第2回 平成 28 年度 英 語 (50 分) 注 意 事 項 1 試験開始の合図があるまで,この問題冊子の中を見てはいけない。 2 この問題は 11 ページである。 試験中に問題の印刷不鮮明,ページの落丁・乱丁及び汚れ等に気付いた場合は,手を挙げて監督 者に知らせること。 3 試験開始の合図前に,監督者の指示に従って,解答用紙の該当欄に以下の内容をそれぞれ正しく 記入し,マークすること。 ・①氏名欄 氏名を記入すること。 ・②受験番号,③生年月日,④受験地欄 受験番号,生年月日を記入し,さらにマーク欄に受験番号 (数字) ,生年月日(年号・数字), 受験地をマークすること。 4 受験番号,生年月日,受験地が正しくマークされていない場合は,採点できないことがある。 5 解答は,解答用紙の解答欄にマークすること。例えば, 10 と表示のある解答番号に対して 2 と解答する場合は,次の(例)のように解答番号 10 の解答欄の 2 にマークすること。 (例) 解答 番号 解 答 欄 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 問題冊子の余白等は適宜利用してよいが,どのページも切り離してはいけない。 7 試験終了後,問題冊子は持ち帰ってよい。 2016KN2A-14-001 英 語 (解答番号 1 1 ∼ 27 ) 次の 1 から 3 までの対話において,下線を引いた語の中で最も強く発音されるものを,それぞれ 1 ∼ 4 のうちから一つずつ選びなさい。解答番号は 1 ∼ 3 。 1 A:What color do you think is best for a car? B:I think red is cool. A:Really? I think gray is better because you don t have to wash it so often. 1 2 3 4 B:Yes, but it s boring. 1 2 A:Are you still jogging with your dog these days? B:No, not anymore. A:Oh, why not? B:She s been sick, so now I like to walk her instead. 1 2 3 4 2 3 A:Jeff, have you seen my wallet? I m sure I put it on the shelf. B:Last time you said that, it was in your bag. Maybe it s there again. A:Oh, here it is! You re right! B:Perhaps you should always keep it in your bag. 1 2 3 4 ― ― 1 3 2016KN2A-14-002 2 次の 1 から 5 までの対話文の 内に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ 1 ∼ 4 のう ちから一つずつ選びなさい。解答番号は 4 ∼ 8 。 1 (At a library) A:How s that English report going? B:Fine, but may I ask you to do something? A:What is it? B: 4 1 I m enjoying reading it very much. 2 I ll tell you when to start writing it. 3 Did you decide what to write about? 4 Could you read my report? 2 (At school) A:What do you want to do in the future? B:I want to be in business. A:Do you mean you want to work for a big company or start your own company? B:Start my own. I don t want to 5 1 get a license. 2 get a ticket. 3 work for someone else. 4 work at all. 3 (At a party) A:Hi, Erin! I haven t heard from you for a long time. Is everything OK? B:Oh, hi. I m good. I sent you some emails, but I didn t get any answers from you. A:Oh, I m sorry. 6 I don t use the old one now. B:I didn t know that. Please give me the new one. 1 I ll read them soon. 2 I ll remember to reply to you. 3 I ve got many emails. 4 I ve got a new email address. ― ― 2 2016KN2A-14-003 4 (At home) A:Are you ready to go, Cindy? We re going to be late! B:I m ready now. I was just looking for my scarf. A:OK. Let s go. 7 B:Yes. They are in my purse. 1 Did you book the seats for two? 2 Do you have the concert tickets? 3 Will you pick me up at the hall? 4 Can you hold my bag for a while? 5 (On the phone) A:Hello. My name is Sato. I have a reservation for August 3. B:Yes, thank you, sir. How can I help you? A:I d like to go sightseeing before I check in that day. What is the check-in time? B:Three o clock, but you 8 1 should sleep a lot. 2 can leave your bags at the front desk. 3 should come here with your friends. 4 can go back home now. ― ― 3 2016KN2A-14-004 3 次の 1 から 3 の各英文がまとまりのある文章になるようにそれぞれ 1 ∼ 5 の語を並べかえたと き, 2 番目と 4 番目に入るものを選びなさい。解答番号は 9 ∼ 14 。 1 Bears are animals that hibernate in winter. Before winter comes, they begin to eat more and more to prepare for their long winter sleep. In late summer and early autumn, bears can be seen busily eating. They are 1 as 2 eat 4 much 5 to 9 10 as they can. 3 trying 2 Nothing went right for Ken today. While doing the laundry in the morning, he dropped his mobile phone in the washing machine, and the phone stopped working. In the afternoon, he rushed to a cafe to meet his friends, but none of them showed up because 11 12 place. 1 went 2 wrong 4 he 5 the 3 to 3 I ate at a new restaurant last night. I ordered some things from the menu, but the waiter brought me dishes that were different from my order. 13 14 When I told him, he and hurried back to the kitchen to get what I had actually ordered. 1 mistake 4 his 2 said 3 sorry 5 for ― ― 4 2016KN2A-14-005 4 次の 1 から 3 の各メッセージの送り手が意図したものとして最も適当なものを,それぞれ 1 ∼ 4 のうちから一つずつ選びなさい。解答番号は 15 ∼ 17 。 