tldnuel de Ia PROFI MG SOTO MULTIPLEX @ ModelttechnikGmbH. NeuerWq I 5 . D-75223Niefem . Germany MULTTPLEX O MULTIPLEX1997,lmpimö en Allemagne Sousröseve d'erreurd'impression,de nndificationet de disponibiliE! @ *asssse Tabledes matiöres . . . . . . . . .1. . I.ll6nüeur L'6metteur.......... 'Ämission Charge& chargerapide cha$e normale, 3 4 4 4 4 6 ............ Le Clavieret le Systämecß i[enue 6 .......'.'....' Le clavier problÖme 7 ............. sans le choix de menu: Le systöme 8, I ....... ............... des m€nus Structure et itfümrpteu's..................'10 de comn/€Inde Etän,me,rb6 Menus paftculies 10 ..............'....... ou d'61a1 de fonctionnement L'affichage 11 horaire....................... Commentutiliserle totalisateur commentchangerle type de modulation 11 entrePPM7,PPMget PcM ........ 12 Röghge d8 6tömetß & comn'ande 28 de commande............................ des6l6ments Rdglage 29 ..................... de commande Lesoptionsdes6l6ments ..29 Commentreglerles optionsdes commande "DuaFRate" 29 (rÖduction de course).................. L'option "exponentiel" 30 ............................................... L'option "169lage 30 .................. de courseassymelrique" L'option 30 de la course"..................' symÖtrique L'option"r6glage "centre". 30 .............................. L'option 31 de ralenti"........................................... L'option'trim "differentie|"............................................. 31 L'0D1i0n "vefeur 32 .............................' fixe"..................... L'option "norm-pos"............................................... 33 L'option Le Cqnbi-Switch Commentutiliserle combi-switch? M6nlp,ircsefprcg''anmes La listed'un modöle Le menu"m6moire Le menu"copief' copier Comment Commenteffacer Le modede copie Le modede copie La memoireMX Le menu"changef' Le menu"nom". Le menu'trim"....... 13 14 {q 16 17 18 19 la commandede fhfllr'optäre AttributionpourI'hÖlicoptÖre. 46 ...................... de commande des6l6ments Attribution ...... 46 cötÖservos Attribution .zz L'atüb.rtion 23 de commande........... Commentattribuerles6l6ments ... ..................""" 24 Commentattribuerfesservos......... Rdgragedes sewos ..........""26 Commentinverserun servo(servoreverse)? 26 ............... Commentr6glerle centre? 26 Commentr6glerla coursedesservos?........................ Commentrdduire(limiter)Ia coursedesservos?.........27 Commentinterrompreles partiesde coursede servo? 28 MUUTlpLEX degaz Lecurseur ........ Autorotation qn du gyroscope Att6nuation 5l Le nßnu h6licofröre 52 de commande...................................... Les616ments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. .3. . . . . .......... SCHLUETER 3J HEtM..................... "mix points 53 tete"90' ........................... ä3 Commande "mix points 54 tete"............................'.'.. ä4 Commande "mix 54 tete"120"......................... ä 3 ooints Commande modelftechnik gmbh, NeuerWeg15,D-75223 NIEFERN : Bemad ReY,SION,suisse, @Tradudion 55 Comnwü utiti*r Ia fonclion6colage....................... '... .......55 de l'61öve de l'emetteur n6cessaires R6glages ' 56 du moniteur....... de l'emetteur necessaires R6glages ll. Il inshllationde räcePtion 62 Lecäbleinterruoteur...................... oz PPMou PCM?.... 63 utilisef ................. . . . . .5. 7 Quelr6cepteur OJ Fail-Safe(positionde s6curitÖdesservos) .........57 Simple-Super Le menu'?jest" des 6l6mentsde comnl6,ndes 63 ou Double-SuPe|? 63 ........... de I'accu,desservoset du rÖcepteur Montage Accessoires OJ Conseilspourle rÖcepteur: PoU',lesexp€f,fs oc Testde port6e 59 Döparasitage env01................................. de m6moires Commutation pourles allumagesmagn6tiques ou Attributiondes seNos pourdes ailesavec 6lectroniques 60 conseilspourlesseNos.................. plusde deuxai|erons.............................................. oc 60 Alimentation .............................. Sl .. L'intemupteur 64 en courantde votremodÖ|e.................... 61 Systöme Transfert entredeux6metteurs.................................... 64 .................... diagnostique 62 virtuel"valeurfixe" .............. de commande L'6l6ment 64 ä orendre.............. Precautions 64 L'accud'ömission 64 Lesservos.......... A6 La familledesseMosMC ...........-.-....... Ill. Techniquede modälisme 65 ä voiluresfixes...'................... desmodÖles Conceots oo de I'h6licoptÖre........ Concepts UnconseilencoEpourlesd6butants: toutesles si grossoit-il,nepeutvousdonner aucunmanuel, pourl'utilisation de vos modÖles. n6cessaires Parl'achatdefaPROFInrc 3010,vousvousetesd€cid€spour informations encontact specialisdes et mettez-vous rcmercions Lisezdonclesrevues Nousvous unprcduitdepointe"MadeinGermany". deI'oQ6tience mod6lisrne: vousprofiterezainsi aveclesclubsde de cetteconfiance. passionn6s. "haut Commepourtouteslesradiecommandes de gamme", d'autres l-a PROFImc 3010 seconcentrent danslesnombrcuses lescapacites du sys{Öme possibilitesde et La loi etvous l'emetteur. Afind'enrendrela compr€hension certainspaysdemande de radio-commandes, I'utilisationdus facile, l'emetteurpossÖdeune nouvelle Pourl'utilisation des philosophie devotreadministration auprÖs d'emploi. unellcence.Informez-vous "utilisateur t6l6communications. par guid6 la Ceci est r6sum6par les conc€pts Vos obligations machine",'systömede menus",'texteen claii'. "Pourquoi nesontpasdesjouets.Surtoutsivousctes Lesmodölesr6duits ped-etre un manuel si Vous vous demandez ä vousinformer.Lesclub etlesassociations d6butant, cherchez quantit6 papier de ä lirc vous effraiet'elle? Et la compld?'. pouront dans leulsdomainesrespedifs.N'hesitez vous aider de choses. Enfain,h PROFmc 30/0 peutfaire6norm6ment pas quesiionnervotre mod6lisle d6taillant enmod6lisme.Tout ä donnesla peined'6critEun manuel Aussinoussommes.nous civile. Attention responsabilit6 se doit d'avoir une assurance "€sum6". que possible, et nonun aussicomprehensible civile habitationne @uvre pas responsabilit6 I'assurance aussiici:avec20%de obligatoirement De plus,la rögledes80/20s'applique lesd6gatscaus6sparun modöler6duit. de l'Ömefteur. despossibilit6s @nnaissance, vousutilisezS0% Avertissement Et vous constatereztrÖsvite que vous ne consulterezce esl agr6Öparlesposles et chaquer6cepteur Chaque6metteur manuelque pourles cassp6ciaux. (bende 10 KHz). Toute 6trcite Normes FTZ Allemandes. Nousvousprionsdoncdelirece manuelau moinsunefoisau intervernion leu rsaccessoires 6l6ments ou votre surces de oatt minimales annulecel agrdment.Les ensemblesde radio-commande lesconnaissances vouspounezacqu6rirainsi d6br.rt: de l'6metteur, mgmesi MULTIPLEX et unevisiong6n6raledes possibilit6s d'extentionsne doiventctre avec possibilit6s vousn'envoyezpasencoreI'utilisation. prÖvus pourceuxqu'avec MULTIPLEX lesaccessoires utilises plaisir que piÖces MULTIPLEX. succös et de d'origine beaucoup de ci. Veillezä n'utiliser des Nous vous souhaitons n'6tantpas d'origineannulevotre d'accessoires avec votrc PROFImc 3010. L'utilisation garantie. et votrc assurance Lemanud maispas civileesl conseill6e, assurance responsabilit6 Une particuliÖrement de et de modÖles, qui et veulentvite obligatoire:I'utilisation Pourlousceuxqui ontddjäde I'exp6rience paragraphe des risques. pr6pat€ modölesvolants,comporte un voircomment0a marche,nousavons "D6managerapide". TrÖsimportant:commepourunv6hicule,vousperdezvolre d'utilisationsi vous modifiezvotre ensemble: autorisation ainsi: Le manuelse comDose typeset n'estvalableque pourles ensembles pr€sentons partie, I'autorisation les nombrcuses premiöre vous nous Dansla uelles eltensions. leurs 6ver possibilites ä vous ceci esl fait de maniÖre de l'6meüeur. permettrede le lirc d'un bout ä I'autreou d'y revenirpour Pour les modölesvolantsde plus de 20 kg existentdes consultercertainspointsparticuliers. prescriptions speciales. quelesmessages hadwareainsi nousd6crivonsle Enpremier, panied'unclub,afindeb6n6ficier Nousvousconseillonsdefaire LCD. importants de I'afüchage et de I'aiden6cessaire. de sonassurance Ensuite,bienquecet6metteurseprae mieuxquetoutautreä petsonnelle, nousvouspr6sentonsquelques la pmgrammation programmes) quevouspounezutilisez. exemples(appel6saussi la majorite Nous augmentonsensuitela difficult6en vous pdsentant Aprös I'achatd'une nouvelleradio-commande, "chose".Pour la voircommenttravaille vousd6sire vite d'entre d'abordles possibilitdsles plus utilis6espuis celles plus vous aider, voici un mode d'emploir6sum6 de la specifiques aux "professionnels'. PROH,nc 3010. pasäsavoiretä connaftre dÖsled€but Vousn'avezcependant despages5 et 64. Vouspouvezsimplement 1 . Cha$ezlesaccusselonlesindications de l'6metteur. touteslespossibilites qui chargeur-rapide. utilisez un Pour ceux en disposent, que vous n'utilisezpasaduellement sauterles informations commed6qit en p.62. I'ensemble de r6ception 2. Assemblez poury revenirplustard. HFainsique lequartzd'6mission, particuliörement lemodule la 3. Veillezäceque Pour les experts,nous recommandons plac€ de dansl'6metteur, de couleurbleue,soientmisen de le changement surlesm6moires, lecluredesparagmphes que quanz reception de memecanalle soitdans meme le EXet Sl. desintenupteurs m6moireen vol et l'rJtilisation le r6ceoteur. panie, deI'ensemble nousnousoccuperons Dansladeuxiöme Allumezl'6metteur.Sur le displayLcD, vous voyez par avecles commeil n'ya pasgrandesdiffÖrences de r6ception: exemole: systömesanl6rieuas,cettepartieest tßs courte. cependantde la nousvousconseillons SivousÖtesd6bulants, i5 Eril:l1; FFii'] et d'enappliquerlesrecommandations. lireattentivement -ti-:t j ttEE|ggSL.tL.i: .il,i notionsde modÖlisme. certaines En annexe,nousexpliquons Demanagenpide le Si vousn'obtenezpascet 6cran,vousavez fait une ereun vousavezle numdrode la memoire, Surlalignesup6rieure, fois pourobtenirl'6crande dÖpartet sur E) plusieurs (PPM7 ou appuyez nomdu modÖleou VIDEet le typede modulation PPM9 ou PCM)du modöleen service.Surladeuxiömeligne, rccommencez. la tensionde l'6metteurest indiqueeunefoisen digitalet une Appuyezalorssur 5l: le chiffreü1 commenceä clignoter. du AppuyezsurlatoucheE)jusqu'äfaireapparaitre bare.Toutä droite,vousavezI'indication le num6rcde foissousformede de tempsde fondionnement. comdeur de totalisation figurebiensürlenomde m6moiredesir6e.Deniörele numÖro si votrcvendeura la m6moirechoisie. Lesindicationspeuventetredifi61entes d6iä pr6pad votrc 6melteur. ce quevousvoulezcopier. Vousavezainsidit ä l'6metteur les m6moires 1 ä 5 sont vides, les m6moires la livraison. 5. A AppuyezsurE: plusrienneclignoteet la ligne2 a chang6en: pardesexemplespr6prcgramm6s, les 6 ä 15 sontoccupees vides. m6moiressuivantessont6galement u['E t:rb:FIESTit Si votrevendeufne l'a pasd6jäfait (vousn'avezalorsqu'ä Ou decesexemples. r),vousdevezchoisirun allumer l'6metteu ou r[jE tEi;EIüLIFT mieuxencore,en copierun dans une m6moirevide: vous que peurdemodifierquoi pounezainsi exp6rimentersansavoir dans I'original. ou tüE 1I; HEL lE:i-tii ce soit Pour ce faiG, vous devez: n'afüche C'est tout. Appuyezencore 3 fois sur El et vous Ctes de lignedel'Öcran memoiresilapremiöre a. Changerde nouveauau d6but. pasla m6moire 81. Notezbien:la copiesefaitsurlam6moireactivede d6part! b. Copierun desexemplesdansoettem6moire. suEit: 8, Un problömepeutmaintenant Voici comment: sontpr6vuspour l'6metteur m6moris6sdans ligne,changez Touslesmodöles 6. Si la m6moireü1 nefigurcpasen premiÖre PPM. la modulation de memoire. 30t0 avecun r€cepteur Pour ce faire, appuyezsur ESSI Chaquepressionsera Si vousavezachet6votrePROFIrrc modulation. type de changer le vous devez PCM, parl'6meteuravec apparait: untip. L'afüchagesuivant marqu6e suivantapparait: et l'6cran sur Pourcela,appuyez @Z Z i FiE t'lEI'lrJ f.{UUT.JELLE tr'lT r. I q: F:[:'l t f Une fois le bon 6crantmuv6,appuyezsur la toucheN. Le Appuyezalorssurles ä clignoter. chiffreen ligne2 commence touchesE) ou El jusqu'äobtenirle chifireEl clignotant. Appuyezmair enant4 fois sur la toucheEl vous etes de de m6moireBl de d6oaltavecI'indication nouveauä l'6cnan en lignel: I rlf'lI FFI'l!"s f'lr-rFilLHT AppuyezsurlatoucheE:PPM AppuyezsurEl. PPMclignote. PCM. devient Appuyez3 foissur E: vousetesau pointde d6part. vous 6teignezel rallumezvotre Ömetteur, 9. Si maintenant aussi vousverez queceluinciaprisnotedesmodifications: vousnechangezpasdemodÖle,I'affichage long[empsque ü1-LIIFE.FFIi'i seratoujoußle mÖme. de dÖpart Avar[ de chercher Maintenanttout est pt€t ä l'utilisation. affich6 letypede modulation, uneeneur,contrÖlez vainement cela n'a lieu devide, (sideniörc modÖleau un nomde 01figure ligne. ä dioitesurla premiÖre pasd'imponance). Troistypeseistent: Selon 1) PPM7: pourtouslesr€cepteurs cettem6moire. unexemdedans 7.copionsmaintenant PPMqui ned6codentpas ctloisit: voüegoüt,vousPouvez 9 canaux. (planeur) 6 enm6moire FIESTR Si vous utilisezun tel recepteuren PPM 9, les deux premiöres ou sortiessontpenurb6es. (avion) 10 enm6moirc exceptions EI|]LIFT dcepteursPPM,sauf 2) PPM9:pourtouslesautres e n1 . ou PCMMULTIPLEX. 3) PCM:pourtouslesr6cepteurs 13 enm6moirc Schlüter) syslöme HELIEIV(helimptöre changezde modulationselon description copierun decesmodölesdansla Si nGcessaire, Vousallezmaintenant cidessusl m6moire l: pages13ä22 pourvoirc€quevous prcssion parun Pourlasuite, consultezles chaque confirme surkgb,l'Ömetteur Appuyez pouvez modÖle. avec votre faire bio. si vousavezactiv6le cErtagedes Avantde foncer,cont|Ölez voirsurl'6cran: Vousdevezmainlenant gazet si la distribution desfondionsdesmenchesconespond rl,lu[,E : TüUT ä votrehabitude.Poursavoircommentle faire,regadezen pages5 et 12. I- rB i. SrjutEEggsr3r:]: r['E Eli Lll['E (iciaussi,cequifigureaprÖs 01n'apasd'importance). 2 LL'ämelteur Fiwre 2 D6nominationdes 6l6menb de commande (abr6g6s EC)sonlnot6savecdes commande Les6l6mentsde du manche avant-ariÖre B = mouvemenl lettres:parexemple, gauche.CeslettresseNentä d6signeren abr6g6les EC et pourtoutce manuel. sercntutilis6es Trims des manches (figure 3) saufcelui duCenter-Trim, selon leprincipe Lestrimstravaillent desgala6rcfreins.Ce principesignifiequesi l'onddplacela lesvaleutse)d€mes avecletrim, d'unecommande valeurmilieu ne changent Pas. trim 25%COUrSe Figuß I findicabur de mise sous bnsion principal ädroitedel'interrupteur L'indicateurd'endenchement No' rdserve d'accude Sile syslÖme lorsdeI'utilisation. s allume quand l'Ömetteurfonclionne ladiode clignote 7 5710estmont6, Figure3 surl'accuder€serve. de d'u n trim vousdisposez desga/a6ro-freins, Pourlemanche Prise de charge qu'en position versl'interrupteurralenti:cecisignifieque le trim n'eslefücace La pdsede charueestmont6eä gauche, pas maisaussi ralentiet n'a aucuneadion en positionplein{az. Vous en ä charger, principal. seulement Ellene sert le cäble trouverezle rdglageen page31. commesortiepour le cäble6lÖve-moniteur, 'Souris" (ne fait pas partiede l'6quipementde base!) et le comptetours. le cäbletransfen diagnosiique, La sourisa en principela memefondionquelestoucfiesq et Ms de dglage du supportd'antenne avec miseen parallÖle Avec cettevis, vouspouvezr6glerla forcede retenuedu n du clavieret esl autometiquement judicieux. d'un cran ä droite quand toumer La est celä elles de la force vousaugmentez En vissant, d'antenne. support q, uncranä gauche touche ä appuyerunefoissurla corTespond retenue. le support. ä unefoissurla touchen. Nepasse ertropfort,souspeined'endommager pasde 2610ou de but6e,vousne pouvezpas Ellene possöde Manqueursdes curseurs(figurc2) d6passerles valeursmaimums: Cecivous cependant coulissarns. desmaqueuls Lescußeußpossödent la sourisn'a plusd'effet. atteintes, sont sans descußeurs uneposition perme{ rapidement deretrouver grande6chelle, commepar exemplela t tilisation: pourvarierune valeursur une parexemple avoirä la cortr6lervisuellemert, pourvarierune valeurenvol,comme avecle sp6cialement le curseur position desvolets:il voussuffitd'amener des ailerons. le diff6rentiel et I'indexenfacedumarqueur. Douce qrrseuts vetslesmanches,les sontä I'ext6rieur, Lesv6ritables pourvusd'un fin: crantage Ceux-cisont ä I'int6rieur. marqueurs descurseursetseulement pourlesd6placer, apFtyezendiredion neforcezpasle crantage! alorsd6placez-les: J Emplacementdes intemtpteurs se trcuvent6 A gaucheet ä droitedevantsur l'6metteur 1 pour Les num6ros des intenupteurs. emplacements mo age tigure 4. voir ä 12leuront6t6attribuÖs, chezvotre n6cessaires les intenupteurs Vousobtiendrez d6taillant. FWrc 7 Ftgwe6 Boftierinf&ieur lnterieur A gaucheet ä droitesetrouventdessupportspourdesquartz et le fusible.ObseNezle suppottspecialpourquartzDoppel(figure9). SuperDSet sonpositionnement Figure4 Owerture etfermeturedeI'$nefreur Ouverturc venous surlafigure5.Appuyersurles comme Tenirl'emetteur pas ne oublier Avant d'ouvrir, le fond. et enlever defermeture de fermerle @uvercledu clavier. I fioure9 t Poussezpourfairesortirle quartz. Ext6rieur Figure5 Figure6 peutötre La poign6e estpr6vupourI'antenne. Unlogement de inclinÖ,poignee support rentree, misedanstroispositions: lesfigures10ä 12. transpolt: regardez Fermeture commeindiquÖ, Lefair€commesurlafigure6:tenirledessus et dudessus glisserlescrochets dufonddansleslogements pour cöt6 faire de 6ver uellement Appuyer fermerle tout. lesvenous. enclencher qu'aucun cebb ne se fermer le boftier,contröler de Avant ou sous le clavier. manches entre les coince il nya pasde selonlesinslructions, sorndispos€s Silescables fermeture! avantchaque cependant Corfirölez risque. du moduleHFet du quart. Changemant desonsupport(figure7). Retirerle moduleparsess6curitös 8). HF(figure lemodule estenfich6lateralementdans Lequartz plasique. Lordsde lamise sonenveloppe l'aideden Leretirerä dans quele quanzp6nÖtre effectivement en place,controler sonsupport. les deplierlÖgÖrement Avantde metfieenoplacele module, securitÖs. ceci dumodule: aumilieumaisparlescÖt6s Nepasappuyer detodrelesfiches. empeche 4 FrS.11 Fig 12 Int6rieurdeI'6müeur Fusible contreun l'6metteur Figure13. Le fusibles€It ä prot6ger Ne chaEe rapide. lots d'une de chargetrop6lev0 courant par 5 que meme type, autre de un unfusiblebrü16 remplacer plus de de de charge Uneintensit6 mmx 20mm,2 ampÖres. peutendommager l'eledronique! 2 ampÖres Tircir ä cäbles ä travers ir erudeurssontdisposes desdiff6rents Lescäbles letiroirä cäble(figure14). PourI'ouvrir,6carterles s6cures lat6laleset souleverle couvercle. Passerles cäblesdepuisles prisesde la platinedirec'tement de dansletimiretlesfairesortirducötÖdu moduleHF.L'excÖs versI'intenupteur dansletiroirouessu16 cäbleped etredispose pardesbridesplasliques. dansles nesecoincent fagonä 6viterqu'ils Placerlescäblesde manchesou sousle clavier. Fig.13 Fig 14 Prises de platine prennent Sur les troiscöt6slibresde la platjne6lectronique p6ripheriques, comme placelesprisesderaccorddesdiffÖrents (figure 15). etc. les manches,les interupteurs, parla gauche,voustrouverez: En commengant de la ptiseinversele Souris:le retoumement DE sensEl et EJde sonmouvement. (modulepluslivrable) MULTINAUT MNT Manchede droite KnR El6mentde commandeE. E le culseurgauche. Normalement Elömentde commandeF. F le curseurdroit. Normalement indiff6rcnt. clavier.Sensd'enfichage T Elömentde commandeG. G de la un interupteur.L'inversion Normalement priseinversele sensde fonclionnement. El6mentsde crmmandeH et l. H, t ReservePourusagesPeciaux. Manchegaucne KnL Prisespourles interupteußSl ä 55 (voirp. 10). Si ä 55 Ecolage:lnterupteurelÖvemoniteur. ne peutAre ÖlÖve-moniteur Un interrupteur qu'ä cet endroit. enfichd de m6moire:seuluntel Commutateur M ä peuty ötrefx6. Un enfichage intenupteur mÖmoire. I'enversinversela commutation comd+ d'6l6ments Attention: consultezlorsde I'enfichage surle lesinformations demmmandeet interrupteurs mentaires ä la page57. de commande" menu'Tesi des6lÖments US Fig. 15 manches. Activationdu crainä,gede.s desdeuxmanches avant-aniöre le mouvement A la livraison. est avec rappelau neutre. sur I'undes cetteneutralisation En g6n6ral,vousenlÖverez y manches("manchedesgaz') et vous mettrezle crantage. Enlövementde la neutralisation: Amenezle manchequevousvoulezcranter Ouvrirl'6metteur. dansla positionddcriteä la figure16.D6crochezle ressortavec unepincetteou unepincefine.Enlevezle ressonainsique la vous les reutiliserez conservez-les, piöcede neutralisation: peut-etre unjour. libremaissanscrantage: Le mancheesl alorscomplötement pourlemanche ceci,palticuliÖrement cenainspilotespr6fÖrent paYgazdesh6licoptdres. Activation du crantage: Surlefonddu manchesetrouveunevis (figurc14. ToumezLe crantageest alors la environ4 toursen sensanti-horaire. ac{iv6et vous pouvezle reglerä votreconvenanoe. Fig. 16 5 Chargede l' accumulateur d'6mission Conseil: Un accuneufn'atteintpasdÖsle d6butsa capacitecomplÖte, (5 aplüsplusieußcyclesde charge/d6cha€e maisseulement pas dÖsle d6butune durÖe donc ä 10).Vousn'obtiendrez possÖde ä six 6l0mers de 1400 d'utilisation un accumulateur L'emetteur comdÖte. de plusde 5 heures rnAh,ce qui permetuntempsd'utilisation foisse vider au d6butde laisserplusieurs ll esldoncconseill6 chaee. surune de le rechaQer. I'accuet ensuite complötement Attention: defasonLe ClaVief ef /e SySGme de ces valeursde tempsvalentpourun accucharue jusqu'ä comdÖte. d6chatge une optimaleet d'accuse chaeez votreaccu6metteurdÖsque le contröleur ä 4 heures. manife$e.Selonle charge,celäconespond d'abordl'emploidu Dansce chapitre,nousvousexdiquerons Menue clavier. Chalge normale dure14 Ensuite,nousvous pr€senterons doitötrede 140 mA.A140mA,la charge L'intensitö l€ systÖme"conduitede heuresenviron:un tempsde chargeplus long avec c€tte I'utilisateur Darmenu". intensitoestsansdanger. Enfin,nousvousferonsun r6sum6de la stucturedu menu. Leclaviq Tout le travailde choixet de rfglagese fait avec ces huit toucheset l'ÖcranLCD. Les touchesse pr6sententen trois groupesfacilementidentifiables. Fig 18 veßiondu La chargeestdgalemertpossibleavecI'ancienne dansce Nr. 145540:choisissez MULTIPLEX.GOMBII-ADER de 100mA et chalgezau minimum24 heures. casI'intensit6 encharge: constamment Vouspouvezaussilaisserl'6metteur il ny a aucunrisquePourI'accu. Connederensuile Pourcharger,€teindred'abotdl'6metteur. de l'ömetteurau chargeurä I'aidedu cäble charge. Fiche rouge= softie positive(+)du chargeur Fiche bleue= sortie negative(-) du chargeur lesfonctionssuivantes: Vousavezde fagonschdmatique [a touche El C'eS la touche"Menu".Par elle, vous passezd?bod de d'6tatä I'aörede menu.Dansl'aöre de menu,la l'affichage touchek terminetoujoursun reglageet vousfait revenirau menupl€cftenl SelonvotrepositiondansI'albrede menu, aurezä l'utiliserune ou plusieursfois pour revenirä vous Charge rapide d'6tat. peutetrecüarg6en uneä deuxheuresseulement, l'afüchage L'dmetteur MULTIPLExNr.I 2505. LatoucheEl d'utiliserlecharyeurrapide ä condition tout de L'utilisation d'un autre chalgeur rapide ou d'une autre R signitieReveFe,c esl-ädireinverser.Vousavez par inversez vous cetle touche, Avec fondion. suite comprissa maniöre de cherget peut occasionner des d6gats ä ou vous mettezquelque d'un servo rotation le sensde exemole l'6mefüurou ä I'accu.Nousd6clinonstouteresponsabilit6 lorsde I'utilisation choseenouhorsfondion.Plusd'explication dans ce cas. des menus. Si vousposs6dezun chargeurqui ne s'accordepasavecles de votre nouvelemetteur,veuillezprcndre LestoucheEl et E caraderisliques Vous lesutiliserez aussi s'expliquenttoutesseules. Cestouches contactavecnotreseNicetechnique. pouvez aussi Vous une valeur. diminuer pour ou augmenter voussoucier 1 ä2A.Vousn'avezpasä Choisiruneintensit6de "feuilletef'dans parmis offres les gräce les m6moiresou äelles Avec del'6tatdecfia0edeI'accuenutilisantlechaQeurrapide. de d'unmenu. vide, laduree de 2A et unaccucomplÖtement uneintensitd vousPouvez: Parexemple, chargeestd'envimn3,/4d'heure. . r€glerunecourse deservo . r6glerunmÖlangeur 2A"Uneintensit6 . passer dechaEenedoitpasd6passer I'intensit6 suruneautremÖmoire . passer dechargeplusfonefaitsauterlefusible.Nepasutiliserde etc. surunautreintem"rpteur fusiblede plusde2 A: dang€tpourl'6metteud sontdotÖes de läoüc eslutile,cestouches UnepaniculariE: pour les d6gats I'autorepeat, la quesi vouslestenezenfonc6es, Nous d6clinonstoute rcsponsabilit6 c es{-ädire produitsparuneintensit6dechargesur6lev6e. appuyer ainsiqu'ä Vousn'avez fondionser6pÖted'elle-mÖme. Attention: 6 et regadersur l'6qan pourobtenirla valeurd6sir6e.Si vous etes trop loin, vous pouvezrEveniren aniÖrcavec I'autre qued'appuyer plusconfottable touche.Ceciesl certainement q pourfaire passerde parexemple 0 ä 70olo T0foissurlatouche unevaleurde mÖlangeur. coupl6ela souris(voirpage5)si A cestouchese$ 6galement pouvez oulasouris. utiliserlestouches ainsi celäestutile:vous Le systüne& menu:le choixsa'ns p[",blÖ1?,,e precddent, vousavezvucommentnaviguer Dansleparagraphe d'unmenuä I'autre. de principe. explications Quelques lesysidmede "conduite ordinateurs, Au niveaudesv6ritables parmenu"a 6t6un despasles plusimportants de l'utilisateur LestouchesZ[lSIEl pardesnovices. pour utilisation leur Ce n'eslpaspour Ce sontlestouchesde choixou lesflÖches. rienqu'ellessontplac6esen can6:loßquevous6tesdansun ll s'agittoujourslä de ceci: de L'ordinateurfait une ofi1esousfome de menude tout ce triangulaires surl'6cranlessymboles menu,voustrouverez qu'il peut faiG. L'utilisateurchoisit alors ce qu'il d6sire position que surle clavier. cestouchesdansla meme vouschoisissez parmile choix propos6. Sivousappuyezalorssurunedecestouches, ne vousfait pasqu'uneseule En rögleg6nörale,I'ordinateur ce qui est notdä cöt6du symbole offre, car il disposed'un chox important.Une telle offre Afinde voussimplifierla vie,deuxcomplements: concentr6ene favorisepas la vue d'ensemble,de meme 1. Si,dansunmenu,iln'exi$eparo(emplequedeuxpossibilitÖs avec50 metssur une pagevous que deux qu'unecertede rcstaurant de choix, vous ne lrouvereznaturellement quede plaisir. sur apporteplusde frustration adifs:si vousappuyez et seulsceux-cisercnt symboles vous proposede mets sur C'esl pourquoile rcslaureteur un autresymbole,il ne se passerarien. plusieurs pages, leur cat6gorie:ainsi,si vous s6paresselon 2. A l'int6rieurd'un menude r€glage,la flÖchesertaussiä regader allez directement unetranchedeveau,vous estindiqu6 cherchez Le169lageactiv6 liMrerouä activercer€glage. qu'une plat principal Et bien veau. viande parunclignotementde Vousvenezqueceläest la cartedansl'ordre I'affichage. pasdetablede sivous possöde matiÖE, ne cartede restaurant plusfacileä fairequ'äexpliquer. en pageune('menu1")' netmuvezpascequevouscherchez Encore une fois en ]€sum6: passercz page ('menu 2'), etc.. 2 en vous SymbolesurI'affidtage= toncheavec le fißme symbole.I-a pour la PROFI mc 3010. ff en est de meme tottde est clansE mene &gle qrc Ie s@ole su I'affidrage. PROHmc 3010. p.8lechoixque vousproof,]sela Ce qui estafrrcMä @tedu symbotee& adiv6 en d"-ssaft sur Consuftezen loß devosprecddentsessaisquelatouche Vousavez@ns1at6 Ia touc,he@re spnclante. entrer dansle premierfiEnu. @ vousfaisait Petit exercice se trouveen hautä gauche. rapide", Le r6glagedesSERuff (Noussupposonsque, commeddcritsous"d6marrage "Big E. f,. setrouveenhaut decommande des6l6ments Lift"dansla m6moirc01 et quec'eslla Le169lage vousavezcopi6 m6moireactuellede travail.)Apßs la mise en marchede ä droite. d'6tat.Appuyezsurlatouche En basä gauchesetrcuvele cheminpourlesm6moires. vousvoyezl'affichage l'6metteur, premiermenuprincipal: le dans etes maintenant El. Vous En basä droitese trouvele choixsuivantdansce que vous proposel'ömetteur. r5EF;Ut--i E.lj. r il en va de meme: Dansle secondmenuprincipal, Lt'tEllulFiEt'lEl,{u!r lemenu"€gler surlatoucheZ, vousparvenezdans Appuyez servo": E TELEIJEHTTFIJE. kTüT,HüFi. Frlt{.s horarire", ädroite, et"Totalisateur leschoix"Eleve" A gauche, ' et "Modulation". 'Attribuef nousparlonsd'arbolescence avecunarbre, Parlaressemblance demenu. menuprincipal. oudestrudure aupremier Avecla toucheE),vousrevenez second menuprincipal: Surlafigure,vousvoyezparexemple quele menul€l'lÜIftE Essayezlatouche Z :vousparvenezau en@re4 autremenus. @moorte rELEr,rE HTTF;IEr,1 se letermelfrl'l0IRE, faitque,deniÖre symboliserle Ceciveut rTuT,HUF:. Fi:f'ls tHflHtiEE, cesontt[F]ER, cas, 4 choix dansce cachent encore (donner, conigeo. et TEIt'l(contröler, changer), l.l0l4 "Modulation": EncoreunefoislatoucheZ, etvousvoiläaumenu clartö, Pourplusde ilenvadememe. menus, Pourtrcisautres enpage9. nousvouslespresentons läoüvousd6sirez vousarivezrapidement DecettemaniÖre, ; FFf,l'r.i I ul..l t'lrjtrl-llt:tT unevaleur. modifief ouattribuer FPI'19Vousprogressez latouche maintenantsur tr, I'insoiption de Sivousappuyez dansvoschoixgräceauxtouches toujours d'etatau premier clignote. de I'affichage choh,sauflorsdu passage E]). commenousne voulonsrienmodifierpourI'in$ant,vous menu(touche El.Vous Leretours'effectue d'6tatenappuyantsurlatouche I'affichage retoumezä toujouFaveclatoucheEl. de delatouche I'effet B etdestouches maintenant connaissez plustard. viendront choix.Lesautrestouches rl::UUF;:;E Erl-lTEEr II.ITEF;FI,* LIJEI-ITF:E PROFImc soloEURO-LINE Structuredes menus Feuille 1 AlfrchageNincip€l A6 FIEsTA PFI{9 7.58U Ellll Büt2B FtrTitrTH---FFEfll | lT.s$UrrrlrrEB:28 'l ,,.30,I!i( de la mdmoire num6ro I caracte.eamax. typede npdulation tension accu,digital tensionaccu,graphe,6blocksmax. dur6eutilisationen heures:minuiF rSERUrl E.C,I rl'lEl'ltlIRE l'lEHUZr rrl0uRSE EUTEETrc0FIER H0l'11 rI]EHTREIHTERR.T rI]HHHEERTRII,IT R E E L EEE. [ . t TESTI rC0t'lBI-511. E.C. = Eßnßnt de contol TELEUEHTTEIB.I rTtlT.H0E. PCI'lr HI]ECIEE EEBLHGETOTHLIS: FOHCTINH FFI'I9r RESET:EE:lET I,IODULHTIOH: EST : HOR5r Ecolage ENservice: devene Trimsurl'6rnetteur p€s travallle Resettotalisaleurhoraireä 00:00 Choixmoduldion ATTflBUER rE.t. sERUrlr rEEüL. U5E-1'lIHr rl rl0l,ll,lHHDE DIREI]TIEH S6lectionne attribuefonclion /'+HILER/+5FüIL ruSR-l{IHl( +TlR) /+DIRErl /+PE0F0 r P R T . l : . t . / Attribueles fontions ä t6lä/e. . SERUB1 I .i H HILEEIIH Choisitle s€rvoet attribuela fonction. D6linilles mixersdivers: selectionne Passage Dtv-Mtx1,2, 3 au menu partPRT1,2, 3,4 automatique ATTRIBUER SERVO attribue16 tonctions En r€sum6: quelesfonclions les detellefagon termes L'arbrede menuestconslruit des"Codes"oud'autres Vousn'avezpasä m6moriser que plus plus les plus rapidement atteintes sera utilis6es soient ne vous souvent desmenus Memela slructure techniques. principe le avons explique auues. parlasuite. Nousnevous n6cessaire le choixdes quepourquevoussachiezä quoiconespond la compr6hension' ceciafindevousfaciliter touches, I PROFImc soloEURO-LINE Structuredes menus Feuille 2 R69r€gE dts SERVOS FnLE:+ BUTEETI I lrtlEtlTEEIHTERR.T rsER.2: 75ER.2: PROF+ PROF+ r+lEBt Du PR0Fßr CEHTRE! +.EI;/ rsEE.2:PRDF+ rH.-FE: Etl / rsER,2: FROF+ EUTEE: }1EBt.. pour: R€glercourseetdirection - servo - partd'entr€e deamixers MetENet HORSfonction 16 Dartsd'entr€edesmüerset assigne|esinterupteurs Limit€de coursedesservos des mixers ind€D€ndar{ MEMOIRE rc0PIER Htll'lr \I]HHHEERTRII'Ir rI'IODE: T$UT rBE E6:FIESTH F6r R E G L H E E : = = =I.IOI'1 = : FIE5TH J D I,IEI'IBIEE I , I H H C H E ! R H IN[1,1.: rB6:FIESTH Ajuslerle r€glagedestrims Selectionne le modede cople: - TOUT - E.C.= El€ments de Commande - .EFFACER - EXPORT - IMPORT Entrerle nomde la m6moire Oryeg;l I t r e.r.-l REELER TEET4 lrtlfll'lBI-strl, - I r EüURsEI I . 1 2 l 4 5 L 1 ' 1 +rD:PRBFO 1 S B 4E S [ I : 5 1 u + lBBtlr +HILEEI]H + + + + + + E FIRECT. Definirle combistvitch - r6glerles partsdentr€e - aüribuerI'irt€nudeur - inwrser lordre ED E.I].:EFEH rED=- R€glagedes E.C. - rdglerl'effet I - attribuerlinterupteur o les vous pr6senter nousvoulionsseulement inutilis6es", del'6metteur. capacit6s R6sumepratique decommande' our€glezdes6l6ments vousattribuez Quand ceci es un chapitreth6oriqueque vous pouvezignorerau vousavezaffaire principalement ä deslettres. d6but. Vous n'y aurez ä faire que lors de I'inslallation inverseursou supdÖmentaires.Quandvous attribuezdes interrupteurs de commande d'interurteu]sou d'616ments et US. 51 ä S5 toujouts vousutilisez m6langeurs, des Commevous I'avezvu en page5 lorsde la description vousdevez suppl6mentaire, d'interrupteurs du montage Lors fiches. desfiches,il exislediff€rentes emplacements connection. cäbles de de fils des au nombre attention fairc pour (DE),le Elämenbde commandeet interrupteurc clavier llya d'abodlesprisespr6par€es lasouris dire, (tO. d'autreä lln'ya rien mdmoire CDetlacommutationde connectes etre les6l6mentsconcem6sdoiventobl(latoirement ici. de fondionnemeil ou d'6ffi lly a ensuitelegroupedesprisesaveclettresA ä l. Cesont les IJafüchage poufles exemplessuivantsquevousavez entdes pour les6l6mentsd,ecommande.Petiteexplication: (Nousadmettons "Big elles copiöle modöle Lifi"dansla m6moire01,commeindiqu6 lesentr€esA, B, C et D n'exislentpasindividuellement: "KnL"(manchedegauche= A sous'd6manage rapide",etquevousygtesrestös'Cequisun sontgrou#es sousleser rÖes "KnR" aussipourlesautresm6moires)' + B)et (manchededroite= c + D)' Lesconnectionsdes vautnaturellement manchesauxsortiesKnLet KnRsontaussiobligatoires. l'6cranmontreI'afüchage ementdel'6metteur, Aolts I'enclencfi rapidedes points r€sum6 ll y a enfinles entr€es pour les interrupteursde fonction S1 d'ötat.celuinci vous donne un pour ou coupleur. importants l'emploide l'emetteur ä S5 et US, qui serventcommeinverseur Menusparticuliers Qu'es{+e qu'un 6l6ment de commande? unmouvement cequisurl'6metteurprovoque Simplementtout lescurseurs' lesdeuxmanches, Parexemple, survotremodÖle. etc. qui ouvrele cmchetde ]emolquage, I'intenupteur 141FIIJLIFT FPI'I'-; : :El 7. E5uEEEnglrirrrr En premiöteligne,vous trouvez: ledemier c'e$ toujours actuelle. dela m6moirc Bl = num6ro utilis6e' mÖmoire lademiÖre respeclivement modöle, = plus ä m6moriser facile clair modÖle en B16LIFT nomdu qu'unnumöro! = typedemodulation del'6metteur. PFt49 Unextrapour lesexperts: "S1", I'interrupteur qui [a secondeligne: exisleencorc speciaux Pourlesusages interrupteur pasausch6mad6cdt. lls'agiticid'un neconespond ?, rjSr,JEEHngf car quiestenfaitun6l6ment decommande, ä troispositions, älasoniel. Maisilpeutaussiservird'interrupteur = il estconnect6 l'6metteur. I'accumulateurde 7. €SJ indicetiondelatensionde defonclion. peu est tßs pr6cis,mais malheurcusement cet affichage surle sujet'les "parlant", Nousnenousäendronspaspluslongtemps digitaux.lmmÖdiatement affichages les commetous page peuvent Pourlesexpedsen lterlechapitre consu experts aprösla charge,la tensionatteintenviron8.2 - 8.4 Volts;le 60. pourunetension inf6rieure entendre cor r6leurdetensionsefait Encoreunedifi6rcnceetunepossibilit6desetromper. ä 6.9voltspourvousindkluerla rechage. peutetre unintenupteur Seloncequia 6tedit pr6c6demment, A cot6 figurEune bane de 6 6lÖmentsau maximum.Cet fondion, afficfiagede tensionesl plusparlarlmaisaussimoinspr6cis. soilunintenupteurde commande, soitun6l6mentde quepartiellement: Cecin'eslvrai ilestconnect6. selonI'endroitoü l'unaprösl'autre s'6teignent QuandI'accusevide,les6l6ments ä de la droiteversla gauche:la bare se raccourcit. A causede ontuncäblede connec{ion de couplage Lesinterrupteurs pasutiliserpourcetravail uninterupteur I'affichage tension grcssieretdestol€rances,cetindicateurde deuxfi ls.Vousnedevez digitale'mais ä cäbleä troisfils. n'e$ pasaussipr€ciset fiableque l'indication peuvent visualisela tendance. decommande d'6l6ment servent Lesinterrupteursqui entreed'Öl6ment Parcequ'une Poutquoi? troisfils. avoirdeuxou Derriörc les barYesde tensions: €{unintenupteur äunpotertiomÖtre, @respond decommande i31r.:4 fxes. ä deuxoutroisvaleurs ä unpotentiomÖtrc conespond Encoreun conseil trösutile: EetF, Unaccessoire auxentr6e interrupteurs connederdes lleslpossiblede Cecieslunechoseutile Le totalisateur horaiG descurseurs. entr6es normalement y lireletempsd'utilisation del'6metteur comme 6l6ments Vouspouveztoujours interupteurs deplusieurs lorsdeI'utilisation (qui ä tout moment es{ ä 2610 remise la demiöre depuis decommande. paragraphe possible, ci{essous). voir G,H et I des auxentr6es conneder vouspouniez DemCme, l'6metteur etdedÖclenchementde d'enclenchement Le nombre poterüiomÖtres aulieudesintenupteurs. marche dÖsla pas se met en totalisateur le d'importance: n'a laPROFtnc3010n'employeront utilisateursde Laplupartdes "possibilitÖs jamaisces possibilit6s. Parce brefsuNoldes Que sont les intemrpteurs de fonction? ä labaseriensurvotre vousnemodifiez Aveccesinterupteurs, modöle, mais vous changezseulementdes valeurs de (parex.: (par ex.: dual-rate)ou des mÖlanges d6placement combi-$vitch). 10 miseen fonctionet s'aneteä chaquedÖclenchement. 2610aprÖschaquecharge En pratique,mettreletotalisateurä s'avÖrele dus judicieux. esten l*l: nr'r(heurcs:minutes) L'indication Commqt utilisq le tohlisteur honire L'utilisationdu totalisateurhorairene necessiteque peu sonseulr6glageconsisteen la remiseä z6ro. d'explications: Depuisl'afilcüaged'6tat,vous appuyezsur @Z5l: vous anivezainsiau menutotalisateun TUTHLI5.HUF:HIFJE F;E5ET:üB!jr._rr Appuyezsur A: b tempspassesurüE!ffi, c'eslfait. troisfoissurE). initialen appuyant Vousrevenezä I'affichage (heures: minutes). est en frh:r'rt't L'affichage Vousn'avezpas ä vous occuperautrementdu totalisateur. m6morisela le totalisateur Quandvousdteignezl'6metteur, prodlaine utilisation. demiörevaleuret continuelorsde la Quand faut-il le remettre ä z6ro? Le totalisateurcomptejusqu'ä99 heures,59 minutespuis ä zero.Cecin'estpassuffisantpourmesurerla re@mmence ainsimesurer vie de l'6metteuIceuxquivolentpeupounaient leurtempsde vol Parsaison. Le plus pratlqueconsisleä le remettreä 2610aprÖschaque charg6 d'unaccucomplÖtemenl charge.Laduröed'utilisation bonneindication vousoblenezainsiune 4 heures, estd'environ citempsdonnÖ re{ant.Neconsidörczle dutemp6d'utilisation peuventdiff6rer rs lateu lesaccumu commeindicatif: dessusque de plusou moins20%de cettevaleur.Faitesun essaipour de votre6metteur. la dur€ed'utilisation dÖterminer Commefi changerIe typedemodulation ENrePPM|, PPIügüPCM peuttravailleraussi bienavecdesrdcepteußPPM L'6metteur PcM. (MicIo-gparexemple)qu'avecdesr6cepteurs conespondante Pourcefaire,vousdevezd6finirlamodulation de l'6metteur. suivante: Cecis'effectuede la maniÖre au les touches d'6tat, @ZZ vousmÖnent DepuisI'affichage "PPIWPCM". menu suivant: VousobtenezparexempleI'affichage I ul.l: FFl'lt^r ULFT f'lüE clignote. Appuyezsur El: l'affichage Appuyezsur El: PPMdevientPcM et inversement. de PPM9surPPMT Aveclestouch€sq et E),vouscommutez et inversement. d'6tat. En appuyant3 foissur E vousrevenezä l'affichage pourcenainsr6cepteuF surPPMTestn6cessaire Le passage 4/6de le r6cepteur quinedecodentpasgcanaux,parexemple dePPM9avecuntelr6cepteurprovoque L'utilisation I'annee79. dessolties1 et 2. le brouillage 11 Echangerles ailerons(ou le cyclique lat6ral)et la direction(ou l'anti{ouple): decommande". les6l0ments aumenu"attribuer 1.Passer ("listes pr6d€finies") sur@ZAZ. appluyez d'Ötat, l'affichage Depuis de modÖles desexemples Lesmemoires6 ä 15 contiennent ModölesprhprognmmQs couvrent unegrandepartiedes pr6programmes. Cesexemples sfi r_Ut.lf'lFti.ltrE dansla Pratique. casrencontr6s LtITERffL) de m6moire t HI LEF;Ui"l(respeclivement Vouspouvezutilisercesexemplesen changeant ä page 6ventuellement rcsiera 37. ll vous en commeindiqu6 vous endemierunautreE.C., sivousavezmodifiÖ Conseil: changerlesensderotationdesservos,cequivousestexpliqu6 A. commande de devezd'abordfaireapparailrel'älÖment en page28. pour puis ou sur El E) Pource faire,appuyezsur 5l Vous pouvezaussi utiliserces exemplescommepointde obtenir A. pas Si vousnedÖsirez d6partpourvospropresmodifications. I'anti-couple. Espectivement dansunememoire 2. Attribuezä A la direction, copiezlemodöleconceme modifierlbriginal, de la page38,puispassezsurcette sur NoE). R6sultat: Pressez vide,selonles indications nouvellem6moire. Lesexemplessuivantssonten m6moire: rt:t r_:ili,li{,8 H-[ÜUFLE) " (respectivement t ti I F:E|::T M6moiß No.6 planeur simple FIESTF latäral. 3. Attribuezä C lesailemns,respedivement M6moireNo. 7 puis R6sultat: surSEEI. Appuyezsurbqq enV etflapenons planeur avecempennage SHLTÜ M6moireNo. 8 rrj r_:üHr,lHH[,E dela classeF3Bavecbutterfly F3Bplaneur t IlILEF;üI'{ (respeaivementLHTERHL) M6moireNo.9 tüETIl.lFailevolante d'6tat. ä I'affichage 4. Retour M6moireNo. 10 4 foissurEN:termin6 Appuyez BItiLIFTavionsimple Echanger les gaz (ou a6ro-freins ou pas) et la M6moireNo.11 prcfondeur(ou cycliquelongitudinal): . Hf,I rFSRaviond'acrobatie decommande" les616m. 1.Passer aumenu"attribuer MömoireNo. 12 surElElSZ. Appuyez aviondelta l'1IRRGE rErriufil'1t-tl.{ttE M6moircNo,13 avectetederotorSchlüter Pff5) HELIE0?h6licoptÖre L H' -FF:Ei f'l (respec{ivement M6moireNo. 14 endemierunautreE.C.,vous sivousavezmodifiÖ Conseil: avect6tederotorHeim h6licoptÖre Rllf.lEER de commandeB' l'6l6ment devezd'abodfaircapparaitre M6moiteNo. 15 PourobtenirB appuyezsur B puissur El ou El' avectetederotorä 120' el Fl{ I 17helicoptÖre (oule longitudinal). 2. Attribuezä B la profondeur plateau virtuel(taeCPM) cyclique puis sur El ou E jusqu'äfaireapparaitre Appuyezsur 5l "pmfondeuf'(ou"longitudinal'). Danstous les exemples,vous trouvel€z: R€sultat: longitudinal) cyclique (ouanti-couple) etprofondeur(ou direction dedroite surle manche rEr rjrll'lf4Hl..itrE sur (oucyclique latÖraD gaz(oua6refreins oupas)et ailercns t FF:üFUI{F (respectivementL0IIEITU,) degauche. le manche voicienr6sum6 3.Attribuez uneautrcconfiguration, habitu6sä oule pas). SivousCtes ä D lesgaz(ouaem-freins lesmodificationsn6cessaires: surEousurEljusqu'ä Appuyezsur Z puissurFEEenfin "gaz"(oua6ro-freins oupas).R6sultat: fair€apparanre rir i_:üiir,lfil.lüE e. liHi (ouF.-FREII.Iou FHS) d'etat. 4. Appuyez4 foissurE) pourretoumerä I'affichage esi decritede fagon de commande L'attibutiondesdlÖments en page23. approfondie 12 "FIESTA" Exemple: m6moireNo.:6 par un interrupteur. eventuel estcommande Le "FIESTA'repr6senleici un planeursimple.Lesaile- morquage pour compenser le changement d'asrons sont actionndspar un seul servo (diff6rentiel Un m6langeur est prevu,sa vasiettelorsde la sortiedes adro-freins mdcanique). est miseä 2610et doitCtreregl6e Les adro-freinssont command6soar le manchede leurde compensation pr6vu. rel'utilisateur en cas de besoin. gauche.Un combi-switch Un crochet de oar est Vued'ensemble l'616m. de comm. pilote servoNo fonction mrxer 1repartie 2e partie A aileron D B c a6ro-freins direction profondeur E F G crochet c 4 3 AERO.FR.CROCHET AILERON PROFOND.DIRECTION + PROFON. AERO.FR.CBOCHET DIRECTION AILERON PROFOND. AERO-FREI. 1 2 "profondeur+" doitetremiseä zero; Conseils:la partie"volet"du mdlangeur "aÖro-freins" peutetrerdgleeselonbesoinparI'utilisateur. la partie Interrupteur:55 = combi-switch 1000/o valeurd'entrainement: ailerons surdirection, Röglages: combi-switch: neutre0olo touslesservos:course1000/0, direclionsur ailerons ou I'attribuer Modifications6ventuelles:mettrehorsservicele combi-switch utilisation desaero-freins oaruncurseurau lieudu manche 13 Exemple:"SALTO" m6moireNo.:7 Le " SALTO"reprdsenteici un planeuravecempennage en V Sur chaquepartie int6rieurede I'aile sont mont6sdes volets,servantaussi bien de voletsque d'aörojreins.Lesaileronssontactionnespar deuxserDe plus' un differentiel6lectronique. vos et DossÖdent Comme flaperons. comme ils soni utilis6s6galement pas I'aile de la totalit6 qui ne couvrent flaperons des leur gmploi aÖrodynamiques, creentdes problÖmes commeflaoeronsdoit CtrerÖduitet ne servirqu'ä augLa partieflamenterla inaniabilit6en vol acrobatique. surz6roavecI'interrupteur peronestdonccommutable 53. Un m6langeurpour compenserle changement d'assiettelorsd-ela sortiedes adro'freinset de I'utilisalion desflaperonsest pr6vuavecla prolondeur. Vued'ensemble de comm. l'616m. pilote A B aileron a6rojreins c D direction profondeur E F volets G crochet 6 5 4 3 2 1 servoNo flaperon empen.en V empen.env a6rojreins Flaperon crochet fonction FLAPERON FLAPERONE M P E N V +EMP EN V+ mrxer AILERON DIRECflON DIRECNONAERO- FR. CROCHET CROCHET 1repartie VOLETS VOLETS PROFOND. PROFOND. 2e partie AERGFR. AERGFR. 3e partie VOLETS VOLETS 4e partie lnterruDteur:51,32 pourdual-ratedesaileronset de la profondeur; Sg met'enou horsfonctionla partievoletdesailerons de mettrehorsfonctiondes valeursde melange lors du rdglagedesvaleursde m6lange,la possibilitÖ Conseils: estd'unegrandeaide' non-necessaires desa6roJreinsparun curseurau lieudu manche Modifications6ventuelles:utilisation parS5) (enclenche du combi-switch utilisation 14 Exemple:"FgB" m6moireNo.:8 Ceci reprdsenteun planeurtypique de competition F3B. Le systömede commandeest trös 6voluö.Les chadeuxaileronset les deuxvoletssontcommand6s quadroet butcun par un servo.Ainsi,les possibilit6s terflysont disponibles:en vol normal,les aileronsailes voä I'atterrissage, dent les voletset inversement; letssont tortementbraqu6svers le bas et les ailerons vers le haut(fonctiondbÖro-freins butterfly).Les mouvementsdes voletset ceux du butterflyinfluencentla profondeurpour compenserla variationd'assiette.Le peutötremdlangeeä cemouvement de la profondeur lui desvolets.Uncrochetde remorquage estpr6vu. Vued'ensemble l'616m. decomm. pilote A aileron D B c a6rojreins direction profondeur E F volets G crochet 7 6 4 5 2 3 1 servoNo voletdr. voletgch. profondeur direction crochet ailer.dr. ail. gch. fonction PROFON.+ BUTTERFLY BUTTERFLY BUTTERFLY mixer BUTTERFLY 1repartie AILERON AILERON AILERON AILERON PROFOND.DIRECNON VOLETS VOLETS VOLETS VOLETS VOLETS 2e partie AERO- FR. AERO.FR. AERO.FB. AERO- FR. AERO- FR. 3e partie PROFOND.PROFOND. PROFOND.PROFOND. 4e partie Conseils:lorsdu r6glagedesvaleursde m6lange,la possibilit6de mettrehorsfonctiondesvaleursde mÖlange non-n6cessaires estd'unegrandeaide. par un curseurau lieudu manche desaero-freins Modifications6ventuelles:utilisation utilisationdes voletsavecun seul servo:ceux-cine peuventalorsplussoutenirles ailerons 15 Exemple:"CORTINA" m6moireNo.:9 'CORTINA'esl un exempletypiqued'un planeurmoderne de type aile'volante.Le pilotages'etfectue.par mobilessur chaqueaile,chacuned'endeuxsurfaöäs ("Öletre elles servantd'aileronset de profondeur de vol vons").Ceciprocuredanschaquecontiguration sontr6gl0s optimale.Les m6langeurs une sustentalion et exteinterieurs pour les elevons de lagonditfdrente Des a6ro-freins un servo. chacun rieurs.oui oossÖderit Le crochetde sontprdvuöcommeaideä I'atterrissage. estcommand6parun interrupteur. remorquage Vued'ensemble de comm. l'616m. pilote A aileron B aero-freins c D profondeur E F G crochet 6 5 4 3 2 1 servoNo -'levenD ext..'levonG ext,elevonD int.elevonG int. a6ro-freins crochet fonction DELTA DELTA DELTA DELTA mrxer AERO.FB. AILERON AILERON AILERON AILERON 1repartie PROFOND.PROFOND.P ROFOND. PROFOND. 2e partie d'un m6lanpar un curseurau lieudu manche'Utilisation desadro-freins utilisation €\rentuelles: Modifications profondeur et la les ailerons, g"ui libr" OiV-fUXau lieridu melangeurDELTA,.avec la modification de la compensation parties, quipermettrait ce comme resä6ro-freins d'assiettedueauxa6ro-freins. 16 "BlG LIFT" Exemple: m6moireNo.:10 Un interrupteurpeut d'unavionsim- rons et les voletsd'atterrissage. Le "BlG LIFT"sertici commeexemple possöde remorquage. ple.En compl6ment le crochet de de I'original, il des aile- actionner \ -.'.,.) \ ; ' - , - l '-'- ' ) \ , " Vued'ensemble l'016m. decomm. pilote servoNo fonction A aileron 1 AILERON B gaz 2 GM c D direction profondeur E volets F G crochet 6 4 5 3 P ROFOND. VOLETS CROCHET DIRECTION s5 s3 s2 s1 interrupteur Combi-Swit. DRaileron DR profond.DRdirection fonction et direction:600/0 dual-ratedesailerons,profondeur R6glages:optiondes6l6mentsde commande: -30o/o gaz: ralenti des trim de de commande: optiondes6l6ments 0o/o,100o/o coursedesvoletsd'atterrissage: optiondeselömentsde commande: combi-switch: aileronssur direction,degröde priseen charge:1000/0 neutre00/0 touslesservos:course1000/0, directionsurailerons,ou horstonction Modifications6ventuelles:combi-switch: 17 Exemple:"RCl/F3A" m6moireNo.:11 F3A.Lesailerons En plus du servo des gaz, un servo rögle le trim Exempled'un modölede compdtition par pour contröler oointeau. servo sont commandeschacun un leur diff6rentiel.Deux volets sont or6vu comme Le train rentrantpeutCtrecommandepar un interruF "aörclrcins". teur.Pasde m6langeurnecessaire. Vued'ensemble l'616m. de comm. servoNo fonction A aileron B gaz c F D E G direction profondeur pointeau adrojreins trainrentranl 4 2 3 D IRECTI. GAZ AILER.D PROF.OND 1 6 7 8 5 TRAINR. AILER. G AERO-FR. POINTEAU s3 inlerrupteur s1 s2 fonction DRaileronDRprofond,DRdirection Modifications6ventuelles:exponentiel au lieudesdual-rate utilisation du m6lansi desvolets"snaPflaps"sontmont6sä la placedesa6roJreins, geursnap{lap 18 "MIRAGE" Exemple: m6moireNo.:12 par un interrupteur. Chaque Le "MIRAGE"est un exemplesimpled'aviondelta.ll train peutCtrecommandÖ par Delta. melangeur un commande 6levon est profondeur par aileesl commande une combinaison rons("6levons")ainsiquepar la directionet lesgaz.Le /: /- 2 , \ Vued'ensemble l'616m. decomm. pilote A aileron B gaz c D direction protondeur E F G trainrentranl 5 4 2 3 1 servoNo gaz trainrentrant direction fonction dlevonD elevonG DELTA DELTA mixer PROFOND.PROFOND.DIBEgTION GAZ 1repartie AILERON AILERON 2e partie desailerons le dual-rate S1commute I'interrupteur Interrupteurs: l'interrupteur 52 commutele dual-ratede la profondeur de depart) (recommand6 comme.valeur 400/0 R6glagesrpartieprofondeur: partieailerons: (recommand6 commevaleurde d6part) 600/0 trimde ralenti:-30olo et ailerons:600/0 duaFrateorofondeur neutre00/o touslesservos:course1000/0, 19 "HELIBOY" Exemple: memoireNo.:13 simpleavecplateaucyclique Exemoled'un h6licoptöre pas,le cycliquelat6ralet le Le axialement. non-niobile par un commandds chacun sont lonqitudinal cvclique m6langeur särvo. Pour-la compensationde flare, le "flare"estactivÖ. La commandede gaz est attribu6eä la fonctiongaz et non ä la fonctiondyn-gaz,ce qui peut Ctre modifie selonvotredesir. la H permetde commander L6l6mentde commande l'6metteur. gyroscope de (min/max) du sensibilit6 G permetde commuterentrela sensibil-interrupteur maximale et la sensibilit6 lit6minimale Vued'ensemble A de comm. l'616m. pilote cyc.lateral servoNo fonction mtxer B pas c D anti-couplecyc.longit. 4 3 2 cyc.lat6ral cyc.longit. anti-couple gaz ATS FLARE }YC.LATERO/C.LONGIANTI.COUP. GM 1 E gaz 5 pas G pointeau gyroscope F 6 gyro 1repartie PAS PAS 2s partie Tnterrupteurc:|'interrupteurS1commute|edua|-rateducyc|ique|at6ral.. longitudlnal du cyclique le duaFrate 52 commute I'interrubteur gaz directs les I'interruiteur55 commute sansla valeurmilieu' quelesdeuxvaleursextremes, pour G, n'utiliser l'interrupteur conseils: utilisezunecourbede gazä troispoints 7 pointeau aulieudegaz Dyn-Gaz melangeur eventuelles: Modifications courbedegazä 5 Points surservode ryclique longitudinal cyclique "röbiiräi i" reüfigeurFtare,seulement gyroscope) (autre de gyro type Suppriäerle orftiituoinat. 20 "RANGER" Exemple: m6moireNo,:14 a/ec plateaucycliquetype Exempled'un hdlicoptöre "HE|M".Leplateaucyclique pardeuxserestcommandö \Dsde paset de lat6ralavecle m6langeur"tÖteHeim".Le sycliquelongitudinalest commandöpar un sert/osÖpar6. La @mmande de gaz est attribu6e ä la filnction "dyngaz". la senH Dermet de @mmander de commande L6löment Uinterrupteur de l'6metteur. dugyroscope sibilit6(min/max) minimale et la entrela sensibilit6 H oermetde commuter flare est suP sensibilitdmaximale.La compensation primee, dansle slslÖmemecanicarelleestd6jäintegree queHeim. Vued'ensemble A l'610m. de comm. pilote cyc.lateral servoNo fonction mrxer 1repartie 2e partie 3e partie 4e partie B pas c D antFcouplecyc.longit. E gaz F H pointeau gyroscope 6 4 5 2 3 gyro cyc.longit. anti-couple gaz DYN-GAZ TETEHEIM ATS TETEHEIM OYC.LATER. GYRO CYC.LATER]YC. LONGIANTI-COUP GAZ PAS PAS ]YC. LONGI PAS ]YC. LATER, ANTI-COUP 1 7 pointeau POINTEAU du cycliquelateral I'interrupteur 51 commutele duaFrate lnterrupteuns: longitudinal le dual-rate du cyclique 52 commute I'interrupteur I'interrupteur 55 commutelesgazdirects cäbleä troisfils) ä deuxpositions, H esten option(interrupteur Conseils:I'interrupteur utiliserunecourbede gazä cinqpoints Modifications6ventuelles:courbede gazä 3 points,supprimerle gyro(autretypede gyroscope) 21 Exemple:oBK117o m6moireNo.:15 avecplateaucycliqueä comExempled'un h6licoptÖre mandepar troispoints.Le plateaucycliqueest directement reli6 ä trois servos mont6sä 120" qui commandentle pas,le cycliquelat6ralet le cycliquelongitudinal.Pource laire,lestroisservosutilisentle m6langeur"mix tete".Lacommandede gazestattribu6eä la fonctiongaz(dyn.gazest aussipossible). l-6l6mentde commandeH permetde commanderla (min/max) de l'6metteur. du gyroscope sensibilite permet de commuterentrela sensibillinterrupteurH maximale. la et sensibilit6 lit6minimale flare peut ötre obtenuepar des vaLa compensation du pasentrele servodu milieuet ceux leursdifförentes de I'exterieur. Conseil:la corractionde phaseinfluencetousles servos.Avant d'utiliser la correctionde g6om6trie,r6gler d'abord I'influencedu oas! Vued'ensemble A decomm. l'616m. pilote cyc.lat6ral servoNo fonction mrxer lre partie 2e partie 3e partie B pas c D anti-couplecyc. longit. 4 3 2 gaz lat./long./pasllat./long./pas lat./long./pas MIX.TETE MIXTETE MIXTETE OYC.LATER3YC.LATERCYC.LONG. GM CYC.LONG.C YC.LONG. PAS 1 PAS E gaz H F pointeau gyroscope 6 5 anti- couple gyro ATS ANTI-COUP. GYRO PAS 7 pointeau POINTEAU PAS 4e partiegeometrie 5e partiephase 55 commutelesgazdirects commuteI'autorotation, (interrupteur cebleä troisfils) deuxpositions, H ä Conseils:l'interrupteur utiliserunecourbede gazä troispoints la partielongitudinaldluservomilieudoit ötredeuxlois plus grandeque celledes servosexterieurs {avecunecommandeä 1200) la partiepasest6galepourtouslesservos courbede gazä 5 points,supprimerle gyro(autretypede gyroscope) Moditications'6ventuelles: 22 vousmontrcundesneuf6l6mentsde commande L'6metteur (A ä l). Appuyezune fois sur Z: la lettrede l'6l6mer de desfondions,des commandeclignote.Appuyezsur E jusqu'äfaireapparaitre des 6l6mentsde commande, L'attribution A. EssayezaussiavecB. de commande avarn l'6l6ment le plusimportant, servosestle premierpas,e{ petlt-etre pascependant A - D sontlesabrevialions pourles manches: Necraignez ceslettressont modÖle. de pouvoircontrölervotre que ce soitcompliqu6. surle boftier. imprimdes Si vous pos66diezavanl votre PROFTmc 3010 un aulre E et F corespondent aux deuxcurseurs,ils sont6galement sans marqu6ssurle boitier. vousavezd6jä"attribu6" detadio-commande, ensemble le savoir. du canal7. l'inteffupteur G esl normalement ä drciteet la H - | nesort pasinstall6s Si, parexemple,vousavezpermut6lesailenons Vouspouvezacheter, ä la livraison. "aftribuÖ". profondeur ä gauche,vousavezainsi pour les monteret les interupteurs des en casde n6cessitÖ, platine principale (page 5). raccorder ä la L'attribution conceme deux 6l6ments: surcet6cran,vouschoisissez 1. les 6l6ments de commande aux vouscomprenezque, Maintenant, fonctions de commande les6l6mentsde commande. Comme dans I'exemde plus haut, ou, autre exemple, Laissons, le A clignoteret appuyons commedansI'exemple, etc. auxa6m-freins du curseurgauche I'attribution surla toucheS. "ailerons") 2. les seruos aux fonctions de commande La fonclionde commande(dans l'exemple queleservoNo.2(servobranch6 surlasortie commence Parexemple, ä clignoter. que profondeurou lesseNos contdlela No.2dur6cepteur) un peupluscompliqu6. Celädevientmaintenant 1, 2 et 3 controlentle plateaucycliqued'unh6licoptÖre. 'feuilletez" en appuyantsur la toucheE (ou E)' Si vous ne possddaient l'6metteurvous proposeI'une apßs l'autre les fonctions Lesanciensensemblesde radiecommande pas cette possibilit6,parceque c,elän'esl pas abolument suivantes: n6cessaire.Vousvenez cependantque c esttßs pratique. diversl gouvemail cycl.lateral ailerons qui viennentavec les En plus,il y a d'autrescompl6ments moteur(el.) divers2 profondeur cycl.longit. de fondions:nousne voulonspas ici nousen anti-couple moteur2 (el.) divers3 mölangeurs direction divers4 pas plussurcethÖmeen page39' ga;z occuper.Vousen apprendrez L'attibution gaz-2(z-mot gyroscope ./. (rien) ) Pourquoi attribuer? aero-freins essayonscependant: volets n'apasunereponsefacile, Cettequestion ilesi plusint6ressant trainrentrant devotreÖmetteur, 1. pourleprogramme de recevoirun signald6finiparunefonction,parexemple ctrocnet "profondeuf',qu'un signal d6fini par un ÖlÖmentde pointeau "manche de drcite,haut-bas". commandecomme "aileron gauche" sontconnus.Si,lors Comme vous le voyez, ce sont les fonctions les plus 2. lesconcedsc,omme que ntilis€es: desservos,vousindiquezä l'6metteur de I'attribution planeurset h6licoptÖres; pouvez pas, sairde etre vous danslescolones1 et2 pourlesavion, le servoNo.3 esl le servode pas prise avec No.3du r6cepteur, ä la recevoirle signalde ä propulsion la colonne3 concemelesbateauxet lesmodÖles Cecivous6paEnedes 6lectrique y-comprislesm6langes 6ventuels. (y-compris le vol 6ledrique); cont|6lescompliqu6s. divels 1 ä la colonne4 es{ pr6vuepourles extravagances, En r€sum6: unefondionnond6cdteprecÖdemment. divers4 rcmplagant pour vous et pour L'aüributionclarifieles problÖmes: parla suitele pouquoide "./."! Nousvousexpliquerons de vot]€6metteur. I'ordinateur NousevonspddÖfinicesfondionspourvous,pourquevous n'ayezqu'äleschoisirsansavoirä les 6crire;il y a aussiune Commqtafuibuer ies6l&tents de unetellefondion,votre autrcraison:quandvouschoisissez pr6pare. qui commande I'aftendet se ömetteursaitce avec Faisons maintenant un exemple d'attribution le menu"attribuea' d'6tat,choisissez DepuisI'affiohage lestouches ElZ [l .Vousobtenezl'6cransuivant,enadmeüant d'6ßments de commande: de Admettonsun planeuravecprofondeur, que la memdre No.: 01 "BlG LIFT"soit votremÖmoire dimction,aileronset travail: a6rDfreins. celui lesailerons, la pmfondeuret Lemanchedroitcommande FE,r_:. 5EFl.jül de gauche,la diredion.Le curseurdroitcommandelesa6rG h.El-:UL, ['ItJ-t'l]i'ic freins. que le mouvementavant-aniäredu manchede "E.C"(6l6ments de commande).ll esl clair AvecZ, vouschoisissez gaucheet le curseurgauchesontinop6rants. Nouvel€cran: rfi r:ül'ltlHr.l['E T f;ILEF:UI.I z5 "FLAMINGO", selonpage43. les616ments 3. donnerle nom menu"ettribuer Allongy(vousetesencorEdansle quevousav€zfaitcelä. Dansleso(emplessuivant,nousadmettons de commande'). D'abord la profondeur: Commqtattibuerresservos; D toucheZ, puisfeuilletezavecE)E pourfaireapparaitre quelle (manchedroit,avanraniÖre) dqsseNos,vousditesä l'6metteur Lorsde I'ettribution "PROFOND": äquelservo,vousdefinissez (dansla ligneinf6rieurfigured6jä eslattribuee fondiondecommande ainsila fondiondu seNo. nousn'avonsainsipasä changercet0l6ment) ceux-ciregoivent concemes, PourdAerminerquelsservossont Ensuitelesailerons: lasortiedu|€cedeurä laquelleilssontconnectÖs: lenumÖrode c avecElEljusqu'ä touche Z, puisfeuilletez (manchedroit,gauchsdloite) touche51,puisfeuilletezavecEIE) pourobtenirAILERoN. B N seryono. 1 1 Maintenant la direction : no. 2 servo N toucheA, puisfeuilletezavecEEI jusqu'äA 2 3 servo no. sl (manchegauche,gauche{roite). R6cepteur seryono. 4 4 N touche51,puisfeuilletezavecEIE jusqu'äDlREcT.. c seNo no. 5 o servono. 6 Enfin les a6ro-fneins: seNo no. 1 pour N obtenirF toucheP,puisfeuilletezavecElEl (curseurdroit). (celuiqui le desirepeutaussichoisirB, Le servoconnect6ä la sortie1 est ainsile servo1, celuiä la le manchegauche,avant-aniÖre) sortie2, le servo2, e{c. jusqu' puis ä A"-FREIN. avec feuilletez EIE) touche5), Vousavezainsilibrechoixpour d6finir cequedoitcommander d'utiliserune cependant c'esl presquetermin6.Maisque faireavecles 6l6mentsde chaquesoltie.Nousvousconseillons pour vue d'ensemble. une meilleure (B, E, G, H, slandard, inüilisds num6mtation commande D? pr6cddemment et Notre prcposition (Ieprise de la ROYAL mc): avoirreguuneattribution ceux-cipounaient Ceslle tourde "./.". seNono.1: göner.Vousavezcompris:maintenant, aileron B, seNono.2: decommande profondeur commecidessusles6l6ments S6lectionnez E, G, H, I et attribuezleur"./.". direction servono.3: moteur(gaz) sontainsifaits:memes'ilsnedoiventrienfaire, servono.4: Lesordinateurs aileron2 vous devez le leur dire, vous pouniezavoir une mauvaise seryono.5: (si desservosdifferenci6ssont utilises) surDrise! seNono.6 9: autresfonctionsde @mmande pelsonneodonnde, vousdevrieztoujoursatüibuer Commetoute "./."aux6l6mentsdecommandeinutilis6s, pareft memesicelä Densdes casspdciaux(parexemdedes ailesavecvolets)' vousaurezä modifiercetter€partition. suoemu. et vouspouvez AprÖscetteintroduciion,voyonsle plocessus. termin6 r6ellement Vousavezmaintenant quitterce menuavecla toucheE.