Effect of Temafloxacin VOL.41 on Intestinal Flora 273 S-5 INFLUENCE OF A NEW-QUINOLONE ANTIBACTERIAL AGENT, TEMAFLOXACIN, ON NORMAL HUMAN INTESTINAL MICROFLORA Junko Watabe, Jun Mizutani, Hiromi Suzuki and Koichi Wada Intestinal Flora Laboratory, Calpis Food Industry Co. Ltd, 11-10, 5-chome, Fuchinobe, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229, Japan Kunitomo Watanabe and Kazue Ueno Institute of Anaerobic Bacteriology, School of Medicine, University The effect of temafloxacin (TMFX), a newly synthesized quinolone of Gifu, antibacterial agent, given orally for 7 days to five healthy male volunteers, on intestinal microflora was investigated. Faecal specimens were cultured quantitatively for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria before, during Marked suppressions and after administration. of Enterobacteriaceae and Streptococcus, including Enterococcus, were observed during TMFX administration. The anaerobic bacteria, Bacteroides, Eubac- terium, Bifidobacterium, Veillonella and Gram-positive cocci were also reduced by TMFX administration in most subjects. Lecithinase-positive Clostridium was eliminated, though, lecithinase-negative Clostridium was not affected. Recovery of the levels and composition of the intestinal microflora Key words: Intestinal was not delayed. flora; Quinolone; Temafloxacin Introduction volunteers Temafloxacin (TMFX) (Abbott Laboratories, is a newly developed quinolone antibacterial USA) agent, which has good activity against a broad-spectrum of microorganisms including anaerobic bacteria4,6,8). Therapy with broad spectrum antimicrobial agents induces changes in the intestinal flora2) These changes in the faecal microflora may induce diarrhea, were admitted to the clinical study units during the period of TMFX use. 2. Treatments A dose of 300 mg of TMFX was given orally to five subjects followed by subsequent 12 h intervals for 7 days. 3. Microbiological Faecal samples doses of 300 mg at studies were collected before administra- overgrowth of Clostridium difficile") and fungi, and tion of TMFX, on the fourth day of treatment and then impairment of colonization resistance in the digestive on one day (day 8), one week (day 14), 2 weeks (day 21) and 4 weeks (day 35) after cessation of treatment. tract9). The present study was performed to investigate The faecal samples the influence of TMFX on intestinal microflora (BBL, Microbiology Systems, Cockeysville, Md. USA) and transported to the laboratory immediately after healthy male volunteers under steady state in condi- tions. 1. were put into Gaspak defecation into sterile plastic containers. Materials Subjects and Methods Five healthy male volunteers , aged 30-43 years, were studied. None of the volunteers had taken any antimicrobial drugs or experienced gastrointestinal disorders for at least Written informed 1 month before consent was the study . obtained and the stool was transferred pouches One gram of to 9 ml of prereduced phos- phate buffered saline with 0.1 per cent agar, serial 10-fold dilutions were made and 0.05 ml volumes were seeded on various media for detection of intestinal bacteria. bacteria scribed The media for detection of intestinal and the incubation previously" method Non-selective have been demedia for total CHEMOTHERAPY 274 aerobes and total bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae, phylococcus, Pseudomonas Lactobacillus, fragilis group, selective with 10-6, lated at 10-7 48•`72 h in Different media and 10_8 on agar101 differentiation teriaceae, and Enterococcus No. STREPT 1 (Eiken Negler and level 20A Neomycin Tokyo, for Japan). Enterobac- were counted biochemically La (Analytab by perfringens Tokyo, Product, API level morphology. Bacteroides