Digital Technology in Society - Munich Center for Technology in

Technical University of Munich
Hochschulöffentliche Berufungsvorträge
Tenure Track Assistant Professor in
»Digital Technology in Society«
Marsstraße 20-22, 80335 München, Seminarraum 140
Montag, 23. Januar 2017
15.00 – 15.45 Uhr
Dr. Mascha Christina Will Zocholl
»Work with Bits and Bytes. The Impact of Digitization on the Working World.
Hopes, Challenges, Implications«
15.50 - 16.35 Uhr
Dr. Esther Ruiz Ben
»Digital Innovation and the Transformation of Professionalism: the Case of the
16.45 – 17.30 Uhr
Dr. Carsten Ochs
»The Sociodigital Figuration: Privacy as a Probe Head to Analyze Digital
Technology in Society«
Dienstag, 24. Januar 2017
9.00 – 9.45 Uhr
Dr. Katja Mayer
»Politics of Openness: Studying the Transformative Potential of Open Data
9.50 – 10.35 Uhr
Dr. Jan – Hendrik Passoth
»Cultures of Calculation. Software, Data and Algorithms in Contemporary Society«
Prof. Dr. Karin Zachmann
Vorsitzende der Berufungskommission, Professorin für Geschichte der Technik