Flier of Korea Japan COnference

International Research Conference: The Korean Wave and The Transnational Movements in the Asia-Pacific Region:
The Glocal Perspectives on the Contemporary Socio-Cultural Movements
Organized by the Center for Glocal Studies in Seijo University
February 17th (Friday), 2017, 14:00‐17:30
Venue: Conference Room, 3rd Floor, 3rd Building, Seijo University
2017 年 2 月 17 日(金):午後 2 時~5 時半:成城大学3号館3階大会議室
“The Challenge of Okinawan Social Thoughts: Independence Movements
after the Ryukyu Kingdom and ‘Uchinanchu’”
“Challenging the Occupation of Hawai’i Under International Law: An Overview
of Contemporary Actions and Strategies of the Acting Government of the
Kingdom of Hawai’i”
[3]第3報告(15:45-16:25)Wonho Jang & Jung Eun Song (University of Seoul)
“Understanding Glocalization: With Cases of the Korean Wave”
(「グローカル化を理解するということ――韓流の場合」 )
[4]第4報告(16:25-17:05)Kee-Bom Nahm (University of Seoul),
Byungmin Lee (Konkuk University), and Changwan Park (University of Seoul)
“Sustainable Tourism Development Factors for the Five UNESCO Living
Heritage Cities in East Asia”
Chair: Ik Ki Kim (Renmin University of China)
司会:金 益基(中国人民大学)
Chair 司会: Ik Ki Kim 金 益基 (中国人民大学)
+ Kazuhisa Nishihara 西原和久(成城大学)
報告は原則として英語 (一部日本語) :参加費無料:どなたでも参加できます
連絡先:[email protected] 西原研究室