The 8th 2014 Annual Diagnostic & Interventional Nephrology Conference Conference to Back Basic Date 1st - 2nd December 2014 Venue One World Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Organised By: Supported By: DEPARTMENT OF NEPHROLOGY SELAYANG HOSPITAL Palindrome™ HSI–Heparin Coated and Silver Ion Antimicrobial Dialysis Catheter Combining innovative technologies to minimize microbial colonization and reduce the likelihood of clot formation on the catheter surface.† † Per Covidien Research and Development Testing COVIDIEN, COVIDIEN with logo, Covidien logo and positive results for life are U.S. and internationally registered trademarks of Covidien AG. Other brands are trademarks of a Covidien company. ©2011 Covidien. QB1947 04/11 MESSAGE FROM THE ORGANISERS Dear Friends and Colleagues, On behalf of the organising committee, we would like to welcome you to the 8th Annual Diagnostic and Interventional Nephrology Conference in Kuala Lumpur on the 1st – 2nd December 2014. Department of Nephrology, Hospital Selayang, in collaboration with Malaysian Society of Nephrology (MSN) and Postgraduate Renal Society Malaysia (PGRSM) has been organising the annual DIN conference since 2007. What started off as a small in house CME programme for nephrology fellows in the Ministry of Health Malaysia has now become an annual conference attended by both local and overseas delegates. As this subspecialty of nephrology has gradually grown since the mid of 2000’s and is fast becoming a recognised subspecialty, it is now time to consolidate while networking with nephrologists around this region. Hence it is appropriate and timely that the theme for this year annual DIN conference is “Back to Basics”. We hope this meeting will provide the platform to share ideas, networking and renew friendship. Finally, we would like to extend our thanks to all the speakers, sponsors, Ministry of Health Malaysia and all who have contributed in one way or another to ensure the success of this meeting. .............................................. Dr Hin-Seng Wong Organising Chairman .............................................. Datuk Dr Ghazali Ahmad PGRSM Chairman .............................................. Dato’ Dr Ong Loke Meng MSN President ORGANISING COMMITTEE ORGANISING CHAIRMAN Dr WONG Hin-Seng SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Dr WONG Hin-Seng Dr Rafidah ABDULLAH Dr Suryati YAKOB TREASURER Dr Esther TAN Zhao-Zhi PUBLICITY & PUBLICATION Dr Suryati YAKOB Dr Esther TAN Zhao-Zhi ULTRASONOGRAPHY WORKSHOP Dr Suryati YAKOB Dr Esther TAN Zhao-Zhi SECRETARIAT Ms Nor Asiken LAJIS FACULTY OVERSEAS FACULTY Prof KIM Yong-Soo Dr TAN Chieh Suai Consultant Nephrologist and Chairman, Department of Nephrology, Catholic Medical Centre, Korea Consultant Nephrologist, Department of Renal Medicine, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore Mr Phillip RAMM Senior Clinical Application Manager, Hitachi Medical Systems, Singapore LOCAL FACULTY Dr Rafidah ABDULLAH Mr LIM Beng-Kiat Consultant Nephrologist and Head of Dept, Hospital Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, Temerloh Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Hospital Gleneagles, Kuala Lumpur Dr Azah ALIAS Mr TAN Kia-Lean Consultant Radiologist, Hospital Selayang Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Hospital Kuala Lumpur Datuk Dr Ghazali AHMAD Dr TAN Li-Ping Consultant Nephrologist and Head of Dept, Hospital Kuala Lumpur Consultant Nephrologist, University Malaya Medical Centre Dr Sunita BAVANANDAN Dr Esther TAN Zhao-Zhi Consultant Nephrologist, Hospital Kuala Lumpur Consultant Nephrologist, Hospital Selayang Dr BEE Boon-Check Dr WONG Hin-Seng Consultant Nephrologist, Hospital Selayang Consultant Nephrologist and Head of Dept, Hospital Selayang Dr GOH Bak-Leong A Prof Dr Anushya VIJAYANANTHAN Consultant Nephrologist and Head of Dept, Hospital Serdang, Selangor Consultant Interventional Radiologist, University Malaya Medical Centre Dr GOH Ching-Yan Naresh GOVINDARAJANTHRAN Consultant Nephrologist, Hospital Selayang Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Hospital Kuala Lumpur Prof LIEW Ngoh-Chin Dr Nur Yazmin YAACOB Consultant Vascular Surgeon, University Putra Malaysia Consultant Interventional Radiologist, UKM Medical Centre Dr Lily MUSHAHAR Dr Suryati YAKOB Consultant Nephrologist, Hospital Tuanku Jaafar, Seremban Consultant Nephrologist, Hospital Selayang VENUE LAYOUT PLAN JASMINE & MAPLE JUNIOR BALLROOM CONCOURSE LEVEL OLIVE TULIP ORCHID CYPRESS JASMINE MAPLE FOYER MAIN ENTRANCE CONFERENCE INFORMATION Registration Counter Registration counter is located in front of the Cypress and Maple rooms at the Concourse level and the opening hours are as followed: 1st December 2014 : 0730 hrs – 1700 hrs 2nd December 2014 : 0800 hrs – 1700 hrs Conference venue All scientific sessions will be held in the Cypress and Maple rooms at the Concourse level. Official Language The official language of this meeting is English. Certificate of attendance Certificate of attendance will be given to all registered delegates at the Registration Counter. Name Badges Registered delegates are to wear their name badges at all times during the conference for