Key Tourism Sta s cs April 12, 2017 Interna onal visitor expenditure∗2 (year ending December 2016) Interna onal visitor arrivals1 (year ending February 2017) % of arrivals Annual interna onal arrivals: Australia (incl. Norfolk Island) China USA UK Germany Japan 40% 11% 9% 6% 3% 3% Visits 3,544,000 Growth (pa) 11% 1,416,000 403,000 307,000 224,000 102,000 101,000 5% 9% 24% 6% 14% 12% Key interna onal markets ($ millions) Australia China USA UK Germany Korea, Republic of Combined, these markets provided 72.2 % of interna onal visits to New Zealand for the year ended February 2017. Purpose of visit Holiday/Vaca on Visit Friends/Rela ves Business Other Average intended length of stay: Visits 1,842,000 1,031,000 290,000 372,000 Growth (pa) 14% 7% 4% 9% Days 19 Growth (pa) -3% Commercial accommoda on3 (year ending February 2017) Nights 13,573,000 12,130,000 7,676,000 5,162,000 38,540,000 Growth (pa) 4% 4% 8% 3% 5% Occupancy Rates Hotels Motels Holiday parks Backpackers Total This month 81.2% 77.5% 29.6% 59.4% 57% Month last year 80.3% 75.3% 27.4% 57.1% 55% Trips abroad by New Zealanders5 (year ending February 2017) Key interna onal markets in 2022 Australia China USA UK Germany Japan Current year $2,487 $1,653 $1,101 $928 $576 $299 Growth (pa) 2% -1% 3% -12% 17% 82% Total spend by purpose of visit ($ millions) Current year Growth (pa) Holiday / vaca on $6,370 10% Visi ng friends / rela ves $2,082 2% Business $716 -21% Other $918 -6% ∗ Excludes interna onal airfares and individuals whose purpose of visit to New Zealand was to a end a recognised educa onal ins tute, and are foreign-fee paying students. Tourism market Expenditure ($b) Interna onal+ 14.5 Domes c 20.2 Total 34.7 + Includes interna onal airfares paid to New Zealand carriers. Growth (pa) 19.6% 7.4% 12.2% Tourism Exports Interna onal tourist expenditure accounted for $14.5 billion or 20.7% of New Zealand total export earnings. Tourism Contribu on to GDP Tourism directly contributes $12.9 billion (or 5.6%) to New Zealand total GDP. A further $9.8 billion (or 4.3%) is indirectly contributed. When comparing tourism to other industries, the direct contribu on should be used. Tourism Employment Tourism directly employed 188,136 people (7.5% of the total employment in New Zealand). Regional Tourism Spend6 (year ending February 2017) Trips 2,656,000 Growth (pa) 10% 1,191,000 200,000 160,000 111,000 103,000 4% 14% 8% -2% 18% Interna onal tourism forecasts7 (forecast period 2016 to 2022) Total visitor arrivals (millions) Total visitor days (millions) Total visitor expenditure ($ billions) Growth (pa) 4% -6% -3% Economic contribu on4 (year ending March 2016) Accommoda on Type Hotels Motels Holiday parks Backpackers Total Annual Outbound Departures Countries visited by New Zealanders Australia (incl. Norfolk Island) USA Fiji UK China $10,086 $3,230 $2,110 Total expenditure ($ millions) Average expenditure per person per trip Median expenditure per person per trip 2022 4.5 90.3 16.0 Growth (pa) 5.4% 5.7% 7.5% Visits 1,653,000 921,000 401,000 252,000 125,000 120,000 Spend ($m) 2,973 5,317 1,728 1,313 665 336 RTO ($ millions) Auckland Christchurch Queenstown Wellington Waikato Northland Bay of Plenty Domes c 3,504 1,250 682 1,314 1,060 790 626 Interna onal 3,936 911 1,403 690 337 270 183 Total 7,441 2,161 2,086 2,005 1,398 1,061 809 Market Share 29 % 8% 8% 8% 5% 4% 3% Data sources 1 Sta s cs New Zealand: Interna onal Travel and Migra on. ’Business’ excludes conferences. MBIE: Interna onal Visitor Survey. ’Business’ excludes conferences. 3 Sta s cs New Zealand: Accommoda on Survey. 4 Sta s cs New Zealand: Tourism Satellite Account. 5 Sta s cs New Zealand: Interna onal Travel and Migra on. 6 MBIE: Monthly Regional Tourism Es mates (RTO = Regional Tourism Organisa on). 7 MBIE: New Zealand Tourism Forecasts 2016 to 2022. Expenditure forecasts based on Interna onal Visitor Survey data. 2 This paper was prepared by the Ministry of Business, Innova on and Employment (MBIE). For further informa on visit the tourism data sec on of the Ministry’s website info-services/sectors-industries/tourism/tourism-research-data. Key Tourism Sta scs are updated regularly throughout the month as data is released. Distribution of international and domestic tourism spend for the year ending February 2017 Domestic International Spend in 2016 ($m) 1,000 2,000 3,000 Average growth 2015 to 2016 30% 20% 10% 0% Source: MBIE - Monthly Regional Tourism Estimates Total spend by country for the year ending December (blue shaded area is forecast) Total arrivals by purpose of visit for the year ending December (blue shaded area is forecast) 2,500 2,000 China $4,000 1,500 Australia US UK Germany $2,000 1,000 500 Japan Canada 0 Korea 1980 Purpose of visit $0 2000 2005 2010 2015 1990 2000 2010 Holiday/Vacation Other 2020 Visit Friends/Relatives Business 2020 Source: MBIE - International Visitor Survey, MBIE - New Zealand Tourism Forecasts 2016 to 2022 Source: Statistics New Zealand - International Travel and Migration, MBIE - New Zealand Tourism Forecasts 2016 to 2022 Tourism expenditure by industry (year ending Mar 2016) Guest nights by accommodation type (month ending Feb 2017) $20,000 Retail sales - other Retail sales - fuel and other automotive products Retail sales - alcohol, food, and beverages $15,000 Other tourism products Number of guest nights ('000s) Tourism expenditure ($millions) (GST exclusive) Spend ($millions) Other Total arrivals ('000s) Country Other passenger transport Imputed rental on holiday homes GST paid on purchases by tourists Food and beverage serving services $10,000 900 600 300 Education services $5,000 Cultural, recreation, and gambling services 2000 2005 2010 2015 Air passenger transport $0 Accommodation services Domestic Accommodation type Hotels Holiday parks Motels Backpackers International Source: Statistics New Zealand - Tourism Satellite Account Source: Statistics New Zealand - Accommodation Survey
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