Abs: SLRG Luzern, c/o Peter Forrer, Museggstrasse 16, CH-6004 Luzern Invitation to the 3NL UWR Tournament Lucerne (Leg1) 21. January 2017 1. Place Hallenbad Allmend Zihlmattweg 46 CH-6005 Lucerne www.hallenbadluzern.ch There is a parking garage directly at the indoor swimming pool (limited parking spaces). The specifications of the swimming pool are as follows: - Dimension: 12 x 12 m - Depth: 3.8 m - Temperature: ca. 28°C 2. Program 08:00 08:15 09:00 ca. 17:00 19:00 ca 20:00 3. Entrance into the indoor swimming pool Team captains meeting Start of the tournament End of the tournament General Assembly (at the restaurant N’ICE) Dinner and Award Proclamation (at the restaurant N’ICE) TriNations League The 3NL UWR Tournament Lucerne is the first tournament of the 2017 TriNations League (3NL). For details, refer to the full regulation available on the 3NL website: http://trinationsuwrl.com/. Any participating team must agree on the 3NL concept and regulation. Free teams are not allowed to participate unless they belong to an invited country (list of countries in the regulation). Any team wishing to participate must send a request to [email protected]. 4. Registration All registered teams must confirm their participation by sending the list of players to [email protected] until 1 month before the tournament (Due date: 21/12/2016). SLRG Luzern – Die Ansprechpartnerin für Wassersicherheit Sektion der Schweizerischen Lebensrettungs-Gesellschaft SLRG Postfach 4103 • 6002 Luzern • [email protected] • www.slrgluzern.ch Sportgruppe Unterwasser-Rugby Peter Forrer +41 (0)79 330 9206 • [email protected] Seite 1 von 3 • 22.Okt. 2016 Free players may register through the draft system compiling the module on the 3NL website. Only players applying until 1 month before the tournament (Due date: 21/12/2016) may be guaranteed the participation if chosen by a team. Later applicants will be distributed on the day of the tournament at the team leader meeting; without guarantee to find a team. 5. Playing Schedule The playing schedule depends on the number of participating teams according to the 3NL rules. Due to the tight schedule, it is essential that all teams and referees get ready before the previous match ends. 6. Rules UWR rules of 3NL will be applied. The time schedule could be adapted. 7. Entry fee The entry fee for each (free) team is 265 €. The entry fee for each draft player is 30 €. Entry fees have to be paid by bank transfer. No refund is possible. Bank coordinates: Account Holder: Schweiz. Lebensrettungs-Gesellschaft SLRG, Sektion Luzern, 6000 Luzern IBAN: CH18 0900 0000 6000 7606 3 BIC/SWIFT: POFICHBEXXX Bank name: PostFinance AG If you prefer to transfer the money on an EU account send a request to [email protected] Please indicate on the details of the bank transfer: - “3NL UWR Tournament Lucerne”, and - team name 8. Accommodation We organized the Ferienheim Dormen for accommodation of the teams (http://www.ferienheimdormen.ch). In case of good weather you will have a beautiful view on Lake Lucerne and the mountains: The address is: Herrenwaldweg 17, CH-6048 Horw. It is a ca. 2.5km (ca. 35 min) walk to the pool, with bus ca. 20 min, parking at the accommodation is available. The costs for accommodation and breakfast are 30 CHF/ € per night and per person (not included in the tournament fee). For kids (born 2002 or later) the costs are 15 CHF/ € per night, babies (born 2015 or later) are cost-free. SLRG Luzern – Die Ansprechpartnerin für Wassersicherheit Sektion der Schweizerischen Lebensrettungs-Gesellschaft SLRG Postfach 4103 • 6002 Luzern • [email protected] • www.slrgluzern.ch Sportgruppe Unterwasser-Rugby Peter Forrer +41 (0)79 330 9206 • [email protected] Seite 2 von 3 • 22.Okt. 2016 Sleeping bag is mandatory. Arrival on Friday and overnight stay from Friday to Saturday is possible. Leaving time on Sunday is 10:30. Please include all booking details regarding this accommodation in Dormen in the list of players until 1 month before the tournament (Due date: 21/12/2016). The accommodation Dormen has sleeping places for 48 persons, therefore please book as soon as possible in the Dormen or at other places, e.g: - ibis Luzern Kriens Hotel, - ibis budget Hotel Luzern City, - www.youthhostel.ch, - www.backpackerslucerne.ch, - www.lionlodge.ch, or - at any other hotel (www.touristhotel.ch). 