Prof. Dr. Sarah Pinto Mrs. A.`s Breaking Point:

 Institut für Indologie und Zentralasienwissenschaften
Wir laden ein zu einem Gastvortrag von
Prof. Dr. Sarah Pinto
Tufts University Somerville (MA), USA
Mrs. A.'s Breaking Point:
Ethics and Counter-Ethics in Indian Psychiatry
13. Dezember 2016
In the brief period between World War II and India's Independence, a young woman
sat with a family friend, psychiatrist Dev Satyanand, to participate in his effort to
develop a "more objective" form of dream analysis using "oriental" methods. Mrs.
A.'s dream analysis involves a vision of both hope and disappointment that shapes an
ethic connecting themes of singularity and uncertainty. Read with an anthropological
lens, this case shows a counter-imaginary of gender, sexuality, and agency emerging
in the middle of the 20th century, through a nationalist psychiatry founded in organic
visions of self and psyche.
Dienstag, 13.12.2016, 17-19 Uhr, Schillerstr. 6, Raum S-102