No. 薬学メディアセンター所蔵洋雑誌 / タイトル 所蔵範囲 山中資料センター配架分 芝共立3号館配架分 (論文のコピーを取り寄せることができます) (新着分=3階 バックナンバー=4階書庫) 1 Accounts of chemical research. 41<2008>-42<2009> 41<2008>-42<2009> - 2 Acta phytochimica. 1<1922>-15<1949> 1<1922>-15<1949> - 127(1-2,5-13)<1953>,128,130144,145(6-13),146-153,154(1American druggist :the National Magazine of the drug industry 10,12-13),155(1-7,9-12),156(3-7,910),157(6,8-13),158<1968> American journal of hospital pharmacy :official publication of 15<1958>-24<1967> the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. 127(1-2,5-13)<1953>,128,130144,145(6-13),146-153,154(110,12-13),155(1-7,9-12),156(3-7,910),157(6,8-13),158<1968> - 15<1958>-24<1967> - 5 American pharmacy 18<1978>-35<1995> 18<1978>-35<1995> - 6 Analytica chimica acta 63<1973>-656<2009> 63<1973>-656<2009> - 7 Analytical abstracts /The Society for Analytical Chemistry 16<1969>-45<1983> 16<1969>-45<1983> - 8 Analytical biochemistry :An International journal 1<1960>-366,367(2),368395<2009> 1<1960>-366,367(2),368395<2009> - 9 Analytical chemistry. 19<1947>-48,52-81<2009> 19<1947>-48,52-81<2009> - 3 4 Analytical sciences :the international journal of the Japan 27<2011>+ Society for Analytical Chemistry. Annals of nuclear medicine /the Japanese Society of Nuclear 11 1<1987>-13,14(1-3)<2000> Medicine. 10 12 The Annals of pharmacotherapy 33<1999>-44<2010> Annual meeting of the Chemical Society and the annual 13 general meeting of the Royal Institute of Chemistry /The 1972<1972> Chemical Society, the Royal Institute of Chemistry Applied radiation and isotopes :including data, instrumentation 14 44<1993>-57<2002> and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine. Archiv der Pharmacie /Apotheker-Vereins im Nördlichen 15 229<1891>, 230, 234<1896> Deutschland. 238<1900>, 246-248, 249(1-4, 6-8), 16 Archiv der pharmazie /Deutschen Apotheker-Verein 250-257<1919> 262<1924>, 263(1, 3-9), 264(1-5, 7Archiv der Pharmazie und Berichte der Deutschen 9), 265, 266(1), 275(1-5, 7-9), 17 Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft /Deutschen Apotheker276(1, 3-5, 7, 9), 277(1-5, 8-9), Verein 278(1-2, 4-5, 7-10, 12), 279(5), 286-304<1971> - 27<2011>+ 1<1987>-13,14(1-3)<2000> - 33<1999>-44<2010> - 1972<1972> - 44<1993>-57<2002> - 229<1891>, 230, 234<1896> - 238<1900>, 246-248, 249(1-4, 6-8), 250-257<1919> 262<1924>, 263(1, 3-9), 264(1-5, 79), 265, 266(1), 275(1-5, 7-9), 276(1, 3-5, 7, 9), 277(1-5, 8-9), 278(1-2, 4-5, 7-10, 12), 279(5), 286-304<1971> - - No. 薬学メディアセンター所蔵洋雑誌 / タイトル 所蔵範囲 山中資料センター配架分 18 Archiv der Pharmazie 305<1972>-320<1987> 305<1972>-320<1987> - 19 Archives of biochemistry. 1<1942>-30<1951> 1<1942>-30<1951> - 20 Archives of biochemistry and biophysics. 31<1951>-492<2009> 31<1951>-492<2009> - 8<1993>-14, 15(1-3)<2001> - 21 Asia Pacific journal of pharmacology =亞太藥理学雑誌 = 8<1993>-14, 15(1-3)<2001> Jurnal Farmakologi Asia Pasifik = 太平洋アジアの薬理学雑誌 芝共立3号館配架分 (論文のコピーを取り寄せることができます) (新着分=3階 バックナンバー=4階書庫) 22 Biochemical and biophysical research communications 352<2007>-390<2009> 352<2007>-390<2009> - 23 Biochemical pharmacology 41<1991>-78<2009> 41<1991>-78<2009> - 24 Biochemistry /American Chemical Society 19<1980>-48<2009> 19<1980>-48<2009> - 25 Biochimica et biophysica acta. 746<1983>-747,786-787<1984> 746<1983>-747,786-787<1984> - 1436<1998>-1441, 1483-1488, 1529-1534, 1580-1585, 1631-1636, 1682-1687, 1733-1738, 1761, 1771, 1781, 1791<2009> 1513<2001>-1515, 1711-1720, Biochimica et biophysica acta.Biomembranes. 