Issued; January 2017 Vol. 05 2016YR Q4 JAPAN ULTRA-TRAIL MT. FUJI (UTMF) EXPO FRANCE Filmista Ankle Sales Promotion UNITED STATES The Running Event (TRE) CHINA Shanghai International Marathon Expo And more from KOREA TAIWAN MALAYSIA THAILAND PHILIPPINES media media Running Ads with Mr. Okunomiya Tennis Ads with Our Three Tennis Sponsor Athletes We are promoting running Head Quarters Nippon Sigmax Co., Ltd. Find us ZAMST - ザムスト - Popular sports We created new design with our three pro tennis players, Tatsuma Ito, Nao Hibino and Yosuke Watanuki. They are all our sponsor athletes and they use ZAMST A1 during competitions. Running, Baseball, Football, Tennis, Basketball, Volleyball (September) ULTRA-TRAIL Mt.FUJI (UTMF) EXPO We exhibited at ULTRA-TRAIL Mt.FUJI (UTMF) EXPO around Kawaguchi-lake, Japan, 22-23th September 2016. UTMF represents Japanese ultra-trail race as a one of Ultra-Trail® World Tour races. Many runners from all over the world come to compete on this race. socks, AS-1 new color, with the comments of Mr. Okunomiya, sponsored trail runner and also a lover of ZAMST AS-1. “Runners” “Smash” Articles about senior tennis ULTRA-TRAIL Mt.FUJI There are two race categories within the ULTRA-TRAIL Mt. FUJI: The “UTMF“ (Ultra-Trail Mt. Fuji) which takes racers around the entire circumference of Mt. Fuji and the “STY” (Shizuoka To Yamanashi) which goes half way around Mt. Fuji. (Unfortunately, because of the heavy rain, STY and UTMF races were cancelled in the middle of the race) “Smash” product Event with Sebastien Chaigneau Last year, we exhibited UTMF EXPO held before the race. We had signing, and photo-shooting session with visitors, inviting Sebastien Chaigneau, ZAMST sponsored top trail-runner. Many runners made a long line to have his autograph. Sebastien Chaigneau Our booth Brand-New ZW series has been released! We are promoting “Brand-new ZW series” and new pelvic supporter, “ZAMST Pelvilock”. ZAMST Booth Runners seemed to be interested in , so we recommended them to try on and explain how it works and how innovative Filmista Ankle is. media Our booth ケガを予防するためには 足元のバランスが重要 “Monthly Basketball” 大口真洋 #3 抜群のサポート力とプレイを 妨げないフィット感が最高 ザムスト ショルダーラップ 使用アイテム: 大石慎之介 SG #1 MASAHIRO OHGUCHI 1976/1/6 172㎝・73kg インソールを使ってみて、非常に安定性が SG SHINNOSUKE OHISHI 1987/12/15 171㎝・69kg 僕は肩を亜脱臼したことをきっかけに肩のサ 良いと感じました。僕は外反母趾などがあるの ガチガチにテーピングをしていましたが、シュー 動きやすさや踏ん張りやすさがあります。新し ト時に打ちたい所まで手が上がらない(笑) 。 いシューズを履いてみると、その違いは歴然で 自分のプレイに影響が出てしまい、思うように した。一度、使ってしまうと、もう手放せません! 挑戦者として頂点を目指す できませんでした。しかし、 このサポーターはしっ (笑) 。 疲れは足下から順番(足首→膝→腰 かりと固定をしてくれますが、バスケットボール など)に来ると思うので、長いシーズンを戦う の動きは制限されることがありません。シュー 上でもインソールは、特に重要だと感じていま トも違和感なく打てるところが気に入っていま す。 す。プレイに集中できる安心感があり、ほか フェニックスは全員で戦うチームです。スピー いよいよ開幕した B リーグ。三遠ネオフェニックスは、激しいディフェンスと、リバ のストレスから解放されました。 ド感のあるプレイを見に来てほしいと思ってい ウンドからのトランジションオフェンスを武器に全員で戦うスタイルで勝利を目指す。 長いシーズンは小さなケガを抱えながらプレ ます。 僕もスピードで負けないようにしたいで すね! 三遠ネオフェニックス SAN-EN NEOPHOENIX ポーターを使用するようになりました。 最初は で、足のアーチなどにも気を遣う部分もあり、 長いリーグをチーム全員が高いパフォーマンスで戦い抜くためには、ケガをせず乗 イしていくと思うので、シーズンを通してサポー カスタムバランス インパクトイエロー ¥9,000(税別) トしていただけるのは、とてもありがたいです ね。 ザムスト ショルダーラップ ¥7,900(税別) り越えることが絶対条件。新リーグとなりザムストがオフィシャルパートナーとして 三遠ネオフェニックスの選手をしっかりバックアップ。挑戦者の気持ちを持って、 初代チャンピオンを目指すと意気込む岡田キャプテンに話を伺った。 B リ ー グ は、 あ く ま で チ ャ レ ン ジャーとしてぶつかっていこうと 12 チャンレンジャーとして ぶつかっていきたい SHINGO OKADA 1983/9/12 183㎝・83kg グ を 盛 り 上 げ、 子 ど も た ち が﹃ 将 ても心強く思っています。僕は腰の サ ポ ー タ ー を 毎 日 使 っ て い ま す が、 不 安 も な く 痛 み を 気 に せ ず、 そ し てプレイを妨げないフィット感で ぜひ、三遠ネオフェニックスの試 違 和 感 な く プ レ イ で き てい ま す 。 来、Bリーグの選手になりたい﹄と、 思ってもらえるようにしなければ ならないと思っています。 