NORTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE HEALTH AND WELLBEING SUPPORT SERVICES Listing of Mental Health and other Services with Eligibility and Access Criteria Grampians Pyrenees Primary Care Partnership (GPPCP) is a voluntary alliance of over 30 health, welfare, local government, community based services and disability agencies who are working together to improve the health and wellbeing of our communities. This listing aims to: Increase and improve communication between service providers for the benefit of the consumer Increase the awareness of, and number of referrals to a range of health and wellbeing services and supports Provide agencies with a resource which clearly defines the eligibility and entry criteria for health and wellbeing services across the Northern Grampians Shire. Highlight services that address the whole of life needs of individuals and families. The information in this document is aimed at agencies and professionals only. Up to date versions of the resource can be found of the GPPCP website: - It is the responsibility of agencies listed to advise GPPCP staff of updates as they occur. For further information about community services, groups and clubs please refer to the Northern Grampians Shire Community Directory: Click here Please note: Services listed below cover the whole of Northern Grampians municipality, except where specified Stawell or St Arnaud only Common Acronyms A-M A&E Accident and Emergency AMHS Adult Mental Health Service AOD Alcohol and other Drug APMHS Aged person mental Health Service ATAPS Access to Allied Psychological Service BHS Ballarat Health Services CATS Crisis Assessment & Treatment CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service DHS Department of Human Services EWHS East Wimmera Health Service GCH Grampians Community Health GPPCP Grampians Pyrenees Primary Care Partnership GML Grampians Medicare Local HBOS Home Based Outreach Support M-Z CAN MHFA MHS NGS PDRSS PIR PHaMS PMHT PND SCTT SRH SMC SH&CC WUC Community Action Network Mental Health First Aid Mental Health Service Northern Grampians Shire Psychiatric Disability Rehabilitation Support Services Partners In Recovery Personal Helpers & Mentors Support Primary Mental Health Team Post Natal Depression Service Coordination Tool Template Stawell Regional Health Stawell Medical Centre Stawell Health & Community Centre Wimmera Uniting Care 1 HEALTH AND WELLBEING SERVICES NORTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE V3 SERVICES ARE ENCOURAGED TO USE THESE FREE ONLINE DATABASES TO ACCESS AND LIST THEIR INFORMATION CONNECTING CARE A Secure Coordination Portal for Health and Community Workers, Intake staff and Managers Connectingcare is an online regional service directory with secure electronic messaging capacity. Agencies able to receive secure electronic referrals via Connectingcare are indicated in the point of entry column on the resource. For information about registering for secure messaging and e-communication contact GPPCP staff on 5352 6200 HUMAN SERVICES DIRECTORY Human Services Directory (HSD) aims to provide Practitioners and Service Providers with access to accurate and up-to-date information about health, social & disability services in Victoria. This information may be used to both inform consumers and to communicate with other practitioners, including referring consumers to other services. HSD includes Database with a comprehensive set of records on health, community and disability services and practitioners in Victoria An on-line application that services the needs of consumers, service providers and practitioners, DHS staff and HSD system and content administrator Replicated local copies of the HSD are available to users with limited internet services and high level of transactions To include your service information in this directory please obtain your Agency or Practitioner login, by registering your contact details. 2 MARCH 2014 HEALTH AND WELLBEING SERVICES AGENCY TYPE AGENCY SERVICE Grampians Community Health Stawell: 8-22 Patrick St, Stawell Vic 3380 Ph: (03) 5358 7400 Fax: 5358 4113 Services: Northern Grampians Shire. Outreach office and support services to St Arnaud Community Health AGENCY TYPE Community & Youth Services NORTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE V3 Email: [email protected]. au au MARCH 2014 ELIGIBILITY Generalist Counselling Social Support & Recovery Counselling Senior Adult Counselling Family Violence Regional Counselling o Men’s Support Services o Family Violence o Group work for women and children o Family Counselling Outreach Counselling Alcohol & Other Drug Services Gamblers Help Community Development Housing and Family Violence Youth All community members are eligible via self referral or referral by service provider. Please contact the Intake Worker at the office listed to receive a referral & make an appointment. Stawell Ph: 5358 7400 Ararat Ph.: 5352 6200 The agency has a centralised intake system, can be accessed through Connecting Care E-Referrals Community Links Men’s & Women’s Group Activities Cultural Services advice and training Justice programs Youth programs and Women’s Health and Fitness Services. All services are open to all members of the local Halls Gap community. Budja Budja has an additional responsibility to deliver culturally appropriate and accessible services to Indigenous members to improve their