EXPOTECH DIVISION IInd Floor, RITES BHAWAN Plot No. 1, Sector 29, Gurgaon – 122 001, Haryana, (INDIA) Telefax : +91(0124) 2571643, 2571639 Tel : +91(0124) 2571667, 2571666 Email : [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (A Government of India Enterprise) CIN No: U74899DL1974 G007227 No. RITES/Expo/SLR/2013/1/14-15/ 3059/wheel /Loco/Global Tender Enquiry Dated: 09.09.2014 M/s ------------------------------------------ Sub: - Tender Enquiry for Supply of Wheel Disc as per the Description mentioned herein at Warehouse at designated Indian port. TENDER NO. RITES/EXPO/SLR/2013/1/14-15/3059/Wheel/Loco BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED UPTO 14.30 HOURS ON 9/10/2014 BIDS WILL BE OPENED AT 15:00 HOURS ON 9/10/2014 AS PER BID INVITATION AMOUNT OF BID GUARANTEE TO BE FURNISHED ___________________ NAME OF THE FIRM (to __________________________________________ whom issued): Dear Sir, Bids are invited from established and reliable manufacturers or their authorized agents, for supply of the item as mentioned herein. Please submit your best for the following items required to be delivered at Warehouse at designated Indian port. S. No 01 Description Drg No. Specification Qty (No) Monoblock, forged wheel disc finished and Drawing No: SK VL 551 to be supplied with rough machined hub (Rough Machined) & 553 IRS-R-_34-2009 bore. (Finished Machined), Cost of Bid Document Indian Rupees US Dollars Indian Rupees 2000.00 50 Last date for submission & opening of Bids. Bid Guarantee Amount 150,000/- ( Indian Rupees One Hundred Fifty Thousand) US Dollar 9/10/2014 96 1 Non-transferable Bid documents containing detailed description of the item required as also other terms and conditions may be had from the office of Mr. Rajiv Mahajan, General Manager/ Expotech, IInd floor, Expotech Division, RITES Ltd, RITES Bhawan, Plot No. 1, Sector-29, Gurgaon-122001. Haryana, India. The cost of Bid document is to be deposited with this office, in the form of DD, Banker’s cheque etc. favouring, RITES Ltd. The bid documents will be issued on production of original receipt thereof. 2. The bid documents are also available on RITES’ website address www.rites.com. The bid documents can be down loaded from the above website which shall be equally valid for participation in the tender. Nevertheless, the bidder shall be required to pay the amount of bid documents specified above by Bank draft drawn in favour of RITES Ltd. along with the offer. . SPECIAL NOTES:1. If any manufacturer /seller give the letter of authority, specific for this tender, to more than one bidder, all the bidders who have produced such letter of authority will be considered as disqualified. 2. The bids should be complete in all respects as per the check sheet enclosed. 3. Attention of the bidders is invited regarding deposits of EARNEST MONEY (BID GUARANTEE). Any bid not accompanied by earnest money in one of the approved forms is liable to be summarily rejected. Any fax/ swift message/ communication from the bank for establishing/issuing the bid guarantee later on will not be entertained. It shall be ensured that the complete particulars of mailing address of the Bank issuing Bid guarantee, including telephone number, fax number & E-mail ID are invariably indicated on the Bid bonds. Bid guarantee should be from the tenderer and not from Indian agents. 4. Attention of the bidders is also invited wherein bidders are required to invariably furnish certain details of their local agents, if any, with their bid, failing which bid will be liable to be rejected. 5. The bidders should quote to the specifications in all respects. If there are any deviations to the specifications, a Deviation Statement indicating clauses /sub-clauses deviation proposed and justification thereof should be enclosed. 6. Bidders are required to submit performance statement for the items of the tender offered by them in regard to quality supplies and timely deliveries. The past record of performance for timely and quality supplies would be an important criterion in decision of the tender. 7. Indigenous (domestic) bidders should quote F.O.R destination rate, giving the detailed break-up separately. However, the Purchaser reserves the right to place the order on F.O.R destination or F.O.R. station of dispatch basis. In case the contract is placed on the basis of F.O.R station of dispatch, the supplier shall book the goods by rail/ road; freight prepaid and get reimbursement of the freight element from the Purchaser as per actual rail freight or the quoted amount whichever is less. The freight element will be paid along with 90% bill for the cost of the stores. 8. Foreign bidders should quote CIF prices giving the detailed break-up separately. Bids not complying with this requirement are liable to be rejected. 9. In case the date of bid opening falls on a holiday or is subsequently declared as such, the bids will be opened on the next working date at the appointed time. 10. Bids from agents not accompanied with the letter of Authority from their manufacturers are liable to be summarily rejected. 11. FOR THE BIDDERS’ GUIDANCE IN SUBMITTING THE COMPLETE BIDS, TWO CHECK LISTS ARE ENCLOSED WITH THE BID DOCUMENTS WHICH MUST BE FILLED IN AND FURNISHED WITH THE BID. 12. BIDS THROUGH TELEX/FAX AND OTHER INCOMPLETE BIDS ARE LIABLE TO BE SUMMARILY REJECTED. 