European Radiation Dosimetry Group e.V. Second announcement and call for registration EURADOS Annual Meeting 2017 AM2017 Karlsruhe, 27th February to 2nd March 2017 Including: Winter School "Internal dosimetry for radiation protection and medicine" Meetings of EURADOS Working Groups Participant meetings of the Intercomparison IC2016ph and Learning Network meeting for Individual Monitoring Services EURADOS General Assembly and Council Meeting European Radiation Dosimetry Group e.V. Invitation Since 2002 EURADOS Annual Meetings (AM) are key elements in the agenda of the community working in the field of ionising radiation dosimetry. It has become a tradition to combine statutory actions of EURADOS with meetings of EURADOS Working Groups and also with events of general interest such as the EURADOS Winter School or a workshop dedicated to a topic of particular importance. The AM2017 will take place from 27th February to 2nd March 2017 at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT, Campus South in Karlsruhe. The meeting includes the 10th EURADOS Winter School "Internal dosimetry for radiation protection and medicine”. It is planned to provide all presentations of this event on the EURADOS website. We look forward to seeing many colleagues from the EURADOS network and also many other persons interested in the topics of AM2017 in Karlsruhe. Werner Rühm, Chairperson EURADOS Contents Timetable EURADOS Annual Meeting 2017 3 EURADOS Working Group meetings 3 10th EURADOS Winter School 4 Venue, transportation and accomodation 6 Conference dinner 8 Local organization 9 Registration 9 Sponsors 10 Important dates Deadline for early registration (reduced fee) Deadline for registration EURADOS Annual Meeting 2017 2 23 January 2017 23 February 2017 27.02 - 02.03.2017 European Radiation Dosimetry Group e.V. Timetable EURADOS Annual Meeting 2017 Monday Time 27.02.2017 08:30-09:00 09:00-09:30 09:30-10:00 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 EURADOS Council4) 11:00-11:30 and optional WG 11:30-12:00 meetings 12:00-12:30 12:30-13:00 Registration 13:00-13:30 13:30-14:00 14:00-14:30 WG meetings1) 14:30-15:00 15:00-15:30 15:30-16:00 Coffee break 16:00-16:30 16:30-17:00 WG meetings 17:00-17:30 17:30-18:00 1) Tuesday 28.02.2017 Registration Wednesday 01.03.2017 Registration Thursday 02.03.2017 Registration Time 08:30-09:00 09:00-09:30 10th EURADOS Winter WG meetings 09:30-10:00 3) School 10:00-10:30 Coffee break Coffee break 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 WG meetings 10th EURADOS Winter 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:30 School 12:30-13:00 Lunch 13:00-13:30 Lunch 13:30-14:00 EURADOS General 14:00-14:30 Assembly 10th EURADOS Winter 14:30-15:00 15:00-15:30 School Coffee break 15:30-16:00 16:00-16:30 EURADOS General 16:30-17:00 Assembly 17:00-17:30 17:30-18:00 WG meetings2) Coffee break WG meetings2) Lunch WG meetings2) Coffee break WG meetings2) Meetings of all 8 WGs in parallel 2) IC2016ph Meeting and Learning Network in parallel 3) Topic: Internal dosimetry for radiation protection and medicine 4) Continuation of Council meeting on Friday, 09:00 Conference Dinner EURADOS Working Group meetings The table lists the Working Groups (WGs) which meet at 27.02., 28.02. and 01.03. 2017. All meetings are in parallel. Participants to the WG meetings are primarily the members of the WG. The agenda for each WG meeting is distributed in advance to the WG members. The meetings are also open to interested persons, who should contact the responsible chairperson in advance. A new feature this year is a Learning Network 1 event, an extension to the Intercomparison Participants' Meeting on Tuesday. WG Meetings WG Chairperson and email address WG2 – Harmonisation of individual P. Gilvin monitoring [email protected] WG3 – Environmental dosimetry A. Vargas [email protected] WG6 – Computational dosimetry R. Tanner [email protected] WG7 – Internal dosimetry M.A. Lopez [email protected] WG9 – Dosimetry in radiotherapy R. Harrison [email protected] WG10 – Retrospective dosimetry C. Woda [email protected] WG11 – High-energy radiation fields J-F. Bottollier Depois [email protected] WG12 – Dosimetry in medical imaging Ž. Knežević [email protected] This will feature topical talks and discussions. It is aimed at staff – particularly trainee managers – of Individual Monitoring Services, but is open to anyone who is attending the Annual Meeting (including the Intercomparison Participants' Meeting). More details will appear in the EURADOS Newsletter shortly. 