* (Dansl'exempleemployÖ,nous admettonsque vous Aes "FLAMINGO", comme sur la mÖmoireNo 02 actuellement Remarque: d6crit ci{essus.) un cl?d,isi vobntairement Dansrcxemdeci& ssus, nousavons d'6tat,vousparvenezavecEZBII dans üdrc un pu "s4cial" pow Wdder ä I'attb.rtidr; wus DepuisI'affichage "attribuer nW. p{vousfißmes möthode wE servos".Vousvoyez: touverezs^refiEnt le menu dus s s s Encote une temarque: HTTF:.:.EFT]U1 E VouspouniezavoirI'ideed attibuer ä deuxercnEfts de r nmmandeh menebndion,p{ exemdeA = aibronsd C = l-l HILEF;i-ll'{ L'odinateurne sa.n'aitabrs plus@ quie* valable. aibF'ons. qß Appuyezsur N. Le "1" clignote.Vouspouvezalorsfeuilleter luia ditdeneconsidÖrer c'esipouq@isonprognt|Tneur jusqu'aunumdrc9 le plusbin dansfahhabeLDans aveclestouchesE) et E. Vousparvenez I'öEmentde @mmancle = depuisle dÖbut. igw6. avalilde recommencer l'exemde,C aibronsd A sera,it * Si vousvoulez.vouspouvezmaintenant pageset sauterquelques fairece qui suit: 1. cooierle resultdde votretravaildansla memoire02, voir page36. 2. changerde m6moiresur 02, selonpage37. 24 pourI'exemple surle num6ro3 ("3" clignote)' An€tez-vous "3", indiquant AppuyezsurZ.Aulieudu c estlaligneinferieure, la fondion du servo,qui clignote.lci aussi,vous pouvez feuilleteravecEJet E pourattribuerau seNosa fonclion. toucheE),vousvenezque feuilleteravecla Sivouscontinuezä ailerons profondeur direction gaz gaz-2(2-mot.'t aero-freins volets trainrentrant crochet pointeau cycl.lat6ral cycl.longit. anti-couple pas gyroscope gouvemail moteur(el.) moteur2 (el.) divers2 divers3 divers4 valeuerfxe + profondeur emp.enV emp.env + flaperon butterfly quadromix delta t€teHEIM flare tetemix div-mix'1 div-mix2 div-mix3 ./.(rien) gaz Vousaurezbesoinde 4 servos,auquelsvous de commande indeoendant. l'6meüeurvousproposeun Gholxde fonctions ä chacunlafonctionailemn.ll enva de mömepour attribuerez plusgrandque pourles6l6mentsde oommande. lesm6langeurs! lesautresfondions,y-compris unebonnequantit6. Cecireprösente Mais attention: Regardonsle tout de plus pds: unefois paltieapparaisse nt,commepourles6l6mentsAtfibueztoujourslesservosdevoletsym6triquement, Danslapremiöre de commande,les fondionsslandardsdesdes avions,des droite,unefoisgauche. planeurset des h6licoptöres. des Parexemple: Puislesfonctionssp6ciales bateauxet du vol 6lecirique.Commevous le pensez,les 1-+4-2 hore fondionsdivers1 ä 4 sontp€vues pourles specialitÖs ou normes. 1-7-9-5 1 7 Voyons maintenant le second groupe. qu'ilsdoivent pas obligatoirement ne signifie Sym6triquement que vousavezpeut-etrc ici les m6langeuls Vousrencontrez le secondexemPle. dejä cherchdsen vain auparavar[.ces m6langeurssont se suivre,voir pascetteßgle,votrediff6rentiel d'ailercns Si vousn'observez pr6d6finis et nbnt plusqu'ä6treappelÖs. dansl'6metteur dansle fauxsens. le chapitresurlesm6langeurs. fondionnera Pourplusde d6tails,consultez lesm6langeurs Pourfinir,unexemplepratiquer€sum6. Jusleunexemplepourvousexpliquerpoutquoi "attribuer difförenci6s, ailerons diredion, avecprofondeur, servo". Prcnonsle Un planeur apparaissentdans le menu "FLAMINGo'). "empennageen (comme le mobilessont a6rcfr€ins et crochet V'. lci,deuxsurfaces mdlangeur chacuneparunservo,quisontdoncdesservos Nousattribuons command6es d'abord: en V. Si vousattrihßz parexemple: d'empennage profondeun surle seNo2 "surle servoNo 2, il y a empennage surleseNo3 V" diredion: "surle seNo No 3, il y a empennage surlesservos1 et 5 ailercns: \f', le servo4 a6ro-freins:sur qu'ildoitenvoyersurlesseNos2 et3 lessignaux l'emetteursait le servo 6 crocfiet sur la profondeu Vousn'avezplusqu'äd6finirensuite r etdirection. cidessus. comme decdt sefait L'attribution quantit6de commande. 2 et3lafonc{ionm6lang6e Conseil: Vousavezattribu6ainsiauxservos "emp€nnage tuw uneWtie des*wos, la fondionconedee$ cleiäE. Ne en \f'. quaMmemepourl'exerci@ etessayez commande, vous/aiss€zpasd,:straie Toutälafinäpparait,commepourles6l6mentsde jusqu'ä obtentclerpweauIa fonction@recte. inutilede "./.".Un seNoqui ne fait de feuleter apparemment l'attribution avecO El, puisfeuilleter rien,c'estunseNoinutile!Maisvousverez qu'ilya uneraison Pressez '2" quiva clignoter. "./." jusqu'ä apparaitre faire et que la possibilite n'estpassi inutile. "PROFoND" jusqu'ä Pressez Z, puisfeuilleter jusqu'ä"3" puis feuilleter N, unservoä unesoltieauquelleestattribuÖe Pressez Si vousconnectez jusqu'ä"DlRECT." Pressez El, puisfeuilleter la fondion "./.", votre servoregoitun signalqui conespond jusqu?"1" Pressez N, puisfeuilleter exadementauneutre,etriend'auüe.Vouspouvezulilisercette jusqu'ä'AILERON" puis feuilleter Z, pourr€glermecaniquement possibilit6 votreservoau neutre. Pressez jusqu'ä"5" Pressez N, puisfeuilleter "normales". Retoumonsauxfonctions jusqu'ä"A|LERoN" Pressez ü1,puisfeuilleter plusieuts foisla meme Prcssez Vousn'avezpasä avoirpeurd'attribuer jusqu'ä'4" N, puisfeuilleter eslpr6pa16. Parexemple, Pressez l'6metteury fonciionde commande: jusqu'ä'A.-FRE|N" El, puisfeuilleter vousattribuez Pressez pourlesailemnsdifi6renci6s Ölectroniquement, jusqu'ä'€" N, puisfeuilleter simplement: jusqu'ä"CROCHET" Pressez El, puisfeuilleter "surle servo1, il y a aileron" Termin6. "surle servo5, il y a aileron". d'6tat ä l'afüchage le menuet retoumez Quitter la touche avec El. (nous verons ainsilesignalaileron Lesdeuxservosregoivent Encoreun point: "dgler lesöl6mentsde le €glagedu diff6rentielau chapitre commande'). quevousayezun modöleavecquatreaileronsqui Admettons doiventavoirchacunun r€glagede courseet de diff6rentiel 25 cötöde signeopposeä cellede l'autrecö16.Pourconiger, de chaquecöt6aveclestouchesEl ou donnezle memesigne "rÖglage "dglage la coursetotaleparEl. des E) et inversez6ventuellement desservos",nousvoulonssignifier Par par pour les hÖlicoptÖres, et nonreglagem6canique CettepossibilitÖ e.stint6ressante signauxdesservosparl'Ömetteuf', etdonne exemplelors du m6langedu pas avec I'anti-couple:la l'Ömetteur surleservo.CecisefaitparI'ordinateurde le mCme effet que si I'on avait ajust6 chaque seNo compensation surle mtoraniörcdependde la positiondu pas möcaniquement. et touioursavecle memesens. lesdglagesde basedesservos. Nousallonsvouspr6senter r@lerIe centre? L'inversionde course (servo-reverse)en est un des plus Commant que le seNo lui-memene Vousavezla possibilit6 de r6glerle centrede chaqueservo NotezdÖsmairilenant imoortants. enV. L€direclion b{anchäsurunesortiedu recepteur. serajamaisinveF6:pensezä unempennage Sivousinvesez Quel est son usage? le mauvaissens. estjuste,la profondeurdans ll nefautdoncconigerque Unemodification I'inveIse. vousobtiendrez lesservos, lorsde l'utilisation du cerüreestint6ressante parla suite. la partieinconecie!Nousy reviendrons defabrication normes Acausede fabricants. deservosd'autres peut pas conect. d0plac6 eledrcniquement forcÖment servo Ctre le centredu servon'est Leneutredechaque diff6rentes, deouisl'6metteur. centrecommeseulecorec{ion Unautrecass€raitler€glagedu vous pouvezr6glerla coursedes possiblepourun seNo. Enfin,demiörcpossibilitd, pourchaquecÖt6. servos,et ceciindividuellement N'utilisezpas le dglage du centredu servo pour coniger presqueau "pain une tringlede commandetrop courteou trop longuel du sensde rotationappartient Si l'inversion quotidien",les deux autrespossibilit6s sont pour les cas En g6n6ral,vous ne devezutilisercettepossibilit6 qu'aussi sp6ciauxet pourlesexpertsqui veulerfitirerle maximumde rarementque possible.Le reglagedu centreest une des finesse. d'autant possibilitös lavued'ensemble, dontonped facilement dansce chapitrequ'auxreglages plusqu'ilexislebiend'autrcsmoyensqui donnentle meme Nousne nousint6resserons sercnt effet. simples.Lesrdglagesen rapportaveclesm6langeurs (page39). traitösdansle chapitredesmÖlangeuß faire: Comment |e"02FI-AMINGO'' Depuis nouveau en nousprenonsde Commeexemde, d'Ötat, allezdansle menu"reglelservo" l'affichage Rdglagedes servos Commetrtinverserun seruo (seruonreverse)? surEIZ pouralleraumenu d'6,tat, appuyez I'affichage Depuis "r6glerservo".Vousvoyez: rr::ililFi5E E:ilTEEI sr-El.lTF;Eif4TEF;r "course" et vousobtenez: AvecZ, choisissez appuyant surE)Z].Vousobtenez: Fl:r-ruFj5EE:|JTEEq II'ITEF:FI,.r hriEf.lTF:E avecE le sousmenu"centre".Vousobtenezpar Choisissez exemole: rIEFl.l: HILEFjut.l r-Et{TF:E: +, Fjlit rSEF;. 1:FIILEFIUI..I t]+ FTILEF:r h+1r_iLr:{ vous devezd'abordchoisir le servod6sir6. Appelezleservo AppuyezsurZ: le num6roduservoclignote. alors surA: lavaleur Appuyez choisiaveclestouches Elou E). "centre"de la ligneinf6rieure clignote. Vous devez d'abod dire ä l'6metteurquel servo vous r6glerced6calageaveclestouches Vouspouvezmaintenant voulezr6gler. parpasde 0,1%,puisde11%ä 110olo ä 11olo de 0olo ou E, Appuyezsur Z. Le num6rodu servoclignote.Vouspouvez El par pas 1olo. de feuilleteravec E) et E jusqu'äobtenirle numÖrodu servo d'6taten appuyezsur 51.[evaleuren Unefois le r6glageeffedud,retoumezä I'affichage d6sire.QuandvousI'aveztrouv6, o/oclignote. la toucheE. oressant un signe,E ou E, Attention: la valeurde coursepossÖde Comment169ler Ia cou rsedesservos? selonle demierr€glage. du der€glerlacrursemaximale offrela possibilit6 U6metteur de la toucheEl. Nousallonsfaireun exempled'utilisation cÖtÖ ind6pendamment de chaque el ce servo, Appuyezsur c€ttetoucheGl: le + devient- et inversement' (asymetriquement). Vousavezainsiinvers6la coutsedus€rvo.C'esllecasnormal A quoiceläsert-il? quandle servon'a pasde fonc{ionmÖlarEeur. Les volets un exemplepratique. Pourle comprendre, d'Ö{at. En appuyantsur E, vousrevenezä I'affichage dechaque sontcommandes d'ungmsmodöle d'atterTissage cot6par un servo.Les@utsesde cesseNosne sontpas decouße:vous I'inversion Enfait,ceciesluncasparticulierde de ceux-ci, cequi mecanique fuales,duesä la conslruction allezädroite,leservova ä droite,vousallezägauche,leservo conduit a de I'efietdesvolets:le modÖle ä uneassymetie va de nouveauä droite:quese passe-t'il? ä trouverdes consisle Lasolution ä panirenvirage. tendance un servos vousavezunevaleurpour lorsdur€glage, leurcourse. Toutsimplement, ouä r6glerindöpendemment apaires Eneurfatale,et possibilit6particuliÖre. zo Dansce cas,il fautndurellementquechacundesservossoit sansceläle connect6sur une sortiediff6rentedu r€cepteur, (utilisezpourcelä neseraitpaspossible. dglageind6pendant seNosunememefondion ä plusieurs d'attribuer la possibilit6 de commande(page24). M6me cas pour des aileronsseNant ausside voletsde couöufe. dit: Encoreun apart6,avantde passerau r6glageproprement possÖde de que unefondion partons le servo ici de l'id6e nous fonctions Pour les commandesimple, sans mÖlangeur. ce qui suit e$ aussivalable,maisse complique mdlangees, alolsque lorsquecertainespaftiesdoiver resterconstantes plusde Voustrouverez d'autresdoiventetresouventmodifi€es. '. "melangeuf dansle chapitre renseignement vousvoyezcomment cöt6ä I'autre, lemanched'un Enbougeant passe altemativementä 80oloou ä 90%. la valeurde course aucun|6le(cas normalement Lesignedevantlavaleurnejoue invers6 enentier servo est si le bas); il indique voirplus spöcial, page 26. en voir aussi sa course, dans surlatoucheE. d'6tatenappuyant Vousrevenezä I'afilchage Encore quelques conseils: grandeurdu d6dacementdu manche Danscetteproc6dure,la seulecomptela directionmontr6eparla n'apasd'importance, petiteflöche.Vouspouveztot, aussibienutiliserlecurseurdu trim pourcelä. commande. lesautresfonctionsde ll envadememeoourtoutes une flÖcheavant-aniÖre Pour les fondionsavant-aniÖre, remplacela flÖchegauchedroite. au r6glage. Passonsmaintenant ä la cou|senormaledu Touteslesvaleußen o/ose mpportent avecEletZ aumenu servo,normalement45' (desexceptionssont possibles)' d'6tat, vouspassez I'afüchage Depuis "r6glerseNo".Vousvoyez: Vouspouvezaussisansrisque,utiliserdesvaleurso,ürämes. ä 0: le servonefaitainsi mettrelavaleurgauche Parexemple, rrjL'tuFL;E Et-tTEEl gauchedu manche. du mouvement lors aucunmouvement pluspetiteque0 en ItITEF;F;..i passer rf.lEUTFiE une valeur pouvez ä möme Vous vers ladroitelorsd'un servo ira le n. Ace moment, sur appuyant "course". Appuyezsur Z pourchoisir vels la droite (et gauche 6galement manche du ä mouvement puisque vous droite, ve15 la manche du mouvement En prcmier,vous devezchoisir le selvo ä r6gler' avecun utilisable ceci esl rarement pas valeurdroite): chang6 la Pour celä, appuyezsur Z. Le num6rodu seNo clignote. n'avez surun modöle. avec E ou E pourotfenirle numärod6sir6. Feuilletez I'kl6eder6glerlacoursepour Ate ion -piÖgetN'ayezjamais le servoNo.3: vousvoyezalors: Choisissez lesdeuxcöt6savecunevaleurnulle.Dansce cas,le servone rSEF:.I:tjIF:E|:T, bougeplus.Si, plustard,vousoubliezce reglage,le canalde pas.Inversement, nefonctionnera conespondant commande L+1tjtl}ittr+['lFiEt.r plus,contrölezd'abod si unesortiedu r6cedeurnefonctionne pourcontröle l'Öl6mentdesi les couses ne sontpasä zÖro! duservoapparait Deniöre lenumero La @ursedu servo peutaussi€tred6passÖe:un reglageesi commande. faire Vousnedevriezcependantqu'en possiblejusqu'ä 110olo. La seconde ligne pr€sentedes particularitÖsint6res' peuusage,carilpeutaniverque alorslacourse vousdepassiez santes. du servo;de plus,un r6glagede plusde 45'de la m6canique coursedes servo n'apponepas d'avantage,du fait de la L -F I L.ttl .J fi+ lrlF:Et-t g6om6trie destringleries. cou'se Posilion du narrche \;"- setrouve(dansI'exemple) d6placement A cot6delagrandeurdu pointe laflÖche lagauche, le mancheAvels bougez ff+.Sivous de la valeur d€pend gauche. (Comme affichage cet vers la deA,ilsepeutquelaflöchepointeaud6butvers actuelledutrim gauche: vousinverserezsonsensen inclinar[le manche la dansI'autresens.) Vous @mprenezmaintenant:vous avez ici l'6l6mentde indiquela quicommande leservochoisi.LaflÖche commande esl boug6' directiondanslaquellel'6l6mertde commande clignote' sur S. Le pourcentage Appuyezmaintenant gauche (a flÖchepointeä Maintenezle mancheen but6eä gauche).Si vous appuyezsur El ou E, la valeurchange' le mancheenbut6eä Amenezmaintenant surSO%. Röglez-la droiteet reglezla valeursur90% Avez-vousregald6commentle sy$Ömefondionne? l-a couFe du servo command6epar le cöt6 gauchedu mancheestehoisieenbougeantle manchedu cötagauche puis est rdgl6e. l-a couße du servo command6epar le Göt6droit du mancheest choisieen bougeantle manchedu cöt6 droit puis est r6gl6e. Commentr&uire (limiter)la counsedes servo il peutaniverquela somme Lorsde I'emploidesm6langeurs, de la la coursepossible dÖpasse des m6langeurs descourses + volel/flaps (par le m6lange exemple surfacecommandde de la limite lequel cas dans C'esl un flapslorsdu d6collage). @ursedu seNopeutetr€utile. "BUTEE"pour Depuisle menu"r€glerservo",appuyezsurB obtenir r5EFi.i I HILEFIUI,..I El-iTEE: +i[it-i::i lacoursemaximaröglers6par6ment Vouspouvezmaintenant pour cot6. chaque servo le du d'Ö{at. Appuyez3 foissur El pourrevenirä l'afüchage Si vouseffacezune m6moire,la courserevientä la valeur maxmum. prcgramme 6metteurs, entredeux Afü ntion:lorsdut|Ensfertde pas transmise. lesvaleursde bulÖene sont 27 Commaft ifierromPre Ies Prti esde coursedeseruo "INTER"que vousatteignezen appuyantsur Dansle menu mettreenouhols vouspouvez ElZtr depuisl'amchaged'6tat, un fonctionchaquepartiede coursed'unservoenl'attribuantä intenuDteur. Prenonsun exemple:passezd'abordsur la m6moire07 "intef':I'affichage ainsi: seprÖsente SALTOetallezsurlemenu r:'EFI.1: FLIIFEFJUI..I ufiILEF;: Et.t r le servo1 Si ce n'estpasle cas,appuyezsur Z et choisissez syss @ ou E). AvecElvouspouvezpassez AppuyezsurF: AILERclignote. partie Adroite,vousconstatez VOLET. partieAllER ä la de la alorsquela paltie quela panieAILEResitoujoursENfonction, par 53. I'inter peut command6e ötre AlLERon En pratique: "INTER" 1. allerau menu 2. Z: choisirle servo 3. 5l: choisirla Partie Z: mettreEN ou HORSavecla toucheEl ENavecEJouE)' enposition l'interupteur Choisir choisiavecy deI'intefiupteur fnveßerlesensdefonction touteslplusfacile:mis commande, diredementäl'6l6mentde ä part la rfiudion de la valeurdu signaldu manchede profondeur, il n'ya rienä faire:toutcequid6pendde ce signal modifi6. estautomatiquement Unautrcexemple:le 1€glagedu ditr6rentieldelacoursedes aileronspour deux servosd'ailerons6pads. Comme un difierentieln'estrien d'autrequ'unecoursediff6rentepour lacourse ajuslerindividuellement nouspounions chaqueservo, plus si lesdeux simple de chacundesservos.C'eslbeaucoup par au le manche gÖner6s directement signauxd'aileronssont par un seul en valeur et modifi6s mäyend'undiff6renciateur r€glage. Faitesattentionä la bonneattributiondes servospour le (voirPage24). differentiel! Un autrc exemple: I'inversion de sens de rotation: commande' del'616mentde les€nsderotation Sinousinversons decommame parun memeel6ment touslesservoscommand6s leursensde iotation.ceciestdiff6rentde I'inversion inversent du sensdu servolui-meme. Vous avez maintenant compris le principe: aux0l6ments Nousavonsunflotde signauxquicommencent influences' diffÖrentes les ensuite de commande.Suivent de la maillon Le demier etc. r6paftiteuß, commem6langeurs, qui attribu6es' sont lui chaineestle seNoet lescommandes n & Repeterce processuspourtoutesles panies lafindur6glagedetousles 4. Recommenceraupoint2jusqu'ä sefvos. Attention danger avec les melangeurs: si un servone r6agitpascommeildevraitlorsde l'emploides d'abodsi lespartiesontENfonctionet controlez melangeurs, si ellessont attribueesaux bonsintenupteurs. n & a ,/, ,'ry' 1$t<et- // .n--.- - rla L_t - Lr*,, _tr - Lda t - i €la _7 " |"',fr, 1 choseä lasource-les6l6mentsde Sinouschangeonsquelque commande -,ceciconcemetoutcequ'un 6l6mentde commande canaux. les diff6rents ä travers influence Commeä chaque6l6mentde commandeest atttibu6une nous nous servos, c6t6 r6glages les Aprösle chapitresur fonctionde commande(profondeur,direction,"')'une l'6metteur' c esl-ädirede source, c6t0 169lages occuperonsdes modificdionde l'effetde cet 6l6mentde commandechange C'estexactement de cettefondionde commande. I'influence Une difforence importante utilisÖ. qui le cÖte souvent le Ömetteuret est cötÖ ce entre le Plus sy$dmatique Ladiff6renciation de la philosophieEn@reun exemplepourcelä:si I'influence des aileronsd'un imponante servoest unecaract6rislique nous nous raison' d'empfoide la PROHmc 3010-Pourcette modöle6quip€de voletsquadrodoitetreexponentielle, quatre diff6rcnce' cette unefois encore vousr6expliquer voudrions voulonscetteinfluencede la fonc{ionaileronsur les servos. Prenonsdeux exemPles. des profondeur, de la course parexemple la r6duire cöt6seNos,nousdevonsajusterchacun Sinousrdglonsdu si vousvoulez ou servo du la couße quatreservosindividuellement vueder6duire 6galä PEmiÖre il semble Räglagedes 6l6mentsde commande celledumanche. Enr6sum6: le t€ r6glagede l'0l6mentde commandeinfluencela lorsque simples, Cecin'estvraiquepourlesapplications ou crois6.Si nous totalit6de la fonction de commande' servone regoitpasde signalm6lang6 que commanderrt seNos deux pournotreexemple admettons le servo n'influence dechacun Le t€glagesur couße la r6duire alors nousdevrions laprofondeur, que le servocoresPondant' ducötÖservo. nousle faisions queles Lecasseraitencoreplusdifficilesi nousadmettions partie du en d6pendre aussi devraienl voletsde courbure en@re alors faudrait profondeur. nous ll de la mouvement I'efietdu pourlesvolets, autrement la paltiem6lang6e reduire course la grand. r6duisons Si nous seraittrop m6langeur 28 et appuyezsur !1. choisissezparexemple"profondeuf' "Expo" clignote. des616ments Uodion options nousoccuperdes Nousallonsmaintenant de lci aussi,vouspouvezfeuilleteravecEl ou El lesdifiÖrentes de commande.Sousce termese cachentles possibilit6s que r€glagedes 6l6mentsde commande, vous connaissez optionsquevousproposel'6metteur. pourles avoirutilisÖs avecd?utresÖmetteurs, certainement L'option"DuahRate"(r6dudion de parexempledual-rate,exponentiel, etc.. et voussont course) dansl'6metteur Lesoptionssontd6järdsidentes de commande". ChoisissezavecZEElEl'6l6mentde propos6es dansle menu"r6glerles6l6ments D "PROFO" commande 'duaFrate". pas proprement Pour n'e$ n6cessaire. dite Une attribution Vousvoyez: et allezä I'option le menupour activeruneoption,ilvoussuffitdefeuilleterdans puisde la modifier.Si vousned€sirezpas r[i : FFjuFt_l la faireapparaitre, ['-F:HTEI (ou 00/6 ä 1000Ä mettre sa valeurä une option, il suffil de utiliser : F,Fjl.;e s5i.i. selonle cas). Toutesles optionsne sont pas disponiblespourtous les Appuyezsur Z. La valeurinferieuredroiteclignote.Vous ä un oouvezla modifieravec cecin'aurait aucunsens(pensez commande: 6l6mentsde ätoutela conespond El ou E). 100o/o pour des options La disponibilit6 le train rentrant). exponentiel course,doncpasder6dudionlorsde I'emploideI'intenupteur' estd6finieparsonaspedPratique: 507oconespondä la moiti6de la courseavec I'intenupteur la profondeur. endench6. Vousavezainsi169l€leduaFratede dual{ate et exponentiel: pourlesailemns,la profondeur et la direction Halb - encorc un pointl Dansle coin inf6rieurgauchefigureencorequelquechose. course r€glable s6par€ment: AppuyezsurE. AppuyezsurE) ou Eljusqu'äfaireapparaitre saufaileronset gaz touteslesfonctions, "HORS"ou "EN". courser6glablesymetriquement: surEl sivousavez"HORS')et Passezsur"EN"(enappuyant pourlesailerons seulement appuyezsurEl. Vousvoyezalors' Les opfons des 6l6menßde commande r€glagedu centre: touteslesfonctionssaufgaz,voletet a6ro-freins L!14.'+' : bt:l:iJ ralenti: pourgazet a6rGfreins Cecis'expliquesimplemer: le dual-rateest une optionqui seulement pourpasserde la pleinecoußeä la n6cessite un intenupteur diff6rentiel: pr6cisement maintenantchoisi avez et vous coursedduite, sont sideuxservos seulement oourlesailerons pourcelä. nevousconvient interrupteur Si cet I'intenupteurS1 ä cettefonction attribu6s 55. suitejusqu'ä pas,appuyezsur choisi, ainside et S2 sera E valeurfixe: pouvez US. I'intenupteur mCmechoisir Vous paspourlesailerons, ladiredionet la pmfondeur, powez choisirlibrementI'intefupteurn6cessaire. ainsi Vous pourtoutes lesautres fondions maisdisponible lemoteur, de oonserver absolument @nseillons decesoptions, Cependar, nousvouspour ensemble aussiutiliser Vouspouvez dusieurs sous personnelle l'attribution desintenupteuß, une norme dudual-rate, de parexemple avecdudiff6rentiel, lesailerons peine futures! de difücult6s pourceläde llvoussufFlt ducentre. etlavariation l'exponentiel Notreproposition: plus bas. dÖcdt mettreenservicecesodions,comme ailerons: S1 duaFrate voirp.46. descomplÖments, ilya encore h6licoptöres, Pourles dual-rdeprofondeun52 Passonsmaintenantä la pratique. diredion: 53 dual-rate Commant@lvles opübnsdes 6tunüß decommande La petite etoile de l'6toileaprÖsle Encorcune explicationde la prÖsence num6rode I'intefludeur. des 6l6mentsde Admettons Comme il s'agitde r6glerles possibilit6s que vousayezchoisi52 et que celuFciclignote. "r6glerles vousallezvousrendredansle menu commande, Appuyezsur E. La flöcheapßs 52 s'inverse.Vous avez de commande". 61Öments A quoi ga sert?Eh bien,beaucoupde inveF6I'intenupteur. d'6tat,vousappuyezsur @B[|. Si nous pilotesveuler[activerle duaLrateavecI'intenuFeurbascu16 DepuisI'afüchage I'exemple"01 BIG LIFT",nousobtenons vers I'avant.d'autresveulentI'inverse.Vous pouvezainsi rcprenons choisir. rH:IIILEF; EI{FUE - pource faire,ne pasinvelserI'interrupteur en le (Attention que commande, toumant!lldoitreslertel letestdes61ementsde EFFET_:T: Lli;r tout). page57, le demande,sinonvousm6langerez de l'6l6mentde commande L 6toilequiapparaitapßs Appuyezsur Z. La d6signation laflÖchesignifiequel'intenupteuresl "EN"dansc€tteposition.Le coindesintenupteurs clignote. n'apparait 616ments qui et Les que pour un interrupteuf. pouvez feuilleter avec maintenant E) E). lesoptions demandent Vous avecleurfondion. Le dualratediminuela coursepourlesdeuxcÖt6set dÖpend I'unapds I'autre apparaissent decommande d'uninterTuoteur. 29 L'o ption oexponentiel" Le r€glage lui-rn€me: le manche Appuyezsur Z, la valeurädroiteclignote.Bougez petitd6placement slgnifiequeleservonefaitquede Exponentiel C en but6eä droite:la petite flöche devant la valeur pointe Plus lorsde la positioncentralede l'€l6mentde commande. la courseavecles vers la droite.Si vousdglez maintenant celui-cis'6loignede c€ centre,plus la coursedu sefvocron touchesEl ou E, vous modifiezla valeurde droite.Mettez pouratteindre enfindecoursese ensuitele mancheenbut6eä gauche:la flÖchepointenersla d'unefagonsurproportionelle, valeurnormalemaximale. gauche.Vouspouvezalols r6glerla valeurde la courseä 0olo, coursenulle. signifiecoursemaximale, Cecipermetdbbtenirenpratiqueunguidagefinsansperdrela gauche.lci,1000/6 possibilit6 d'unecoußemaximale. C'es1simple.Encoreuneremarque. le de la meme Durantcetteproc6durc il n'estpasimportantque der€glage, Le choixde cetteoptionet sonr6glagesbpÖrent passerde que pouvons la la flÖche indique que pourleduaFrate. doncnous est Nous L'important fagon manchesoiten butÖe. gauche. la d6crire. droiteou la le manched'uncÖtöoud'unautre ne peutpasetremisholefonclion,il ny a donc ll sufft d'incliner l6gÖrement L'exponentiel pasd'intenuptour ä choisir.0% exposignifieun d6placement oud'utiliserle curseurdetrim.Faitesattentionä la flÖche,elle maximale. avant-affiÖre, lin6aire,100066galela döviationexponentielle indiquequelcöt6vousr6glez.Pourlesfonctions par symetrie. apparaft ou aniöre avant uneflöcfle L'option"r*glagesymeüquede la course" quepourlesailerons.Unreglage Cetteoptionn'esldisponible lorsde I'emploide deuxservos' aucun sens; ici s6par€n'aurait parle diff6rentiel. accessible est ce r6glages6par6 Si vous avez dÖjäessayeles autresoplionsci{essus, le de la coursene poseaucrn problÖme' reglagesym6trique = lci aussi,1000/0co{rsemaxim€le,0llo=9!E9 tt!!!e -r 100 L'option"r6glagede course assymetrique" cette optionpermetde r€glerla coursemaximaleindividueF pourchaque de cötÖde l'6l6ment lement,et cecis6parement commanoe. L'option"centre" figure23 pourla plupartdes fonciions.Parelle,vous Elleesidisponible position pouvezd6placer6lectroniluementla milieudel'610ment de @mmande:celä conespondä l'effetdes trims pour les manches. Lescoursesmaximalesnesontpasmodifi6esparlamodmcation du centre(effetcenter-trims). "*,"".J?Jä^' tig|ute22 du modÖle Ceciesi utilis6parexemplelolsquela sensibilit6 desgouvemes. n'estpas6galedanslesdeuxdeplacements et ce dglage esitpr6vupour toutes les fondions, sauf gaz "169ler le menu dans cetteodion Vousre@nnaissez ailerons. de commande"ä I'affichage: les616menls r-::['IFjEr-r-uuF;:,Er : + 1r3iltt"g Sril,lliETFj 2n /5oth d6calage 'ntrel/ / / 50 fgtage 101 centre ligure 24 c'esl-ä{irejusqu'enbut6ede Le rdglageva jusqu'ä100o/o, concemÖ. de commande l'6l6ment Valeur de ]€glage: La proc6dut€ de r€glage est simple: d'eneurl Oo/o'. Letrimdegazn'apasd'effet- possibilit€ Prenons Allezdansle menu"r€gler6lementde commande". par exemplel'6l6mentde commandeD:PRoFo.Appuyez gaz permet du ralenti sur un reglage 100%: Letrimde "D:PROFO". Appuyez d'abod sur Z, puisfeuilletezjusqu'ä toutela demi-course. "CENTRE'. jusqu'äfaireapparaftre alorssurN puisfeuilletez estconseill6e. unevaleurde20 ä 30o/o Dansla pratique, Vousvoyezalors: Encore un conseil: la positiondu mlentiesl en aniÖre.Si vous Normalement, r[, ! FF;t:tFU t::El.{TFjEr appuyez voulezl'inverser(parexemplepourun helicoptÖre), TF:If,l: +El.;s Ainsi,toutela fonctiondu manchesera surE) lorsdu r6glage. VousvenezcelädansI'affichage invers6e: leralentiestdevant. Appuyezsur Z: la valeurä doite clignote.R6glezalorsavec parl'apparition signe- devantla valeur(sile servotourne d'un ts ou El la valeurd6sir6e.ceci fait, Btoumezä I'afüchage alorsdansle mauvaissens,inversezsonsens,voirpage28). d'6tatavecla toucheE). Deuxutilisationstypiques de cetteoption: lJoption "diff6rqfüel" 1: Exemple quepourlafonction etpour ailercn n'estdisponible Cetteoption ducentre autantquevouslui ayezattribu6 der6glage Vousavezvuplushautquelapossibilitö deuxseryosau minimum. ceüe Danstouslesautres vajusqu'ä100%,c'ed-ä{ire enbutde.Sivouschoisissez cas,cetteoptionn'apasdesenset peut "169lageassymdtriquede parexemplepourun manche,le servonebougera etreremplac6e possibilit€, parl'option lacoujse". paspourle mouvementd'un cöt6du mancheet ferasacourse entiöreDourI'autremouvement. faireensorte Vouspouvezainsi,poulunplaneurparexemple, que les aem-fr€inssortentcomdötementloß de la @urse aniÖredu mancheet soientinodrantslorsde la courseavant. la dus courante?! Exemple2: peut-etrel'utilisation positions destrimsne se les conslruit, modÖle bien Pourun prenez que peu la valeur vous vols. Si lors des trÖs modifient plusä r6aju$er n'avez de centre,vous valeur destrimscomme la valeurdeb€se de modÖles: lestrimslorsdeschangements position milieu. la esl alojs toujours destrims Attention: n'utilisezpas le r6glagedu cerflrepourr6glerle "centre"dur€glage centred'unseNo.Utilisezpourceläl'option figure26 des servos(page26). L'option"tim de nlenti" prenonsun exemple.NousavonsattribuÖ: PourI'expliquer, gaz gaz(et que pour lesfondions = n'esldisponible Cetteodion A ailerons;servol = aileton;selvo 5 = aileron poureffetque n'opÖre le curseurdetdm a Elle 2)et a6ro-freins. Appuyez de commande". Allezdansle menu"r€glerölÖments qu'enpositionde ralentidu manche.L'effetapparaftdepuisle ensuitesur N et feuilletezpourfaireapparaitre'diff6rentiel" milieu.Dans I'autremoiti6du mouvementdu manche (particuliörement en positionplein{az),elleestinop6rante. rHIFILEFJ T:'IFFEFJq H:,rititiETFj:+Iilrt;r Faites aüention ä une attribution conecte des s€rvos, ä I'envers(voir page25). sinon le difi6rentieltravaillera Vouspouvez AppuyezalolssurZ: la valeurä droiteclignote. alorsajusierla valeur. Signification: coulse6galeenhautet enbas Oo/o: pasdedifiÖrentiel: ögalela moiti6de la course 500/o: la couFeinfÖrieure sup6rieure maximum:pasde coursedu cÖtÖ lOOoÄ: diff6rentiel inf6rieur. figure25 pas l'6metteur 169len Vousn'avez ä vousoccuperautrementde aux seNos. signaux @rreds les disldbueautomatiquement leplein{az. influencer ralentisans ainsir6glerle Vouspouvez Lors du rÖglagedu difi6rcntiel,vous pouvezinvelserson Lechoixet le röglagedecetteoptionsefontcommepourles sensavecla touche E. cidessus. options d6crites seNos(voirpage unou plusieurs d'inverser Avecla possibilitÖ 26), vous pouvezainsimaitrisertous les cas possiblesde montage. 31 avecE) pourottenirS5(vousavez6ventuellement pourd'autresr6glages): Feuilletez Encoreun truc (quivaut6galement l'6toiledoit flöcheetune6toile).Bougezl'interupteun cofügeretd'optimiseraussiune etplusrapidede ll eslsouvertplussimple que positions. pour signifie Ceci une des deux apparaitre unevaleuren vol. "en". position esl en I'intefiupteur Ceciesl trÖsfacileavecla souris: Avant le d6paft, entrczdans le menu concemeet faites R6glagede la valeurfixe elle-meme: Appuyezsur Z: la valeurinf6rieurcdroiteclignote. clignoterla valeurä modifierne quittezpasle menu! perme{ parallöle la r6gleraveclestouchestsE. 07o Vouspouvezmaintenant avecles touchesE) et E et La sourisest en butee.R6glez servo,1000/0,I'autre signifielabut6ed'uncot6du de modifierla valeuren vol. de la course par ä la moiti6 ceci conespond pourm6moriserlavaleurconecte. exempleä 75olo: Apßslevol,quittezlemenu d'uncöt6. Attention! tester l'effet de la valeur fixe: Bien qu'il soit th*ofiquemeft possib/ede le faie, n'Ltilisez Vous oouvezmaintenant "hors',le servoest commandepar le 55 6tant l'ir[erruoteur jamaisle davbr duranth wl D'üsd W@ que @lä wus le servova dansla Si vousbasculezl'interrupteur, diüait @ wüe rtodets.,ensuiteparcequ'uneeneu powmit curseur. pr6rögl6e. position @n@uences da*oqhnues! avoir cbß,s travaillede fagoninverse, Si vousvoulezque l'intenüpteur Sivousappuyezalors sur 55 clignote. nouveau !: appuyezde L'optionnaburfixe" s'inverse,ainsi que le sens aprÖs 55 la flÖche sur E, etc. sont des conceptesconnusdes DuaFrate,exponentiel, de I'intefiuPteur. d'adionnement avecI'option"valeurfxe". expens;il en va tout autrement Conseil important pour les pilotes F3B prenonsun exemple: PourI'expliquer, votre€glage,vousavezpeutetrevu qu'ilexisleaussi Lorsde Soit un modÖleavec voletsde courbure,contr6l6spar le I'option"FlX-2".Ceci signifieque vous disposezde deux pourotdenirund6dacement rÖduites Lescou]sessont curseurF. valeußfxes. total sur la coursedu curseurde -5 ä +7,5' (cecin'eslpas fixesdesvolets,par deuxpositions bien VouspourriezainsirÖgler pourI'exemple, maismontrepadiculiÖrement n0ces6aire et vol de vitesse. exempledecollage I'utilitöde valeurixe). vous devez utiliserl'intenupteur esttoujoursutilis6e Pour utilisercette odion, unepositiondetermin6e Pource modÖle, "Sl".SivousutilisezI'intenuFeur Idans positions pourunememe@nfiguration de vol, parexemple15"pourle sp6cialätrois de pas 6l6ment comme l'attribuer position ce but, vous ne devez depouvoiractivercette llseEittröspratklue d6collage. "J"" page 60. Voir en Donc:E.C.I commande notmale. commande. parun intenudeuret de passerensuiteä l'utilisation ne fume pas encore,nous vous presentons votre tete ll seraitdonc ndcessairede passerpar dessusla position Si autle finessede l'6metteun une normaledesvoletspouratteindreunevaleurfixegräceä un maintenarn actionn6es decommandepeuventCtre Plusieursfonctions interupteur. par des interrupteurs momentan6, par exemple par "valeurfixe"' C'est ce que fait I'option i'intemrpteurde manche ou l'inte.rupteur momentan6 Valeurfixeamönelafonctionde commandesurunevaleur pour chrono, pr6d6temin6epar l'action d'un inGnupteuret passepar qu'untelinterrupteurmomentan6 Pourlasuite,nousadmettons dessus le signal de l'6l6mentde commandeluiflemeestbrancheä 54. ll y a doncdeuxr€glages: (eno/ode lacoulsetotale); Appuyezsur N. Avec E, feuilletezjusqu'ä55 et continuez: D'abord,lavaleurfxeelle-mCme LS,G, I puisdenouveau51, maiscette vousvoyezapparaftre doitacliverlavaleur deI'interupteurqui ensuite,l'attribution seule.Ceciindique fois.ciaveclesymboleI et nonplusflÖche fxe. momentan6. un intenupteur Le r6glagese passede la memefagonquepourle duaFrate. Feuilletez plusloinavecEl, jusqu'äS4I. AppuyezsurS4. Le Unexemple: servo6 va ä la positionpr6r€gl6epour la valeurfxe; ä la suivante: pression, l'attribution prochaine il repassesurle curseur,etc.. Admettons = = 6 diversl 1; servo diveß F 6l6mentde commande avecle mancheune Decettefaqon,vouspouvezd6clencher celä signifieque le curseurdroitpilotele servosur la sonie fonctionde longuedur6e. decommande" Allezdanslemenu"169ler6l0ment 16ceoteur6. Attentionl l'6l6mentde commandeF: divets 1. et choisissez Avec ce syslömed'interupteur,vous ne voyez plus par de Appuyezensuitesur E, puissur El pour l'interupteurla positiondu servo.Nousvous conseillons ". pour que non faireapparaitre"FlX-1 les fonctions de faire faQon n'utilisercette ou leg6nÖrateur letrainrentrant commeparexemple critiques, Vousvoyezalorssur l'affichage: de fum6e. rF:['ltl.1 FI:":-lr Revenons ä "valeur fixe" Vous pouvezegalementattribuerun servo directementä 5F-11i1 rHUFj5 "valeurfxe". Cellgci fonctionnealorscomme6l6mentde commandevinuel.Vous pouvezainsiavec un intenupteur Choix de I'interrupteurde la valeurfixe: appuyez passerd'unevaleurä l'autre. quecesoitl'intenupteur55, Pourcefaire, Admettons Vraisemblablement, clignote. inf6rieurgauche sur5l:I'affichage Application typique: "EN". surEl pourobtenir Appuyez vousavez"HORS". ou valeurde d6viationfixe pourun Crochetde remorquage divers-mix. 32 L'option"nonn-p6" si la oositionnormaleesl en avantou en aniÖre.[€ normpos estle pointde d6partpourle m6langeur. Cette odion s'utilisepour un but preciset n'estdisponible C'es{tout;avecEl, vousquittezcommetoujoursle menu. qu'evecun m€langeur. la Faites attention ä ce qui suit: ou desvoletsde courbure, Lorsde la sortiedesa6ro-freins m6langerles a6rofreinsou les volets de modificationd?ssiettecreedoitetrecompens6eparunel6göre Si vous voulezprcfondeur, vousdevezchoisirpourle servo la On m6langeainsiunepetitepartie courbut€avec corec{ionde la profondeur. "profondeur+" Vousavezainsi et non"profondeuf'. concemö du signaldesvoletssurla profondeur. parties profondeur partie aÖlufreins plusdu les röglagedela en t-esprobEmessuivantsapparaissent: et volets. La positionde repos des volets ou des a6rc-freinsest normalemerten but6ede l'6l6mentde commande.Si l'on mölangeaitsimplementle signaldes volets ä celui de la profondeur,la profondeurseraitdÖjädÖplac6edu fait de cette doitpas position la profondeurne enbut6e.Ceciestind6sixable: Le combls,itchesl uneaidetrÖsutilepourtous les pilotes. parla positionvoletsrentres. Ctreinfluenc6es ces des planeurs,les viragesdoiventtoujoursctrc Dans ceteffetsile mdlangeur"volet-sur-profondeud' le Onpeutobtenir en pilotantla direciionet lesailerons.La commande n6goci6s nedonnepaslevraissignaldesvolets,courteAdudiagramme, de deuxfoncfionspeutprovoquerdesdifücultes simultan6e voletsrentr6sestle point maisun signalcorig6.Si la position pilote pour ayantpeude pratique. le X du diagramme,on doit donnerau m6langeurun sbnal ä la courbeB. Pourla positionel0r€meY, c'est Avec le combi-switch, il est possible de relier conespondant 6lectroniquementces deux commandes.Grece ä un la courbeC. peut Ctre enclench6e ou reqoit interrupteur, cette liaison le m6langeur commevousle voyezsurle diagramme, qui pemet de choisir de commander ce d6clench6e, en positionvoletsrentds la valeurde m6langenulleet en s6padmentou ensembleles deuxfonctions. oositionvoletssortisla valeurcompläe. Vous pouvezchoisir si, lolE de la liaison: les aileons entrainentla direclion,c€ qui permetde aveclemanchedesailerons; deuxfonctions commanderles ou cequipermetdecommander entraine lesailemns, ladir€dion avecle manchede direction. lesdeuxfonctions vol.Danslesdeux d6pendde voshabitudesde Votred6cision cas,la fondionentraineere$e pilotableparsonpropremanche. esl le deg16d'entrainement. Un autrepointdu combi-s'vrritch Vouspouvezle r6glerentre0 et 200%. ceci veutdire: ligwe2T de 50%,la fonctionentrain6eatteintla Avecun entrainement Une course de la fonclionprincipale. moiti6du d6placement possible cecas dans plusgrandede n'est la fondionentrain6e I'adive qu'enactionnant L'dmetteur Le r€glagedecetteoptionesltrössimple. le manchede la fonctionentrain6e. de a6ro-freins oudesvolets lorsduchoixdes automatiquement deuxfonclionsont unecourse sivousvoulezla Avecunevaleurde {00%,Ies couöure.Vousn'avezqu'ädireä l'6metteur egale. 'voletsrentr€s" position enavantouenaniÖre. atteintd6jäsa unevaleurde200%,lafonctionentrain6e Avec prenons le modöle"09coRTlNA".Apßs le pleine Pourexemple, de la fondion de la course demi valeur ä la course pr€c6dent pourl'exemple comme appuyez cemodÖle, choixde principale. Silbn donneplusde courseä lafonc{ionprincipale, E|as. la fondionentrain6eresteä sa valeurmaximale:il n'estpas Loß du passageen revuedes options,l'affichagesuivant possiblede l'augmenter. apparaftpourlesa6rofreins: Commentutiliserle combiswitch rE$tl, -FFjFrlSlT,1 Ii.lHr:T,E'iT: + , "PoSlT."clignote. Vouspouvez Appuyezsur El: laflÖchesous en appuyantsur E. inversersi n6cessaire Avec la flÖcheen avant,la positionr€posesl en avant. AveclatoucheE), vouspassezsurnormposmilieuetsi votre 6metteurest au milieu(unsigne- estvisibleä l'6cran),vous surE]' Encas pouvezpassersurunedesbutÖes en appuyant vouspouvezchangeraveclatoucheE et choisir de necessit6, t ( q \I ]\ \K 50 o/o 100Vo | 200o/o est I entraine o"1üi,"6,1entraineeni;inälentraine est Figurc28 33 unevaleurdebase, Nousne pouvonspasvousre@mmander commencez En casdedoute, puisque modÖle. cellecid6penddu pour le meilleur trouver en vol essais des €rtfaites avecl OOo/o comDromis. vol ä I'aidede Vouspouvezfacilementmodmerlavaleuren la souris et aniver ainsi rapidementä l'optimum. priseencharge modifiercettevaleurde Sivousvoulez envol: surEl pourlib6rerla Allezavantled6partau menuet appuyez pas quittez ensuitele menu! prise Ne charge. en valeurde pouvez ä I'aidede la valeur cette modifier vous Durantle vol, pour la m6moriser k sur appuyez Aprös l'attenissege, souris. valeurexacte. Aprösc€üeintroduction,un peude pratique' pourfairecereglage estquevousdevezavoir Attention: Lacondition etunautre€lÖment Nejamais169lerunevaleuravecle clavierdurantle voll Le attribu6un6l6mentdecommande"ailercn" "diredion". De plus,un interupteurdoit ö{re dangerd'une ereur est trop grand: vous risquezvott€ de commade marqu0 modöleet memeplusl option,parexemdeä l'emplacement inslall6pourcette Pour les dglages durant le vol, utilisezexclusivementla Sws/CS. "02 qui vous pemet de faile des modmcationsä souris, pouniez FLAMINGo";vous Prenonscommeexemple "09 l'aveugle. aussichoisir FIESTA". "Gombi-switch"dans le Vous trouvez le menu sp6cial menu "t6gler Öl6mentde commande". d'6tat,vous y parvenezen appuyantsur DepuisI'affichage en E)[|. Continuez appuyantsurS: vousvoyez: e F lBü:r r5[rl:55+. I FlEr:T, fi I LEFIUH+I: estchoisicommeintenupteur 55+indiquequeI'interrupteur55 55+ clignote.Vouspouvez sur Appuyez N: de combi-s,witch. Si avec interupteur EE) si n6cessaire. un autre choisir alors "EN". En obtenez plusieurs vous sur fois E, appuyez vous horsfonclion. appuyantsur E), vousmettezle combi-switch r ltjrj:i , I F:E[T !1I LEF:üt{+tr appuyez Ne d6sirantpas mettrehorsservicele combi-süvitch, de 55+. de nouveausur El, puissur Eljusqu'äI'appalition doitetrc La + flöchedeniÖre55 montrequesensI'interupteur "EN" voulez Sivous pouss6pourmeftre fondionle couplage. sens ainsi le inveFer,il suffitd'appuyersur El: vousinversez par qui une est indiqu6 ce de I'intenupteur, de fonclionnement + flöcheinversede la Pr6cÖdente. esl en position"EN",une6toileapparait LoßqueI'interrupteur (+*) aprÖsla flöche. quelesailerons sivousd6sirez Vouspouvezchoisirmaintenant ou l'inverse. entrainentla diredion Pourcelä,appuyezsurtl: lavaleurdepriseenchalgeclignote. de la demiÖreligne Si vousappuyezalorssur El, I'affichage "diredionsurailemns" "ailerons et en surdiredion" changede I'exemple, que Dans voulez. vous ce Choisissez inversement. nouslaissercns"aileronssur diredion",c'est-ädireque les aileonsentrainentla direction. Comme ä rfulerlavaleurdepriseencharge. llrestemaintenant celleci clignotedejä,il suffitde r€glerla valeurd6side,dans I'exemple100%. Vousdevriezavoiralo]ssurI'affichage: r ltCrj:;[_il,J:55+q . i F:EI-:T FtI LEFIt-1t.1+[' d'6tat etvouspouvezrctoumeräI'afüchage VousavezterminÖ parla toucheEl. 34 M6moiresetprognmmes de listessont€llesmemorisables? Combien peut$ocker30 lisleset les rappelersur simple L'6metteur m6moireesltrös de changementde op6ration Cette a cedainement demande. possibif nrc 30t0vous sdela PROH ite Unedes li$e, vousallez quand une autre voulez appeler vous 30 modÖles. simple: de m6morisation achat: la ä son incit6fortement "changef'etvous "m6moir€", cfioisissez vousy menu dans te ce quevouspouvez Dansce chapitre,nousvousexpliquons jusqu'äce que le modÖled6sirÖ(avecson nomen feuilletez faireaveccesmÖmoires. trouverezplus ce$ tout(oupresque)'Vous apparaisse: clair!) D'abod,unp€udetheoriepoursavoircommentla PROFIttrc de daailsen page37. 3010memoriselesmodöles. commepar surles m6moires, "m6moire"et les sous. ll y a aussid'autresop€rations Ensuite,du concretavec le menu pourun ou modÖle nouveau liste6prouv6e exempleutiliserune menus: pouvez faire aussi donnerun nomä unenouvelleliste.Vous cooier table raseet effacerles lisie obsolÖtes. effacer dit: Plussimplement changer les icile concept"liste",car l'6metteurslocke Nousavonsutilis6 nom modölessouscetteforme. trim parlerde"m6morisation d'unmoddle" ll estdevenucoutEntde "cooierune que savoir l'6meüeurdoit ce principe m6moire".Tout simple oude Ia listeüun modde,un est le contenu et la liste lisle, dans une setrouve ce surunmodCle maintenant Rep€sentez-vous Prenonsunde vosmodÖles. "configur€') Lorsde la copie,le contenude cettemdmoire mömoire. d'une votre sur qui doit €tre 16916(techniquemer : etc.. estdupliqu6dansuneautremÖmoire, 0metteur. Vouspensezque nouscouponsle cheveuen quatre.Nous Parexemple,vousavez: quelisle,m6moire vousfairecomprendre ä gauche; voulonssimplement aileronssur manchede droite,profondeur Danscemanuel, meme significdion. la rccouvrent modÖle ou exponeriel pourla profondeu[ selonlecontexte.Si indiff6remment, ces termes utilisons nous diff6rcntielpourles ailerons; la dösignationtriviale vous parait illogique'vous savez latguagede bonbonsparun intenupteuI pourquoivous pouveztoujou6 vous r6f6rerau maintenant oositionnormaledestrims; conceDt"lisle". sensde rotationdes servos; Notez ce qui suit: etc. qui est ä l'6cranet quevouspilotezesi le modÖle Le modÖle Si votre6m€tteurn'avaitpasde m6moirc,vousdevrieznoter "actuel". de tous ces Dointssur une lisle et, ä chaquechangement c,elle-ci seratoutde modification, unequelconque de Sivousfaites Au sommet cette liste. modöle,r6glervotre€mefteurselon sa lisle dans m6moris6e 0a liste et automatiquement suite sonnom. cetteliste,vousinscrireriez niveau demier au tout toujours est la mdmoire Ainsi actuelle). C'e$ exac'tementce que fait l'dmetteurPROHrrc 3010. l'Ömetteur. vous 6teignez loFque des modifications si vous poss6diezauparavantun 6metteuravec m6moire, et desvaleus de Lorsde la remiseenroute,cedemierniveauestde nouveauä oubliezqu'ily avaitalorsdes programmes Commecest qu'unelislede disposition. Vousn'avezainsipasä m6moriser. d'autre plwrammes rien n'6taient reglage.Ces epargnedu celä que souvent, proc6clure ps vous utiliserez plupart du tem une parlefabriquant, la prepar6e etc. mÖlangeurs, grises. cellules ä vos travail possibilitd de modification. sans Mais attention, ceci peut cacher un piögel l-a PROFI mc 30tO es{ bien plus efhcace: quevousayezrful6 un modölede fagonoptimale Elle Admettons une fiche. ouvre l'6metteur Pourchacunde vos modÖles, pas de peine.Vousne voulezplusmodifiezsa ä beaucoup et avec n'avez qui modÖle. Vous concemece contienttout ce pour cependantlester autre chose,ce qui Vous aimeriez vos liste. quand l'Ömetteur vousr6glez l'6tsblirsp6cialement il notetoutce que modifieraitles r6glages.Ou bien, vous avez un nouveau besoins,celui-cila clee automatiquement: etvousaimeriezutilisercettelisteavec plus pas ä la mÖmoriser modölede mÖmetyp€ non Vous n'avez vous choisissez. quelques cations. modifi de l'6metteur, miseenservice lorsdelaprochaine sp6cialement: la demiÖrelis{eutilis6e. Quefaire? direclement celui-civousproposera "OuL maisk üis düüd ehbff @tte lige' La solutionest simple:vous copiezla listedans une autre Vous allez dire: c'est-ä4ire c':frlisirlesmelarceüs, les dtibutions, efc. Cesf m6moire,passezsurcettenouvellem6moireet exp6rimentez ettainement@mpliqu6,etIa@ncwrercelesofredöiä faites"- sanssoucivosnouveauxr€glages. Ceciest patticulßßment valablepour les exemplesd6jä Toutde suitedeuxrgponses: Tantquevousn'ötespasfamilialis6avec 1. vous verrez que c€ n'est pas du tout complique'Vous pr6programm6s. pouvezchoisirexadementcequevousd6sirez,et laisser l'6metEur, vous devdeztoujouts utiliser une copie et jamais I'oliginal. C'est pourquoi la connaissancede la tomberI'inutile. est le plus importantä apprcndteau 2. pourle casoircetravailesttmpdifficile,l'6metteurcorient copie des m6moircs pourlesutilisations d6but. Elle est plus simple que ce que vous pensez pr6par€€s d6jä{ 0lisbs (ouprogrammes) maintemntl les pluscourantes. exemplele modÖle"BlGLIFT"de la memoire10. clignote.Vous dans Appuyezsur 5l: le num6rode la m6moire estcontenu memoires letravaildes Toutcequiconceme pour faire pouvez les m6moires feuilleter dans maintenant '.Depuis vousypaNenez l'affichage d'6tat, lemenu"MEMolRE BIG LIFT. apparaftre sur@ puissur51. enappuyant La sourceesl ainsichoisie.Vousvoyezalors: Le mqru"m6noire" surI'affichage: Vousvoyezparexemple FT.L|FIEFj f.lr_lt'|I Tt:It'lr b.r:HfitlriEF; rFtl'-rF.Illl_liJrtr ! Tr-rl !T r !r-rr-r I rt:'E it:i:FItjliFT surEl: vousavezalorsune d'appuyer llvoussufft maintenant A panirde ce menuvouspouvezchoisirles sous-menuscopiede BIGLIFTdansla m6moirequi 6taitadive. suivants: Afüntion: la copiese faittoujouFdansla m6moireactive. "copie/': c'eslfini.Lam6moireacluelle appuyezsurEl la Sitoutestconect, Deniörele concept"copief'secachentnonseulement de BIGLIFT.Vousquittezle une copie maintenant contiert possibilit6 dansuneautremaisaussi decopierunemÖmoire d'habitude. comme appuyant sur menu en El de modeles commele transfert travauxanalogues, d'autres Enr€sum6: ä I'autre, etc.. d'undmetteur La cible est toujou.s la m6moireactuelle "nom": Choisirla source(ceque vous desirczcopier)en ligne 2. pourdonnerouchanger le nomd'uneliste. "changef': Appuyezsur E: l'6metteurfait la copie. passer pour une mÖmoire pourchanger sur ou Quittezle menuavecla touche El, de m6moire vide. Conseils: Commewus I'avezvudansfexqnple, wus n'avezpasbesoin d'etra@rla nemofuecibleavaft de coF,ier! si la positiondes vouspouvez@ntrÖler avecce sous-menu, plus depuis Deuxtrucspourfinir fois, exactement, trim a chang6depuisla demiÖre de cettem6moire. la demiöreutilisation TrucNo.l de mÖmoire,ce menu est autG ll peutaniverque changement riencopier,bienquevous Aprös un vousned6sireriez "copieC' que ont les trims (par exemple,si vous car il esl vraissemblable appel6, matiquement soyezd6jä dans le menu ce modÖle. plus utilisation de que la demiÖre de m6moirelibre).Vousne 6t6 bougdsdepuis remarquez vousn'avez Vous pouvezögalementappelerce sous-menusans avoir pouvezplus quitterle menu, car I'appuide la touche B de copie.Quefaire? le prccessus la dedencherait ceci esl utilepourcontr6ler besoinde dlangerdem€moire. position problÖme. miseenroutedel'Ömetteur, ll y a deuxsolutions nouvelle destrimslorsd'une ä ce passürsdela position destrims,en La premiÖre, sivousn'Ötes sp6cielement Ceslde choisircommeciblela mömem€moire que la sourceet d'appuyefsur @. Ainsi, I'auto-copiene concoutsparexemple. aucunemodification. Vous trouverez ci-aprös le mode operatoirede ces sous. provoque l'6meneur. d'Öteindre menus. La seconde, c'esttoutsimplement Truc No.2 Lemeltu"copid' unelisle quevousremarquieztFoptardd'avoircopiÖ Admettons appuyantsurEl S dansune mauvaisem6moircet ainsid'y avoireffac6la liste vousyparvenezen DepuisI'affichaged'Ötd, soue pr6c6dente. pourobtenirle Pasde panique,rienn'eslpetdu:unebou6ede menu"m6moire",puisZ pourobtenirle "copie/'. estd6criteen page37 (mömoireMX). sauvetage Vousvoyezalors: menu rfiunE I T|JUT FIE:;Tt] rFE r.JFr Com mentetracer une m6moire unenouvelleliste,c'esiplussimpleet Quandvous6tablissez plussorde le faireavecunem6moirevide. possibilit6s(Ce diffÖrentes Derriöre leterme"MoDE"secachent car tout ce que vous n6cessaire, n'eslpas absolument plusbas,maintenant, nousnous attribuezou modifiezest 6crit par-dessusles 6l6ments decopie.Nousenparlemns dela simplecopie. occupercns quelques 6l6mentsdu pr6c€dents. res'ter ll pounaitcependant modölepröc6dentcapablesde vous faire de mauvaises Commwt copiu Ia lisled'un modöle surprises). Nousadmettons€tre rest6dansle menu"copie/' . L'Öcran C'e$ pouquoivous avez la possibilit6 d'effacerle contenu "copief'. visibledansle cfiapitrepr6cfuentesi encoEaffich6. d'unem6moire.Ced se passedepuisle menu La premiöreligne (mode:tout) ne nousint6ressepas pour Laligne"mode:" quenousavionssaut€eentremaintenant en I'instant! jeu. le num€rcet Admettons A la secondeligne figurela source,c'esl-ä-dire quevousetestoujouFau menu"copief'. "E.c-" le nomdu modölequevous d6silezcopier.L'6metteurvous Appuyezsur El: surZ: '1out"ä drciteclignote. Appuyez proposepard6fautle modÖleaduel. apparaft.Appuyezencoreune fois sur El et vous obtenez Nous admettonsque vous vouliezcopierun modöle,par "efiace!". C'estle modedontvousavezbesoinmaintenant: JO dansune liste,l'Ömetteurmetune copiede la m6moie avant que la actuelle dans la m6moire ä la premiÖre prcnne seulement efet et modmcation modification. e$ effacöe.Vousquittezle menu AppuyezsurEl. LamÖmoire A quoi celä sert-il? avecla touche@. Ceslclair.Si vousvousCtestmmpÖsen Dansle premiercas, Conseil: vouspouvezcopier chance: effagart,vousavezunedeuxiÖme Le goässus d'etrrceßrentetrrcetoujousla nßrolrc ad.ßlE. de "MX'dansla mÖmoire par et I'eneur effac6e inadvertance est r6par6e. "E.C." Le mode de copie 6l6nent de casestclairaussi:si vousavezcopi6parereur Ledeuxiöme vous Commande) dansune mÖmoireet effaceson contenupr6c6dent, "MX"'ll vous "tottt". pouvezsauvercelui-ci, est maintenantdans caril Ce Nousavonsutilis6splushautle modede copie "MX"dansla m6moired6sirÖe et le tourest uneliste,c'est-ädiretoutes suffrtde cooierde processus copiesimplementtoute jou6. et et lesr€glagesdes6l0mentsde commande lesattributions mÖmoire. cas,ce n'estpas6videntau premierabord, la nouvelle dans Dansle troisiÖme servos des ilya toujouts LoIsdemodifications, en estpareil. Commevous I'avezentrc-tempsconstat6en feuilletant'il maislaraison "E.C.". n'apporte la modification Ou bien ereur. fairc une dangerde le existeaussile mode pasle resultatescompt6. Voussavezd'autrepartquechaque celui-ci est viE expliqu6: effet dans la effectuÖeprendimmddiatement "E.c.", seulsles modification Quandvous choisissozle modede copie pas faitune d'abold n'avez 35). Sivous mÖmoireaduelle Ccage sont et les @lages des 6l6mentsde commande attributions point esl de d6part pour le ensuite, la modifier travail copie de LecötÖservon'eslpascopiÖ. nouvellem6moire. copi6sdansla oemu. [ä raison de ce mode: automathued'unecopie,ce dangerest Par la conseNation Beaucoupde piloteont une attributionslandatdpour leuts r6duit.Encasde besoin,vouspouvezretrouver l'Aatinitialen pourtous qu'ilsulilisent leußmodÖles. decommande, "MX"dansla m6moireactuelle. 6l6ments de copiant pourunnouveaumodöle, Siseulela panieservoesldiff6rente 169lerles A cöt6 de celä existe une autre utilisation: vouspouvezutilisezce modeaulieud'attribueretde vousavez ir ervedirdesmodÖles, Sivousvoulezparexemple particuliörement 6l6mentsde commande.Ceciva dus vite, pourcelä pouniez Vous intermfuiaire. slockage besoin d'un pourles modÖles compliqu6s. sont memoires les si toutes vide. Mais une m6moire utiliser pasndcessaire; vouspouveztout "MX" ce modeneseraitcopendant plus possitilit6; ce cas, dans la avez vous n'en utilisöe, etr6glerpasä pas aussibiensacrifierplusdetempsetattribuer sertde stockageintermÖdiaire. lesel€mentsde commande. descontenusdesm6moires Misä Prenonsparexemplel'inversion du modede copie"E.C."esl superflue. Unedescription 14 et 16. "E.C.", c'estla m€mechoseque pour part le fait de choisir 'tout". copiezd'ebord14dans16. unecopiede 16 faitegalement Lorsde cettecopie,l'6metteur "imporf' nexporf' plus qu'ä MX dans14et c'esl copier et dansMX ll nevousrcste Le modede copie ä termin0. seNentsimplement Cesdeuxmodesde copieexotiques rtlü[,E : +'EFFI][EF; eFE : L'tlftt 1 ä I'autre'lls sont unelisteentiöred'unÖmetteur transmetre Lemenu"changd' page plus pr6cis6ment 61. en döcrit Comment changer de modöle Remarque: Pour faire oasserl'6metteurd'un modÖleä un autre d6jä peu termes peut-ef€ des de tfouver Vous vous 6tonnez "impon". Vousn'avezpasä il voussuffttd"'appebf'celui-ci. Cedvientsimplementm6moris6, et comme"export" mod6listes 6t6oblig6pour vousoccuperdu modÖleant6rieur(commeparexempleä le devotrcemetteura dufaitquele programmeur parlantes avecun stocker). expressions dechoisirdes technique raison surlesm0moires, 6tantuneop6ration modÖle Lechangementde r6duitdelettres. nombre La mfunoirellD(-Ia bouöedesa,wffige remarqu6 vousavezpeut-etre lesm6moircs, Enfeuilletantdans pas30 m6moires, mais31:entrela quel'6metteurnepossÖde demiöreet la premiÖrem6moires'intercaleune m6moire appelde"MX'. Vousne pouvezcependantpas utilisezcettem6moirepour stockeren permanenceun modÖle,elle est au contraire contröl6eparl'6metteurlui-meme. l. Quandvous effacezune m6moife,l'6metteurmet une "MX". copie de la m6moircefiac6edans 2. Quandvous copiezune m6moire,l'6metteurmet une "MX" copie de ta m6moirecible dans la m6moire 3, Quand vous modifiez une atüibution ou un r6glage d'6latau menum6moireparEl!. vouspassezde I'affichage Vousvoyezparexemple: ri::ilFIEF: Hr:!l'15 TRIfis kr_:HHi'.lriEF: Sl pourobtenirle sousll eslclairquevousdevezappuyersur "change/'. menu Vousavezle nouvelaffichage: I FiE t,{tl-luELLEl'lE['lu ElT stjtl:ErirjlIFT AppuyezsurS: le num6rode m6moireclignote. 37 Vouspouvezmaintenantfeuilleterdansles m6moiresavec EE ou la souris. chango6galement' Avecle num6rc,le nomenclairdu modÖle le but. rapidement ce qui permetd'atteindre dansI'exemple cherch6, modÖle Quandvousaveztmuvdle "02 FI-AMINGO",appuyezsur El et vous avez presque termin0. ll y a en fait un problÖme:vousdevezmettrelestdmsdans (L'6metteur ne p€ut la demiörepositionde vol de ce modÖle. pasle fairetoutseul:il a un cerveaumaispasde muscles!)' c'esl pouquoi, apßs I'appuide la touche El, l'affichage "positions trims"appaEftautomatiquement: f'lHl'lrjHE: l-l E! l-: tl F : E I i L F E+E+!' + 4 ' Exemplede nomsPossibles: ASW20,TAIFUN,CORTIM, STUCKA,SANSNOM: CORTINA3ou STUKA01 seraientaussi possibles,mais lireen Page59! attention: Truc: 6videre unem6moireque marquerd'unefagon Sivousvoulez sera automatiquement plus, Elle effacez-la. vous n'utilisez "vide". plus de maquerles confortable ll esl c,omme marqu6e "vide" que trainer des de m6moiresinutilis6escomme "cadavres" inutiles. Aprös cette introduction n6cessaire, passons ä la pratique. "mÖmoire" en appuyant d'ötatau menu itasseide t'afficnage sur El5l. VousobtenezParexemple: ri::IJF'iEH i.iüfiE Dansle castßs rareoü vousn'avezpasboug6lestrims,vous rt-:Ht:tHüEFiTF:11'1.d suit! L'explication aulieudesflÖches' signesÖgaux obtenezdes "nom"par[1. Vousvoyez: Sivousne voulezpas,pouruneraisonou uneautre,r€glerles Choisirlesousmenu d'6tat' trims,appuyezsur E) et revenezä I'afüchage ühE f..lull,I valeurs. Ajusonslestrimsauxanciennes ; FLFrf{It'lut-t"r A. de l'6l6mentde commande Occuponenous PoussezdoucementA l'affichageapparaisserle num6roet le nom du modÖle uneflCchevetsladroite. VousvoyezsousA la commandeAversdroite.Aunmoment ac'tuel. letrimd; l'6l6mentde en signe"=" (6gaD'C'esltout!' 