13. The last date of receipt of offer is 9/10/2014. The offer should be sent by Registered post with “Acknowledgement Due” or through Courier or by hand. RITES will not be responsible for any postal delays. The offers sent per bearer should be deposited in the Tender Box placed at the Expotech Division, 2nd Floor, (Left Wing), RITES Bhawan, Plot No. 1, Sector 29, Gurgaon 122 001. 14. The offer will be received up to 15:00 hrs on the date specified above and will be opened at 16:00 hrs on the same day. In case, it happens to be a holiday, the offers will be opened on next working day at the same time. 15. Terms & Conditions are given in (As per Annexure enclosed), and relevant drawing & Specification enclosed herewith Thanking You, Rajiv Mahajan General Manager / EXPOTECH CHECK LIST-I 1. Have you purchased the Bid Documents? Yes/No 2. Have you submitted a Bid Guarantee? Yes/No 3. Have you furnished a Performance Statement? Yes/No 4. Have you submitted the Banker’s Report for Solvency? Yes/No 5. Have you furnished the Statement of Equipment & Quality Control? 6. Have you furnished the clause-wise comments on Technical specifications? Yes/No 7. Have you furnished the Statement of Deviations? Yes/No 8. Have you quoted in the prescribed proforma? Yes/No 9. Have you quoted FOB & CIF prices separately as required? Yes/No 10. Have you quoted delivery period correctly and precisely? Yes/No 11. Have you kept your offer valid for 180 days? Yes/No Signature & Seal of the Manufacturer/Tenderer Yes/No CHECK LIST-II (FOR BIDS SUBMITTED THROUGH AGENTS) i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Have you submitted the authorization letter authorizing your agent to Yes/No quote on this tender? Have you indicated the complete name and address of the agents and Yes/No details of the services to be rendered by the agents? Is the agent going to render after sale service? Yes/No In case the answer to (iii) is yes, confirm that the agent has necessary Yes/No Infrastructure and competent staff to render the same. Have you submitted a copy of your agreement with your Indian Yes/No Agents? Manufacturer or their sole selling agents may note that an agent can represent only one firm in a tender and any manufacturer cannot submit two offers against a tender through different sole selling agents Noted or one directly and one through sole selling agent. In such a situation both the offers will be rejected. Have you indicated your Indian Agent’s Income Tax Permanent Account Yes/No Number? viii Are you aware that any payment against the contract, if placed, to your Indian agent directly by you in currency other than in Indian Rupees is against the Indian Laws? ix. Are you aware that failure to disclose the full amount of remuneration / agency commission payable to your Indian Agents shall render the contract void? Yes/No Yes/No TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR SUPPLY OF STORES The Offer should be based on following terms and conditions: 1. Earnest Money: Tenderer are to deposit EARNEST MONEY / BID GUARANTEE of INR 150, 000/- (Indian Rupees One Hundred Fifty Thousand only). The earnest money can be accepted only in the forms: i) Deposit at call receipt of a Scheduled Commercial Bank issued in India. ii) Banker’s Cheque iii) Demand Draft iv) FDR v) Irrevocable Letter of Credit issued by a Scheduled Commercial Indian Bank or foreign commercial bank in favor of tender inviting authority. Any bid not accompanied by earnest money in the approved form is liable to be summarily rejected. Any fax/ swift message/ communication from the bank for establishing/issuing the bid guarantee later on will not be entertained. It shall be ensured that the complete particulars of mailing address including telephone number, fax number & E-mail ID are invariably indicated on the Bid bonds. 1(a) Earnest Money/Bid Guarantee Shall remain deposited with the Purchaser for the period of 180 days from the date of opening of Tenders. It should be ensured that the Deposit at Call Receipt / FDR is valid for a period of six months or more after last date of receipt of tenders and that it is pledged in favour of the tender inviting authority. If the successful tenderer fails to furnish a Contract Performance Guarantee as mentioned below vide Annexure “2” and fails to return the formal contract duly signed within fifteen days of the receipt of the formal contract, then the Earnest Money shall be liable to be forfeited by the Purchaser. If the validity of the offer is extended, the Earnest Money Deposit/Bank Guarantee duly extended shall also be furnished, failing which the offer after the expiry of the aforesaid period shall not be considered by the Purchaser. The Earnest Money/Bid Guarantee deposited is liable to be forfeited if the tenderer withdraws or amends impairs or derogates from the tender in any respect within the period of validity of his offer. No interest will be payable by the Purchaser on the Earnest Money/Bid Guarantee. The Earnest Money of all unsuccessful tenderers will be returned by the Purchaser within one month of the placement of contract on successful bidder. 