1 A little girl wearing a blue sweater has just been found in the food court. She has a white bag. If you are looking for this child, please come to the lost child counter on the second floor of this building, next to the elevators. Thank you. 1 食事する場所を紹介する。 2 子供服売り場の案内をする。 3 自分の家族を紹介する。 4 迷子の案内をする。 15 2 Pollution is a big problem. There are many kinds of pollution, including water, air, land, and noise pollution. Before discussing this problem together, it is very important for us to learn more about each kind of pollution. Please pick one and write a report on it. Hand it in at the beginning of class on Tuesday. 1 問題の原因を説明する。 2 宿題の内容を指示する。 3 問題の解決策を述べる。 4 宿題の期限を変更する。 16 3 Because our company family picnic was so successful last year, we ve decided to do it again this year. But we need your ideas for a place! We hope to find a good place for 80 people, where we can have a BBQ, hold a few games for children, and set up a volleyball court for adults. Thanks in advance. 1 会社の行事に関する案を募集する。 2 スポーツの競技方法を説明する。 3 運動会の準備状況を報告する。 4 ボランティア活動の内容を伝える。 17 ― ― 5 2016KN2A-14-006 5 次の 1 から 3 の各英文の 内に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ 1 ∼ 4 のうちか ら一つずつ選びなさい。解答番号は 18 ∼ 20 。 1 When you give a speech, you need to try to relax. On the stage, look at the listeners in a friendly way. You are not just speaking into a microphone but to the 18 . You should use easy words and expressions, so that everyone can understand you. 1 owners 2 volunteers 3 audience 4 nature 2 Curry and rice is one of the most popular dishes in Japan. It is quick and easy to make. First, cut up some meat and vegetables. Next, fry them in a pan, add water, and let the mixture boil for several minutes. 1 Finally 19 2 Accidentally , add some curry roux, stir, and serve with rice! 3 Luckily 3 After writing your story on your computer, be sure to 4 Clearly 20 your file. To do this, select the command from the drop-down menu. Then choose a folder for the file and give the file a name. It is important to remember the name and location of the file. 1 spend 2 save 3 sell ― ― 6 4 search 2016KN2A-14-007 ― ― 7 2016KN2A-14-008 6 次のグラフ,表及び英文を読み, 1 から 3 の質問の答えとして最も適当なものを,それぞれ 1 ∼ 4 のうちから一つずつ選びなさい。解答番号は 21 ∼ 23 。 Number of hours students volunteered per month in 2015 50 40 30 % of students 20 10 0 0 1 to 4 5 to 10 11 or more Most important reasons for doing volunteer work Help people or community 44% Learn something new 24% Get work experience 20% Other 12% St. Martin s High School conducts a survey of student volunteer work every year. The survey results show that many students have positive attitudes toward volunteering. The graph above shows the average amount of time that the students spent doing volunteer work per month in 2015. The table shows the most important reasons given for participating. The teachers at the school have encouraged their students to volunteer since 2009. Before then, few students did volunteer work. When Brian Amster, the present principal, first came to the school in 2008, he found that there was little communication among students, their families, and the community. As St. Martin s High School was in a newly developed area, more than half of the students and their families were newcomers, and they did not know each other or the area very well. Mr. Amster thought this was not good for the students and the community. Mr. Amster came up with the idea of volunteer work. He wanted his students to have more contact with the local people through helping those in need. The local people really welcomed the volunteer activities. Volunteering gave many students a chance to learn a lot, and their self-esteem improved. It was good for the community and the students themselves, too. Mr. Amster says, In the beginning, most of the volunteer activities involved helping old ― ― 8 2016KN2A-14-009 people. Today, however, more and more students are doing activities related to the environment, such as cleaning parks and other public areas. Parents are also encouraged to help, and each year, more and more parents are participating. One thing that makes Mr. Amster especially proud is that most students continue volunteering even after graduation. 