'FLAMINGO"' donn6,la flÖcfiese transforme Dansnotreexemple,ce sontNo.06, se Ögal le signe trim, plus le ä drcite Si vouspoussezencorc num6ro,vousdevez esl Sivousvoulezchangerle nomd'unautrc delaflÖche Lasignification velslagauche. changeenflÖche sur[], d'abordchoisirlam6moired6sir6e.Pourcelä,appuyez öviclentelleindhuedansquelledireclionpousserle trimpour le num6roclignote. avec la m6moire choisir Vouspouvezalors obtenirle r€glagecorrect. natu|ellement EIB ou lasouris(lenomse modifie lestouches De la memefagon,r6glezlestrimsB' C et D. en fonctiondu num6rcde m6moire). "CORTIM" Le d'Ötat' c'esltermin6,vouspouvezrcvenirä l'affichage vousayezcfioisilenumero09 Admeüonsque "BAMBINO". nouveaunomdoitötre Le mqru"nom" r-d!q i'lllä,: Commentdonnerou modifierle nom d'un modÖle 1ä souslesnum6ros modöles lesdifferents c U6metteurstocke t'{uti : I-t.tF:TIf'lH plus de visuel bien esi il vous, Pour 30 danssa mdmoire. (il AppuyezsurZ. LeC de CoRTIM clignote. ä leurnomplutötqu'äleurnum6ro lesmodÖles reconnaftre que parlant simplement plus quece nomsoit le fautcependanl AveclestouchesE)E ou la souris,vous pouvezmodifier "modÖle "c". DansI'exemple, sur El et "c" 27'). c'eslsimple:unepression listeunnomde devient"8". Passonsau "o". Appuyezde nouveausur Z: le ä chaque donner vouspouvez C'estpourquoi "O" clignote. enaccompagnement toujours quel'6metteuraffichera AveclestouchesEE ou la souris,allezä'4"' modöie passez ä la lettresuivante,etc.. dem6moire. AvecZ, du numÖro que vous voyez clignotersous le conditions: certaines Le trait de soulignement Lesnomsdoiver remplir Sanslui,vous signes' caractÖre malqueur(curseur). nepeutpasd6passerS ä modifierseftde lalongu€urmaximale ä modifier. pas pouniez le carac'tÖre voir chiffres ne aux del'alphabet, auxlettres corTespondent Lessignes lettreparlettrele nouveau vousintrcduisez selonla listeci-apres: De cettemaniÖre, et ä dessignessp6ciaux vousvenezquelessignesvous nom.Si vousfaitesattention, /El?34567S1rr=? |IE|IDEFGHIJHLI'IHüFI]RSTWIJH'fZ dansI'ordreindiqu6plushaut.Si vousvoulez sontpropos6s qu'entre le ? et le A, il y a aussiunsigne'appel6 intrcduireun espace,utilisezle blancsitu6entrele ? et le A' Remaquez "signevide"ou"blanc" vousne pouvezvousdeplacerque de Lorsde I'inttodudion, "FSL|ZB" 5' seulement 2E'compte6 signes, P.ex.,"AStLl appuyez loin,pasdepanique: gaucheädroite.SivousCtestrop dessignes,l'Ömetteur la lisle d6but' connaitre dös le de pour recommencer ll n'eslpasn6cessaire äncoresurla toucheZ il n'ya pasde queceux-ci. Parexemple, neuoüsproposant avecles odinateurs' exp6rienc€ Pourceuxqui n'ontaucune minuscules. encoreune16p6tition: signene devraitpas-etreun L'anciennomn'eslpasen premierefface,il esl simplement Trös importanttLe huitiÖme en quieslexpliquÖe sp6ciale chiffre.ieci sertä unefonction d6critlettreparleüreparle nouveaunom.Lä oüil n'ya pasde page59. le signevide. simplement lettre,introduire Vouspouvezalorsquitterce menugräceä la toucheE]' 38 Le mqtu "tim" Commentcontt6lerla positiondestrims. liste destrimsetlanotedansla 18position r m6morise L'6metteu vous du modöleactuel.Lorsde la miseen routede l'Ömetteur, les voussuspedezque pouvezainsicontr6lerleurspositionssi trimsont6t6 boug6sdepuisle demieremploi. Pource faire,procedezcommesuit: "mÖmoirc"par les Passezde I'affichaged'6tat au menu "trim" avec Z . Vousvoyez touchesE)Sl . Choisissezensuite surl'affichage: Nousnous impromptus. desproblÖmes r6soudre vouspouvez ' "diveß partie mixef dansla demiÖre deces occuperons "meangel" Qu'esf-ceque Prenonsun exemde: par devoletsdecouöurequipermettent, Unmodölee$ Öquipd portance. de la Du fait la de modifier exempleä I'atterfissage, cons6quence comme Ögalement depofianceapparaft variation devientpiqueuroucabreur. le modÖle d'assiette: unevariation pourcompenser. tilerlaprofondeur Lepilotedoitalorspousserou sil'ond6vieunepartiedusignaldes Ceciselaisseautomaliser, lebonsensetavec naturellementdans voletssurla orofondeur, : Ft F rj [i t'lFtHr:HE pas cettevaleur ä avoirpeurque la bonnevaleur.Vousn'avez t'+ permetde F t E l S L H t+j E : .r. l'informatique volets: aux de coneclionmanque d6vierdesvaleurssansPerte. Glissezalorsle trim de A vers la droite(pourI'exemplecirecevradonc, en plus de son setransfomereensigne Le servo de profondeur laflÖche A unendroitdonn6, dessus). "profondeui', uneportionsuppl6mentaite pdncipal signal 6gal. Si vous continuezencorevers la droite,une flÖche de signal orier öe ä gaucheapparanra. ledoublepointindiquedansquelleditection LaflecheaprÖs vous devezbougervotle levierde trim pour obtenirle tdm pr6cedemmentmis en m6moire' deAversladmne' vousdevezpousserletrim DansI'exemple, celuideB enavant,celuideC ä gaucheetceluideDenaniÖre, jusqu'äobtenirpartoutlessignesd'6galite. Vousquittezensuitele menuavecla tour:heE). Conseil: Figure29 e,emenuawalt apresdlaq.redl gBmeft& mömolrc'@ci plus (et encore choses les de tims en@remieux que wus avez @ttainenent d'autresvaleurs Faisonsmaintenant parFr€ pout le modele .ttilis6 precedemment,et vous voulez compliqu6es). ceftairemerrtddilircrresttit?s exacfsdu noweau modäle. Le modÖlepeutvoleren loopingssen6ssi ä I'adionde la uneadion moindredesvoletsdansle profondeur conespond Attention: en deviantune Mettez les trims ä leurs valeuF exactes mÖmesi vous sensoppos6.Ceciaussipeutötreautomatis6 des volets. profondeur le servo pas, sur partie du signalde choisissezun modÖlepouressai:si vous ne le faites d'autlesvaleuls Le servodes volets lecevfiadonc, en plus de son signal vous allez m6moliserautomatiquement "volets", une portion suppl6mentaarede signal de trims pour ce modÖlel "profondeud', M6langeur lesm6langeurs ä connaitre Danscechapitre,vousapprendrez de l'emetteur. Avant de vous y attaquer,vous devez connaitreles bases les dglages,etc'et lesmaftriser. commeles atttibutions, voilurefxe, demodÖlesä exemples Nousnouslimiteronsädes 6tanttraitösdansleurproprechapitre(page les h6licoptÖrcs 46). Cependant,tout ce qui est dit ici vaut aussipourles Figure30 desh6licoPtöres. m6langeurs "la et lesvoletssont de l'6metteurPROE,tnc 30t0 sont utilis6s Auparavant, vousauriezdit: profondeur Les m6langeuns parrapportaupass€.Nouspensonsque m6lang6s".oubliez-levite! Car maintenantvient une d'unefagondiffdrente de les utiliserestplussimple. ll regoiten plusdesa6ro-freins, de notremodÖle. cettenouvellemaniÖre am6lioration Maislesa6rorapides. pourlui permettre des descentes philosophie d e faire premierla nouvelle ercnsdoncen Nousvouspr€set du modÖle. l'assiette 6galement modifient que sortis s'adapte freins celle-ci en tant que principe.Vous verez parfaitement au conceptde basede l'6metteur' enr6sumelesm6langeurs devousd6crire ilnoussufüra Ensuite. viendmntplus tad) avec leurs pred6finis(es explications possibilit6s, car ils possüenttousle mCmesch6ma. et ily a grandechance desgensinventifs, Lesmod6listessont que quelqu'unn6cessiteune fonciion m6lang6eque le programmeurn'a pas pdvue. C'esl poulquoiil eiste les ;div;ß mixei', que vouspouvezd6finirvouememes.Ainsi' ao "diredion"en sens oppos6.Ceci n'est pas un problÖme' puisquenous pouvonsr6gler le sens de chaquesignal Encoremieux:nousn'avonsplus ä nous individuellement. quandle modöle sensderotationlolsdumontage: occuoerdu et le de le manche profondeur esttermin6,nousac{ionnons De mcme le bon sens. lemouvementsoitdans r6glonspourque pourla diredion. Quand la griandeuret le signe de chaque partie sont montage. il n'yaplusdeproblÖmesde dglables6par€ment, comme dans notreexemple,il y a encorebeaucoupde souventutilisesque l'on pourraitprfu6finir. Un mölangeurs pourcombiner parexemple, lessignaux m6langeur'Tlaperon", par PourunmodÖlepilot6 desvolets(FLAP)etdesAlLERoNS. un il fautde nouveaudeuxde c€sm6langeurs, desflaperons, pourchaqueservode flaPeron. Les m6langeursles plus utilis6speuventCtrepr6d6finis. Dansce cas, les partiesdu m6langeursont dötermin6es Flturc 31 par la fonction. pas permettrait cette m6langeurne d'un regoitunnom,de fagonä fairercconnaftre L'ancienneconception Chaquemelangeur presentation plus des choses. sa fonction. re facilement standards praddfinispourdesutilisations summum: melangeurs le Detels Et maintenant plusque quantit6 en vol pas can€s: le votre 6metteur loopings dans faire des disoosition toujours sontä Nousne voulons pas plus consiamment ne sont si les volets sufüsarTte. facile normalesl le mdlange VoustrouvezdesmÖlangeurs La solutiones{Övidente: coupldsä la pmfondeur. Poul: est commutable laFrofondeursurceuxdesvolets dessignauxde +, snaF V+,flaperon,profondeur V, empennage empennage parun intenu$eur. quadro. flap,delta,butterfly, Dans le flux des signaux "partie profondeursur volets" Si vousne comprenez pasce que re@uvrecertainsde ces pourI'in$antet vous pas d'impoltance n'a ceci m6langeurs, m6langeurs attribuerces Vouspouvez ddessous. seraexpliqu6 pas plus que I fois, carvousne de aussisouvent d6sid.Mais ä la rcponse comme Ceci que servos. disposez de 9 sorties m6langeurs. questionritoumelle de du nombre avec de mÖlange n'estpas"neuf',maisI syslÖmes Lardponse diffÖrentes, sur4 entrÖes diff6rents de commande I 6l6ments parseNo! soit10000possibilites seNo Voussuspedezd6jäcequivavenir:nousd6vionssurle de pofondeurunepartiedusignaldesa6rcfreins,dansle bon cechangement senset avecla bonnevaleur,pourcompenser d'assiette. |-e servo de prcfondeur rcgoit maintenant: commesignal principalla profondeur une paftie de signal des volets une paftie de signal des a6ro-freins Commentutilßerles m6langeurs pr&6finß Vousavez certainemertcompriscommentse fait la chose: pr6d6finisse fait de la m€me des m6langeurs avantchaqueservoqui doit recevoirplusd'un signal,nous L'utilisation dejä: uneboitenoireavectouteslesentr6esnÖcessaires.maniörequevousconnaissez installons uneseulesortiequi envoieles signaux CetteboitepossÖde d'aborddtribuer, ensuiter6gler. combin6sau servo. sousformede faitdespropositions Pourcelä,l'dmetteurvous de course menus.D'aprÖs Nousdonnonsencoreä chaqueentr6eun rÖglage il esl clairquelesmÖlangeur ce qui pr€cÖde, ainsiqu'uninveFeur.Et, lä oü celäa unsens,un intenupteur sontaftribues auxservos. pourpouvoirrapidement couperou 6tablirla liaison' D'abord un exemple simple: le m6langeuren V. "m6langeuf'. Nousappelonsune telle boite noile un pourcetexemple vousavezaftribu6pour Nousadmettonsque en V, et pour un modölenomm6"ESSAI"en m6moireNo. 3 l'6l0mentde d'unempennage I'exemple Prenonsmaintenant qu'unseulcöt6.Nousavonsbesoind'uneboite oommande C ä la commande l'616mentde commen@r, B ä la profondeuret et de dircction, direction. de l'empennage servos les 2 et 3 sercnt noirequi combineles signauxde profondeur Lesservos "m6langeur V'. Plus en V. empennage bofteque nousappellerons dit: et abslraitement techniquement Attribuons d'abord les m6langeurs: Un m6langeurd'empennageen V est dffini comme la Allezdansle menu"attribuer servo". combinaisondes signauxprcfondeuret directionsur un Vousy dtoisissezen premier,et selonla m6thodeconnue,le seryo. servoNo.2. Adivezensuitele choixavecda. nousavonsb€soindu Pour I'autremoiti6de I'empennage, Feuilletezavec E]: les fonctionsd6jä connueapparaissent. signauxseranaturellemer Lagrandeurdos 'Valeurfixe" et "---" viennentles m6langeurs, mCmem6langeur. voir Nousdevonsfairc Aprös "empennage "profondeur+" r€gl6ecommepourle premierm6langeur. V": ce$ apparaft page 27.Aprös lacomposare "profondeui' "empennage auxsignesdecessignaux attention V+",avecplus d6sir€.(Apßsvient le m6langeur la composante surlesdeuxprofondeuJs, doitagiren parallÖle pourle pas moment). possibilit6s, ne I'utiliserons mais nous de 40 Un exemple encole plus compliqu6: dud6butde chapitreavecun melange ll s'agiticide I'exemple r surles sur laprofondeur etdeprofondeu HTTF:.5EF:I.JUF-,1 devoletetaÖro-freins volets. r.,r H tl'lr, J quevousavezd6jäattribu6laprofondeursur Nousadmettons la meme B,lesa6rqfieinssurDetlesvoletssur commande l'6l6mentde Appuyezsur B: choisirle servoNo. 3 et refaire Vousen avezfini aveclattribution. F. De plus,le servo de m6langeur. attribution No.2 piloterala profondeur, surleservoNo.2,ily a Commevousavezdit ä l'6metteurque "empennage et No. 4 lesaÖrofreins qu'il pour que No. 3, il sait le seNo V", de meme volets. No. 6 les lessorliesservosconcemÖes. doitmettrccesmelangeußdevant avec Absiraitementdit. vous avez attribu€aux servos 2 et 3 la ll ya ici une particularitöquin'arienä voirdirectement "fonctionm6lang6eempennage V'. trösimportante. maisqui e$ indirectement lesmelangeur Admettonsque le r6glagede base (aerGfreinsrentrds)de Ment ensuite le rgglage des m6langeurs. "l€gler pourchoisir soug l'61öment de commandeD est en avant;poursortirles a€rG avec le servo" Z Passezau menu "course". vets I'amiÖre. le manche seratir6complötement 2. Vous voyez: freins, choisir le servo No. Ensuite, menu Le reglagede basecontientun signalde fortevaleur,c'est-är:;EFl,:;EfiF,Ll versI'avant;unepartiede celuFciest dir€le coulsecomplÖte permetla compensation. pmfondeur et sur la d6vi6 tiiü:,; r+ 1 F+' FF:r_]Fr_r"r possibilit6 deconedion,I'option offreunemeilleure L'6metteur Appuyezsur 5) et r€glezcommepourle r6glagenormalles "nompos" de l'6l6mentde commande.Si vous ne la valeursde @ursede chacundesc6t6s.Commeil n'ya pasde connaiss€z pas,lisezmaintenant la page33 poureviterdes unevaleur Droblömes choisissez assymdtriques, raisond'avoirdesc,ourse ultÖrieurs. de 40olopourles deux. Vous de\rezmetrc cette option sur "avant" (flÖchevers pouressai, contrölezsi, entirantsurla l'avantsur I'affichage).A condition que vos a6ro-feins SivousavezunmodÖle profondeur, les surfacesbougentdansle senscorect. Si ce soient rentds en positionavantl n'eslpasle cas,appuyezsury. serad6jäcompens6e Ainsi,la valeurde basedesadro-freins n'apasd'influence Conseil: Cette option le m6langeur. d'atteindre avant Ia surle signaldesa6rc-freins. Si wus rqlez les Nties d un melangeurde te e hgon qL/F&s rE,rtj,€s ne ddpassepas tN%,le mölangeubavail Faitesattentionensuitelors du rdglage,que l'6l6mentde somnB'e alors fineairement.Vous pouvez aussi /arsserPr exemple @mmandesoit en butöeou mettez"hors"fonctionlors du 100%NU dteune desparfies.Tantqß wus ne pitotezq.te r€glagede profondeur la partiea6rGfreins. la diredionoulaprofül&ur seule,wus avezlacouse@mpEE au @nctet. ä dispositbn.Mais aussiüofqte la sonme des palres des Passons dephcen ents üeift 10O%lors d'une utilisation@mbinee En premier,commetoujouts, I'attfbution: "attribuerseruo". Iemowenent sen röcluit,carle serw ne AllezparEIZNE dansle menu W{oncteur/direction, c eslclair rienn'estm6lang6. une cv.ursede 100%.CeciWwque alors PourleservoNo.4(a6Gfreins), Fut pasdör€,sss€r leservo choisiasez normale, aörcdwamiq.tequi peü pftuber. une ass4py/?'f.tie Donc,commepouruneattribution "aÖro-freins". "fineafue" et attribuez-lui eü la filution la plus Wpte; en No.4 Un fißlangew prdique,m r€gl$e enfreEs deu( effimes s'estavöft un bon Passons ä la profondeur. choisissezle seNoNo.2. AppuyezensuitesurEl: la fonction @mgomis. clignote. Feuilletezavec decommande El. Lalistebienconnue Passonsmaintenantä la pattieditection, "valeurfixe"e{"--" "direction". "profondeuf'devient suit"PROF+": AprÖs apparait. des offres Vousvoyez: AppuyezsurEl: Vousvoyez: r.J r5EF;.::Et'lP. l:+ [ilF;El,r u+1Etr3li HTTF].:;EF:[U : 3 ii FF:üF+ c d6sir6. de la C'eslle mdlangeur sur5] et dglezalorslescourses denouveau Appuyez partiedirection 600/0. lciaussi, C'esltout, passonsau servode volet. dansI'exemple desdeuxcÖt6s, labonnedirection, Choisissez lessurfaces sed6placentdans contrölezque le seNoNo.6. Passezä lafonctionde commande avecE). 6ventuellement inversez sur Z et feuilletezavecE. en appuyant procedure pour pas lamöme r6p6tez vous choisiriez'Volet";ä Cen'Ötait tropdur!Aussi Pourdes voletssansm6langeur, le servoNo.3l cause du m6langeur,vous devez passezplus loin ä (sMPFLqP", le m6langeur quidonneI'effetd6sir6: Encoreun conseil: paftie que powezaussime/te ENou HORSune wus Penftz IITTF;.5EI:LIUt' E /,esavez d unmeh@ur ouluidtibuerunhtenußeur.s, t/lous t-tStltlFFLFlFg duscommentle faire,rcgadezenPge 28. 41 pourlereglagedes proc6dure pasvous dpÖterla Nousn'allons Le rgglage maintenant: "volets". "aÖro-freins" Ceci se fait comme et oarties Passezau menu"r6glerseNo". pourchaque partie, lacourse 169ler la choisir or6cödemment: parleservoNo4:il nya pasgrandchoseä faire' commengons cö16,inversersi n6cessaire. le neutre. il suffitde dgler lescoußeset 6ventuellement '!olet", ou pluscorredement dit Notre conseil: Ment ensuitele servoNo.6 Exet@?tousä rcgbr les paftiesdesnßlangeursiusqu'äbien "snapflap',puisquenouslui avonsattribuÖ cettefondion. les ftgleges. Plustard, surb tenain,ce ne *rzt pas mai,i&ssF,r le seNo No.6: vousvoyez: Choisissez aussi tanquitte qu6n dlambre. L'enervement vous fera fairedes erreatrs. facilenßnt r:iEF:,t,; SHilF FLt-iF pft paftescleI'emetteur. Ceovadaussisivous./,lisezres/istes wus aurezdesPobemes r+1i3td:iF'r' I,Jt_'iLETr desdiffereftes,€,fties, Sansrede6,e "volet";r6glonsd'abordcette avec lesmehngBwg A la ligne2 figureparexemple du clawrtle jamaßftgter en wl unevaEÜ avec lestouc-hes partie. IJtiliseztoujours /a sou/,s, qui est en paralble avec les si le Faitesdignoterla valeuren appuyantsur N. Contr6lez toucfiesEE. sur appuyez sinon, E). conect; sensde rotationdu servoesl en vol, fermez le couvercle du clavier! Pourla valeurdela coutse,nousnepouvonspasvousoonner Rögle de base: d'indication,car elle d6penddu modÖle.Le mieuxesl de (quin'a rienä Pourle demierexemple,encoreunepossibilit6 soitenviron! surle voletlui-möme, mesurerle debattement 10"enhautet1S20"enbascommevaleurded6pan.Poussez voiraveclesm6langeurs). "valeurfixe" pourles volets(voirpage32). le curseurde l'6l6mentde commandeen but6eet reglezles EssayezI'option Vousverez que tous les r6glagesprevuspour le cuFeur deuxvaleursextßmes. "prcfondeuf'. quandvousdepassezlesvaleuFdu fondionnent6galement la partie Et maintenant Appuyezsur N puissur El. Vousvoyez('PRoFo" clignote): cußeuravecI'intenuPteur. r:,EF:.i; IHHFFLHF F+' FF:[tFt:!r L+1BF_t:{ Dascrtpüon desm6langeurs pr& 6finis. Aprös la pr6sentationde I'attributionet du reglagedes m6langeurs,nous vous ploposonsune descriptiondes pr6dÖfinis dansI'odrede la lislede l'6metteur' le sensde rotationdu m6langeurs Activezla valeutavec 51. ContrÖlez pris quandvouslirez la Pourtouslesmelangeurs, lestrimssontautomatiquement servo:les snaPflapsdoiventdescendre Tirez pasävousen pas avec inverser 6]. le cas, Vousn'avez ce n'est Si ndcessaire. celä esl Drofondeur. encompteläoü profondeuret reglezledebattement occuDer. lemanchede complötement profondeur. lemanchede dememeenpoussant desvolets;faites Exemples: ä affinerpar 10", valeur 5 serait de d6patt valeur Unebonne v+", le trim de prcfondeurest efficace, Pourl"'empennags "snapflap". essaien vol. alolsqu'iln'aaucuneffetsur Vous souvenez-vousque nous voulions rendre Chaquepartiede m6langeur peutCtrcr6glöeen valeuret en commutablela liaison profondeursur volets? sens. De plus, lä oü c'esl n6cessaire,les parties sont C'est ce qui vient maintenant. commutables. Vous pouvez,ou mieux,vousdevezdire ä l'6metteurquel Vous pouvez utiliserles melangeursaussi souventque interupteurva le faire. n6cessaire. "lNTER"quevousatteignez depuisI'affichage Passezaumenu Exemple: 'quadm"doitetr€utilis6au moinsquatrefois: d'6tatavecEIZEl. Le m6langeur "EN"enbasädrciteclignote. Feuilletez mot Vouspouniez6galement le AppuyezsurEl: cesi sa d6finitiona6rodynamique. dans jusqu'ä indique vous flöche 55+. La avec la touchets sixfoissi votreailecomporte6 surfacesmobiles' l'employer liaison' quelledireciion basculerl'intenupteurpourenclencherla Pour m6moire: appuyez Si vous voulez invelserI'aclionde l'interrupteur' Vous pouvezrfuler chaquepartie ä 2610pour la rendre sur El. pour simplement Vouspouvezainsiprendredesm6langeurs inop€rante. "snaFflap" 169lÖ. est ainsi Le servo similaires. desutilisations "profondeur ll ne resteque leservode profondeur(exactement Exemple: 'quadro"peut avoirsa partiede profondeur +'), le No.2. Le melangeur "coulse"etchoisirleseNo No.2avecZ et E. r6gl6eä z6roet devenirainsiun melangeurentrevoletset Passeraumenu ailerons. Vousvoyez: rtEF;.::PFtr_rF+ h+ltllill: El+'FRüFt-tr nousallonsdonc eslddjää l'afüchage, La partie"profondeur'' sur la 169leren premier.Faitesclignoterla valeuren appuyant R6glezensuitela S] et contrölezle sensdu ddbattement. est unebonnevaleurde d6part' coursedesdeuxcÖt6s:90o/o 42 Mdangeurspourmodds ä voilur* frxes. Le m6langeur"profondeur+' profondeur Parties: - servo a6rofreins voletsdecourbure ä: Aüribue normalement Servodeprofondeur principale: [ftilisation Modöle normalavecvoletsevouaÖrcfreins Le m6langeur"empennageV' profondeur diredion- ä: Attribuönormalement V Servosde I'empennage principale: Utilisation V Modöleä empennage "empennage V+" Le m6langeur profondeur directiona6rGfreinsvoletsä: Aüribu6normalement V Servosde I'empennage principale: Utilisation - seryo aileronsvolets- - seryo - servo "snapflap" Le m6langeur voletsDrofondeur ä: Attribu6normalement Servosde volets principale: Lnilisation de la classeF3A, Modöled'acrobatie pourles figutEscar€es. normalement ä: AttribuÖ Servosdesvoletset des ailerons principale: Utilisation quadro(d6placement en Planeuren configuration desailercnset desvolets) opposition [€ m6langeur"delta" Parties: ailerons profondeur - seryo ä: normalement Attribu6 pour les hflicoptörs M6langeurc ä: Attribu6normalement Servosde flaoerons principale: Utilisation combin6s) Modöleä flaperons(ailercns/volets "buttefl y" [-e m6langeur aileronsParties: - s€rvo voletsa6ro-fieinsprofondour ä: Attribu6normalement 4 seryos normalement Servosde voletset d'ailercns, Lftilisationprincipale: butterflycommeaidede Modölequi requiertla configuration pilotage dans certainesconfigurationde vol (approche, atterissage).Utilisabledgalementquandseulsles ailercns doiventetreutilis6spourl'attenissage. Parties: aileronsvoletsprofondeur- ailerons/profondeur) Servosd'6levons(combinaison principale: LJtilisation Modöledeltaet ailevolante volets VeuouaÖrcfreinseuou avecempennage Modöle Le m€langeur'flaperon" Perties: Le r€langeur "quadro" Panies: - servo [.e m6langeur"ats" Parties: pasanti-couple valeurfxe - ä: Attribu6 normalement Servod'arti-couple principale: l.nilisation du couplecentrifuge compensation H6licoptöre: surmtorarriöre. Le m6langeur "Ete Heim" pasParties: cycliquelatÖral ä: Attribuenormalement de plateaucyclique Servosde commande principale: LJtilisation ä plateaucycliquetypeHeim H0licoptÖre Le m6langeur"mix tCte" Pa ies: pas- cycliquelat6ralcyliquelongitudinal geometrie phaseä: Attribudnormalement duplateau cyclique Servos decommande principale: Lrtilisation "Collective PitchMixing" cyclique ä plateau H6licoptÖre pas (m6lange de collediD Le m6langeur"dyn gaz" gazPanies: cycliquelat6ralcycliquelongitudinal arnl-couole ä: Attdbu6normalement servosdesgiv principale; Lnilisation dontles gaz ne doiventpasCtrccommand6s Helicodöre parlepilotemais69alement enfonction seulement diredement etdurotoraniÖre. durotorprincipal 4ö Particularit6: "anti-coude"sontm6larE6e-s "longitudinal", Lesparties"lat6ral", cedesdeuxrotorscroft depuissan sanisigne,carlacommande pourchaquecö16. Le m6langeur'tral€" longitudinal cyclique oasä: normalement Attribue longitudinal servodecyclique Parties: - servo Lftilisationprincipale: ä servo de cyclkluelongitudinals6par6(ex': H6licoptÖrc de flareesidÖsiree' quandunecompensation Schlüter), Les mdangeurslibrqnqt dffinissables (,D-MIX) Exemples d'utilisation: Prenonsun modölede vol dlectrique,qui a la fächeuse tendanceä devenir@breurpluson donnede puissanceau ellepeut nouseslÖgale, moteur.Laraisondececomportement venird'uneereur de construdion. de la Ce seraitunebonnechosede donnerautomatiquement du I'effet defagonä compenser unm6langeur, orofondeuravec "moteur + moteur.Nous aurionsbesoind'un m6langeur profonde ui': - s"to + rnt - [-l profondeur moteur L-J Prof. "div-mix'. Un castypiquePourun Secondexemple: Lesdeuxmoteußd'unbateaudoiventaugmenterI'effetdes gouvemails.En toumantä droite,le moteurgauchedoit recevoirplusde courantet le moteurdroitmoinsde courant, en toumantä gauche. inveßement pour semblables besoindedeuxmÖlangeuls Nousavonsdonc "gouvemail": "moteui' et les panies - regulateurde vitesse moteur- l---l +T-l gouvemail I moteurdroit pr6d6finisd6critsdans les Au contrairedes mÖlangeurs nissables pr6c6dents, lesm6langeurslibrementd6fi paragraphes vos selon parties ä m6langer les permeftent de choisir vouJ par les pas couveltes sont les utilisationsquine Toutes besoins. possibles. ainsi pdd6finis sont m6langeurs peuver etreutilis6scomme Unefoisd6finis,cesm6langeurs - r*gulateurde vitesse les pr6d6finis. to,"u, -F meme de la 16916s et +T-l gouvemail Celäveutdirequ'ilspeuventetreattribu6s I moteurgauche pour parles interrupteurs possible d'utiliserdes s6parement fagon.ll est6galement Si lesdeuxmoteurssontd6jäcommand6s "moteur "moteuf' devient 2", celä et les liaisons. contrÖler de commande 6l6ments pas pour nousen l'instant porte libertÖ' ne voulons de la plus nous la rafün6; ouvrent encore vous Cesm6langeurs occuoer. Attention: que cfloisissez: pratique vous en signifie Gomment d6finir les melangeurs D6finirun m6langeur quatrcentr6es'Pour ailerons par les partie exemple Chaquem6langeurä d6finirpossÖde 1 commande la quelles ä l'6metteur profondeur indiquer devez par la vous exemple d6finirle mdlangeur, la partie2 commande "delta".Attribuez-le fondionssontattribu6esä ces entrÖes. Vous avez ainsi d6fini un m6langeur par'd6finii'' vousvousapercevez: C'eslce quenousentendons contrÖle, appris.Maislorsdu commed6jä I'alded'unmenuquevoustrouverez Cecisefaitnaturellementä oasde trim?! du menu"attribuef'. droit inf6neur I'angle dans le E)quand div-mhet appuyezsur Retoumezä la d6finitiondu "attribuei'en appuyant d'6tatau menu Passezde I'affichage chamode fonctionclignote,parexemplepourla partie1' "divmix" en appuyantsur tl' ensuite sur E)Z!|. Choisissez Vous obtenez:1. ailerons+T. suivant: Vousobtenezl'affichage pas?? El quese passe-til? Rien!Le trim nefonc{ionne modifiÖ' le m6langeur r[i-t']IHl i:+T+F:i En fait,vousdevezensuitere-attribuer "attribuer la fondion' de I'affichage et aciivez servo" Allezä J ,.j, b . F F ; T1,l 'd-mix1"clignote,le mÖlangeur modifi6esi adif L'inscription maintenant. du premierexemple: le m6langeur maintenant D6finissons 'div-mix1". VoustrouvezcecicompliquÖ? Celulciserale a aussiune6normepossibilitÖ' entr6espossibles: Cettecomplication Nousn'avonsbesoinquededeuxdesquatre "profondeui" "moteuf', En ]1919] une autrepour une pour Lesprosl'aurontdejäd6couvene: d6jä "dfigure m6langeur) du nom (num6ro, respedivement seNo' chaque de I'attribution par entre pouvez exemple, Vous "div-mix"etattribuer ä chaqueservoun mix1":il n'ya rienä changer. changerlad6finitiondu les entr6es:la ligne2 nousprcpose maintenant m6langeurdiff6rent.Mais vous n'avezpas de rosessens Döfinissons "PRT.1", entr6e:c€ci peut maisilsportenttous d6jä ce qui signifiela premiÖre sonttousdiff6rcnts, 6pines:lesm6langeurs "d-mix1". rester. le mamenom,parexemple avecle un petitjeu de calculmental: sur,,: lafonctionä droiteclignote.Feuilletez Appuyez Apßs cesreflexions, "MoT'". "Mon6metteurpossöde6 m6langeurs, c'esl terminÖ' et le tien?" Eliusqu'äfaireapparaitrc "1" que vous g€d6finis' Appuyezsur5) puissurE): des 13 mÖlangeurs Lasecondepartiemaintenant. Ind6pendamment neuffois,vousdisposezen plusdes devient"2". De nouveauZ pourfeuilletezavec El jusqu'ä pouvezattdbuerjusqu'ä librcs.LeursquatreentreespeuventCtredÖJinies "PROFO": m6langeurs cequinousdonne10000possibilitÖs par1o-parties diff6rentes, F[,-till{1 i:+T+F; i parseNo. FF;uFür uFF:T..:: 44 "+T".Ceciindique alos surElapparaftä cötÖ Sivousappüyez Vousaveztermin6.lesentr6es3 et 4 restantinutilis6es. "piofondeu/' du que la pa ie avecsontrim est composante Quelquechose d'ind6sirablepouvantencoE resterd'une vides: m6langeur contdlezsi ellessontr6ellement definitionpr6cedente, " commedecritplushautI'entr€e3: si la fonction / Choisissez rli-f.lIHi L:+T+F:i ." apparaft,vouspouvezpasserä l'entr6e4, sinon,feuilletez "./.". Refaitesde mömepour rFFjT. :: FFlr_rFrl+Ts avec El pourfaire apparaitre I'entr6e4. etlem6lange surEl "+T"disparait nouveau Sivousappuyezde termin6.Quittezle menucomme se faitde nouveausanstrim. Ainsi.vousavezr6ellement avecla toucheEJ. d'habitude Encore une fois: A cet endroit,nousavonspr€vuun "confort d'utilisation": N'oubliezpas aprÖsune modification du "div{ir" de "attribuefservo"pour vousarivez diredementdansle menu proc6dercomme d6cdtplushautäunenouvelledribution, Sivousnevoulezpaslefairemaintenant, le fairediredement. sinon la modificationne sera pas priseen comptel appuyezde nouveausur El. de votretravail: Le r6sultatsymbolique moteur-l----l profondeur-l | - servo len-l nen- I Lil auservode profondeur, Quandvousattribuezce m6langeur 'sur le s€rvoNo .. pourfairc apparairc feuilletez voussuffitde il y a d-mix1". Lorsdurdglagedeceservo,vousdevezcommepourlesautres "moteud'et "pofondeuf" r€glerlesdeuxparties m6langeurs En r€sum€, le second exemple: "div-mix".Surl'entrÖe 1, vous pourceläledeuxiÖme Lnilisons "gouvemail". "moteuf' 2 et sur I'entr6e attribuez unefinesse entrÖe, ä la troisiÖme Si vousattribuez"moteur-2" (pensez Sivousenavezenvie,cherchez-la eslpdprogrammÖe. que I'onpeutaussimettreä 2610unepartie). "./.". L'entr6e4 sera6galementattribu6eä ä ceci: crrrespondsymboliquement Le m6langeur moteur- moteur gouvemail(dgulateur devitesse) moteur2 rienEt maintenant une petite difi6]ence kÖs importante: Ou'en estil du trim? de combiner il estn6cessaire de mdlangeurs, Pourbeaucoup des pur conedion au signalde commande aussile signalde pourl'empennage enV,sinonlesvoletsde trims.Parexemple, profondeur ou de diredionne seraientpastrimmables. nedoivent m6langeursqui D'autrepa]t,il exisle6galementdes "snaP par exemde signalnontrimm6,comme rccevoirqu'un lap" pourles modÖlesde voltoe. Lesvoletsne doiventpas bougerquand la profondeurest conig6epar le trim: un quelorsd'unevÖritable desvoletsn'esld6sirable mouvement commandede la Profondeur. aussides"div-mix",conditionne desm6langeurs, L'utilisation l'emploidespartiesde mdlangeavecou sanstrim. vous pouvezle choisin cklessus.VousaviezI'affichage aupr€mierexemple Revenons suivant: r[,-tilHl {:+T+Fi i b,F,FIT . :: PFJUFUJ dignote. surEl: "profondeuf' Appuyez 45 un desdeuxcurseurs. s6par6lui estattdbu6,normalement on pr6voitI'autrecurs€ur. Pourle r6glagedu pointeau, son de au @urs modöler&uit est devenu L'h6licoptÖre danslemenu"attribuer commedÖsitauparavant, Passezdonc, perfedionnee. En cons6quence, unemachine commende d6veloppement aux6l6mentsde Attribuez commande". öl6merrtsde poursacommande. A ä D lesfondionsPAS,IATERAL,LONGITUDINAL etANTIildemandede plusen plusde possibilit6s la PROHmc 3010,de parsa flexibilite,r6pondparfaitement COUPLEselonvotrehabitudede pilotage' gräce aux m6langeuls ä ces demandes,partiqJliÖrement au ä E ouF lafonctionGAZet lafonciionPOINTEAU et ä ses m6langeurs Attribuez conquspourI'hÖlicoptÖrc sp6cialement libre. encore cußeur de changerde la possibilit6 libres.Lesexpeftsappr6cieront Si vous utilisezun gyroscopeä sensibilit6reglablede par m6moireen vol (page59). sousforme un6l6mentde commande attribuez-lui les l'6metteur. d'h6licoptÖre, Si vous avez d6jä quelquesexpÖriences G. d'uninterupteur,commeparexemplel'interrupteur chapitresqui suiventne pr6senteontaucunedifücult6. (si vous volez sans contröledu pointeau,vous pouvez en compl6ment Si vous6tesd6butant,nousvousconseillons attribuerle culseurlibreau gyroscope). non natulellement de c€ manuelde liredesrevueset deslivressp6cialis6s, maisparce pasparcequefa PROFInrc 3010so.1@mpliqu0e, n'esl Altributionc6t6selos l'esl.Etparcequ'il quelatechnique m6medel'helicoptÖre I'oIdre suivezseulement pourles Ce n'eslpasunechosecompliquee. de commencercomme paspos.iblepourl'h6licoptÖre passur donn6! avionsavec2 ou3fondions.Nousnenousattaftlelons qui nesont pilotage fondionsde commande: d'un h6licoptÖre' fi nessesdu Lemodölecompoltetroisgroupesde lesbasesel les celles pas repr6senterque ä se aussi faciles malheureusement 1. la commandedu rotor aniÖre,y+ompris I'attÖnuation des modölesä voiluresfixes. Quelquesconceptsseront du gyroscope renseignements parlasuiteetvousttouverczd'autres expliqu6s 2. lacommandedesgaz,y{omplis ler6glagedupointeau en page66. sous"quelquesconcedsde I'h6licoptÖre" 3, la commandedu pldeau cycliqueprincipal. Danscettepanie,nousadmettonsquevoussavezd6jämanriser ce quisuit: n6cessite les chaqueh€licoptÖre de votre6metteurpournous@n@ntrersur le maniement particularit6s de I'h6licoptöre. du rotoraniöre: La commande "expertses-h6li", exercices faitesquelques Memesi vousetes "attribuer servo"'Appelezcommed6jävu le del'€metteur. Passezau menu connaissance desexemples"avions"pourprendrc puis aciivezen ligne2 avecla touche du servod6sir6 r6glagedesservoset numörc de menus,chobqattribution, Recherche Eale choixde la fonctionde commande. de commandedoiventÖtle6vidents. "ats": des616ments avecla toucheE pourfaireapparaitre Feuilletez pilotage d'un pour le l'6metteur de A la base, l'utilisation ä voiluresfixes. conespondä celledes modÖles h6licoptöre 5EFIU[|] q F|TTF;, vaut etc. lesm6langeuIs, qui pr€cMe surles mÖmoircs, Toutce J H FIT:' sensrestridionpourla suite. 6galement e residedanslefaitquelesh6licoptÖr€sDansI'exemple, Unediff6renceimportar De cette le servoNo. 3 piloteI'anti-couple. minimumun, dans la rÖglemÖme fagon,le m6langeur au utilisent modemes pourla pattie"passur antF n6cessaire comme desparticularit6s ou possÖdent plusieursm6langeurs couple"est aaiv6. ll ne vousresieraqu'äreglerplustald les de la courbe Paggaz. deuxparties. l-acommandede l'h€licoPtöre aufait' Passonsmaintenant lmportant: "G" et non "anti+ouple"'sans obligatoirement Attribuez Atti b ntion Pour I'h6licoPtÖrecelä vous n'aurcz que la fonction anti+ouple sans le sans pas En faisantabslradiondes anciensh6licoptÖres mixage avec le pas, c'e$A'di]e aucune compensation demandeau minimum5 statiquel collectif,le pilotaged'unh6licoptÖre fonctionsde commandePrimaires: de meme: Pourl'at6nuationdu gyroscope,vousproc6dez "pas" appel6normalement 1. pascollec,tif, Commela sortiepour la sensibilit6du gyro esl connect6e "sur 2. cycliquelatdral(ou lat6raD c€cisediraitformellement aur6cepteur, un servo comme (ou 3. cycliquelongitudinal longitudinaD le servoNo..,il y a gyro". (rotoraniÖre) 4. anti-couple gyrodoitCtrcconned6ä la sortie lasensibilit6 Dansl'exemple, d'unecertainefagondu pas. 5. gaz,dÖpendant 6 du r6cepteur. En Dlusviennentsouvent: le seNoNo.6; appuyez Apßs avoirappuyesurB chois'tssez 6. att6nuationdu gyroscope 'gyro": pour apparaitre faire ensuitesur El et feuilletez 7. pointeau:r6glagedu moteur Attribntiondes6l&nenß de commande HTTF;.5EFJUüi' 1 Fl tj'T'Flu les4 fondionsprincipales Du cot6Öldmenbde commande, PAS,LATERAL,LONGITUDIML,ANTFCOUPLE C'esttout. Quittezle menucommed'habitude. manches. aux doiventetreattribu€es Commela fonclionGAZ ne dependpasque du PAS mais commande unÖl0mentde r€glages, 69alementd'autres dispose 46 une au longitudinal Si vousle d6sirez,vouspouvezm6langer partiede pas.Cecisefaitenattdbuant auservode longitudinal cettenouvelleattribution D'abord le €glage pointeau Faitesattention, lem6langeur'Tlarc". dansle menu"atttibuerseNo"le servoNo.7 par vous fait perdretous les r6glagesprec6dentsdu servo de Choisissez "pointeau": exemple,puisappuyezsur El et faitesapparaftre longitudinal. 2. Le plateau cyclique "CPM" 5EF:IJü? T FITTFI, CPMveutdire CollectivePitchMixing,m6langecollectifdu ü FüIt{TEl-tUr pas.Cettefagonde cortt6lerun plateaucycliqueesl l'oppos6 .Cemouvement duplateaufxe.Leplateauegmobileaxialemer latÖraux, le pas Passonsau servodesgaz. axialcontrölele pascollectillesmouvements ce cas le dans le servod0sir6, commed'habitude choisissons cyclique. No.4. ici, maisils pilotent necessaires sont6galement "gaz"commepourles Troisservos simplement plateau. d'utiliser ä troisservoss'appelle Maisici, au lieu Unecommande "dyn gez" (gaz toustroisle points, pouvez de m6langeur le aussiutiliserplus vous ätmis avions, nous utiliserons une@mmande possible il est mÖlang6e, fonction Avec cette dynamique). servos. dulongitudinaletde Une@mmandeä quatrepointsn'offreaucunproblömepour moteur lessignauxdulat6ral, d'envoyerau pour compenserla demandeen puissance votreemetteur. l'anti-c,ouple cr66epar leuradion.Si vousne voulezpas suppl6mentaire ouplus,siuntelh0licoptÖre les partiesä Vouspouniezm6meutiliser5servos possitrilit6, vousrÖglezsimplement utilisercette prcposdsurle march6. 6tait zöto. ätroispoints,voustrouvezuner6partitionä Pourlacommande jusqu'ä'dyn.gaz": Appuyezdoncsur El puisfeuilletez l-acommandedesgaz FITTF;.5EF:IJIJ4 E rl tiL/l.l_iiui s C'esttout. "dyn.gaz" vous n'estpasobligatoire, la fonction Remarque: "gaz" seul. pouvez trÖsbienutiliser I-acommandedu platau cyclique I I Pas Nousarivonsici ä un pointqui meritedes explic€tions latöral + commande DufaitdesdiffÖrentssystömesde compl6mentaires. + longitudinal plusieurs cassontä observer. cyclique, duplateau Disposiüon90o 12€e Disposition pourquoi nous vous proposonsune courte C'est FWre 34 plus ainsi les importants, descriptiondestroissystÖmes plus simple. queleurattribution. La commandeä Sl' est la de pas,ce "classique" LestroisseNosdoiventrecevoirla mömequantitÖ plateau cycliquefixe 1. Le Cetteconstrudionesl utilisÖe parexempledansle syslÖme Schlfter 80 ou sur les Petits h6licoptöres. Le dateaucycliquen'estPas mobile axialementsur I'axe rotor, il peut seulement LacommsrdedePas s'incliner. glisse parunetigequi s'effectue LemÖlange dansI'axederctor. du pascycliqueet colledifse dans la fait mÖcaniquement I tete de rotor. Le plateauest latöral command6par deux servos Lonqitudinal I -Pas plac6sä 90'. (+ Pas si compesationflarel Fllurc33 ll y a doncttois seNoss6par6s:pourle pas, le lateralet le longitudinal. Sur le servoNo 1, il y a lat6ral Surle servoNo 2, il Ya longitudinal Sur le seNo No 3, il y a Pas qui provoqueun simpled6placementaxial du pldeau. Le en sensoppos6des lat6rale$ provoqu6parun d6placement par du le longitudinal un mouvement deuxseNosextdrieurs, servo@ntral. La commandeä 120' r6partit l'efioatägalementsur les seryos, La commandede passe r6panitä valeur6galesur les trois seulementparlesdeux servos.Le lat6ralesl lä aussicontrÖ16 I'emploidestrois n6cessite Le longitudinal servosextorieurs. du milieu' ä celui en opposition servos,lesdeuxext6rieurs Cecinesuffit oasen@re:les couFesdoivent€tre diff6rentes' pourunecommandede longitudinal ext6tieursfaisant less€Nos du milieu. de celui deplacement la moiti6du Pour la commandedes selvos dans les deux cas, vous utilFez le m6langeur"mix teb": geometrie pascycliquelat6ralcycliquelongitudinal pnase- 47 de piloterle servoavecdes ofüela possibilitd ce m6langeur pour le latdralet le pas'Une le longitudinal, valeursreglable milieu, parexemple partienonutilis6e, lelat6ralpourleservodu ou hors fonction. ä zöro mise serasimplement L'attribution: surle servoNo 1, il y a mixtele surle servoNo 2, il y a mixtÖte surle seNo No 3, il y a mixtete encorerfulerles terminele travail(vousdeveznaturellement courseset lessens). du servoNo.2: Pourmemoire,I'affichage FITTF;.IEFII.JI:I: I H T-t{lH r pourl'helicoptöre. de ä voiluresfxes, les Öl6ments comme poutles modÖles desoptionsde commande egalement commandepossödent quevouspouvezadiverselonvos besoins. nevous de commande 6l6ments optionsdes Si le conceptdes page 29. esl pasclair,reportezvousen aveccellesdesavions' ces optionssonten partieidentiques possibilit6s spdcifiquesä des c€pendant elles component I'h6licootöre. qui suivent. Celleecis€rontd6ditesdanslesparagraphes Les options suivantes sont ä disposition: 6l6mentsde commande La commandepar quatre points est pratiquementune commandeä 90" avecdeuxservosde longitudinal' "mix Avecla PROHmc 30t0, c esttßs simple.Vousattribuez par4 pointsoffre tCte"auxservosde plateau.La commande desavantagelorsd'ennuipourunservo.Selonla panne,vous pouvezencoreatteldren urgence. voirPage54. Pourles r€glages, 3. Le plateau cyclique Heim Le plateau est mobile axialementet pilotele Pas.ll n'esl cependantdirectement command6que Parles cleux servos externes Pour les mouvementsde Pas et de lat6ral. contr0l6Par Lelongitudinalest un renvoiaxialementmobile pilotd par le servo de L.erenvoid6coude longitudinal. le longitudinaldu Pas. La positiondu renvoi Permet egalemefitunecrmpensation du flare. m6canioue Lesopüonsdes dünüß de commande -r 1 pas,longitudinal, lat6ral,anti-couPle pas" latoral,anti-couple, tongitudinal, lat6ral,anti-couPle, longitudinal, pointeau, pas* gaz ralenti gaz vafeurfxe courbede gaz Pas pas gazdirect gyro"hors"/'en" gyroscoPe 'appele pasmaximumet pasminimumPourl'hÖlicoptöre * appel6paspourvol stationnaire PourI'hölicoptÖre oeonentiel course169l.s€p. nefire Iacourbedepas Par"courbede pas",ond6signela con6latjonentrela course du pasdes pales.Voir du manchede paset la modification figure36: FLluto35 utilisez lem€langeur de"pas+lat6ral",vous Pourlesdeuxservos 'tete Heim". pascydiquelatÖral - servo Vousdevezattribuen sur le servoNo 1, il Y a teteHeim sur le servoNo 5, il y a tae Heim surle servoNo 2, il Ya longitudinal 48 Ftgurc36 etre pasenposition milieu,I'h6licoptÖredo Aveclemanchede pales esl point des L'angle ST. cesl le en vol stationnairc: +3 +4 +2 degr6s; et parle entrc et se trouve conslructeur donn6 de d6part. valeur une bonne 6tant degres ä I'angle La positionmanchede pasau maximumconespond maximumdespales,P+.Sonrfulagese faitparessaisen vol (voirplusbas). moteurdisponible selonla puissance setrouvele pointde pasminimumP-.Sonr6glage A l'opposÖ n'estpas qitique et d6pendde son emploi.Les d6butants suivrontles conseilsdu fabriquant,les expens,bur propre exp€rience. Vouspouvezrdglerchacundestroispointsind€pendamment. commecesr€glagesne sontriend'autrequeles r€glagesde cesdenominations vouslestrouverezsous cenfeetdecourse, 6lömentde dansle menu.Pourcelä,allez au menu"r6gler "centr€", jusqu'ä"pas".Avecl'option etfeuilletez commande" "course", le pas avecl'option vousr6glezle volslationnaire, et minimum. maximum Conseil: sehit avecla @ubede ComneE ftglqgectupasmaximum suitegaz"nousy ranierürons W la l-acourbedegaz se Laouissancemoteur,c'esl-ädirelbuverturedu carburateur, pas. Cette de position du manche piloteen fonctionde la "courbede 9a2". cor6lations'appelle Les possibilitfs de choix Vousavez le cfioix entredeuxtypesde courbe: la courbeä 3 Points,figure37' ou la courbeä 5 Points,figure38 ces deux coutbes ont la memephilosophie de r6glageet de fonction: Le pasest Le pointde d6partesl toujoursle vol slationnaire. par d6termine 6tant par le slationnaire determine I'h6licoptÖre, le moteur. Le prochainpointimportantest le pasmaximumCelui-cine peut pas Ötrer€glÖcommeI'on veut, mais d6pendde la puissancemaximalediponibledu moteur.Pource point,le moteurestau maximumet le pasmaximume$ alors16916' Le demierpointestle gazminimumau pasminimum'Pourle r6glagede ce point, les anciens6metteursutilisaientla presetection Oesgaz.Ce pointestd6sign6parPR.Le moteur quanOle rotorne foumiplusd'effort,detellefagonä äst 16916 obtenirunevitessede rotationdu rotorconslante. l.ä courbeen trois points est la plusfacileä regleret sufftt de cas.Elleeslaussila basede la couÖeen 5 dansbeaucoup ooinls. gaz -1OO% -50% 0 50% too^ s8 Fi11un Comment le faire de choixet de rcglage'faites le processus Pourcomprendrc de le menu"169ler6l6ment suivant.choisissezdans I'exemple "courbe de commande gaz"de l'6l6ment l'odion commande" "oas".Vousobtenezl'affichage: rE: Ffi5 I-IUF;EEq 5T; üB:i r rHr.Jf,F clignote' Appuyezsur 5l: le coin inf6rieurgauche '4R", avec les 'A\f' et pouvez choisirentre toricfr-eO vous "5P". "3P"et touchesElEl entre Vousvousdouteztien sürde leurssigniflcations: "pleingazavant",courbeen 3 points AV3Psignifie "pleingazarriÖre", couöe en 3 points AR3Psignifie "plein en 5 points gaz courbe avant", AVsPsignifie "plein en 5 points courbe gaz aniÖre", AR5Psignifie D'abord, la courbe en 3 Points. "AV3P"et appuyezsur Z. LavaleurSTclignoteen Reslezsur la valeurdumoteurpour basä droite:vouspouvezreglerainsi (ci, 0olo parexemple 75olo la valeur, lnlloduisez le slationnaire. gaz). signmeralenti,10070Plein pleingazet Amenezensuitele mancheen avanten position "P+",quevous maintenant montre lä.L'afüchage maintenez-le sp --2 pouvezaussirÖgler. --,,,7 Attention: oe que vous r6glez maintenantest le pas EC. pas maximum(etnonlesgazmaximum)! lesgazsontau Cettefagonde t6glercorespondä la pratique: maximumet il faut adapterle pas maximum.(Pourvous le pas maximum, que vousr6glezv€ritablement convaincre "course" et contrölezla valeur ä pas passezsur i'o$ion maximum:vous r€trcuverezla valeurque vous venez oe + 100ob -100qb 0 37 Figurc 169ler.) versI'aniereet de adaptation permet meilleure Enfin,les gazminimum.Amenezle manche points une l-acourbeencinq "PR". Vous pouvez gräceädeuxpointssuppl6mentaires maintenez-lelä. L'affichageindique depuissance lademande par pas gaz minimum' au degazdevient maintenantr€glerla valeurdes Lacourbe duvolsldionnaire. departetd'autre lereglage exemple10%. DemÖme, ouplusdegressive. ainiiplusprogrcssive se fait Passons ä la courbe en 5 Points Ceci simplifiÖ. pas pour est nÖgatif le Ou moteur r6glage. de de r6glageestle memequepourla courbeen 3 dela facilit6 Le pmcessus aud6pend cependant "5P"' points.Commencez biensürparchoisir Lepointsuppl6mentaire regl6lesvaleußdes3pointsprec6demment' parV+' Sivousavezd6jä estd6signe etle maximum entrelestationnaire comme 169lezJes valables,autrement, toujouß celles.cisont parV'. ot le minimum celuientrcle slationnaire plus haut. d6cdt le manche' bougeant remarqu6qu'en Vousavezcertainement "V+"apparait entre entre"ST"et "P+".Ceciesl le point-milieu cette dans manche pas Tenezle maximum. et le lestationnaire positionet r6glezla valeurde "v+". 49 "V-". De memepour l'autrecöt6:entre"ST" et "PR" apparait Tenez le manchedans cette positionet ajuslezavec les touchesEIE la valeurde "V-". R6glages en vol levolavecleclavienlerisque nejamaisreglerdurant Attention: d'ereuresl tropgrand! Pour modifier la couöe de gaz durant le vol, utilisezla souris, Vousn'avezpasä vousoccuperdesdötailsde cettecourbede gaz durantle vol. Si vous utilisezla sourisdurantle vol, la I'endroit oüsetrouvelemanche. courbedegazsemodifieselon principe. Passonsrapidemerau Pour la couöe de gaz en 3 points: um, lesgaz-minim dumancfie, vousmodifierez Selonlaposition ou le pasmaximum. lesgaz-stationnaiß Pour la couöe de gaz en 5 points: manche, vousd6placerez Läaussi,enfondiondelapositiondu gaz-stationnaire ou pasmaximum les valeuIsgaz-minimum, (au milieu,les valeurs"ST",'V+", "V-" serontd6plac6es en parallöle). utilisationpratique: Avec le curseurde gaz, vous pouvez r6duireles gaz, de la positiondu manchede pas, ou indöpendamment inveßement,les liberer.Une forte reductiondes gaz vous en dessousde la valeurä laquelle oermetde de.scendre esl accoupl6. l'embrayage I'h6licoptöre est au sol,gez r€duits.Pourle Ou inversement, poussez le curseurau maximum,le pas6tantau d6part,vous minimum. Lacourbedegazentrcenadionetvouspouvezfaire d6collerl'hdlicodöre avecle pas. lnilisation en "gaz direcf' pourler6glagedu moteur, cas,parexemple Dansbeaucoupde pouvoir etreac{ionnesansCtre du moteurdoit le carburateur coud6au pas.Getteliaisongazpaspeut6trecoupeepärun intenupteur"gaz direct". Dans cette utilisation, le carburateur est command6 seulementet directementpar le cußeur. avecquel commetoujours,vousdevezindiquerä l'emefteur interupteurvousvoulezpassersur 'gaz direcl".Cecise fait danslesoflions de commande" dansle menu"r6gleröl6ment du Das. En r€sum6: commande"ä l'6l6ment lemenu"169ler6l0mentde Cette conection "intelligente" de |a courbe de gaz pelmet Allezdans "pas" et appuyezsur ll. Feuilletezensuite de commande l'emploi de la souris, ce qui simplifiele r6glageet facilite jusqu'ä lbption"gazdirect".Vousvoyez: le travaildu pilote. rEl:FF:; L.t. üFl1 [:,IF:E[T : 55.i.s Encoreun rappel: de d6placerla courbedes Vousn'avezpasque la possibilit6 la gaz.Le trim du pasvouspermetde conigernaturcllement valeurdu pasau slationnaire. Lecurceurdegaz surZ, appuyezd'abod selonla mahodeconnue, Maintenant, "en"avecE)etchoisissez avec passezsur I'intefiupteurd6sir6 oE. parle Vouspouvezmaintenant influenc6e desgaz peutetre6galement La position la position choisiravecI'interrupteur positions "paygazcoupl6s"ou 'gaz direci", gaz. y invelsables. curseurde ll a lädeux utilisationnormale Conseil: le cußeurdegazsert Laposition Tantquevousetesdanscetteposition, du ralentipeut,commepourlesavions,etrechoisie de gazdisponiblesentreI'avantet I'aniÖre.Vous pouvezr€glerdansle menu de limiteurpourles gaz.Le maximum de la "r6gler6l6mentde commande"sous I'option"ralenti"de du culseur,ind6pendamment dependde la position "PAS"la position pas position de delacourbe gaz. l'6l6ment de etdur6glage dumanche du carburateurpour de commande le diagramme: Voyez la positionralentidu curseur. Autoroffiion gaz curseur 0 wß39 Si vous ä la valeuren pointill6s. Lecurseur de gazest16916 d'abo]d Iesgazsuivent le pasdepuisleminimum, augmentez partir des deux lignes, A de l'intersedion en trait tir6s, la ligne pointillÖs. gaz la ligne en constants et suivent reslent les ä la surunevaleurinf6rieure le curseut Si vouspositionnez et lesgazsercnt courbede gaz,celle-cidevientinop6rante parle curseur. r0gl6sseulement qn gräceä un de passeren autorctation Vousavezla possibilitd interruoteur. fait deuxchoses: l'6metteur en autorotation. En Dassant pr6d6finie position (|Elentipour surune 1. lecaöurateurpasse s'exercer,ferm6en concours) est 2. chaqueßglagede pasdu cöt66l6mentde commande de la inooerant. Si vous ne d6sirezoas de modification vousnedevez169lerla coußedu paslolsdeI'autorotation, coursequeducöt6seNo(lacoursetotalede pasresleainsi ä disposition) "Que se passe-fi,avec Vousvousdemandezcertainement la iaufle?'. Nomalemern,le m6langedu pas sur I'antiprovoque puisque le rotorprincipalne coupledoit6tresupprim6 plusde coupleinverse. PROFImc 30t0vous ofüeunesolutionsimpleet L'ömetteur ä commuterlapartie"pas"du Vousavezsimplement 6l6gante. "reglerseNo" "ats"dans enchoisissant lememe lemenu s€rvo vousavez Si parexemple, intenupleurque celuid'autorotation. "pas" vous@mmutezla panie choisi"S5"pourl'autorotation, "S5". du servo "ats" Par A ceused'uneaulrefinesse,lisezla fin de ce chapitre. Ce que vous devezdgler Selonoequi vientd'€tredit: commevaleurfixe 1. lesgazde I'autorotation d'autorctation. de I'interrupteur 2. I'attribution sous la que vous tmuverezl"'autorotation" ll en ddcoule 'gaz". fondion "r6gler616ment ä l'6l6ment de commande" Allezdansle menu "gaz". etfaitesapparaitre surB ensuite Appuyez decommande 'valeurfxe". I'oDtion suivant: I'affichage Vousob,tenez rErriHi FIli-1r b.HUF;5 I.J:{J automatiqueet sensibilit6du gyroscope.Une attÖnuation proportionnelle n'aici aucunsens. "G" sera du gyrode l'6l6mentde @mmande L'att6nuation sur"hots". @mmutÖe 3. Gyroscopeavecsensibilit6r€gtabledepuis l'emetteur' Ceciest le type le plusimportant.Pourla crmmandede la un signald6viÖdepuisl'anti-couple du gyroscope, sensibilitö "gyro" gyroscopique pass6 commeatt6nuation la sonie sur est automatique. Efücacit6 de I'att6nuation du gyroscope Dans l'6metteur,un signal de neutralisationest gen6re (et proportionnellement ä la positiondu manched'anti-couple est ce signal d6placement). de du sens indäoendamment amenÖpar une voie s6par6eä I'entr6ede commandede sensibilit6du gyroscope.Plus le manches'apprcchedes butöes,plus la sensibilitedu gyroscopeesi dduite, ce qui de provoque une|€ac{ionplusfortedumoddleauximpulsions le 40a, 40: en l'image dans ceci esi repr6sent6 commände. gyroJqqge, dq 4oq]fefficaglte en signald'att6nu€tion, D'abordles gaz pour l'autorotation: 100%F_---1-__--a_-1 appuyezsur El et rfulez avec E E) la valeurd6sir6e:0 ä 10olo att6nuation est unebonneveleufde d6but' Attdbution de I'interupteur d'autorotation: par EIB I'interupteurd6sir6, E)etchoisissezavec appuyezsur "S5". exemple Maintenantle problÖme: Passezau la panie"pas"doitCtresupprimee' en autolotation, "pas" "seNo partie l'interfllpteur intef' et attribuezä la menu s5. "valeurfxe" et attribuez-lui 6galement Passezensuitesur Pourcelä, invers6' un sens cependant avec I'interrupteur"S5", clignote. quand la valeur surEl appuyez 15,BK117: dela m6moire Exemple 0 -1oo% o E.c."nriJJtop% Figute 40 a FSEF;,l: HT!; I 55+. a rFH5 F5EF:.,]: HT5 FIH: 55'l''+I Li.J, les gaz sur la commuteen autorotation Ansi, I'intenupteur une valeurfxe et sur pas fondion, pr6rögl0e, hors le valeur pour le pas' d6baüement un second sur 6ventuellement "@urse". Vousr6glezles coursesdansle menu Att&tuation du gYrosco Pe on comprcnduneatt6nuation du gyroscope, SousattÖnudion un quandle pilotedonne gyroscope du siabilisation de I'effetde pour nÖcessaire esl Ceci ä I'antincoude. commande ordrede aucouple neconigequelesmouvementsdus quelegyroscope @mmande. de otdres non les invetseet ll existe trois tyPes de gyroscope L Gyroseopesans possibilit6d'influencede l'6metteur' qu'uneseuleliaisonavec le Ces gyroscopene possÖdent vousn'avezpas tel Si vousutilisezun gyroscope' r6ceDteur. besoind'attribuer'gyro". 2.Gyroscopeavecsensibili6commutableou inGruptible' "G",doit parexemple Dan!cecaj, un6l6mentde commande, de memequ'unesoltieservoavec Ctreattribu6au gyroscope, "gyro". de Ä cettesortieseraconnecl6la commande le nom - 100o/o Ec anticouPle 40b Figure Le gyroscopea, en g6n6ral,deux €glages qui permettent maximumet minimum. lessensibilit6s d'influencer peutetreun cutseurou de l'6metteur commande L'ölÖmentde un intefiuoteur. continul'aü6nuation de169leren Avecuncutseuf,ileslpossible limiteeparles dglagesmaximumet de basedu gyroscope, peutque UninterTupteurne lui-meme. minimumdugyroscope pratique a cependant ä I'autre.La valeurextröme oasserd'une montr€que cette possibilitdest amdementsufüsante,ün Ctrecontdl6 r€glageen continune pouvantquedifficilement pai te pitotedurantle vol (ire ä ce sujetle conseilen fin de paragraphe). A,I 100% La pratique "6l6met de Nous admettonsque vous avez d6jä attribu6 '3ur le servoNo6, il y a gyro"' commandeH: gym"et Vousdevez6galementcontr6lerqu'uninterudeuradÖquat soitconnedÖdb priseH.celuFcipeutö4reuninterrupteur'?rV ä 3 fils. hors"ä cäbleä 2 fils ou ä troispositions automatiquePour I'att6nuation ll ne resteplus qu'ä aciiver "l€gler 6l6mentde commande"et celä, passezau menu jusqu'äl'0lÖment de commandeH. feuilletez 'AUTO"' Appuyezsur [l puissur E]E pourfaireapparaitre Vousvoyez: rH! rjTRü Hl_lTü.1 Ht-lF;!I 5|-IPFF;E:'5; etficacitd 50 osecope Röglage course 1_ 0 -100q0 + 100% 0 E.c. anlicouple Le menu h6licoPtöre 41 Figute "HoRS"devient"EN"'cest Appuyezsur El puissur E): Les6l6mentsde commande termin6. ä lesmodÖles Mömesi vousavezlutoutela panieconcemant des d6signations les Truc: "gW" durc@pteurPU ces voiluresfixes,n'utilisezen aucuncas selonle principe un*No ä la sr,ftie Connectez 6l6mentsde commandepourI'h6licoptÖre, E tava patiquemeft comment c'est alors venez Vous auxaileronsetque travaux que,parexemple, le lat6ralconespond füenuation: plusfacileä se le rappeler. " Avec"suppessionsur"ttüs"dle nnncl]pdarüi'aufu au Pourvous,c est plusfacile,pas pourl'6metteur'll affichera mitieu,le fitrD ed enbutÖed'un@te'Si vousboryezle avecuneannonced'ereur,justequandvousaureztout16916! mande, E seNobougeWpottioryElbmentws faürc DepuisI'efüchage d'6tat,appuyezsur EZSZ pourobtenir üte, et 6ci in&Pdamnent duüte dededa@meftdu "attribuer6l6mentde commande".Activer le champ nnnde. commande rel'616mentde parZ etfaitesapparaft d'intrcdudion "su "en",le s€,luo "supgessbn uadüedefiEIt A ä I'aidede la toucheEl. Sir,ousrteffez ä cdte büee et nEy.pasinnuenEW lemarohe:il repit "A" conespond au manchede gauche,@mmemalquesurle gwffiW. te signal@mpletd'afienuation Appuyezsur 5l pourfaire clignoterle boitierde l'6metteur. avecElEl pourfaire Encasde besoin: suivant'Feuilletez chamDd'introduction travaille que gyroscope, I'att6nudion souhait6e' ll peutaniver,suivantle la fondionde commande apparafrre aumilieuet d'anti-couple manche c'est-ädire ensensoppos6, exemPle: en Par de I'attÖnuation minimumet augmentation att6nuation "Acommändelabral", appuyez alorssurZ etunefoissurEl' "B vetslesbutÖes. le manche bougeant Appuyezsur Sl et changesur commande...". "r€glerservo",choisissezUaffichage passez menu au Dansce cas, avecEIE la fondionsouhaitÖe' choisissez "course" surEl: "B surSl etensuite pour'le servoNo.6.Appuyez commandelongitudinal"(oule passi vousvoulez)' inveß6e. estmaintenant l'att6nuation commande aux6l6mentsde vousatlribuez Dela mömefagon, "./." seraattribu6aux GonseilscomPl6mentaires: souhaitÖes. fondions lea n6cessaires et maximum& l'attönudion pasla meme 1.Minimum nonutilis6s.N'attribuez de commande 6l6ments que valeuß parexemple bs pour @ res,lage comme sur4rs6 commande, de Nousavons fondionsä deux610ments "H pas "E r/ous ,esgue/tes gaz"! enfe Et n'oubliez I'dtönudion de gaz" minimum commande et maximumet commande gwscory lui4'eme' (E le ou sur gaz ftgees des curseurs eaietrt ä un D' @mmurcz les d'attribuer ousitr'ou's Passezmainlenant pasdeceffeposs'b'1ft6 du cot6r6ception. SilegWs@F nedispose desirczles regler depuisI'enßtaut, wus dispsez de Revenezaumenu"attribuef'parElet passezavecN aumenu "attribuer suivafte: l'al@mafNe avecle servono 3' seNo".Commengons "@use" "t€gler de la etftglez seryo/couse" Ntezaun@nu veuillez desservosn'eslpasobligatoire' Lasuitedesnumeros PU üqrc Enftgtaft cettecowse,op.ssib/€ t'attönuation. la suivrepourcetexemde' cependant cOEseßränr',nflwusne faiesriend'aubeq)e defixerles sur le modÖle' Le servo3 est le servoqui pilotel'anti-couple timitesefremesdelaftenudion(frgre 41). du servo et le numdro pour clignoter faire Appuyezsur [t gW en/hors' sur zlntenufieurd'üönuationde sensibifte Appuyez gräce touches aux ElE. oässezsurle num6ro3 ur un idenuqe avec rcr atffi apparaftre wus Faites le champd'introduction. fu faqf,ltoulefoflndte, Pwr*rz b pourlibÖrer latoucllF- les touchesEE) ou la sourisle m6langeur"ats"' Si vous siwus feuillatezavec a.rtomdique' ä h'?lienuation survotre de reception q femetteurwus proqseradenouyeaulesinterrupEt'trs:enclenchez insiallation maintenantvotre f aubndi$E aciionnez vous et d6&ndtet doitbougerquand wus pufiez ainsienc#tndßr leservod'anti-couple modöle, avec@tinteffuqe'tr le manchede commande d'anti-couple. VousPurfiezegalement clatrcnuation. Mnmüil Nexem& ledßl+aEckl'e6nßdcle@fiYnatße Normalement, d'abordtouslesservosavant vousattribueriez pasä pas' mti+ouPle. de lesr6gler.Nousallonseffeduerle processus 52 foissur @ puis Passonsä la tetede rctor Retoumezau menu1 en appuyar plusieurs Nous vous Lä r6sidela diff6renceentre les h6licoptÖres! passezsur "r6glerservo"avecla touchez. Appuyezsur s pourariver ä "servoneutre"et reglezle d6cal4e de tousles proposons5 exemplesdiff6rents: Schlüter tl et r6glezla valeur Pourcefaire,appuyezsur servossurO%. pourrevenir en sur tleim appuyez termin6, @ Le r6glage avecElEl. "coutse"en appuyantsur Z. ä trois pointsä 9{l'avec d6calageviftuel CPM sut maintenant Passez aniÖre. quatE points ä 90'avec d€calagevirtuel CPM ä l'6cran suivant: obtenez Vous CPMä trois points ä 120"avecd6calageviftuel FgEFi,I:l-.1T5 pas quinevousintÖressent Vouspouvezsauterlesexemples r +'3tii:it-:+ tl*t-UUr Sicelui-ciest SCHLUETER duservod'anti-couple. lesensd'action Contr6lez au menu1 enappuyant rotor.Retoumez invers6,appuyezsur5l et appuyezunefoissurEl: le signede Pesdem6langeurde '?ttribuerservo". passez 2 ä au menu et sur changeet le seNodoitmaintenanttoumer El la partieanti-couple alors: dansle bonsens. Choisissez servoNo 1, il Y a latÖral sur le pattie pas Passonsä la "pas" le servoNo2, il y a longitudinal pour sur RÖflÖchissez apparait. Appuyezsur tl et sur E): servo No4, il Ya Pas sur le le quelle doit compenser rotor aniöre directionle savoirdans puis principal, de changez Connectezles servosauxsortiesrespectivesdu r6cepteur. couplede renveßemenldu rotor partie "r6glerservo""course". pour la d6crit comme sensde coredion si n6cessaire, Avec@ retoumezau menu1 ä anti-couple. de le sensd'adionet r6glezlesvaleursgrossiÖres ContrÖlez r!:EF.l:FtT! Pourcelä,vousappuyezsur 5l et rEglezavec ddbattement. E)E chacundescÖtesen bougeantl'6l6mentde commande L +3t:1:iFt' FFIS d Vouspouvezinveßerla courseavecla toucheE. respectif. R6glezensuitela valeunenvircn30o/o. encoreuneautre HEIM rotorde queuepossÖde Votrem6langeurde avecle renvoi ä laversionclassique Latete Heim"conespond partie(appuyezsur [l et sur E]). page (voir 48) aussi de longitudinal mobile Valeur fixe quandvousenclanchez Retoumez au menu1 avecla toucheEl et passezau menu2 sedäbloquerl'anticouple Cettefonction "valeur "attribuer La seNo". Voir le chapitreAUTOROTATION. ä I'autorctation. "ho]s":laissez-la ainsi. fixe"se trouvesur Attribuezalors: Servo des gaz surle servoNo 1, il Ya teteHeim avec le prochainservo.Quittezle menuaduel Continuons surle servoNo2, il Ya longitudinal Choisissez lemenu2ä"atüibuerservo". avecEl etpassezdans surle servoNo4, il Y a teteHeim et faitesapparaitre le servo6, libererle champd'intrcdudion 'gaz".Celuiquiveutun mÖlangeurpour Les servosde lateralsont connect6saux sorties 1 et 4 du avecEJE)la fondion Passez la sortie2 regoitle servode longitudinal. r€cepteur, "dyngaz".Pourl'instant, "couße". "regler reslonsä"gaz". la voltigepeutchoisir servo" ä et allez aveclatoucheEl au menu1 si vousdeplacezvotrecußeurde gazversl'avant(enrÖgle Choisissez d'abordle servo1 et reglezla partiepaset le sens g6n6rale) et sivousbougezvotremanchede pas,leservodes de ce servoen bougeant le manchede pas. gazdoitr6agir. s€rvo4 et faitesde meme. desgaz. Passezau Passonsau r€glagegrossieret au choixdela courbe le manchede "r6gler6lÖment Mömepmcessus pourlapartielateral:actionnez Revenezau menu1 parla toucheE) et allezä et sa valeur.Si d6placement le sens de observez et lat6ral et Avec EIN activezle champd'introduction de commande". et r6glezles conceme "courbe le servo avec inversez B ndcessaire, gez".Adivez le champ feuilletezavec ElEl jusqu'ä 'AV3P" de course. valeurs ou d'introduciiondans lequelfigure aduellement avecElEl sivousd6sir€zunecouÖeen similaireet choisissez ä 3 points'mk t€te' 90" 3 ou 5 points.La toucheEl vouspermetde choisirentrcplein Commande 'AR" 'A\f' (voirpage49). Cetypedecommande esldemoinsenmoinsutilis6,dufaitde gazen avant ou pleingazen aniÖre Nousd6clirons lesgaz lamauvaise desforcessurlesservos. 16oartition En activantle champde la valeur,vouspouvezrÖglez son r6glage. du cependant fonction en Pas avecE aumenu1 puisavec d'6tat,passez pourla courbeä 3 Points: I'affichage Depuis "attibuer servo". PR ralenti tl aumenu2 ä ST slationnaire alors: Attribuez P+ Pasmaximum(coursedu seNo) surleservoNo1, il y a mixtete surleservoNo2, il y a mixtete ou pourla courbeä 5 Points: surle s€rvoNo4, il Ya mixtete PR ralenti V- avantle slationnaire Pour m6moiß: ST slationnaire le servoavec LiHrczle champ'!ervo"avecB. Choisissez "il y a ..."et choisissez V+ apresle stationnaire avec le champ avec Activez tl EIE). "mix P+ Pasmaximum(coursedu servo) etc.' servo' deuxiÖme ensuite au Passez tCte". EIE Le curseurde gazdoitefie au maximumpourles @lages. 53 au milieuaprÖsavoirr€916les Aprgsavoirettribudlesservos,revenezavecEl aumenu1 el pasde mettretous lestdms ä 0% dans le menu de commande "rfuler 6l6ments des centEs les et|€gleztous sur"neutre" Pass€z servo". passez sur "dgler de commande"' 6lÖment pas tous Pourcefaire,n'oubliez demettre surOol0. d6calages des6lÖmentsRevenezavec E) au menu "r6glerservo" et passezsur lescentres avoirr€916 lestrimsaumilieuaprÖs "regler 6l6mentde "course"avecZ. de commandeä O%dansle menu commande". "r€glerseNo"et passezsur lmportant: du sensde Revenezavec El au menu 1. Le premierr6glageobligdoirees1le r6glage "pas". "course" paltie desservospourla avecz. debattemern Aclionnezle manchede pas et obseNezles servos' lmportarf: de du sens estle r6glage D6terminezle ou les servosqui se d6placenten sens 1. Le premierreglageobligatoire "pas"' le partie Actionnez pour la opposö. desseNos debattement "partie:pas"' lesservos' dePaset obseNez manche choisissezle s€rvoenquestionet passezsur Lib6rezle champde valeuravecS et inversezsonsens le ou les servosqui se d6dacenten sens D6terminez avecEl. oppos6. "partie:pas" et pourtous les seNos la "partie:gÖometrie" passez sur question et en 2. Choisissez le servo Choisissez sonsens r€glezla positiondesservosen degr6s.Passezau mneu le cfiampdevaleuravec5l et inversez Lib6rez "inter''et mettezsur"en" la panieGEOMetrie de tousles avecE. servos. et pourtouslesservosla "partie:g6omÖtrie" 2. Choisissez au ensuite Passez DonnezlesvaleurgO"pourle servode droite,180' pourle desservosendegr€s. r6glezla position "iniei' lespartiesGEoM6{rie' seNoaniÖr€,270"pourle servogaucheet 0' pourle servo toutes etmettezsur"en" mänu avanI. 