identification and security purposes. Admission to all conference sessions and official functions is based on name badges. Cellular phone & electronic devices As a courtesy to all delegates and speakers, cellular phones, pagers and other electronic devices must be operating in silent/vibration mode throughout the Conference sessions. No telephone conversations are permitted in the conference room. Lunch Lunch will be served at the Cinnamon Coffee House at Concourse Level. Coffee Break Refreshment will be served outside the Cypress & Maple Rooms during morning and afternoon coffee break. Liability The Organising Committee will not assume any responsibility for accidents, losses or damages, as well as delays or modification of the conference programme. PROGRAMME: DAY 1 Day One : 1st December 2014 Venue : Cypress & Maple Room, Concourse Level 0730 – 0830 REGISTRATION 0830 – 0845 Welcome Speech & Introduction 0845 – 0930 Plenary Lecture 1 (Chairperson: WONG Hin-Seng) Credentialing & Privileging of Interventional Nephrologists: Issues and Challenges Ghazali AHMAD 0930 – 1000 TEA 1000 – 1130 Symposium 1: Ultrasonography in Nephrology I (Chairperson: BEE Boon-Cheak) 1000 – 1030 Physics of Ultrasonography: What Non Radiologists Need to Know Anushya VIJAYANANTHAN 1030 – 1100 Knobs and Buttons in Ultrasound Machines: Uncovering the Secret Phillip RAMM 1100 – 1215 Debate: First Choice of Dialysis Access for Obese Elderly Diabetics Debate Coordinator: Naresh GOVINDARAJANTHRAN 1100 – 1130 For Vascular Access 1130 – 1200 For Peritoneal Access TAN Li-Ping Lily MUSHAHAR 1200 – 1215 Comments by Coordinator 1215 – 1400 LUNCH at Cinnamon Coffee House 1300 – 1400 Ultrasonography Workshop WONG Hin-Seng / BEE Boon-Cheak / GOH Ching Yan / Suryati YAKOB / Rafidah ABDULLAH / Naresh GOVINDARAJANTHRAN 1400 – 1530 1400 – 1430 Symposium 2: Ultrasonography in Nephrology II (Chairperson: Suryati YAKOB) Ultrasonography of Native Kidneys: What to Look For Anushya VIJAYANANTHAN 1430 – 1500 Ultrasonography of Renal Allograft: Mastering the Fner Points Azah ALIAS 1500 – 1530 Ultrasonography of Vascular Access: When and How GOH Ching-Yan 1530 – 1700 Symposium 3: Haemodialysis Catheters (Chairperson: GOH Ching-Yan) 1530 – 1600 Choosing the “Right” Tunneled Haemodialysis Catheters: What to Look For 1600 – 1630 Preventing Recurrent Catheter Thrombosis: Tips and Tricks WONG Hin-Seng Rafidah ABDULLAH 1630 – 1700 Salvaging Malfunctioned / Damaged Catheters TAN Chieh-Suai 1715 – 1730 TEA 1715 – 1800 Malaysian Society of Diagnostic and Interventional Nephrology (MSDIN) Protem Meeting (All Malaysian Delegates are welcome) PROGRAMME: DAY 2 Day Two : 2nd December 2014 Venue : Cypress & Maple Room, Concourse Level 0815 – 0900 Plenary Lecture 2 (Chairperson: WONG Hin-Seng) Incorporating DIN Into Nephrology Services: How to Get it Right KIM Yong -Soo 0900 – 1030 0900 – 0930 Symposium 4: Peritoneal Access (Chairperson: BEE Boon-Cheak) Choosing the Right PD Catheter: What to Look For Sunita BAVANANDAN 0930 – 1000 Improving PD Catheter Insertion Outcome: Tips and Tricks GOH Bak-Leong 1000 – 1030 Dysfunction PD Catheter: New Approaches and New Innovations Esther TAN Zhao Zhi 1030 – 1100 TEA 1100 – 1230 Symposium 5: Infections in Dialysis Accesses (Chairperson: Suryati Yakob) 1100 – 1130 Tunneled HD Catheter Related Infection: Can We Do Better TAN Chieh-Suai 1130 – 1200 PD Catheter Related Infection: What Else Can Be Done BEE Boon-Cheak 1200 – 1230 Infected AVF and AVG: What is New LIM Beng Kiat 1230 – 1415 LUNCH at Cinnamon Coffee House 1315 – 1415 Ultrasonography Workshop WONG Hin-Seng / BEE Boon-Cheak / GOH Ching-Yan / Suryati YAACOB / Rafidah ABDULLAH / Esther TAN Zhao Zhi 1415 – 1515 1415 – 1445 Symposium 6: Dealing with Procedure Related Complications (Chairperson: Rafidah ABDULLAH) “Stuck” Guidewire and Gaemodialysis Catheter Nur Yazmin YAACOB 1445 – 1515 Venous Rupture and Dislodged Stents TAN Kia-Lean 1515 – 1645 1515 – 1545 Symposium 7: Permanent Vascular Access (Chairperson: Mr Zainal Ariffin Azizi) Vascular Access for the Obese: Wrist, Elbow or Graft LIEW Ngoh Chin 1545 – 1615 Dealing with Collateral Side Branches: New Ideas and New Approaches KIM Yong -Soo 1615 – 1645 Improving Longevity of Vascular Access: Can This Be Done Suryati YAKOB 1645 – 1700 Closing Remark 1700 – 1730 TEA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The organising committee would like to thank the following for their generous support and assistances Ministry of Health, Malaysia Malaysian Society of Nephrology Postgraduate Renal Society Malaysia Hospital Selayang Covidien (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Novartis Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd Axir Medical Sdn Bhd ….. and all those who have contributed in one way or another towards the success of this meeting NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES TRUST CERTICAN meets protection Novartis Corporation (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (10920H) Level 22, Tower B, Plaza 33, No.1, Jalan Kemajuan, Seksyen 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel: +603 7948 1888 Fax: +603 7948 1818 Cert/Ad/1114/1 ®
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