regions. Basically, a biorefinery should provide, analogous to a petroleum refinery, a wide range of products and thus increase the cost competitiveness of biomass products. This means that biomass is not only used for the provision of energy, food and fodder but also for the production of high-value chemicals and polymers that form the basis of a wide range of consumer products. 4.1. Definition and different Types of Biorefineries According to the great importance of sustainability along the whole production chain, the members of the IEA Bioenergy Task 42 give the following definition: “Biorefinery is the sustainable processing of biomass into a spectrum of marketable products (food, feed, materials, chemicals) and energy (fuels, power, heat)” (de Jong, Langeveld & van Ree, s.a.). Nevertheless, the biorefinery concept is not something completely new; in fact many biorefineries use similar conversion processes as they have been used already for many years in the sugar, starch and pulp and paper industry. Thus, many biorefineries have their origins in these industries. They are the result of optimized production processes aiming to make use of the largest possible feedstock fraction. A criterion to distinguish between biorefineries and other facilities which also use biomass as feedstock, e.g. biogas plants, is that “both multiple energetic and non-energetic output need to be generated for a facility to be considered as a biorefinery” (de Jong, Langeveld & van Ree, s.a.). Biorefineries can be categorized after the four following features: feedstock, process, platform and product. Table 4 gives an overview over the different features. Table 4: Features to categorise Biorefineries Products Energy Materials Feedstock Process Platform Grasses Chemical Organic juice Biomethane Food Starch-, sugar and oil crops Thermochemical Biochemical Biodiesel Bioethanol Lignocellulosic crops and residues Mechanical / Physical C6 & C5 sugars Lignin Oil Biogas Syngas Animal feed Fertilzer Biomaterials Chemicals Polymers Organic Residues Pyrolytic liquid (Source: de Jong, Langeveld & van Ree, s.a.) Synthetic biofuels Bio-H2 Electricity &Heat Glycerin Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 24 Biorefineries can process various feedstock ranging from wood, agricultural crops, forest residues, organic waste and aquatic biomass as algae and include many potential transformation processes as thermo-chemical-, bio-chemical-, chemicaland mechanical processes. The number of different platforms combined in one biorefinery is a good indicator for the complexity and also has an impact on the number of possible products. To give an exact definition of a biorefinery, the IEA Bioenergy Group recommends to quote all of the four main features, e.g.: C6 sugar platform biorefinery for bioethanol and animal feed from starch crops (de Jong, Langeveld & van Ree, s.a.). 4.2. The Concept of the Green Biorefinery The name green biorefinery originates from the feedstock, which is grass-, clover- or lucerne silage. The idea for green biorefineries in Austria is based on two insights. On the one hand the demand for green biomass as fodder for dairy- and beef cattle is decreasing, but on the other hand grassland is regarded to be an important element of Austria’s typical cultural landscape, which should be preserved. Thus, biorefineries are seen as the perfect option to utilize this green biomass in an efficient way and provide an economic basis for the farmers, which cultivate these grassland areas. However, grass and other green biomass have also disadvantages: it is quite expensive feedstock compared to other biomass resources; it is difficult to provide at a constant quality; and it has only a low transport density – making larger plants that require long transport routes inefficient (Naradoslawsky, 2003). An advantage is the vast variety of substances, which enable the production of a wide range of products. The main fractions, which are used, are fibres, proteins and sugars. Within the project “factory of tomorrow”, a lot of research has been done to push forward the realization of Austria’s first demonstration plant in Utzenaich in Upper Austria, which started its operations in 2009. According to the IEA classification the green Biorefinery in Utzenaich is described as “biogas and organic solution biorefinery for organic acids, fertilizer, biomaterials, biomethane and electricity and heat from grasses” (de Jong, Langeveld & van Ree, s.a.). The aim of the demonstration plant is to show that the technology is ready for the implementation on an industrial scale. Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 4.3. 