1 According to the graph and the table, which of the following is true about the students at St. Martin s? 1 Nearly half of them did five to ten hours of volunteer work a month. 2 A large percentage of them did not do any volunteer work. 3 They were not so interested in helping others as in learning something new. 4 The most popular reason for volunteering was to get work experience. 21 2 According to the passage, which of the following is true about St. Martin s in 2008? 1 Parents wanted to move the school to a new location in a new city. 2 Mr. Amster thought the students should learn more about the community. 3 The students did more volunteer work with their families than in 2009. 4 Half of the students and their families decided to leave the community. 22 3 According to the passage, which of the following is true? 1 Volunteering has helped many students improve their self-esteem. 2 The 2009 volunteer projects mainly involved cleaning the environment. 3 Most students stop doing volunteer work when they graduate from school. 4 Parents of the students do not take part in volunteer activities. 23 ― ― 9 2016KN2A-14-010 7 次の英文を読み, 1 から 4 の 内に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ 1 ∼ 4 のう ちから一つずつ選びなさい。解答番号は 24 ∼ 27 。 Mariko s grandfather was a teacher who had also been the principal of a primary school. When she was small, her grandfather had already retired from teaching. He used to take her to many places and teach her many things. His lessons were simple and easy to understand, so Mariko liked learning new things from him. She often asked him many questions. Some of them seemed difficult for him, and it took him a while to respond. He studied books and looked through dictionaries to find information. He never failed to answer her questions, so she always wanted to continue learning. One day, he threw a rope over a high branch of the biggest tree in the garden, so that she could climb up into the tree. However, he didn t say how to do it and just watched her while she was trying. When she succeeded, he shouted, Well done, Mariko! I knew you could do it! As soon as Mariko s grandmother heard that, she came out of the house looking pale. She said, Grandpa, that s very dangerous. You shouldn t make Mariko climb up the tree! He answered, I didn t. It was Mariko who climbed up by herself! She found her own way to get up there. I just stood by in case she needed help. Mariko thought how wonderful it would be if she could be like her grandfather in the future and help children do many things, so right at that moment, she decided to become a teacher. After Mariko started university, her grandfather got sick. Sadly, he died before she graduated and became a teacher. Now she wishes she could show him how much she loves teaching and how hard she tries to help her students learn new things. Her grandfather s approach to teaching continues to be a model for her. She often thinks, If he were here, what would he do? Even now, she still wants to ask him many questions, but the one which she wants to ask most of all is, Are you proud of me? ― ― 10 2016KN2A-14-011 1 Mariko s grandfather 24 1 was principal of a junior high school. 2 was a teacher when she was small. 3 often asked her many questions. 4 always answered her questions. 2 One day, Mariko s grandfather 25 1 cut the branches of the trees. 2 watched her climb the tree. 3 climbed the tree with her. 4 explained how to make a rope. 3 Mariko decided to be a teacher 26 1 to help students learn many things. 2 after she started studying at university. 3 because her grandfather became sick. 4 after she saw her grandfather in class. 4 Now Mariko wants to 27 1 meet the principal of a primary school. 2 be the kind of teacher her grandfather was. 3 answer the questions her grandfather asked. 4 learn new things at university. ― ― 11 2016KN2A-14-012
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