1 3 European Radiation Dosimetry Group e.V. 10th EURADOS Winter School "Internal dosimetry for radiation protection and medicine" 2nd March 2017 Scope: Radionuclides inside the human body are associated to different scenarios of exposure to ionizing radiations. Occupational intakes may occur at workplaces where open radioactive sources are handled. Nuclear medicine procedures use deliberate intakes of radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosis and therapy. In emergency situations contamination of air and foodstuff might result in intakes of radioactive material by members of the public. Quantification of the doses and thus the health risks resulting from radionuclides inside the human body cannot be performed by direct measurements. The only available indicators for dose assessments come from the measurement of the activity retained inside the human body or present in excreta samples and from the activities of material entering the body (e.g. concentration of radionuclides in air or foodstuff). The interpretation of monitoring data in terms of intake and doses requires the application of biokinetic and dosimetric models which are provided and updated regularly by ICRP. The 10th EURADOS Winter School is dedicated to the dosimetry of internal emitters in the frame of radiation protection and medicine. All exposure situations will be covered together with their differences and commonalities. A great effort has been made recently in the elaboration of technical recommendations for monitoring individuals for occupational intakes of radionuclides and in standardization (EURADOS TECHREC, ISO). The new ICRP publications on Occupational Intakes of Radionuclides (OIR) will be presented as well as recent developments in the dosimetry in nuclear medicine. The challenges and recent progress in internal dosimetry for emergency situations will be also addressed. Other important topics to take into account are the internal dosimetry in epidemiology and the new developments in the microdosimetry of internal emitters. The research needs in the field of internal dosimetry will be identified and discussed to be included in the new version of the EURADOS Strategic Research Agenda. All lectures will be given by internationally well-known scientists who are involved in the dosimetry of internal emitters. Participants will receive a certificate of attendance Topics: Basics in internal dosimetry Internal dose assessment for occupational exposure Dosimetry in nuclear medicine Internal dosimetry in emergency situations Internal dosimetry for epidemiology Microdosimetry of internal emitters Scientific Committee: Maria Antonia Lopez (CIEMAT), Bastian Breustedt (KIT), Lara Strulens (SCK) Weibo Li (HMGU) 4 European Radiation Dosimetry Group e.V. Programme of the 10th EURADOS Winter School: Time Topic Speaker 09:00 Opening: Welcome – Introduction 09:05 How to assess doses from internal emitters in Radiation Protection and Medicine B.Breustedt (KIT) 09:30 ICRP Perspective on internal dosimetry – OIR and Radiopharmaceuticals D. Nosske (BfS - retired), 10:00 Internal Dosimetry in occupational radiation protec- G. Etherington (PHE) tion – The TECHREC project 10:30 Coffee Break 11:00 Internal dosimetry in nuclear medicine – Status, Challenges and Perspectives M. Lassmann (U. Würzburg) 11:30 The use of alpha-emitting radionuclides in medicine: status, challenges and perspectives M. Bardies (CRCT) 12:00 Computational phantoms used in internal dosimetry for radiation protection and medicine M. Zankl (HMGU) 12:20 Micro- and nanodosimetry for internal emitters – changing the scale W.B. Li (HMGU) 12:40 Lunch 13:50 Uncertainties on internal dosimetry A.Birchall (Global Dosimetry) 14:10 Dosimetry for the Epidemiology of internal emitters – risk assessment vs. operational radiation protection E. Davesne (IRSN) 14:30 Internal dosimetry in emergency situations – challenges and recent developments M.A. Lopez (CIEMAT) 14:50 Standardization in internal dosimetry – Recent developments in ISO Standards for Radiation Protection D. Bingham (AWE) 15:10 Research Needs in internal dosimetry – updating EURADOS SRA Round Table 16:00 End of the Winter School 5 European Radiation Dosimetry Group e.V. Venue, transportation and accommodation Venue The EURADOS Annual Meeting 2017 takes place at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Campus South, building 20.30 Englerstraße 2 76136 Karlsruhe ( The winter school will be held in the lecture hall “Tulla Hörsaal” (Building No. 11.40), close to the “Kollegiengebäude Mathematik”. The working groups meet in the new “Kollegiengebäude Mathematik” (No. 20.30) on Campus South of KIT, which is located in the city Both locations can be reached from Tram stacentre. tion “Kronenplatz” in a short 5 minutes’ walk. Transportation Karlsruhe is situated in the South-West of Germany close to the French Border and the Regions of Black-Forest and Palatine. It can easily reached by Plane: (e.g. via the Airports Frankfurt/Main or Stuttgart and local Airport Karlsruhe/Baden). Frankfurt Airport is the most convenient airport, because it has a train station with connection to Karlsruhe via high speed trains (which takes approximately one hour) Train: Karlsruhe Main Station has access to international