1758, 1768, 1778, 1788<2009> 1706<2005>-1710, 1757, 1767, Biochimica et biophysica acta.Bioenergetics. 1777, 1787<2009> 1721<2005>-1726, 1760, 1770, Biochimica et biophysica acta.General subjects. 1780, 1790<2009> 1727<2005>-1732, 1759, Biochimica et biophysica acta.Gene structure and expression. 1769<2007> 1739<2005>-1741, 1762, 1772, Biochimica et biophysica acta.Molecular basis of disease. 1782, 1792<2009> 1742<2005>-1746, 1763, 1773, Biochimica et biophysica acta.Molecular cell research. 1783, 1793<2009> Biochimica et biophysica acta.Proteins and proteomics :BBA = 1747<2005>-1754, 1764, 1774, International journal of biochemistry, biophysics and molecular 1784, 1794<2009> biology. 1765<2006>-1766, 1775-1776, Biochimica et biophysica acta.Reviews on cancer. 1785-1786, 1795-1796<2009> Biochimica et biophysica acta.Molecular and cell biology of 26 lipids. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Biochimica et biophysica acta.Gene regulatory mechanisms. 1779<2008>, 1789<2009> 1436<1998>-1441, 1483-1488, 1529-1534, 1580-1585, 1631-1636, 1682-1687, 1733-1738, 1761, 1771, 1781, 1791<2009> 1513<2001>-1515, 1711-1720, 1758, 1768, 1778, 1788<2009> 1706<2005>-1710, 1757, 1767, 1777, 1787<2009> 1721<2005>-1726, 1760, 1770, 1780, 1790<2009> 1727<2005>-1732, 1759, 1769<2007> 1739<2005>-1741, 1762, 1772, 1782, 1792<2009> 1742<2005>-1746, 1763, 1773, 1783, 1793<2009> - 1747<2005>-1754, 1764, 1774, 1784, 1794<2009> - 1765<2006>-1766, 1775-1776, 1785-1786, 1795-1796<2009> - 1779<2008>, 1789<2009> - 所蔵範囲 山中資料センター配架分 1<1947>-805<1984> 1<1947>-805<1984> 16<1993>+ 16<1993>-33<2010> 38 Biological trace element research. 5<1983>-84<2001> 5<1983>-84<2001> - 39 Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 16<2008>-17<2009> 16<2008>-17<2009> - 40 Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 1<1991>, 10-19<2009> 1<1991>, 10-19<2009> - 41 Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry. 75<2011>+ 42 Blood :journal of hematology. 119(1-13, 20-26)<2012>, 120(1-20, 119(1-13, 20-26)<2012>, 120(1-20, 22-26)<2012> 22-26)<2012> - 147<2006>-161<2010> 147<2006>-161<2010> - 44 Bulletin of the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. 13<1956>-14<1957> 13<1956>-14<1957> - 45 Canadian journal of chemistry 87<2009>-88<2010> 87<2009>-88<2010> - 1<1975>-285<2009> 1<1975>-285<2009> - No. 薬学メディアセンター所蔵洋雑誌 / タイトル Biochimica et biophysica acta.Author and subject indexes :international journal of biochemistry and biophysics. Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin /Pharmaceutical Society 37 of Japan. 36 43 British journal of pharmacology /British Pharmacological Society 46 Cancer letters 芝共立3号館配架分 (論文のコピーを取り寄せることができます) (新着分=3階 バックナンバー=4階書庫) - 34<2011>+ 75<2011>+ 47 Cancer research. 1<1941>-70<2010> 1<1941>-70<2010> - 48 Carbohydrate research 343<2008>-344<2009> 343<2008>-344<2009> - 1<1907>, 85<1976> 1<1907>, 85<1976> - 76<1972>-85<1976> 76<1972>-85<1976> - 1965<1965>-1971<1971> - Chemical abstracts :key to the world's chemical literature /American Chemical Society Chemical abstracts.Collective index /Chemical Abstracts 50 Service 49 51 Chemical abstracts service registry handbook.number section. 1965<1965>-1971<1971> Chemical communications :chem comm /the Royal Society of 1996<1996>-2009<2009>;46<2010> 1996<1996>-2009<2009>;46<2010> Chemistry. 