る よ う な 試 合 を し ま す! 応 援 よ ろ # 11 合 を 生 で 見 に き て く だ さ い! ﹃ ま た見 に行 き たい!﹄と 思って も ら え しくお願いします! CAPTAIN 岡田慎吾 SG プロリーグとしてこれがスター ト。僕たち1人1人のプレイでリー ランジションのオフェンスを得意 もチームを引っ張っていきたいと と し て い る の で、 そ う い う 部 分 で 思っています。 レ ギ ュ ラ ー シ ー ズ ン 試 合、 約 半 年 間、 と て も 長 い シ ー ズ ン に な オンを目指して優勝も狙いたいで チームとしては最低限プレイオ フ に 進 出。 も ち ろ ん 初 代 チ ャ ン ピ ザムスト ZW-7 ¥7,900(税別) 名の選手の誰がコートに出ても お問合せ TEL:0800-222-7122 思 っ て い ま す。 フ ェ ニ ッ ク ス は 全 ゲーム展開を見せたいですね。 すが、本当にコンディショニング面 るという、ブースターの皆さんが楽しめる 検索 す。 いきたいです。堅実なディフェンスから走 ザムスト ショルダーラップ ¥7,900(税別) 日本シグマックス株式会社 商品の詳細はコチラ ザムスト or カスタムバランス 不安なくプレイできる 安心感で長いシーズンを 戦い抜きたい ドライブからのパスなどにチャレンジして なプレイをしていきたいと思っています。 同じ質のバスケットボールを表現 安はありますが、 3Pシュートやドライブ、 ま す。 デ ィ フ ェ ン シ ブ な チ ー ム で、 ちろん、自分がどこまでできるかという不 小さいので、ディフェンスと運動量の豊富 リバウンドからのトランジション 新リーグ開幕はワクワクしています。も という意識が強いチーム。自分はサイズが オ フ ェ ン ス を 強 み と し て い る の で、 フェニックスはチーム一丸となって戦う 60 できるところが魅力だと思ってい は欠かせません。 先の優勝を目指すには誰一人欠け いなども強くなると思うので、サポーター 反対側にも全く影響はありません。 り ま す。 大 き な ケ ガ は も ち ろ ん で んね。Bリーグは今までよりもぶつかり合 安でしかたないですね。サポートしている 目 標 で あ る プ レ イ オ フ 進 出、 そ の かったことです。逆に、着けていないと不 ることなく戦い続けなくてはなり という感じです。プレイに支障はありませ ません。そういったことからもザム 張感を持って筋肉が締め付けられている” プレイに支障がないことも使っていて良 に は 気 を 付 け た い と 思 っ て い ま す。 ポーターは保護されている安心感もあり、 ぜひそういう部分に注目してほし した。使用感は“とても守られている” “緊 さ、そしてチームにエナジーを与えるよう 23 SF TOSHIFUMI KAWAMITSU 1990/11/14 188㎝・80kg けに、このサポーターを使うようになりま かなか治りも遅かったのです。この肩のサ い と 思 い ま す。 選 手 の 年 齢 関 係 な #9 昨シーズン前に腰を痛めたことをきっか ましたが、試合を休むわけにはいかず、な ストさんのサポートがあるのはと 川満寿史 外国籍選手との接触で一度、肩をケガし く﹁ チ ー ム 力 ﹂で 戦 い た い と 思 っ て ザムスト ZW-7 使用アイテム: PG TATSUYA SUZUKI 1991/3/30 169㎝・67kg 験 し て き た こ と も 多 い の で、 必 要 # 15 個人的にチームディフェンスとト 鈴木達也 な時にはベテランとしての役割は しっかりサポートしてくれるので 不安なくプレイできる ザムスト ショルダーラップ 使用アイテム: 果 た し て い き た い と 思 っ て い ま す。 ホールド力もあって フィット感も最高 り ま せ ん が、 若 い 選 手 に 比 べ て 経 最高のパフォーマンスで 戦い続けるための マストアイテム いるので、特にキャプテンだからと We operated interview ads with new sponsored professional basketball team, SAN-EN NEOPHOENIX of B-LEAGUE, Japan Professional Basketball League. Those athletes on the ads have loved ZAMST supporters. カスタムバランスインパク トイエロー 使用アイテム: いって意識をしているわけではあ Basketball Ads with Basketball Team’s Interview Visitor applying Filmista 22 For ZAMST Pelvilock’s sale promotion, we provide sale promotion campaign for consumers which offer original sun visors using Boa® closure system as well as Pelvilock. Subsidiary Sigmax Europe SAS Find us Zamst_fr Popular sports Football, Tennis, Judo, Basketball Filmista Ankle Sale Promotion New Athlete Visuals We launched new visuals with our sponsored athletes, Sebastien Chaigneau & Veronique Mang. They are great influencers to talk about ZAMST DNA and product helpfulness. We waged the sell-out campaign around France to boost the sales in August. This promotion is, if the customers are not satisfied with Filmista Ankle, they can get money back. media Great Article about A2-DX in Reverse Basketball Magazine Various pop for this campaign UTMB (August) ZAMST was presented at UTMB, World summit of trail-running, again. So many runners came to our stand and purchased. Great visibility and promotion! Christmas visual on social media. Pharmacy Business ZAMST pharmacy business in France has been growing little by little. Currently, ZAMST has been installed more than 200 pharmacies all over the France. Shopping Article in Sport Eco Magazine ISPO Exhibition We will present ZAMST at ISPO2017 at Munich, Germany in February. Most products range will be displayed at our stand! Booth image media Von miller Apperance on Web Media Subsidiary Sigmax America, Inc. Find us ( ) is US