general health and wellbeing outcomes. Enquiries: medical.reception@budjabud Ph: 5356 4751 Budja Budja Aboriginal Co-operative Ltd 20-22 Grampians Road, Halls Gap VIC 3381 PO Box 66, Halls Gap VIC 3381 Ph: 5356 4751Fax: 5356 4754 E: [email protected] AGENCY SERVICE ELIGIBILITY Centrelink Stawell 27 Church Street Stawell VIC 3380 Hours: Mon – Fri 8:30am-4:30pm Social Work Services Social work payments and programs Short-term counselling and support for difficult personal or family issues Exploring options Information about, or referrals to, government and community support services Discussing difficulties you are having in Open to all, particularly Customers expressing suicidal thoughts or experiencing mental illness Young people without adequate support Customers experiencing severe distress, family and domestic violence, Referral source and Service intake processes 3 Referral source and Service intake processes Contact your local Centrelink Or phone: 132 850 to speak to a social worker Social workers are located in service centres and on the phone. HEALTH AND WELLBEING SERVICES Community & Youth Services NORTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE V3 St Arnaud Community Resource Centre 85 Napier Street St Arnaud VIC 3478 Hours: Mon – Fri 9am – 12pm meeting your activity test or participation requirements MARCH 2014 homelessness or hardship, and Individuals caring for an adult or child with a disability or serious illness Centacare Central Office 4-6 Peel Street, Ballarat, 3350 Ph: 03 5337 8999 Fax: 03 5332 4465 Email: [email protected] Services all of Grampians region Youth and Justice Services Generalist Counselling Mental Health Services and Information Homelessness Support and Advocacy Services Victims Assistance and Counselling Program (VACP) Grampians Partners in Recovery Centacare Employment Services All community members are eligible via self referral or referral by service provider. Contact intake worker at Ballarat office Relationships Australia 1025 Sturt Street Ballarat, VIC 3350 Phone: 03 5337 9222 Fax: 03 5331 1383 Email: [email protected] Counselling Telephone Relationship Counselling Gamblers Help Program - see our The services are for all members of the community. Phone and face to face counselling are offered for all these services in the Northern Grampians Shire. Face to face counselling will be referred to Grampians Community Health or can be attended at the Ballarat office To access Counselling Services, call our enquiries line: 1300 364 277 or locate the RAV centre nearest you and contact them directly about the services they offer. Hours: Mon, Tues, Fri 9am - 5pm Wed & Thurs 9am - 9pm Central Grampians Local Learning & Employment Network 68 High Street, Ararat Phone: (03) 5352 3266 Web: Services: Ararat Rural City Northern Grampians Shire brochure for further details Family Dispute Resolution Relationship Skills - courses on relationship enhancement and rebuilding after separation Pre-Marriage Program Country Victoria can call free call: 1800 817 569. Gamblers Help service can free call 1800 243 696. L2P – Learner Driver program Mates Mentoring Program CAN - Community Action Network, Stawell and Ararat Through CAN, local communities are empowered to identify and respond to local needs and develop partnerships that have the capacity to contribute to the improvement of educational and social outcomes for young people. 4 L2P – Young learner drivers (1621) Primary and Secondary school children. Contact Central Grampians LL&EN directly to find out which schools participate in the mates mentoring program and how to join a child. For more information or to get involved in Community Action Networks, contact the Executive Officer. HEALTH AND WELLBEING SERVICES Community & Youth Services NORTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE V3 North Central Local Learning & Employment Network Unit 4, 33 High St, Charlton, 3525 Ph: 5491 1144 Fax: 5491 1134 Web: Services: Buloke Loddon Northern Grampians Shire (Northern half) MATES – Mentoring program Salvation Army 14 Queens Ave St Arnaud 3478 Ph 5495 1169 Emergency Relief – food, clothing and other household items available for people in distress. St Arnaud Community Resource Centre 85 Napier Street St Arnaud 3478 Phone: 5495 1997 St. Arnaud Library Market Square- Rear 40 Napier St St Arnaud 3478 Ph: 5495 2188 Web: Email: [email protected] Public Library services Extensive collection – in variety of accessible formats Planned Activity Group (PAG ) sessions monthly Book chat social group Holiday activities Exam invigilation eGovt forms free wireless internet St Arnaud Neighbourhood House, 34 Alma Street, St Arnaud Phone : 5495 3300 Fax : 5495 1451 Email : [email protected] Various recreational, educational and support groups and programs are offered according to demand during the year. Programs & groups may deal with family support, parenting, social activities and men’s and women’s health. CAN - Community Action Network, St Arnaud Through CAN, local communities are empowered to identify and respond to local needs and develop partnerships that have the capacity to contribute to the improvement of educational and social outcomes for young people. MARCH 2014 Young people aged 10 to 19 years Contact Barb Bear regarding the Mentoring program by using the Contact Form here. Phone: 0354911144 Mobile: 0429426950 Individuals and families in distress