Vortrag - Christian-Albrechts

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
- Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte -
Das Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Kiel, lädt zu einem Vortrag mit Diskussion
ein am
Montag, den 5. Dezember 2016,
17.00 Uhr, Seminarraum UFG
(Eingang 2, Erdgeschoss), Johanna-Mestorf-Straße.
Frau Anne Mette Kristiansen und Frau Berit V. Eriksen,
sprechen zum Thema:
Rokær – an early Neolithic grave from Eastern Jutland,
During a rescue excavation in 1998 at Lund near Horsens in Eastern Jutland,
Danish archaeologists uncovered a well preserved long barrow from the Early
Neolithic. The excavation took place in 1998 under the direction of Anne Mette
Kristiansen and revealed the last traces of an early neolithic earthen long barrow
with an intact grave of Konens Høj type. The grave contained a rich assembly of
two flint-axes, a unique polished flint dagger made of a blade and 206 amber
beads, of which no less than 5 were amber suns. Unfortunately, the find has only
been cursorily published. In order to mend this a joint publication by Anne Mette
Kristiansen, Berit V. Eriksen and Johannes Müller is now in preparation. At the
round table we will present the grave in its local and regional context and the
amber beads (AMK), as well as the small but exquisite flint inventory (BVE).
(gez. die Institutsleitung)