2. The bidders should quote to the specifications in all respects. If there are any deviations to the specifications and terms & conditions of Tender Enquiry then a Deviation Statement indicating clauses /sub-clauses deviation proposed and justification thereof should be enclosed. 3. Bidders are required to submit performance statement for the items of the tender in regard to quality supplies and timely deliveries of last five years. Past record of performance for timely and quality supplies would be important criteria in decision of the tender. 4. Bids from agents not accompanied with the letter of Authority from their manufacturers are liable to be summarily rejected. 5. All information in the offer must be in English. Information in any other language must be accompanied by its authenticated translation in English; failure to comply with this may render the offer liable to be rejected. In the event of any discrepancy between an offer in a language other than English and its English translation, the English translation will prevail. 6. Foreign bidders which quote directly against the Bid invitation but take the services of an Indian Agent should indicate in their offer the name of their Indian Agents or the representatives they have for servicing in India. 7. Financial offer by Tenderer should include all cost including manufacturing, freight, insurance, custom, taxation in suppliers country as well as in India. Purchaser has no financial or legal liability till shipment is received at point of delivery as per Para-11. 8. QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS OF TENDERERS The tenderer shall provide a satisfactory evidence acceptable to the Purchaser to show that.— 8.1 He is a licensed manufacturer who regularly manufactures the items offered and has adequate technical knowledge and practical experience; 8.2 He has adequate financial stability and status to meet the obligations under the contract for which he is required to submit a report from a recognised bank or a financial institution; He has adequate plant and manufacturing capacity to manufacture and supply the items offered within the delivery schedule offered by him. 8.3 8.4 He has an established quality control system and organization to ensure that there is adequate control at all stages of all manufacturing process. A statement indicating details of equipment employed and quality control measures adopted. 8.5 A performance statement giving a list of major supplies, effected in the last 5 years, of the items offered by him, giving details of the Purchaser's name and address, order No. and date and the quantity supplied and whether the supply was made within the delivery schedule. 8.6 In addition to the above, it may be ensured that criteria as per STR. VL. 01.10.13 (REV-00) is met and further to this any information regarding his capacity/capability, if required by the Purchaser shall be promptly furnished by the tenderer. 8.7 Tenderer not submitting the requisite information may note that his offer is liable to be ignored. 10. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE BOND 10.1 After a letter of acceptance is issued by the Purchaser, the Contractor shall furnish Performance Guarantee Bond in the Performa attached (Annexure-II) from a Scheduled Commercial Bank or scheduled commercial foreign Bank branches operating in India governed by Reserve Bank of India guidelines or foreign bank duly countersigned by a Scheduled Commercial Indian bank within 15 days from the receipt of the letter of acceptance of the tender by the contractor or the execution of the contract whichever is earlier, for an amount equivalent to 10% of the value of the contract in the same currency of the contract price. The expenses to be incurred for the counter signature of a Scheduled Commercial Bank shall be borne by the contractor. On the Performance and completion of the contract in all respects the Performance Guarantee Bond will be returned to the Contractor without any interest. In case furnishing of an acceptable Performance Guarantee Bond is delayed by the contractor beyond the period provided above and Bond is accepted by the Purchaser, liquidated damages, as provided in clause 22 for the period of delay in submission of the Bond, may be levied. 10.2 The Performance Guarantee Bond shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken satisfactory performance and fulfillment in all respects of the contract. 11. 11.1 Payment Terms: Foreign Supplies:—the standard payment terms subject to recoveries, if any, under the Liquidated Damages vide Clause no.22 will be as under: (a) (b) 11.2 Indigenous Supplies: — the standard payment terms subject to recoveries, if any, under the Liquidated Damages vide Clause no.22 will be as under: (a) (b) 12. 90% payment on proof of inspection and shipment within 30 days of receipt of shipping documents as specified through irrevocable Letter of Credit. Balance 10% payment within 90 days of receipt of goods at a designated RITES warehouse of an Indian Port of discharge on furnishing a Bank Guarantee vide Annexure “3”, fully indemnifying the Purchaser against all losses incurred by the purchaser during the guarantee period stipulated in the Warranty Clause. 