27<1949>, 46-47, 48(1-12, 14-53), 27<1949>, 46-47, 48(1-12, 14-53), 53 Chemical and engineering news 52, 54, 70<1992> 52, 54, 70<1992> 52 54 Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin. 6<1958>+ 6<1958>-58<2010> 59<2011>+ No. 薬学メディアセンター所蔵洋雑誌 / タイトル 所蔵範囲 山中資料センター配架分 55 Chemical reviews. 108<2008>-109<2009> 108<2008>-109<2009> - 56 Chemico-biological interactions. 147<2004>-182<2009> 147<2004>-182<2009> - Chemist and druggist :Official organ of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland and the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern 57 Ireland /Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland and the Pharmaceutical Society of Northen Ireland 109(2539-2544, 2546)<1928>, 110(2568-2576), 111(2578-2581, 2583-2590, 2599-2603), 112(26042628), 113(2630-2650), 114(26662679), 115(2684-2707), 116, 117(2734-2738)<1932> 109(2539-2544, 2546)<1928>, 110(2568-2576), 111(2578-2581, 2583-2590, 2599-2603), 112(26042628), 113(2630-2650), 114(26662679), 115(2684-2707), 116, 117(2734-2738)<1932> - 58 Chemistry in Britain /The Royal Society of Chemistry. 1<1965>-39<2003> 1<1965>-39<2003> - 59 Chemistry world. 1<2004>-7<2010> 1<2004>-7<2010> - 60 Drug development and industrial pharmacy. 21<1995>-25<1999> 21<1995>-25<1999> - 61 Drug metabolism and disposition 27<1999>-30<2002> 27<1999>-30<2002> - 17<2002>-18, 19(1-2, 4-6), 2021<2006> - 62 Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics /Japanese Society for 17<2002>-18, 19(1-2, 4-6), 20the Study of Xenobiotics. 21<2006> 芝共立3号館配架分 (論文のコピーを取り寄せることができます) (新着分=3階 バックナンバー=4階書庫) 63 Endocrine journal /Japan Endocrine Society. 46<1999>-51<2004> 46<1999>-51<2004> - 64 Endocrinologia japonica /Japan Endocrine Society 11<1964>-12, 14-39<1992> 11<1964>-12, 14-39<1992> - 65 Environmental health and preventive medicine /the Japanese 1<1996>-21(1)<2016> Society for Hygiene. 66 European journal of pharmacology. 1<1996>-15<2010> 16<2011>-21(1)<2016> 179<1990>-625<2009> 179<1990>-625<2009> - FEBS letters :for the rapid publication of short reports in 67 biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology /Federation of 579<2005>-583<2009> European Biochemical Societies 579<2005>-583<2009> - 68 Genomics 85<2005>-94<2009> 85<2005>-94<2009> - 69 Glycoconjugate journal 20<2004>-27<2010> 20<2004>-27<2010> - 10(6)<2005>, 11-13, 15(2-6), 16<2011> - 70 International journal of clinical oncology :official journal of the 10(6)<2005>, 11-13, 15(2-6), Japan Society of Clinical Oncology. 16<2011> 71 JAMA :the journal of the American Medical Association 305<2011>+ - 305<2011>+ No. 薬学メディアセンター所蔵洋雑誌 / タイトル 所蔵範囲 山中資料センター配架分 72 The Japanese journal of pharmacology. 17<1967>-23, 28-90<2002> 17<1967>-23, 28-90<2002> - 73 The Japanese journal of physiology. 23<1973>-33<1983> 23<1973>-33<1983> - 130<2008>-131<2009> 130<2008>-131<2009> - 75 Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. 36<1996>-43<2003> 36<1996>-43<2003> - 76 Journal of analytical toxicology. 26<2002>-34<2010> 26<2002>-34<2010> - 77 The journal of biochemistry. 1<1922>-8, 9(2), 10-12, 13(1), 20(3), 21-23, 38<1951>+ 1<1922>-8, 9(2), 10-12, 13(1), 20(3), 21-23, 38-148<2010> 78 The Journal of biological chemistry 266<1991>-277<2002> 266<1991>-277<2002> - 17(4)<1999>, 18(6), 19-20, 21(14)<2003> 17(4)<1999>, 18(6), 19-20, 21(14)<2003> - 80 Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology. 