25 The Chemical Conversion Process in the Green Biorefinery As grass cannot be harvested the whole year, it has to be stored without losing the essential fractions. Silaging has proven to be an optimal way to store the grass until it can be processed in the green biorefinery. Basically, silaging is a commonly used method in agriculture to conserve fodder; but it can be further optimized to gain higher lactic acid yields if the grass silage is used as resource for biorefineries (Novalin et al., 2005). The first step is to mechanically separate grass silage into press juice and press cake. The solid fraction can be used directly as animal feed or as substrate in a biogas plant. For further processing to obtain other fibre products such as insulation material, fibre boards or pulp and paper, the press cake has to be dried. However, this quite energy intensive and costly process makes it difficult to compete with other products based on wood or other fibres as flax or hemp (Mandl et al., 2006). The second branch after the first mechanical separation is the press juice, which contains various valuable fractions, e.g. different amino acids and lactic acid. Different relatively new separation technologies as nanofiltration, electric dialysis and chromatography are used to filter out the desired fractions. Products that meet different quality standards are obtained by applying and combining the diverse processes. These fractions form the basis for a wide range of products in food, cosmetic and chemical industry. 5. Socioeconomic Impacts of Biomass Use Biomass projects are generally said to have numerous positive economic effects for a region. The basic idea is to minimise the monetary flow leaving the region for energy imports in the form of fossil fuels by using regional bioenergy resources instead. Hoffmann (2009) mentioned the following possible benefits: a lower dependency on fluctuating fossil fuel prices, creation of new employment in the region, higher tax income and a reduction of energy costs. Lower energy costs increase the purchasing power of the consumers and thus result in a higher regional GDP as long as the additional income is spent for consumer goods, produced in the region. The more often the money is reinvested in the region by purchasing local goods and services, the higher the positive GDP and employment effects. Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 26 The impact of a particular biomass project will depend on different regional factors such as the level and nature of capital investment; the availability of local goods and services; the time scale of both the construction and operation of the plant; and policy-related factors like capital grants and subsidies (Krajnc & Domac, 2007). In many countries, socio economic benefits have become the driving force to increase the share of biomass. However, the cost competitiveness of bioenergy depends on fossil fuel prices and the development of prices for biomass technologies. As long as energy from biomass is more expensive than energy from fossil fuels, policy measures are necessary to enable the positive socio economic effects. One way is to make the fossil fuel based reference technologies more expansive, i.e. by introducing a CO2-tax; or the other way is to boost biomass technologies via investment subsidies or guaranteed feed-in tariffs. Pichl et al. (1999) compared the positive employment effects, GDP changes and the required subsidies of different biomass technologies. Single household or small district heating systems based on forest biomass showed the best employment effects and moderately positive or negative effects on the GDP. Electricity production in large scale combined heat and power plants based on biomass showed even negative effects, as high subsidies are necessary. Steininger et al. (2008) evaluated the effects of different biomass technologies on the regional value added in East Styria using a three region (East Styria, Styria, Rest of the World) computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. This way also spill over effects of biomass projects realized in East Styria to the other regions can be illustrated. Furthermore, an expansion of 2,000 TJ, which corresponds to about 20 % of the regional heat demand, for different heating technologies was assumed to analyze their macroeconomic effects. Thereby, the following factors were identified to influence the socioeconomic effects of biomass projects: substitution of fossil fuels, cost differences, investments and land competition. The substitution of fossil fuels is a common advantage of all biomass technologies and results in positive regional GDP effects of all considered biomass technologies, as less money is leaving the region for energy imports. The cost difference between energy services provided by biomass technologies and the reference fossil fuel technology is a key factor for the changes in the regional GDP. If the biomass technology can offer the same energy service at lower prices, Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 27 the consumers’ expenditures decrease and thus they have more income available for other goods and services. As long as regional products are purchased, the effects on the regional GDP are positive. Another factor is that investments in regional biomass projects also initiate a higher demand for products and services of other sectors. The study has shown that the construction-, metal- and engineering sector benefit most from these investments. Investments in district heating systems have shown the highest employment effects, as the construction of district heating grids very labour intensive. The cultivation of agricultural bioenergy crops encourages the competition for agricultural land. Agricultural land area is limited and even predicted to decline due to land sealing and land erosion in the next decades. Thus, the additional utilization of agricultural biomass resources results in higher land prices. The employment effect of the increased agricultural biomass depends on the labour intensity of the energy crop compared to reference crops. Monocultures, short rotation coppice and perennial crops show the worst regional employment effects; while forest based products as log wood, wood chips or pellets show consistently positive effects. A comparison of 15 and 50 kWh heating systems has revealed two opposite effects. On the one hand larger systems are more cost efficient, since consumers can spend a higher share of their income for other goods; on the other hand smaller systems show more positive effects on regional employment. 