Kagaku, (Analytab France) cell on media species for non-selective Seiyaku, and to or genus and selective inocu- cultures. Clostridium (Nissui on identified Biotest to with strip colonies were anaerobic and strains identified inoculated cultures identified characteristics were Different for 10-1, samples. Plates aerobic selective and Lecithinase-positive faecal were dilution. jars counted selective with the predominant anaerobic bacteria, Eubacterium,Grampositive anaerobic cocci and Bifidobacteriumwere eliminated during antibacterial agent intakes in all subjects. In subject A, Eubacterium and Bifidobacterium decreased markedly, and in subject B, Eubacterium and Gram-positive anaerobic cocci decreased , and in subject C, Gram-positive anaerobic coccidecreased. Veillonella also decreased on the fourth day of treatment, but increased from 7 days to 28 days after treatment in all subjects. Lecithinase positive Clostridium was detected in faeces of 3 subjects before treatment and the levels of these organismswere decreased below the lowest detectable level during and after treatment. However, lecithinase negative Clostridium was not affected by TMFX administration. The major anaerobic bacteria had returnedto F'usobacter- non bacteria h for anaerobic stain of total 24-48 colonies were Gram for for and and inoculated dilution media 37°C were 10-7 Bacteroides difficile media aerobes and Non C. Selective total 10-5 Clostridium, Bacteroides, Veillonella, for 10-3, albicans, positive Balme pretreatment levels by one day after treatment. TMFX eliminated Escherichia coli that was detected in faeces of most subjects before treatment and enumerated Enterobacteriaceae other than E. coliby 7 days after the last dose of TMFX. E. coli had returned to the pretreatment levels by 14 days after treatment (Table 2). During the TMFX administration with Japan), API Les product), Grottes, respective- ly. Results Microbiological teer during ment are listed of 5 in were after were Table volunteers and day bacteriaceae and during fourth subject C, days 2.3 after creased subject logs A. the In day the day decreases cus Enterococcus, of the B. fragilis of treatment. The in of of returned In 7 Bacteroides treatment in viable count group, increased caused to detectable administration, also Entero- treatment. deall of but Bacteron the of TMFX Enterobacteriaceae, and 3 markedly was numbers in pretreatment had after aeruginosa A, anaerobes levels and days The subject induced and TMFX P. the The one treatment decreased 7 fourth especially fourth of treatment. on oides, of by of to Enterococcus levels total and Total day treatment. administration pretreatment treat- general, treatment returned after volun- after In treatment. the of each and 1-2. during of on faeces use 1-1, eliminated cessation one the agent suppressed levels in antibacterial aerobes day changes Streptococa decrease 1993 anaerobes including the B. fragilis group, Eubacterium, Bifidobacteriumand Gram-positive cocci.However, the levels of total bacteria and total aerobesreturned to the same level as before administrationone day and 7 days after treatment, respectively. Other for Sta- Candida lecithinase used. media Streptococcus, Eubacterium, were medium selective aeruginosa, yeast, Bifidobacterium, ium and Enterococcus, DEC. in period, the level of Enterococcusdecreased markedly and had returned to normal by one week after cessation of treatment. There was no significant increasein Enterococcus(Table 3). The composition of Bacteroides species in the faeces of each subject varied duringthe period of this study. B. ruminicola was detected dominantly in faecesof subjects B, D and E before treatment and decreased markedly during TMFX use (data not shown). C. difficile