90% payment on proof of inspection and dispatch of documents as specified, within 30 days of receipt of specified documents through ECS/EFT on receipt of material at warehouse. Balance 10% payment within 90 days of receipt of supplies at destination station, on furnishing a Bank Guarantee vide Annexure “3”, fully indemnifying the Purchaser against all losses incurred by the Purchaser during the guarantee period stipulated in the Warranty Clause. Point of Delivery: (a) Foreign Supplies: — (b) i.e. Indigenous Supplies: — At Indian Port – Chennai. RITES nominated warehouse of an Indian Port RITES Warehouse, C/O Sattva General Warehouse, No 125/1, Amman Kulam, Vichur Village, Manali New Town, Chennai - 600103 Contact Persons Mr. Murugan - Warehouse Incharge +91 9600000887 13. Delivery Period: Maximum Delivery Period should be 120 days from date of issue of the Purchase Order. 14. Validity of Offer: Offer shall be valid for a minimum period of 90 days from the date of opening of tender. 15. Excise Duty, Sales Tax, Custom Duty and Statutory Levis: Excise Duty: For indigenous supplier necessary documents may be issued for exemption of Excise duty else the same shall be paid as per actual. Sales Tax : For indigenous supplier, CST shall be payable against Form C. Custom Duty: In case of import of wheels, necessary documents would be issued for importing the wheels and for exemption of import duty in India. Statutory levies: In case of import of wheels from foreign country any duties, taxes and statutory levies arising in seller country, the same would be paid by seller. 16. Inspection: By RITES or Manufacturer’s Internal Test Certificate. It will be discretion of the RITES that inspection will be done by itself or by RITES nominates agency along with the Manufacturer’s Internal Test Certificate. 17. Packing: Wheels shall be packed in order to ensure, these are being free from any loss or damage during handling and transshipment on arrival; at their destination. Surfaces shall be protected against physical damages, environmental effects and corrosion. 18. Warranty / Guarantee: As per UIC norms, Items supplied shall be new and guaranteed for free replacement for faulty workmanship/design defects and defects not detected during inspection at manufacturer’s works for a period of 60 months. 19. Shipping Mark: All boxes to be suitably marked with paint/indelible waterproof ink with the following particulars on the outside; RITES Purchase Order No.-Consignee name and address Sender’s Name and address Gross weight, Net weight & Measurements Box No. --- of --- to be indicated on at least three sides of the Box. 20. Insurance: Shipment shall be fully insured by the supplier till arrival of shipment from originating destination to point of delivery vide Para-12 above. The claims under insurance shall be presented by the supplier and all payment made in connection with such claims will be received by the buyer. 21. Correspondence: Offers to be sent in sealed envelopes clearly super scribing Tender No. and date of opening of Tender. Please mark Kind Attention: Mr. Rajiv Mahajan, General Manager/Expotech, RITES Ltd., No. 1 Sector 29, Gurgaon – 122001, Hrayana, India on the envelope. 22. Liquidated damages: In the event of the supplier's failure to have the items delivered by the time/date or times respectively specified in this Purchase Order, RITES reserve the right to withhold any payment or encashment of Bank guarantee until the whole of the material has been fully supplied and delivered. In case the supply is made after due date & accepted, RITES also reserve the right to recover from the supplier the pre-determined liquidated damages (not by way of penalty), a sum at the rate of 1.0 % of the price of any items which the supplier has failed to deliver for each and every week and part thereof delay beyond the specified date of delivery subject to maximum of 10 % of the value of undelivered supplies. 23. RITES reserve the right to reject any or all the offers without assigning any reason what so ever thereof. 24. ARBITRATION 24.1 Any dispute or difference whatsoever arising between the parties out of or relating to the construction, meaning, scope, operation or effect of this tender or contract or the validity or the breach of this tender or contract shall to the extent possible be settled in the first instance by prompt and good faith negotiations/mutual discussion between representative of each of the parties. 24.2 In case any dispute or difference cannot be settled under clause 24.1, the same shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the Indian Council of Arbitration and the award made in pursuance thereof shall be binding on the Parties. 