90'pourleservodedroite,180"pour lesvaleur Donnez de servo gauche. sivotl€ et270'pourleservo leservoaniÖre aulieude valeur0 attribueznluila '0" devant, longitudinalsetrouve 180'! t"{ 2?0"! )no'fo,,"ooonou"o, \-/ V180" }so"fii,="tiona, ',or Si vous avez fait ces l€glagescoredement'toutesles avecles sontdisponibles partieslat6rales et longitudinales toutesles valeursn6cessaires. Si vousavezeffectu6cesr€glagesconectement, avecles sontdisponibles partieslateraleset longitudinales pourvoteh6licoptÖred'undeplacement 3. Sivousavezbesoin la paltie"phase"du valeursn6cessaires. viltuelduplateaucyclique,choisissez pourvotre h6licoptÖred'und6dacement menu"intef' pourun des servos.Mettezensuitedansle 3. Sivousavezbesoin lapanie"phase"dans choisissez savaleursurlacofiectiond6sir€eendegr6' menu"course-" viltuelduplateaucyclique, "intei' pourun des servos.Meüezsa valeulsur En maintenanten but6e le manchede lat6ralou de le menu "course" "EN"puisrepassez (Z facilementsoneffet' surlerfulage vousob6erverez dansle menu longitudinal, En degr6' en d6sir6e pour la contction introduire et ElEl) umixt€te" 720" delongitudinal, Commandeä 3 poittts butÖelemanchedelatÖralou maintenanten vous observerezfacilementson effet. estle plusutilisÖ. ce typede commande umixtäteu d'Aat,passezavecE) au menu1 puisavec DepuisI'affichage Commandeä 4 Poinß "attribuer servo"' Z au menu2 ä eslde plusen plusutilis6.ll permet Cetypede @mmande plus' Attribuezalors: siunseNonefonctionne desauverI'h6licoptÖre souvent sur le servoNo 1, il Y a mix tete avecEl aumenu1 puisavec d'6tat,passez I'affchage Depuis surle servoNo2, il Y a mixt6te "attribuer servo". El aumenu2 ä surle servoNo4, il Ya mixtcte Attribuezalors: Pourm6moiß, la fagonde faire: "servo"avecB. choisissezle servoavec surle servoNo1,il Ya mixtete Libörezle champ "il avec surle servoNo2, il Ya mixtete ElE. AdivezavecZ le champ y a ..." et choisissez "mixtöte".Passezen suiteau deuxiömeservo,etc ' surle servoNo4, il Ya mixtÖte EE surle servoNo5, il Ya mixtete avecEl au menu1 et Apßs avoirattribudlesservos,revenez "neutre"et 169leztous "r€gler les r su Pourm6moire: Passez passez seNo". sur "servo"avecN. Choisissez avec le servo tous pas de mettre le champ n'oubliez Lib6rez Pourcefaire, sur0ol0. docalages avec desÖldments ActivezavecEl le champ"il y a ." €f choisissez EE. "mix lestrim! au milieuaprÖsavoirr€916lescentres "rÖgler6l6mentde etc" servo' au deuxiÖme ensuite Passez tÖte". le menu EEI de commandeä 0olodans au menu commande". Aplts avoirattdbu6les selvos,rcvenezavecEl "centre" et "r6glerservo" et passezsur 1 et passezsur "r6gler servo". Passezsur Revenezavec E) au menu n'oubliez faie, "course"avecZ. sur O%.Pource r€gleztous lesdÖcalages 180" 54 "US" deI'interrupteurd'Öcolage mont€dans Parl'intermediaire lmportant: le moniteurpeutä toutmoment@mmuletentre esl le l€glagedu sensde son6metteur, f . ie premierr€glageobligatoire "pas". par et le pilotageparle moniteur. le dlotage l'61Öve dosservospourla partie d6battement commanesl limit6auxquatrefondionsprincipales Acdionnezle manchede pas et obseNezles s€wos' f6colage pas et utile)' necessaire parles manches(plusneserait D6terminezle ou les seNos qui se d€placenten sens d6es PROFImc 30t0esldepouvoir del'€metteur Undesavantages oppos6. defagon plusieurs fonctions "paltie: ou une seulement pas"' donneräl'61Öve le servoenquestionet passezsur Choisissez pilotage. progressivement le Liberezle champde valeuravec5l et inversezsonsens ä apprendrc unePROF|mc moniteuresl l'6metteurdu Nousadmettonsque avecEl. "partie: g6om6trie"et 3010. pourtous les servosla 2. Choisissez vous pouvezutilisernaturelle' dansle Commeemeteurde l'61Öve, Passez degrÖs. en position servos des r6glezla tous les menu"inte/'surlechampde miseenfondionet mettezsur ment une adre PROFImc 3010'maisegalement comme "EN"la partieGEOM6trie. d'uneprisediagnostique' MULTlPLEXdot6s 6metteur 90' le COMBI el COMBI la mc, par ROYAL la exemple pour le Donnezlesvaleur60'pourle servode droite,180' I'El,lROPAmc, t EURoPA'spint COMMANDER, servoariöre et 300"pourle servogauche' U6metteurdumonieur doit CtteÖquip6d'un interupteur suivantssor utilisables: d'6colage,Lesintetrupteuß gA interupteur ä longmanche,7 5698ou interupteurgA ä manchecourt,7 5697 duvol lldlrectlon \ i Comme emplacementde montage,choisissezune des Lapris€del'interrupteurdoit 1,7,6,12(voirpage5). Dossibilites "US",voirpage7' Lesens prise marqu6e dansla btreenfichee 180" attentionaumontage faitescependant eslindiff6rcnt, d'enfichage page testdes6l6ments parties cyclique 66 au de commeindique de I'intenupteur, Si vousavezbienfait ces€glages,les leurs avec sont ä votredisposition de commande. lat6ralet longitudinal valeursconectes. L€s deux 6metteurssont reli6s par le cäble d'6colage d'un d6placement h6licoptÖre survotre besoin 8 5121enfichedanslesp{isesde chalge. 3. Sivousavez tete de la seNos des sur un choisissez cyclique, virtueldu Attention:le cäblecopilot8 5122de la ROYALmc n'estpas "intei" Enclenchez cette menu le partie dans PFIASE la "course"surla partie dilisable! partiesur"EN",puisrevenezaumenu ;'PHASE' pourdonnerla valeurdeconediond6sir€eVous R@lagesn&essairesde I'funetteur de pouvezen mesurefI'effeten adionnantle cyclique. il ne f6lÖlre la programmation: Avecc€rfulage,vousavezterminÖ mc 3010/303O' lesvaleursde courseselon Si f'6metteur n'est pas une PROFI vousre$e plusqu'äintroduire "PPM"(s'il disposedes 1. Mettrel'6metteuren modulation ou lesdonn6esdu constructeur' votreexperience Coupertousles m6langeurs deuxtypesde modulation). et autEs influencesde Goulse' 2. Mettretouslestrimsau milieu. contrÖlezä cr momentquels num6rosde servo sont piloter' ä command6s d'apprendr€ Parlesmanches. es{tafagonlaplus6conomique L'öcolage par plustard.Uneinversion et sontreliÖs vouslesutiliserez ontchacunun6metteur numÖrcs, Notezces4 Le moniteuretl'61Öve de commanden'estpas moniteur6metle l'6metteurdu des öl6ments Seul 5121. r6partition autre une ou uncäbled'ecolage8 pilote les si l'61Öve est transmisä n6cessaire. ll est de meme indiffÖrent signalHF. Le signalde l'emetteurde l'61öve Ces ety eslretravaill6' ailerons lecäbled'6colage moniteurvia ä gaucheouädroite,dememepourlemoteur/pas l'6lmetteurdu de rÖglage dans le pris compte en paniculiers sont Pource(teraison,l'6meüeurdel'61övene doit6mettteque dglages "purs", moniteur. du des l'€metteur sans m6langetSi vous envoyez des signaux signauxCejamelang6sä l'6metteurdu moniteur,ceux'ci Si f'6metteur esl une PROFImc 3010 seront doublementm6lang6sensuite. Le dglageest ici tßs simple:il suffttde mettrcl'emetteuren de de l'6metteur mode'61Öve". Attribuez les 6l6ments de commande menu'fonction l'61öve,par exemple: appuyezsurEZElZ pouraniverau Pourcelä, A commandeaileron 6colage". B commande gaz, etc Vousvoyez: puis les servos: I ut'l EljrJLl-lrjE Fut{r-:T sur le seruoNo I, il Y a aileron etc. y profondeur' sur le sewo No 2, il a Metteztous les m6langeuFde l'6metteurde l'61öveho]s devient"EN":cestfait' surZ puissurE. "HORS" Appuyez fonctionl d'6tatparlatoucheEl. ä I'affichage L'6metteurde l'61Öven'a pas besoin de module HF Si Vbusiaoumez ilvous plustardenfondionnormale, repasser d6sirez cependantil en contenaitun,celui{i seraautomatiquement (Sivous mCme). de d'6colage' refairc suffit de le cäble mis hors fonction en enfichant sooTfoo'r, V Commentutiliserla fonction 6colage E5T: HUFt:;r 55 L-alignesup6rieuEde I'affichageclignoE entle le nomdu mod;b et ''61Öve":ceci vous indique que l'6metteurest maintenanten mode 6ßve. Ce mode resb op6rationnel jusqu'ä ce que vous le mettiezhoß fonction,donc m€me si vous 6teignez votre 6metteur' lci aussi,vousdevriezcontr6lerquel6l6mentde commande pourcelädansle menu commandequellefonction.Regardez "attribuerservo".Vousy trouvezparexemple: surle servoNo 1, il Y a ailelon' sur le servoNo 2, il y a ptofondeuf',etc" Attention: pratiquesde commuterl'intenupteur paslorsdesessais N'oubliez "US"sur "en",sinonrienne s€ passera. ndcessairesdef&netteurdu R6gTtages moniteur PROFmc carl'Ömetteur Lachos€devienticipluscompliquee, lib€It6' de beau@up nouveau ä 30t0 vousoffre Vous pouvezpar exempleattlibuer de fagon difiÖlente les celä signifieque l'61öve Peut manciresdes'deux6metteurs. piloteravec les aileronsä gaucheet le moniteurles aula ä droile:vousn'avezpasä changerd'habitude' savoir Ced n'estpasdifücileä faire:vousdevezsimplement commentpilotel'61Öve. "6colage"Vousy Pources r6glages,vous titilisezle menu passezen appuyantsur E)EIEIS. Vousvoyez: ,'+fiILEF; .r'+ ül-li .r+FIF:Et, ,'+FF:IJFU Conseil: dependent et le typedes4 fonciionsprincipales Ladistribution peut doncÖtre L'affichage du type de modöledu moniteur. d'autres ou disposition aure diff6iänt,parexempleavecune pourun ou anti-couple (commelateral fonciionsde commande hölicoptÖr€). num6rode indiquerä l'6metteurquel Vousdevezmaintenant principales' fondions aux (servo) attribuer de l'61öve canal '+HILER" surZ: letraitobliquedevant exemple Aoouvezoar en "1", le traitsetrans{orme cridndte.öi vousappuyezsur El '2"' etc.. un autreappuile fait passerä Cecisignifie: serapris Le änal I (ou 2, etc.)de l'6metteurde l'61Öve commesignal d'aileronsdans l'6metteurdu monibur et r€mplacele manched'aileronsdu moniteur' Si vous laissezle trait oblique,rien n'est attribu6et le contrÖlercsteau manched'aileronsdu moniteur' Si vous consttrz que cette tonction de l'6metteur de l'6lÖvea un sens de dÖbatGmentinverse,appuyez simplem€ntsur y quand le chifite clignote'La flÖche > se transformeraen flÖGheblanchesur fond noir' ce quiindique que le sensde d6battementest invers6lors de la ptise en charge' vousrfulezlestloisautresfonctions' De la mememaniÖre, d'activerles4 du claviervouspermettent LestouchesflÖches I'affichage. de ntes fonctionsconesponda Etencorc... larepaltition Vousnedevezpasabsolumentd6terminerd'abord pouvezaussi essayer vous l'61Öve, l'Ömetteurde descanauxde pedez (mais vous lesdiff6rentsnum6roslorsde I'attribution ansila vued'ensemble). avantd'allersurle tenain,carvousn y Essayezcesr6glages aurezpasautantdecalmequ'enatelier'Etvousaurezsürement ou unerepartition' ä modifierunjouruneattribution Le systüne d'accude r6erue FixerI'unit6de I'accude reservesut lessuppoltsdansle coin foumies. ä I'aidedes 4 vis et des entretoises droitinfÖrieur tiennenten r6serveun bidonde Attention: Beaucoupd'automobilisles con€ctement lesentretoises monter de'lus"estd6agr€able resterenp€nneparmanque carburant: et souventdangercux. ä coursde caöurantdurantI'emploi, Si votreÖmetteurtombe maisaussisignifie ä coup cecin'estpasseulementd6sagr€able : sansparlerdesdangersinh6Ents. sür la peftedu modÖle, : :';', L'accude rgserveest unes6cunt6contreunetellemauvaise surprise.Vousavezavecluiunereserved'environ15minutes poursauver danstoutesles unmodÖle cequisuffltt -t d'utilisation, situations. ,*n* Fonc{ionnement de montage(notreproposition: emplacements un des Percer charg6par son L'accu de r6serve est automatiquement Mettreen place y le commutateur. et monter 10) emplacement ne peutpas ä chaquechargede l'accuprincipal.ll 6lectronique gure45:faireattention fi sur la comme cable interudeur-accu le etresurchalgd,vousn'avezdoncpasä vousen occuper. un autrecable. ä ne pascoincerou endommager de tensionvousavertitde la tensiontrop Quandle controleur QuandvousCtessürsque le cäblee'slmont6commesur la commutermanuellement ilvoussrffitde faibledeI'accuprincipal, accu(lespieds bacäaccuprincipaletson remonterle figure45, sur I'accude reserve(cettefagonde fairc a 6t6 choisie doivententrerdanslessupportsdu boitier). sciemment). ll ne rcsleplusqu'ä6tablirla liaisonentreI'accude r6serveet Tant que l'6metteurrestecommut6sur l'accude rÖserve, clignote.Cecivousrendattentifä cequel'6metteur l'affichage I'accu de r6serve,memebß d'unemiseen seNice es'tsur suivante. f- Courantet tempsde charye 30 dechargedel'accuder6serveprendenvircn L'automatisme plovoque principal. une Ceci chalge de mA du courant du tempsde chatgede l'accuprincipal.Par augmentation exemple: intensit6de charge:200 mA le tempsde charges'allongede 30/200= 0.15=157o ä cöt6dumoduleHF,selon vouspouvez Enlevezd'abodlafichedepontage multiples, chargeuräsorties Sivousdisposezd'un plus Enfichezdansla n6cessaire. n'est 4.6. Celleci passersurune de30 mApour la figure valeursup6rieure naturellement plat cäbleplatselon le prisedu livr6. Placez prise cäble l'unedes gaIderle tempsnormalde chaEe. prise I'accu de r€serve. de la dans 47 et enfichez-le la figure Charge rapide surla figure47. Contrölez L'accude reserveesttoujourschalg6en modenormal,meme que le cäbleplatne coincepas les manches. si vouschalgezen moderapide.Si vouschargezvotreaccu Assurez-vous Faitesensuiteplusieu6 chargesnormaprincipalen modelent,I'accude r6seNeesttoujoursplein.Si Fermezl'6metteur. pour I'accude 6serve. complÖtement chaßer les que ce vousne faitesquedeschargesrapides,il peutafüver I'accude r6serve tempsde cha€e ne suffiseplusä maintenir de Le mqtu'tps;t'de.s d&tenß de en pleinechaee. C'esl poutquoinousvous conseillons aprÖschaque10 chargesrapides.Si commande.s chargernormalement I'accude r6servea 6t6 utilis6,faitesdanstous les cas une Le montagedescurseutset desintemipteurs doitobdirä un chargenormale. permet avec les menus. pr€cis, qui la cor6lalion seul mode Montage et lescurseurs reconnait Deplus,vous$vezquel'Ömetteurne et lbuvrir.Enleverle suppond'accuet son lesintenupteurs Eteindrel'6me{teur quesouslesd6signations E - l, Sl - 55 et US' accude l'emetteuren tirantdoucementä gaucheet ä droite alorsquevouspr6f6r€zlesd6signations en texteclair. pou\rez faite deux chos€s: AvecI'aidede ce m€nu,vous sontmont6set et lesinterrupteurs si lescurseuIs 1. ConttÖler connecl6scorrectementdans l'6metteur.Ceci est particuliÖrement imponantpout le montagesubsÖquent de leurdisposition. ou unemodification d'intefiupteurs position surlaplatinedes la ouvrirl'emetteur 2. Cor r6lersans maqu6sen claiI. intenupteurs "tesl des 6l0mentsde Une petitecofiedion:la ddsignation @mmande"n'eslpastout-ä-faitexacte,c:lr vousne pouvez pasleslerlesmanches, ce qui n'esld'ailleurspasnÖcessaire. y comprisceuxqui nesont TouslesinterupteurssontcontÖ16s, oasdes6l6mentsde commande. ^7 Si vousappuyezsur E), vousotfenezle secondaffichage. Petit rapp€l(voirpage10): Les 6l6mentsde @mmandebougenldiredementquelque ll presentedansI'ordßles 6l6mentsde commandeE - l, en ainsique le sigle chosesur le mod6le.Les mancheset les curseurssontdes secondeligne,lesflÖchesconespondantes "RD"(rfuulateurdigitaDpourla souris. de commande. 61ements de commande Si vous bougezle curseurE en avant,la flÖchede E doit sontaussides6l6ments Maislesintenupteuls s'ils sont connect6sä des entr6esA l. ll y a aussiles egalementindiquerI'avant.Si vous bougezdoucementle unepositionoü la flöche le milieu,voustrouvercz etlesinverseurscommele9dual-rate cuIseurvers decouplage interrupteurs -55etUS. esl Ceci le milieu"6ledrique" parS1 entraithorizontal. Enfin, setransforme ou I'intenupteurus.llssontd6sign6s "memory"qui a unefonctionsp6ciale(voir exad.Dufaitdestol6rances, ilpeutdiff6rerdumilieuinscritsur il y a l'intenupteur pratique, celän'aaucune@ns6quence. du boitiel en page59)etqui n'appartient ä aucundesdeuxautresgroupes. l'echelle ll esl d6sign6par"M". vous n'estpasoccupee, commande Siuneentr6ed'6l6mentde Aprös ce rappel n6cessairc,allons au fait. "169ler616mentde commande" Voustrouvez lemenu'tesl"sous leteslavecEl. Vousobtenez enappuyantsurElB.Choisissez pourI'instant): (la direcliondesflöchesn'a pasd'importance T 1 ' : ' T r l :r L l'l+ +. .t .f. .1. .t +. El suivant: ä I'affichage surE),vouspassez enappuyant :E F tj H i Pourtesterla souris"RD",appuyezsur S et faitestoumerla ä unerotationhoraire.Si ce molette.Lesigne">" correspond pas la souris. la fiche de le cas, toumez n'est des lesddsignations Dansle premierafüchageapparaissent "M+" mont6 inveIs6,conigezen esl le tout ä droite Si un 6l6mentde oommande intenupteursde couplage/inverseuß, "memory'' platine prises. des toumantsafichesurla d6signantI'interupteur par rapportauxinterrupteurs. cette difierence dual-rate desailerons Remaquez ActionnezparexemdeI'intenupteurde qu'ilestplusfacilede fairelestestsque (tontä gauche).La flÖchesousS1 s'inverse. Vousvousapercevrez de les d6crire. Vousen d6duisezdeuxchoses: ä "S1". dual-rate desaileronsesl branch6 1. L'interrupteurde Accessorites concotüent, 2. Si la flöche et la positionde I'interTupteur Manches de commande coneqe[l€ol. l]trtemulteur esl mon!-ö esl livr6avectroispairesd'embotltsde manche: L'6metteur coun,moyen,long. environ10mm. en hauteursur Deplus,chacunpeutÖtre16916 pilotage. de selon vos habitudes le type Choisissez toumezI'emboutjusqu'ä Pourle reglageou le changement, totalede dsistance.Rfulez ou changez s€ntirla diminution 52) entoumantde 18o"(figure l'emboutpuisassur€z-le L Lrl'l = ' T ' - dedual-rate et le interupteurs Contrölez de memelesaufu€s votre6metteuravecles si vousavezÖquip6 combi-sliritch, inteffupteurs. Vousobtenez: =Sl dual-rateailerons dual.rateprofondeur = 5 2 =53 dual-ratediredion =S5 combi-slritch pdvue au montageen usine(quevous Ceciest I'utilisation pouvezmodifier). "memory", vouscommutez m6moire EnbougeantI'inverseurde "1" "0". et'2". entrc il se peutque la Si vous montezpar la suiteun intenupteur, pas.Dans position ne concordent de I'interupteur flöcheet la Ne ä l'intenupteur. faire un demi{our devez faire ce cas,vous pas prise, aucun effet! cela n'a toumez la 58 FkJure52 Poussoirde manche peutetremontÖ dansles manche(momentan6) Unpoussoirde (figure Ctresoit 53).Celui-cipeut et longues versions moyennes intenupteur inverseur/ un 6l6mentde commande.soit un @uDleur. d'utilisation: Exemples crochetderemorquage comme6l6mentdecommande: du commande chrono @mmecouDleun Support lat6ral, prctec'tion pluie Intemipteur de manche pupitre, lat6raux deuxsupports del'6mefteuren pouvez PourI'utilisation aussi monter plus poussoir vous mommentan6, du En peuvent (figure 56). etre viss6s fxation rabattable avec le manche. ä basculedans un interTupteur de se trouventdansles inslructions r6side dans le fait que sa positionest D'autresrenseignements avantage Son supports lat6raux. des montage ßconnaissable. immddiatement possibles: Lnilisations interupteurde flaPs crochetde remorquage interuoteurd'autorctation Le montagede ces deux typesd'intenupteußde manche s'effectueparle SAVMULTIPLEX. Modification et installation d'intemr@urs montagedesintenupteuß Le nombreet lesemplacementrsde gÖnerale. ä I'habitude ä la livraisonconespondent votrc dÖsirpersonnel. Vous pouvezcependantconcr€tiser ä l'6metteur. inscription sontjoints Pourcelä,deuxcachessans types sontä votre de divers supplementaires Desinterrupteuls pour points disposen les suivanls les Observez disposition. 1, 2, 5, 6 La sourisne peutCtremont6equ'alx emplacements F@rc !ß sur la positionvoisine. (voirpage4), sonsupportempiÖtant ä longsmanchesdevraientetre plac€sde Les intenupteurs principal/ pr6fdrence aniÖre,cot6intenupteur sur les rangÖes antenneet les oluscourtscöt6manches. Pour modifier la disposition,devissezd'abord tous les Commuätiondem6moireen vol foumieavec cettenouvelle sp6ciale ä I'aidede lapiÖceplastique possibilit6 interupteurs ä l'6metteurdevos vousoffreI'accÖs de rÖves,ou presque. estä enleveravant La visduboutonde la souris l'6metteur. d6monter. [€ principeest t10ssimple: int6rieures pourlemememodÖle, Vouspouvezensuiteenleverlesplaquessupports deuxoutroism6moires. vousr6servez centrale. de l'6metteuren appuyantsurla s6curitÖ Les lislesqui y sont crntenuessont differentes.Avec un passerävolontede l'uneä I'autredes lesplaques intenupteur, vouspouvez remontez desir€e, laposition Montezlasourisdans et installezles nouveauxcachesod6rieutsaprÖs memoircs. int6rieures avecuncouteauel unelime. Lesdiff6rences avoirlib6|€lestrousn6cessaires entreleslislessontlaiss6esävotreappr€ciation: de vouspouvezpar exemplegarderla memeconfiguration Attention:ne percezpaslestrousnond6sir6s. changer ou Mettezen dace lesir erupteurs.Avantde lesfxerd€finitive base, mais avec des reglagesdiff6rents, liste ä I'autre. d'une comdÖtement pour (page 57) de commande ment,faitesletesldes616ments voletssurI'aileprincipale. nombreux sonten page5 Prenonsun olaneuravecde D'autresinformations conttler leurenfichage. pourle dÖpart,une pr6voir pouniez configuration une Vous et 10. pourle voldevitesse. pourle troisiÖme vol normaletune selon l'emploides autre Enfin, collez en place les inscriptions par les valeurs de se differencie de leur feuillesupportavec une Chaque configuration Soulevez-les inteffupteurs. volets. et de sensdes positionnez-les pincette, danslescrcuxdescachesetappuyez d6battement se retrouvent de configuration de tellesvariations pasd'inscription les apart6: utilisez En convenable, fon.Sivousnetrouvez "gros":le '1ly-by-wire" possibles. rend pour les jaunes les avec un feutre. unieset marquez-les d6coupes pourlevoldosd'un consisieenI'inversion Uneautreutilisation ici, cenainseffetsde commandedoiventCtre h6licoptdre: inveF6savecdesvaleursde basediff6rentes. pourlevolnormal, uneautre unem6moire estclaire: Lasolution pour le vol dos. Comme vous pouvez ätablir une liste diff6rentepour le vol dos, il n'y a pas de complötement pourla commutdion. limitations Passonsä la pratique. deuxou trcis listespourun modÖledependde votre Lrtiliser FWre 55 Filurc U reglage, emploi. S'ils'agitsimplementd'avoird'autresvaleursde Dans il voussuffitde copierla lisle de baseen I'adaptant. d'autrescas, vous devrez peut-Ctrel'6tablirde nouveau la Pensezquevouspouveztoutchangerdans complötement. etc.. lesmelangeurs, deuxiömeliste,y-compris surlaquellevouscommutezdoit la mÖmoire Seulecondition: de Ctrela suivanteimm&iate dans l'ordredes mÖmoires, memeoourla troisiöme. Pourlesexperß 59 Exemple:la mdmoircnormaledu modölees'tla 11. Vous Exemple: pourdesvolets'quadro"(voirpage65). Attribution aussila 13. pouvezcommutezsurla 12,eventuellement se fait par I'interrupbur "memory". Vous Dansde telscas,vousdevezattribuezlesservosparpaireet La commutation pouvez contrölerdans le menu 'test" des 6l6mentsde ä la suite. commande(voirpage57) dansquellem6moireil commute Pourclarifierleschoses: extreme,l€cranaffiche"M Dansuneposition selonsaposition. + 1", dansI'autre"M + 2". Pournotreexemple,vousauriez: M+1=m6moire12 M+2=m6moire13 devosmÖmoire contenu vousdevezd6placerle Si necessaire, contigues. trois mÖmoires oourlibererdeuxou En des6curit€. unecondition aussisatisfaire ll fautmaintenant effet, si la commutationse faisaitaussifacilementsur les Figurc57 m6moiresadjascentes,une manipulationerron6ede par uneaileavec3 surfaces cö16, fatales,parexemplesi Surlafigurc57,nousavons auraitdescons6quences I'intenupteur commeaileronsavecdu diff6rentiel. ouitoutesfonctionnent la memoiresuivanteconcemaitun autremodÖle. "quadro"et les 6 Vouscommandez servosparle m6langeur ll est donc pr6vucommes6curit6que le demiersignedu vousr6glezlbption'diffÖrentiel" commed6jävu' Passonsä nom du modÖle(le huitiÖme)doit Streun chiffre.ceciseul I'ordred'attribution 6 seNos. des pemet la commutationde m6moiE avec I'interupteur *memory'1 Attribuerparpaircet ä la suite"signifiedanscetexemple: surle servoNo 1, il y a quadro 1 pairee>rd6rieure Exemple: surle servoNo2, il y a quadro ) "CORTIM 1".Sila m6moireI contient La mdmoire7 contient "CORTINA "CORTIM 2" et la memoireI surle servoNo 3, il y a quadro I pairemilieu 3", vous pouvez surle seNoNo 4, il y a quadro commutersurchacunedestroismÖmoires. Daireintdrieure surle servoNo 5, il y a quadro ne desdcurit6n'eslpasremplie,lacommutation Si la condition quadro y 6, il a servo No sur le par pas un bip. et l'6metteurle signale se fait clair.Si vousn'avezquedeuxsurfacespar C'estmaintenant Encore trois conseils: vousa[€tezaunum6ro4' normale dequadro), bienutiliserles cot6(attribution vouspounieztrÖs 1. Dansl'exemplecidessus, "CORT-W vous 3". Si vousne vousen tenezpasä cet ordred'attribution, noms"CORT-DP1", "CORT-VN2" et enon6. un diff6rentiel VN,volnormaletW' vol aurez DPsignifieraitddpalt, Danscecas, d'emploide la la compr6hension de vitesse:ceci facilite "parlants". L'inturupteurSl pas aussi lisle. Les chiffresne sont "sl" page32 en relation 2. Quandvous changezde memoireavec le clavier,faites Nousavonspad6de I'intenupteur en 'valeurfixe 1" et commande 6l6mentsde milieu. aveclesoptionsdes enposition ä mettreI'intefiudeur"memory" attention "valeurfixe2".Vousavez69alement pr6sence de la remalque mÖmoire Sinonilse passececi:vousvoulezchangersurla "Sl" lorsde I'aüribution S1 55. des intenupteurs 13, par exemple.Admettonsqu'il sy trcuve un modöle lam0moir€ Qu'est+e que "Sl"? imm6diatementä U6metteurpasse commutable. "memory" "Sl" est6galement estcommut6en extr6mit6! softwarequi e$ rattach6ä 14 ou 15 si le un intenupteur "pripourdescommutations l'616ment de commandel. 3. N'utilisezpascettepossibilite avecunepositionde mitives":ceci vous coüteune ou deux memoi|es.Ainsi, "Sl" estun interrupteur ä troispositions, de position reposau milieuet deuxpositions en but6es. vouspouvezex6anterunesimplecommutation de travail "memory",maisI'option'€l6ment "1" de voletsparlesyslÖme ä la prise un culseur,et quecelui-ciest Si vousconnectez "hors".Si vouspouss€zle toutaussibien! de commande- valeurlixe" fonctionne alors"Sl" esi milieu, en oosition "Sl" Si le culseur estenclencfie. cußeuren but6e.uncot6de "Sl" ailes avec quitte Attibtttion desseruospour de;s d0clench6. est imm6diatement but6e, cette plusdedewailerons estlamemepourI'autrebut6e,saufquec estI'autre Lasituation "Sl" qui estenclenchÖ. de cÖte l'attribution A la page 26, nous vous avons repr6sent6 pour une aile ä deux ailerons "Sl"a unefietcomparableä deuxinterupteursdefin decouße. recommand6e traditionnelle sdpa16ment: command6s VouspouvezainsiI'ttiliseravecplusou moinsde fantaisie. servol=aileronl L'utilisation de "Sl" est simple. servo2=aileron2 r ä troispositions, ä lapriseI unintenupteu connectez Pourcelä, Pour les ailes qui ont plus de deux surfacesfondionnant parexemplele No.7 5699ou le 7 5700. comme ailemnset pour lesquellesle diffdrentieldoit etre Si vousadionnezcet interrupteur, software"Sl" l'interrupteur n'estplusconecte. employ6,cetteattribution pilot6avec.Vousobtenezainsiun inverseurä est6galement quevouspouvezutilisermmme Sl - 55, mais troispositions, avectroiset nondeuxpossibilit6s. bU "Sf' est en rclation avec D'abordIIMPORT L'utilisation principale de "valeur fixe 1/ Reliezlesdeux6metteurs avecle cäblede trans{elten le l'option (l€s 6löments de commande prises deux de charge.Allumezles deux aux @nnectant valeur fixe 2". 6metteurs. voletsavecdeuxpositionscommutables PrcnonsI'exemoledes pessez quiimporte, dÖsi€e. surla mömoire Dansl'6metteur @urmieuxle comprendre. "copiemÖmoire". pour menu aniver au sur que la Appuyez EINZ Admettons sur l'6l6mentde commandeE est attribu6 "rfuler 6l6mentde Appuyez jusqu'ä"MoDE:lMPoRT". surZ et feuilletez fondion '!olet". Passezdans le menu commande"ä "6l6mentsde commandeE: volet". Vousvoyezä l'affichage: "valeurfixe 1". jusqu'ä I'option sur et feuilletez Appuyez [l rli[rl:'E : IriFüFlT "1" avecE)etfeuilletezjusqu'ä AppuyezsurN passezsur"en" . r..rü'-, ! rlJ-rFft! lT avecla toucheE]: f E : t ll:ILET L 14 F I l':- I 1 luüri"s 6metteur listedeI'autre irdiquerquelle maintenant Vousdevez ;;::ffffii1ilX'#ä?lä!fJi;T"'#öTH: la'Valeurfxe'1",par voyez: r€gler AprösunappuisurZvouspouvez pourla position depart. exemple rl,.!tJl:,E :li'lptiF:T pendant de fagonä voirle le r6glage, Bougezl'intenupteur rt:,E tt!: EI{TEF;I.{E resuftat oourle servo. valeurfixe. Passons ä la seconde "valeurfixe2".Appuyezalorssur El: c esl termin6.Le trans{erts'effec{ue surl'option surxetpassez nouveau Appuyezde Si vous contrölezvotre memoircactuelle, immediatement. que cellecicontientle progEmmeN0 9. vousverez suivant: VousvoyezI'affichage nesefait paspouruneraisonou uneautre, Si la transmission "mode:eneur!".Chefchez-en lacause votredmetteurannonce et ßcommencez. UEXPORT pourlevol ll se fait de la mÖmemaniÖre,nousallonsdonc le d6crire surwpourr6glercettevaleur,parexemple Appuyez pourvoirle b'riÖvement. de vitesse.lci aussi,bougezvotreinterrupteur surle servo. rösuttet lam6moire danslemenu"changerm6moire" Choisissezd'abord pour possibiliü6s suivantes Finalement,vous avezles du second6metteurdanslaquellevous alleztransf6rerles les volets: donnöes. "mode: milieu: enposition interflipteur Allezensuiteau menu"copierm6moire"et au lieudu "expon". parle curseur. servodevoletcommandÖ VousdevezappuyezalorssurIl impon",choisissez exremes: pourindiquezquellem6moirede votre6metteurvousvoulez enpositions inteffuüeur pr€r€g lÖes. transf6rer. oul'autre despositions servodevoletsurl'une Votreaffichagese pr6senteainsi: uE:IJULET Fili-:E F-I1:J 5EUL5I: rc. Tnn sfertqte deux6mefteu Admettonsque vous ayeztrouv6le gogrammeparfaitpour votre modÖle'XYZ" et qu'unde vos amisvientd'acheterle PRoH mc 3O10,vous luiaussiune mememodöfe.S'ifpossöde pouveztransfÖrervotre programmedansson 6metteur. entredeux 6metleuts On peuttransfererdes programmes PROHmc 3010. Commevousallezle voir,celäsefaittds simdement.llvous suffitde poss€derle cäble de transfertNo-8 5120. Deuxtypesde transfertssont possibles: le passagede votre ömetteursur un autreC'export') surle votre('import') le passaged'unautreÖmetteur Le passageentredeux6metteursest le mÖmetravailque la cooie entrc deux m6moirss.[a cible de votre transfert est toujours la m6moircactuelle. Cequiveutdirequ'ilvousfautfaireattentionlols de I'export: de si votremdmoir€aduelleeS la No 5 etquevousexportiez m6moireN012,cettecopieirasurlam6moire votredmetteurla de sa prcpre N0 5 de l'emetteurqui regoit,ind6pendamment mömoireaduelle. En cas de doute, mieuxvaut importerde l'emetteurd'un collfuue:cecivouspermetde choisirvotrepropr mÖmoire. rl,lu$E : EHPTJF:T LirE t-lii:FIE:,Tli ApresI'appuisur El, le transfertse passeimm6diatement. Encore deux conseils: decopie,d'import, unprocessus intenomprc 1. Sivousvoulez d'exportou d'effacement,6teignezsimplementvotre emetteur.Lesdonndesdansles m6moiresreslerontnon modifi6es. lesversionsde unimporUexportentretoutes 2. Pourpermettre l'6metteuf,cette fondion esl limit6eaux 15 premiÖres m6moireset ä MX. 61 Ed6mentde commandevifurcl"valeur fixeu unservoavecun manche(ouun Si vousd6sirezcpmmander sacrifierun fondion),vousn'ötespasobligdsde intenupteurde est n6cessaire öldmentde commandepourcelä.La condition que le servo ne doit prendreque deux positionsfxes. D'abord attribuer: "attribuer le servo".Choisissez Avec EIZI|B allezau menu surwl'6l6ment avoirappuy€ servod€sir{et attribuez-luiaprös des vrais de commande'valeur fixe". Lors de I'attribution 'Valeurfixe"n'apparait pas. 6l6mentsde commande, Ensuib r6gler: "r6glerseryo""course"et Allez par EIZZ dans le menu choisissezle servoauquelvousavez attribu6"valeurfixe". Appuyezsur El et fixezla valeurde la premiößposition. lequelvous I'intenupteuravec Dansle menu"intef',choisissez le servo. desirezcommander Figurc 61 "r€gler La secondepositiondu servoestrdgl6edansle menu servo""neutre".Pource faire,appuyezsur El puissur E. Le cäbleint*rupteur etappuyez ensuitesurZ pour Choisissezl'intenupteurd6sign6 "8". ll permet,commeson nom ll e$ connecl6ä la prise r€glerla secondevaleur. I'indique,d'enclencherou de ddclencherI'installationde r6ception.ll peut Ctremont6dans la paroidu fuselagedu modöle. decourant ll eiste diff6rentesvariantesdu cäbleintenupteur.voir le desservoset dessources Branchement Les catalogueg6n6ralMULTIPLEX.Certainsinterrupteurs de rÖception. esi le coeurde I'installation Le rÖcepteur possödentune prise de chaQe. L'intenupteurliv|€ avec et autres 6lec{roniques seNos,r6gulateuF,interrupteurs ce qui possödeune ptisede chargeincorpor6e, I'ensemble y d6codeurssontbranchÖs. modÖle cäble vouspermetdechargervotreaccusansleddmonterdu estreli6aurecepteurparun r6ception L'accumulateurde (figure 62). (tigure60). ll. L'in#llation de r6ception interrupteur PPMoUPCM? esile processus"intelligent" LePCM(Puls€-CodeModulation) sontcodeespar informations Les dedonn6es. detransmission l'6metteur.Le r6cepteurreconnaitles signauxabenantset requtantquedure coh6rents donneauxservosledemiersignal FkJurc60 perturbation (voir des seNos Les fr6tillements Fail-Safe). de 1 ä un la Lessortiesdesservosdu rdcepteursontnum6rot6es ä unefonction. sontainsidiminu6s. maximumde10.Chaquepriseservoconespond conduitd'autrcpartä une despe urbations Lespetitsrecepteurs,pourdesraisonde place,ontdessorties Cettediminution pefturbations qu'avecle plustardive des dites unetellefichepeutparexemdeare maquÖe reconnaissanc€ ä deuxfonctions. branch6.La syslömePPM. avec"1/8".Un seulservopeuty ett€ditEctement a des avantagessi vous PPM (Pulse-Position-Moduletion) plus dansl'exemple, est alors adiv6e, bas fonclionaunum6role lesinformations votre modÖle, rapidesde rÖactions desirezdes la fonction1. plus lesyslÖme au rocepteurqu'avec souvent 6tant tra nsmises Dansce cas,vous Quefairepourutiliserles deuxfonctions? PCM. avez besoind'un adaptateurd'extensionNo. 8 5060.ll se composed'unefiche et d'uneprisedouble.La ficheva au ä la prisedoublede lesdeuxservossonl@nnec{6s r6cepteur, (figure61). I'adaptateur 62 Testdepoftde Quelr*cePteurüilisen Le test de pon6e appartientaux corürolesqui permettent Nousvous unemeilleures6curit6de votremodÖle. d'assur€r portee quid6coule de pourletestde unerecette avonspr6par6 notreexo6rienceet de nosmesures' (unseul6l6ment I'antenned'emission 1. RentrezcomplÖtement op6rationnel). 2. FaitestenirvotremodCleparunaideä unehauteurde1 m. 3. Prenezgardequ'aucunobjet metalliquene se trouve ä (positiondes&urit6 desseruos/ proximite(clöturcs, voitures). Fait-Safe estallumd autre6metteur siaucun letesiseulement Disponibleseulementpour les dcepteurs PCM-DSI 4. Faites PCM avec sontutilisables PCMMULTIPLEX Touslasrdcepteurs votreemetteur. PPM PPMavec7ou9 canauxde Vouspouvezchoisiruneemission 'l 'l). les ainsiutilisertous (voirpage Vouspouvez commande FM+PMMULTIPLEX. r€cepteurs (meme suruneautrefrequence). plusde0,8seconde' lesgaz designaldure Siuneperturbation sivousavezles ContrÖlez (sortier6cepteurNo.4) passesur25oÄet les autresservos 5. Allumez et r€cepteur. 6metteur jusqu'ä dur6ce eurque 80m.entre estuneoption pour dislance une passent Lefail-safe auneutre. cidessous resultats pour fondion. en sa mise et r6cepteur vousdevezcommuter 6metteur Pourle syslömePPM,les servosdoiventr6agiraux uPerT Sim plesupu ou DoubleS etsansfr6tillements. desmenches mouvements Si votrc modÖlee$ equiped'un dcepteur35 MHzdansles PCM,less€rvosdoiventr6agirimm6diate PourlesystÖme MHz' puissants surlabandedes103-105 environsd'6metteuE ment aux ordres.Commele syslÖmePCM annuleles dues la port6equ'en votrer6cedeursimplesuperpeutsubirdespeltutbations vous ne pouvezcontrÖlez ft6tillements, superexclut Le |€cepteurDouble harmoniques. desservos. auxfi€quences regadantla vitessede d6placement de filtres' cespeftuöationsgräceä uneautretechnique avec le test Ögalement le ä moteur,faites Pourles modÖles moteuren marche. Monbgede l'accu,desservosetdu r&epteur de la plusfavorable Le schemacidessousmontrela maniÖre D6finissez monterlesdifferents6l6mentsdansvotremodÖle de votre modÖlecommentmonterles dÖsla cons{ruction rec6ption. I'ensemble 61emeitscomposants Servo Switch Recaiver Figure 63 Däpnsila,gepourlesallumages magn6tiqu* ou 6l*lron iques fix6au avecuntubemdtallique Blindezlecäbled'allumage de la bobine. canerä proximitÖ de bougieblindes. utilisezdescapuchons depuisI'accude jamais prcnez le courantd'allumage Ne 16ceotion. Gardezune distanceminimumde 15 cm avec tous les accuy-compris. 6l6mentsde reception, entre aussicourtesque possibles Faitesdesconnections etsonaccuet avecuncäblesuffisant(minimum I'allumage 0,5mm'de section). d'allumageun interupteurd'au Lnilisezpourl'intenupteur despertes) moins10Ampöres(diminution Conseilspur resservos Le couple ä utiliserpour le choix des seNos peut etre parla formulesuivante: calcu16 apprcximativement Conseilspourle rÖcePteur: = coupleen kg/cm (en 0.75x surfacemobile crn2y100 pourle montage du r€ceFeur lespointssuivants Observez souventdes rallongespourles demandent LesgrosmodÖles dansvotremodÖle: cäbl;s de servos.celleeci influencentla r€ception.Si la . evitezla moteurs6ledriquesoudesallumages mit6des oroxi 60 cm,vousdevezutiliser depasse cäblerallonge longueurdu 6ledrhues. des filtres. Si des cäbles sont montds en parallÖleä ces parlechemin lepluscourt. rallonges . sortez votremodÖle sur unedistancede plusde 25 cm, il faut aussiles l'antennede suivantes: (emballezle dans 6quiperde fittres.Vousavezlespossibilit6s . protfuezvotrer6cepteur desvibrations No.8 5058 votre pour dans interm6diaire enfichage Cäbleavecfilt.e de la mousseet montezlesanscontrainte entre le existant un modÖle Ce cäble peut etre mont6 sur modÖle). . nemodifiez deräception r€cepteuret la Ptiseservo. pasla longueur devotrcantenne No.8 5083 Gäblerallongeavecfiltre, long60 cm . montezl'antenneenl'6tirantaumaximum 0amaisenroul6e). en kit filtß renforc6 Cäblerallongeä monteravec fuselage . nemontez pasI'antenne ä I'interieurd'un No.I 5138 max.2 m ä la fibredecarbone(effe{decagedeFaraday). permet lesailes montÖs dans derelierlesservos Cecäblevous en fibrede parexemple. . ne collezpas I'antenne sur des 6lÖments carbone. qr counrrtdevotu modde Alimentation . Accu de r6ception parla peutCtted6termin0e La capacit6de I'accude r6ception formulesuivante: 0,2Ah x nombrede servos= capacitede I'accuen Ah un Pourunmodöleavec5seryos,ilvousfaudraitparexemple pour votre choisissez lci aussi, d'un Ampöre/heure. accu söcurit6un accuplusgrosquecalcul6. Les accussontdes d6chetsspeciauxet ne vont pas ä la poubelle. L€s accus au repos pasvotre6metteurpourunelonguepÖriode, Si vousn'utilisez obseNezlespointssuivants: 6tatde charge: qu'ilvautmieuxconserver lesaccus a montrÖ L'erp6rience en 6tatd6charg6. autod6charge: Cäbleinterrupteur Lesaccusperdentjusqu'ä1oÄde leurchargeparjour,ils Le cäbleinterupteuresl mont6entrel'accuet le r6cepteur. peuventCtr€complötement en troismois. d0charg6s cequivouspermet recharue sont6quipdsd'uneprisedecharge, Certains et charged'entretien: du modöle. sansle dÖmonter de chaEerI'accude reception peutetre maintenuen chargeavec un Uaccud'6mission No. 70mA.LecombiladerMULT|PLEX courantconstantde Sydömediagnostique 14 5540est6quipesortiede 70 mA. et le r6cepteur Pourlesdglages,vouspouvezrelierl'emetteur doitCtre Lesservos Le r6cepteur No. I 5105. diagno$ique le cäble avec prise HF Le module de charge. avec ä un interildeur connect6 Pour chaqueutilisation,le servoadapt6 mis hors-service. est automatiouement de r6ception.lls Lesservossontles musclesde I'installation ou d'autres les carburateurs Le systÄmediagnostique... mobiles, les surfaces actionnent partie des utilisations majeule provoque En rÖgleg6n6rale,la une möcanismes. du courant:le moduleHF ....6conomise souvent offrent Ceux-ci univelsels. de bons seNos secontente de 30% supp6mentaire consommalion prix/qualit6. le meilleurrapport HF caril ny a pasd'Ömission .... ne derangepersonne, par... .... ne peutpasetrcperturbe,carle signalHF n'eslpasutilis6 Les servos se diffÖrencient ... le type de sortie. parle r6cepteur. k majorit6desservossontdesseNosrotatifs,avecunecourse lmportant pour le systÖmediagnostique: spöcialescomme le train +/- 45". Pour les utilisations quesi aucune de diagnoslique VousnepouvezutiliserlesyslÖme (stell-servo) avecun d6battement efslent desservos (voirpages63et rentrant ä l'Öcolage fonctionde manchen'estattribu6e de +/- 90'. CertainsmontagessontfacilitÖspar des servos &l). d'un s€rvolineairedside dansson lin6aires.L'inconv6nient le moduleHF esl de d6battement sontadaptables Si vousenlevezle cäblediagnoslique, Lesservosrotatifs nonmodifiable. voscollögues. ä la coursedemandäepar une modification de leur brasde nouveauen fonctionet vouspouvezperturber pas. C'est pourquoi, öteignez l'6metteuravant de retirer la levier,leslin6aircsne le permettent fiche. ... la puissance(couple). (qui du moteuretdurapportder6duction LapuissancedÖpend pas ä prendre importante' Pr*cautions n'esl la rapidit6 Si aussila rapiditÖ). influence solutionresiele Povver-servo. la meilleure Prot6gezvotre 6meIleü PROF ,nc 3010conte: nosseNosProfi nousvouscrnseillons modÖles, Pourlesgrcs . lesd6gatsm6caniques granderapidit6. ä une maximumalli6e llsofirentune ouissance . destemp6ratures de plusde 60' (soleildansI'auto) un accude choisissez Profi, servos Si vousutilisezolusieurs . humidit6,dissolvant, r6sidus carburant, gros. reception dus . poussiöres(dansvotre atelier) ... la rapidit6. peut Larapidit6 Pensezaussiqu'unevariationrapidede temp€rature vient,commepourlesautos,duchoixdurapportde qui perturbele fondionnement pignons,ce qui va ä I'encorüre provoquer de la condensation du couple.Nosservossont Seulsdes normales. de l'6metteur.Faitesun test de port6esi vous avez de la suffisammerrapidespourlesutilisations et laissezsecherl'6metteur. desservosspeed. condensation modölestßs rapidesn6cessitent ... la pr6cision. Ilaccu d'ötttission atteint0,2%. La p€ci$onde nosseNosprofessionnels Preneznotequ'unacüt neufn'atteintsa pleinecapacit6 ... la grandeur. qu'apßsenviron10cyclescharge/decharge. Certainesutilisationsn6cessitentdes seNos tßs petits avec . ChaEezdesaccusneußcapablesd'etrecfia€6s rapidementune force suffisante.Dans ce cas, nos servos Pico sont dememesil'accu paniculiörement normale, bienadaptÖs. charge auminimumtroisfoisen r6cemment. n'apas6t6chatgÖ . Nechargez en chaeerapidequelesaccuspr6vuspour celä. . Nechargez entre0'Cet unetemFrature lesaccusqu'avec 40'c. . Evitezdeseffortsm6caniques etlescellules. surlescäbles . Remplacez ä tempslesvieuxaccus. 64 MC l-afamilledesservos ,..ou: un computerdansunservo des LesseNosmcsontcontr0l6sparuncomputeret possÖdent pardesservosconventionnels. qualit6sinatteignables Parexemple: grandepuissance FWre 67 forte retenue Quadrc: 6tendue tensiond'alimentation Chaque ind6pendantes. flapemnendeuxsurfaces Partaged'un prcgrammation surfacetravaillecommeaileronet commevoletde coutbure. Cettefamillede seNos permetde resoudr€des prcblÖmes La separation en deuxsurfacespermetune utilisationplus pourlesgrandesenvergures complexes. etdesvolets desailerons favorable grande plus desailerons). portance efficacitÖ (meilleure et Ctreplus exterieursdevrait dela partieailerons Led6battement pourameliorer int6rieurs grandqueceluide la partieailenons de lapartievoletsdevrait dememe,leddbattement I'efücacitÖ: pourgarantir sur plus grand surI'intdrieurque I'extÖrieur' ötrE ConceptsdesmodÖlesä voilurs fxes. stabilitÖ. unemeilleure A6ro-fieins (spoiler): Elömentsde commandepour augmenterla trainÖe(et voletsde a6ro-freins, partiellement Parexemple, la portance). plus pouvant6tred6plac6sä borddefuiteouvoletsdecourbure de 30' en positifou en n6gatif. lll. Techniquede mod6lisme Fktut 6S Butterfly: Volets de couöure (flaps): Volets de bord de fuite qui modifie la forme du profil et sa devold6termin6es. portance pourl'adapterä desconfigurations Un mouvementpositif (volets vers le bas) provoqueune n6gatif de portanceen vol lent.Un mouvement augmentation resireint.environ2-3',diminuela dsistanceenvoldevitesse. plusde30"provoque uneforteaugmentation Unmouvementde de la trainee.lls peuventdoncCtreutilis6sainsicommeaides d'atterissage(butterfly, spoileß). quadro aÖro-freins. aveclafonc{ion lafondion Complementde positivement peuver braqu6es Ötre int6rieures Lessufaces resnfuativementpouraugmenter (verslebas)etcelles ext6tieu F3Bqui nepossÖdent pourlesmodölestype Utilisation latEin6e. ques. pasd'a6ro-freins sp6cifi Flaperons: Figurc69 surfacesmobilescontinuesde bordde fuite,qui travaillent Snap-flap: commeailemnset voletsde courbure' -+ voletsde courbure.Utilise Fondionm6lang6eprofondeur pouraugmenter pour spÖcialement les modÖlesd'acrobatie pmfondeur, lesvolets profondeur. Entirantla de la I'effic€cite ou ced augmente de courburebougenten sens oppos6. permet qui des figures de faire de I'aile,ce diminuela portance trössereesavecdesanglesvifs. Delta (6levons): bod defuitedesmodÖlessans Surfacesmobilescontinuesde arriöre(delta,aile volante)'Travaillentcomme slabilisateur aileronset commeProfondeur. Figare70 65 en V: Empennage etde laditedionenformedeV. de la profondeur Combinaison r fontbougerlesvoletsdansle meme LesordFsde profondeu sens,ceuxde directionen sensoppo66. fondionen courbe,lesgaz6tantasservisparle pas. "courbeen 3 points": et le pasmaximum. le stationnaire Passeparle pasminimum, "courbeen 5 points": de avecenplusdeuxpointsintermddieires Commeci-dessus, Ceci permetune meilleure oart et d'autrcdu slationnaire. du rotorauxcaract6ristiques adadationdubesoindepuissance du moteur. de puissance P€s€lection gaz (idle-up): pourun rotortravaillant sanscharge. Positiondu carburateur Diff6rentiel: pourcontrerle infualdesailerons du d6battement D6signation n6gatifsurI'axede roulis. couplede r€nversement 6galdanslesdeux Si les aileronsposs&entun debattement virageprovoqueparsonaugmentalion sens,l'ailerone)üÖrieurau axialdesensoppos6auvirage. detraineeuncoudedetorsion parunmowementde la dircdion.En Cecidoitötrecompensd Commande Schlüter: plus d'un componementde filotage peu favorable,cette chaque fonction lat6ral, r6adiondiminuele rcndement,ce qui esl particuliörementlongitudinal et paspossödeun visiblepourlesgrosmodÖles. servo söpar6.Particularit6: (plusveß le hautqueversle bas) plateaucycliquenon mobile diff6renci6 Un mouvement reduitet meme annulecet effet. L'effetde ce couplede axialement. depas Commande renversemersur l'axede roulisd6pendde la g6om6triedu par une tringledans I'axede modöleet clesonprofil:desessaispratiquessontn6cess€ires rcror. pourd6terminer lesvaleuFcorredes.Engrcs,led6battement mentverslebasde5G verslehautatteint100%pourunddbatte 709/o. Conceptsde fhdicopt*e FWrc71 Plateau cyclique: Piöcemecanhuequim6lange6ttransmetlesmouvementsde Commande lleim: fxe surlespalesen rotation. Lesfonctionspaset latÖralsont commandedepuisla m6canique et m0lang6es6ledroniquement Pas collectif: Ceuxr6padiessurdeuxservos. En resum6:pas en leplateaucyclique ci pilotent Modificationcommunede I'angled'attaquedes palespour gauche/droiteet en basi/haut. controlerla portance.La rdsultantede cetteportanc€coihcide Le longitudinal est mÖcaniqueavec l'axe rotor. pas.Unservo mentd6coupl6du Pas cyclique: pilotelemouvementlongitudinal Variationcycliquede I'engled'attaquede chaquepale.Ceci du plateau. provoqueunemoditication du plande rotationdespaleset la Paniculadt6: portancer€sultantene coihcideplus avec I'axe rotor.Utilis6 Compensation m6caniquede pour: flarepossible. Commandelongitudinale: la dsultanteesl d0plac6edevarüoudeniÖreI'axe,conespond F4ß 72 avions. ä la directionde vol. Corespondä la profondeurdes La commande CPM (mix t€b) commandelat6tiale: Abr€viationpour ColledivePitch Mixing.Les signauxdu La r€sultanteesl d6dac6eä droiteou ä gauchede I'axe. cycliquelat6ralet longitudinal ainsique ceux du pas sont Conespondauxailercnsdesavions. combinöset ensuitedpanis sur les servos.ll ny a plusde mecanique. d'oalunesimplification mölangeur m6canique, Rotor d'anti{ouple: Produitun couple invets€ ä celui du rotor principald'un D6calagevirfuel du plateau cyclique desavions. Sil'onmontesurun Conespond ä la direction mono-rotor. helicoptöre pr6vupourdeuxpalesune plateaucyclique neconespond ducyclique t6tederotorätroispales,I'inclinaison Gyroscope: quimesurelestorsions du plandespales,parcequela construdion autourdeI'axevettical plusä I'inclinaison Massetoumante permetpasd'avoirla commande aurotor desrotorsäpalesmultiplesne etquienvoielessignauxdeconedionsconespondants la dus arriöre.Commechaqueoldresur le rotorprincipalprovoque de chaquepaleä 90degr6sparrapportä sa trajectoire haute.Si la commandedu cycliquene conespondpas au unevariationde couple,cecifacilitele pilotage. systömede rotor mont6, il est possiblede simuler Att6nuationdu gyroscope: ce d6calagedu plateaucyclique. surl'axeverticalpourdes 6lectroniquement de I'effetdugyroscope Redudion voulues. rapides manoeuvres Courbede gay'pas: possible au aussiconstantque nombredetours Pourgarderun puissance de moteuresl adapt6eä la demande rotor,la pas/gaz d'une puissance estRxesousforme dumtor.Lerapport t)o Contents Page Page Adiusting the transmilter controls lntroduction mc3010......... tothePRoFI welcome Animoortantdifference........................................ Aboutthismanual................. The legalside Quickstart ....i, I. The transmitter The hardware ..........................4 frontface.notesonoDeration Transmitter andclosingthetransmitter, Opening .......................5 theRFmodule changing p a n e l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................6 T r a n s m i tbt a e cr k lnsidethetransmitter: theconnectors CablecomDartment. A c t i v a t i ntgh e s t i c kr a t c h e.t. . . . . . . . . . . . . Charging the transmitter battery rapid-charging Slowcharging, ..7 What it does, how you set it up Memories and lists ...............7 The keypad and the menu system Thekeypad T h em e n us v s l e m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...............8 ..................9 "Transmitter Control" copymode...............................-.... " EXPORT' " IMPORT" copymode...........................42 and Transmitter control s a n d switches ........... - thepointof noreturn.......................42 The"Mx" memory The"SHIFT"menu: Special-purpose menus models...................... Howto switch ..............'12 or "Status" display............... The"Operations" "NAME"menu: The period timer.............................13 Howto usetheoperating H o wt o e n t e ro r c h a n g ea m o d e ln a m e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 mode transmission Changing T h e" T R l M " m e n u : (PPMZ P P M gP, C M ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H o wt o c h e c ka n dc o r r e ctth et r i ms l i d e r s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 Mixers Poweredmodels: "BIGLIFT" "RC1/F3A' " MIRAGE" Helicopters: , HELIBOY' " RANGER" .............,................4 W h a ti s " m i x i n g ? " H o wt o u s et h e p r e - d e f i n emdi x e r s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 "ready-made"mixers ......49 Description of the pre-defined, Mixersfor fixed-wingmodels: "ELEVATOR +","V-TNV, "V-TAIL+", "CROW', " s N A p F L A P " ". Q U A D R O " , ' O E L T A. .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9 . 1 9 Mixersfor model helicoDters: "TAILROTOR'"HEIM Mlx' , HEAD' ,' HEAD , ..............20 " DYNAMICTHROTTLE',"FLARE" The freelydetinablemixers , BK-'117" The assigning process .................25 Whydowe haveto assign? ...........................--25 controls thetransmitter Howto assign H o wt oa s s i gsne r v o .s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6 Adiusting the servos ..............28 servorotation Howto reverse Howto adjust servoneutral..................................-..........29 servotravel...............................................29 Howto adjust H o wt o l i m ist e r v tor a v e.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 ..............................30 switchable Howto maketravelinputs ..50 ......50 .....65 ..TRANSMITTER .....66 The Äccessories ............6 . .7. . S t i c kt o p s . . . . .67 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i n s t a l l i n s g w i t c h e s F l e l o c a t i nagn d . . . . . . . . . . ..68 w e a t h e s r h i e l d H a n ds u p p o r t s , For Experts "in flight" ............68 memories Switching 2 .....................69 with more than ailerons Assigning servos ..................................69 T h e" S l "s w i t c h programs .............. 70 transmitters between two Transferring ...................71 VALUE virtual transmitter control TheFIXED - Welcometo the PROFImc 3010 a Well.tirstot all.the PROFImc3010is capableof much the PROFImc 3010youhaveacquired In purchasing quality, of productof the highest withall the advantages morethan you can imagine- and we wouldhateto "Made we haveput a lotol fromyou.Secondly, Wethankyoufor yourfaith hideanything in Germany". being can that any modeller this a manual into making eftort Inourcompany. - everything in full. is explained understand the capabilities radiocontrolsystems As in all top-class soite ol this, we haveto admit that the familiar in the transmitter,In are concentrated of the equipment " 8Ol2O"rulestillapplies:withonlya 20010 knowledge of wealthof featuresandfaciliwhichoffersa tremendous you oJ its facili800/0 will be able exploit the transmitter, also embodiesan entirelynew ties.Andyouwillsoonfindout thatyouonlyneedthis ties.The transmitter de- manualforthe oddspecialcase. thesefeatures, methodol settingup andcontrolling for easier to maketheseadvantages signedspecifically we wouldask you pleaseto read right Nevertheless, anduse. to understand themodeller Dothis, this book at leastonce,andthoroughly. through "the is basedon threeelements: Thisnewphilosophy you to usethe you know enough sure that can be and deviceguidestheuser",by meansof a "menusystem" systemsensibly. Youwillalsoacquiresomeideaof the messages". whichthe systemopensup, and "clear,easilyunderstood vastrangeof possibilities "so you for themat present. have no use evenif for asking Withthisin mind,youcouldbe forgiven whydo we needsucha fat manual?"Andindeed,you We hope and trust that you will havemanyyearsof pleasureand successwith your PROFImc 3010. tomeratherfrightening. maytindsucha weighty Aboutthis manual to applyto you,skipit for now,and readit lateron' perhapswhenyoufindthatyoureallydo needit' lf vou are an old handat this sortof thing,pleasebe suie to readwith particularcarethe Sectionswhichare " concernedwith memories,switchingmemories in switch.Theseare the facilities flioht".and withanyotherradiocontrolset. not available wfrich.are The tirst part: and its wide- The secondpart: describesand explainsthe transmitter of basically consisting system: dealswiththe receiving facilities. ranging no there are As battery. and the servos the receiver, the in a andorganised Thispartof the manualis designed in this areafrom earlierradio differences substantial it makes sense that so sequence, looicä|.tutorial-slvle this parthasbeenkeptrathermorebriel. systems, to"readit rightth;oughwhileyoubecomefamiliarwith to theworldof modelraif youarea beginner at the sametimeit servesas an excel- However, the equipment; for youto readthis important it is tbchnology, dio control sourcefor later. lentreference andobserve information, part the absorb very carefully, thenthe main the hardware, lnitiallvthe textdiscusses possible. as as far our recommendations ontheLCDdisplay. whichyouwillencounter screens some whichexplains an appendix jusl Themanualincludes the menusystemmakesthe transmitter Although -perfect in dismost often up which crop terms the technical of a seriesof for the " DlY programmer", about systems. control model aircraft of cussions "programs" (astheyusedto be called)is ready-made andex- lf you are a beginner,the next suggestionis aimed thesearedescribed and standard, as supplied squarelyat you: plainednext. singlemanualon radiocontrol After this the learningcurve becomessomewhat No matterhow fat, a provide you with all the knowlcan never steeper(don'tworry,it's notas bad as it sounds)as we equipment the morecomplex to operate in depth.Firstyouwill edgeyou need in order facilities covdrthö transmitter's So: readall the successtully. models and facilitieswhich are anä dbmanding learnaboutthe procedures get you hold ol - thereare can books and magazines Afterthat we deal with those neededmostfrequently. whichcropup lessoften,andsomewhichonlythe ad- plentyof themabout. Andonemorething:pleasejoina club,if at all possible. is everlikelyto use. vancedmodeller who peoplewithsimilarinterests, Pleasedon'tthinkthat you haveto knowand under- Thereyouwill meet their of pass benefit pleased on the to too only rightfrom the will be aboutthe transmitter standeverything notseem exoerience. does that you something across lf come start. and want to "get lf you havesome prior experience, pleaseturn to the as possible, downto it" as quickly the main whichprecedes sectionentitled"Quickstart", textol themanual. of the book is dividedinto two main The remainder The legalside Nothingtoo oneroushere,but thereare a tew regulationswhichwe haveto heed. Youmusthavea licenceto operatea radiocontrolsystem - and in fact you needa licenceiust to own one. system'so you The PROFImc 3010is a type-approved problem licence. a obtaining willhaveno thesystemin the40 MHzband' lf Vouintendoperating "General Licence"suppliedwiththe set is all you thä need.Carryit withyouwhenusingtheset,as it mustbe oroducedön demahdit an officialof the PostOfficede' mandsto seeit. authorityif you intend Youmustnotifythe appropriate usinga systeniin the 35 MHzband.PleaseapplyJor you withthe system; vourlicenceon theformsupplied personal your details' with form the iraveto fill out Systemsoperatingin the 35 MHz bandmay only be uied to controlmodelaircraft' lmportant: RF mayonlybe usedwiththefollowing Thbtransmitter modules: OrderNo.45668 (27MHzband) DBPlicenceNo.MF142183 OrderNo.4 5672 DBPlicenceNo.MFi42/83(40MHzband) OrderNo.4 567| (35MHzA andB band). DBPlicenceNo.FE-78y83 It is not legalto use the systemwith other(older)RF modules. (although sadlyit is notobliga' recommend Westrongly for your torv)thaavou take out third'partyinsurance peryour to extension modets,oi add an appropriate sonalinsurance PolicY. TheoperationoI workingmodels- especiallyof model aircraft- carriesinherentriskswhichoughtto be covinered.Andeventhoughyoumaybecomprehensively your with model you operate that vital sured,it is still safetyin mindat alltimes. Veryimportant:as in the caseof a privatecar,your liare invalidif you carryout cenceand yourinsurance Theopto yourradiocontrolequipment. modifications to series-approved eratinglicenceappliesexclusively units. expansion andanyapproved equipment Formodelaircraftabovethe legalweightlimitit is neccertificatebeforeyoufly. essaryto obtainan exemption We strongly recommendthat you join a modelflying to one ot the national club.Many'clubsare affilialed governingbodies,and insuranceis often an integral partof membershiP. Quiteapart from these benelits,a club can offer you and helpyou to solvethe help,answeryourquestions, whichyouareboundto encounter. myriadproblems Wewill assumethat it hasworkedconectly.Nowpress the Il key.The numberin line 2 startsto flash.Now pressthe E or El key untilthe number01 After purchasinga new radio control system most shouldalsobeflashing. wantto seeit in actionas quicklyas possible Nowpressthe E keytourtimes;you are finished,and modellers - to findoutwhetherit works,if nothingelse.lf thisde- will see the startingdisplayagain,exceptthat now brief memorynumber01willbedisplayed: fits,thenthissectionis provides scription how on in the way of explanation, withlittle instructions, your mc get with PROFI 3010. to started ü 1 EI{ F T ' /! F F I' ]:-I as deand receiverbatteries 1. Chargethe transmitter i . SErtJllllllrlrjr: ir.J scribedon pages7 and 74. lt you are in a real hurry, rapidcharger, automatic andhaveaccessto a Multiplex lf you see a modelnameafter01, insteadof EMPTY, thenyoucanusethat. don'tworry- it'sallin order. system, as of the receiving the components 2. Connect 7. Nowit is timeto copy a "ready-madeprogram"into shownon page72. thismemory. 3. Checkthatthe RF moduleis pluggedintothe transselectone of on your particularinterests, crystal(blue)is plugged Depending mitter,andthatthetransmitter three: these intoit. Thereceivermustbe fittedwiththe receivercrys"FIESTA' (glider) frommemoryNo.6, tal (sameChannelNo.);for a singlesuperhetreceiver yellow receiver a superhet or tag, for a double this hasa "BlGLIFT"(powered holder. clearDlastic frommemoryNo.10, model) The LCDdisplaywill now or 4. Switchon the transmitter. " HELI-BOY" showa screensimilarto this: (Schlueter-type from helicopter) memoryNo.13. FFt'1'1 li 15 Erli:l You will now copy one of these two models into memoryNo.1,as follows: : rj5r,.rllllllr.Jrj irt i, Pressthesekeysin succession: EIS Z . Thetransmit' The top lineshowsthe memoryNo.,the nameoJthe terwillconfirmeachkeypresswitha bleep. "current"model(or EMPTY),and the transmission Thescreenshouldnowlooklikethis: mode(PPMZPPMg,or PCM)usedforthatmodel.The voltage; operating secondlineshowsthe transmitter's rf'lü[iE : F|]LL firstin digitalform,thenin theformof a "bargraph".On time. therightistheoperating r.J ! I : El'lFTt,j rFF;t'1. as may not be exactly line ot the display The top iJthereis a model shown;this dependson whetheryour dealerhas (Hereagain,it makesno difference "EMPTY".) No. instead of nameafterthe 01, preparedthe transmitterfor you in advance. you haveeitherforgottenone is different, lf the display 1 5 areva' memories thetransmitter's 5. As supplied, presseda wrongkey.In this "ready-made you have keys, or of the programs". 