Gütegemeinschaft Schwerer Korrosionsschutz Quality Assurance Association for Heavy- Duty Corrosion Protection von Armaturen und Formstücken durch Putverbeschichtunq e.V ofVatves and Fittings with Powder Coating (GSK e.V) Mitqriedbei/r4emberor: fmLlourrzErcHEN lRÄtl SCHWERER KORROSIONSSCHUIZ VoN ARMATUREN UND FORMSTÜCKEN Gertificate of Award Products for the families of products given in the annex i Gülege Pulver: by its Quality Committee and the Based on the test report from a third-party decision of its Board of Management, und Formstücken'durch er Korrosionsschutz von Armaturen GSK) hereby awards Sai nt.Gobäi n.'PAM Deutsclif a.nd Gm bFl Str. 51, 661 3OSaarhrücken theiilght to Oisio'iäyltie,RAl-GZ 662/3 Qualiiy Mark for the pr:gducts h:qtitied to bSf. (RAL) Asiuräncö'dnd dnd Certification (RAL) ise'ä Oy Quqlity AssuraRce oy the German Institute for QUality The Qualit/ Quality' Mark i piotqcted,ät piotected,at protected,at Mark Patent and the Gerrrian,palent German German,Pi Mark is The Quality Trade under ,66z.fhe ,,662. ,66Z.fhe ',.,,gfiic,e (DPMA) as a collective mark (EU rnalk 009300f38). i the,humber ,i i The comlpany nasiirafö14öd G-SK that the products to which this certificatäl.etatäs were p,roduced in s and arÖ families of accordanCe with the,jii'd.räqüisites of the GSK Quality and Iine.de): They are productsl,they carirhe-töund.on the internet at the GSK website Inspectio ( . labelled as follows: ,i' (four-digit number issued by GSK) The certificate is valid until: Dec 31't,2017 Munich, Dec 2016 Not valid without annex. products or changes to existing products in the product approval, and GSK will in turn inform the testing institutes. The cunent can be found on the GSK website (ururil.gsk-online.de) list of families of Gütegemeinschaft Schwerer Korrosionsschutz Quality Assurance Association for Heavy-Duty Corrosion Protection von Armaturen und Formstücken durch Pulverbeschichtuno of Valves and Fittings with Powder Coatinq (GSK e.V) e.V, l"litgtied bei/Member of: Annex to Gertificate of Award Products The certificate awarded to Saint.Gobain PAM Deutschland GmbH Saarbrücker Str. 51, 66130 Saarbrücken ls valid for the following families of products: Designation Formstücke lZlFlT Nominalsize oD 60 - 225 Formstücke BLUTOP Formstücke KAMELEO M uffen-Flanschform stücke Muffenformstücke mit Tyton-, Standard-, SMU-, Universalund Expressverbindunq Schraubrinqe SMU Flanschenrohre bis 1000 mm Baulänqe Absoerrschieber EURO 20 NG Tvo 27 Absperrschieber EURO 20 NG Tvp 25 Absoerrschieber EURO 20 NG Tvo 25 + Absperrschieber EURO 20 NG Tvp BLUTOP Absperrschieber Euro 20 NG Tvp 23 Absperrschieber Euro 20 Tvo 23 Absperrschieber Euro 20 Typ NG 21 Absoerrschieber Euro 20 Tvp 21 Absperrschieber Euro 20 POR Absoerrschieber Euro 20 NG CHA Absperrschieber Euro 20 NG SUP DN/OD 63-160 DN 80 - 1s0 DN 50 - 800 DN 80 - 800 The certificate is valid until: Munich, Dec 20'16 Dec 31"t, 2017 DN 80 - 300 DN 80 - 500 DN 65 - 150 DN 80 -250 DN 80 - 200 DN/OD 75 - 160 DN 65 - 300 DN40-50 DN 65 -300 DN40-50 DN 40 - 300 DN 40 - 300 DN 65 - 300 M
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