30 years of imaging and modeling building materials at NBS/NIST

30 years of imaging and modeling building
materials at NBS/NIST: from PIXAR to MICROCHAR
Dale P. Bentz
Chemical Engineer
Materials and Structural Systems Division, Engineering Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Dienstag, 26. Juli 2016
10:00 Uhr Campus Nord, Bienroder Weg 87, Raum 008
This presentation will provide an overview of NIST research on
building materials during the past 30 years. The framework for the
presentation will be a historical timeline of NIST's usage of image
analysis, along with computer modeling and supporting
experiments, to investigate the (micro)structure of building materials
including coatings, fire resistive materials, and cement-based
materials including concrete. Video and infrared cameras, scanning
electron microscopes with X-ray imaging, and x-ray and neutron
tomographs have all been extensively employed to provide 2-D and
3-D microstructures for subsequent quantification and utilization in
computer models.