6 15contain cant;memories press untilyou arriveback key repeatedly the case El memories arealsoempty. Thefollowing again. Trytheprocedure screen. at the starting lf yourdealerhas not alreadydoneso (in whichcase in line 2 (after"FRM." The number 01 Press the key. ! youonlyneedto switchon),younowhaveto selectone pressthe E keyrepeatOr - better- copyone of them = from)will startto flash.Now ol these"programs". The andflashes. number appears, the correct edly until Thenyoucanexperiintooneof the vacantmemories. the name after the conesponding will show display mentwithit withoutworryingaboutchanginganything numoer. usefulto in the original,whichmaywell be extremely Youhavenow "told" the transmitterwhatyou wantto yousoon. copy. Tocopya " program",you haveto do two things: andline Pressthe@ key.Nownothingwillbe flashing, a. lf youdo notseememoryNo.01at top leftin thedis- 2 willlookeitherlikethis: ( 01). play,youwillneedto changeto thatmemory "ready-made prob. Then you will copy one of the rF E :l 'ri 1 rE,: . F IE 5 T H grams"intothismemory. Thisis howyoudo it: 6. lf youdo notseememoryNo.01at topleftin thedisi r1:ErIril I FT rFF:t'l. or play,youmustfirstswitchto this memory. will The transmitter PresskeysE 5lS in succession. t F F I f ' I1. ] : H E LI E I J I J confirmeachkeypresswitha bleep.Yourdisplaywill nowlooklikethis: That'sthejob done.Nowpressthe @ keythreetimes, andyouarebackwhereyoustarted. S H I F T I HF EI L E Pleasenote: the programis alwayscopiedinto the T u r 1 5 :E t ' ;11i currentactivememory! . - . . : at thisstage: 8. Youcouldmeeta slightproblem in memory are for the "PPM" models stored All the mode. transmission yourPROFImc3010witha PCM lf youhavepurchased receive(you mustnowswitchto the correcttransmissionmode. Todo this,pressthesekeysin succession @Z tr, and youwillseethisdisplay: I tlti:FFt,ltr t'1üt:'ULHT Pressthe Z key,and"PPMg"willtlash.Nowpressthe El key,and"PPMg"willturninto"PCM". Pressthe @ key threetimes,and you will be backto Thejob is done. screen. thestarting off andon again(it's 9. lf younowswitchthe transmitter youwill see that not necessary, but do it nevertheless), Unlessand until the newsettings. it has remembered youswitchto a diflerentmodel,you will alwaysfind the mode transmitter setto thismodelandthistransmission you when switchon. [::'"\'''*' t \ LI\ | '-'r t, Keypad under flap Now you are readyto try the systemout. However, beloreyou startworryingaboutwhy the systemis not mode.This is always working,checkthe transmission ontheright. shownin thefirstlineof thedisplay, Threemodesarepossible: whichcannotde1) PPM7 = tor all PPMreceivers code9 channels.lf youpossesssucha receiver(e.9. red 4/6 channelreceiver)with the transmitterset to PPM9. the firsttwo servooutputchannelswill not wofk correctly. exceptthosemen2) PPMI = tor all PPMreceivers, tionedin 1. PCMreceivers. 3) PCM= allMULTIPLEX * lf the transmission modeis not correct,:see8. The nextstepis to havea lookat pages15to 24 to get an ideaol all the thingsyoucan do withthe model(or program) thatyouhaveselected. However, betoreyou can put the systemto serioususe, you will needto activatethe throttleratchet,andset up dependor throttle-right, the transmitterfor throttle-left Seepages7 and14tordetails. ingonyourpreference. Powerindicator Justto the rightof theON/OFFswitchis an LEDwhich is switchedon. lf the reglowswhenthe transmitter servebatterysystem,OrderNo.7 5710,is installed,the by is beingpowered LEDflasheswhenthe transmitter Aerialtensionscrew the reservebattery Chargesocket The Chargesocketis on the leftfaceof the transmitter, chargeleadis thetransmitter closeto thetop.Naturally pluggedin here; the socketis also used for the lead,thetransJer lead,for the Diagnosis Teabher/Pupil sensor. leadandthe rev-counter Aerialsockettensionsctew Thisscrewis usedto adjustthe frictionof the swivelling the friction, to increase aerialsocket.Rotateit clockwise buttakecarenotto overtightenthe screwas this might tightenthe screwto the damagethe swivel.lf necessary (fully pointwherethe aerialjust holdsits posiextended) in verysmallsteps, adjustments Make any tionreliably. checktheeffect,andadjustagainif necessary. the screwcan damagethe swivelbearOver-tightening Ing. Lift here (Switchesand Digi-Adjustornot suppliedas standard!) Slidercontrol"markers"(Fig.2) Theslidersarefittedwitha newformof marker- an exfeature, as it enables Thisis a highlypractical tra slider. set postionby feel youto shiftthe sliderto a previously Simply flapposition. to a particular älone:for example, squeezethe slider and the markertogetherbetween untiltheycoincide. thumbandforefinger Pleasenote: in eachcasethe "outboard"slider(the one nearestthe stickunit)is the actualslidercontrol: The markersare the "inboard"onesarethe markers. fittedwith a fine ratchetwhichcan be disengagedfor purposes. Todo thispushthe markerslider adjustment actualslider control- then the outwards towards moveit to the correctposition.Do notforceit alongthe ratchet- the ratchetwill lastlongerif youtreatit gently! Fig.2 Transmittercontrol symbols All of the controlsare designatedby a letter;for exampianeof the left-handstickunit, ole B is the forward/att and C is right/lefton the right-handstick.Theseletters are a usefulshorthandmethodol referringto the controls.Theselettersymbolsare used all the time in this text,and you will usethemwheneveryou usethe transmitter. Stick unit trims (Fig.3) stick Basicallythe trims - apartfromthe throttle/spoiler - workon the "Centre-Trim" principle.This meansthat the end-pointvaluesare unchangedwhen the centre (by positionof a stick functionis shiftedelectronically lever). trim movingthe associated Trim o,{^ the idle trim feastick incorporates The throttle/sooiler ture: this meansthat the trim slideronly worksat one end of the stick arc (idle);at the other end-point(full throttle)the trim has no effect.Pleaseturn to page 41 for detailsof howto set up the idletrim tacility. " Digi"-Adiustor(notincludedin basicset) has the samefunctionas the El and The Digi-Adjustor connected E keyson the keypad,and is automatically parallel that serves a uQekeys, whenever with these in ful purpose.Turningthe knob to the rightby one clickstop has the same effectas pressingthe E key once; turningit to the leftby one click is the sameas pressing the E keyonce. Thisadjustorhas no "zero" or centrepoint,and no endpoints!Don't worry - there is no possibilitythat you might "overwind"il. Once you reachthe end ot a particularadjustmentrange,it ceasesto haveany effect. When to use it: Wheneveryou wishto adjustany function over a considerablerange.However,its main purpose is for makingadjustments to the modelwhen it is duringtest in flight,e.g.for adjustingailerondifferential flying. The switch bays On eithersideof the LCDscreen,at the top of the trans' mitterfront face,are two wells,each of which can ac' They are numcept 6 switchesor similaraccessories. bered1 to 12 as shownin Fig.4. Switcheswith2 or 3 positions,longor shorttoggles,are availablefromyourdealer. . ilililililtlil| o @ o o @ o Fig.3 Openingandclosingthetransmitter the RFmodule Ghanging @ o @ @ @ @ Ftg 4 paneldown towardsyou. Alwaysclosethe keypadflap beforeopeningthe transmitter. Openingthe case as shownin Fig.5. Pressthe latch Closingthe case Holdthetransmitter buttonsdown with your thumbs,then fold the back This is best carriedout as shown in Fig. 6. Hold the Fig. 5 transmitterfrontas shown.Engagethe lugs at the bottom of the back panel,then foldthe back panelup until the latchessnap home. lf the latchesdo not immediatelyengage,pressin slightlyat the sides. Before closing the transmitteralways check that no wiresare trapped;especiallyaroundthe stickunitsand overthe well tor the keypadflap: there is no clearance at all at this point! lf the cablesare organisedlogicallyinsidethe transmit ter, there should be no danger of wires becoming caught up or jammed. Nevertheless- alwayscheck F i g . 6 one lasttime beforeclosingthe back! thereby Thiswillhelpto ensurethatit is fittedsquarely, Changingthe RF module;changingcrystals avoiding damage to the contacts. Graspthe moduleat the recessedpoints(Fig.7), then oull it uo and out of its holder. The crystalis pluggedinto the side of the RF module (Fig. 8). Pull out the crystalby its plastictag. When pluggingin a crystalmakesure that both pins engage correctlyin the socketin the module. Beforepluggingthe modulein again,bend the plastic tag overto one side. When relittingthe moduledo not press down in the centreof the unit,but aroundthe fingerrecessposition. Ftg.7 Transmitter backpanel lnside On bothsidesthereare holdersfor a sparepair of crystals and a replacementfuse. Pleasenotethe specially formedholderfor doublesuperhetreceivercrystalsand theircorrectpositionin the holder(Fig.9). Outside Thereis a wellin the outsideof the backpanelwhichacthe transmitter aerialIor transport. Thesupcommodates port bar can be set to threeditferentpositions: foldedin flush,at right-angles to forma backsupport,and upright as a carryinghandle.Pleasereferto Figs.10to 12. \ F i g .1 1 Fil.12 Don'tleverthemout - slidethem! lnsidethetransmitter Fuse Takea lookat Fig.13.Thebasicpurposeof thefuseis againstexcessive currents to protectthe transmitter lf the fuseburnsout, replaceit duringrapidcharging. quick-actjng withthesametype(5 x 21mm,2Ampere, - standard commercial item).Chargecurrentshigher electronthan2A maycausedamageto thetransmitter ics! Fig. 13 Fig. 14 Cablecompartment The leadsfrom the variousswitchesare stowedaway The connectors Threesidesof the mainelectronicscircuitboardare ex(Fig.14). insidethecablecompartment "peripherals", push one of the spring posed,eachfittedwithconnectorsfor the To open the compartment i.e.stickunits,switchesand so on. See Fig. 15. latches to onesideandliftthecoveroff. Startingfromthe lefl,theseare: intothe comparl DE Passthe wiresfromeachconnector opening. Leadthemoutagain Digi-Adjustor. mentthrough thenearest lf you plugthis in the "wrong" way round, the RF mod- the and f unctionswill be reversed. on thesidenearest throughthe openings El E ule.Partof the"excess"cablelengthcanbeaccommo(moduleno longeravailable) MNT MULTINAUT Anysparecableis best datedinsidethe compartment. position. KnR leftat theswitch stickunit. to avoid Right-hand and neatly, Alwaysarrangethe wirescarefully around E thecablesforminga massof unruly"spaghetti" Control"E". This is normallythe left-handslidercontrol. thestickunitsor closeto thekeypadcoverwell. 6 F "F".Thisis normally slidercontrol. theright-hand Control T Canbepluggedin eitherwayround. Keypad. G Plugit channel. thisis a switched Control"G". Normally of operation wayroundandthedirection in theopposile channelis reversed. ol theswitched H ,l Controls version. Notusedin thestandard cialpurposes. KnL stickunit. Left-hand 51 to 55 51 to 55. switches Inputsfor the change-over/coupling Moreonthison page12. US switch. lf you install a switch for Teacher/Pupil operation(thebuddyboxsystem),it must Teacher/Pupil be pluggedin here. M controls andswitches auxiliary for thispurpose, Note:Whenconnecting Memoryswitch.lf a switchis installed of the "TESTControls" it mustbe pluggedin here.Plugit in the "wrong"way pleasereferto the explanation memories areinterchanged. menuon page66. roundandtheselected Activatingthe stick ratchet stick Activatingthe ratchet As supplied,bothverticalaxesof the dual-axis At the baseof the stickunityouwill see a screwhead unitsareself-neutralising. turns,coun' (Fig. thisscrewabout4 complete theself-neutralising 17).Undo willwantto remove Mostmodellers fittedto ratchet spring releases the This ter-clockwise. actiontromonestick(the"throttle"stick),andactivate thestickunit,andactivates theratchet. the ratchetinstead. spring the neutralising Removing Selectthe stickfromwhichyou Openthe transmitter. spring,andsetit to the wantto removethe neutralising positionshownin Fig. 16.Disengage the neutralising pliers.Remove pointed-nose tweezers or using spring armwillcomeawaytoo. thespring,andtheneutralising carefully- one dayyou may Keepthesecomponents needthemagain. in one plane,butthe Thestickis nownon-neutralising ratchetis notyetactive.Manypilotslikethethrottlestick pitch/throttle stick for the collective likethis;especially Fig.17 Fig. 16 usedwithhelicopters. arrangement Charylngthe transmitter batt*y battery is fittedwitha 6-cellsintered-cell Thetransmitter perF an operating whichprovides of 1400mAhcapacity, od of aroundfivehourstroma singlecharge.The EUis {ittedwitha 1350mAhbatterygiving ROPA-Edition about5 hours'operation. Note: thesevaluesapplyto perfectlychargedbattery, dismeasured to lhe pointwherethepackis completely (transmiüer no longerworking). charged packas soonas the battery Chargeup yourtransmitter on yourchosenmethod monitorwarnsyou.Depending the monitorwilltripafterabouttourhours' of charging, operalron. Slowcharging Thechargecurrentshouldbe 140mA.At 140mAa full chargeis achievedin aboutfourteenhours.At this rate beyondthistime, charging it doesno harmto continue asthereis nodangerol over-charging. F i g .1 8 of theMULTIPLEX ComYoucanusetheearlierversion the batOrderNo. 14 5540,to slow-charge bi-Charger, tery In thiscaseselectthe 100mA chargecurrentand chargefor at least24 hours.At this currentyou can to the chargerconleavethe transmitter connected stantly;it is not possibleto damagethe batteryor the at sucha lowcurrent. transmitter off beJorerecharging. Be sureto switchthe transmitter (chargesocket)to the Then connectthe transmitter chargerusingthechargeleadsupplied. Redplug = + (positive)socketon the charger, blue plug = - (negative)socket. Rapidcharging in only 1to 2 The transmitter can be rapid-charged hours.However,to do this salely you must use the AutomaticRapidCharger,OrderNo. I MULTIPLEX 2505. lf youusea ditferentrapidcharger,or a difterentcharging process,thereis a dangerof damagingthe battery Wewouldnot be ableto repairthe andthe transmitter. undersuchcircumstances. unitunderguarantee with lf you possessa chargerwhichis notcompatible please the protectivecircuitryof your new transmitter, deDartment. contact ourCustomer Service Forrapid-charging selectan outputcurrentol 1 - 2 A. charger, Provided thatyouareusingthe recommended you do not needto concernyourselfwith the battery's initialstateof charge.At the 2 A rate,and with a completelydischarged batterythe chargeperiodis about 3/4 hour;in any casethe chargerswitchesitsel{off whenthebatteryisfullycharged. Caution:the charge rate must not exceed2 A. At higher currentsthe transmitterfuse will burn out. Do not be tempted to install a higher rated fuse, as you risk damaging the transmitter.lf you damagethe transmitter by exceeding the recommended chargecurrent,we will be unableto repair it underguarantee. Note:A brandnewbatterycannotexploititsfullcapacity fullcapacity rightfromtheoutset.In fact,it onlyachieves cycles(5to 10).Pleasebear aftera fewcharge/discharge as the thisin mindwhenyoustartusingtheequipment, periodwillnotbeavailable at first. fulloperating lf youneedfull batterycapacityat once,we recommend on unleaveit switched thatyouchargetheilansmitter, thenrecharge til the batteryis completelydischarged, it fully.Repeatthrscycleseveraltimes. The El key Thisisthe"Menu"key.Youuseit firstto movefromthe displayintothe "Menutree".Withinthe menu qy$tgfi tree the m key is alwaysusedto concludeany procemenu.Redure,andto moveback intothe preceding Thetirstpartof this Sectionexplainshowthe keypadis gardless of whereyouarein themenutree,youcanreuseo. this turnto the Statusdisplayat anytimeby pressing to howthe keyoneor moretimes. Afterthis you will find a briefintroduction "deviceguidestheuser"throughmenus. of the The tr key witha briefexplanation TheSectionis concluded R standsfor Reverse- that'sall there is to say.This menustructure. transmitter's key is usedto reversea servo,or switchsomethingoff of the individual or on. Moreon thisin the explanation menus. The keypad The E and El keys Thesekeys are also more or less sellexplanatorylf thenyoudo it or reduced, is to be increased something use them to "leaf keys. You can also with thesetwo through"listsof optionsat manyplacesin the various menus. of usingtheE) andE keys: Examples Adjustingservotravel Adjusting a mixerinputvalue memory to a different Switching controlwhen Movingon to the nexttransmitter Fig.19 testingetc. with the LCD One specialteaturehere: whereit is of practicaluse, Theseeightkeys,used in conjunction function.lf you press give you to all the selection thesekeysJeaturean auto-repeat access complete screen, groups, its occurs once. lf you hold it key briefly, action in three the The keys are tunctions. andadiustment You presseddown,the actionis repeatedautomatically. whattheydo. andit is easyto remember simplyneedto pressthe key and watchthe display, Verybriefly,the keyshavethefollowingfunctions: The keypadaN the menu I then releaseit whenthe requiredvalueis reached.lf you "overshoot",press the oppositekey to go back if youwishto changea mixerinput again.Forinstance, easierthantappingthe from0 to 70,this is somewhat E key70times. (seepage it makessense,the Digi-Adiustor Whenever in parallel withthesetwokeys.Youcan 5) is connected thenchoosewhetherthe keysor the rotaryknobis the to use. moreconvenient keys TheIZZN Theseare the "selector" or "afto^ " keys.The recwhenyou areat is deliberate: tangulararrangement a particularmenu (wait a moment- we're nearly there!)you will see triangularsymbols,or selector keys. tags, in the display,which correspondto these Theyarealwaysin approximatelythe same" cornet" of the screen.It you pressone ol thesekeys,you selectthat pointin the displaywhichis adiacentto the symbol. corresponding you to get complacent,so here are want We don't two (slight)complications: in a particuselections 1, lf thereareonlytwo possible displayed, andonly tagsare larmenu,onlytwoselector "active". press you lf two keys are corresponding the oneof theotherkeys,nothinghappens. menusthe arrow 2. Withinany of the "Adjustment" keysarealsousedto "release"or "activate"particular points. The" trce"or "active"pointthenstartsflashing. Don'tworryif this is notclear- it'sall mucheasierto dothanto describe. A brietrecap: Symbolin the display= keywith samesymbol.The keyis "in the samecorner'ras the symbolin the display.Whenyou pressone ot the keys,you selectthe point in the menu which is adiacentto the same symbolin the display. TheMenuSystem: makeschoosingeasy Nowfor a quickpracticesession: copied"BlG LIFT"into We assumeherethatyouhave "Quickstart", andthatthis in memory01,as described memory.) the current is still on, andyou will seethe Status Switchthe transmitter display.Pressthe E key.You are now in the "root" menu- Menu1: r![P;t..t11rjüHTt:t:tLr rF I LE:; l'lEl.lUfu Pressthe Z key,and you are at the "Servo adjustment"menu: rTFjt.J+FtEr.J. L I l'1I Tr I Tr-Hr rt::Ef.lTFlE:;t,J TheEl keyreturnsyouto the rootmenu1.Trypressing theZ key:youarriveal rootmenu2: rFUF'IL H5:;IIJHI rLrF. FEF;I Lrti Ft_:t'L Pressthe Z keyagain,andyouareat the Modulation menu: : FFl,1'lr I r:rl'.1 t'1r:rt:,1_llt-lT lf youpresstheZ key,PPM9Jlashes. presstheE As we haveno usefor thisat the moment, key repeatedlyuntilyou arriveback at the Statusdisplay.You now knowhowthe selectorkeysand the E) keywork.Wewillgetto the otherkeyslater. the sensiblerestauanalogy, Keeping to the restaurant pages,grouping several his menu over rateur spreads "Keypad" sectionwhichyouhavejustread,you In the in onesection, allthefishin another, learnedvirtuallyall thereis to knowaboutnavigating allthemeatdishes you fora vealcutlet,you have a hankering so on. lf and yourwayfromonemenuto another.Nowwe explainthe - meatdishes main courses it like this: would look up principles behindthesystem. "veal".A realmenuusuallyhasno contents page.lf of the whatyou are lookingJoris noton page1 ("Menu1"), thedevelopment ln theworldol "rcal"computers "menu-based hasbeenoneof themost then- assuming userinterface" reallyexoticthatit is notsomething face youmighthopeto lindit on page2 ("Menu2"). important stepsin maskirgthe stony,unflinching andaccessF andmakingit acceptable of thecomputer, The menu systemof the PROFImc 3010works in a mortal. bleto theordinary similarway. Thebasicsystemworkslikethis: Takea lookat the diagramon page12,whichrepreThe computerprovidesa list ot options in the form sentsthe optionsofteredby the PROFImc 3010in a of a menu,which showseverythingthat it is readyto slightly iedform. simplif carry out at any one moment.From the options on you learnedthat the ts key your last experiment In offer the user selectswhat he wants. takesyoudirectlyfromthe Statusdisplayto the menu usuallyhasa vastarrayof capabili- proper, Sincethecomputer RootMenu1. option the casethatthe particular ties,it is generally "Servo youwantcannotbe selectedin a singlestep.Afterall, if By selectingSERVO(topleft)you moveto the lengthy adiustment'fmenu,whereyou can set up manyopwerelo ofterjust one,extremely the computer to seewhatwas tions,if youwish. listof oDtions. thenit wouldbe difficult selectingCONTROL(top right)you moveto the on offer,and sort out whatyou wouldbe very By "Transmitter Controls"menu,wherethereare also menuwith50 difdifficult to makesenseof a restaurant possible optionsfor youto choose. several terentdisheson onepage. PROFImc 3O1O EURO-LINE menustructure BB Eh FIE5TFI FPI'I:T F I E5Tll : IEl PFll9 t. 5r:rr.rllllllErEr Sheet1 l. SBU llllll tlB | 2B Menu 1 Filenumber'1 ...30,Fx File name,I characters Transmissionmode Batteryvoltage,digital Batteryvoltage,bar graph,6 blocks periodin hoursrminutes Operating r_;EEtJr_r r-:r:rt.lTF:üLt rF I LE!; l'lEHUfu SERVO MEMORY CONTROL r T H L I + F l ELt JI l.l l T r 7L:tlPV Htll,lEt rl:El.lTFiE5lrllTt-Hr r5H I FT t-:H1".. TEI l'1.i !:ET UF'\ rtlül'lEr I -::trl. TE!:Tr Menu 2 TFUFIL II5!;IEI.]t tltt Fl:l'L rr:F . F'EF:I -- FLTFIL r 4 ü t i E- 1 5 : I J F Fr PupilmodeON means: Trimon the pupiltransmitter is not active --t:tFER. FEFr I t--t['-I t:tl.,l: FFtl'i.. F : E 5 E T :E r l rl € , r l'1ltI:,LlLET Resetoperatingperiodto 00:00 Selectmodulationl PPM7 PPM9 PCM ASS/GN Tt.UHTFIUL !; I lir rTEFtlH l-l5F:-l'l 1 I li 1 i:+T+E:j H!;51rjHSEELJ|| I r]rlHTE:lrL5 r + F ILI E E J + 5 F ' IUL rLt!:F:-l'1I .'+FlU[t[tE /'+ELEIJt] Tü I.IILEF:UH r rlHF,1! .". / FIUIIDEE Selectcontrol and assignfunction Releasefunctions, to be controlledby the pupil Defineusermixers: Selectservo s e l e cU t S R - M I1 X, 2 , 3 andassignlunction s e l e citn p u It N P1 ,2 , 3 , 4 Automaticon to menu assignfunction ASSIGNSERVO periodtimer;on the righlto "Assign"and "PCM".Becauseof the similarityto a tree - albeitonegrowingupis otten sidedown!- this typeof menuarrangement as a knownas a "menutree",or - moretechnically, menustructure. Havea lookat the diagramabove.You will see,for example, thatthereare four moremenus hiddenbehindthe" Files"menu. rFt_tF Thisis intended to showthattherearefour"deadends" IL H:; whichareaccessible fromthe"Files"menu;in thiscase LIJF.FEF; I Lltr Ftll'p "Copy", "Shift" "Name"(enter, (switchmodels), theyare "Chk.Trim" (check, match). and On the leftyou get to the pupilmenuandthe operating change), SelectMEMORYat bottom left, and you find a menu to dowithmemories. whichcopeswitheverything Forthe moment,the bottom right optionhideseverythingelsewhichthe transmitterhasto offer,via Menu 2. Youmightliketo thinkof this optionas "more"or "contd.". in thesameway: In RootMenu2 thingscontinue 10 EURO-LINE PROFIMC3O1O Menustructure r T E r . r + F E L rI I. ' l I T ! rr-:El.lTEE5tilI TtlHr 7 : : E F l::. E L E L + 1 5 E Fil:. E L E U+. r ! : E E . l : E L E \ .+r . T, l:lt{ + . / ü : 1 . I r:;Fl.tI L: r+lBtlil F+ ELEl..lF/I : E H T E E : E L E L+I . + 1LlE:.:/ SwitchmixerinputsON/OFF and assignswitchesto inputs Adjusttraveland set directionfor: @ ntes rl:ilF'i HF,tl'lEr TF:ll'1r r:;H I FT t_:H1.,. rl{u[:'E : FULL r:1b: FIE5TH \FFll'.|, 5TI r::ti 5 H I F T l H I FJ I L E Tlt rr:rh:FIESTH EE,I FI L E : H F I I . I EF : IE5TF / EEFI:IF: Adjusttrim settangs Selectcopymod6: - FULL - CONTROLS - .ERASE!' . EXPORT - IMPORT Enterfilename Aulomalicon to menu TRIM(adjusltrimsetlings) CONTROL 5ET I]FI -5t'l. I TE5Tr rt_:Ltl'1E r I I : E L E I J HT F I H U E L T + 1FJrili:^r H!;Vl'ltlETF; r l rjrJ:,jrl5L,r: 51+ r +FII LEEI.]H F:LITlIIEE DefineCombi-Switch: - adjustinputs - assignswitch - reversecouplrng I T F I L . FL LLT|I F ,-. rr F t l n l t Set up controls - adjustetfect - assignswitch - of the Thesameappliesto threeof the otherbranches these"subthemaindiagrams, tree.Toavoidconfusing menus"areshownin detailon page11. Usingthis branchingsystemyoucanalwaysreachyour i.e.getto the pointwhereyouwantto adjust destination, justby pressing a tewkeys. or assignsomething, The overallresult: compuYoudon'tneedto learnanycodesor conJusing In fact,youwillfindthatyoudon'teven ter terminology. aftera while,astheplainEnglish needthetreediagram textsguideyoueasilythroughthemenus.Oursolepurposein explaining the principleis to ensurethat you havesomeideaof whatyou aredoingwhenyou press thevariouskeys. neverhurtanyone. a littleunderstanding Andanyway, in sucha waythatit is quickThemenutreeis arranged thanto the get usedJunctions to the commonly er to rest. '11 or coupling in a similarwayto oneof the change€ver with a transmitter in combination especially switches; t . r control. ' , of thesespecialfeatureswouldonly An explanation matters at thispoint.Pleaseseepage69 in the confuse dry andtheoreti- Sectionentitled" Forexperts". Thissectionis necessarily somewhat cal, and you can skip it for the momentil you wish. Nowwe cometo one furtherdifterence,and a possiHowever, sooneror lateryou will needto absorbsome ble sourceof confusion. particularly wheninstalling auxiliary of thisinformation, to whatwe havejustsaid,a switchcanbeeiAccording units. switches or otherexDansion or coupling transmitter controlor a change-over ther a As we havealreadyseenon pageZ wherethe internal switch,depending insidethe on whereit is connected connectorsare described,there are severaldiflerent transmitter. Butthisisonlypartlytrue: typesof connector. switchesand couplingswitcheshavea whichhaveonepurpose Change-over Firsttherearethe connectors lead.A switchwitha 3-coreleadcan2-core connecting (DE),Keypadff) and MemorySwitch notbe usedforthisourpose. only:Digi-Adjustor (M).Thereis not muchto say aboutthesesocketsmayhaveeicontrols whichactas transmitter Switches in thecorrectplace. eachunitmustbeconnected For a simple ON/OFF lead. 2-core or a 3-core ther a Nextcomesthegroupof "letterinputs":A to l. the lead is 2-core.For a 3-stage switch (2-position) These are connectonsfor the transmittercontrols. switchit mustbe 3-core. is necessary: the inputsA, B, Why?Whenyouplugin a switch, Herea briefexplanation control thetransmitter theyare groupedto- inpüt"sees"whatever C, D are not shownindividually; potentiometer So is a the unit as getheras "KnU' (left-hand stick = A, B) and "KnR" the inputseesa switchas a crudepot,whichcanonly (right-hand stick= C, D).Thestickunitsmustalsobe besetto itsend-ooint values. to thecorrectsockets(KnLandKnR). connected note And one more Theremaining inputsaremarked51to S5andUS.This In linewithwhatwe havejustsaid,it is perfectly possi"coupling "change-over is where switches" and switches) 3-position ble to connectswitches(preferably switches"areconnected. sliders.This to inoutsE and F insteadof the standard Whataretransmittercontrols? require which models feature for special be a useful can Well,in coarseterms,theseare all the "movableele- manyswitched channels. whichyou useto operate On theotherhandinputsG, H, I canalsobe usedwith ments"on yourtransmitter, something on your model.Theyincludethe 'wo stick furtherDotsinstead of switches. units,the sliders,and also,for example,the switch Mostusersof the PROFImc 3010willhardlyeverneed theaero-tow mechanism. whichyouuseto release thisbrieJexin presenting Ourintention thesefeatures. isjustto So what are change-overswitches and coupling cursionintothe" realmof theunusedfeatures" of your andversatility giveyouan ideaof the flexibility switches? Theseswitchesare usuallyusednot to actuallymove newsystem. to switchbe- Whatthis all meansin practice: on the model,but,forexample, something youwill tweendifferentpre-setvalues(suchas DualRates)or to Whenyouassignor adiusttransmitter controls, or a alwaysfindyourselldealingwiththe "letter"abbreviaactivatecoupledcontrols(e.9. Combi-Switch, coupling switch). flap/elevator tions. or cou' switches change-over Whenyouare assigning An "extra" for the expert: you will be dealingwith 51 to S5 and featurewhich plingswitches, The switch"Sl" is a special-purpose switch, L/S. lt is a 3-stage doesnotfit intoour neatscheme. you mustbearin mind switches control", Whenfittingauxiliary asa "transmitter andshouldreallybe included "l". in the cable. of wires the number it be used However, can to input as it is connected rtrlEITiLIFT FFI'l'1 The"Operations" or "Status"display : trr i . ErSrtllllllr:rri Thetopline: "BlG Thisis always Ol = numberof the "current"memory. (Hereagainwe willassumethatyouhavecopied "list") "Quickstart" lasttimeyou (or was in use which the memory under LIFT"intomemory01,as described the model means: This usually the system. - andthatyou havenotswitchedto a differentmemory. operated you last operated. that OJ course,what we are goingto say next appliesto BIG LIFT = Nameof the modelin English.That's everyothermodelmemory.) isn'tit? a number, thanremembering easier Whenyou switchthe transmitteron, the Statusdisplay mode currenttransmission a summary PPM 9 = Transmitter's will appearon the provides you last time used as the (modulation). Also the same you lor know conneedto of the mostimportantthings the set. your model: trolling 12 Thesecondline: r:r.i4r.IllIIII After the bar display: rlrl:2+ batteryvohage.Thedigitalvalueis A veryusefulleature: 8.24Y = transmitter not easyto assimilate The operatingperioddisplay very accurate,but unfortunately lm- At any time you can see how longthe transmitterhas of all digitaldisplays. at firstglance- a drawback mediately aftera full chargethe voltageis about8.2- beenin use sincethe lasttime the timerwas resetto 8.4V.At 6.9Voltsthe batterymonitortrips,andthe bat' zero(youcando thatat anytime - seethe nextsection teryshouldbe recharged. onthispageformoredetails). of upto 6 Thetimeris cumulative, Nextto thedigitaldisplayis a "bar" consisting how andit makesnodifference "boxes".Thisis an analogue versionol the digitalvolt oftenyou switchthe transmitteron and ofl; the operatat a glance,but it ing periodtimer stopscountingwhen you switchoff, agedisplay;it is easierto understand of bat- andcontinues Considerit as a roughindicator isnot soaccurate. whenyouswitchon again. steadilywhileyou tery voltage.The batterydischarges practice thetimeris as foF In the bestwayof managing andat thesametimetheboxes areusingthetransmitter, you the battery recharge zero every time lows: set it to erasedfromrightto left;i.e.the bar beare gradually tolerances, Thedisplayshowshours: minutes. comesshorter.Becauseof manujacturing natureof the bar,the disapproximate andlhe inherently playis notas accurateand reliableasthe digitaldisplay, butit givesyoua usefulideaol howthingsaregoing. Howto use the operatingperiodtimer Thereis notmuchto sayaboutthistimer;allyoucando to it is resetit to zero.Todo this(startingtromthe Status display)pressE Z f] . Youwill nowbe at the operating oeriodtimermenu: WhenshouldI resetthe display? thenit Thetimercancountuo to 99 hours59 minutes, startsagainfromzero.That'sby no meanslongenough althoughit to measurethe lifetimeof the transmitter, "occasional to counttheir flyers" mightbe enoughfor --Ü FE F I .F E FI ILI t I - per flyingtime season. It makesmostsenseto resetthe timer to zero every EE:;ET:Et:l:ltit r batterya lull charge.The timeyougivethe transmitter period lrom a full chargeis operating transmitter's will to change value displayed key; the Pressthe Z aroundfourhours,so thedisplaygivesyouquitean ac00:00,andyouaredone. curateideaof howmuchlongeryou can fly.But please Returnto the Statusdisplaywith@El El . in thisvalueas a guide.Slightdifferences onlyconsider perioddisplayis in theform Theoperating currentconsumption and in the transmitter's batteries hours: minutes. Yourbestbet can resultin variationsof up to +/- 20010. this is to carryouta practical how to determine experiment Thereis nothingelseto worryaboutconcerning lasts. actually timer.Whenthe transmitteris switchedoff, it records longyourowntransmitter the last displayedtime and startsagain from the recordedvaluenexttimeyouswitchon. Howto switchbetweenthe transmission modesPPM7,PPM9and PCM The transmittercan be usedwith both PPM receivers (e.9."UNl9") andwithPCMunits(e.9.'PCM DS'). modeto matchthe You haveto set the transmission typeof receiveryouwishto use. Thisis howyoudo it: Fromthe StatusDisplaypressEIZZ to arriveat the "PPM/PCM" display. Youwillseethis: I ül'lrFFI'1fu l'lUttLlLHT Pressthe E key."PPM7",'PPMg" (or "PCM")will startto flash. Pressthe E key.PPMwill changeto PCM(or vice versa).That'sall thereis to it. Usethe E or El keyto changefromPPM7 to PPM9 andback. PressEl threetimesto getbackto the StatusDisplay. It is only necessaryto switchto PPM7 if you wish to use a receiverwhichcannotdecode9 channels(e.9. 4/6channelreceiversbuillin 1979).lf youattemptto use this typeof receiverwith the transmitterset to PPMI, the servosattachedto outputs1 + 2 will not workcorrectlv 13 ("ready made lists') No. 6 to form,memories In the transmitter's standard modellists(orproNo.15contain"readyprogrammed" grams).Theseexampleprogramsembracea high perflownby praccentage of themodelswhichareactually tisingmodellers. Youcan useanyof theseexamplelistsiust by switching to the appropriatememoryas describedon page43. Beforeyou fly your model,you may well haveto alter the directionof servorotation,andthat is describedon page28. Youmayliketo usetheseexamples asthe startingpoint for your own lists. lf you do not want to changethe "original",first copy it into an emptymemory(as deto the scribedon page41)andthenmakemodifications copy. Thefollowingexamplelists areavailable as standard: MemoryNo.6: "FIESTA' - a typicalsimpleglider MemoryNo.7: "SALTO'- a typicalgliderwithV{ailand"flaperons" MemoryNo.8: 'F3B" - a typicalFSBclassgliderwith"aileronbrakes" (Crowsystem) MemoryNo.9: "CORTINI(' - a typicaltailless glider MemoryNo.10: "BlG LIFT'- a typicalsimplepowered model MemoryNo.11: "RCl/F3A'- a typicalpoweredaerobaticmodel MemoryNo.12: "MIRAGE"- a typicaldeltamodel MemoryNo.13: " HELIBOY"- a typicalhelicopter with "Schlueter" rotorhead MemoryNo.14: " RANGER" - a typicalhelicopter with "Heim"rotorhead MemoryNo.15: '8K117' - a typicalhelicopter with"120degree"rotor head headlinkageusingvirtualswashplate In all the examplesit is assumedthat the transmitter is set up as tollows: on the Rudder(ortail rotor)andelevator(pitch-axis) stick. right-hand Throttle(orspoilersor collectivepitch)andaileron(or stick. roll)on the left-hand you mode,herearebrietinlf usea ditterenttransminer the settings: on how to change structions 14 Interchangingaileron(roll)and rudder(tail rotor): menu CONTROLS 1.SelecttheASSIGN press FromtheStatusDisplay @Z N Z . r fi r::r:rl.lTF:t:tl:: L FIILEE:I:II..I resp.R0LL Note:if you lastworkedon a differenttransmittercontrol,youmustfirstselectControlA. Todo thispressthe in thedisplay. Z keythenEl or E untilA appears 2. AssigncontrolA to the rudder(or tail rotor),as follows:oress! EIE . Result: r H t_:ilt,lTF;uL:; r FiUtitiEFi resp.TFI LRÜT 3. AssigncontrolC to the ailerons(or roll),as follows: oressZ E E, thenSIEIE . Result: r t:: t::t:tl..lTFtt_tLl L FIILEF:LIH resp.R|ILL pressE E]E E]. That's 4. Returnto theStatusDisplay: it finished. Interchangingthrottle/spoiler(collectivepitch) and elevator(pitch-axis): 1. Move to the "ASSIGNCONTROLS"menu with above. EIZNZ, asdescribed r E t::üt..lTFlr.rL:, t ELEI.JI]TÜFJ I5 resp.PI TrlH-FN Note:il you lastworkedon a differenttransmittercontrol,youmustfirstselectControlB.Todo thispressthe in thedisplay. Z keythenE or E untilB appears (pitch-axis), as lolB the elevator 2. Assigncontrol to untilELEV lows:press!, andthenE or E repeatedly (orPITCH-AXIS) Result: appears. r E [ÜHTRÜ15 t ELEUIlTÜE I5 resp.PI TrlH-HH (collectivepitch), 3. AssigncontrolD to throttle/spoiler press then as follows: El or E until Z, thenSIEE, Result: (orCOLL.PITCH) appears. THROT/SPOIL r ti rlüt.tTFiü15 I THEITTLE or 5PUI Lt t{ resp.rl0LL.PI TllH 4. Returnto the StatusDisplayby pressing@ four times. the transmiüer controlsis lor assigning The procedure describedin detailon page25. "FIESTA" Example: MemoryNo.:6 of a simplemodelglider. atedby a switchedchannel.A mixeris featuredto proThe "FIESTA'is an example when airbrakesare exby a singleservo(mechani- vide pitch trim compensation Theailerons arecontrolled input is set to zero as However, the mixing The airbrakesare operatedwith the tended. cal differential). "Combi-Switch" has to set the valueif he needs and the user standard, An aero-tow supported. left-handstick. feature. fitted, is operthe towhook, if radio-controlled or coupling, Summary: Channel controls A Aileron B Spoiler C 2nd inp. E Rudder i Elevator ServoNo Function 1stinp. D SPOILER I AILERON RUDDER SPOILER mixermustbesetto 0; Note:the"FLAP"inputof the"ELEVATOR" "SPOILER" inputcanbesetto anyvaluebytheuser. the = 55 Combi-Switch Switches: Aileron-- rudder,followingrate1000/0. Adiustments:Combi-Switch: All servos:travel1000/0, centre00/0. off rudder- aileron,switched Combi-Switch Possiblemoditications: viasliderinsteadof stick Airbrakeooeration TOWHOOK F G Aero-tow "SALTO" Example: MemoryNo.:7 roothaveinherentaeroof a modelwitha V{ail.At whichdo notreachto the wing The "Salto"is an example "flapinput"shouldbe kept the disadvantages, dynamic 2 rotating trailing edge wing are endof each theinboard to whichare usedto loseheightand to control small,and theyshouldonlybe usedfor aerobatics spoilers, Forthisreasonthe flap input by two improvemanoeuvrability. Theailerons areoperated the landingapproach. Theyare alsoset can be switchedoff by meansof the switch53. The servos,with "electronic"differential. "flaperons", to i.e.theycan be movedin the same flapsand the spoilersare mixedwith the elevator, up as pitch trim compensation. automatic flaps.As flaperons Drovide to actas camber-changing direction Summary: Channel controls Aileron ServoNo Function Flaperon 1stinp. I f rp. srorp AILERON Spoiler Vtail FLAPERON V-TAIL+ Aero-tow l Elevator Spoiler V-TAIL+ Flaperon Towhook FLAPERON SPOILER AILERON TOWHOOK FLAP f lthi'p' thetlapinputto theailerons 53 switches ELEVATOR; Switches:S1,52 for DualRatesonAILERON, to switchoffanymixinginputswhicharenotneeded the mixinginputsit canbe veryuseJul Note:whenadjusting forthemoment of slider of theFLAPinputviastickinstead Control Possiblemodifications: (controlled via55). Useof Combi-Switch to model:'FgB" Example MemoryNo.:I modThepictureshowsa typicalF3Bclasscompetition el. The controlsystemis quitecomplex.Eachaileron and eachflap is operatedby its ownservo.Thismakes "Quadro"and "aileronbrake"(crow)controlsystems possible. supportthe camIn normaltlightthe ailerons ber-changingflaps,and vice versa;for landingthe Jullyup flapsaredeflectedfullydownandthe ailerons is ("aileronbrake"function).Elevatorcompensation and flapmovement mixedin withthe camber-changing for pitchtrim the aileronbrakesystemto compensate mixed in to supporteF movement can be Flap changes. (towhook towhook A radio-controlled movement. evator and aero{owreleasetreatedas the same for control purposes) is anoptional addition. Summary: Channel ServoNo r 7 z Function CROW 1stinp. 2nd inp. Aero-tow Elevator Spoiler L. ail. R. flap L. flap Elev CROW CROW CROW ELEV+ I nrLenor.rAILERON nrr-enoru Rudder AILERON ELEVATOR RUDDER FLAP FLAP FLAP 3rdinp. SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER 4th inp. ELEVATORELEVATORELEVATOR Note:whenadjustingthe mixinginputsit can be veryusefulto switchoff any inputswhichare not needed tor the moment Possiblemodifications:Controlof the FLAPinputvia stickinsteadof slider Flapcontrolwithone servoonly;in this casetheycannotsupportthe aileronfunction. 17 model:"CORTINA" Example MemoryNo.:9 "Cortina"is a typicalexample glider. Themixingratiosfor elevatorandaileronaredifferentfor of a modern tailless A seoarate servois reelevons. Controlis achievedwith two controlsurfacesper wing theinboardandoutboard forheight panel,eachsurtaceworkingas combinedelevatorand quiredforeachelevon.Airbrakes areincluded Thisarrangement makesit possible to dumpingand landingapproachcontrol.The aerotow aileron(elevons). is actuated viaa switched channel. tavourable liftdistribution in all flightsituations.coupling achieve Summary: Channel controls ServoNo Function Mixer 1stinp. 2nd inp. A Aileron 1 B Spoiler 2 c D E F Aero-tow Elevator 3 4 G 5 6 Aero-tow Elev.R,out ElevonL, oul ElevonR, in ElevonL, in Spoiler DELTA DELTA DELTA DELTA AILERON AILERON AILERON AILERON SPOILER TOWHOOK ELEVATORELEVA'TORELEVATORELEVATOR Possiblemodifications:Controlof airbrakesvia sliderinsteadof stick.UseoJa lreelydefinablemixerinsteadof the " DELTA'mixer. ELEVATOR, SPOILER. inputsthen:AILERON, Defined tor pitchtrimchanges elevator compensation wouldallowautomatic Thisarrangement causedbvairbrakes. 18 model:"BlGLIFT" Example MemoryNo.10 The "Big Litt" representsa simple poweredmodel. standardcontrols.An aero-towreleasecan be operated channel. Aileronsand landingflapsaretittedin additionto the viatheswitched Summary: 5 3 2 AILERON THROTTLE RUDDER]ELEVATOR FLAP 1 6 AERO.TOW -------_ ssCombi-Sw rudder:600/o controloption:DualRateon aileron,elevator, Transmitter Adiustments: -30o/o trim: idle controloption:throttle Transmitter Transmitter controloption:flaptravel:Oo/o,10oo/o Aileron--- rudder,followingrate1000/0 Combi-Switch: centre00/0 All servos:travel1000/0, rudder- aileron,or switchedofl Possiblemodifications:Combi-Switch 19 model:"RC1/F34" Example MemoryNo.:11 Mixturecontrolin Examoleof an F3A class comoetitionmodel.The spoilersarefitted,actingas airbrakes. to throttlecontrol.A furtherservocanbe titted to aF addition areeachcontrolled by a separate aileron, ailerons via the switchedchannel. low the optimumdegreeof differentialto be set. Two to retractthe undercarriage Summary: Channel Throttle controls ServoNo Function L. AIL. RUDDER ROTTLE R. AIL. Spoiler MIXTURE UNDERC servotravelinsteadof DualRates. Posiblemodifications:Exponential mixer. oJspoilers, useof "SNAPFLAP" lf "snapjlaps"aretittedinstead 20 Undercarr. model: " MIRAGE" Example Memory:No.:12 can be retractedvia the switched The "Mirage"is a is controlled The undercarriage withthe helpof a plusrudder channel.Theelevonsarecontrolled (elevons), via combinedailerons/elevators LrtsLtAmtxer. andthrottle. Summary: r Channel controls Throttle D ry9q91 Elgy"to, ServoNo Function Mixer 'lstinp. DELTA DELTA ELEVATORELEVATOR RUDDER THROTTLE 2nd inp. AILERON AILERON L elevon Undercarr. RUDDER THROTTLE UNDERC, Switches:51 = DualRates,aileron;52 = DualRates,elevator (recommended startingpoint) 400/0 MixinginputELEVATOR: Adiustments: ' (recommended startingpoint) MixinginputAILERON:600/o -300/0 Throttleidletrim: AILERON:600/O ELEVATOR, DUAIRATCS centre00/0 All servos:travel1000/0, 21 model:"HELIBOY" Example MemoryNo.:13 This,of course,is just a starting with swash- steadof "DYN.THR.". Exampleof a "simple"modelhelicopter, pitch, ooint. plate having no axial movement.Collective type.Youcanswitch is a "suppressible" pitch-axisand roll-axisare controlledby one servo Gyroassumed " each. FLAREmixer used lot flarc" compensation. betweenminimumand maximumgyro effectusing G. channel usedtor throttlein- switched assignment Simple"THROTTLE" Summary: Throttle I Mixture controls ServoNo Function Mixer 1stinp. 2nd inp. 1 2 3 Roll Pitch Yaw FLARE TAILROT PITCH YAW ROLL 4 c THROTTLE Collect. THROTTLE coLLECr. coLLECt. 55 - directthrottle Switches:51- DualRates,roll;52 DualRates,pitch-axis; of switchedchannelG areused;the centrepositionis skipped. Notes:onlytheend-points 3-pointthrottlecurveused. "DYN.THR." of THROTTLE mixerinstead Possiblemodifications: throttlecurve 5-Doint " FLARE"mixernolused,onlyPITCH-axis servo on pitch'axis gyro) (different ol type not used Gyro 6 Gyro Gyro 7 Mixture model:"RANGER" Example MemoryNo.:14 acwiththe "Heim"swashplate of a helicopter Example is actuatedby two tuation system.The swashplate"HElMHEAD" pitchservos, mixer andthe roll/collective control.In is used.A separateservoprovidespitch-axis "DYNTHR." is used. thisexample gyro is assumed,which can be A "suppressible" switchedbetweenmaximumand minimumeffectby controlH. "Flare"mixingis notremeansof switched "Heim" caterfor this mechanimechanics ouired,as ca v 71 7)ffi \_il--' Summary: Channel controls ServoNo Function 1stinp. 2nd inp. 3rdinp. A B Roll ]]i]]xollecl Throttle Roll/col Yaw HEIMHEAD TAIL ROT ROLL PITCH YAW Throttle Roll/col Mixture Gyro Mixture GYRO MIXTURE DYN THR HEIMHEAD THROTTLE coLLEgr. ROLL YAW 55 - directthrottle Switches:31- DualRates,roll;52 - DualRates,pitch-axis; Notes:SwitchcontrolH mustbe installed(On/Offswitch,3-corelead) curveused s-oointthrottle Possiblemoditications:3-pointthrottlecurve typeof gyro) Gyronotused(different 2.7 model:'B,K117" Example control with"CPM"swashplate ExamDle of a helicoDter is controlleddirectlyby 3 sersystem.The swashplate vos,arrangedat 120degreesto eachother,whichproand roll-axiscontrol. vide collectivepitch,pitch-axis Three servos are used, in conjunctionwith the "HEAD-MlX"mixer. The throttle is assignedto MemoryNo.:15 "THROTTLE" ('DYNIHR.'is an alternative). A "suppressible" gyrois assumed, bewhichcanbe switched tween minimumand maximumeffectby meansof by switched controlH. "Flare"mixingcanbe achieved pitchinputsto the "centre"and"outcollective unequal board"servos. Note: Phaseaffectsall rotor head servosequally.Beforeyou changethe Geometry settings,be sureto set up the collectivepitchinDutsandcheckthatthevarecorrect, Summary: Channel Throttle controls ServoNo Function 1stinp. 2nd inp. r 3rdinp. 4 Ro/Co/Pi Ro/Co/Pi Ro/Co/Pi f 5 Throttle HEAD-MIX HEAD-MIX HEAD-MIX PITCH THROTTLE ROLL ROLL PITCH PITCH COLLECT. I Yaw TAILROT Gyro Mixture YAW GYRO MIXTURE coLLEgr. coLLECr. coLLEgr. sth input:Phase 4thinput:Geometry 55 directthrottle Switches:51- DualRates,roll;52 DualRatespitch;53 auto-rotation; Notes:SwitchcontrolH mustbefitted(On/Offswitch,3-corelead) used. 3-Dointthrottlecurve"centre servo"twiceas greatas for "outboardservos" Piichinputvaluefor (assuming 120degreearrangement) pitchinputsameforallthreeservos Collective Possiblemodifications:s-pointthrottlecurve typeof gyro) Gyronotused(different 24 i: i,: control controls, or linkingup,thetransmitter Assigning functionsandservosis the firstand mostimportantpart ot the settingup processwhichhasto be carriedout beloreyou can actuallyusethe equipmentto controla new model.But don'trun and hide- there'snothing waitingforyou. verycomplicated li you haveownedanotherradiocontrolsystembeJore alreadycar the "PROFImc 3010",you haveprobably "assigning" process it. without realising riedoutthis you havechangedswitchesround,or lf, for example, over,in orderto set up "aileron swappedconnectors "elevator |eft",then you havealready"asright" and to sultyourpreference. signed"thoseJunctions We can difterentiatebetweentwo torms of assigning: 1. Assigningthe transmittercontrolsto the control functions abovefalls intothis catwe mentioned The examDle egoryAnotherexamplewouldbe to decidethatthe leftairbrakes. handslideris to controlthemodel's functions the control servos to Assigning the 2. thismightmeanthatservoNo.2 (theserForexample, vo connectedto receiveroutput2) is to operatethe elthatservos1,2 and3 controla evator:or in a helicopter actuation system. witha 12o-degree swashplate "totaladjustment" On earlierradiocontrolsystemsthis facilitywas not provided,and in fact it is notabsolutely Butyouwillsoonseethatit is highlypractical essential. anduseful. to cope procedure canalsobe extended Theassigning with the "miiing" ot controlfunctions;but we don't in full on wantto coverthis is discussed page45,underthetitle"Mixers". Whydo we haveto assignanything? is notallthateasyto answersimply;nevThisquestion we willtry.Herearesomeof the reasons: ertheless functions arecarriedoutby 1. Manyof thetransmitter's a comDuterand its relatedsoftware.The softwareis wayif it is given muchmorelikelyto workin a sensible Forexample,"elevator"insteadof soecificinformation. "leftstick.uo/down". are 2. Termssuchas "leftaileron"or "rightcollective" lf you "tell" the transmitter, familiarto any modeller. thatservoNo.3 is the "coF theservos, whenassigning lectivepitch"servo,youcan be certainthatthe collecat socket3 on tivepitchsignalwillalwaysbe available whichinthe receiver, andthatall mixingarrangements outcorbe carried will automatically volvethatchannel preventsyou havingto worry about details to sortout. whichcanbedifficult ln short: Assigningdraws a clear line to follow: for you and for the computerin yourtransmitter. Howto assign the transmittercontrols in thislineof the Bv nowthismuchshouldbe obvious: you control. m-enu selectthetransmitter and moveto the "Assign"menu In our example, leavethe "A" showing(flashing) Fromthe StatusDisplay, @ZN. Weassumeagainthat pressthe S key. usingthe keysequence "BlG LIFT"is stillthe modelin thecurrentmemory01. Thefunctionwhichappearsafterthe letternowstartsto "AlLER"), willlooklikethis: Thedisplay flash(inourexample Nowthingsdo geta littlemoredifficult. rt_:t:ttlTFjULL:EEl"lt:tr lf voupressthe E (orE) keyto leafthroughthefuncJuncwill offeryou the following tions,ihe transmitter iir rTElll.H U5Fi-l'll tionsin turn: control)by pressing Select"CONTROr (transmitter the Z key.Thisiswhatyouwillsee: 1 ROLL-axis SHIPRUDeT AlLERon AUX. PITCH-axis MOTOR(etectric) ELEVator r t:l t_:Ltt..lTF:uL5 YAW-axis MOT.2(etectric)AUX.o RUDDeT AUX.4 COLL.PITCH THROTtIe r tl I LEF:r:ttl z ens.)GYRO 2THR (tor responds by showingone oJthe nine SPOlLer The transmitter controls(A to l) in the display.Pressthe Z key.The let- FLAP until RETRAct ter startsto flash.Nowpressthe El keyrepeatedly ]iOWHOok control"A' appears.Tryusingthe E keyaswell. forthestickunits.Thelettersare MlXTUre A - D arethesymbols C is casing.Forexample, on thetransmitter alsoprinted As you see, these include all the most commonly stickunit. movement ot theright-hand theright-left usedfunctions: E and F are the two sliders;these lettersare also 1and2 forfixedwingandhelicopters; Columns printed casing. onthetransmitter models (asstandard) channel"No.7. Column3 Jormodelboatsandelectric-powered the "switched G is normally (including aircraft). electric-powered lf you H - | arenotavailableon the standardtransmitter. functions"1- 5. 4 is for the 'extra-special you and Column install extra switches can channels, needthese "AUX.1- AUX.4"areusedwhennootherterm"fits". connectthemto the maincircuitboardsocketsmarked Wewillexplain",/," - thelastoption- verysoon! withthoseletters.SeePageZ 25 We have"pre-defined"thesefunctionsfor you so that That'salmostall thereis to it. Butwhatof the unused you don'thaveto typeanythingin; all you haveto do is controls (8, E, G,H, D? selectthe rightoption.Thereis alsoanotherreason:if Thereis a dangerherethatsomething hasalreadybeen you selectthe termsfromthe list above,your "intelli- assignedto thesecontrolswhenthe memorywaslastin gent"transmitter worksout whatyou are likelyto ask use - something whichcouldcauseproblems. At the next,andpreparesitselfaccordingly. very leastit wouldoffendthe sensitivegliderguiderto againstB, for example. You'veguessed The bestwayof comingto termswith this procedure seeTHROTTLE " , ". " comesin.Asdescribed it: this is where above, seis to carryout a sampleassigningexercise. lect the controls B, E, G, H, and I in turn, and assign We will assumea modelgliderwith elevator, rudder, themto ",..'.", unlessthathasalreadybeendone. ailerons andspoilers. Thisis typicalof the waycomputershaveto be treated: The right-hand stickis to controlelevatorand aileron; evenwhentheyaresupposed to do nothingat all,you the left-hand sticktherudder. Thespoilers areto be oo- haveto tell them expressly,otherwisethey mightdo eratedwiththeright-hand slider. something unexpected! It is obviousthatthe forward/back movement of the left- Thetidy-minded modeller shouldalwaysassignunused handstick,the left-hand sliderandthe switch"No.7" transmitter whenit appearsto controlsto z . .../', €VOn arenotgoingto be used. be unnecessary. lt is alwaysworthdoing,as it canavoid confusion. Nowwe can get going - providedthat you are still at considerable Nowyou reallyare finished,and can leavethe menu the"ASSIGNCONTROLS" menu. withthe @ key.' Firsttheelevator: KeyZ; leafthrough withthe El andEl keysuntilD ap- Incidentally: In the example abovewe deliberately chosea complex pears(right-hand stick,forward/back). Ohe line sequence process; you for the assigning willsoonfind underthisthedisplay already showsELEV,so justhowquicklythiscanallbedone. out thereis nothing to bechanged here) And onemorething: Nowtheailerons: You might have the bright idea of assigning two KeyZ; leafthroughagainusingE)and E untilG aptransmittercontrolsto the samefunction,e.g. "A pears(right-hand stick,left/right). Aileron"and "C = Aileron".In that casethe compuKeyN; leafthroughuntilAILERappears. ter would not know which instruction it was supposedto act upon, For this reasonour programmer Nowtherudder: has instrubtedit to consider the "last one" as the (left-hand KeyZ; leafthroughuntilA appears stick, valid entry. In our exampleit would ignore the tirst left/right). entry"A = Aileron",andaccept"C = Aileron". Key!; lealthroughuntilRUDDappears. . lf youwantto, youcan skipa few pagesat this pointand do the folFinally thespoilers: rowrng: (right-hand KeyZ; leafthroughuntilF appears slider). 1. Copythe resultsof yourwork intomemoryNo.02;see page41. PS.:if you wish,you canasslgnthe stickfunc- 2. Switchmemories;to No.02. See page43. tion B to the spoilersinsteadof the slider 3. Enterthe name"FLAMINGO"; seepage43. KeySl; lealthroughuntilSPOILappears. In the followingexampleswe assumethatyou havedoneall this. quence,as thismakesthewholebusiness of settingup a newmodeleasierto understand. "assigning By the servos" we meaninJorming the Oursuggestion(adopted fromthe" ROYAL mc"): whichtunctionsare to be carriedout bv transmitter ServoNo.1 Aileron whichservo,i.e.youdetermine theservofunctions. ServoNo.2 Elevator Tomakeit quiteclearwhichservowe mean,eachservo ServoNo.3 Rudder is designated with the numberof the receiveroutput ServoNo.4 Throttle socketto whichit is connected: ServoNo.5 Aileron2 (if separateaileronservos B areused) functions ServoNo.6 - I : auxiliary 1ls ServoNo.1 (e.9. In with multiplecontrolsurspecial cases wings z ServoNo.2 you faces) will need to thingsdifterently;but arrange 3 ServoNo.3 Receiver more of that later. ServoNo.4 Nowthe preambleis over,we cangetdownto business. 5 ServoNo.5 In the displays whichfollowwe assumethatyou have 6 ServoNo.6 "02 FLAMINGO", moved memory to as described 7 ServoNo.7 aDove. The servoconnectedto receiveroutDutNo. 1 is there- Startingfrom the Statusdisplay,press @ZNtr to foreservoNo.1,thatconnected to output2 is servoNo. reachthe"ASSIGNSERVOS" menu.Youwillseethis: 2, andsoon. At thispointyouhavea moreor lessunrestricted choice t155IriH 5EFiLrü i 1 we of whichnumbercontrolswhichfunction.However, TrJ llILEFiut'lr stronglyrecommendthat you adopta "standard"se- Howto assignthe servos zo Pressthe N key.The "1" startsto flash.Moveon, or "leafthrough", the E or E keys.Thenumby pressing bersriseto 9,thenstartagainfrom1. andpress stopat No.3 ("3" flashing), As an example, the Z key. andtheservofunctionin the The"3" willstopflashing, AILERON ELEV(aro0 RUDDER THROTTLE 2.THBOI SPOILER FLAP BETRAT. TOWHOOK MIXTURE ROLL PITCH YAW(tailrot) COLL.PITCH GYRO bottomlinewillllashinstead.Hereagainyoucan leaf throughtheoptionswiththe E and El keysandassign thecorrectfunctionto thatservo. lf youleafthroughagainwiththe E key,thetransmitter willofferyoua largenumberof furtherfunctionsin sequence. Theseriesrunsasfollows: AUX.1 SHIPRUDeT MOrOR(electric) AUX. 2 2.MOT(electric) AUX3 AUX.4 FIXEOVALU ELEV + V . TAIL V - T A I L+ FLAPERON AIL.BR. SNAPFLAP QUADRO DELTA TAILROT. HEIM - IVIIX FLARE HEAD- IVIIX DYN.THR. U S R. M I X 1 USB - MIX2 USB - MIX3 in one go. Let'stakea Butbackto themore"normal"functions. That'squitea lot to assimilate closerlook: Don'tbe afraidof assigningonecontrolfunctionseveral "first knowsallaboutthat.Forexample, thetransmitter times; conthe familiar standard includes The division" "electronically with2 ailerons, differential" let's discuss as and helicopters, lor fixed-wing aircraft tunctions trol process. Theyare aileronservos:as you needtwo servosfor this,you ascontrolassigning in the transmitter for modelboats signthemasfollows: functions followedby the specialised models.As you have guessed, and electric-powered AILERON; ServoNo.1controls: whichdo notfit AUX.1- AUX.4arefor specialfunctions AILERON. ServoNo.5 controls: intotheusualpattern. will receivethe aileron both servos This ensuresthat Nowto the secondgroup in theSec' differential up aileron More on setting signal. Herewe meetwiththe "mixers",whichyou haveprob- tionentitled"Transmitter controladjustment". ablybeenlookingfor in vainIn thisbookso far.All the mixerslisted here are storedin the transmitterin Let'simaginethat you havea modelwith 4 ailerons, Jor "ready-made" torm,and just needto be invoked,or eachof whichyou wishto be adjustableseparately 4 then need aileron Youwould traveland differential. calledup. Youcouldassignallfourservosto the"Aileron" servos. section.Usingour exam- controllunction. Moreon this in the Thesameappliesto all the otherconple,we willjustexplainwhythe mixersareincludedin trolfunctions (even the" mixed"functions!). the "Assigningservos" process.Let'slookat the exknowthetwocon- But takecare: Asyouprobably ampleof a'V-TAIU'. one right, trol surfacesareeachoperatedby one servo,andthus Alwaysassigncontrolsurtacesalternately: "V-tail servos".lt you now assignthe oneleft. both servosare like this: servos ServoNo.2 controls:V-TAIL; V-TAIL, ServoNo.3 controls: that it understands automatically then the transmitter and ruddersignalsto servos2 mustsendthe elevator and3.Allyouneedto do afterthatis tellit howmuchof eachsignalto send. You have assigned servos2 and 3 as the "V'tail" " mixedcontrolfunction". Rightat theendof the list,as in theearlielassignment useless table,youwillsee" . .'. " again- an apparently oplion.A servowhichdoes"nothing"couldreallybe leftin theshopwindow- that'sonewayto savemoney. you will see laterthat thereis a goodreason However, for it,andthatthe" . .', " optioncanbeveryuseful. And onemoretip: l{ you connecta servoto a receiveroutputto which meanthat the " . ". " is assigned, an accurate correct: Alternatedoesnot necessarily thentheservoreceives sequential. outputs must be directly servo signal(andnothingelse).Youcan use neutralposition centre lf you do not keepto this rule,yourailerondifferential this to setthe servoitselfto its exactmechanical willworkincorrectly. ooint. 