133<2007>-136<2010> 133<2007>-136<2010> - 81 Journal of carbohydrate chemistry. 13(2-8)<1994>, 14-29<2010> 82 Journal of cell science /Cambridge University. 118<2005>-123<2010> 83 Journal of chemical education. 32(2-12)<1955>, 33-34(1-9), 35-38, 32(2-12)<1955>, 33-34(1-9), 35-38, 39(1-3, 7-12), 40-87<2010> 39(1-3, 7-12), 40-87<2010> - 84 Journal of chromatography 32<1968>-651<1993> 32<1968>-651<1993> - 85 Journal of chromatography.Supplementary volume. 3<1973>-6<1976> 3<1973>-6<1976> - 652<1993>-1216<2009> 652<1993>-1216<2009> - 688<1997>-765<2001> 688<1997>-765<2001> - 766<2002>-877<2009> 766<2002>-877<2009> - 1<1971>-5<1976> 1<1971>-5<1976> - 49<2005> 49<2005> - 74 79 Journal of the American Chemical Society /American Chemical Society. Journal of bone and mineral metabolism /Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research. Journal of chromatography.A :including electrophoresis and other separation methods. Journal of chromatography.B,Biomedical sciences and 87 applications. Journal of chromatography.B,Analytical technologies in the 88 biomedical and life sciences. 86 89 Journal of coordination chemistry 90 Journal of electrophoresis /Japanese Electrophoresis Society. 芝共立3号館配架分 (論文のコピーを取り寄せることができます) (新着分=3階 バックナンバー=4階書庫) 118<2005>-123<2010> 149<2011>+ 13(2-8)<1994>, 14-29<2010> - No. 薬学メディアセンター所蔵洋雑誌 / タイトル 所蔵範囲 山中資料センター配架分 91 Journal of general and applied microbiology 12(4)<1966>, 13-25, 26(1-2, 4-6), 27-28<1982> 12(4)<1966>, 13-25, 26(1-2, 4-6), 27-28<1982> - 92 Journal of health science /Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. 45<1999>-57<2011> 45<1999>-57<2011> - 93 Journal of medicinal chemistry. 19<1976>-52<2009> 19<1976>-52<2009> - 94 Journal of molecular biology. 1<1959>-394<2009> 1<1959>-394<2009> - 60<2006>+ 60<2006>-64<2010> 96 Journal of natural products. 54<1991>-72<2009> 54<1991>-72<2009> - 97 The journal of organic chemistry. 73<2008>-74<2009> 73<2008>-74<2009> - 98 Journal of pharmacobio-dynamics 1<1978>-15<1992> 1<1978>-15<1992> - 99 Journal of pharmacological sciences 91<2003>-92, 93(2-4), 94(2-4), 95- 91<2003>-92, 93(2-4), 94(2-4), 9596, 97(1-2), 98(1-2), 100(1, 3), 96, 97(1-2), 98(1-2), 100(1, 3), 101(4), 102(1-2)<2006> 101(4), 102(1-2)<2006> - 100 Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology. 5<1953>-62<2010> - 95 Journal of natural medicines /the Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy 5<1953>-62<2010> 65<2011>+ 23<1982>-40, 41(2, 4), 42(2-4), 43- 23<1982>-40, 41(2, 4), 42(2-4), 4348<2007> 48<2007> - 102 The journal of the University of Kuwait, science 1<1974>-22<1995> 1<1974>-22<1995> - 103 Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie 557<1947>-583, 585-589<1954> 557<1947>-583, 585-589<1954> - 104 Kuwait journal of science and engineering. 23<1996>-24<1997> 23<1996>-24<1997> - 105 The Lancet. 377<2011>+ 106 Life sciences 38<1986>-85<2009> 38<1986>-85<2009> - 107 Lipids /American Oil Chemists' Society 42<2007>-45<2010> 42<2007>-45<2010> - 35<1921>, 44-45<1931> - 1<2005>-2, 3(1-2, 11-12)<2007> - 101 108 Journal of radiation research /Japan Radiation Research Society. 芝共立3号館配架分 (論文のコピーを取り寄せることができます) (新着分=3階 バックナンバー=4階書庫) Merck's Jahresbericht über Neuerungen auf den Gebieten der 35<1921>, 44-45<1931> Pharmakotherapie und Pharmazie 109 Molecular bioSystems. 