25. FORCE MAJEURE If the contractor is temporarily unable to render, wholly or in part, by Force Majeure to perform its duties or accept performance by the other party under this contract, it is agreed that the affected party give notice to the other party within 14 days after occurrence of the cause relied upon giving full particulars in writing of such Force Majeure. The duties of such party as are affected by such Force Majeure shall, with the approval of the other party, be suspended during the continuance of the inability so caused, but for no longer period, and such cause shall as far as possible be removed with all reasonable dispatch. Neither shall be responsible for delay, damage or loss caused by Force Majeure. I 'Force Majeure Event’ shall mean and include fire, flood, earthquake, elements of nature or acts of God, acts of war, terrorism, riots, civil disorder, rebellions or revolutions, strikes, lockouts, or labour difficulties, rationing or unavailability of essential equipment or supplies and disruption to or unavailability of utilities and services, including, without limitation, electric power and telecommunications services or any other similar cause beyond the reasonable control of either Party. The Party subject to a Force Majeure Event shall, immediately notify the other Party of the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event and describe in a reasonable level of detail the circumstances causing such delay. Such Party shall take all reasonable steps to the extent possible to minimise the impact of a Force Majeure Event. If the Force Majeure Event/Condition(s) mentioned above be in force for a period of 90 days or more at any times, the purchaser shall have the option to terminate the contract on expiry of 90 days of commencement of such force majeure by giving 14 days notice to the contractor in writing. In case of such termination, no damages shall be claimed by the party against the other, save and except those which had occurred under any other clause of this contract prior to such termination. ******* Annexure 1 ('Instructions to Tenderers') PROFORMA BANK GUARANTEE FOR BID GUARANTEE (ON BANK'S LETTERHEAD WITH ADHESIVE STAMP) Ref ....................................... Date ................................. Bank Guarantee No. ... ........... To, Director Finance RITES Ltd. RITES Bhawan No.1, Sector29 Gurgaon-122001 India Dear Sir, In accordance with your invitation to tender No .............................................. for Supply of ........................................................... M/s ............................................................. hereinafter called the tenderer with the following Directors on their Board of Directors/Partners of the firms: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. wish to participate in the said tender for the supply of .................................. ………………………………………………………………………….. As a Bank Guarantee against Bid Guarantee for sum of ………… of ....................................................... ………………………………………………… ................................................................ (in words & figures) valid for(180)One Hundred and eighty Days from ........................................................................... required to be submitted by the tenderer as a condition for the participation, this Bank hereby guarantees and undertakes during the above said period of (180) one hundred and eighty days to immediately pay, on demand by Director Finace, RITES Ltd, Gurgaon in writing the amount of ........ ..................... …………………………………………………………………………….. ................................................................................................ (in words & figures) and without any reservation and recourse, if:— (i) the tenderer after submitting his tender, modifies the rates or any of the terms and conditions thereof, except with the previous written consent of the Purchaser; or (ii) the tenderer withdraws the said bid within !50 days after opening of bid; or (iii) the tenderer having not withdrawn the bid, fails to execute the contractual documents wi t h i n the peri o d pr o vi ded in the contract; or (iv) ha ving executed the con tra ct fa i l s t o give t he bo nds s o a fo resai d wi th in the perio d provided in the contract. This guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain valid up to 4.00 P.M. on .......................... if further extension to this guarantee is required, the same shall be extended to such required periods on receiving instructions from M/s ..................................................................................... on whose behalf this guarantee is issued.Date Place Signature: .......... Witness Printed Name ..... (Designation) (Bank's Common Seal) Annexure2 PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR CONTRACT PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE BOND Ref.... ............. . Date ........................................ BankGuaranteeNo ......... ....... To, Director Finance RITES Ltd. RITES Bhawan No.1 Sector29 Gurgaon-122001 India 1. Against contract vide Advance Acceptance of the Tender No ........................................... dated ..................................... covering supply of .............................................................. (hereinafter called the said 'contract') entered into between the Director Finance, RITES Ltd and .............................................................. ........ (hereinafter called the 'Contractor1) this isto certify that at the request of the Contractor we ................................................................... Bank Ltd., are holding in trust in favor of the , the amount of ....................................... the Director Finance, RITES Ltd, India ....................................................... (write the sum here in words) to indemnity and keep indemnified the against any loss or damage that may be caused to or suffered by the President of India (Govt. of India) by the Director Finance, RITES Ltd, India, reason of any breach by the Contractor of any of the terms and conditions of the said contract and/or the performance thereof. We agree that the decision of the Di r ec t o r Finance, RITES Ltd,India whether any breach of any of the terms and conditions of the said contract and/or in the performance thereof has been committed by the Contractor and the amount of loss or damage that has been caused or suffered by the Director Finance, RITES Ltd shall be final and binding on us and the amount of the said loss or damage shall be paid by us forthwith on demand and without demur to the Director Finance, RITES Ltd . 2. We .................................. .................................................. Bank Ltd., further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for satisfactory performance and fulfillment in all respects of the said contract by the Contractor i.e. till .............................................. (viz. the date up to 12 months after the date of last shipment/delivery, of the goods ordered) hereinafter called the 'said date' and that if any claim accrues or arises against us ..................................... Bank Ltd., by virtue of this guarantee before the said date, the same shall be enforceable against us .................................................................. Bank Ltd.), notwith standing the fact that the same is enforced within six months after the said dale, provided that notice of any such claim has been given to us.... .............. ........................ Bank/Ltd., by the Director Finance, RITES Ltd before the said date. Payment under this letter of guarantee shall be made promptly upon our receipt of notice to that effect from the president of India (Govt. of India). 3. It is fully understood that this guarantee is effective from the date of the said contract and that we.. ...................................................... Bank Ltd., undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency without the consent in writing o the Director Finance, RITES Ltd 4. We undertake to pay to the the Director Finance, RITES Ltd any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor in any s u i t or proceeding pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. The payments so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment thereunder and the Contractor shall have no claim against us for making such payment. 5. We ................................ Bank Ltd., further agree that the the Director Finance, RITES Ltd shall have the fullest liberty, without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said contract or to extend time of performance by the Contractor from time to time or to postpone for any time or form time to time any of the powers exercisable by the Director Finance, RITES Ltd , against the said Contractor and to for bear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said contracts and we ............................... Bank Ltd., shall not be released from our liability under this guarantee by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor or for any forbearance and/ or omission on the part of the President of India or any indulgence by the Director Finance, RITES Ltd the said Contractor or by any other matter or thing what-so-ever, which under the law relating to sure lies, would, but for this provision have the effect of so releasing us from our liability under this guarantee. 6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the Contractor. Dale... ............................ Signature .... ........................... /Voce ........................... Printed Name .......................... Witness ................... .................................. (Designation) ………………………………. Bank's Common Seal Annexure3 PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR 10% CONTRACT VALUE TOWARDS WARRANTY GUARANTEE To, Director Finance RITES Ltd. RITES Bhawan No.1 Sector29 Gurgaon-122001 India Sub.— Guarantee No ............................................ for .................... (Amount). Covering equipment (s) Serial no .............................................................. supplied to ......... , .............................................................. (Consignee/s) Ref.— Contract No ............................................................... dated .............................. Placed on M/s ............................................................................... 1. WHEREAS M/s .......................... ................................ ............. one of our constituents, (hereinafter called the "Sellers") have agreed to sell to you (hereinafter referred to as the "RITES Ltd ") Nos. of ............................................................................ (give description) as per contract No ......................................................................................... dated ....................................................... (hereinafter called "the said contract") AND WHEREAS according to the terms of said contract, it has been stipulated that payment of 10% of the value of the stores would be made, provided that the Sellers furnish to the Purchaser a Bank Guarantee from a recognized bank, acceptable to the Purchaser for 10 per cent of the value of the said contract, valid for a period covering in full the Guarantee Period as per the warranty clause of the said conditions of the contract, being the conditions attached to and forming part of the said contract. AND WHEREAS the Sellers have approached us to give the said Bank Guarantee on their behalf in your favour for an amount representing lO per cent of the value of (he said contract which you have agreed to accept. 4. That in consideration of the promises and at the request of the said Sellers, we hereby irrevocably undertake and guarantee to pay to the RITES Ltd or at such other place as may be determined by you forthwith on demand and without any demur, any sum upto a maximum amount of ......................... representing 10 per cent of the value of the stores di s pat c hed under the s aid co ntr act in case the Seller make default in paying the said sum or make any default in the performance, observance or discharge of the guarantee contained in the said contract. 5. We agree that the decision of the RITES Ltd, whether any default has occurred or has been committed by the Sellers in the performance, observance or discharge of the guarantee aforesaid shall be conclusive and binding on us M/s.. .................................... 6. RITEs Ltd shall be at liberty, from time to time, to grant or allow extension of time or give other indulgence to the said Sellers or to modify the terms and conditions of the contract with the said Sellers without affecting or impairing this guarantee or our liability hereunder. 7. We undertake to pay to the RITES Ltd any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the Sellers in any suit or proceeding pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. We also undertake to pay to the any money so demanded against the Purchaser's claims in any other contracts placed on (he said sellers. The payment so madeby us under this bond shall, bea valid discharge of our liabilityfor payment there under and the Sellers shall have no claim against us for making such payment. 8. This bank guarantee comes into force when the balance ten percent of the value of the stores, shipped per Vessel ................................................................. vide Bill of Lading No ............................. dated ..... ............................................. or R/RNo.... .............................. ..dated ....... ................. (in the case of indigenous contracts) under the said contract, has been paid and will remain in full force and effect up to .............................. i.e. for .............................. months counted from the dale of placing the stores in service, and shall continue to be enforceable for further five months i.e. up to .................................. (date), hereinafter called the said date. 9. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the Sellers. * 10. That no claim under this guarantee shall be entertained by us unless the same has been preferred by the the RITES Ltd within the said dale. Date ............................ Signature ............................... Place ............................. Printed Name ........................... Witness.......................... ......................................... (Designation) Bank's Common Seal Regd. Office : Scope Minar, Core – I, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi 110092 (INDIA) R.D.S.O Hkkjr ljdkj, jsy eU=zky; GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS SCHEDULE OF TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR FIRMS SEEKING APPROVAL FOR SUPPLY OF SOLID ROLLED MULTIPLE WEAR WHEELS FOR LOCOMOTIVES STR No. MP.STR.VL- 01.10.13 (Rev-00) November 2013 vuql/a kku vfHkdYi vkSj ekud laxBu y[kuÅ&226 011 RESEARCH DESIGNS & STANDARDS ORGANISATION LUCKNOW - 226 011 Cost (Rs).……… INDEX Para Description Page 1.0 SCOPE 1 2.0 GENERAL 1 3.0 REQUIREMENTS FOR MANUFACTURERS 1 4.0 MANUFACTURER’S QUALIFICATION 1 5.0 QUALIFICATION PROCEDURE 2 6.0 QUALIFICATION 3 Schedule of Technical Requirements For Firms Seeking Approval for Supply of Solid Rolled Multiple Wear Wheel for Locomotives SCHEDULE OF TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SUPPLY OF SOLID ROLLED MULTIPLE WEAR WHEELS FOR LOCOMOTIVES 1.0 SCOPE This document covers the technical requirements for supply of solid rolled multiple wear locomotive wheels, covered by specification No. IRS-R-34 (Latest).It lays down the qualifying requirements for the manufacturer of wheels. 2.0 GENERAL .1 Strict quality control is required to be maintained during manufacture of wheels. Manufacturer shall have an established quality control system conforming to ISO 9001, and with easy traceability of the product from manufacturing stage to final product stage. .2 The wheels from a new supplier or of a new design shall require to be qualified before regular use by Indian Railways as per clause 4.0. 