27 Finallya practicalexamplein abbreviatedform. N key;thenleafthroughwithEl keyuntil"2" flashes. A model glider with elevatorand rudder,differential Z key;leafthroughuntil"ELEV"appears. sooilersand aero{owrelease(the"FLAMIN- N key;move ailerons. GO" again). Z key;lealthroughwiththe El keyuntil'RUDDER' appears. Firstyoumaketheconnections end: at thereceiver key; leafbackto "1" withthe El key. N Elevatoris operatedby servoNo.2 Rudderis operatedby servoNo.3 withthe E key z key;moveto "AILERON" Aileronsareoperatedby ServosNo.1 and5 S key;forwardsagainwith E to "5" SpoilersareoperatedbyservoNo.4 againwiththe E key Z key;"AILERON" Aero-towreleaseis operatedbyservoNo.6 "4", withthe El key N key;onebackto procedure, Nowto theassigning asdescribed above: flashes Z key;@ keyuntil"SPOILER" (Note:youwillfindthatsomeof the servosarealready N key;leafthroughwithE until"6" flashes. assigned to the correct{unctionwhenyou selectthat "TOWHOOK" flashes. servo No. Don't be put off by this. Just for practice, Z key;E keyuntil "round All done. pressthe keys the clock" one time,untilthe functionappearsagain.Of course,you neveractually Leavethe menuwiththe E key;then El threemore times,andyouarebackat the StatusDisplay. needto dothis.) ';-;. + REVERSE" Pressthe Z keyto select"TRAVEL Afterthisvouwillsee: In caseyouare nottamiliarwiththe rathersloppylanguagewe modellers the are proneto use,"adjusting rSEF1 : .: t : t I L E F ; ü H servos"doesn'tmean attackingthe servo itself. lt is L+ l rjlrjr:irj+ tl I LEFjr more a matterof adiustingand settingup the "servo Thesignalsfor eachservoare end" of the transmitter. producedby the transmitter,and since they are not Firstyou haveto tell the transmitterwhich servoyou the ef- wantto revetse. modified at all aftertheyhavebeentransmitted, is the if it had been Pressthe Z key.The servoNo. ("1") startsto flash. tect of any adjustment same as Nowyoucanpressthe El and E keysto leafthroughto madeat theservoitselt. theoneyou in detailtheba- the desiredservo.Onceyouhavedisplayed In thefollowing sectionwe willdescribe press percentage (theset key. The display want, the fl whichcanbemadeto theservos. sicadjustments travel) begins to tlash. the directionof servorotation(servoreverse) Reversing is certainlythe most importantaspectof this. Please Pleasenote: the traveldisplayhasa symbolin frontof on howit was depending notethis pointrightnow:the servosthemselves are it - the prefix last set. neverreversed thinkfor a momentof a simoleV-tail mixer:elevatorcorrect,rudderincorrect.Now reverse Now comesa typicalexampleof how the El key is the "servo":rudderis nowcorrect,but elevatoris incor- useo: rect.Moral:onlyreverse the mixerinputlMoreon this Pressthis key,and "+" turnsinto"-", or viceversa. later. That actionreversedthe servo.This was a simple, You can also adjustthe neutralpositionof the servo standard hasno mixed case,whentheservoconcerned "electronically" at thetransmitter. Wewillcoverthisareain detailin the controlfunction. Finallywe havethe possibilityof adjustingservotravel "Mixers"Section. - separately for eachsideof neutral. Youleavethemenuwiththe m key;andbypressing El the twicemoreyoureturnto yourstartingpoint,afteryetanWhilereversingservosis almosta dailynecessity, two otherJacilitiesare morefor specialcases,and for othersuccessful intothelandof thekeypad. expedition modeller whowantsto tunehissvstem theexoerienced "feature" Fatalerror;or a special to a niln levelof refinement. "simsection, Reallythisbelongsto the "Traveladjustment" onlywiththese In thisSectionwe areconcerned you where will look tor it. but this is ple" adjustments. Thereis a morecomplex side,which anerror? in the Mixer Howcomethisfeatureis normally withmixers. Thisis explained is concerned Youapplyright- the servorunsto the right- so far,so section(page45). with "02 FLAMIN- good.Youapplyleft- theservorunsto therightagain. We will discussthis in conjunction What'shappened? GO". Now,whatyou havedoneis this:youturnedpast"0" Howto reverse whensettingthe servotravel.Turningit backpastzero again reversesthe movementand removesthe probrotation of servo the direction tem. Startingfromthe Statusdisplay,press@Z to reachthe lf yourservonowneedsto be reversed, pressEl once. " Servoadjustment"menu. pilot. for Thisunusual leatureis important thehelicopter Youwillseethis: mixingtail rotorandthrottle. In thiscase Forexample: that is exactlywhat is required- regardlessof the dir T E : r , r + E :LEItHr .I T t rectionot the changein tail rotor,thethrottlecompensapropor tion mustalwaysoccurin the samedirection, -;t,J I TI-HT LL:EHTF:E tionalto thetailrotordeflection. zö travel,or utilisethetraveladjustactlyequalmechanical mentfacility. A Dointto notehereis that eachservomusthave"its Iimits,youcanadjustthe neutralpo- own" receiveroutput;otherwiseit is not possibleto ad' Withinreasonable (usethe faoutput. just the travelof eachservoindependently to eachreceiver the servos connected sitionof funccontrol to one multiple servos assigning cility of What'sthe point of that? page 26). tion: can be useful:for examthe neutralposition Adjusting ple, if you wantto use a servoof a ditferentmakewith A similarcase mightbe aileronswith superimposed flapfunction. your newsystem.Differentmanufaclurers use difJerent camber-changing andyoumayfindthattheoutputarmof a ro- A few morewordsherebeforewe getdownto business: standards, taryoutputservowill notbe at the correctangle. Herewe assumethatthe servohasone "simple"conor aileronwithoutmixing,or e.g.elevator Anothercasemightbe thatyou find a servo'sneutral trolfunction; positionnon-central for any reason,and there is no undercarriage In "mixedcontrolfunctions" actuation. is used;but then it getsa little ontheservoitself. meansof adjustment the sameprocedure in somecasesonlycertain"inbecause more complex, pushrods Never use this facility to make up for puts" of the overalltravelare to be adjustedor shifted, which haveturnedout too long or too short! Moreon this while othersareto be leftunchanged. Generallyspeakingyou oughtto use this facilityas in thethe "Mixers"section. lt is easyto forgetwhetheryou as possible. sparingly or not,andthiscanleadto But nowto actuallyadiustingthe travel. haveresetneutralpositions sincethereareso manyotherad- Fromthe StatusDisplayyou reachthe "Servoadjustespecially confusion, justmentfacilities whichhavea vaguelysimilar- but ment"menubypressing El andZ. Youwillseethis: notouiteidentical-effect. rTFLr+F;Er,r, This is howyou do it: L I i'1IT1 press keys to the EZ Startingfromthe StatusDisplay, StrlITr::Hr rL:EtlTF:E getto the "Servoadiustment"menu.Youwillseethis display: withthe Z key. Select"TRAVEL+ REVERSE" The first step is to select the servo you wish to adrTFjil+E Er,r. L I r'lITr iust. Pressthe Z key.The servoNo.("1" in our example) I TuHr rt-:Et{TE:E5til startsto flash.LeaJthroughthe servoswiththe El and Selectthe "CENTRE"menupointwiththe ! key.Now Q keysuntilthecorrectnumberappears. you are at the rightplace,and will see a displaylike SelectservoNo.3; in theexample youwillseethis: this: Howto adjust the servo'sneutralposition r:;EFj.1: HI LEF:r:rl.{ |_:EHTFIE: +. Ell:r r::EF:.f,: E:l_l[rlrEF r+ l Ut:tl.:H+ F:l-l[i[!El AftertheservoNo.youwillseethecontrolfunction- a Firstyou haveto selectthe correctservo. thatyouhavetherightservo. double-check "l") (in No. our example the servo Pressthe Z key; forus: Butnowto thebottomline- thishassomething startsflashing.Pressthe E or E keyto reachtheservo pressthe Z key. want.Onceit is displayed, Thevalueat therightof thebottomlinestartsto flash. Youcan nowadjustthe offsetwith the E or E keyto lnput Direction control and -110/oin stepsof 0.1ol0, Sizeof tnvel any pointbetween+110/o in 10l0 steps. to 1100/o andthenfrom110/o you will see A- nextto the valuefor In our example That'sall thereis to it. Pressthe E] keyto leavethe Ser- travel.MovestickA to the left:the rightarrowturnsinto Menu,andthentwicemoreto returnto a leftarrow.Thisdisplayalsotakesaccountof the curvo adjustment the StatusDisplay. of thetrimslider,so it maybe thatin your rentposition you seea leftarrowfirst,whichturnsintoa right case Howto adjustservotravel arrowwhenyoumovethestickto theright. control it now:thisis thetransmitter The transmitteroffersthe facilityof adiustingthe travel Youwillunderstand whichacts uponthe servoyou haveselected.The arfor bothsidesof neutral. of eachservo:separately in whichthecontrolis moved. thisis rowshowsthedirection wayof explaining Whatuseis that?Thesimplest Now pressthe ! key.The "left-handbottomcorner" to providea fewpracticalexamples. modelaircraftareop- startsflashing. Thelandingflapsof a large-span as described end-point; eratedby two servos:one for eachflap.Manufacturing Holdthe stickat its left-hand pressthe E you you lf now a left arrow. tolerancesin conventionalservoshave combinedto above, will see it to "800/0". value will change. Set travel or key, the produce The result of E in outputtravel. a slightdifference "down" (rightanow) end-point un' Movethe stickto the right-hand on theflapsproduces thisis thatmaximum "900/0"in the sameway.That'sit to the travel and set You to turn. the model tends flap movement, and eoual havetwooptions:seekouttwomatchedservos,withex- for now. 29 to feelat homewiththesystem? Areyoubeginning which correspondsto moving the The servo travel is and then adiusted by the left selected to stick "stick |eft". The servo travel which correspondsto moving the stick to the right is selectedand then adiustedby "stickright". lf younowmovethe stickto rightandthenleftyouwill see that the travelvalue alternatesbetween80 and 900/o. Caution- a trap for the unwary!Pleasedon'tsetthe Theresultwould travelto zeroon bothsidesol neutral. bethattheservodoesnotmoveat all.lf youdothisfor somereason,but then forgetthat you havedoneit, channel, you will havean apparently nonJunctioning closeto theedgeof whichwilldriveyouuncomfortably insanity. . . Theothersideof thiscoin:if youget "nothingat all" at one receiveroutput,checkfirst whetheryou haveset theservotravelto zeroby mistake! Servotravelcan alsobe set to morethan usual:a selwe do not recommend is possible. ting of up to 1100/0 as,withcertaintypesof usingthislacilityexcessively, youruntherisk servo(linearoutputservosin particular) You might of jammingthe mechanicsmechanically. alsoliketo bearin mindthatan outputtravelof more than45 degreesusuallyprovidesverylittleextramovelinkmechanical of standard ment,dueto thegeometry ages. Theprefixin frontof thetravelvalueshownis normally irrelevantwhen adjustingservotravel(thereis an exception:seebelow);it showswhetherthe servo'swhole seealsopage28: "Servoreversing". travelis reversed; the E) menuby pressing Leavethe Servoadjustment key. Nowa few morepoints: It makesno ditferencehow far you movethe sticks the only important when makingtheseadjustments; in which the arrow taces.lf it is not is ooint thedirection iikelyto confuseyou,youcan movethe correspondingHow to limit servo travel andleavethestickat centre. trimsliderinstead, mixedfunctions it canoccurthatthesumof mixer functions.For With The same appliesto all servos/control maximum travelof the controlsur' the inputsexceeds stickmove- face(mechanical whichcorrespond to forward/back functions with limits),e.g.mixedailerons/flaps ments,the rightand leftarrowsare replacedby up and flapsat the launchposition.Herethe variableservo downarrows. travellimit"LlMlT"canhelp. travel valuesreferto thenormalnominal All percentage youarestillat the "AdjustSERVO"menu,pressthe this is usually45 degrees(aF lf of the servoconcerned; "LlMlT"keyandyouwillseethefollowing: thoughthereareexceptions). There is no reasonwhy you shouldnot set extreme r::EF i1. : HI LEFIÜI'I Forinstance,in the exampleabove traveladjustments. in that you couldset the left travelof the stickto zero; L I I i I T : + 1ül:tilr casethe servowouldnot moveat all whenyou move possible the stickin thatdirection.Youcan evensetthe travelto Nowyoucansetthe maximum travelfor each value,by simplypressing servoseparately, lessthanzero,i.e.a negative for eachdirection. the n key.The servowill now moveto the rightwhen Returnto theStatusdisplay with@@El. youmovethe stickto the left,as wellas whenyou move whenyouerasea modelmemory. thatsideof neu- Fulltravelis resumed it to theright(asyouhavenotchanged is transferredbetweentwo transwhen data tral).Quitewhyyou mightwantto do thatis beyondus Caution: values arenottransferred. the LIMIT mitters iustat themoment! Howto maketravelinputs switchable At bottomrightyouwillseethatthe aileroninputis alIn the "swlTcH" menu,whichyou reachwiththe key wavs switchedon, while the FLAP input can be all switched tromthe basicdisplay), sequence@ZZ (starting in andoutusingthe53 switch. travelinoutsfor the servoscan be switchedON/OFFor In practicethesystemworksasfollows: renderedswitchable.By "switchable"we meanthat a 1. Moveto the"SWITCH" menu. physicalswitchis assignedto thattravelinput. 2. Z: Selectservo. Let'slookat an example:switchto memory07 SALTO, 3. fl: Selectinput El: SwitchON/OFFwiththe El key. then moveto the "SWITCH"menu(E)ZZ). The disRepeatuntilyouhavecoveredall the inputs. playwilllooksomething likethis: untilallservos 4. Returnto ooint2. andcontinue covered. have been rSEFI.1: F LHF E F I I H Anothertraptor the unwary: lf servoswhich are controlledby mixedfunctionsapr Ul'l l LEE:: rtl pear not to respondto the transmittercontrolsin the lf this is notthe case,pressZ and selectservo1 with way you intended, then you may find that the inputs in the "SWITCH" the EIE keys. OFFcompletely havebeenswitched is that the inputshave Now press51, and AlLeronwill llash.You can now menu.The secondpossibility physical which is in the switch switchbetweenthe two inputsAlleron and FLAPtor been assignedto a position. wrong servo1 by pressingthe El key. 30 worksthewrongwayround, movement of yourailerons pleaseseepage33. of rotation: thedirection is reversing A turtherexample When we reversethe directionof movementat the dithe rotational control,thenthis reverses settingup the transmitter In the previoussectionwe discussed alltheinputs "servoend" of the system;nowit is timeto concern rectionof alltheservos(or,moreprecisely, by thistransmitter whichareoperated with adjustingthe "signalsource",namely fromthiscontrol) ourselves reversing the servoitas This is not the same control. controls. thetransmitter self. An importantdifterence Youcan probablyseethe principlealready: between"transmitter The systematicditferentiation "flowof signals", startingat the transmitter of We havea characteristic end" and "servoend" is an important "source"). (the The variousinfluences signal behindthe PROFImc 3010.Forthisrea- controls thephilosophy - mixingarrangements, signal follow signal then on the oncemore sonwe wouldliketo explainthisdifference which control surfaces The servos and the etc. splitting in brief, beforewegetdownto business. arethefinallinkin thechain. theyoperate arethe bestmethodof explanaOnceagain,examples üon. it of the elevator, ll vouwantto reducethe effectiveness whetheryou reduce mäyseemto makeno difference reduce stickor electronically the travelof the elevator -Disfribution, travel. theservo's mixinq is of the simplest if the application Butthisis onlytrue "mixed"or possible type, signalsare"derived", that lf we assumein ourexample influenced. otherwise therearetwo elevatorservos(e.9.onefor eachelevator panel),then,it we insiston workingat the "servoend", the travelof both servoswould haveto be reduced separately. lf we altersomething at the source- the transmitter whichis Thingsget a littlemoredifficultil we supposethatel- controls thenthatchangeaffectseverything bythatcontrol. is alsointended to involvethe cam- influenced evatormovement flaps.ln this casewe wouldneedto re- Eachtransmitter ber-changrng conto a particular controlis assigned input"to theflapsalso;other- trolfunction ducethe "mixedelevator (elevator, aileron,. . .).li a changeis made wouldalter.How- to thetransmitter wisethe ratioof the mixedfunctions thatchangeaffectstheentire control, end, controlfunction- andthisis exactly at the transmitter ever,if we reducethe movement whatis usuallyrethingsaremucheasier:allwe haveto do is reducethe ourred. byor dethatls affected sticksignal;everything elevator aileronconit youwantexponential moreexample: reducedat the One rivedfromthat signalis automatically (foursepalate trolon a modelfittedwith"quadro-flaps" sametime. thenthe entire"aileron"funcwingcontrolsurfaces), moveaileron A secondexamplewouldbe differential i.e.allfourservosat once. tionneedsto bealtered, mentswheretwo separateaileronservosare used.As lf, on theotherhand,we try to setthatup by adjusting servotravelon oneof the servos,the changewill onlyaffectthatone is nothingmorethanunequal differential to adjust sidesot neutral,it wouldbe possible different Butit is easierif we servo. individually. theservosthemselves produce thetwoaileroncontrolsignalsat thestickby a Torecap: "differential circuit",as we can thenset the degreeof Adiustmentsat the transmittercontrol affectthe en' tire controlfunction. withonesingleadjustment. differential Correctassignmentis important!lf the differentialAdiustmentsat the servoend affectthat servoonly. Adlusting tfie lransmittter contrcls I & m & ffi Thetransmittercontroloptions justset option, controladjust- youwant.lf youdo notneeda particular Nowit'stimeto discussthe transmltter "transmitter (or the type of 1000/0, depending on its value to 00/o term Thecomplex-sounding mentfacilities. function). of the description is simply an overall controloptions" forthetransmit- Notall ootionsareavailable whichareprovided lacilities adjustment tor all transmitter controls; familiar withthemalready thatwouldnotmakesense(whowouldwanta retractable Youareprobably tercontrols. from otherradiosets.Forexample:DualRates,Expo- undercarriage Theavailability travel?). withexponential nentialandso on. practical requirements: is on the options based of "readymade"in yourtransTheseoptionsaresupplied ControlAd- DualRatesandExDonential: mitter,and are ofleredvia the "Transmitter Ailerons, elevator andrudder. "assigning" justment"menu.No ln order is necessary. "leat on bothsidesof neutral: separately through" Travel,adjustable an option,yousimplyneedto to activate ailerons andthrottle. Allfunctions exceDt pointin the menu,thensetthevalue to theappropriate 31 adjustment: Travel, symmetrical Howto set Ailerons only. transmittercontroloptions Centreadjustment: the characterisAs we are nowtalkingaboutadjusting flapandspoiler. exceptthrottle, Alltunctions moveto the "Transmitter controls, tics of transmitter ldletrim: ControlAdiustment"menu. Throttle andspoileronly. Fromthe Statusdisplayyou reachthe menuwiththe Differential: sequenceEINN. lf we returnto the firstexample Aileronsonly,providedthat at least2 servosare key - 01BIGLIFT- youwillseethisdisplay: to thisfunction. assigned Fixedvalue: rt:t:HILEF: fl:rip't_tr Not for ailerons,elevatotIudderor throttle;all otherfunctions. E1::J EFFEL:T: Youcanalsousetwoor moreof theseoptionstogether; controlletter(in our Z key.The transmitter exponential and DualRateson aileron(il Pressthe for example, "A') plusdifferentialexample startsto flash. youthinkthiswillbeto youradvantage), also.Allyouneedto do to apply Nowyoucan"leafthrough"theoptionswiththe El and andcentreadjustment willappearone controls transmitter thevaluein thedisplay. E) keys.Thevarious theseoptionsis increase the displayshows same time the other; at the after thereareturtherpossibilities; In thecaseof helicopters they operate. which function page 53. thesein detailon wewilldiscuss " Elevator"(leaveit flashing) and Select,for example, But now,finally,to business. pressthe N key. Theoption"Expo"flashesin line3. Youcan nowleafthroughagain,usingthe E and El willofferyouall the available keys,andthe transmitter ootionsin turn. option The"DualRate" it is importantthat you establishyour own PressZ then E E E to switchto ControlD (ELEvator), However, " personal otherwise sooneror lateryouwilllind (Dual layout", by Rates)with N followed OEl. thento D-RATE yourself totally contused. willlooklikethis: Thedisplay layout: Oursuggested aileron: 51 Dual Rates, r[:': ELEtJt:t [r-Fjt-tTEr DualRates,elevator:52 r5I+' TFll.J: F-,lli:r DualRates,rudder: S3 Pressthe tr key.Thevalueat bottomrightflashes.You The asterisk(star) of whatthe symbolsafterthe is fulltravel, And nowan explanation canalterit usingthe El and El keys.1000/0 refinement: at switchmean:thisrsa realconnoisseur's whenthe switchis operated; throwreduction you S2, and that have selected that us suppose it willbe reducedto halfwhenthe switchis oper' Let 50o/o "52" The smallarrow key. Press the is flashing. tr still ated.Youhavesetup " DualRates"for theelevator. atter "52" is reversed.You have now reversedthe Butwaita moment- there'ssomethingelse! swttch.And the pointot that?Well,manypilotswant DualRates"active"whenthe switchtogglefacesaway Press the more symbols. left corner are In the bottom Youcansewayaround. will beginto flash. fromthem;otherstheopposite Sl key:andthisareaof the display "OFF" "ON" it lect vourself. there. is shown or key until the Press E This muchwill probablybe clear:this showswhether the ootionis switchedon or off.Youcanswitchbetween the E key. ONandOFFby pressing Switchto ON,thenpressthe @ key.Youwillseethis: 50 o/o r51+.+ TF:t"t. Et:tl'lr DualRatesis one Thispartis alsoeasyto understand: optionwhichrequiresa switch,namelyto switchbetweenfull and reducedtravel;and you havejust sell you don'tlike lectedthe switch51 for this purpose. press 32 will be seagain and El this arrangement, lected.You can continueup to 55 - even the switchcanbe used(ityouinsist). Teacher/Pupil Youarefreeto choosewhichswitchit "oughtto be". .tz Fig.3 round! Thisentire"switchcorner"onlyappearson thescreen themselves Caution- don'tturn the switches They mustbe installedas dictatedby the Transmitter whenyou are dealingwithan optionwhichrequiresa switch;for fixed-wingmodelsthese are ControlTeston page66; otherwisethe wholearrange- mechanical "Dual Flates" and"FixedValue". mentwillbe uoset. in one Dual Ratesreducesservotravelequallyin both direcThe asterisk(star)whichappearsafterthe arrow switch. bya mechanical showsthatthe switchis "ON" in tions,andiscontrolled of the two oositions thisDosition. travel) The "Expo" option (exponential dispropor curveis onewhichincreases An exponential tionatelythe furtherit movesawayfromzero.lts effect on a controlfunctionis that the servomakessmall aroundcentre,but the turtherthe stickis movements At the stick's moved,the moreservotravelincreases. itsownnormalend-point. theservoreaches end-point, In practice the resultis thatthe pilothasveryfinecontrolof the modelin normalflight,butstillhasavailable whichare occathe largecontrolsurfacemovements required. sionally andsettingup thisoptionarecarriedoutexSelecting actlyas describedfor DualRatesabove,so we do not in detail. needto repeattheinformation is notswitchable; so thereis no mechaniExoonential meansnormal,lincal switchto select.00/oexoonential possiis themaximum 1000/0 earcontrolcharacteristics. fromnormal. deviation bleexDonential Fig.21 The "asymmetrical traveladjustment"option This facilityallowsyou to adiustmaximumservotravel of thestick. foreachof thetwodirections separately r [ ! F i U [ i [ i ET F j H t J E L I : + 1rllr:.:r fi,-:r,rl'll,lETFi processitself: Theadjustment Pressthe Z key;the set valueon the right startsto the end-point; flash.Movestick C to its right-hand small arrow betore the displayed value will tace right. lf you adjustthe travelwith the El and El keys, thissettingappliesto travelto the right of centre.Move the small arrow will the stickto the left end-point; point to the left. Youcan now set travel to the left (againusingthe El and E keys).looo/o= maximum possibletravel;00/o= zerotravel. Onefurtherpointto note: Thatwassimpleenough. processjust describedit makesno In the adjustment Fig.22 the stick is at full rightor full left whether difference wouldbe in a modelwhosecontrol A typicalapplication pointis that the smallarrow The crucial movementperhapsfor is not equalin bothdirections, resDonse points in the correct direction. reasons. aerodynamic withtheexception All you needto do is movethe stickslightlyto the defor all controlfunctions It is available "ailerons". "throttle" The first stepis to select siredside;evenmovingthe üim slideris enough.Just and of whetheryouareadControlC withthe sequenceZ and ElE, thenASYM. watchthe smallarrow;it indicates justing or left-hand travel.In the caseof the right-hand TRAVELwiththe keysequenceS, followedby ElE. 'torclall' "Transmitter movements or switchessmall up and down ControlOpThisoptionis locatedin the "leafing arrowsappear. through": tions" menu,andis foundby The "symmetricaltraveladjustment" option forailerons. A traveladjustThisoptionis onlyavailable wouldmakeno mentfacilityfor bothsidesseparately aileronservosthe efsensehere;withtwo differential hadbeenapfectwouldbe the sameas if difterential olied. lf you havealreadytriedout someot the optionsdescribedabove,youwill haveno troublesettingup this function; it is carriedoutin exactly thesameway. = maximum Hereagain:1000/o travel;00/o= notravel Fig.23 The"CentreTrim"option for mostcontrolfunctions. lt is usedto Thisis available of thetransmitter control"elecshiftthecentreposition it hasroughly thesameeffectas movingthe tronically"; trimsliders. travelswhichyouhavesetarenotinfluThe maximum ( worksin the encedby the centreadjustment samewayas the "centretrim"systemusedby thetrim sliders). Fig.24 far as the The adjustmentrangeis up to 1000/0, transmitter control. of thecorresponding end-point procedureis simple: Theadiustment Options"menu.Let'slookat Moveto the "Transmitter transmittercontrolD = Elevatoras an example.First pressthe Z key and then leaf throughuntil "Ctrl Pressthe S keyand leafthrough D:ELEV"appears. withthe El keyuntil"Centre"appearsin line3 (flashing).Youwillthenseethis: r[r : ELEl.Jtlt_:E[.lTFlEr TEIf'l: +11:r 34 at bottomrightwill PresstheZ key;thevaluedisplayed you flash.You can carryout the centreadjustment want,usingthe E and E keys.Onceyou havecompletedthe adjustment, returnto the Statusdisplaywith the E key. Hereare two more examplesot typical applications tor this option. Example1: Youhaveseenthat it is possibleto offsetthe centreby oneend-point. It youselectsuchan up to 1000/0, for onestickaxisthe extreme setting- in thisexample associated servodoesnot moveat all whenthe stickis movedto oneside.Whenit is movedto the otherside theservocarriesoutitstullmovement. Thisfacilitycouldbe usedfor a gliderwith airbrakes: the brakesare extendedwhen the throttlestick is Overthe entire movedbackfromthe centreposition. 'lorward' hal{of the sticktravelthe servodoesnot reYounowhave spondat all, and staysat full movement. fullservotravelcontrolled by halfthestickmovement. themostcommonapplication! Example 2: perhaps Witha well-built andcarefully trimmedmodelthe posiin flight,or tionof thetrimslidersis notusually changed lf you adoptthe positionof the trim onlyveryslightly. youwill notneedto slidersas yourcentreadjustment, the basicsetalterthetrimswhenyouchangemodels; ting of the trim slidersis thenalwaysthe centreposition. controlcentretrim Caution:do notusethetransmitter facilityto "centreup servos".Thereis a separatefacility providedfor this(seepage29). The"ldleTrim"option oJthis optionis thatyou can advantage The practical withoutaftec! carburettor idle setting of the adjust the for the "THROTTLE" con- ingitslull-throttle Thisoptionis onlyavailable position. lts effectis thatthethrottrolfunction(orTHROTTLE-2). this optionis the sameas for and adjusting whenthestickis at Selecting tle sticktrimslideris onlyeffective described. the other options already towards ltseffectis steadilyreduced its "idle"position. range: of the stick.In thewholeof the full- Adiustment the centreposition at the "full 0 0/oin thedisplay:the"throttle"trimsliderhasno throttle"half" of the stickarc (especially effect. thetrimsliderhasnoeffect. end-point) throttle" 100% in thedisplay:the"throttle"trimslideradjusts withinthe theidleposition wholeof onehaltof thestick arc. a valueof 20 to In practice(specialcasesexcepted) is a sensible sefting. 300/0 Onefurther note: Stick Normally the idlepositionof the throttlestickis "stick back".lf youwantit theotherwayround(e.9.fora helipressthe y keyonceat the adjustment stage. copter), ldle trim idleis then"forThisreverses the entirestickfunction; in the displayby a minussign ward".Thisis indicated (-) in lrontof thesetvalue,instead of a plussign(+). lf the servothen rotatesin the wrongdirection,reverseit on page28. Fis.25 asdescribed The "Differential"option if a transmitter controlhas It is vital that the servosare assignedcorrectly,othThisoptionis onlyavailable beenassignedto the controlfunction"AILERON"at erwisethe differentialmovementswill not be correct the "Assigning"stage,and if at leasttwo servoshave (seepage26). to "aileron". In allothercasesdifferential Pressthe Z key;the valueat bottomrightwill flash. beenassigned makesno sense,or can be replacedby the option Youcan nowset the degreeof difterential you require "Asymmetrical traveladjustment". usingtheE) andE keys. Thefiguresmean: upanddown samemovement 0 0/o- noditferential; t*= lor bothservos. is onlyhalfas large 5Oo/o- the"down"movement asthe" uD"movement. movesuo, ditferential: eachaileron 1ooo/o- maximum all. but does not move down at 0,6 50 1( \\ \'.\^ elsewhensetYoudon'tneedto worryaboutanything \so& control signalsare The differentiated tingupditferential. \'.{; sentto thetwoservosautomatically. '( you can "reWhensettingthe degreeot difterential verse"the differentialwith the El key. Difter.ntial Youwill find that it is possibleto set up differential by usregardless of yourinstallation, correctly, Fig.26 ailerons with reversing one or both in conjunction ing this option Toexplainhowthis works,we will takeanotherexample. givegeneralguide(see page 28). We cannot servos The transmittercontrols and servos have been asvariations lines,however, asthereareso manypossible signedas follows: in modeldesignandradioinstallation. Transmitter control A = AILERON; servo 1= Onemoretip(whichalsoappliesto otheradjustments): ATLERON; servo 5 = AILERON It is sometimes easierand quickerto find exactlythe Startingfromthe StatusDisplay,moveto the "Transmi! rightsettings out" in flight"adjustments. bycarrying ter ControlAdjustment"menu. Pressthe N key and whichis availleafthroughwith El untilyou see "DlFFER."in the dis- Thisis veryeasyusingthe Digi-Adjustor, as an accessory: able play,f lashing: menu Beforestartinga flight,moveto the appropriate "Adjust Value" as dealready described, and select as r H : I I L E F :[ ' I F F E F ' I scribedabove;butthistimedon'tleavethemenu! ! +Ir:rlir HItit'l1'lETF: 35 "in parallel"withthe El is connected The Digi-Adjustor andEl keys,and hasexactlythesameeffect,namelyol Allyouneedto do in thedegreeof differential. adjusting whilethemodelis thiscaseisto rotatetheDigi-Adjustor flying(don'tlookdownat it!)untilyouaresatisfied. the Landthe model,thenleavethe menuby pressing gets there's (everything automatically stored E] key nothingmoreto bedone). Caution! Although it is theoretically possible, you should neveraitemptto makechangesvia the keypadwhile the modelis flying. Youwouldhaveto takeyour eyes off the modelto find the right key;and if you madea mistake,the resultscould be catastrophic! The"FixedValue"optionwhat'sthat? "DualRates","Exponential" thisis to be theswitch55. Pressthe Sl andso on aretermsJamil- ln ourexamole cornerwillflash. in thebottomleft-hand key; the display He maynot be on such modeller. iar to the advanced "OFF".Pressthe tr key;"OFF" "Fixed probably show It will Value",however. closetermswith "ON". it is to describean turnsto The simplestmethodof explaining (afterit LeafthroughwiththeE keyuntil"55" appears examore: possibly Operate an asterisk). you and willseean arrow flapswhichare the switch lmaginea modelwithcamber-changing the asterisk 55; at one of the two positions controlF. mustappear. slider= transmitter operatedby the right-hand is set to "ON". the switch This means that Travelhas beenreduced(usingthe "Travel"option)so is in the range-5 to +75 de- Adiustingthe FixedValue: thatfull flap movement (thisis notnecessary Pressthe Z key;the valueshownin the bottomrightgreesat thetwosliderend-points "Fixed Value",but it doesshowup the useful- handcornerstartsto flash. to use Youcan nowadjustthe'FixedValue"withthe El and nessof theoption). the El keys.00/omeansone servo end-point;1000/o position (+15 Jlap model there is a specitic NoWon this you value to if set the For example, flightsitu- otherend-point. whichis onlyneededfora particular degrees) position centre and half-way between this means a 750lo Wouldn'tit be niceif we could ation(say,launching). witha switch,then oneend-ooint. movetheflapsto thisfixedposition the Nowyou can carryout a practicaltest to see how returnto normaloperationagainafterwards? "Off", "FixedValue"function 55 is when switch works: In orderto achievethis it wouldbe necessaryfor lhe the servocanbe controlled in the normalwaywiththe "normal" flap controlsignal,so switchto overridethe "On" the servorunsto the position When set to slider. thattheflapstakeup a pre-set,fixedvalue. youhavejustset. This is what"FixedValue"is all about. lf vou now want the switchto work the "other way "Fixed Value" movesthe control function to a pre- roünd", pressthe S keyagain;"S5" willflash.Press set fixed value when the associatedswitch is oper' the E key,and the arrowafter "S5" will be reversed' is of switchactuation ated.and overridesthe transmittercontrolitself. andyouwillfindthatthedirection reversed. also Therearethereforetlvothingsto setup: First,of course,the FixedValueitself(in o/oof full lmportantnotefor F3Bflyers: you mayhavenoWhen"leafingthrough"the options travel). "FixedValue-2". You further option "activate" is a that there ticed the Fixed Second,the switchwhich is to "FixedValues"(FixedValueand two fact, set up in can, Valuehasto be selected. whichyoucanselectat will. FixedValue-2) Adiustmentis carriedout in a similarway to that de- Forexample,you couldset up two pre-setpositionsfor scribedabovefor "DualRates''. flaps on a glider: "Tow" and camber-changing " example: Hereisanother SDeed". as In orderto exploitthisoption,youwill needto usethe the controls Wewillassumethatyou haveassigned follows: switch"S1".lf youusetheswitchI for special3-position you mustnot assignit as a transmitter this purpose, controlF = AUX.I;gsrvog = AUX.1. Transmitter usage;i.e'Icontrols= "" Jor normal control theservo slidercontrols Thismeansthatthe right-hand (nothing)' on thison page69' More output6 to receiver connected this is a good clearly'. menu. lf-yourbrainis slilllunctioning controlAdjustment" Moveto the "Transmitter of this transmitter: present a furtherreJinement timeto ControlF, d;:i.^"'"""' SelectTransmitter "Flx-1" press appearsäffi'H:1'iT"Ut["i,n:t".ofi':llj]tt"flötilJSffil rhen rheN key; s "g;, un,ir Youwill nowseethisdisplay: r F : t : t l _ l1i r i . F I I : - 1 r Stlli:,r rrJFF Selectingthe FixedValueswitch: 36 äiä noimattoggie switch.'Th'eoptionat toni,-insteäO "stick press-button"is one example,or the momen' tary switchwhich is recommendedfor operatingthe stopwatch. In the lollowingwe assumethatyou haveconnecteda momentaryswitchof this type to "S4". Pressthe N keyagain.Go past"S5" withthe E key; for afterthe displays"LS", "H" (controlH is reserved the Profimc 3030)and "1",the symbol51 appears again,but this timefollowedby the symbolinsteadof that a momentary switchis the arrow.This indicates now"expected". lf youwishto tryoutthisoptionyouwill,of course,have switch. to installa momentary Pressthemomentary switch.ServoNo.6 willrunto the pre-setFixedValue.Nexttimeyoupressthe buttonthe to theslideragain,andsoon. servoresponds switchto reIn this way you can use the momentary leaseor activate a functionin the modelwhichthenremains"on" or "off" untilyoupressthebuttonagain. Caution!lf yousetupthisoptionyoucannolongersee at a glancethe currentstateof the model,i.e.fromthe positionof the switchtoggle.Forthis reasonwe only function, recommend usingthistacilityfor a non-critical and obvious sewhich works in a delinite or a function quence; for example "undercarriageretracted/exon/otf". tended"or "smokegenerator FIXEDVAUE again to a FIXEDVALUE, Youcanalsoassigna servodirectly regardless of whatwe havejust said.Thisthenfuncfunction tionsas a virtualcontrol.Usingany assigned servoto and fro beswitchyou can run the associated tweenthetwo positionsyouhavechosen. Typicalapplication:Aero-towreleaseor the tixedinput (offset)of a user-defined mixer.Butmoreonthis later. The"Normpos"option in conjunction with Thereis notmuchto adjustin is activated This optionis onlyoJsignificance when SPOILERor automatically by the transmitter mixers. You only need to tellthetransmitter FLAP is assigned. you flaps it is desirable to often When extendspoilersor control for "spoilersreof the transmitter the oosition pitch which occurs. for the change in trim compensate "forward". t'back" or Toachievethis,partof the spoilersignalis bledolf to tracted" we willconsider"09 CORTINA". Select As an example theelevatorservo. press previous examples, model, then, as in the this Thefollowingproblemthenarises: @ N N . "idle position"(brakesretracted) of the transmitter The "SPOILER"as spoilercontrol(e.9.stickor slider)is usuallyoneof the Whenleafingthroughthe optionswith displayappears: controlthefollowing lf we werejustto mixthe spoilersignal thetransmitter twoend-points. "full movement"of the transmitter with the elevator, rEt: :;FüI L f.luFjlitlLl significantly fromitsneucontrolwouldshifttheelevator tral position.This is not what we want; the elevator F I J : ; I T I Ü HI 5 : T 1 shouldnot be affectedat all at the "sooilersretracted" oosition. Pressthe Z key;the arrowunder"Normpos"startsto "spoiler eleva- flash.Youcan reversethe facilitywiththe El key,if necby sending the Thiscanbe achieved tor" mixera "corrected"signal,insteadof the true essary spoilersignal(curveA in the diaglam).lf the "spoilers At "Arrowforward"you select"idle forward",and vice is pointX in the diagram,thena versa. retracted" end-point to curveB shouldbe sentto the signalcorresponding andif WiththeE keyyouswitchto NormPos"Centre", Fortheend-point Y thecorrectcurveiscurveC. mixer. yourtransmitter is at centre(a - signwillbeviscontrol As you can see from the diagram,the mixerat the ible in the display)you can switchoverto one of the "spoilersretracted"positionnow receivesa " zeto" end-pointswith the E key.lf necessaryyou can then the normal,full compensa- changethe end-point mixedinput,but it receives againby pressing El, andselect "spoilers extended". tionvalueat (r')or whetherNormPosis to affectforwardmovement (+). is the source back movement The Norm-position pointfor mixedfunctions. That'sit; leavethe menuin the usualwaywiththe E) key. Onefurtherpointto notein this connection: or flapandelevalf youwishto mixspoilerandelevator, servoto "ELE tor,you mustassignthe corresponding +" insteadot'ELE'I In thiscasethe inputsFlapand willbeavailable in addition to elevator. Spoilet. Sooiler ,.4 Fig.27 37 lhe Howto use "Com$-8vvitch" is to helDthe less Now,after this necessarypreamble,to the matterin The mainuse of the Combi-Switch pilothandlethe moredemanding formsof hand: experienced reasons manyglidersre- Youcannotset up the Combi-Switch modelglider.Foraerodynamic untilyou havealouireco-ordinated controlol rudderandaileronsin or- readyassigned onetransmitter controlto aileronsand However, oneto rudder.Youwillalsoneedto installa switchfor derto flya smoothturn- justlikethefull-size. canpresentprob- thefunction(e.g.S5).Theswitchwellon the leftof the simultaneous controlof twofunctions pilot. lems,especially forthelesspractised CS = CombiSwitch. displayis alreadymarked "06 FIESTA'. The Combi-Switchis used to couplethesetwo con- Wewilltakeasourexample The couplingcan be be turned Youwill find the soecialCombi-Switch trols electronically. menu under on and otl via a switch, so that it is possibleto " Transmitter Control Adjustment". switch between "normal" (separatecontrols) and Fromthe Statusdisplayyou reachthis menuwiththe coupledcontrolsat anytime in flight. keysequence Eltr. ThenpressS to go on. Youwill You can choose the way in which the coupling seethisdisplay: works: r l tilt_iijr_::,['J: in this caseyou The rudderfollowsthe ailerons; :,i+. r operate bothcontrols withtheaileronstick; FlUtitiEFj+f; I LEFjr:rt.,l or "55+" indicates as theComthatswitch55 is selected The aileronstollowthe rudder;in this caseyou "55+" flashes.Using key, bi-Switch. Press the and N ooerate bothcontrols withtherudderstick. the El and E keys you can now select a different you chooseis a matterof personal switch. The modewhich pressing the El keythefinaloplf youcontinue preference. In both casesyou retainfull controlof the tion that appearsis "ON". PressEl, and "ON" be"following" "slave") (or function viaitsownstick. "OFF". is outof circuit: NowtheCombi-Switch comes A turther point which needsexplanationhere is the "following rate". lt can be set to any pointbetween0 r 1t:1r:i:i ! [tFF r [ and20oo/o. +HI LEF:r:rt] E:Llt:'[1EF: An explanation: At a followingrateof 500/0the slavecontrolsurfacewill As we don'twantthat at the moment,pressEl again deflectto halfitsfull travelwhenthe mastercontrolis at ("ON"),thentheE key,until"55+" appears again. full throw.The onlyway of gettinggreatermovement "35" indicatesthatthe switchis on fromthe followingcontrolsurfaceis to operateits own The+ arrowafter arecoupled- if youmovetheswitchin i.e.thecontrols stick. of the arrow.lf you wishto reversethis, the direction bothcontrolsurfacesmove pressthe y key now;this reversesthe directionof opAt a followingrateof 1000/0 to thesameextent. erationof theswitch.In thedisplayyouwillseethatthe the slavecontrolsurfacede- 'l arrowturnsintoa r arrow. At a followingßte ol 200o/o flectsto itsfullextentwhenthemastercontrolsurfaceis Incidentally: an whenthe switchis in the ON position, onlv at haltthrow.It the masterstick is movedbevond asterisk (++). in confirmation appears after the arrow this ooint.the masterconlrolsurlacemovesto it; full extent;the slavecontrolsurfacestaysat tullthrow- be- Nowyoucanselectwhetheraileronis to be masterand ruddertheslave,or viceversa. available. causethere'snomoremovement ratevaluestartsto flash. PresstheZ key;thefollowing 2OOo/o 100Vo 50 o/o lf youpressthe E key,the bottomlineof the displayaF ternatesbetween"RUDDERgovernsAILERON"and "AILERON governsRUDDER". Leaveit as youwantit \ / \ / to work.In our examolewe will leaveit at "AILERON governs i.e.theaileroncontrolisthemaster. RUDDER", you haveto set the valuefor the followingrate:as Now \ \ \ \ \ \ \ inputfieldis alreadyflashing,i.e."rethe appropriate master slave master slave master slave leased", simplysetthevalueyouwantwiththeE or El 1000/0. in ourexample keys,or theDigi-Adjustor; Fig.28 youshouldseethefollowing: here, Inthedisplay for usto makerecommendations It is verydifficult ratevariesfrommodelto model.lf astheidealfollowing r l t1tit:.:t_:5lr.l: you with 1000/o :,i.+. 1 start andthencarryout in doubt, could tidyturns. testflightsto findthebestsettingforsmooth, +tlI LEFIüH F:l_t;:'X,gp' This is an ideal case for using the Digi-Adiustor,as you can then easily adjust the tollowing rate in That'sallthereis to it: youcanleavethe menuwiththe @ key. flight. \f lt F\ l f 38 \ l \ l l n n q lf you want to adiustthe followingrate in flight (Digirequired): Adjustor Beforelaunching the model,moveto the menuas depress theZ key,to release thevalueinput scribedand field.Don'tleavethe menu!Whileyou are flyingyour modelyou can nowvarythe valueof the followingrate Landthe modeland press by rotatingthe Digi-Adjustor. the @ keyto storethe valueyou havefoundto be correct. Caution! Neverattemptto makechangesvia the keypadwhile the modelis flying. Youwouldhaveto takeyour eyes off the modelto find the right key;and if you madea mistake,the results could be catastrophic!For inflight adjustmentsuse the Digi-Adiustor,which you canoperate"blind". Msmoäesand #$b Whenyou weredecidingwhichradioset to purchase, V-tailmixer- but that was only availablein another can store, "program". . . the factthatthe PROFImc 3010transmitter up to 30 differentmodelswas undoubt- The PROFImc 3010is quite honestaboutthe matter or memorise, factor. edlyan important ol " programs". Firsta littleinformation on thewayin whichthe PROFI Foreachmodelyourtransmitter drawsup a "list".lt inmc3010records andstoresthemodelinformation. model. thatappliesto thatparticular cludeseverything createthislist:whenyou Thenwewill moveon to the morepracticalmatterof the Youdo notneedto speciJically " Memory"Menuand its sub-menus, the to meetyour requirements, whichare used set up the transmitter everything assembles the listautomatically: transmitter for: that you selector adjustis "noteddown" by the transcopyrng memones mitter.Thusyou do not needto storethe list in a sepamemones erasrng rateprocedure; if youswitchoff,thenon again,the list memories switching "thereagain"immediately. you is last used namrng memofles "that's all verywell,but trimsettings You mightobjectat this point: checking andmatching now I alwayshaveto makeup this list beforeI can fly a new model,i-e. scratcharoundfor the differentassign' The modellist - a simpleprinciple and other ments,mixersetc.That soundscomplicated, lmagineone ot yourmodels.And nowimagineall the manufacturersofferready-madeprograms!" hasto Wehavetwoanswersto this: asoectsof that modelfor whichthe transmitter (thetechnical termis "configured"). bead.iusted is by no means 1.)Youwillsoonseethatthe procedure mightbe: thesettings Forexample, or difficult.Foryourslighteffort,howcomplicated left; stick;elevator Aileronontheright-hand ever,your rewardis that you can seek out and ason elevator: exoonential thatyou thoseoptionsandfeatures sembleprecisely to a particular value; ailerons, adjusted differential want,"a la carte".And you can leaveout whatyou sweetbombrelease,actuatedby a switch, don'tneed. 2. In any case,iJthe rdeaof so much"work" is offputting,or you do not trustyourabilityat first,the of thetrimsliders; thenormalposition listsas standincludes10 ready-made transmitter directionof servorotation; ard, which caterfor the vast majorityof models. wouldcallthis provision Someothermanufacturers " 10programs" ... Howmanylists areavailable? elc.... can store30 suchlists,and recallany The transmitter lf your transmitterhad no " memory",you wouldprob- oneol themat anytime,whenyouwantto changemodablywritedownallthesepointsin a listand- whenyou els.Thisis probably themostfrequently used"memory to operation", thetransmitter according changemodels re-adjust and it couldhardlybe easier.Whenyou this list.Youwouldwritethe nameof the modelat the wantto "callup" a different list,moveto the "Memory" "SHIFT", tooof thelist. then"leafthrough"to themodel menu,select you want lo fly (modelnamesin English' no codes!), that. doesexactly ThePROFImc3010transmitter witha memory, and that's(almost)all thereis to it. See page43 for lf you havealreadyowneda transmitter "programs" and moredetailsof thisprocedure. it is bestto forgetrightnowthatit used "programs" "adjustment Forexample, werenothing Butthereareother"memoryoperationst'. values".These control youcan createa copyof a triedandtestedlist,andyou moreexoticthanlistsoi mixingarrangements, etc.,madeup bytheradiomanufacturer;canthengivethecopya newname.Youcan "clearthe characteristics if at all.You decks"anderaselistswhichyou no longerneed;and slightly, theycouldonlybe modified usually mixerinsteadot the muchmore. mighthavelikeda flap elevator eo lf you makeany changes( the trims,to servo terms. Wedon'tmindi{youwantto usetheordinary is althe modification "list" here,becausethat is travel,to mixingratiosetc.),then We have used the word "current" list)automati(the list in the ways recorded foreachmodel, assembles actually whatthetransmitter Whenyouswitchoff,the memoryis than a "pro- cally,immediately. to imagine list is easier a because and "uPto date". always therefore gram". again,this "lateststate"is autoNow,it hasbecomeusualto talkof "storingmodels"or Whenyou switchon i.e.youneverneedto storeanything restored, "copyingmemories". In factit wouldbe prettydifficultto matically foundthat this is the easiestand We have expressly. - it justain'tbig storeevenone modelin a transmitter of working,and the one which natural method most is the memorychipsin thetransmitter enough.Copying grey cells theleast. the old strains a simplejob,either. notexactly knowswhatthe termsmean. But takecare therecould be a catch! Jokingaside:everybody a clearandcor- Let us imaginethat you havetest-flowna new model cultivating Butwe thinkit is worthwhile with thisequipment. andtrimmedit outwithgreatcare.Youwouldnotwant when dealing of thinking rectstyle "needsto know"about to risk makinganylurtherchangesto this "ideallist". thatthe transmitter Everything youwouldliketo try something outas an modelis includedin a list,and the list is Nevertheless, a particulär your list. hard-won would change this Whena memoryis copied,it is experiment but in a memory. contained model, and perhaps you a new, similar have built in a Or of the memorywhichare duplicated the contents wantto usethesamelist,withminormodiJications. differentmemory,andso on. to admitthatwe occa- Whatto do? Are we splittinghairs?We have "model" to theproblemis simple:copythe list sionallyuse the terms"list","memory"and Well,thesolution usethe into a differentmemory,then "shift" to the new In this manualwe sometimes interchangeably. on whatis memoryandexperiment the other,depending to yourheart'scontent. one term,sometimes "sloppy" occa- This alsoappliesto the "ready-made" terms if the However, mostappropriate. samplelists. thenyouat leastknow While you are unfamiliarwith the transmitter,you soundlessthanprecise, sionally why,andcanalwayskeepthe ideaof the listin the back should alwayswork on copies of the original lists, of yourmind. andnot on the "genuineoriginals". Oneimportantpoint to remember: For this reason "copying memories" is one of the you which and in the display, which is shown model The most importantthingsto learnat the's simtlying,isthe"current"model. plerthanyou mightthink! areactually The"Memory"Menu All the tasksconnectedwith memoriesare carriedout fromthe "Memory"menu.FromtheStatusdisplayyou @f) . reachthismenuwiththekeysequence Youwillseethisdisplay: r[:[rFti HHt'lEr TFII I'1r t5H I FT I]HFi. pointswiththe arrow FromhereyouselecttheJollowing Keys: CopyingZ: The term "copying"coversthe actualcopyingof one memoryto another,but also relatedtasks,such as to another. a listfromonetransmitter translerring NamingN: Thisallowsyouto enteror modifythe model'snamein thelist. shifring!: This is where you go to switchto a ditferentmodel whoselistyouhavealreadystored. 40 TrimZ: you can checkwhetherthe posiFromthis sub-menu tion of the trim slidershas been movedsince " last sincethelasttimeyouusedthis time".Moreaccurately: memory this menuis calledup autoAtteryou shiftmemories likely that the trimshavebeen it is very as matically, movedsincethelasttimeyouusedthe "new"memory. youcanalsocallupthismenuwithoutswitchNaturally, In normaluse,whenyou switchon the ing memories. checkthatthethetrim there transmitter is no automatic slidersare stillat the positionwheretheywerewhen youlastswitchedoff,sothis is a usefulfeature. For example,if you thinkthat they mighthavebeen moved,butyouarenotquitesure. in greaterdetail are explained Thesefour sub-menus below. The"Copy"Menu "Mode:" is the routeto severalpossiblevariations from " procedure. the simple copying We will discuss these From the Status Displayyou reach the Memory" "normal" Menuwith the key sequence@S, and movefrom later.At the momentwe willonlydiscussthe thereto the"Copy"MenuwiththeZ key.Youwillthen copyingprocess,whichis usedmostfrequently. seethis: rl'lü[iE : FULL rFF:f' 15: l. E l' l 11i Howto copy a model list Herewe assumethat you are alreadyat the "Copy" Menu,as described above,and thatthe displayis as shownabove. The tirstline(Mode:ALL)doesnot interestus at this oornI. The second line showsthe "source";namelythe numberand nameof the modellist whichyou want in the lackof better to copy.Thetransmitter suggests, the"current"model. knowledge, Wewillassumethatyouwantto copya model;e.g.the model"BlGLIFT"in memoryNo.10. Pressthe N key;the memorynumberbeginsto flash. Youcannow"leafthrough"the memories usingthe El or E keys,or theDigi-Adjustor, untilBIGLIFTappears. Thedisplaylookslikethis: Thisdefines the"source". The destination (the memory No. where the new copy is to be located) is always the current memory). Select the source (the model which you want to copy) in line 2. Press the El key; the transmitter makesthe copy.L€avethe menuwith the @)key. Note: As you haveseenin the example,you do not needto "delete"the "destination" memorybeforeyoucopy. Twomoretips Tip No.1 On occasionyou may havesecondthoughts,and decide not to copy anything,in spite of beingat the "Copy"Menu(1orexample, you mayfindthatthereis no vacantmemory).You cannotjust leavethe menu withoutdoinganything,since pressingthe k key to leavethe menuwouldexecute the copyingprocedure. rIi UIl E : F ULL Whatto do? : EI rjl I FT LFFjt'l.I t:'r Therearetwowaysoutof thisproblem. first:selectas "source"the currentmemory, and Now pressthe El key,and the sourcememorystops The pressthe @ key.Youhavethencopiedthe model then flashing. Youhavenowcopiedthislistintothecurrently ontopof itself,whichmeansthatnothinghaschanged. activememory. justswitchoffthetransmitter. Orthesecond: Caution:all copyingproceduresalwayscopy into the Tip No.2 currently activememory Let us assumethat you noticetoo late that you have Pressthe @ keyandyou aredone.A copyof BIGLIFT copieda list into the wrongmemory,and havethus Leavethe menuin overwritten nowresidesin the currentmemory. theliststoredthere.Nowyou'vedoneit! But the usualwaywiththe @ key. it's not a disaster.Pleasesee page42 lor the finalres" Mx"). (Memory cuesolution Hereis the wholeprocedure againin brief: Howto erasea memory and least lJyouarecreatinga "new" list,the simplest routeis usually to picka memorywhichis vaconfusing cant,or emply. whichyou Thisis notabsolutely essential, as everything and adjusting overwrites the old enterwhenassigning bear in contentsof the memoryin any case.However, previous model might lurk that some aspect of the mind give you list, it a nasty surin the new and could unseen priseat an inopportune moment. Forthis reasonthe transmitter offersthe ootionof erasThis is donefromthe ing the contentsof a memory. "Copy" memory. Hereis wherethe line"Mode:" comesintoplay- the lineweskipped earlieron. Weshallassumethatyouarestillat the "Copy"menu. Pressthe Z key,and "ALLi'on the rightstartsto flash. Now pressthe El key,and "CONTROLS"(transmitter appears. Pressthe El keyagain,and it turns controls) into"ERASE". Thisisthemodewhichwe nowneed: '+'EFiHIE rFF:l'1. Ef,tFTtj r[''lt_t[:rf Now press the El key, and the current memoryis erased.Press@ againto leavethemenu. Note: The erasureprocessalwaysworkson the current(active)memory. 41 The"TRANSMITTER CONTROU' copyingmode Earlieron in this Copyingsectionwe usedthe "ALL" for everymodel.lf youacquirea newmodel,in which you can use is different, copymode.Thissimplycopiesthe entire"list",i.e.all onlythe servoarrangement and controlsand thiscopyingmodeinsteadof the normalassigning assignments and settingsof transmitter procedure for the transmitter controls. For adjustment servos,intothe newmemory. or models As you havealreadyseenwhenyou leafedthroughto the morecomplexmodels(e.9.helicopters, thiscansavetime. the " ERASE' mode,there is also the (transmitter)withmanycontrolsurfaces), "CONTBOL"mode.Thisis easilyexplained: It is neverabsolutely to use this mode;you essential lf youselectthe "CONTROII' copymode,onlythe as- couldjustas easilyspenda littlemoretimeandassign controlsstepby step,as designments and adjustments of the transmitter controls andadjustyourtransmitter The"servoside"is scribedearlierin thismanual. arecopiedintothecurrentmemory. notcooied. It is notnecessary to describehowto copythe "CONTROLS". Apart trom the fact that you select"CONreason for this mode: The "standard" is exactlvthe sameas Many pilotshave a assignment and ar- TROLS"tirst.the Drocedure rangement of the transmitter controls, whichtheyuse whencopying"ALIJ'. The"EXPORT" and"IMPORT" copymode Thesetwo "exotic"modesof copyingare usedto transfer entire"lists"fromone lransmitter to another. More detailsof thison page70. Note:Youmaybe surpnsed to seetermssuchas lMPORTand EXPORT, whichappearto havenothingto The"Mx" memorythepointof no return do withmodelling. Thereasonis simple:yourtransmitwasforcedto pickwordswhichdeter'sprogrammer whichat scribethe featureas accurately as possible, the sametimewouldfit withinthe maximumavailable numberoJletters! you may well copyof theoverwntten listis nowin "Mx".Simplycopy When "leafingthrough"the memories "Mx" intothe correctmemory, and once havecomeacrossthe fact that thereare not really30 it backfrom thereare31.Between memories No.30 and againyourbaconis saved. memories: "Mx". l thereis anothermemorydesignated In thethirdcasethe reasoning is notquiteso obvious, you Whenmodifying a listthereis However, cannotusethis memoryto storea model butthe reasonis similar. permanently, lt is "adminis- alwaysthe dangerthatyouwillmakea fatalerror.Perlike the othermemories. hapsthe modification doesnotproducethe desiredefitself,in thefollowing way: tered"bythetransmitter (seepage40)thateverychange fect. You know now by 1) Whenyou erasea memory the transmitterautois executed immediately in the currentmemory. Unless maticallystores a copy ot the deletedmemoryin you made are working a back-up copy beforehand, and Mx. listwouldbe lostforever. 2) When you copy a memory,the transmitterauto- on thecopy,theoriginal The automatic creation of a "back-upcopy" reduces maticallystores a copy ot the previouscontents you can recreatethe "old this risk.In an emergency of the "destination"memory. of "Mx" backinto state"again,bycopyingthecontents 3) The transmitterautomaticallystoresa copy of the the currentmemory,as describedabove. current memory as soon as you start modifying lt Thereis anotheruse: "swap anythingin it, e.g.assignments or adiustments. models",i.e.movetwo does this beforethe modificationin the current Supposethatyouwantto To lists into each others' location. do thisyou needan memorytakes effect, and only at the first moditilocation. You intermediate storage could,in fact,use cation. However, if is no vacant any free memory. there Andthe pointof all this? youcan'tdo that.Andin anycaseit memoryavailable, lf youmakea mis- is easierto use"Mx" astheintermediate Well,thefirstcaseis quiteobvious. store. youhavea "second As an example, takeanderasethewrongmemory, you wantto interwe will assume that chance":copy it back from "Mx" into the erased changethecontents of memories No.14and16. memory, andallis well. FirstcopyNo. 