1<2005>-2, 3(1-2, 11-12)<2007> - 377<2011>+ No. 薬学メディアセンター所蔵洋雑誌 / タイトル 所蔵範囲 山中資料センター配架分 110 Mutation research genomics :a section of mutation research. 432<2000>, 458<2001> 432<2000>, 458<2001> 423<1999>-431, 447-457, 473-484, 499-510, 522-533, 545-556, 568579, 591-602, 614-625, 637-641, 660-671<2009> 433<1999>-435,459-461,485112 DNA repair :a section of mutation research. 487<2001> 436<1999>-437, 462-463, 488-489, 511-512, 543-544, 566-567, 589113 Reviews in mutation research :a section of mutation research. 590, 612-613, 635-636, 658-659, 681-682<2009> 438<1999>-446, 464-472, 490-498, Genetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis :a section 513-521, 534-542, 557-565, 580114 of mutation research. 588, 603-611, 626-634, 649-657, 672-680<2009> Fundamental and molecular mechanisms of mutagenesis :a 111 section of mutation research. 芝共立3号館配架分 (論文のコピーを取り寄せることができます) (新着分=3階 バックナンバー=4階書庫) 423<1999>-431, 447-457, 473-484, 499-510, 522-533, 545-556, 568579, 591-602, 614-625, 637-641, 660-671<2009> 433<1999>-435,459-461,485487<2001> 436<1999>-437, 462-463, 488-489, 511-512, 543-544, 566-567, 589590, 612-613, 635-636, 658-659, 681-682<2009> 438<1999>-446, 464-472, 490-498, 513-521, 534-542, 557-565, 580588, 603-611, 626-634, 649-657, 672-680<2009> - - 115 Nature 469<2011>+ 116 Nature biotechnology. 14<1996>-24<2006> 14<1996>-24<2006> - 117 Nature reviews drug discovery. 1<2002>-2<2003> 1<2002>-2<2003> - 118 Naunyn-schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology 375<2007>-382<2010> 375<2007>-382<2010> - 119 Neuroscience letters. 411<2007>-467<2009> 411<2007>-467<2009> - 120 Organic & biomolecular chemistry. 1<2003>-8<2010> 1<2003>-8<2010> - 46<1997>-55<2006> 46<1997>-55<2006> - 122 Pharmaceutical bulletin 1<1953>-5<1957> 1<1953>-5<1957> - 123 Pharmaceutical research. 18<2001>-19<2002> 18<2001>-19<2002> - 124 Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety. 10<2001>-11<2002> 10<2001>-11<2002> - 125 Phytochemistry 13(1-8, 10-11)<1974>, 1470<2009> 13(1-8, 10-11)<1974>, 1470<2009> - 126 Planta medica :Zeitschrift für Arzneipflanzenforschung 1986<1986>;53<1987>-69<2003> 121 Parasitology International :Official journal of the Japanese Society of Parasitology. - - - 469<2011>+ 1986<1986>;53<1987>-69<2003> No. 薬学メディアセンター所蔵洋雑誌 / タイトル 所蔵範囲 山中資料センター配架分 127 Proceedings of the Society for Analytical Chemistry 6<1969>-8<1971> 6<1969>-8<1971> - 128 Receptor nomenclature supplement. 1990<1990>, 1993<1993> 1990<1990>, 1993<1993> - 129 Receptor & ion channel nomenclature supplement. 5<1994>-11<2000> 5<1994>-11<2000> - 130 Scientific American.New series. 304<2011>+ 131 Synapse. 1(5)<1987>, 3-9<1991> 1(5)<1987>, 3-9<1991> - 132 Tetrahedron. 64<2008>-65<2009> 64<2008>-65<2009> - 133 Tetrahedron, asymmetry 1<1990>-20<2009> 1<1990>-20<2009> - 134 Tetrahedron letters 49<2008>-50<2009> 49<2008>-50<2009> - 135 Therapeutic drug monitoring. 14<1992>-32<2010> 14<1992>-32<2010> - 136 Toxicology and applied pharmacology 107<1991>-241<2009> 107<1991>-241<2009> - 137 Trends in biochemical sciences 30<2005>-34<2009> 30<2005>-34<2009> - 1<1979>-4, 12-30<2009> 1<1979>-4, 12-30<2009> - 3<1992>-51<2009> 3<1992>-51<2009> - 138 Trends in pharmacological sciences :including toxicological sciences. 139 Vibrational spectroscopy 芝共立3号館配架分 (論文のコピーを取り寄せることができます) (新着分=3階 バックナンバー=4階書庫) - 304<2011>+
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