Self refer or via social worker Open to St Arnaud community No referral needed Generalist counselling Accredited and non accredited training Social training e.g. Media, Ipads/IPhones Computer Use Centrelink Agency 5 Free membership for all Victorians Temporary visitor membership Open to St. Arnaud community Opening Hours : Tuesday – Wednesday 1.30pm – 5.30pm Thursday 10.00am – 1.00pm 3.30pm – 6.30pm Friday 1.30pm – 5.30pm Saturday 10.00am – 12.00 Drop in 10am to 4pm Wed - Fri Other times by arrangement HEALTH AND WELLBEING SERVICES NORTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE V3 Community & Youth Services MARCH 2014 Meals on Wheels General Support Group Dole Scheme Disaster Relief School Holiday Programs Society of St Vincent de Paul 35 Napier St St Arnaud Ph 5495 3100 Food vouchers Individuals and families in distress Via duty work. Call in office hours. Stawell Library 7- 9 Sloane Street Stawell 3380 Ph: 5358 1274 Web: Email: [email protected] Public Library services Extensive collection – in variety of accessible formats Community Connect – welcoming new residents. Social groups: Story-time, Book Chat, Community Scrabble Exam invigilation eGovt forms free wireless internet Free membership for all Victorian Temporary visitor membership Opening Hours : Stawell Neighbourhood House, Powerhouse 42 Sloane Street, Stawell Phone : 5358 3500 Email : [email protected] Northern Grampians Shire Council Stawell Maternal & Child Health Taylors Gully Children's Centre, 87 D'Arcy St, Stawell VIC 3380 Ph: 5358 9060 Maternal & Child Health Services Assessments & monitoring Health screens Advice & Support Enhanced home visits Nutrition advice Immunisation Program Long Day Care 3 and 4 Year Old Kindergarten Program School aged- Holiday Program St Arnaud only Mother Goose Program St Arnaud Children’s Precinct Maternal and Child Health 3-5 Walker Street St Arnaud Victoria 3478 Phone: 03 5495 2666 Planned Activity Group Youth Programs Playgroup Dance For Life Program Meditation 6 Tuesday – Friday 10.00am – 5.30pm Saturday 10.00am – 12.00 Sunday 2.00pm – 5.00pm Open to Stawell community Contact Neighbourhood House directly Ph: 53583500 Maternal & Child Health is a free service, available to all families with children from birth to school entry age. Referrals from: Hospital Maternity Discharge Self/care/family/friends GP’s Community Workers Mother Goose sessions are aimed at parents with infants . Fridays 11am – 1pm HEALTH AND WELLBEING SERVICES NORTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE V3 Provided by trained facilitators. Parents & children are offered a short core session of language, music and rhyme along with organised visits from early childhood professionals and health services Department of Human Services State Government Offices in Horsham. 21 McLachlan Street, Horsham. Ph 53819777 Child Protection Youth Justice. Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria Horsham Justice Service Centre State Government Offices Level 2, 21 McLachlan Street Receive reports from people who believe a child needs protection from abuse or neglect. Provide advice to people who report cases of abuse or neglect. Investigate when a child is believed to have been abused or is at risk of abuse or neglect. Refer children and families to services in the community for ongoing support and harm prevention. Take matters to the Children's Court if the child's safety within the family cannot be guaranteed. Supervise children on legal orders granted by the Children’s Court. Is responsible for the statutory supervision of young people in the criminal justice system. The department's Youth Justice Service provides programs and resources to assist these young people to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to manage their lives effectively without further offending The Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria (DSCV) is a free dispute resolution service funded by the Victorian Government. The DSCV provides mediation services, as well 7 MARCH 2014 from birth to the age of approx. two years, Assessment process applies Referrals from: Professionals, police social workers, teachers, etc or general community Victoria Police Tel: 000 Child Protection Crisis Line 13 12 78 (24hrs/ 7 days) Local Services 180000551 Young person must be between the ages of 10 and 21 years and required to be sentenced to community based statutory orders by the Court. Court Referral This is a free and confidential service for all Victorians Self referral May also be referred through courts HEALTH AND WELLBEING SERVICES Horsham VIC 3400 Tel: 4344 1444 Fax: 4344 1401 Freecall 1800 658 528 NORTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE V3 MARCH 2014 as training and accrediting mediators to national standards. DSCV can help resolve common neighbourhood disputes involving fences, trees, animals, noise and drainage; disputes about difficult or antisocial behaviour; workplace disputes; disputes within committees, clubs or Incorporated Associations Carers Victoria Statewide Counselling program Counselling for carers. Up to six free counselling sessions per year across the state via local Counsellors, telephone or Skype options Open to all carers of family members with mental Health, Dementia, aged or other conditions. The carers role should be ongoing for at least 56 months Carers Advisory Line: 1800 242 636 Referrals from: Self / family GP’s & other Health Workers Community workers Wimmera Uniting Care Stawell: 8-22 Patrick Street, Stawell VIC 3380 Ph: 5358 7400 Fax: 5358 4255 Community Mental Health Supports people with a mental illness to live well in their own home and community. Programs include regular visits and support from a mental health support worker and group activities where people can meet other people, learn new skills and link into their local community life including looking at recreation and employment possibilities. All community members are eligible via self-referral or referral by service provider. Call 5362 4000 to speak to a Mental Health Intake Worker Horsham: P.O. Box 442, Horsham VIC 3402 185 Baillie Street, Horsham Vic 3400 Phone: 5362 4000; Fax: 5382 1566 Email: [email protected] Web: u Rural Financial Counselling Office 5, Wembley Chambers, 142 Baillie Street, Horsham VIC 3400 Main contact or Please contact the office listed to receive a referral or make an appointment Family Counselling & Family Support Child First Foster Care & Kinship care Community Financial Services Disability Youth & Residential Child & Family Services Housing -offering crisis, transitional and long term accommodation The purpose of the Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS) Program is to provide free support to primary producers, fishers and small rural businesses who are 8 Primary producers and rural small businesses Self-referral Phone for appointment HEALTH AND WELLBEING SERVICES Community & Youth Services NORTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE V3 Ph: 5381 1646 Ph: 1300 735 578 suffering financial hardship, and who have no alternative sources of impartial assistance, to manage the challenges of change and adjustment. RFCs cannot provide financial advice, succession planning or family, emotional or social counselling. Youth Connections Program CVGT Australia Ph: 0409 231994 Email: [email protected] Servicing; Northern Grampians Shire St Arnaud Region The aim of Youth Connections is to assist young people who have left school, or who are thinking of leaving school to continue with their education and gain a year 12 (or equivalent certificate) level education. WorkCo Ltd 15-17 Dimboola Rd, Horsham VIC 3400 Ph: 5381 6200 Web: Servicing; Northern Grampians Shire (Stawell region) Villa Maria Western Community Services Girdlestone Street Ararat VIC 3377 53522317 Suite 4, Global Innovation Centre, Ballarat University Technology Park, Mt Helen 1300 650 615 Hours: Mon – Fri 9am-5 pm After hours service: Annecto: MARCH 2014 You may be eligible if you: Are aged 13–19 Are at risk of not attaining Year 12 or an equivalent qualification (such as Certificate II) Are at risk of not making a successful transition to further education, training, or employment Have educational, personal, social, cultural, or community barriers that prevent you from participating in education, training or employment Please phone: 0409 231994 or Visit your local Centrelink office Referrals from; Self, carers, family or friends School DHS Centrelink Job Services provider You do not need to be receiving income support payments in order to participate in Youth Connections Carer support and respite. Packaged care and case management. Direct care services (Villa Direct) Carer and care recipient community activity groups. Disability respite care 9 Packaged care, assessment and approval is via ACAS carers must be caring for a person who is frail aged, or experiencing dementia/ challenging behaviours or a mental health condition. Disability clients can access support via funding through Human Services, other disability agencies or 1300 650 615 for further information. HEALTH AND WELLBEING SERVICES NORTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE V3 MARCH 2014 1300 650 615 Aged and disability care, including carer support, in all LGAs in the Grampians and Barwon regions unless funding limitations apply AGENCY TYPE Referral source and Service intake processes AGENCY SERVICE ELIGIBILITY Legal Aid Victoria Ballarat - Central Highlands region Area A, Level 1 75 Victoria St, Ballarat VIC 3350 Ph: 5329 6222 Anyone can get free information by: Going to the Find legal answers section on the website – each topic has information about the law and who you can contact for more help Ordering the free publications and resources Visiting the public law library to access legislation, case law and other legal materials. You can also get legal help over the phone. If Legal Aid can’t help, they will refer on. Some of the services are available to everyone, while other, more intensive, services are offered to people who need it the most. Check eligibility via phone. Call on 1300 792 387, Monday to Friday from 8.45 am to 5.15 pm, for free information over the phone about the law and how we can help you. Free legal advice and pursues litigation on behalf of vulnerable and disadvantaged consumers Provides legal assistance and professional training to community workers who advocate on behalf of consumers. Operates MoneyHelp, a not for profit email and telephone financial counselling service providing free, confidential and independent financial advice. Consumer Action provides assistance to Victorian consumers only. If you are a business please contact Consumer Affairs Victoria on 1300 55 81 81 or the Law Institute of a Victoria on (03) 9607 9311 for a referral to