3.0 REQUIREMENTS FOR MANUFACTURERS .1 The manufacturer shall have current approval from either AAR or UIC , for manufacture of rail wheels of minimum 18 tonne axle load. .2 The manufacturer shall operate a quality assurance system conforming to ISO 9001, and maintain easy traceability of the product from manufacturing stage to final product stage. .3 The manufacturer shall have all the requisite minimum facilities for manufacture and testing of wheels as per specification No . IRS-R-34-13. .4 The manufacturer shall have trained staff for manufacture, quality control and testing activities. The Staff trained in non-destructive testing shall be qualified in accordance with EN473 or equivalent. 4.0 MANUFACTURER’S QUALIFICATION .1 Locomotive wheels from a manufacturer shall be accepted for regular use only after qualification of the wheel in case of the following conditions: (a) Any wheel from a new supplier (b) Any non-qualified wheels from a supplier, when its geometry is appreciably different to qualified wheels from that supplier (shape and thickness of the web, thickness of the web, diameter etc.) (c) Any change in the manufacturing process of the manufacturer for the qualified wheel. .2 A Manufacturer who has already supplied more than 1000 loco wheels to Indian Railways, and minimum 120 number of such wheels have run satisfactorily for more than two years, will be deemed to have qualified, and shall not require to undergo the qualification process as in Para 5.0. Motive Power Directorate (VDG), RDSO, Lucknow Page 1 of 3 Schedule of Technical Requirements For Firms Seeking Approval for Supply of Solid Rolled Multiple Wear Wheel for Locomotives .3 The manufacturers, who are not qualified may not be given order for more than 1000 number of wheels. However, the limit of 1000 no. of wheels may be exempted /relaxed for freight locomotive wheels, for internationally reputed manufacturers, whose wheels have run satisfactorily for at least five years on any international railway system and have also supplied wheels of different design (s) to Indian Railways, subject to the condition that the manufacturer gets his product, offered for IR locomotives, validated by a reputed agency like TTCI, along with the following tests: (a) Fatigue test as per Para 3.2.4 of EN 13262:2004 (E) (b) Accelerated performance wear test on Dynamometer under full service conditions as per UIC-510-5(O), Appendix-A, for checking (i) Wheel Thermal Damage, and (ii) Resistance to Thermal Cracking .4 5.0 If performance of wheels supplied by a qualified manufacturer is unsatisfactory, the manufacturer may be asked to re-qualify for supply to Indian Railways. QUALIFICATION PROCEDURE The qualification procedure for the product shall comprise four successive stages. 5.1 • Provision of documents by the supplier; • Evaluation of the manufacturing equipment and production processes; • Laboratory tests; • Service experience of wheels. Documentation Required At the time of tender, the manufacturer shall provide the following documents: 5.2 • Wheel description • A description of the company stating - Company size (number of people employed, defining the proportion between manufacturer, control and quality assurance), - Production per year of all products, - A list of all the means of manufacture and quality control. • Data about the company organization with the appropriate organization charts. • Description of manufacturing process with descriptions of the different stages of manufacturing; • Details of supplies to Indian Railways and to other Railways Evaluation of Manufacturing Equipment and the Production Processes .1 This evaluation shall comprise: • An inspection of the manufacturing plant and examination of the process. Motive Power Directorate (VDG), RDSO, Lucknow Page 2 of 3 Schedule of Technical Requirements For Firms Seeking Approval for Supply of Solid Rolled Multiple Wear Wheel for Locomotives 5.3 • An inspection of the raw material manufacturing plant and examination of its production process. • Auditing of the manufacturing organization against the requirements of Para 3.0. • Data about raw materials with the list of suppliers. Laboratory Tests All characteristics defined in the specification IRS-R-34, shall be proven on wheels produced by the manufacturer’s standard processes given in QAP. The number of samples to be tested shall be as specified in the specification. 5.4 Service experience of wheels. The first minimum 120 number of wheels supplied shall be specially monitored in service for its performance for 2 years as per monitoring scheme given in appendix. Performance parameters shall contain thermal cracking, wheel crack, excess spalling, wheel wear etc. 6.0 QUALIFICATION 6.1 Based on the successful completion of the above, the manufacturer will be qualified for supply of loco wheels to Indian Railways. 6.2 If the customer records significant defects on the product, the relevant parts of the qualification procedure shall be repeated. 6.3 If the manufacturer has not respected important conditions of the qualifications, it may be cancelled. Motive Power Directorate (VDG), RDSO, Lucknow Page 3 of 3
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