9. Dinner Dinner will be served at the restaurant N'ICE, located at the Regionales Eiszentrum Luzern (Eisfeldstrasse 2, CH-6005 Luzern). It is a ca. 2.6km (ca. 35 min) walk from the pool, with bus ca. 20 min, parking at the accommodation is rarely available. You will get the orientation plan how to get the restaurant at the day of the tournament. The price per menu is 27 CHF/ €. For children it is possible to order a la carte. Please indicate if you have any food intolerance. We will do our best to find an alternative. And please include all reservations regarding the dinner in the registration form until 1 month before the tournament (Due date: 21/12/2016). 10. Exclusion of liability Participation at this competition takes place at one’s own risk. The hosting club could not be considered liable for any personal or material damages. 11. Referees and protest Each team has to appoint two referees. For each missing referee a penalty fee of 100 CHF/ € will be applied. Please indicate the referees in the list of players. Protests must be delivered in to the management of the tournament within 30 min after the end of the affected game. Protest fee is 100 CHF/ €. 12. Information and Contacts In case of questions, remarks or uncertainties please contact: Organization of tournament: Peter Forrer, [email protected], +41 (0)79 330 9206 Team coordination, accommodation & dinner: Jan Maisenbacher, [email protected], +41 (0)79 395 1989 Lucerne 3NL committee member: Felix Wahrenberger, [email protected], +41 (0)79 459 3041 SLRG Luzern – Die Ansprechpartnerin für Wassersicherheit Sektion der Schweizerischen Lebensrettungs-Gesellschaft SLRG Postfach 4103 • 6002 Luzern • [email protected] • www.slrgluzern.ch Sportgruppe Unterwasser-Rugby Peter Forrer +41 (0)79 330 9206 • [email protected] Seite 3 von 3 • 22.Okt. 2016 13. Public transport The local bus service provider is “Verkehrsbetriebe Luzern AG”. Please check the homepage “https://www.vbl.ch/” for tickets and schedules. There are also free apps for smartphones available. The swiss railway company “SBB” is available via “https://www.sbb.ch/” and offers a free app, too. SLRG Luzern – Die Ansprechpartnerin für Wassersicherheit Sektion der Schweizerischen Lebensrettungs-Gesellschaft SLRG Postfach 4103 • 6002 Luzern • [email protected] • www.slrgluzern.ch Sportgruppe Unterwasser-Rugby Peter Forrer +41 (0)79 330 9206 • [email protected] Seite 4 von 3 • 22.Okt. 2016 List of players All participating team must send the list of players to [email protected] until 1 month before the tournament (Due date: 21/12/2016). Team name: Player Name License no. Referee ( yes / no ) Saturday Dinner participation Accommodation in Dormen Friday -> Saturday Saturday -> Sunday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SLRG Luzern – Die Ansprechpartnerin für Wassersicherheit Sektion der Schweizerischen Lebensrettungs-Gesellschaft SLRG Postfach 4103 • 6002 Luzern • [email protected] • www.slrgluzern.ch Sportgruppe Unterwasser-Rugby Peter Forrer +41 (0)79 330 9206 • [email protected] Seite 1 von 2 • 22.Okt. 2016 Name of team: Team Coordinator/ League Manager: Email of Team Coordinator/ League Manager: Phone of Team Coordinator/ League Manager: The team coordinator confirms for him/her, his/ her team and all team members: - to raise from any liability, related to their participation to the competition, all the organizations and members related to the competition - that all players are in possession of the medical certifications required by law that attest the required medical condition to participate in the tournament. Place and date: Signature of team coordinator: SLRG Luzern – Die Ansprechpartnerin für Wassersicherheit Sektion der Schweizerischen Lebensrettungs-Gesellschaft SLRG Postfach 4103 • 6002 Luzern • [email protected] • www.slrgluzern.ch Sportgruppe Unterwasser-Rugby Peter Forrer +41 (0)79 330 9206 • [email protected] Seite 2 von 2 • 22.Okt. 2016
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