a private solicitor. Contact the numbers listed Toll free: 1800 081 719 Community Legal Services privately. Access to direct care services can be funded by packaged care, carer services or privately, but is limited to areas where direct care staff are employed. Horsham Wimmera region 29 Darlot St, Horsham VIC 3400 Ph: 5381 6000 Web: Consumer Action Law Centre Ph: 9629 6300 Legal advice for the public: Ph: 9629 6300 / 1300 881 020, Legal advice for consumer caseworkers: Ph: 9602 3326 Website: 10 MoneyHelp Ph: 1800 007 007 u/ HEALTH AND WELLBEING SERVICES AGENCY TYPE Referral source and Service intake processes SERVICE ELIGIBILITY Western District Employment Access Disability Employment Services - DES plays a specialist role in assisting people with a disability into sustainable employment in the open labour market Employer Recruitment Services Australian Disability Enterprises Charitable Trust Can be on a Disability Support pension or in receipt of a government allowance e.g. New Start Allowance, Youth Allowance Parenting payment. A Job Capacity Assessment must be completed through Centrelink to determine DES eligibility Visit your nearest Centrelink office Contact a local Disability Employment Services provider Call the Employment Services line on 132 850 Phone or visit WDEA office Disability Support Services - providing employment services to people with disability, illness and injury Can be on a Disability Support pension or in receipt of a government allowance e.g. New Start Allowance, Youth Allowance Parenting payment. A Job Capacity Assessment must be completed through Centrelink to determine DES eligibility Visit your nearest Centrelink office Contact a local Disability Employment Services provider Call the Employment Services line on 132 850 Phone or visit Community AXIS Enterprises office People eligible for a range of DHS Packages Referral: via Joel Turnbull Phone: 53 20 0313 Community AXIS Enterprises . MARCH 2014 AGENCY Stawell Office (outreach support to St Arnaud) 152 Main Street Stawell, Victoria, 3380 P (03) 5358 2799 E [email protected] Disability Services NORTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE V3 Head Office - Horsham 22 McLachlan St Horsham, VIC, 3400 P: 5381 1622 Free call: 1800 811 622 H: Mon to Fri: 8:30am - 5:00pm E: [email protected] Outreach Offices: Stawell & St Arnaud Stawell 111 Main St, Stawell, VIC, 3380 P: 5381 1622 Free call: 1800 811 622 H: Tue & Thu: 10:00am - 4:00pm E: [email protected] EW Tipping 24 Queens Ave St Arnaud 3478 42 Eastwood St, Ballarat 3350 Ph: 5320 0300 Fax: 5332 4845 Web: Services Pyrenees, Northern Grampians & Rural City of Ararat Disability Employment Assistance Program at AXIS Worx. Five separate businesses operate within AXIS Worx: E-waste, Woodwork, Packaging, Catering and Retail. There are 43 Supported Employees with differing levels of permanent disability employed at AXIS Worx. Disability and Community Support Services A network of service providers - HomeChoices and Vista. Services provided through the network partners include: Accommodation Placement and/or Supported Accommodation Disability and Mental Health Support Respite and Rehabilitation Services Support for children, youth and families 11 Community Residential Unit for adults with disability Transport Accident Commission Or Sean Duffy at St Arnaud Ph 5495 1515 HEALTH AND WELLBEING SERVICES Murdoch Community Services 1 Long St St Arnaud Ph 5495 1566 Disability Services . NORTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE V3 Employment, residential and day program services for people with a disability. Social and Community Support Services Employment Services - laundromat and garden services Residential Services, including Respite MARCH 2014 People with disabilities, children and adults and their families Service are provided from a variety of locations in and around Stawell that are specifically tailored with activities to meet the needs of a range of people with disabilities ranging from mild to profound Contact Trish Edmonds, Operations Manager on 54 95 1566 Pinnacle ( Formerly Stawell Intertwine & McGregor services) Powerhouse 42 Sloane Street, Stawell, VIC, 3380 P: 5358 5653 Disability Services Services including Disability, Day Programs, ATSS and Supported Employment Life Skills Greenfingers Rural Options Endeavour Program Shop Skills and Rare Opportunity Shop For the Crowded House PO Box 65, Williamstown, VIC, 3016 P: 0427 770 510 E: [email protected] Support Services Support for those affected by hoarding, this is a state wide service. For the Crowded House offers in home CBT therapy for people who hoard, group work and training for workers who are working with people who hoard Outreach services or secondary consultations provide to enable people to gain control over their possessions and ultimately, to stay in their own homes. Outreach appointments can be made by calling Tania on 042 777 0510 or emailing [email protected] om Direct2Care 907 Sturt Street, Ballarat, VIC, 3353 P: 1300 121 121 E: [email protected] Aged Care Services Direct2Care is a referral point for aged care services. It is a place where people can go to get information about aged and community care services, and/or help with a variety of questions and concerns Open to all Discussion, advice and referral will be available to those interested in learning about the services and resources in their locality. Department