14to No. 16.The transmitter automatiThe secondcase is also clear:if you copy into the callycopiesthe previouscontentsof No. 16 to uMx". wrongmemoryby mistake,and overwriteits previous Nowall you needto do is copythe contenls you can still savethe situation,becausea backto No.14.andvouarefinished. contents, 42 The"SHIFT"Menu the newmodel.Thetransmitter cannotdo it by itself;it hasplentyof brainpower,but no musclepower. menuappears Tocaterfoi this,the "TRIMPOSITION" whenyoushiftmemories. automatically Howto switch models overto anothermodel- it To switchthe transmitter mustalreadybe storedin a memory,of course- you just needto "callit up".Youdon'tneedto worryabout 5T I til'; rr H 11t r l-r' l -r-.. L l-rJ the "current"model(the modelin use beloreyou r i r i '+' i.e.youdo nothaveto "save"it first. changememories); 1}' 1 EEFIJFIE moveto As changingmodelsis a Memoryoperation, thatyouhavenot eventuality MenufromtheStatusDisplay, withthe Note:in the fairlyunlikely the "MEMORY" shiftedthe trimsat all sinceyou lastJlewthis model, keysequence@13. you will see equalssigns (" = ") insteadof arrows. Youwillseesomething likethis: in a moment! Exolanation you lf do not wishto adjustthe trims,for whateverreaFf'r-rE,t.t hlühltrl pressthe @ keyto leavethe menu.PressEl twice son, ':U 'L _ r t t I t T trTI r'Ut' Ttr' T t'1, r _ . t 1 .r I t 1 .I t t I more,andyouarebackto theStatusdisplay- alldone! you will wantto resetthe trimsto Youwill see at oncethatyou haveto pressthe ! key, Normally,however, positions. "SHIFT". the earlier nextto theword Youwillseea newdisplay: As an example, we willdo thisfor transmitter controlA in the above display: S H I F T I H IFl I L E Under"A" you see an arrow pointingto the right. TI:I tEI l : E I UL I I FT Pushthe associated controlA = trimslider(transmitter left stick, righuleft)slowlyto the right.At a particular Pressthe! key;thememoryNo.beginsto flash. pointthe arrowwill turn intoan " = " sign - that'sall "Leafthrough"the memories usingthe E or E keys, thereisto it. or theDigi-Adjustor. "=" is the actualnameof ll youpushthetrimsliderfurtherto theright,the As the numberschange,naturally you pointing left. Now can see by an arrow the modelchangestoo,so thatyou quicklyfind your replaced whatthe arrowsmean:they indicatethe directionin wayto yourdestination. you mustmovethe trim sliderin orderto reach Onceyou havefoundthe memoryyou want- in our which the correct setting. pressthe El key,and you example"02 FLAMINGO", Adjustthetrimslidersfor B,C andD in thesameway. arefinished- well,almost! so press@ threetimesto return Thereis iust one little problem:you needto set the Youarenowfinished, trimslidersbackto wheretheywerelasttimeyouJlew to the Statusdisplay. The "NAME"menu Very important:the eighthcharacter shouldnot normallybe a number. Therersa "specialfunction"which Howto enteror changea modelname requiresa numberas the eighthcharacter, so do not Thetransmitter storesthevariousmodelsin itsmemory use one otherwise. Moredetailsof memoryswitching underthe numbers1 to 30.Foryou as userit is much on page68. eachmodelby its name. Herearea fewoossible easierto be ableto recognise names Mindyou,thisassumes thatyougiveyourmodelssen- ASW 20, ryPHOON,CORTINA,STUKA,NONAME; siblenames;"ModelNo.27" doesn'trevealmuch! but read CORTINA3 or STUKA01 are also possible, each"modellist" page68andheedthewarnings Forthisreasonyoucan differentiate first! witha name.Thisnameis thenstoredwiththe appro- Tip: ll youhavea modellistin a memorywhichyouno priatemodel(= memory)No.,and displayed withthe longerneed,andyouwantto markit as such,it is best numoer. The erasureprocessgivesit the to eraseit altogether. Therearecertainrestrictionsto modelnames: You may think you will name EMPTYautomatically. which memory is obsolete, but youwon' remember may no more than 8 characters long. 1. Names be "Characters" whichare makes much more sense to erase memories in this senseare letters,numbersand "deadlists". "special no longer in use, than to continue to store as in thefollowing list: certain symbols", After this necessarypreamble- let's get downto it: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSIUWXYZ 1O123456789:;=? "Memory"menu, Pleasenote that there is an extracharacterbetween Fromthe Statusdisplayselectthe "?" and"N' - a blankspace,whichis alsoconsidered withthekeysequence @! . Youwillseea displaysimilar to this: a character. long."ASW20" Forexample,"ASW20" is 6 characters rrjrJFT HHf'lEr long. is only5 characters Youdon'tneedto worryaboutstickingto the permissiI-:HI.I. TEI I'1r I:;HI FT ble characters, as the transmitterdoesnot let you use 'NAME"with[l. Thisiswhat letterscannotbe Nowselectthesub-menu any others.For instance,lower-case vouwillsee: to vou. usedandarenotmadeavailable 43 whichyouwillseealternat The "underline" character, letter,is knownas the cursor:the ing withthe Jlashing Withoutthe cursor cursormarksthe currentposition. youwouldnotseeanythingat a blankspace. showsthenumberandname Enterthe newnameletterby letter.lf you lookcaretully Thedisplayautomatically of the "current"model.In our examolethis is No.06 whenyoupressthe El andE keys,youwillseethatthe and"FLAMINGO". various charactersappear in the display in the lf youwantto changethenameor pickanothernumber, sequencestatedon the previouspage.lf you wantto you mustfirstselectthe memoryNo.To do this press enter a space,selectthe "space" symbol (between the N key;the displayednumberstartsto flash.You ,,7" and,,N'). can nowselectthe numberyouwant,usingtheEl and As you do this,the name Whenenteringa nameyou can onlyworkfromleftto E keys(or the Digi-Adjustor) at a time.lf you makea mistake, displayedwill alsochange,as it alwaysrelatesto what right,one character presstheZ keyuntilyoureach worry. You simply don't is Inthenewmemory. whichthe sequence begins the eighth character, after We will imaginethat you haveselectedNumber09 agarn. "BAMBINO". "CORTINA'. Thenewnameisto be of comForthoseof youwith absolutelyno experience puters, wewillrecap: rir'_-rl F I LE: instead The old nameis not "erased"immediately; I Ht:t,r HHHE: t_:t:rFjT each letter is overwrittenin turn by the new name. Wherethere is to be "no new letter", you have to startstlashing. overwritewith a space. PresstheZ key-The"C" of CORTINA you can Usingthe El and E) keys,or the Digi-Adjustor, thatyouhavetackledthistasksucnow changethe "C". In our examplethat is simple; Nowwewillassume the new nameis ondisplay. cessfully and "C" "8". presstheQ keyonce,and's turnsinto "O" "O". Pressthe E] keyto leavethe menu;then pressit twice Pressthe Z keyagain,and the the turnof flashes. Changethe O to A, againusingthe El andE more,andyouarebackto whereyoustarted:the Status keys.Moveto the nextletterwiththeZ key,andso on. display. I]üI FI L E : I FLHI'Ill'ltiU^t t'lFll'lE The"TRIM"menu The arrow after the colon (:) indicatesthe direction Howto checkthe positionof the trim sliders "remembers" in which you haveto movethe trim slider in orderto the of the trim The transmitter Dosition "current matchthe currentpositionwith the storedposition. This values in the list". by entering their sliders givesyou the chanceto check,if you switchon and In our exampleyouwouldhaveto movethe A trimto thinkthatthetrimsmighthavebeenshiftedaccidentallythe right,the B trimforward, the C trim leftandthe D sincethelasttimeyouflew. sign at eachpoint. trimback,untilan equals appears ThisistheDrocedure: Youcannowleavethe menuwiththe@ key. Fromthe StatusdisplaypressEl and 5l to go to the Note: "Memory"menu.Nowselect"TRIM"withthe Z key. this Everytime you changemodels(shiftmemories) similarto this: Youwillseea display menuappears, as youwill havebeenflyinga different and it is very likelythat you modelin the meantime, want the trims. Andyouwill certainly needed to adjust ! r:. Fl Ei [:' !;TI L:Ii: to carryon flyingwiththe trimsset to the sameposi.+, r T t T . * . EEFr:rE:E tionsasthelasttimeyouflewthemodel. lf yourdisplaywereexactlylikethisone,youwouldcor- Caution: slidethetrimsliderA slowlyto Even if you are only enteringthe data tor a model rectthetrimsas follows: arrow temporarily,be sureto set the trims. ll you don't, the the right.At a particularpointthe right-facing "A" by an equals(=) sign.lf trim sliderpositionstor that modelwill be lost next under wouldbe replaced push youwereto it furtherto theright,youwouldseea time you slritch memories. leftJacingarrow. 44 youwillgetto knowthemixerswhichthe Forthis reasonwe will firstdiscussour newmethodof In thisSection mixers. Youwillseethattheconceptfitsin considering transmitter hasto otfer. with elegantly the simple andlogicaloverallconceptof you please you makesurethat are Before divein here, youareby nowfamiliar. with which the transmitter, as familiarwith the simplersetting-uptasks,such After we the characteristics of the "pre-dethis describe transmitter controls and servos, adjusting assigning is briel, later); thedescription servotravelanddirectionandso on. Practisetheseoro- finedmixers"(explanation timesuntilyouteelat homewiththem. sinceeveMhingalwaysworksin the sameway. cedures several souls,andthe are by natureinventive In our examples we will restrictourselves to fixed-wing Now,modellers is highthatsomebody will find he needsa model aircratt:helicoptersare coveredin a separate probability in spiteof his all the basicinforma- mixingfunctionwhichour programmer, Section(page53).Nevertheless, hasnotthoughtof beforehand. Forthis to the spe- vastexperience, tionwe providehereappliesin fullmeasure mixers"(" USRreasonthere are the " User-detined helicooter mixers. cialised "define"yourself. Thisgivesyou by the PROFImc 3010areoper- MlX")whichyoucan The mixersprovided the lo overcome the most exotic chance Droblems. atedin a ratherdifferentwayfromnormal.Wethinkthat mixersare discussed in the Jinal philosophy" is muchsim- Theseuser-defined this newtypeof "operating Section. method. olerthantheconventional Whatis "mixing"? Let'simagine a simplecase: flapsor landYourmodelis fittedwithcamber-changing ing flaps.Theyare loweredfor the landingapproach, of the wing. and therebyincreasethe lift coefficient in the However, oneresultof thisis usually an alteration pitchtrimof themodel- it becomes nose-heavy or tailheavy.The pilotthen hasto apply"up/' or "down"in orderto keeothe modelon an evenkeel. canbe Thismanualformof "pitchtrimcompensation" of the "flapsignal" automated by passinga proportion to the elevator. Of course,this hasto be in the correct Fig.30 Youdon'tneed A yearor two agowe mighthavesaidthis:"that'san direction, and ot a suitablemagnitude. to worrythatthispartof theflapsignal"goesmissing"; elevator/flap mixer".Pleaselorgetthat rightnow - it's in sucha waythatthefull justtoovague aredesigned the electronics is Ourexample to coverlhe possibilities. signalreachesthe flaps,evenwhenpartof it is "bled aboutto becomeevenmoresoohisticated. The model off" to theelevator. has suddenlysproutedspoilers,allowingthe pilotto The net resultis that the elevatorservoreceivespart makeit loseheightrapidly. In mostcasesspoilers also ot the "flap" signalin additionto its main"elevator" affectthemodel'spitchtrim. signal. wefeeda proporYoucanprobably seewhatiscoming: signal to the elevator servo;againin tionoJthe spoiler and the correctdirection andof the correctmagnitude, is automatically correct. thepitchtrimcompensation The elevatorservo now receivesthe following signals: the main"elevator"signal partot the "tlap" signal partof the "spoiler"signal Fig.29 (andcomplicate it). Nowwewillrefinethearrangement loops if is of tlying smaller-diameter Yourmodel capable whenyouapplyupthewingflapsdeflectdownslightly elevator. Onceagainthe pilotcoulddo it, but we will the processby removethattaskfromhimandautomate teedinga proportionof the elevatorsignalto the flap servo. The net result is that the tlap servo receivespart of Fig. the "elevator"signalin additionto its main "flap" somewhat. Ourearlierideaof a mixeris nowcreaking signal. 45 partmustworkin thesame part-signals: the "elevator" for bothhalvesof the tail.The "rudder"part direction But this presentsno mustact in opposeddirections. of the direction adjust of course, oroblem,as we can, part-signal. we Even better: for each rotationseparately do not needto worryany moreaboutthe mechanical whenthe modelis linkagesand the spaceavailable: "up elevator";if the we apply,for example, comfllete, of thedirection movesdown,we simplyreverse elevalor part-signal". Thesameapplies rotation of the "elevator to theruddersignals. Sincethe magnitudeand directionof eachpart-sigyou can see that installation nal is fully adiustable, problemsarea thingof the past. thereare manyothercommonly As in this example, mixers forwhich" pre-defined" used" mixedfunctions", "flaperon" produces forexample, mixer, canbe used.A oJ servosconsisting signalfortheflaperon a composite (hence"tlaperon"). thebasictlapandaileronfunctions you again F i g . 3 2 lf vou havea modelfittedwith flaperons, servo. for each flaperon neädtwosuchmixers:one Nowyoucanprobablyseehowit all hangstogether: used mixers can be pre-defined.The Commonly than one single Eachservowhichis to receivemore"black inedmixer part-signals tor the tunctionsof a pre-def box".The withan (imaginary) signalis provided "6lackbox" has inputsfor all the signalswe needto arealreadylaiddown. passto theservo.Butit hasonlyoneoutput- andthat Each mixer of this type is given a name which itsuseclearly. signalwhichis actuallyfed to describes the composite irrovides "adthe servo. Such pre-definedmixers are availablein an and caterfor all thateach equatC"numberin yourtransmitter, Nowwe providean adjustorfor eachinput,so"reversing applications' the mostcommonlyused can be variedin size.A of the part-signals device"is alsofittedfor eachsignal.Andfinally,where Youwillfindmixersfor: "elevator+", snapJlaps, it is likelyto be useful,we fit a switch,so that each V{ail, "V-tail+", flaperons, "Quadro". part-signalcanbeturnedon andoff. delta,"aileronbrakes(crow)", "black box" thatwe calla mixer. lf at thispointthe operation It is this imaginary of anyoneof thesemixers a V'tail.Firstwe is not clear Jrom its title, don't worry.They are all example: Nowwewilllookat a different thiscase explained in lull at a laterstage.Youcan implement willonlylookat onetailpanel- one"half".In"elevator" "black the which combines box" we needa eachof thesemixers(i.e.installtheblackboxin frontof and " rudder" is calleda V-tailmixer.In a servo)as oftenas you like.The actuallimitis nine terms: andabstract moretechnical slightly times,sincethe systemls "only"ableto control9 ser"rudder" vos. That has to be the definitiveanswerto the oftA V-tailmixercombinesthe "elevator"and " howmanymixers?" ! posedquestion to the servo. signalsand feedsthe compositesignal Weneedthe samemixerfor theotherhalfof theVtail. The answeris notwhatyou mightthink,and certainly as not I is I mixersystemswith 10 different thesizeof thetwosignalsisfullyvariable' Of course, inputs,i.e.10-possibilito 4 di{ferent pay controls atten- transmitter mixer.In this casewe haveto in the Drevious "prefix", per ties servo! of rotationof the i.e.the direction tion to the And nowthe finaltouch: "normal" flyWe don'talwayswantto fly tightloops;for inq it is betterif the flaps do not deflectautomatically wf,en the elevatoris moved.Obvioussolution:installa switch so that the part of the elevatorsignal that is Jed to the flap servocan be switchedon and off. "eh We have introduced a switch into the signal line evatorto flap input". mixers Howto usethe pre-defined " ready-made" mixersis The use oJ the pre-defined, you come have already that scheme the same basedon to know:first assign,then adiust.Once againthe "oJfers" optionsin theformoJmenus. transmitter Fromwhat we haveiust said it should be clear that mixersareassignedto the servos. Firsta simpleexample:the V-tail thatyouhaveset up memory03 Herewe willsuppose "TEST", the controls andassigned named for a model "Transmitter = and ELEVATOR" B control this: like "Transmitter Servos2 and3 are controlC = RUDDER". to ooeratetheVlail. 46 Firstthe mixeris assignedto the servos: Moveto the"Assignservos"menu. ThereyoufirstselectservoNo.2 in the usualway.Now "activate" fieldwiththeZ key. theselectfunction withwhich Thelunctions key. Leafthroughwiththe E pronormal assigning from the familiar now are bv vou öedureafpearone by one.After"FIXEDVALUE"and +" comes"V-TAIU'. for the full list.After"ELEVATOR "VThis is the mixerwe want.(Afterthis comesthe TAIL+" mixer,whichcan do evenmore,but we will cometo thatin a moment). in the correctdirection(if you havea modelhandy). Reverse thefunction,if necessarywiththe E key. H55Irjt.lSEFlr,IÜ I I We hopeyou didn'tJindthat all too confusing. Never ll r mind - you can repeatthe wholeoperationnow for Tü tJ-TFL servoNo.3! Pressthe [! key,selectservoNo. 3 and repeatthe Note: processis wholethingfor this servo.The assignment Bearin mindthatthetravelinputsforthemixerscanbe nowcomplete. switched ON/OFFor assignedto a physicalswitch.lf " yourtransmitter Youhavenow informed" that: you are not sure how to do this pleasereferback to ServoNo.2 operatesV-TAIL,andServoNo.3 operates page30. V-TAIL. And nowa morecomplexexample It alsoknowsthat it is to placethe appropriate mixer we discussed a modelwhich betoreeachof the two servos.In moreabstractterms: At thestartof thisSection pitch "V-Tail featured trim compensation for camber-changing youhaveassigned servos2 and3 to the higher flapsandspoilers, andelevator to flapmixing. mixedfunction". We will assume that transmitter controlB has been Leavethemenuin theusualway. "elevator" to function, assigned the controlD to the Nowwe cometo settingup the mixer. "spoiler"tunctionand controlF to the "flap"function. " Moveto the Servoadiustment"menu.Pressthe Z Thefollowing servoassignments havealsobeenmade: keyto selectthe sub-menu"TRAVEL+ REVERSE". ServoNo.2: elevator SelectservoNo.2 in theusualwav ServoNo.4: spoilers Youwillseethis: ServoNo.6: camber-changing flaps Here we come to another special feature which, it hasnothing although to dowithmixing,is important in an indirect sense. r+ I rittjt:.: Elt' ELEtltlr We will assumethat the "basic position"(spoilers Pressthe \l keyand adjustthe lhrowto the oneside closed)of controlD is "forward";toextendthespoilers (stickback)and thenthe otherside(stickforward),just thestickis pulledrightback. as if settingup in the normalway.Thereis no reasonin positiona very largesignalis already this casewhyyou shouldset unequalmovements, so At the basic - namelyfull travelforwards.Of this a certain present setbothto, say,400/o. proportion wouldreachthe elevator, and then would lf you havean actualmodelto handwhileyoucarryout needto be "compensated away" by some means. "up" procedure, thispractice checkat thispointthat on The namelythe transmitteroffersa betteralternative, the stickmakesthe elevatorrise.lf this is notthe case, " (Normal Normpos" Position) controloption.lf you presstheEl key,andit will be reversed. yet tackledthis feature,you shoulddo it now; have not Note: youwillencounter problems otherwise in the nextseclf yousetmixingratioswhichaddupto lessthan1000/0,tion.Pleaserelerto page37. thenthe mixerwill operatein a " lineat"fashion,and "forurards" (forward Youcould, You must set this option to the controlsignalswill neverbe restricted. In arrow in the display).Assuming,that is, that your on the otherhand,leavebothinputsat, say,1000/0. sucha case,if you applyelevator or rudderone at a spoilersare retractedwith the stick forward! fortheundesired basicmixino However, time,you will havefull travelavailable. as Thisactioncomoensates soonas thesumof thetwoinoutsfor eithercontrolsur- inoutbeforeit räachesthe has no eflectat aä faceexceeds1000/0, i.e.whena lot of elevatorand rud- on thesignalto thespoilerservoitself. der are appliedsimultaneously, the movement will be Fromnowon takecarethat controlC is set to one or restricted,as the servoand the controlsurfacecannot otherof its end-points for all youradjustments. Alternamoveto more than 1000/o of maximum.The etfectis tively,youcouldswitchthe "SPOILER"inputoffwhen asymmetry whichcanbedisturbing. aerodynamic adjustingthe elevator, as describedabove. " Linear"mixing(no more than 1000/o) is the most Butenoughof thepreliminaries. elegantsolution,but in practicea settingpart-way betweenthe two extremeshas proveda very effective Firststep,as always:assigning: Move to the "Assign servos" menu with the key comoromise. Nowto therudderinput.PresstheZ key,thenEl. "ln- sequenceEl El [l N . put:ELEVATOR" is nowreplaced by "Part:RUDDER". ForservoNo.4 (spoilers) everything is clear;thereis no Youwillseethis: mixing.So, iust as with "normal"assignment, first selectservoNo.4, thenassign"SPOILER" to it. r 5 E F jr.r r . rT. H I L Nowto theelevator. Select servoNo. 2, then pressthe Z key;the control \+ I t:Jtit:.j [:+ FIU[r[rEr tunctionfieldstartsflashing.Leafthroughwith the E Pressthe Sl keyagain,thensetthe " ruddet"inputfor key.Onceagainthe lamiliar"list of options"appears. bothdirectionsof rotation;in ourexample600/0 for each After "FIXED VALUE"and ": side.Hereagain,checkthat the controlsurfacesmove " ELEVA'IOR+ Youwillseethis: rSEF:. r: r.r-19 i '_ 47 5EFitlui I 1155Iril..l Tr_rELEtl.+ r in detail Thisis the mixerthatwe need.(lt is described preamble which of mixers description to the detail in the follows.) That'sällthereis to it;flapservonext: SelectservoNo.6, thenselectthe servofunctiontield withthe Z key.LeafthroughagainwiththeEl key. For an unmixedflap functionyou wouldnow select "FLAP";because youhaveto con' of the mixer,however, 'SNAPFLAP" the appears: until tinueleafingthrough the desiredmixing nameof the mixerwhichproduces effect: Ü1 I I : , 5 I I J H5 E H [ . JE TI:I SHHFFLI-IF^T Do you rememberthat we wantedto makethe eleva' tor --- f lap mixingswitchablet Thatcomesnext. which Youcan - or rather,must- tell the transmitter switchis to carry oul this task (you haveto do this yourPROFImc3010setsvirtuallynorestrictions because onwhatyoucanandcannotdo) the key menu,by pressing Nowmoveto the SWITCH sequence EIZ Z fromthebasicdisplay. until"55+" Pressthe 0l key.Iap the El keyrepeatedly appearsand flashes.The arrowshowsthat the switch to switchit ON,i.e.the mustbe pushedin thatdirection couplingis then effective.lf you want to reversethis, presstheE key,andthejob isdone. You are finishedwith the snapJlapservo.Now to the servo,in our elevator(moreaccurately:ELEVATOR+) caseNo.2. menu. & REVERSE FirstmovetotheTRAVEL SelectservoNo.2 withthe Z andEl keys.Thedisplay willlooklikethis: Now to the setting-up process. menu. Moveto the "Servoadjustment" ServoNo.4 is the firstoneto adjust.Thereis not muchto say about it: set the directionof rotationand the centre point(if necessary)in the usualway. The flapservo(No.6) comesnext.In thiscasewe should is alreadythere,so we willsetthatup really call it the snapJlap servo, because we have Input:"ELEVATOR" assignedthe SNAPFLAPfunctionto it. Hair-splitting?first.Releasethe inputvaluefield with the ! key,then Well,that'showyourtransmitterseesit. check the directionof rotation;reverseit if necessary SelectservoNo.6. Youseethis: Then set the travel itselfon both sides:900/owould be a usetulstartingpoint. r:-1EF:. l.J-Ttl The "SPOILER"and "FLAP" inputsare adjustednext, lL i: procedure but we don'tneedto describethe adjustment "business t +Itli: F't' FLHF as usual": it is all In both cases in detailagain. the Reverse value tor both sides. input, set the select the In the secondline you will see "FLAP" on the right.So The methodof makingthe inputs if necessary tunction we willset up thisinputfirst. switchable has already been described for the Releasethe input value field with the S key (value SNAPFLAP mixedfunction. flashes).Checkwhetherthe directionof servo rotationis correct.lf not, pressthe E key.But the valuesthem- Our tip: Practise "adiusting inputs" until you are selves?We cannottell you exactlywhat they should be, confidentwith the procedure.Lateron, at the flying as this dependson your model,and in particularon the site, you will also needto know what to do, so that lengthof the actuatingarms on lhe servoand the control you can makesenseof the is is best to measurethe result on the flaps not alwaysquite as quiet and calm out there on the themselves;for camber-changingflaps a good starting tlying strip as it is in your workshop;and in such "mild stress situations"you can easily make an oointwould be around5 - 10 degreesup and 15 - 20 degreesdown.Set the sliderto the one end-pointand error - unless you are contident of what you are then the other,and use the E and El keysto set the 0/o doing,that is. The sameappliesif you use the "ready-madelists" vatues. "elevator" withoutassigninganyinout. suppliedwith the transmitter, Nowto the flash- thihg is almost impossibleto use any of Pressthe ! key,then the El key.With ELEVATOR the mixers unlessyou know how to set and adiust ing,the displaywilllooklikethis: r t E F : :. : E L E T+J . L +1| i 1 fi :tEt E L EtJ HT inputvalues. Neverattempt to adiust anything trom the keypad r5 EFl.E , : ; HHF F LI I F when you are flying a model.Insteaduse the oigir+ 1riifi:tErt Adiustor,which is alwaysswitched"in parallel"with the E and El keys,when it makessenseto use it. Activatethe input value tield with the ! key once more. The basic rule is this: keep the keypad flap shut Check the directionof servo rotation;for snapjlaps the whlle you are flying! elevatormust move in oppositionto the flaps, i.e. up-elevatorwith that how it is? lf not, reverseit with the E key.Apply"full up" at the elevatorstick,and set the desiredflap deflectionwith the El or E keys. Repeatthe processfor "full down" elevator.A good starting pointfor bothsideswouldbe around5 - 10 degrees you will be ableto find the optimumsetflap detlection; tingslateron, duringtest-flying. 4a One finalthingyou mightliketo try out in additionto the lastexample(thishasnothingto do withmixers): Tryout the transmittercontroloption" FixedValue"for the flap function(seepage36).Youwill see that everyaspect of the adjustmentsyou have made regardingthe slider controlstillfunctionsif you "ovenide"the sliderposition with a switch. Description of the pre-defined, "ready-made"mixers Youcan assigneachmixeras oftenas yourapplication it. Nowthat you havebecomefamiliarwith the waythe demands hereis a listof the Examole: mixersare assigned andadjusted, pre-defined mixersin the samesequenceas they are Youmustusethe "Quadro"mixerat leastfourtimes; whenyou "leatthrough"the less than that numbermeansthat it is no longera offeredby the transmitter "Quadro"mixer.However, thereis no reasonwhy you oDIrons. Withall mixersthe stickunittrimslidersareautomati- shouldnotuseit sixtimesif yourmodelhasthreewing on eachside. whereit makesmostsense,or whereit is controlsurfaces callyincluded standardoractice.Youdon't needto concernvourself Onemoretime- justto remindyou: it Youcan set any inputlo " zerc"and thendisregard withthemat all. mixersuitable altogether. This may makea particular Examoles: butsimilarpurpose. Fora "V-tail"the elevator trimworksin the usualway; fora different, "snap-flaps" Examole: for it doesnot. Foreachmixinginputthesizeandthepretix(rotarysense Withthe "Quadro"mixeryou couldset the "elevator" Theinputscanbeswitched inputto zero,andyouthenhavea mixerwhichinvolves of theservo)canbeadjusted. "flaps"and"ailerons" only. onandoffwherever thatisof oractical advantaoe. Mixersfor fixed-wingmodels mixer The "ELEVATOR+" lnouts:Elevator Sooiler FlaD etevalor sporler flap Themixeris usually assigned asfollows: Elevatorservo Mainapplication: or landing modelswithcamber-changing Standard flaosand/orsDoilers. The "V-TAlf mixer lnDuts:Elevator Rudder The "aileronbrake"(Crow)mixer atleron lnouts:Aileron Flap sporler Sooiler elevalor Elevator Themixeris usually assigned asfollows: Flapandaileronservos. 4 servos. Usually Mainapplication: isto be used Modelsin whichthe"Crow"configuration as anaidto flightpathcontrolin certainllightsituations (descent, landingapproach). Canalsobe usedforpure "aileronbrakes". The "SNAPFLAP"mixer Inputs: Flap Elevator assigned asfollows: Themixeris usually V-tailservosMainapplication: ModelaircraftwithV-tails ,an etevalor Themixeris usually assigned aslollows: Flaoservos Mainapplication: F3Aclassaerobaticmodelsfor "souare"manoeuvres " mixer The "V-TAIL+ elevator The "QUADRO"mixer Inputs:Elevator ruooer aileron lnouts: Aileron Rudder sporler Flap Spoiler flap elevator Elevator Flap Themixeris usually assigned asfollows: Themixeris usually assigned asfollows: V-tailservos Flaoandaileronservos Mainapplication: ModelswithV-tailand/orspoilers and/orcamber-chang-Mainapplication: (flapssupport with"Quadro"flapconliguration Gliders ingor landingflaps. ailerons support flaps) ailerons, mixer The "FLAPERON" Inputs:Aileron Flap aleron flap Themixeris usually assigned aslollows: Flaperonservos Mainapplication: (combination flapi ailerons) Modelswithflaperons The " DELTA'mixer lnDuts:Aileron Elevator Themixeris usually assigned asfollows: servos(combination ailerons/elevators) Mainapplication: deltamodelaircraft andflyingwings. 49 Mixersfor modelhelicopters The "TAILROTOR"mixer pitch Inputs:Collective Yaw Fixedvalue collectivepitch yaw-axis fixed value MiXCT The', DYNAMIC-THROTTLE', throttle lnputs: Throttle roll-axis Roll pitch-axis Pitch-axis yaw-axis Yaw throttle servo astollows: assigned Themixeris usually asfollows: assigned Themixeris usually "Throttle"servo Tailrotorservo Mainapplication: Mainapplication: in whichthrottleis notcontrolled withmainrotortorquecompensationAll modelhelicopters Modelhelcopters accord' pilot, indirectly is controlled but by the directly via tail rotor of themainandtailrotors. ingto thepowerabsorption feature: SDecial The "HEIMHEAD"mixer and "yaw" inputsare mixed The "roll", "pitch-axis/r, pitch Inputs:Collective "withoutprefixes", collectivepitch powerrequirement of the the as Roll "on sides". zerc both roll-axis rises from tail rotors mainand asfollows: assigned Themixeris usually The"FLARE"mixer actuationservos Swashplate Inputs:Pitch-axis Mainapplication: Collective oitch linkage, swashplate with Heim-type Modelhelicopters or similar mixer The"HEAD-MIX" geometry pitch Inputs:Collective collective pitch Roll rolFaxis pitch-axis Pitch-axis phase Geometry Phase asfollows: assigned Themixeris usually controlservos Swasholate Mainapplication: PitchMixing"swashwith"Collective Modelhelicopters platelinkage pitch-axis collective pitch pitch-axas servo asfollows: assigned Themixeris usually Pitch-axis servo Mainapplication: Helicopterswith separatepitch-axisservo (e.9.Sch" tlarc"mixingis desired. "Shuttle"),it lueter, The freely definablemixers("USR-MlX"mixers) in the 1.AIL +T mixersdiscussed to the "pre-defined" In contrast you And the result?Nothing!Has the transmitter give mixers gone Section,the user-definable Drevious you wrong? precisely inputs the mixing the chanceto select applications Thisfeaturecatersfor all possible require. the No,there'snothingwrong:lirstyou mustre-assign provided. pre-defined mixers are no forwhich assignment to the servo Move thesemixerscan be modifiedUSR-mixer. Oncethey havebeen"defined", servo,and activatethe appropriate the "pre-defined" menu, select mixers. likethe usedexactly 1 flashes- nowthe inputfield.The legendUSR-MIX This meansthat they are assignedand adjustedin alteredUSRmixeris active. exactlythe same way.And in exactlythe same way, butbearwithus; or complex, inputson Youmaylindthisdifficult switchesare providedfor turningindividual "trap" possibilities. in Jactoffersimmense this andoff. give you freedom! total Thesemixers lf you are reallyclever,you will alreadyhaverealised thepotential: Note: the term"definingmixers"meansthatyou Sincewe haveto re-activate In practice, the mixereachtime,we select: eachservo between canalterthe USRmixerdefinition (sayeleva- assignment (say)aileronInput2 controls (servo1,2, 3 etc.),sothateachof the9 ser' Input1 controls tor vos hasitsownUSRmrxer.But- of course- therehas That is all you needto do to definea deltamixer.You to be a drawback. can nowassignthe mixerin the standardway.However, TheUSRmixerscanindeedall be diflerent, buttheyall whenyoutry outthe system,youwilldiscover: 1. name, e.g. USR-MIX same havethe Notrims! Al thispointwe willcomebackto the gamewe played mixer, release theUSR-MIX Rightthen,backto defining yourfriends'question: in answering before, theinputfieldwiththeE key,andaddthetrim. "My has6 mixers;andyours?" transmitter E.G.Inout1 50 we needonly 2: one jor mixersystems,each Ot the four possibleinputs of the 13ready-made Independent "ELEVATOR". "MOTOR', In line1 (Number theotherfor of whichyoucanapplyI times,younowhavethe USR "USR-MlX1"; "name" i.e. you will see mixer) oJ the inputs and up to 1.0different Thesecanbe assigned mixers. possible here. mixers be done is nothing to 10" there Thatmeans: for all fourchannels. oerservol Nowwe will"define"theinputsin turn:in line1 youwill see"lNP1",whichis thefirstinput;we canleaveit as it Sampleapplications: is. As the first example,imaginean electric-powered has the unpleasant that it lmagine also modelaircraft. Pressthe Z key;and the "type of input" = control the more functioncan be entered.Leafthroughwith the E key moreand moretail'heavy, habitof becoming the "throttle"is opened(themorepoweris ted to the until"MOTOR" That'sit done. appears. motor).Quitewhythis occurswe don'tneedto waste Nowto the secondinput.Pressthe ! key,followedby just wanted timethinkingabout:perhapsthe modeller "lNP1"turnsinto"lNP.2".Pressthe Z keyagain, at the build- El. an easylife,or maybehe madea mistake then leafthroughwith the El key until" ELEVATOR" ingboard. appears: Now,wouldn'tit be niceif we couldmixdown'elevator sothatmore"down" in withthe"throttle"automatically, rl_l5F:-t,lI l':1 i +T+F:] Wewouldthen as thethrottlewasopened. wasaDDlied "elevator" "motor" mixer. and needa r I fiF. i: ELEr,.rHI elevator + trim molor Now you reallyare finished.Inputs3 and 4 are not etevalor servo mixer. A casefora mixer- a USR-MIX Secondexample:in a modelboatwith2 motorsand 2 screwsthe motorsare requiredto supportthe rudder. the leftmotoris to be When"rightrudder"is applied, fed withmorecurrent,andthe rightone less;andthe otherwayroundwhen"leftrudder"is applied. Here we need tvvomixersol the same type for the inouts" rudder"and" motor": motor rudder+ trim motorcontroller R.H.motor motor rudder+ trim motor controller L.H. motor It is alwayspossiblethat therecould be something so leftherefroman earliermixerdefinition, undesirable side: on the safe look, to be to have a we ought Select input 3 as discussed above. ll you see to (Nothing) there,moveon immediately leafthroughwiththe E keyuntil inputNo.4; otherwise appears.Repeatthe processwithinput4. the task.Leavethe menuin Thisreallydoescomplete the usualwaywiththe @ key. is builtin: convenience" At this pointa little"operating you are taken immediatelyto the "Assign sewos" lf youdo menu,whereyou can carryout this process. notwishto dothis,justpress@ again. form: Theresultof yourwork,in diagrammatic n#liif_,if"",". ffiiilr8lil lf the two molorshavealreadybeen set for separate mixerto the elevatorservo,leal through usingthe assignmentsTo assignthis controlfrom the transmitter, "Servo USR-Mlxl'. No.. controls see 'MOTOR"and " MOTOR-2", ' thenthe solutioncan be untilvou I ot seNo number go here. into that butwewon't evenmoresophisticated, "define" with the mixer lf you wantto adiustthis servo,you mustthen,as"ELHowto "MOTOR" and inputs adjust both mixers, thö other the Everydefinablemixerhas tour inputs.To define whichcontrolfunc- EVATOR". mixei,we needto tellthetransmitter inputs. tionsit isto sendto these The secondexamplein abbreviatedform: Thatiswhatwe meanby "defining". For this you use USR mixer2. Assign"MO'rOR"to you input1;" RUDDER" to input2. thisis doneby meansof a menu,which Naturally, "As' "bottom the 'MOf of corner" right-hand -2' to the 3rd input,thena further will find in the ft you assign signing"menu. Why not try and available. is automatically relinement "AssignStartingfromthe Statusdisplay,more to the workout whatit is? (clue:bearin mindthatyou can @Z N ; thenselect laterswitchoftor setinputsto zero). ing" menuwiththe keysequence "USR-MlX" withtheZ key.Youwillseethisdisplay: (Nothing). Input4is againsetto form: Thismixerin diagrammatic rutFt-f'lI iil i +T+E:i rIl'.|F.1: rj". r Nowwe will detinethe mixerfor the first example. Thiswillbe USRmixer1. motor ruooet motor2 nothing molor (motor controller) cl And nowone small,but very importantdifference: ru:,Ft-fl I iiI {:+T+F:i Whathappensto the trims? r I l'lF.r: ELEr"rHr to includethe trim With manymixersit is necessary withthe "puresticksignal".Forexamsliderpositions "ELEVATOR" flashes. ple,that appliesto a V-tail,otherwise it wouldnot be PresstheZ keyagain; " you press key, +T" will appearnextto it. lf now the E oossibleto trim the elevatorsand rudder.The same "with indicates that thetrimposF This means trim", and also appliesto the elevatorcontrolof a llying wing input: mixed in with the ELEVATOR tion is now model. On the otherhandthereare mixersin whichthe posiExample: tionof thetrimslidersshouldnotbe included. rU:;Fj-l'1 I :'iI {:+T+F: i "snapjlaps"on an aerobatic model.In this casethe r I I' l F :: . E L Er-rH +Tr wing controlsurfacesshouldnot deflectwhen the elevatortrim slideris shifted;flap movementis only again, lf you pressthe El keyagain,"+T" disappears requiredwhenyou"control"the elevator. "withouttrims". mixing occurs and the your particular application, It dependstheretoreon whetheryou want the mixinginputswith or without Onelasttime: trims,andthisappliesequallyto theUSRmixers. Pleasebear in mind (as already describedabove) that you must re-assignthe USR-Mixerseverytime Youcan choosethis too: here. you altertheirdefinition,otherwisethe changeswill we discussed We will returnto the firstexample not takeeftect. Wehadthisdisplay: under"SomeheliOverthe courseof its existencethe modelhelicopter will find somefurtherexplanations and demanding copterterms"on page76. has developedinto a sophisticated The demandsthesemachinesmakeon the In this Sectionwe startfromthe assumption machine. thatyou The arealreadyfamiliarwiththewaythe transmitter radiocontrolsystemare no less comprehensive. works, is morethana so thatwe can concentrate PROFImc 3010,withits vastflexibility, on the characteristics oJthe thanksin in particular helicopter. matchfor alltheserequirements; "helicopter mixers"andthe user-de- Evenif youconsider to thespecialised yourself an expertanda helicopter mixers, which canbe usedto fulfilalmostanycon- specialist fined youshouldat leastcarryouta few"dryruns" to exploit withthefixedwingexamples, ceivableneed.Expertswillalsobe delighted sothatyoubecomefamiF of "switchingmemoriesin flight"(see iarwiththewaythetransmitter the possibility works. page68). a minimum,you shouldteel at home with the the As withchoppers lf youalreadyhavesomeexperience method of findingyourwayaroundthemenus,andwith present noproblem. willprobably lollowing Section servosand transcorrelating and adjusting selecting, to the worldoJthe whirlingrotor, mittercontrols. ll youarea beginner we stronglyadviseyou to read and studymodelling Basically "helicopter" in the transmitter is operated the samewaythe and specialistbooksto complement magazines thatwe for a fixed-wing model.Everything as in thismanual. information mixers havesaidup to nowon workingwithmemories, thePROFImc3010is complicated,andsoon,appliesin fullto thehelicopter Thatis notbecause transmitter. complex.And However,there is one fundamentaldifference:every are inherently but becausehelicopters becauseit is not possibleto startwith 2 or 3 functions, modernmodelhelicopter is tlownwith at leastone is faroutsidethescopeof mixerrightfromthe start,andmostoJthemfeaturesevas witha fixed-wing thismanualto go intothebasicsandfinerpointsof heli- eral mixers.The "collectiveDitch/throttle curve" is coptercontrolsystems,as they are by no meansas anotherfeaturewhich is peculiarto the helicopter nor as easyto imagineas thoseof world. easyto understand usedterms models.Someof the commonly tixed-wing in thissectionwherenecessary; andyou But now:downto business. areexplained 52 Theassignmentprocess for helicopters Assigningat the "servoend" Herethingsgeta littlemorecomplex. Butlet'sdothings right in the order! which lf we disregard theearly,verysimplehelicopters, pitch,the modelhelicopter Inthemodeltherearethreegroupsof controlfunctions: managed withoutcollective 1.The tail rotor (yaw)controlsystem,including requires at leastfiveprimary controlfunctions: gyro suppression 1.Collective oitch 2. Throttlecontrolsystemincludingmixture (fixedwing:elevator) 2. Pitch-axis adiustment (fixedwing:aileron) 3. RolFaxis (mainrotor)controlsystem. 3. Swashplate (tailrotor- fixedwing:rudder) 4. Yaw-axis No helicoptercan managewithout this: 5. Throttle; usuallylinkedto and derivedfromcolThetail rotorcontrolsystem lectiveoitch Moveto the "Assignservos"menu.Selectin the usual Commonly usedauxiliary functions: way the desiredservonumber,and activatethe servo 6.Gyrosuppression function fieldin line2 withtheZ key. forthe motor. and7. Mixtureadjustment " Leaf through" with the E key until "TAILROT." appears: Assigningthe "transmittercontrol" endof the system H5:,Iriil 5EF;r.Jü I I ^T TI:I TI]I LEL-'IT. Atthetransmitter endthefourmaincontrolfunctions: PITCH, PITCH-AXIS, ROLLandYAW COLLECIIVE haveto be assignedto the two transmittersticksin the In our exampleservoNo.3 is nowassignedto tail rotor control.Thisautomatically makesavailable the essenusuarway. passes part pitchsig"THROTTLE" tial mixer which of the collective in twoways As the functionis controlled - partlyvia a derivedsignalfrom "COLLECrIVE nal to the tail rotorservo.All you needto do lateris set PITCH"and partlyvia a separatecontrol(moredetails the levelof thetwo inputs. later)- a transmitter controlmustalsobe assignedto it; lmportant: Be sure to assign "TAIL ROTOR".lf you assign usually oneol thetwosliders. "YAW"instead,you will havethe normalstick funcTheotherslideris usedformixture adjustment. tion, but not the collectivepitch mixing - i.e. no Start by movingto the "Assigntransmittercontrols" statictail rotor compensation! menuas described before. Assignthe transmitter congyro suppressionin thesameway: COLLECf IVEPITCH, Setup"sensitivity" trolsA - D to thecontrolJunctions As the inputof thegyrois connected to the youpreROLL,PITCHandYAWusingthearrangement "formal"desreceiver in the same way as a servo, the fer. hereis:" ServoNo... controls ignation GYRO". AssignsliderE or F to "THROTTLE"; thenthe remaingyro In ourexample the is connected to receiver output6. ingsliderto " MIXTURE". press the key and select servo No. 6. PressZ So: S tromthe lf youareusinga gyrowhichcanbecontrolled "GYRO"appears: and leaf through until controlneedsto be transmitter, a furthertransmitter oneof the "switched chanassigned to it; for example riH 5EF:Url r-r:,:,I ü I language: transmitter connels"H; in the transmitter's = trol H GYRO. Tr:r tiirFtür youcouldassign lf youdo notneedmixtureadjustment, Leavethemenuas usual;that'sit - done! oneof theslidersto thegyro. Thethrottlecontrolsystem Firstthe mixtureadiustment able becauseeverycontrolmovementrequiresextra "Assign powerfromthe motor.lf youdo notwantto usethisfeaNo. 7; servos"menuselect,say,servo At the "MIXTURE": press ture. the ROLL.PITCHand YAWinoutswill be set to the key and select then Z zeto. So: pressthe tr key,then leai throughwiththe E key T I t1:,5IüHsEFlr,lr_t untilvousee" DYN.-THROT.": TÜ I'II!{TUFIE/ Nowthe "throttle" servo. servoagain;in our case Firstwe selectthe appropriate No.4. of thesimple"THROTTLE" function ason Now instead a fixed-wingaircraft,we are otferedthe mixedfunction "DYN.-THROT." (dynamic Thismixedtunction throttle). allowsyouto "switchin" partof the ROLL,PITCHand YAWcontrolsignalsto thethrottlesignal.Thisis desir- t:t5!;itjH:,EF:t.t[t 4 r T[t ['tr't'], THF:.r That'sallthereisto it here,too. lncidentally:if you don'tholdwith such refinements, youcanalwaysusethe simple"THROTTLE' lunction. In that casethe mixingarrangements simplydo not appty. Theswashplate controlsystem Herewe can'tavoidgettinga littledeeperintothetechnology,as thereareseveraldifferentrotorheadcontrol systems,or designs,which differwidelyfrom each conother.In facttheyall do thesamejob:theyprovide However, trol of collectivepitch,roll-axisand pitch-axis. the differentsystemsmakequitedifferentdemandson thenumberof servosandhowtheyareused. For this reasonwe presenthere a brief description of the three most important systems, and the assignmentsrequiredfor each: 1.The "classical"fixedswashplate I AEargem.nt 9d Fig.34 pitchcontrolis operated. For roll controlonlythe two movealongthe axisof the in this case in opposite outer servos are operated, rotorshatt;it can only tilt. servo alone provides Finally the central directions. Collectivepitch control is pitch-axis control. via a oushrodwhich runs The120-degree arrangement distributesthe loadsto inside the hollow rotor the servosmoreevenly. shaft,or in a groovein the For collectivepitch control all three servos again rotor shaft. Collectiveand PITCHsigreceivean equalpartof the COLLECTIVE cyclic pitch are mixed " higherup", nal.Forrollcontrol,onceagain,onlythetwooutersermechanically, vos are operated,in oppositedirections.For pitch-axis at the rotor.The swashplate is controlledby two control.however.all three servosmustwork:the two direction but in the opposite outeronesworktogether, servos,set at 90 degrees l. ffi-'x "*:*. (+ clllocllr. lro|]l to the central one. J S€rw 5 to eachother. F i o . 3 3 tor n ro r.0ü!) Call€ciiv! picn Eventhisis notthe endof the matter:the servomovethreeservosfor collectivepitch,roll- mentsmust be different.The two outer servos,when Therearetherefore movement, deflectby func- required to producea pitch-axis axisandpitch-axis,whichhaveentirelyseparale has to move twiceas The central one the same amount. tions. far. ServoNo.1controlsROLL-axis mixeris usedfor controlling The same"HEAD-MIX" ServoNo.2 controlsPITCH-axis PITCH the servosin both versionsot the CPMrotor head: COLLECTIVE ServoNo.5 controls inputto colleclf youwish,youcanmixin thepitch-axis geometry (torthe tive pitchat a laterstage,if youfind it necessary collective pitch roll-axis this,assign fromcruiseto hoveo.Toachieve transition pilch-axis " FLARE"to theDitch-axis servo. phase all the Pleasenotethatif youchangethe assignment, previouspitch-axis willbe lost. servoadjustments COLLECThismixeroffersthefacilityto feedadjustable "CPM" inputsto and ROLL-AXIS TIVE PITCH,PITCH-AXIS swashplate 2. The "Collective - e.g. required input which is not PitchMixing".Thistypeof each servo.Any CPMstandstor (00/o), is set to zero servo simply ROLL for the central fixed linkageis to some extentthe oppositeof the otf. i.e. switched is Jree to move the swashplate In this case swashDlate. Movingit axi- Theservoassignment alongtherotorshaftin theaxialdirection. is simple: pitchcontrol; tiltingit produces collective allyproduces HEAD-MlX, ServoNo.1controls cyclicpitchcontrol. HEAD-MlX, ServoNo.2 controls but in this caseall Threeservosare againrequired, HEAD-MlX. ServoNo.5 controls is known Thisarrangement threeacton theswashplate. youstillhaveto setthe magnitude and Naturally, it is possibleto usemore direction as a 3-pointlinkage.However, of thethreeinputs. servosto controlthe swashplate. the displaywill As an exampleto helpyou remember, noproblem to thetransmitter.looklikethis(servoNo.2): A 4-pointlinkagepresents You couldeven "distribute"5 or moreservosaround withthesefeatures the rotorhead,shoulda helicopter H 5 : , I t j H : ; E F j t J :u I evercomeontothe market. lir TLt HEHtt-l'lI There are two differentmethodsof arrangingthese "go-degree and the arrangement" three servos:the a go-degree arrangeThe4-pointlinkageis,in practice, "120-degree : arrangement" mentwith2 oitch-axisservos. The 90-degreearrangementis the simplerone. very simple. mc 3010makeseverything All threeservosmusttirstbe assignedan equalpartof YourPROFI 'HEAD-MIX"to,say,servos3 to 6. You assign is that the PITCHsignal;the result the ooLLECTIVE on page62. adjustments risesand fallsevenlvwhenthe collective Youwillfindthenecessary swashDlate ",1 U , 54 the rotorshatt.The bellcrank"tloats",and thus moves The bellcrank"deup and downwiththe swashplate. pitch.By an controlfromcollective couples"pitch-axis pivot"flare" designof the floatingbellcrank ingenious automatically, so no special"flare" mixingis achieved mixeris needed. for the two mixeris provided A soecial"HEIMHEAD" "coilective servos. oitch/roll" 3. The"Heim"$t ashplate is alsofree Thisswasholate to moveaxially,and collec-* tive pitch is achievedby However, it this movement. is only controlleddirectly by two (outboard)servos; when they move in the the resultis samedirection a collective pitch movement;whenthey movein opposite directions the resultis a rollmovement. for A bellcrankis provided Ditch-axis control.and this is operatedby the pitchaxis servo, which is mountedat righlanglesto collectivepitch roll-axis is asJollows: Servoassignment HEIMHEAD ServoNo.1 controls HEIMHEAD ServoNo.5 controls ServoNo.2 controlsPITCH-AXIS controloptionsfor helicoptercontrolsystems Transmitter oflersa seriesol optionstor helicopter The followingoptions are available: Thetransmitter controlsystems,exactlylikethe fixed-wingcontrolsys- ODtion Transmittercontrol tems,whichyou can "activate",and adjust,whenyou DualRate PITCH,ROLL,YAW(tailrotol) needthem. COLL.PITCH,PITCH,ROLL,YAW Exponential ll the term "transmittercontroloptions"is not clear, Traveladj.,boths. PITCH,ROLL,YAw,COLL.PITCH. pleaseturnbackto page32andreadthatsection. COLL.PITCH*PITCH,ROLL,YAWMIXTURE, Centreadjust To someextenttheseootionsare identicalto thosetor ldle THROTTLE someof themare specific Fixedvalue fixed-wingmodels;however, THROTTLE to helicopters. Throttle curve collEgrlvE PITCH in thefol- Direc hrote optionsareexplained Thehelicopter-specific coLLECrlvEPITCH lowingsection. GyroON/OFF GYRO '"Coll€ctivepitchmaximum" in helicopter terminology. Hereagain,you are free to makeuse of as manyof and"coll.pitchminimum" " "Collective pitch-hover" in helicopier terminology. theseoptions- or asfewof them- asyouwish. The "collectivepitchcurve" The term "collectivepitchcurve"refersto the relationship betweenthe positionof the collectivepitch stick and the actualangleof collectivepitch.Pleasereferto Fio.36here: Colleclive pitch servo SP Collective pilch slick o Fig.36 Whenthe collective oitchstickis set to "Centre",the is required to hover:thisis the "HoverPoint" helicopter (HP).The corresponding angleol rotorbladepitchis and is usuallystatedby the helicoptermanufacturer, is a +3 degrees usuallyin the range+2lo +4 degrees; goodstartingpointfor yourownexperiments. pitch"stick positionthe At the "maximumcollective pitchanglefor norrotorbladesaresetto themaximum to "P+". lts actualvalueis malflying;hereabbreviated best discoveredin practicalflight testing,as it varies accordingto the motorpoweravailable(seebelow). pitch" At the " bottomend" is the "minimumcollective position- point"P-". Thissettingis not criticaland to themodelandthe is bestfor variesaccording recbeginnersto stickto the helicoptermanulacturer's here;expertswill havetheirownideas. ommendation of each Youcan adjustall three pointsindependently are no differentfrom other.In tact, theseadjustments of the andseparatetraveladjustment centreadjustment control,and you will find collectivepitchtransmitter themin the menuundertheseterms.So:moveto the "Adiusttransmittercontrols"menu;leafthroughto the PITCHcontrol.Setthe hoverpoint(HP) COLLECIIVE "Centre" pitchmaximum ootion.andcollective withthe Travel". withtheoption"Asymmetrical andminimum Note:As collectivepitchis alwaysadjustedin conjunctionwiththe "throttlecurve",we willhaveto comeback to thissubjectin duecourse. The "throttlecurve" The levelof motoroutput,i.e.the positionof the throttle is usuallyderivedtromtheposislidein thecarburettor, pitchstickfor normalflying.The tion of the collective relationshipbetvveenthe two is termedthe "throttle curve". Theoptions Youcanselecteitherof twotypesof curve: "3-pointcurve" Fig.37; "s-point or curve" Fig.38. The philosophyconcerningcontrol and adiustment is the samefor both curves: The startingpoint is alwaysthe hover,as this is the most importantbasicadjustment.The collectivepitch 100fi reouired for the hoveris determined withincloselimits The required"throttle" by the designof the helicopter. settingfor the hoveris adjustedto matchthe collective pitchsetting. "cornerpoint"is maximumcollecThe nextimportant tive pitch.Thiscannotbe setto anyold value,however, as it deoendson the maximumooweroJthe motor.For this reasonfull throttleis set first,and the maximum possible pitchsubsequently collective setto matchit. Thelastcorneroointis "minimum throttle" at lowcollective oitch.On oidertransmitters this is wherethe "idleup",or throttlepre-select functionwasused.Toavoidconfusion,we havealsotermedthispoint"lU'. In thiscase thethrottle is adjusted withtherotor"unloaded";so that therotorspeedremains as nearlyconstant aspossible. Throttle ---:.7 SP Collective pitch stick 3 - point curue IU 0 -100!6 -100!6 + Fig.37 '50c;t ,50c;t 0 50% 100!6 Fig.38 ffsP = " Fullthrottleforward".s-oointcurve The3-pointcurveis simplerto setup,andis adequate fbsP = "Fullthrottle back", s-pointcurve in alsoformsthe basisJorthe s-point curve. Firstthe 3-pointcurve. The s-point curve oflers a further,adjustablepoint Stayat "fi3P"andpresstheZ key."HP" (hoverpoint) aboveandbelowthe hoverpoint,so thatyoucan match willflash.Youarealreadyat thepointwhereyouadjust the requiredmotorpowermoreaccurately to the charac- the "hoverthrottle"setting.Use the El or El keys(or teristicsof your motor.By settingthesetwo pointsthe the Digi-Adjustor), to set the desiredvalue;e.g.750lo "throttlecurve"is endowed witheithera progressive or (here00/o= throttleclosed;1000/o = Jullthrottle). alsoprovides a regressive an easiermethodof "negative oosition andhold powerfor pitch"- i.e.for Movethestickbackto thefull-throttle increasing collective there.The displaywill now show " P+" insteadof Theonlydrawback is thatit givesyoumore it aerobatics. "HP"; and you can againset the correctvalueusing workat theadjustment stage. Theadditional hoverDoint the E) andEl keys,or the Digi-Adjustor. Dointin the middle.between "S+", pitch, collective is termed thepoint Caution: you are now adiusting collective pitch andmaximum hoverandminimum maximum(notfullthrottle)! between collective Ditch"S-". Howto set the points Thismethodof adjustment is basedon practical experiIt is veryhelpfulif youbecomefamiliar withtheprocess ence:fullthrottleis a fixedvalue,andmaximum collecand adiusting thesecurves,so we recom- tive pitchmustbe set to matchthat value.lf you want of selecting practice mendthatyoucarryoutthe following session. proofthatyouareactually pitchmaxisettingcollective At the "Adjusttransmitter controls"menu,selectthe mum,you can latermoveto the "Asymmetrical Travel" PITCHcontrol,and then select the option,and examineCOLLECTIVE COLLECTIVE PITCHtravelat "Throttle "stickback".Thereyouwillfindthesamevalueset. curve"ootion.Themenuwilllooklikethis: rEt:t::[tLL. [:UE:t-lEr Nowto minimumthrottle.Movethe stickfoMardand holdit there;the displaywill nowshow"1U".Youcan rf'f'IF HF: bül{ r pitchminiposition nowsetthecarburettor forcollective mum;e.g.100/0. Pressthe Il key;the "bottomleft-hand corner"will 'fl' 'fb', The s-pointcurve flash.Youcan nowselecteither or usingthe "3P" "5P" The setting-upprocedureis similarto that outlined with the E and @ key.Choosebetween No doubtyou realisethat you mustfirst select above. keys. andE "5P" instead of 3P guesswhatthe abbreviations mean Youcan probably lf you havealreadyset up a 3-pointcurve,then those already: youshouldsetthosethree valuesstillapply.Otherwise ff3P = "FullthrottlefoMard". 3-oointcurve pointsfirsl,asalready fb3P = "Fullthrottle curve back". 3-boint described. 56 curve: by nowthatthe symbol The3-ooint Youaresureto havediscovered "S+" appearsin the displaywhenyou movethe stick Whenvou rotatethe knob,the minimumthrottleposipoint tion, ttie hoverthrottlesettingor the collectivepitch between"HP" and "P+". This is the additional interDosed betweenhoverand maximumcollective maximumsettingwill be altered,dependingon the pitchstick. of thecollective pitch.Holdthestickin thatposition andenterthevalue position Thes-oointcurve: vouthinkcorrect. the sameapplieson the "otherside".Between Hereagain"minimumthrottle,the centralpartof the Exactly "HP" and"lU' youwillfind"S-". Hold,the stickin this curve,br the collectivepitch maximumsettingis pitch ot thecollective ontheposition depending andenterthe correctvaluewiththe El andE altered, oosition points part HB S-, (the moves the three stick centre keys,or the Digi-Adjuslor. S+ "in parallel"). Adjustingthe valuesin flight to makechangesin flightusing In brief: Caution:neverattempt error is Becauseot the "intelligent" method adopted for the keypad.The risk of makinga catastrophic throttle adiustments,a single adiustor is sufficient toogreat! for in-flight adiustments. This makes operation in-flight for making Always use the Digi-Adiustor muchsimpler,and removesa whole bundleof stress adiustments. withthedetailsof fromthe pilot. Yoüdon'treallyneedto concernyourself facilities: duringa Nowto recap:you havetwo usefuladiustment thiscurve.lf yourotatetheDigi-Adjustor adjusting "throttle you as curve" ad,ust the hand can to on theone flight,it adjuststhatpartof thecurvewhichcorresponds just you adiust collective other can on the pitch described; that moment stickat the positionof thecollective at anytime,usingthecollective justaswhensettingupthecurvein thefirstplace.Never- pitch(thehoversetting) oitchtrimslider. theless- a fewwordsonthebasicprinciples: The"throttleslider" extreme,releaseit again.lf you reducethrotllegreatly withthe slider,youwilldropbelowthe speedat which the centrifugalclutch "bites": idle with helicopter " landed". is on the The wholething in reverse:the helicopter ground;throttleis "closed";motorat idle.To takeoff pitchminipushthe throttleand revshigh(collective mum):the "throttlecurve"takesover,and with the canfinallybe taken the helicopter fullyreleased throttle collectivepitch. otf by increasing "Directthrottle" modeof operation tor adiustingthe motorIn manycases- for example, the throttleneedsto be adjustedwithoutanyautomatic variationot collectiveoitch.In thiscasea switchis used pitchlthrottle this coupling: the coliective to disconnect is termed"Directthrottle". In this mode of operation the throttle is adiusted directly,usingthe slideralone. As usuä|,you haveto tell the transmitterwhichswitch vouwantto useto select"DirectThrottle".This is done controls"menu,as a transmität the 'Adjusttransmitter PITCH. tercontroloptionunderCOLLECIIVE First moveto the 'Adiusttransmittercontrols"menu, selectthe collEgllvE PITcH transmittercontrol, pressthe N key,andthen leafthroughwiththe El key youreachthe" DirectThrottle" option. rrgdb until Youwillseethis: Thethrottleslideris setto the valueshownin the diagram by the dottedline. lf you now set the collective rE : t-:u L L .T L rT H F:1 maxipitchstickto minimum andslowlypushit towards r lEFHF:tlTE:r_rFF curveshown thethrottle at firstfollows mum,thethrottle point two at whichthe bv the doudashline.Fromthe and follows Pressthe Z keyfirst,lhen switchON with the El key, linesmeet,the throttleremainsconstant, andfinallyselectthe switchyouwantto usewiththe El thedottedlineagain. lf you now set the sliderto a lowerpoint,so that its andE keys. between"throttlecoupledto col' vaiue is completelybelowthe throttlecurve,then the Nowyou can switch "direct throttlecontrol"by meansot curvehasno effect,andthrottleis controlledentirelyby lectivepitch"and you havejustselected. mechanical switch the theslider. Note: application: Practical oositionof the throttleslideris switchable Usingthe throttleslideryou can reducethrottleinde- The idle"idle as withfixedback"and "idleforward", between position, pitch pendently or,at theother of thecollective thethrotThethrottleslidercanalsobe usedto influence modes of operation. optional There are two tle setting. Normalmodeof operation the slider Whileyou are in this modeoJ operation, worksas a "limiter"for the throttle.At any time the throttlepositionis limitedto thecurrentposimaximum ot whereyourcoltionof the throttleslider;regardless of howyouhave lectivepitchstickis set,andregardless throttle curve. setuDthe form: ln diaorammatic "Adiusj the throttleoosition Jorthe "idle" positionof the slider wing youwishto do this,moveto the andback(2, thentr)' forward transmittercontrols"menuand selectthe THROTTLE andswitchbetween "ldle" position bytheprefix. is indicated idle the Switching adjust option and the now select You can control. Auto-rotation selecOneswitchcan be dedicatedas an auto-rotation r E :T H H r : r T FIll-1r tor. E]':r the transmitter r[rFF When it is switchedto auto-rotation, doestwothings: throttle" First:"auto-rotation setting(idle to a pre-selected 1. lt setsthethrottle followed by El, then set the desired Pressthe Z key work). OFFtor competition lor practising; waywith the El or E keys, in the usual setting throttle 2. Anylimitseton collectivepitchtravelat the - 100/o is a goodstartingpoint. 0 the Digi-Adjustor; or controlend is lifted(tomakefull coltransmitter switch: Nowdefinetheauto-rotation lf youdo not available). lectivepitchmovement requirethisfeature,adjustcollectivepitchtravel Pressthe Sl key,thenselectthe switchyouwantto use, usingthe E and E keys,as usual;for examplethe at theservoonly. "S5".That'sallthereisto it. 'what switch aboutthetail be thinking: Youwillnowprobably rotor?"Normally,becausemain rotorpowertorqueis Nowto theactualproblem. the mixingof collective Forauto-rotation absentduringauto-rotation, pitchinputneedsto be the collective oilchto tail rotorhasto be removed. to the switchedofi. This is the procedure:move and 'SWITCHSERVO"menuand assignthe "COLLEC' The PROFImc 3010offersyou a very simple "Servo TIVEPITCH"inoutto theauto-rotation switch55. elegantfeature:you simplyneedto moveto the "TAILROT", "F|XEDVALUE" and selectthe Switch menu,select adiustment" the andassign the'INPUT'to "doLLECIIVE PITCH" input as switchable,then switch55 to thattoo,but workingin the oppositedireclf, for exam- tion.Todo this,withthe inputfieldstillactive(flashing), assignthe sameswitchas for auto-rotation. ple,you selectthe switch"55" for auto'rotation(we're oressE . just'comingto that!),then make the coLLEcTlvE memory15,BK117: Sampledisplay, by "S5". alsoswitchable PITCHinputto "TAILROT" to this;please Thereis a furtherpossiblerefinement r 5 E F I5. : T HI L F ; Ü T . section. end ol this note at the readthe !,5+. r r[:[rLL,: Whatyou haveto adiust: here: Therearetwo pointsto remember "auto-rotation throttle"to "FixedValue" r5EFt. 1.Setthe 5: TrlI LF:r:rT. "auto-rotation" switch. 