and national (high speed) trains, as well as regional and local transport. Bus or Car: Karlsruhe has Connections to Highways (Autobahn) A5 (Frankfurt - Basel) and A8 (Karlsruhe - Stuttgart - Munich). National and International Coaches arrive at Karlsruhe Main station. Detailed Instructions on how to reach Karlsruhe can be found at the Webpage of Karlsruhe Tourismus ( Karlsruhe has a public transport with trams connecting all parts of the city. Information about the lines and ticketing can be found at the homepage of the Karlsruhe Transport Authority KVV. ( KIT Campus South can be reached by most tram lines at the station “Kronenplatz”. Depending on the direction the trains stop either in Kaiserstraße or around the corner in Mendelssohnstraße. 6 European Radiation Dosimetry Group e.V. Accommodation Karlsruhe offers any kind of accommodation, a list and booking options can be found at the Webpage of Karlsruhe Tourismus ( The following hotels offer a special rate for the EURADOS Annual Meeting, which can be booked upon availability directly at the hotels with the code “EURADOS”. 1. Hotel Leonardo Ettlinger Straße 23, 76137 Karlsruhe Phone +49 721 37270 Rate: 99 € single room, 111 € double room Minimum stay 2 nights 2. Hotel Kübler 3. Hotel Greif Bismarckstraße 35, 76133 Karlsruhe Phone: +49 721 1440 Ebertstraße 17, 76135 Karlsruhe Phone: +49 721 3554-0 Rate: 74 € single room, 88 € double room Rate: 65 € single room, 85 € double used as single room, 91 € double room 4. Hotel Hoepfner Burghof Haid-und-Neu-Straße 18 , 76131 Karlsruhe Phone: +49 721 62 26 44 Rate: 87 € single room, 115 € double room The following map shows the hotels, the venue of the meeting, as well as castle and train station. 7 European Radiation Dosimetry Group e.V. Conference dinner A conference dinner is scheduled on Wednesday evening at "Festhalle Durlach", Kanzlerstrasse 13, Karlsruhe. For registered participants the cost is included in the registration fee. The cost for accompanying person is 60 €, to be paid in cash at the registration desk. 8 European Radiation Dosimetry Group e.V. Local organisation Angelika Bohnstedt (KIT) Bastian Breustedt (KIT) Sabrina Meo Colombol (KIT) Doris Stephany (KIT) Contact Angelika Bohnstedt Karlsruhe Institute of Technology NUSAFE Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1 76344 Eggenstein-Leopldshafen Tel +49 721 608 25525 Email: [email protected] Bastian Breustedt Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Safety and Environment (SUM) Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1 76344 Eggenstein-Leopldshafen Tel +49 721 608 22083 Email: [email protected] Registration Registration should be done online via or directly at until 23 February 2017 Conference fee registration and payment latest 23rd January 2017 registration and payment after 23rd January 2017 Full Fee: 250 € Reduced Fee1): 200 € Full Fee: 325 € Reduced Fee1) 275 € Reduced fee for participants from sponsoring institutions (see page 10 or 1) The fee includes participation in all events of AM2017, coffee breaks, lunches (on Tue, Wed and Thu) and conference dinner (on Wed). The fee is waived for the following persons: Invited speakers of the Winter School Members of the EURADOS Council and WG chairpersons One person from companies of the industrial exhibit Persons from dosimetry services who participate in the EURADOS Intercomparison 2016ph if they attend only in the IC2016ph Meeting on Tuesday Enquiries on registrations & payments: Judith Brehme EURADOS Office Postfach 1129 D-85758 Neuherberg phone: +49 89 3187 3107 Email: [email protected] 9 European Radiation Dosimetry Group e.V. EURADOS sponsors EURADOS acknowledges financial support from the following institutions: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic AWE Aldermaston BERTHOLD Technologies GmbH & Co. KG Cavendish Nuclear Ltd CHUV-Lausanne University Hospital Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas Commissariat á l'Energie Atomique Dosilab AG DOZIMED S.R.L. Greek Atomic Energy Commission ELSE Nuclear srl Helmholtz Zentrum München Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire 10 European Radiation Dosimetry Group e.V. Institute of Nuclear Physics International Atomic Energy Agency Istituto Superiore di Sanità Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology LCIE Landauer / Landauer Europe LPS-Berlin Medicalconsult S.A. Mirion Technologies Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group Nuvia Paul Scherrer Institut Politecnico di Milano RadPro International Ruđer Bošković Institute 11 European Radiation Dosimetry Group e.V. Seibersdorf Laboratories Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie (Belgian Nuclear Research Centre) Tecnatom Universidade de Lisboa / Instituto Superior Técnico Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vincotte Controlatom 12
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