of Human Services Horsham Office State Government offices in Horsham 21 McLachlan St Horsham Ph: 5381 9777 Disability Accommodation Services Shared supported accommodation for people with a disability. Group Homes situated in: Stawell, Horsham, Nhill, St Arnaud Required to be registered for Staff Supported Accommodation via the Disability Supports Register Contact Disability Information and Support Disability Client Services assist people with a disability to: There is no cost associated with these services other than living costs for shared Visit Stawell Office 54 Main St 12 For any information contact Kathryn Clayton Phone: 53587518 Fax: 53583394 Ph: 1800 783 783 9am-5pm Monday to Friday HEALTH AND WELLBEING SERVICES AGENCY TYPE Mental Health Programs and Services NORTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE V3 MARCH 2014 Stawell Ph: 5358 4374 Identify their current unmet needs and be referred to required services Develop practical skills and obtain support so that they can live as independently as possible Make choices and decisions about their own lives Plan for their future Coordinate support services and complex issues supported accommodation. To ensure fair and transparent access to services, priority indicators are used to ensure that a persons access to service is determined in relation to others seeking support with similar circumstances. AGENCY SERVICE ELIGIBILITY Ballarat Health Service Grampians Psychiatric Services Adolescent Mental Health Services Infant and Child Community Mental Youth Community Mental Health Services are open to people of all ages who have, or are at risk of developing, mental health problems. Anyone can contact Mental Health Services if they are worried about their own changes in mood, ideas or behaviour, or someone else living in the region. For information and/or referral please use the 1300 number 24 hrs. Seven days a week. For urgent emergency please call 000 Referral Source Anyone may make a referral for themselves Concerned family members Person’s GP or another community agency Emergency services such as police, ambulance or emergency department Schools or employers after discussion with the young person Membership is open to people with a diagnosed psychiatric disability. Referrals are received through; Grampians Psychiatric Services Web: Services; Northern Grampians Shire C/O Stawell Health & Community Centre 8-22 Patrick St, Stawell Vic 3380 Stawell Ph: 5358 7400 Ararat Rural City Ararat Hospital, 9 Girdlestone St, Ararat 3377 Ph: 1300 661 323 - Main Contact Ph: 5352 9710 Fax: 5352 9739 Grampians Community Health Balgartnie Centre Head office 34 Viewpoint Street Adult Mental Health Services Aged & Adult Community Mental Adult Community Mental Health Mental Health Assessment Phone advice or onward referral to other community agencies if required. Interagency treatment planning. Regular appointments with a Treating Clinician and Consultant Psychiatrist. A Clinical Treatment Plan Consultant Psychiatrists will provide advice on medications for MH disorder. Single session work. Brief intervention for up to 6 weeks. Children and Schools Together program— early intervention program in kinder and schools Home Based outreach Support ( HBOS) Planned Respite Active Adults Simply Social 13 Referral source and Service intake processes HEALTH AND WELLBEING SERVICES Mental Health Programs and Services Ararat Vic 3377 Ph: 5352 6280 General practioners Health professionals Generic services\Family, carers People may contact the service themselves A PHaMS Worker can help with; Having some one to talk to Getting family life and relationships back on track Going to the doctors or hospitals Talking to Centrelink, legal aid, housing and other services Banking and money planning Building confidence Getting involved with the community. PHaMS –Eligibility Must be 16yrs and over. Talk to the PHaMS worker who will ask some questions about your situation so they can work out how they can help For general information or referrals Ph: 5352 6280 Grampians Partners In Recovery (PIR) Grampians Community Health 8-22 Patrick St, Stawell Vic 3380 Stawell Ph: 5358 7400 Fax: 5358 4113 n/publishing.nsf/Content/358D799D270 C1966CA257BF0001B7406/$File/fact.pdf Services all of Grampians region PIR will support people experiencing severe and persistent mental illness with complex needs. PIR support facilitators will link and coordinate services for individuals. PIR organisations will coordinate between sectors, services and supports at a regional level to promote seamless service delivery People experiencing severe and persistent mental illness who also have complex needs Referral via General practioners Health professionals Generic services Family & carers Self-referral Contact the Intake Worker Stawell Ph: 5358 7400 Mental Health Care Plans Visit your GP who will assess whether you have a mental disorder and whether the preparation of a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan is appropriate for you General Practitioners Accessed through your GP. For more information about Mental Health care plans Visit: cv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Mental_heal th_care_plans Are for people with a mental illness who have several healthcare professionals working with them. A care plan explains the support provided by each of those professionals and when treatment should be