web media for professional and amateur athletes. Von Miller, ZAMST sponsored NFL player, was on the website with ZAMST. Popular sports American Football, Basketball, Baseball, Running Take a Cue from Super Bowl MVP Von Miller to Play with More Confidence The Running Event (December) The Running Event (TRE) is the conference and trade show for running specialty retailers held in Austin, Texas. This year’s TRE attracted over 800 buyers representing 1,250 retail storefronts from 21 countries. The overall exhibitor count came in at 278. Our booth took Amy Cragg’s visual and interview video to attract the visitors. You can check the article from here! - Alete Appearance with Sponsor Athletes at Retail Stores Ryan Getzlaf Amy Cragg Our booth store Store Tools for New Store Rollout - Appearance with Amy Cragg for Fleet Feet Sports Chicago - Appearance with Ryan Getzlaf for Sport Chek RETAIL Retail Support Program on the Web Street rack for DICK’S Sporting Goods Rolling rack for Golf Galaxy Training platform, “Z Skye”, “Zamst U” and “Z Sweeps” Rollout Nu Order, Digital Ordering System Rollout s tor e Launch of XEBIO Nanjing Subsidiary Find us 希格瑪(湖州)医療器械有限公司 ZEBIO, one of the biggest sports retailers, was opened in Nanjing. At the opening event, we had a booth at the hall. Also we have handed injury prevention leaflets for the customer who buy ZAMST products at the cashier. Popular sports Basketball, Soccer, Table tennis Shanghai International Marathon Expo (October) Photo contest Shanghai International Marathon is one of the four biggest marathon events in China, about 38,000 runners participated. Following last years, we had a booth at Shanghai International Marathon Expo for 3 days, and more than 60,000 visited. ZAMST display Participatory game(Push ups) our booth At our booth, our special content, participatory games, attracted many visitors, and succeed to enhance brand awareness to runners. Launch of Mail Magazine for Distributors Event space We started to send periodic mail magazine to our clients twice in a month. It is intended to inform our ZAMST activities regularly and we think it leads boost our sales. Injury Prevention Programs mail magazin for Marathon Team for Junior Basketball Event We had injury prevention program for nearly 40 runners. Our continuous support for junior basketball events works to boost our basketball sales promotion. (December) At cashier (January) Distributor Find us Naum Care Corp. Common sports Badminton, Baseball, Basketball 9th National School Sports Club KIN-BALL Convention (September) Korea Open Tennis 2016 Korea Open Tennis 2016, the only Women's Tennis Association (WTA) Tour event in Korea was held in Seoul. ZAMST has supported this event and ran a promotional booth at the main stadium for 9 consecutive years. During the competition, not only there were the opportunity to wear and test ZAMST supports on site but also there were various field events. We had a promotional booth at the national competition of "Kin-Ball", sport which is loved by the club sports in the school. About 800 youth players from around 70 schools participated in the tournament, and the safety of participating athletes is important because it is a mandatory rule to wear protective gear. Through this competition, we promoted the ZAMST brand and it became a meaningful place for youth player to be informed the importance of sports protector during sports activity. What is Kin-Ball? Invented in Quebec in 1987, KIN-BALL® sport