was not recovered from the faecesof any of the volunteers. Discussion Intestinal flora can be influenced by antimicrobial agents, especially by drugs which are excreted extensively in the bile. The altered gastrointestinal microflora may permit potentialiy invasive pathogensto overgrow5) or lead to a diminution in colonization resistance to exogenous microorganisms91.TMFXhas Effect of Temafloxacin VOL.41 on Intestinal Flora S-5 275 been reported to be excreted mainly in the urine3,8). However, the concentrations of TMFX in faeces might Bacteroides more markedly than did sparfloxacin 10), Although the antibacterial activity of TMFX against be sufficient to affect both aerobes and anaerobes faecal aerobes in was almost same as those of other the intestine. None of volunteers complained of abdominal pain, nausea or diarrhoea. quinolone drugs, the levels of faecal anaerobes, especially the B. fragilis group, decreased during TMFX In vitro, TMFX was more active against, the B. use and recovered promptly after administration. Thus, TMFX administration might not evoke side fragilis group than other new quinolone agents such as ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin and enoxacin 6) With in vivo human testing, TMFX decreased the level of reactions such as diarrhoea. Taken together, these results show that TMFX is Table 1-1. Counts* of microorganisms in faecal flora of subjects A, B and C receiving 300 mg of temafloxacin orally at 12 h intervals for 7 days *Counts are expressed ―: Do organisms as log 10 per gram of< 2 detected(counts wet faeces. 10910 per gram) . Table 1-2. Counts* of microorganisms in faecal flora of subjects D and E receiving 300 mg of temafloxacin orally at 12 h intervals for 7 days *Counts are expressed as ―: no orgahisms detected log lo per gram (counts of<2 wet faeces, log 10 per gram) . CHEMOTHERAPY 276 DEC. Table 2. Levels* of Enterobacteriaceae in faeces of volunteers orally at 12 h intervals for 7 days *Counts of d血ferent colonies on Enterobacteriaceae selective receiving 300 mg of temafloxacin medium (DHL)expressed as log lo per ―: no organisms detected (counts of< 2 log 10 per gram) gram wet faeces. . Table 3. Levels* of Enterococcus spp. in faeces of volunteers receiving 300 mg of temafloxacin orally at 12 h intervals for 7 days *Counts of different colonies on enterococci selective medium expressed as log 10 per ―: no organisms detected (counts of< 2 log 10 per gram). gram wet faeces. 1993 Effect of Temafloxacin VOL.41 active rods, against after aerobic Enterococcus Microbial on Intestinal and and levels anaerobic were cessation anaerobic Nutrition Gram-negative Gram-positive almost normal 6) cocci. within one week of administration. 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Nutrition RA, Wilson 1980 2) 277 23: King activity References 1) Flora S-5 K, K, 4: Hayakawa Watanabe pyridone sparfloxacin, microflora. Disease Suzuki carboxylic on normal Microbial 285•`291, K, K Ecology 1991 and acid huin CHEMOTHERAPY 278 新 しい ニ ュ ー キ ノ ロ ン系 抗 菌 剤, temafloxaCinの ヒ ト腸 内 細 菌 叢 に 及 ぼ す 影 響 渡 部 怐 子.水 谷 潤 ・鈴 木 宏 美 ・和 田 光 一 カ ル ピス 食 品工 梁 株 式 会社 腸 内 フ ロー ラ ラボ ラ トリー* 渡辺 邦 友 ・上 野一 恵 岐阜 大学医学部附属嫌気性菌実験施般 新 し く合 成 さ れ た キ ノロ ン系 抗 菌 剤 で あ るtemafloxacinを5人 の健 常 成 人男 子 に経 口 で7日 間 投 与 し,腸 内 細 菌叢 へ の影 騨 を綱 べ た 。 投 与 前,投 与 中お よ び投 与 終 了 後 の 糞便 サ ンプ ル を培 養 し,糞 便 中 の 好気 性 菌 及 び嫌 気 性 菌 の 菌 数 を測定 した と こ ろ,投 与 期 間 中,大 腸 菌 群 お よび 腸 球 菌 の 著 しい 減少 が観 察 され た 。 バ クテ ロ イ デ ス,ビ フ ィ ドバ クテ リウ ム お よ びユ ウバ クテ リウム 等 の腸 内優 勢 嫌 気 性 菌 も,投 与 期 間 中 多 くの 被 験 者 で 減 少 した 。 レ シチ ナ ーゼ 陽 性 クロ ス トリジ ウム も減 少 したが,レ シ チ ナ ー ゼ陰 性 ク ロス トリ ジ ウム の 菌 数 に変 化 はな か った。 菌 数 お よ び菌 叢 の構 成 は投 与 終 了後 す み や か に 回復 した。 *〒229相 模 原 市 淵 野 辺5-11-10 DEC. 1993
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