provided. The doctor will use a care plan to work out what services are needed, set goals and decide on the best treatment options AGENCY SERVICE ELIGIBILITY Services; Northern Grampians Shire ( Including St Arnaud) PHaMS – Personal Helpers and Mentors Balgartnie Centre Head office 34 Viewpoint Street Ararat Vic 3377 Ph.: 5352 6280 Therapy Groups Stepping Stones Hearing voices Kids Family Care ( KFC) Seniors Program Carers Support Psychosocial Rehabilitation MARCH 2014 Membership to Balgartnie is free & voluntary Services Northern Grampians, Ararat and Pyrenees Shires AGENCY TYPE NORTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE V3 14 Referral source and Service intake processes HEALTH AND WELLBEING SERVICES Health Services (Local Hospitals) Stawell Regional Health Sloane St Stawell Vic 3380 Ph: 5358 8500 fax: 5358 8520 Web: NORTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE V3 MARCH 2014 Social Work & Psychology Community Health Nursing District Nursing Health Promotion Indigenous Health Services for individuals, families and couples – Private & Free Service Intake via SRH Switchboard or via connectingcare (SCTT) Referrals from: Self /Carer/ Family GP’s & other Health Workers Community Workers Social Work and Counselling Relationships, family, Parenting Trauma Counselling Drug and alcohol issues Grief and loss counselling Mental health issues Services for individuals, families and couples – Private & Free Service Intake via EWHS Central Intake ph. 5477 22222 or via Connectingcare (SCTT) Referrals from: Self /Carer/ Family GP’s & other Health Workers Community Workers East Wimmera Health Service St Arnaud Campus 52 North Western Rd St Arnaud 3478 Ph: (03) 5477 2100 Fax: (03) 5477 2131 email: [email protected] Web: AGENCY TYPE AGENCY SERVICE Medical Services Stawell Medical Centre 26 Wimmera St Stawell Ph: 53581410 Fax 03 5358 4196 Web: [email protected]. General Practice care General Surgery, Emergency Care and Occupational Health. Visiting Medical Specialist services Home Visits Pathology Family General Practice Patrick St Family Practice 8-22 Patrick St Stawell Ph.: 5358 7555 Fax: 5358 1669 Email: Hours Open General Gynaecology Antenatal / Intra Partum Care Diabetes & Asthma Education Wound Management Elderly Care and Palliative Care 8am to 6pm Mon to Friday 8.30am to 1pm Sat & Sun urgent After hours a 24 hour cover for emergencies Ph: 53581410 Weekdays - 9am – 6pm Weekend - 9am – 12pm [email protected] David Lia Medical Practice 34 Sloane St Stawell Ph: 5358 1377 Fax: 5358 5090 General Practice/GP Doctors 15 Weekdays - 8:30am – 6pm Clinic not open on weekends, however doctors are on call. HEALTH AND WELLBEING SERVICES Medical Services Budja Budja Aboriginal Co-operative + Medical Clinic 20-22 Grampians Road, Halls Gap VIC 3381 PO Box 66, Halls Gap VIC 3381 Ph: 5356 4751Fax: 5356 4754 E: [email protected] St Arnaud Medical Centre 66 McMahon St, St Arnaud Vic 3478 Ph: 5495 1766 Fax: 5495 1246 NORTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE V3 MARCH 2014 GP – General Practice / Doctor Allied Health Healthy Kids Check Aboriginal Health Worker Health Checks Limited Clinical Transport services Medications – free prescriptions for Chronic Conditions if you have a Concession Card or Pension Card Webster Medication Packs and home delivery service for medications for Stawell and Ararat members Annual Medication reviews by a Pharmacist in the clinic Allied Health - Dietetics General Practice/GP (doctor Surgery - General Specialist Surgical - requires referral GP services – 2.5 to 3.0 days a week, usually Tuesdays to Thursdays Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 9am -5pm Wed 9am -1pm Saturday and Sunday consultation hours vary depending on schedule After Hours Medical Services If someone is unwell in the after hours period (that’s from 6pm to 8am Monday to Saturday, 12 noon Saturday to 8am Monday and 24 hours a day on public holidays) call the after hours GP helpline 1 800 022 222. The afterhours GP helpline extends beyond an after hours telephone advice because community callers will receive accurate medical advice over the phone that assists the caller to make a decision on what is the best course of care. This is done by: Providing information and advice so callers can manage at home Providing advice to assist until callers can see a GP Identifying whether callers need to go to a local hospital for care Providing local information about accessing appropriate care and after hours services within the region PROGRAM TYPE NAME SERVICE ELIGIBILITY REFERRAL School Programs Department of Education & Early Childhood Development ( DEECD) Student Support Services assists children and young people facing a range of barriers to learning to achieve their educational and developmental potential through the provision of a Western Network (under school principal governance) provides the following to Government schools: Pychologists Social Workers Speech Pathologist Determined by school, parent/carer in consultation with Network Team Referrals from school to Student Online Cases System (SOCS) 16 HEALTH AND WELLBEING SERVICES range of strategies and specialised support at individual, group, school and network levels. NORTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE V3 SWV Region provides Visiting Teacher Service for hearing, vision, health, mental health, physical disability, severe and challenging