6. Future Challenges and Recommended Course of Actions The main challenge for the future is to integrate and coordinate the goals of different projects such as promoting the regional economy, ensuring adequate farmer livelihoods, energy autarky and climate change mitigation and adaptation. To tap the full innovative potential of the region, it is necessary to strengthen the cooperation of different regional stakeholders. To assure the position of East Styria as a leading region for renewable energy and energy efficiency, a wide range of measures can be recommended. However, their implementation requires adjustment within the whole region and with already existing initiatives within other projects such as the “Energy Region East Styria”. Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 28 In order to reduce the dependency on fossil fuels and increase the regions energy autarky it is crucial to take measures for efficient biomass utilization. This includes promoting the wider use of combined heat and power, and also new concepts such as biorefineries, which can provide a wide range of products. This approach has already been proposed by the project KOMEOS (Krotscheck, 2008) as “multi-functional energy centres”. This could be achieved by using synergies of different bioenergy production systems, such as electricity generation and transport fuel production. In addition, changes in agriculture are necessary to support regional energy autarky. Today’s agricultural systems became too dependent on fossil fuel inputs in the form of fertilizers, pesticides etc. Hence, farmers are vulnerable to increasing fossil fuel prices. New cropping systems such as mixed cropping, double cropping or agroforestry can contribute to reduce fossil inputs and soil erosion. Moreover, appropriate site adopted cropping systems contribute to the soil organic carbon build-up, thus ensure long-term soil fertility and show better greenhouse gas balances. WBGU (2009) emphasized that perennial crops such as miscanthus or switchgrass and short rotation forests show better results according to these criteria than annual energy crops such as maize, cereals or rapeseed. Analysis of the biomass potentials in East Styria reveal a considerable forest biomass potential for the future, given that only 54% of the annual timber growth is currently utilized This means that additional resources are available to satisfy growing demands. However, the main problem is the mobilisation of small forest owners to use their forests. Forest associations, which assist forest owners in managing their forests and in marketing, can contribute to increase the annual wood harvest. Oil and wood are the two most important energy carriers in the region for heating - satisfying 44 % and 37 % of the heating demand respectively. Therefore, replacing oil furnaces and better building insulation are important steps to reduce the dependency of households on fossil fuels. Better building insulation and changing old wood furnaces with currently low efficiencies are crucial to reduce the energy demand for heating. Assessment of the Regional Biomass Potential for the Region East Styria 29 In the long-term, the importance of wood for heating will decrease due to better insulation standards of buildings. However, wood will play an important role for achieving a low-carbon economy. Especially in the construction sector, wood provides in many cases a perfect substitute for extremely energy (and carbon) intensive products such as cement, steel, aluminium or plastic. In this way, the CO2 captured in the wood can be stored for many decades. Wood plastic composites are another example for innovative wood products, which can create a higher value added for forestry. They are produced out of wood and polymers and due to their unique features, more and more markets develop for these products. So far, they are primarily used in the car and furniture industry. For the transport sector it will be necessary to develop completely new concepts. A sustainable transport system cannot be reached by simply replacing fossil fuels by biofuels. Electromobility represents a chance to drastically increase the efficiency in the transport sector. This raises the importance of renewable electricity. Furthermore, and especially to reach the long-term objectives in greenhouse gas mitigation, changes in regional planning are necessary to create residential structures, which help to reduce the mobility demand and enable effective public transport systems. Generally, measures should be preferred, which enable potentials in more than just one sector – e.g. increasing the annual wood harvest and thus providing potential resources for multiple uses. Furthermore, an approach including all existing regional strength should be favoured, as focusing on only one pathway poses the risk to lose strength in other sectors. 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