is played with a ball of 4 feet (1,22 m) in diameter and that weighs 2 lbs (1 kg). The goal of the game is simple; to catch and control the ball before it touches the ground. Points are given when a team commits a fault such as dropping the ball. store ZAMST product catalog Over 300 stores in Korea All product lines are introduced in the catalog. The feature, size chart and end user price of ZAMST products is indicated by segmentalized part in the catalog, and they are being distributed to customers at the sports retailers. Digital signage display Athlete warm-up room Filmista movie hit the screen side of the court We displayed ZAMST logo on the wall of the room Logo exposure on the board *Board color is limited to red according to this game regulation. Until now, 80 sports shops in 2016 were selected as authorized ZAMST distributors in Korea and nationwide dealership broke through 300 stores. Starting with badminton supplies shop, there are various sports shops such as tennis, running, mountain climbing shops and they have been introduced with ZAMST products. Distributor TAIWAN Find us Sheng Lin Technology Co., Ltd Popular sports Sponsoring Volleyball Tournament (December) JK Band for winner prize We sponsored volleyball tournament held in Taipei. The participants were around 1,700 athletes from junior high students to college students along with retired athletes who used to compete for the nation. With two booths and logo exposure banner on each different venue, we provide samples for players to let them try on and learn more about Zamst. First they looked surprised at the high-end price, but once they tried, they seemed to be able to understand because they felt the comfort and fitting along with injury prevention features from Zamst product’s unique designs. Our booth At the booth STORE Our First Sponsoring Event Finally ZAMST launched in ISPO, for University Students (October) big retailer in Taiwan We sponsored the sports event of Taiwan University held on October 2nd, 14 universities, 400 students participated. This was our first sponsorship event for Zamst. with logo exposure on banners and original T-shirts, we provided free samples suitable for each sport. Distributor Baseball, Basketball, Cycling, Hiking, Running, Badminton Big sports retailer in Taiwan ISPO (伊仕柏) founded in 2011 has started selling ZAMST products starting with 3 stores. We have been outrageously occupied for providing full range of what ISPO requested and successfully completed ZAMST products display on the shelve of ISPO. We expect the great feedback from their customers and expand the business. MALA Y SIA Find us Egonutritions SDN BHD Zamst_my Popular sports Badminton, Cycling, Running A t hle te Start supporting the Ampang Jaya Badminton Club ZAMST Malaysia becomes the official sports supports sponsor for the Ampang Jaya Badminton Club that will join in the Purple League Tournament this year. Purple League Junior Champion Challenge 2016, Ampang Jaya Badminton Club won the tornament as champions. We provide ZAMST products for junior and senior players, and they applied during games. For the senior championship beginning from December, press conference was held and there were some media coverage on the sponsorship. A video commercial of Ampang Jaya was also prepared for press conference and internet advertising. Press conference Video commercial Media coverage A t hle te Athelete applied JK-1 2016 OCBC Cycle Malaysia Event ZAMST Sponsored Athlete won