behaviour, autism spectrum and learning difficulties. Primary School Nursing Program provides a visiting school service. Secondary School Nursing Program, a schoolbased program with most nurses allocated to two secondary schools. Northern Grampians Shire Youth Action Council (YAC). Amy Rhodes Youth and Community Development Officer P: 0418 684 787 E: [email protected] Lauren Dempsey P: 04355 17102 Aims to undertake advocacy and activities for youth – Youth events, youth HUB, mental health services and address the drug and alcohol culture. The Mental Health Project, Moving Mountains will run across all schools of the NGS and will provide engaging and interactive mental health workshops for all schools in the Northern Grampians Shire, delivered by young people, The in-school sessions will be supported by subsidised mental health first aid training for the wider community and mental health awareness days across the shire MARCH 2014 Each area has discrete eligibility criteria which are available from DEECD SWV Region Visiting Teacher Team Leader Universal statewide health assessment in Prep - Referral Service from Years 1 – 6. Suport provided to allocated secondary schools including St Arnaud Secondary School. Referrals from school to Student Online Cases System (SOCS) Teacher or parent/carer may refer. Teacher, parent/carer may refer or studentsmay self refer All schools within the Northern Grampians Shire will receive these workshops before August 2014. Primary- Grade 5 and 6 Secondary- Years 8, 10 and 12. OTHER MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES Grampians Medicare Local Horsham – services Northern Grampians Phone: 03 5381 1756 Fax: 03 5381 0313 Address: 148 Baillie St, Horsham Postal: PO Box 1158, Horsham VIC 3402 [email protected] This link takes you to a wide range of information on the types of mental health programs that can be accessed through GPs, including Better Access to Mental Health Initiative which provides Medicare rebates for up to ten individual and ten group allied mental health services per year. Allied mental health services include; Psychological assessment and therapy Services provided by clinical psychologists. Focused psychological strategies services provided by appropriately qualified GPs and eligible psychologists, Social workers & occupational therapists. 17 HEALTH AND WELLBEING SERVICES NORTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE V3 MARCH 2014 GET Mental health c/- DAWSON HOUSE, 15 Dawson Street South, Ballarat, VIC, 3350 03 5364 2977 0419 755 780 [email protected] Get mentalhealth provides mental health group work, education, training and facilitation throughout the Grampians region. Suicide Line Ph: 1300 651 251 Free professional, anonymous support, 24 hours a day, seven days a week across Victoria SANE Australia SANE Helpline Ph: 1800 187 263 SANE Australia is a national charity helping all Australians affected by mental illness lead a better life – through campaigning, education and research. Beyond Blue – Anxiety & Depression Ph: 1300 22 4636 Beyondblue’s work is aimed at achieving an Australian community that understands depression and anxiety, empowering all Australians, at any life-stage, to seek help. Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Lifeline – Saving Lives Lifeline Ph: 13 11 14 Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. Kids Help Line Ph: 1800 55 1800 Kids Helpline is a free, 24 hour counselling service for young people aged 5-25 years. Counselling is offered by phone, email and over the web. Mensline Australia Ph: 1300 78 99 78 Available 24/7 Mensline Australia is a professional telephone and online support, information and referral service, helping men to deal with relationship problems in a practical and effective way. Accessing Mental Health Services ealth/services/index.htm Victorian Government Health information Headspace The National Youth Mental Health Foundation Helps young people, aged 12 -25, who are going through a tough time, can get health advice, support and information from headspace on general health, mental health and counselling. 18 HEALTH AND WELLBEING SERVICES NORTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE V3 MARCH 2014 eheadspace Ph: 1800 650 890 eheadspace is a confidential, free and secure space where young people 12 - 25 or their family can chat, email or speak on the phone with a qualified youth mental health professional. Children of Parents with a Mental Illness (COPMI) COPMI is a national initiative that develops information for parents, their partners, carers, family and friends in support of children. This information complements online training courses developed by COPMI for professionals to support families either individually or through community services and programs The Mental Health Foundation of Australia Ph: 9427 0406 The Mental Health Foundation of Australia (Victoria) is an organisation of professionals, sufferers, families of sufferers, related organisations concerned with mental health. It aims to educate and advocate for change. Better Health Channel (BHC) provides health and medical information that is quality assured, reliable, up to date, easy to understand, regularly reviewed and locally relevant. BHC does not have any advertising or sponsorship and is fully funded by the State Government of Victoria. 19
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