Best Malaysian Ironman 2016 again We had a ZAMST booth for two days at the annual OCBC Cycle Event held in Dataran Merdeka with an attendance of over 3,000 cyclists from all around Malaysia. OCBC Cycle is a highly anticipated annual event that is held in Malaysia and Singapore where the entire road in Kuala Lumpur is closed for 3 hours for the event. ZAMST sponsored athlete; Mohd. Amran, took the best Malaysian Ironman at the 2016 Langkawi Ironman challenge for the 3rd time this year! He beated many other talented triathletes in the race and clocked in at 10:09. He attributes his speedy recovery from training to LC-1 for his cycling and running training. Distributor THAILAND Nextopic Co.,Ltd. Find us ZAMST Thailand Event Thailand International Sport Expo (June) Major sports trade show in Thailand. During 4 exhibition days, we sold over 200 products in our booth. Individual display for certain sports (Soccer, running, etc.) attracted many customers and helped them understand which ZAMST products to be used. To enhance sale, we gave JK band for the customer who purchased ZW series products. E ven t Sawadee Cup Badminton Championship It is an International championship in which 21 countries participated. We had ZAMST booth in the court as one of the major retail sponsor. This championship games were broadcasted globally. P HIL I P P INE S Popular sports Distributor Badminton, Soccer, Boxing Find us Dameka Trading Inc. Event Thailand 12 Aug Half Marathon (August) This is a famous marathon event held on August 12th to celebrate Mother’s day, our Queen’s birthday, which over 20,000 runners participated. We exhibited half marathon pre-event for 2 days and sold over 200 products in total. Best-selling products were JK Band, JK-1 and EK-3. We used ZAMST water bottle and walking poach as purchase bonus. ZAMST Philippines Common sports Basketball, Boxing, Running ATHLETE Sponsoring to King of the Court Kings of the Court (KOTC) is a basketball organizing service that sets up basketball tournaments of their own or for other companies. Today, strengthening its goal of providing the best and most exciting basketball enthusiasts, Kings of the Court is about to commence its biggest season with more than 80 participating teams. Facebook page (Kings of the Court) On their promotional videos on their Facebook page, we prepared some videos of ZAMST as the featured product at the beginning and throughout the coverage of every video that is posted for the during 3-4 months. We believe this is a very good way to raise awareness of ZAMST as a brand to our target market. Our booth Re ta il New Flag Shop “K Village” Zamst 1st flagship store in Thailand just opened on October in a high class shopping mall “K Village”. Premium looking display is made of black iron material. promiо Original Goods Re ta il We made original T-shirts and caps for our staffs to increase brand awareness more. Retail Shops 7 Days Badminton Shop (Badminton) Banana 2 U (Running) Monster Run (Running) RETAIL ZAMST Sales in Clinic Kineticore, a clinic in Manila, has started to sell ZAMST. Many athletes not only basketball but also runners and racket sport athlete often visit there. Head physical therapist, Aspi Calagopi, has been very valuable to promoting ZAMST to both amateur and professional athletes. Furthermore, he is the physical therapist of Ginebra Gin Kings, the most popular professional basketball team in the Philippines.
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