2. Assignthe r -i5'+.+ rFiiiEtl: it Thisshouldtellyouwhereyouwillfindauto-rotation: is " hidden"underTHROTTLE. The net etfectis that by operatingthe switchS5 you "Transmitter closethe throttle,setcollectivepitchotf,set a (variable) Optionsl To do this, move again to the pitch fixed valueon, andswitchto a secondcollective Press the N THROTTLE control. menu;thenon to the "FlX-1" travel. the (fixed with value) option the select keyand The travelsare adjustedin the SERVOTRAVEL& E keY. menu. REVERSE display: Youwillseethefollowing 2. Gyroswhosesensitivitycan be alteredor switched "Suppression"means reducingor eliminatingthe otf tromthetransmitter. For this type ot gyro a switchedtransmittercontrolis dampingeffectof the gyro when the pilot wishesto needed("G"), whichis thenassigned to asthegyrois onlyintended the "GYRO"function; it.Thisis essential, override youwillalsoneeda "servo"outdueto gustsetc., putby thenameof "GYRO".Thisis wherethesensitivflightmovements to reduceunwanted and not to counteractdeliberateeffortson the part of ity sr,tiitcn inputfromthe gyrois connected."Automatic pilot. the here proportional is of no relevance suppression" "Gyrosuppression" control Therearethree basictypes ot gyro: at the 'GYRO"transmitter "OFF". to set is therefore tor control 1. Gyroswith no specialfacilities allowing adjustablefrom fromthetransmitter. 3. Gyroswith proportionalsensitivity, "suppression" effect, thetransmitter. Someol thesegyrosalsohavea conwhichis derivedfromtheyawcontrolsignalemanating Thisis thetypeof gyrowithwhichwe areprimarily gyro a speof the To the sensitivity here. control cerned from the receiver.Thesegyroshaveonly one connecin the transYAW signal from the is derived gyro, signal cial of you this type using are tion to the receiver.lf to thegyrovia con' mitter,andthissignalis thentransmitted youdo notneedto assign"GYRO'to a transmitter "GYRO":this is termed"automatic outout the servo on this type to say is nothing else There nor a servo. irol gyrocontrol"or "automaticgyrosuppression". ol device. Gyrosuppression 5ö The systemin practice Howsuppressionworks "suppress" generates signalwhichis We will suppose,as an example,that you have a Thetransmitter of assigned "transmitter control H = GYRO" and proportional to the tail rotorstickposition(regardless to "ServoNo.6 controlsGYRO",as alreadydescribed. Thissignalis transferred the directionof movement). "sensitivity chan- As switchlor the Gyrofunctionyou can use eithera input"of the gyrovia a separate the nel.Thefurtherthe stickis moved,the morethe sensF 2-oosition switch switchwith2-corelead,or a 3-position tivity of the gyro is reduced;the less sensitiveit with 3-corelead.To be able to exploitthe full control the lesseffectit has,andthe morethe model travelwhenyou are usinga switchwitha 2-coreleada becomes. Thiseffectis valueof 1000/o to deliberate controlmovements. resoonds mustbe setat the "Centre"option. in Fig.40.Fig.40 a showsthesuppression represented Now all that is left is to switchautomaticsuppression gyroeffect. signal,40 b thecorresponding ControlOptions"menu on. Moveto the "Transmitter to controlH. andleafthrough PressN andthe El and E keysto select"AUTO".You willseethisdisplay: I rH: tj'T'Fjt:t HUT|_]. üFF r :;I-IFF'F:E:;:;: by "ON"; PresstheA key,thenE . "OFF" is replaced andthat'sit. . Tip: Connecta servo(insteadof a gyro)lo the receiver"GYYouwillthenbe RO" outputforthissettingup process. o + effectworks. ableto seeexactlyhowthe suppression WithswitchH setto OFFand the tail rotorstickat cenlf you nowoper' tre, theservowillbe at oneend-point. Fio.40 a ate the stick,the servowill run towardsthe otherendpoint,its movementproportional to the stick position; ol whichsidethe stickis movedto. regardless lf you nowsetswitchH to ON,the servorunsstraightto this end-point,and is not affectedby movementol the thesignal"gyrofullysuppressed". stick:it receives lf necessary: gyro,it mayturnoutthat on yourparticular Depending "the wrongway round";i.e. works the suppression is at a suppression rotor stick is at centre, whenthe tail increases. asstickdetlection maximum, andit reduces In this caseyou needto moveto the " Servo adiustandleal ment" menu.Select"TRAVEL+ REVERSE" throughuntil you reach "Servo" No. 6. Pressthe Sl key,then E. You havenow " reversed"gyro suppressron. Supplementarynotes F i o . 4 0b andmaximum suooression 1.Minimum thatthe "corwe haveassumed Duringthisdescription to which are used (maximum and minimum The gyro usuallyhas two adjustors ner values"for suppression range. betweenwhichyou can moveusingthe settopandbottomlimitson thesensitivity suppression), At the lransmitterend a slideror a switchcan be used switchH, wereseton the gyroitself,as explainedat the of thesection. beginning to control"GYRO". lf the gyro does not otferthis feature,or you wantto lf a slideris used,it becomespossibleto adiust"gyro carry thenthereis an alternative it outat thetransmitter, suppression"steplessly(not to be confusedwith infi- method: to whichis proportional suppression, nitelyadjustable Move to the "Servo adjustment" menu, select range of adjustment In this case the movement!). stick 'TRAVEL+ REVERSE", and set the "travel"of gyro is withinthe limitsseton thegyroitself.Usinga switch, as you wish. Whenyou adjustthe travel suppression on the otherhand,you can "only" switchbetweenthe (you allyouare for bothdirections!), can do it separately two limitsset on the gyro.In practice,this latterfacility doingis seltingthe cornervaluesfor gyrosuppression an inlinitelyadiustable (seeFig.41). hasprovedto be quiteadequate; settingis reallyone thing too manyfor mostpilotsto cooewith. Pleasereadthe noteat lhe end of this sectionin thisconnection. 59 2. ON/OFFswitchforgyrosuppression can alsobe switchedon and off in Gyrosuppression haveto do is flight with a physicalswitch.All you "Suppression" (e.9. the Sl 55) under assigna switch Ootion.At the sametime this switchcan be set to switchin the DualRatesOptionfor yawcontrol,to pre' tailrotorservomovement. ventunwanted -100s +100q6 Tad rolor 3üat( Fig.41 controls Thetransmitter You may well have read throughthe information Servo3 is the servowhichcontrolsthe tail rotor.So modelsin orderto understand pressthe N keyagain(theservoNo.will flashl and fixed-wing concerning how the systemworks(no bad idea),but pleasenote moveto servo3 with the El key.Nowpressthe El key Usethe E or that you must never adopt the transmittercontrol to releasethe inputfield(fieldflashes). pilot. the "TAIL may be to select You Digi Adjustor of the fixed-wing desighations El keys or the to think:aileron- well,that'sroll,and lcan ROTOR"mixer.ll you nowmovethe yawstick(andif tempted your receivingsystemis switchedon), the tail rotor thateasily. remember pitchstick,and good not servowill move.Movethe collective it, that's remember but able to Youmaybe and it will thesameservoshouldalsorespond. Enter"Aileron", enoughfor yourtransmitter. give up with an errormessage,but usuallynot until Normallyyou wouldassignall the servosin turn,and This time, procedure. necessary. then make any adjustments youhavefinishedyoursetting-up procedure step by the we will run through however, That'senoughof thepreaching. is at the Statusdisplay, srep. thatvourtransmitter Assuminq untilyoureturnto Menu1. press t-he kbys EIZ N Z to reach ASSIGN PresstheE) keyrepeatedly withthe Z key,pressthe Adjustment Branch to servo Activate the inputfieldZ and pressthe CONTROLS. "4". (CENTRE) thatall servosareat Oo/o. and check key E El keyto reachcontrol press (input flashes), set themto 00/o field lf not, "A" is the left-hand Z stickunit(thelettersareprintedon menuwiththe leave the keys, then and with the El E Releasethis inputfield with the fl the transmitter). with menu immediately control @ key.Otherwiseleavethe Leafthroughthe suggested key(fieldflashes). with the + REVERSE Z to TRAVEL list withthe E or El keysuntilyou find the required @. Nöwbranch this: You will see kev. function. Forexamole: r5 E F l 5. : T HI L F l r:rT. andE once. A controlsROLL;nowpressthe Z key, " "B (something or you . . . controls see In the display r +'-+EtilFl+ t,illllr.l J other). Press 5l again, and select the required functionwiththeEl or E keysor theDigiAdjustor. Checkthe directionof effectof the yaw servo.lf the B controls COLLECTIVEPITCH (or, if you prefer, servo rotatesin the wrong direction,activatethe PrTCH-AXrS). inputfield with the f) key and press@ appropriate shouldbe obviousnow once:the prefixwill alter,andyourtail rotorservowill Theorocedure fortheyawinput. Continuethis process until you have assigned be reversed pitchinput: functionsto all the transmittercontrolsyou need. Nowthecollective (Nothing) to controlsyou don't Pressthe Z key and El until COLLECTIVE Assign"-----" PITCH pleasedon'tassignthe samefunction need.However, tail rotor must the in which direction work out appears. to two controls,e.g. "E controlsthrottle effectof {or the torque to compensate in order deJlect controlsthrottle"!On no accountforgetto assign the mainrotor.lf necessary, thisfor maximum reverse "THROTTLE" to oneof thesliders(Eor F). pitch,asdescribed fortheyawinput. collective Now you will need your helicopter;or at least a receivingsystemcompletewithservos. r 5 E F :i.: T I lI L F : Ü T , Go backto the 'ASSIGN"menuwiththe El key,and withS. WewillbeginwithservoNo.3. to SERVO branch r +f,tlr:i[tt' t-:t-]LL.r please keep to but is notbinding, Theservosequence A good startingpointis about300/0. whilewe dealwithourexamples. oursuggestions 60 ROLL-axis ServoNo.1 controls Yourtail rotormixerrequiresa lurtherinput(pressthe PITCH-axis ServoNo.2 controls Z key,thenEl). PITCH 4 COLLECTIVE No. controls Servo FIXEDVALUE this set-upwill onlyworkif you connectthe has a tail rotor Naturally Youonly needthis if your helicopter receiver outputsockets. to the corresponding servos More on to rotate during auto-rotation. whichcontinues The defaultfor FIXED Returnto Menul with the El key,then go to Servo this under "Auto-rotation". SERVO"menu).Fornow Adjustment, VALUEis "OFF" ("SWITCH TRAVEL + REVERSE. leaveit unchanged. oJtheservosandsetup of rotation Checkthedirection THROTTLE SERVO servotravels.To do this,activatethe the approximate Let'smoveon to the nextservo.Leavethe Adjustment appropriate inputfieldwithS, setthe travelswiththe menuwiththe@ keyandmovethroughMenu1,Menu E and E keys(holdingthe transmitter controlsat the 2 and Assign to "Assign servos".Select servo 6, corresponding of centre.You for both sides end-points) releasethe inoutfield,and selectthe "THROTTLE" can reverseany of the servos with the trl key if functionusingthe E andE keys.Later,if youwishto necessary. flying,you would set up a mixercircuitfor aerobatic select"DYN.THROTTLE"here.For our experiment HEIM we willstaywithTHROTTLE. we we speakof a HEIMrotorhead(HEIMHEAD) When lf you now pushthe throttleslider(theusualcontrol) are referring with the freeJloatversion to the classic torward,and operatethe collectivepitch slick,your ingpitch-axis rocker(seealsopage55). throttleservoshouldmove. key,thenmoveto Menu2 and Returnto Menu1 withtheE] Hereagainwe needto set a basicadjustment, andon to ASSIGNSERVOS. CURVE. SCIECT thETHROTTLE Select(Assign)the servosas tollows: Press@ to returnto Menu 1, then branchto the ServoNo.1 controlsHEIMHEAD "TRANSMITTERCONTROU' adjustment menu. PITCH ServoNo.2 controls SelectOPTIONS,then the CollectivePitch control. 4 HEIMHEAD "CURVE". No. controls Servo Usingthe N selectorkey, move on to to the receiveroutthe inputf ieldwith! (ff 3 or similarflashes) Thetwo rollservosareconnected Release servoto output2. Use you can select a 3- or s-pointthrottlecurve as puts1 + 4, and the pitch-axis preferred,using E or E) keys,set the full throttle the @ keyto returnto Menu1,thenon to ServoAdjust+ REVERSE. positionwiththe E key(ff = full throttleforward,lb = ment,TRAVEL full throttleback - moredetailson page56). After First selectservol and the CollectivePitch input. pitchstick- lookat servo1 only thecollective releasingthe inputfield you can set up the throttle Operate - and checkthe directionof rotationof the servo. pitchstick. curvewiththehelpof thecollective Reverseit il necessary. Fora 3-oointcurve: = for colof rotation t d t eU p tU Nowlookat servo4. lf the direction HP = HoverPoint lectivepitchshouldbe wrong,switchto thisservoand (servotravel) pitchinput. Throttlemaximum reverse thecollective Andfor a s-oointcurve: Nowfor the two rollservosandthe roll input:operate ot lU = ldleUo the ROLLstickandwatchtheservos.lf thedirection point S- = Pre-idle rotationof one or both servosis incorrect,selectthe HP = HoverPoint servo,then the roll input,and set the corresponding throttlepoint S+ = Pre-max. of rotation. correctdirection (servotravel) Throttlemaximum Noteherethatthe throttleslidershouldbe set to full 3-pointlinkage, throttle. 90'degree"HEAD-MlX" Nowto the rotor head is swiftlylosingpopularity arrangement exhibit The90-degree Thisis theonlyareain whichmodelhelicopters Nevis veryinefficient. of forces the distribution since majorditferences. in detail. will describe the application we ertheless, examples: 5 difjerent Wewilldescribe Weassumethat you are at the Statusdisplay.Moveto Schlueter Menu1 withtheEl key,thento Menu2 withtheEl key, Heim to ASSIGNSERVOS. andthenviaASSIGN 3-pointCPMgo-degree,with virtualrotation Thereyouassigntheservosaslollows: with virtualrotation 4-pointCPM rotation with virtual l2o-degree, HEAD-MIX 3-pointCPM ServoNo.1 controls HEAD-MIX ServoNo.2 controls whichareof no interest lf youwish,skipthe examples HEAD-MlX ServoNo.4 controls at present. Oncemore,to remindyou: SCHLUETER key[1. theSERVOinputlinewiththeselector Release That means no rotor head mixing (no electronic Selectthe servosin turn with the E or E keys. mixers).Returnto Menu1 withthe El key,thenmove Releasethe Controlsfieldagainwiththe selectorkey Io Menu2, to ASSIGNANdASSIGNSERVOS. Z , and select HEAD-MIXwith the E or E key. Repeatthe processwiththe secondservo,andso on. Nowselect: After you have assigned the rotor head servos, returnto Menu1 usingthe El keyand branchagain ADJUSTMENT. SelectCentre,andset the to SERVO servo centres.Checkhere that the trim sliders and the transmittercontrols are set to zerc (Oo/o), menuwith the El Returnto the "ServoAdjustment" kev then branchto TRAVEL+ REVERSEwith the seiectorkeyZ . lmportant: of thatyousetthe direction of rotation 1. lt is essential the collectivepitch inputsto the head servosfirst. Operatethe collectivepitchstick,and watchthe rotor headservos.Checkcarefullywhichservoor servos rotatein thewrongdirection. Pitch thenthe Collective Selectthe servoconcerned, input,and releasethe inputfield (selectorkey 5l). Pressthe tr keyto reversethe directionof rotationof thatinput. inputfor all the rotorhead 2. Selectthe GEOMETRY positionof eachservoin set the servosin turn, and degrees.Now move to the "SWITCH"menu and inputfor all rotorheadservos. switchon theGeometry the rear servoshouldbe 90 degrees, The right-hand servo 180 degrees, and the left-hand servo 270 servolies in front oJ the degrees.lf your pitch-axis enter0 degreesinsteadof 180degreesfor swashplate, servo2. 01, and select HEAD-MIXwith the El or E key. withthesecondservo,andso on. Repeattheprocess you After have assigned the rotor head servos, returnto Menu1 usingthe E keyand branchagain ADJUSTMENT. SelectCentre,and set the to SERVO servo centres.Checkhere that the trim slide6 and the transmittercontrolsare set to zero (0%). menuwith the El Returnto the "ServoAdjustment" key,then branchto TRAVEL+ REVERSEwith the selectorkeyZ . lmportant: of rotation of thatyousetthe direction 1. lt is essential pitch inpulsto the head servosfirst. the collective pitchstick,andwatchthe rotor Operatethe collective headservos.Checkcarefullywhichservoor servos rotatein thewrongdirection. Pitch thenthe Collective Selectthe servoconcerned, input,and releasethe input field (selectorkey !). Pressthe El keyto reversethe directionof rotationof thatinput. inputof all the rotorhead 2. Selectthe GEOMETRY servosin turn, and set the positionof eachservoin degrees. Thenmoveto the "SWITCH"menuand set thegeometry inputfor alltherotorheadservos. the rear The right-hand servoshouldbe 90 degrees, servo 180 degrees,the left-handservo 270 degrees, andthe frontservo0 degrees. o0 / ,t0"1 \ \ z / \-,-/ \ f ro. ll Direction of flight 1800 / 27ool \ z \ fto" U \ ,/ \--.' Direction of flight 18oo allthe lf youhavefollowed theseinstructions carefully, all the lf youhavefollowed theseinstructions carefully, movements will nowbe correctroll-axis will nowbe and oitch-axis movements correctroll-axis and oitch-axis on yourmodel. available available onyourmodel. for 3. lf you requirevirtualrotationof the swashplate lor 3. lf you requirevirtualrotationof the swashplate your helicopter, moveto the "SWITCH"menu and your helicopter, moveto the "SWITCH"menu and switchon the "PHASE"inDutfor oneoJthe rotorhead switchon the "PHASE"inputlor oneot the rotorhead servos.Now move to the "TRAVEL& REVERSE" servos.Now moveto the "TRAVEL& REVERSE" menu,and from thereto the PHASEinput(Z and menu,and lrom thereto the PHASEinput(Z and EEI). Selectthe degreeinputlield \l and set the EE)). Selectthe degreeinputfield S and set the rotation.lf you holdthe pitch-axis desiredswashplate rotation.lf you holdthe pitch-axis desiredswashplate you will be ableto or roll-axis you will be ableto stickat one end-point, or roll-axis stickat one end-point, seethechangeclearly. seethechangeclearly. 4-pointlinkage" HEAD-MlX" 3-pointlinkage,120-deg."HEAD-MlX" linkageis the mostpopular popular. The 3-point,12o-degree The 4-pointlinkageis becomingincreasingly often arrangemenr. the helicopter Evenif oneservolailscompletely, andcanbe "saved". remainscontrollable, Moveto Weassumethatyouareat theStatusdisplay. We assumethatyou are at the Statusdisplay.Moveto Menu1 withthe E] key,thenon to Menu2 withthe Z Menul withthe E key,thenon to Menu2 withthe Zl key,onto ASSIGNandlinallyto SERVO. key,on to ASSIGNandfinallyto SERVO. Assignthe servosas lollows: Assignthe servosas follows: HEAD-MIX ServoNo.1 controls HEAD-MIX ServoNo.2 controls ServoNo.1 controlsHEAD-MIX HEAD-MIX ServoNo.4 controls HEAD-MIX ServoNo.2 controls HEAD-MIX ServoNo.4 controls Oncemore,to remindyou: HEAD-MIX ServoNo.5 controls keyB. Release theSERVOinputlinewiththeselector Selectthe servosin turn with the El or E) keys. Oncemore,to remindyou: theSERVOinputlinewiththeselectorkeyN. Releasethe Controlsfieldagainwiththe selectorkey Release Selectthe servosin turn with the El or E keys. Z , and select HEAD-MIXwith the E or E) key. withthesecondservo,andso on. Releasethe Controlsfieldagainwiththe selectorkey Repeattheprocess 62 After you have assigned the rotor head servos, returnto Menu1 usingthe @ keyand branchagain SelectCentre,and set the to SERVOADJUSTMENT. servocentres.Checkherethat the trim slidersand the transmittercontrolsare set to zero (00/o). menuwith the El Returnto the " ServoAdjustment" key,then branchto TRAVEL+ REVERSEwith the selectorkeyZ . lmportant: of rotation of thatyousetthe direction 1. lt is essential the collectivepitch inputsto the head servosfirst. pitchstick,andwatchthe rotor Operatethe collective headservos.Checkcarefullywhichservoor servos rotatein the wrongdirection.Selectthe servoconcerned,then the CollectivePitchinput,and release the inputfield (selectorkey !). Pressthe E keyto of thatinput. reverse thedirection of rotation inputof all the rotorhead Selectthe GEOMETRY servosin turn. and set the oositionof eachservoin Moveto the "SWITCH"menuandswitchon degrees. inputfor alltherotorheadservos. thegeometry The rioht-hand servoshouldbe 60 deqrees.the rear -180 degreesand the left-haid servo 300 servo oegrees. 300,,// \60" \ ,/ \--./ f Direction of flisht 1800 allthe theseinstructions caretully, lf youhavefollowed movements will nowbe and oitch-axis correctroll-axis on yourmodel. available 3. lJ you requirevirtualrotationof the swashplatelor your helicopter, moveto the "SWITCH"menu and "PHASE" inoutlor oneot the rotorhead switchon the servos.Now moveto the "TRAVEL& REVERSE" menu,and from thereto the PHASEiHput(Z and EE). Selectthe degreeinputfield S] and set the rotation.lf you hold'thepitch-axis desiredswashplate you will be ableto or roll-axis stickat one end-point, seethechangeclearly. This setting-upprocedureproducesthe program requiredfor yourmodel.Youcan nowset up the travor the informato yourownexperience els according manufacturer. Use an tion providedby the helicopter anglejig,or checkthesettingsby eye. to the Teacher/Pupil operationis basicallyrestricted four mainstickfunctions(morethan this is unnecesin anycase). sary,andis notrecommended olferedby the PROFImc 3010 Teacher/Pupil operation(sometimesknown as the Onespecialadvantage "buddy-box" is that individual controlfunctions- e.g. transmitter is method of learning to system) the best just just rudder rudder,or andelevator- can be transmodel,Jromthe pointof view controla radio-controlled "learnthe ropes"in easy pupil "Teachet" "Pupil" terred, so that the can haveone and of modellongevity. by the Teacher/Pupilsrages. transmitter each,inter-connected lead,OrderNo.I 5121.Onlythe teacher'stransmitter We will assumefrom now on that the PROFImc gener- 3010transmitteris the "teacher"unit. radiatesan RF signal.The pupil'stransmitter ates a signal,but it is not broadcastat RadioFre- The tollowingtypescan be usedas the pupiltransquency;insteadit is transferred to the teachertrans- mitter: "processed". is where it mitterthroughthecable, Naturally, other PROFImc 3010/3030transmilters; For this reasonit is vital that only basic signals anyotherMULTIPLEX whichis f ittedwitha transmitter come from the pupil'stransmitter- no mixedsig- "diagnosis"(closedloop, or direct servo control) nalsat all! lf mixedsignalsaresentto the teacher's socket. transmitter,these signals would be processed Theseinclude" ROYAL mc"; "COMBI"and "COMBI " twice. 90",Cockpit"and EUROPA-Sprint". Assignthe transmittercontrolsof the pupil'strans- The teacher transmitter must be fitted with a mitter as follows: Teacher/Pupil switch. The lollowingtypesof switch e.g.A controlsaileronB controlsthrottle,etc. canbe used: and continue: ON/OFFswitch,longtoggleOrderNo.7 5698ON/OFF switch,shorttoggleOrderNo.7 5697 No. 2 controls Servo No. 1 controls aileron Servo elevator,etc. for "ouickaccess"to theswitchare Thebestlocations lf you are using a difterent transmittet e.g. ROYAL bays1, Z 6, 12(seepage5).The plugfromthe switch insidethe transmitter to the "US" mc, be sure to switch all mixers "OFF" at the mustbe connected connector;see page7. lt does not matterwhichway pupil'stransmitter. but makesurethatthe The pupil's transmitterdoes not require an RF roundyou inserttheconnector, This is explained is right way round. switch itself the module.However,if one is fitted, it is automatically "Testing page controls". under the lransmitter on 66 switchedout of circuitwhenthe leadis pluggedin. The teacher'stransmitterhas to be fitted with a The two transmitters are inter-connectedby the lead, Order No.8 5121.The lead is switch,by meansof whichhe can alter- Teacher/Pupil Teacher/Pupil "teacher plugged "pupil chargesockets. intobothtransmitter simply has has control"and nate between intervene whenever danger Caution:The ROYALmc Co-Pilotlead OrderNo. I andcantherefore control", 5122cannotbe used! threatens. AE Eventhis is not so terriblydifficultto set up; all you needto knowis howyourpupilusuallyllies. in the Thereis a specialmenulor theseadiustments menu. a.) lf it is not a PROFImc 3010/3030 transmitter Teacher transmitter: the "TEACHER" to "PPM" transmission mode(as- Youreachthismenuwiththe keysequence set the transmitter @tr N A . sumingthat it has two transmission modes).Switch Youwillseethis: off any mixers, Dual Rates etc. which may be in lorce. .'+l:llLEE: .'+:;Ft-tI L Setallthetransmitter sticktrimsto centre. .r+FtLl[r[rE,r+ELEI-1fi At this pointyou shouldalsocheckwhichservonumnumbers) bers(= 666nna1 arecontrolled by the transmittersticks.To do this,operatethe sticksand check Note: "arrangement" and type of the four mainstick at the receiverwhichservomovesandwhichreceiver The functionsin this menuare basedon the modelwhich to. outDutit is connected as the "Teacher"model.Themenu youwill need hasbeenselected Notedownthesefourchannelnumbers; maytherefore lookslightlydifferent in somecases.For themlaterwhensettinguptheTeacher transmitter. example, theaileronsmaybe in a different"corner";if It is not necessary to reversethe transmitter controls, the modelis a helicooterthe controlfunctionswill or swapplugsover.Similarlyit makesno difference appearas collective pitch,roll,pitchandyaw. whetherthe pupil,lor example, flies"aileron(helicopwhichchannel(= ter: roll)right"ot " lett"i the sameappliesto "throttle Nowyou haveto tellthe transmitter pupil's " servo) numbers of the system are to be taken (collective pitch)right"ot left".Theseindividual pref4 functions. over by the main control erencesare taken care of later when the Teacher For example,press the Z key. The slash sign (i) is setuD. transmitter "+ rlI LEE0H'startsflashing. before b) For PROFImc 3010transmitters: Herethesettingup procedure is simple;youjust need lf you nowpressthe El key,the slashis replacedby a "1"; pressagain,andit becomes"2", etc.Thismeans: to setthetransmitter to " Pupilmode". '"PUP|L" To do this moveto the menu,with the key Channel1 (or 2, etc.)in the pupiltransmitterwill be taken over as the aileron signal in the teacher seouence @EaZ . transmitter, and "replaces" the teacher's aileron Youwillseethefollowing display: stick. lf you leavethe slash unchanged,nothingwill be -- FUF I L f , lilt iE- takenover,and control of aileronsremainswith the I:; : r_rFFr teacher, that the control tunction is reversed PressZ and then tr. 'OFF' is replacedby "ON". lf it turns out pupil when the is in control, simply press the E That'sall thereis to it. Leavethe menuand returnto key while the channel numberis still flashing.The theStatusdisplaywithEl E El " - " arrowwill be replacedby a whitearrowon a "normal Whenyouwishto returnto tlightoperations" blackbackground (inversevideo);this indicatesthat later,switchbackin exactlythe sameway. the directionof rotationis reversed whenit is "taken In the top line ol the displaythe model nameand over". 'Pupil" will tlash alternately.This is the transmitAssignthe remainingthree controlJunctions in the ter's way of telling you that it is in "Pupil mode". sameway. This mode is maintaineduntil it is switchedout "arrowkeys"areeachusedto activateoneof agaln- evenif the transmitteris switchedotf in the Thefour in the menu. thefourcontrolfunctionassignments meantime, Hereagain,youwill needto checkwhichservo(chan- Caution: whichcontrolfunction.Youcan Whentryingout the system,do not forgetto set the nel number)operates switchto "ON": otherwisethe svstem information in the "Assignservos"menu; Teacher/Puoil find this won'tworkat all! likethis: thereyouwillfindsomething " S e r v oN o . 3 c o n t r o l sR U D D E R "";S e r v oN o . 2 And by the by ... andso on. controlsELEVATOR", {irstwhichchannelnumberon It is vitalto determine whichfunction. Altertheteacher's transmitter controls you you when natively, can try everything out set iust 2. Essentialadjustmentsto the up the system.(althoughin that caseyou wouldnot Teacher transmitter really"understand" whatwasgoingon). the PROFI We recommend that you practise these adiustHerethingsget a littlemorecomplicated; givesyou so manyoptionsthat ments several times belore you go to the flying mc 3010transmilter you areforcedto choosebetweenthem: field. At the take-offstrip you will not find the You can in tact arrange the sticks of the teacher atmospherequite as peacetulas in your workshop. and pupil transmittersin a diflerent layout. For Youwill undoubtedlyhaveto changesomethingor example,the pupil can fly "aileron left", and the otherat the flying site,tor example,whenyou want teacher "aileron right"; neither needs to depart to transfer more or fewer control tunctions to the pupil. from his usualways. 1. Essential adjustments to the Pupil transmitter 64 The Rserve Battery $ctem Tn nsm itf-r;r co ntrcI testrhgl withdrawthe batterycradleJromthe transmittercase, which is now tacingyou. Pull it upwardscaretully, holdingit at bothends(seeFig.42). The ReserveBatterySystem Manycar drivers,despitehavinga largelueltankand an accuratefuelgauge,carrya reservefuelcan in theircar: gettingstuckwith an emptytank is unpleasant, and can be dangerous.lf your transmitter"runs out of juice" while you are using it, then that is ratherworse than it usuallymeansthe lossof the model,not unpleasant: to mentionotherdangers. The reserve battery is a form of safety net to guard givesyou a solidreserve operatrngperiodof about15 minutes.That is enoughto get anymodelsafelyontothe groundin one piece. How it works chargedup whenThe reservebatteryis automatically ever the main batteryis recharged,througha special ln fact,you cannotbe overcharged. neverneedto think aboutit at all undernormalcircumstances.lf the voltageof your main transmitterbattery fallsto the dangerpointand the audiblemonitorsignal sounds,thenyou can selectyour"utterlycertainf'safety system,by manuallyswitchingto the reservebattery.We The monitor chosethis methodof switchingdeliberately. is switched lamowill flashfor all the timethe transmitter to the reservebattery.Becauseof the flashinglampyou is beingsupare boundto be awarethat the transmitter plied from the reserve battery if you switch on again later.tor examole. Chargecurrentand chargeperiod The automaticcharge circuit for the reservebattery bleedsoft a currentof about30 mA fromthe chargecurAs mostchargrentwhichis suppliedto the transmitter. baters oroducea constantcurrent,the maintransmitter tery is deprivedot that 30 mA, and you shouldtherefore charge for longer than normal. The charge period should alwaysbe calculatedfrom the residualcurrent whichis fedto the mainbattery.Hereis an example: Currentfromcharger= 200 mA by 30/200= 0.15= 150/0 Chargeperiodincreases you with switchableor selectablecurhave a charger lf rentranges,you can,of course,increasethe chargerate by about30mA,and your normalchargeperiodwill be unchanged. Rapid-charging The reservebattery is alwayscharged at the "normal" current,i.e. at the 14-hourrate - even if you rapidthe main chargethe main battery.lf you slow-charge batteryin the normalway,then the reservebatterywill alwaysbe fully charged.However,if you usuallyuse a technique,it mayhappenthatthe charge rapid-charging period is not sufficientto compensatefor the self-discharge tendency oJ the reserve battery.This is more or if you do not use the syslikelyat hightemperalures, time.Forthis reasonalwaysgive tem for a considerable a slowchargeevery10thcycle- whichyou oughtto do in any case for other reasons.lf you have cause to use the reservebattery,you must slow-chargethe batteryat leastoncebeforeusingit again Fig. 42 Fig.43 Placethe reservebatteryunitin the bottomright-hand corner,over the mountingeyes providedfor it, and retainit with the 4 screwsand eyeletssupplied(Fig. 43).Caution- makesuretheeyeletsarethe rightway round(Fig.44). Fig.44 F ig.45 Fig.45 bay10), Selectoneof the switchbays(werecommend and installthe cut awayone of the holescompletely cablelrom switch.Deploytheconnecting change-over Fig. 45. Takecare shown in to the battery as theswitch or jamminganyot thewires. here,to avoiddamaging Onceyou havecheckedthat the wiresare deployed wheretheyrun exactlyas shownin Fig.45,especially andthattheycannotgettanaroundthe mainbattery, gled,replacethe cradleand mainbattery(thelugsin eyesin to the mounting the cradlemustbe connected thecasing). the between theconnection Nowyouhaveto complete electronics. reservebatteryunitandthetransmitter Fig.46 Fig. 47 To do this,pleasereferto Fig.46. Firstpull out the to the RFmodule;it is no longer bridgingplugadjacent needed.A ribboncableis suppliedin the set: insert oneot thetwoplugs(eitherwilldo)on theribboncable intothe vacantsocket.Nowbendthe ribboncableas shownin Fig. 47 and deployit as shown.Insertthe plugintothesocketonthereserve batteryunit. lnstallation polarity, to connectthiswithreversed Switch the transmitteroft, then open the back and It is notpossible please refer to Fig. 47 in any case. is place it invertedon the workbench.The nextstep to but oc your yoursell Fromthistimeon pleasebe sureto slow-charge onelasttime.Convince Nowcheckeverything as oftenas possible,so that you can be that the ribbon cable cannot obstructthe stick transmitter and vou are done.Closethe transmitter.surethatthereservebatteryis fullycharged. mechanics. ControlTest"menu The"Transmitter mustbe installed Thisshouldtellyoutwothings. functions Alltheslidersandswitched particular lf they are installedthe 1. The aileronDual-Ratesswitchis connectedto "51". orientation. in a in the menus 2. lf the directionof the arrow and the positionof the wrongwayround,the aidsto adjustment by now that the switchtoggleare the same,then the switchis installed You will be aware incorrect. will be the slidersandswitches correctly. only"recognises" transmitter E - I, 51 - S5 and LS,while Try the same with the other Dual-Ratesswitchesand undertheirabbreviations preferto remembertheir English the Combi-Switch. you undoubtedly names. descriptive Youshouldfind this arrangement: Dual Ratesaileron = 51 This menuis usedto do two things: whetherthe slidersandswitches Dual Rateselevator= 52 1. Youcan establish Dual Ratesrudder = 53 are installedthe "right way round",and/orcon= 55 This is nectedto the maincircuitboardcorrectly. Combi-Switch " switcharrangement(alonly usuallyin questionwhen you installextra This is the " tactory-standard you wishto relocate though you do not need to keep to it). Naturallythe but it alsoappliesif switches, preference. to suityourpersonal theswitches arrows can only be reversed if the switches are 2. Youcan tind out quickly,and withoutopeningthe installed.Nothing is connectedto these inputs as switch(whichyou standardwhereany particular transmitter, printedon the sticker)is When you operatethe Memorychange-over knowby the designation switchthe pluggedin at the maincircuitboard,i.e.underwhat "0" (centrepositionof switch)shouldchangeto a "1" " knows"it. thetransmitter designation ota"2". conthe term"transmitter Butfirsta minorcorrection: trol" test is not quiteaccurate,becauseyou cannot stickunits- simplybecause testthe two transmitter thereis no needto do so. In fact,this menucan be i.e.eventhosewhichare usedto tesl all the switches, controls' notstrictly"transmitter Youwillrecall(page12)thefollowing: on the model controls"move"something Transmitter condirectly:sticksand slidersaretypicaltransmitter controlsif trols.But switchescan alsobe transmitter Fig.49 Fig.48 to "transmitter control"connecthey are connected channel lf you subsequently tit anotherswitch,or movean tions,or letters- inputsA - | (e.9.a switched switch- G or H).Therearealsocouplingandchange- existingswitchto a newlocation,it maybe that the and arrowdirectionand the positionof the switchtogswitches whichincludeDual-Rates overswitches, 51 - 55 gle are not the same.In this caseyou mustturn the switch.Theyaredesignated the Teacher/Pupil and LS. Finallythere is the "Memory"change-overswitch itself round. Don't reversethe plug at the switch,whichhas its own specialfunction(seepage circuitboard- that has no ettect! 68),and whichbelongsto is desig- Nowto Fig. b, whichyou will not see untilyou press nated" M". @. Nowwe haveioggedyour memory,backto business: In Figureb you will see the transmittercontroldesigThe TESTmenuis underthe "ADJUSTTRANSMIT- nationsE - l; undereach one eitheran arrowor a horiyou zontalline.It you movethe left-handsliderforward,the menu.Fromthe Statusdisplay, TERCONTROLS" point TEST with the arrowunder "E" shouldalso pointforward(up).When Select the reachit withEl andN. (the arrow display will the following you movethe sliderback,the arrowshouldreverse. key. You see Z do notconcernusforthemoment): directions lf you move the slider slowlyaround its centre point, you will find a positionat which lhe arrow is replaced by a horizontalline.This is the exact "electrical"cen.t. 't' .t 't' .t .t. til tre point. Componenttolerancesmay result in this positionbeing slightlydifferentfrom the scale printed but in practicethis makesno differthe transmitter, on I J I::TF:L,IT F H I Fig.b ence. r l t ü = ' t ' - - lf no transmittercontrolis connectedto one of the control inputs(G, H, I as standard)then this horizontalline Fig. a In Figurea you will see the " names" of the coupling will appearthereat all times. and change-overswitches; the "M+" at far right ll a transmitter control is fitted the wrong way round, i.e. the direction of the switch toggle is not standsfor the "Memory" switch. Operatethe aileron Dual-Ratesswitch (far left): the the same as the direction of the arrow in the display,then reverseits plug at the main circuit board. arrowunder"51" will reverse. $ @ oo 5 t j t l i I 4 5 L l ' 1 +Fig.a Pleasenotethis differencebetweenthe transmitter controls and the other switches, as described above, It is quitedifficultto describethesechecks,but you willfindthattheyonlytakea momentto carryout! Fig.50 Fig.51 Accessories Relocatingor installingswitches The switchesand their locationon the standard Stick tops havebeenchosencarefullyto meetmost transmitter The transmitteris suppliedwith 3 pairs of stick tops: practical requirements. modellers' and long. short,medium-length, youarefreeto movetheswitches to suityour However, Each one can be adjustedin length by about 10mm. own preference. with two is supplied The transmitter Selectthe lengthwhichsuitsyourpreference. blankswitchpanelsandlegendsheetsto helpyou. To adjustor changethe stick top, rotatethe grip until lf in severalversions. switches areavailable Additional you teel it "unlatch",then adjustthe lengthor pull it off you your layout of transmittet the wrsh to rearrange altogether.Slip the new grip into place, set it to the pleasebearin mindthefollowing points: requiredlength,then turn it throughabout180degrees titted in switchbays1,2, only be TheDigi-Adjustor can (Fig.52). page (see mounting bracketobstructs 5); its 6 5 and Stick press-button oneadjacent switchbay. The long and medium-lengthstick tops can be fitted lf youhaveswitches other witha shorttoggleinstalled, (momentarycontact),as shown in with a press-button be fittedin the long toggle should only with a switches "transmitler Fig. 53.This can then be usedeitheras a rowfurthestfromyou. control"or as a reversingor couplingswitch. lf youwantto changethe switchlayoutyou mustfirst removethe existingswitches;undothe knurlednuts usingthe specialspannersuppliedwiththe set.lf you undothe grubscrew the Digi-Adjustor, wantto re-locate knob. andremovetherotary youcanpressthe existing removed, Withtheswitches fromthe inside,by switchpanelout of the transmitter itscentralsnapfixingandpushingit out. squeezing ll youwishto changethe positionof the Digi-Adjustor, you mustremovethe switchpanelfirst.Pleasenote thatthewasheron thefixingscrewis notsymmetlical, as the spacingof the switchbays in the right/left Turnthe direction. lromthefore/aft is different direction and checkthatthe shaftof the washeras necessary, F i g . 5 3 Adjustor r-rg.52 is centralin its hole.Thefixingscrewcan be whenthisis thecase. re-tightened Usingthe press-button: As a transmittercontrol:actuatinga tow'release It is best to cut out the holesyou needin the new As switch:operating switchpanelbeforeyou installit in the transmitter. As change-over/coupling mechanism this the plasticis muchthinnerat the holepositions, thestopwatch can easily be done with a sharp, pointed-blade Stickswitch knife. modelling It is alsopossibleto tit an ON/OFFswitchto the stick Caution:the switchpanelsonlyfit one way roundrop. takecarenotto cut out the wrongholes!lf necessary, of this form of switchis that you can the MULTIPLEX The advantage will helpyouout ServiceDepartment see and teelthe currentpositionof the switchat any witha newpanel. time. the fixingnut Beforetightening Installthe switch(es). Applications: leads,run permanently the connecting and deploying Fixed wing: flap switch tow release Helicopter: throughthe "Transmitter ControlTest"(seepage66), switch the rightway auto-rotation are installed to ensurethatthe switches about switcheson find more details and switchcan onlybe installedby round.You will The press-button circuit page ("Connectors main electronics on the 7 Pleasecontact ServiceDepartment. the MULTIPLEX ("Transmitter page controls and 12 job and in the board") are done;addresses us if you want the switches"). aooendrx. ot stickers in the Thefinaljob is to applytheself-adhesive Remove nextto theswitches. eachsticker deoressions pliers, or fine-nosed in turn,usinga pair of tweezers placeit in thedepression in theswitchpanel,andpress a sticker it downfirmly(Fig.54).lf we havenotprovided printedwithyourparticular application, usethe all-yelwitha felttippen. lowstickers andwntetheinscription Fig.54 Frg.55 Fig.56 Handsupports,weathershield as a belly-mounted lf you wantto use the transmitter supunit, hand supportswith integralfoldingneckstrap Forfurtherdetails,pleasereferto the instructions pliedwiththe handsupports. bars(Fig.56)areavailable. fur $rperts Switchingmemories"in flight" values.In other list", then changethe appropriate to createan entirelynew facilityis oneturtherimportant step casesit may be necessary Thisnew,powerful "dreamradiocontrolsystem". list. Bearin mindthat you are free to changeevery towards everybody's the mixaspectof the secondlist,includingmodifying The principleis verysimple: on. re-defining the change-over switches, and so ers, Foroneandthe samemodelyouprovidetwo (oreven you "lists" which important the memory to One condition: The storedin them three)separatememories. must the next higher one in wish to change be Youcan then switchbetweenthe differare different. lists or in the case o1 two alternative seouence. (or at anytime. entlists memories) in seouence. Thedifferences between thelistscanbe as smallor as the next-but-one the "normal"memoryfor the modelis No. greatas you think fit - the scopeof this teatureis Example: For example, 11.Youcanthenchangeto No.12andNo.13. reallylimitedonly by your imagination. "basic configura- Youactuallychangememoriesusingthe "Memory" the two listscouldsharethe same controltest" qurte values.On switch. lf you moveto the "Transmitter diflerentadjustment tion",but have to the otherhand,you mightwishto havea totallydiffer- (seepage66),the screenwill showthe memories whichyou can switchin each position.At one endentlistthatyoucancallup. wingflap pointof the switchyouwillseethe display"M + 1",in imaginea gliderwitha complex Forexample, "tow launchconfiguration",theother"M + 2". Youcouldprovidea system. "speed "normal configuration".Inourexample "M + 1" wouldbe memory configuration" and a No.12; a movewould have different Thedifferent configurations pairsof controlsurtaces, andcontrol Youmayhaveto copythe contentsof yourmemories mentsof different Fansof theflying to adjacentlocations, throwswouldalsobedifterent. surface in orderto be able to switch uptheirears. winglayoutwillnowbepricking them. between modifications" are Nowthere is one moresafetyfeatureto be overcome. Incidentally, such "configuration "f ly by wire"technology lf aviation; you could switch betweenone memoryand its alsousedin full-size is the keythere. movemenl of neighbour tooeasily,thenoneaccidental if the modelin One furtherimportantapplicationis "invertedflight the switchwouldbe fatal.Forexamole, In thiscaseseveralcontrol the adjacentmemoryhappened for a helicopter. switching" to be entirelydifferent haveto be changed fromtheoneyouwerecurrently eflectsand basic adjustments flying. The solutionis obvious:one memory For this reasonwe havedeterminedthat the name simultaneously. for normalflying,and onefor invertedtlight.Previous of the model must end (eighth character)in a with this problem, number,il that memoryis to be selectablein flight. havealwaysstruggled transmitters as so much has to be changed.In the case of the Onlythen is it possibleto switchbetweenthem. PROFImc 3010you can createa moreor lesscom- Example: lf the MemoryNo.7 contains"CORT|NA1". pletely"new" listtor inverted virtuflight,andthereare No.8is "CORT|NA2", thenit is posmodelin memory on whatyoucando. allynorestrictions them.lf MemoryNo.9 consibleto switchbetween tained"CORTINA3", then you wouldalsobe able to And now the systemin practice: aboutthe "sec- selectthatmemoryin flight. Thereis littlewe can say specifically "third" withoutnamingthe lists list;it all depends on yourparticu- lf youtry to switchmemories ond"or even a fewset- in this way,you will just heara briefbeepwhenyou lf youaimmainlyat changing larapplication. the MemorySwitch. tings,thenthesimplestmethodis to copythe "starting operate 68 Threeturthertips on this subiect. the names 1. In the exampleaboveyou could use "CORT-T11"insteadol "CORTINAI',"CORT-NF2" and "CORT-HS3"insteadof insteadof "CORTINA2" "CORT|NA3". In this caseTL standsfor tow launch, NF for normalflight,and HS for high speed.The nameswillthenremindyouof whichlistserveswhich purpose. Thef inalnumbersmustremain;buttheyare on theirown. notveryinlormative 2. lI youchangememoriesin the "normal"waytrom pleasecheckthatthe MemorySwitchis in the keypad, "basic" position. will hapthe following Otherwise the pen:youwantto changeto,say,MemoryNo.13.Let's supposethat it containsa modellist whichyou have one.lf the MemorySwitchis set up as a "switchable" position, the transmitterimmediately in the wrong memory, andinsteadof No.13you new changesto the end uo at No.14or No.15.Thiscan leadto considerableconfusion. tor "simple"switching 3. Pleasedon'tusethisJeature "costs" you For oneor two memories. tasks;it always you of cama simple change could execute example, memories; but it is just flap by switching berchanging as easyto usethe "FixedValue"fromthe Transmitter wouldnotswallow Controloptions,andthisalternative up anothermemory. for wings Servoassignment with morethantwo controlsurfaces. winglayout,with we showan "extreme" assigning In thedrawing the "traditional" On page26 we discussed perwing,all of whichareto workas processfor the aileronservosof modelswithwingsfea- 3 controlsurfaces movemenl. diflerential andallof whichrequire differentiatedailerons, electronically controlled, turingseparately is as follows: assignment Therecommended ailerons. We havealreadyexplainedhowyou controlthe six servos (withthe "QUADRO"mixer);we havealso disServoNo.1 = Aileron1 cussed selectingand adiustingthe "Differential" ServoNo.5 = Aileron2 all ootion.Nowall thatremainsis the orderof the six serForwingswhichhavemorethan2 controlsurfaces, stage. (mixed) to vosat theassignment of which are and all ailerons, of whichactas " in sequential pairs"works assigning can no In our example, movements, thisassignment featuredifferential outlikethis: longerbe used. (seepage91). ServoNo.1 controlsQUADRO I Outboardpair arrangement Exahple:"Quadro-flap" "in ServoNo.2 controlsQUADROI of controlsurfaces In such cases the servos must be assigned pairs". sequential QUADROI Centrepair ServoNo.3 controls willmakethisclear: An example ServoNo.4 controlsOUADROJ of controlsurfaces pair QUADROI Inboard ServoNo.5 controls ServoNo.6 controlsQUADROI of controlsurfaces clear.lf youhaveonlytwo Thisshouldmakeeverything servosper wingpanel,(normalQuadroarrangement), simplystopat No.4. aileron differential lf youdo notkeepto thissequence, will not be correct. movement Fig.57 The "Sl" switch We have alreadymentionedthe "Sl" switchon page 36, in connectionwith the transmittercontroloptions " Fixed Value1" and "Fixed Value2". You may have noticedalreadythat "Sl" is offeredin the menuswhen assigningthe switches51 - 52. What is "Sl"? "Sl" is another"non-hardware"switch,(i.e.a software switch),in this case coupledto the transmittercontrol switch", input"l". Firstly,"Sl" is a "three-position "working has an "idle position"in the centre,and a position"at bothend-Points. "1",and lf, for example,you connecta slidercontrolto "Sl" is also at idle if the slider is set to centre,then (OFF).lf you movethe sliderto one end-point,then one side of "Sl" switcheson. lf the slider leavesthe endAt the other pointagain,"Sl" switchesoff immediately. end-pointof the slider the same applies;only in this casethe other"side" of "Sl" is switchedon and off. ln this case "Sl" has the sameeffectas if two endoointswitcheswere fittedto the slider.With a little youcan usethisfeaturefor manyinterestimagination ingfunctions. The mainapplicationof "Sl" is rathersimpler,however. 3-stageswitchis conIn this casea "real hardware" nectedto input"1"; for exampleOrderNo.7 5699 (shorttoggle)or OrderNo.7 5700(longtoggle). a transmitter control switch(actually It this"hardware" thenof courseit operis operated, in this application) ates the "software"switch"Sl" as well. The final switch,whichcanbe change-over effectis a 3-position usedwiththe switches51 - 55; but whichhas3 posF thiswith51 - 55,whichareonlysimple tions;compare switches. change-over And that is exactlywhatwe needto switchbetween2 " FixedValues" ! dif{erent Aq The mainapplicationof "Sl" is in conjunctlonwith the transmittercontroloptions"FlX-1"and " FIX-2'. A furtherexamplewill makeeveMhingclear:"campositions". flapswith2 switchable ber-changing We will assumethattransmitter controlE is assigned to the "FLAP" function.Move to the "CONTROL OPTIONS"menu,and from thereto "CONTROLE: FLAP". Pressthe N key,and leaf throughto the "FlX-l" ootion. Pressthe! key("switchcorner"),switchONwiththe El key,andthenleafthroughto "1": Nowto thesecondFixedValue: Pressthe N keyagain,leafthroughwiththe El keyto the "Flx-2" oprion. Youwillseethisdisplay: rE:FLI]F t:ttllt/ 5I : FIii-i! rll.;;^r Pressthe Z key and you can adjustthe otherflap position(e.9.speed).Hereagain,operatethe switch procedure (opposite end-point), duringthe adjustment so thatyoucanseethe effectdirectly. r E : F L H F FI i i - 1 I Onceyou havefinished the setting up process,the flapscan be controlledin the lollowingway: L I +. lt:tttllr Switchat centre: After pressingthe Z key you can now set the first TheJlapservois controlled bytheslider. the "tow-launch" flap posiFixedValue;for example, Switch at the end-points: tion.Whileyou aresettingthis up,operatethe switch so that you can see the resultsof your effortsat the Theflaoservorunsto oneor otherof the ore-selected Dositions. servoitself! programs Transferring betweentwo transmitters memory(= Let'simaginethatyou haveworkedhardat perfecting IMPORTselectthe targetor destination "XYZ", menu. your your memory) using the MEMORY current SHIFT list lor model and then one of cola leaguesbuysa kit of the samemodel.lf he alsopos- Move to the COPY MEMORYmenu with EIS)Z . sessesa PROFImc 3010,you can sharethe fruitsof ReleaseMODEwiththe Z keyand leafthroughwith yourhardworkwithhimby transferring a copyof your theEl keyuntilyoureachtheIMPORT mode. program to histransmitter. Youmayevenfindthatyour Thedisplaywilllooklikethis: dealer,as a specialservice,will copyintoyourtranshe hasjust sold mittera suitablelistfor the helicopter rt']ütiE ! I t'lFrlE:T you. . rirt! Ei:TEE:H rFF:f'l Programs(model lists) can be transferredin either directionbetweentwo PROFImc 3010transmitters. Nowyouhaveto informyourtransmitter thememoryin As you will see,this is a very simplematter.All you thesecondtransmitter fromwhichit is to fetchdata.To needis thetransferlead,OrderNo.I 5120. do thispressN andselectthedesiredsourcememory Youcan transterin eitherdirection: numberusingE or E. In ourexample thisis memory now look like this: 09. The display should your to transmitter From transmitter another (" Export"). r[,][t[:'E : It'lFt:tFjT Fromanothertransmitter to yours("lmport"). : EiiTEFjH is the same Transfening databetweenlwo transmitters rFF:t'l,t:l'-1 Thedestinaas copyingfromone memoryto another. takes tion for a transfer is thereforealways the current Pressthe E) keyandyouaredone.Thetransfer memory,whichyou haveselectedin yourtransmitter.placein a fractionof a secondafteryou pressthe key. lf younowtakea lookat yourcurrentmemoryyouwill whatis required. ForIMPORT thatis exactly Jind thesamedataas memory09 in the thatit contains For EXPORTthis meansthat you must take care. source transmitter. Wewillassumethatyou haveselectedmemory05 as lf younowEXPORT frommemory lf for any reasonthe transterdoesnottakeplace(e.9. thecurrentmemory. will laultycable,cablenot pluggedin, sourcetransmitter transmitter 12,then memory05 in the destination will showthe meson),yourtransmitter regardless of whichmemoryis current not switched be overwritten, "MODE:-Error-".Putthe problemrightandtry sage in thattransmitter. again. Forthis reasonyou shouldalwaysIMPORTif you are thetransfer a colleague's EXPORT. in anydoubt,ratherthanriskoverwriting memory. This is a similaroperation, so we can cut downthe explanation. First IMPORT. withthe transferlead,by Firstmoveto the "SHIFTMEMORY"menuandselect Connectthe twotransmitters is to be inserting the plugsin the two chargesockets.Switch the memorywhich,in the secondtransmitter, of thedatatransfer. on. On the transmitter which is to thedestination both transmitters 70 Move to the "COPY MEMORY"menu, then to " MODE:EXPORT". Activate the sourcememoryusing the Sl key. The displayshouldlook like this, with the memory 06Jlashing: number rf'lü['E : E:":FüFtT r F F l t 'u' 1t :. F i E I T H Twofurtherpoints: 1. ll you shouldwish to interruptan import,export, copyor deleteprocessatteryou havestarted,simply Thedatain the model off briefly. switchthetransmitter willthenbe unchanged. memories is possiblebetweenall 2. Toensurethatimport/export this functionis onlypossiversionsof the transmitter, 1 to 15andMx. blewithmemories Pressthe@ key,andthedatawillbetransferred. The FIXEDVALUE virtual"transmittercontrol" lf youwishto operatea servowitha stick(ora function which you have assrgnedto FIXEDVALUE.Finally for thefirstswitch youdo notneedto "lose"a transmttter control pressS, andsetthe servoposition switch), position. you purpose. need is, that all Assuming, that for the aretwofixedservopositions. In the "SWITCHSERVO"menu you now have to with the fixed determinewhichswitchis associated Assignfirst: vatue. menuwith @Z[!N. Moveto the ASSIGN/SERVO presstheZ key,and The servopositionfor the secondswitchpositionis Selecttheservoyouwishto use,"transmitter control". determined To assignit to the FIXEDVALUE in the menuADJUST/SERVO/CENTRE. "genuine" you transmitter control, be ableto do this,youmustfirstgo backby onemenu the assign When FIXEDVALUEwillnotappear. levelwiththe m key,and activateCentreadjustment with ! . Now movethe physicalswitchto the other Setup as tollows: pressthe Z key,and set the desiredsec/ TRAVEL+ REVERSE end-point, Moveto theADJUST/ SERVO position fortheservo. ond servo select the menuwiththe sequence @Z Z, and ll. Tho reeeiYings1stem Connectingservosand batteries The receiveris the "heart" of the receivingsystem. Servos, motor controllers, switch modules and receiver modules are connected MULTINAUT-p|uS directlyto it. The receiverbatteryis connectedto the receivervia a "switchharness"(Fig.60). For reasonsof space,certainoutputsocketson the smallerreceiversare combined,so that two servos to onesocket.Thistypeol socketis can be connected marked,for example,"8/9". Only one servocan be connecteddirectly,and this is alwaysthe lower number;in thiscasechannel8. In thiscaseyouneed Whatif youneedbothfunctions? (Order No.8 5060),whichcon' adapter an expansion Theplugis connected sistsof a plugandtwosockets. to socket;thetwoservosareconnected to the receiver on theadapter(Fig.61). thetwosockets Fis.60 The receiverservooutputsocketsare numberedfrom on the numberof l to a maximumoJ 10,depending Eachservooutput servoswhichcan be connected. to onecontrolfunction. corresoonds Fig.61 71 The switch harness This is pluggedintosocket" 8". The switchincorporatedin theharnessis usedto turnthewholereceiving in syslemon andotf.Theswitchitselfcanbe installed side. the model'sfuselage Switch harnessesare availablein severalforms; pleasereferto the main MULTIPLEX cataloguefor details.Some versionsare fitted with a separate On the switch socketfor chargingthe receiverbattery. harnesssuppliedwiththe set (OrderNo.I 5100)the chargesocketis integralwiththe switchcasing.This withouthavmeansthatthe batterycan be recharged (Fig. model 62). to open up the ing PPMor PCM? Fig.62 Arrangementof battery,servosand is the more"intelligent" receiver PCM(PulseCodeModulation) In the caseof PCM The diagram below shows the most favourable methods. of the two transmission The arrangementof the RC system componentsin the is encodedby the transmitter. the information interference, and contin- model. We recommendthat you decide exactlyhow receiveris ableto recognise ueslo sendthe last"good"signalsto the servosuntil your systemis to be installedin the new modelbefore (seeFail vou startconstruction. a signalfromthetransmitter it againreceives jittering. servo Thus PCM eliminates Safe). can suppression On the otherhand,this interference until leadto the PCMpilotfailingto noticeinterference muchlaterthanwitha PPMsystem. still has the advanPPM(PulsePositionModulation) fromyour tageif yourequireultrajastcontrolresponse is broadcastby the model,becausethe information at a fasterratethanbv a PCMtransmitter. transmitter Whichtypesof receiver can be used? PCM Receiver Servo Switch All MULTIPLEXPCM receiverscan be used with your Fig.63 new transmitter. PPM The receiver when set to PPM, the transmitterbroadcastseither 7 receiverin the model,please or I channels(see page 13 for methodof switching). When installingthe points: following the This meansthat you can use all MULTIPLEXFM PPM observe ul electric wellawaytrompowerf receivers (and all FM PPM receivers which can a Keepthe receiver ignition systems. motors and electric with this transmitter. least 7 channels) at decode . Leadthereceiver aerialouto{ themodelbythe position"lor servos) possible route. Fail-Safg ("emergency shortest it in o Protect fromvibration by wrapping the receiver receivers! Onlyavailablewith PCM-DS foamrubberandstowingit looselyin themodel. the throttle After about 0.8 secondsof interference and all the otherser- . Neveralterthe lengthof thereceiver servorunsto the 250loDosition, aerial. resetto centre.Fail-sateis a fea- . Deploythe receiver vos areautomatically a lineas aerialin as straight ture of the receiver,and must be switchedon before possible. Neverleaveit coiledup in themodel. it canwork. a lf yourmodelincorporates carbonfibrereinforcethe receiver ments, do not deploy or double-superhet? fuselage(signalscreening) aerialinsidethe Single-superhet lf youoperateyourmodelin the vicinityof a powerful . Donotstickthereceiver aerialto anypartof the VHF radiotransmitter(frequencyrange103 to 105 withcarbonfibre(signal which is reinlorced model radiocontrolsystems(single-su- screenrng). MHz),conventional perhet)in the 35 MHz bandcan sufferfrom interferprotransmitter ence.In technicalterms:the powerful to the single-su- Rangetesting interlerence ducesadjacent-channel improvement to perhetreceiver. receiverutilises Rangetestingcan makea significant The double-superhet your We you model. operating levels when are safety problem altowhich eliminates the technology different havecookedup a standardrecipefor rangetesting gether 72 lf Extensionleadwith separationfilter and measurements. basedon our own experience your systempassesthis test,you can be sureyou are (60cm:OrderNo.I5082 120cm:OrderNo.I5083) Extensionleadset with separationfilter on thesafeside. (max.2 m: OrderNo.I5138) yourtransmitter aeriallully. 1. Collapse This is a kit which can be usedto connectservos 2. Ask an assistantto hold your modelabout1 m which arebuiltintowingsor otherpartsof the model. abovetheground. 3. Checkthat there are no largemetalitems(cars, Airbornepowersupplies wirefencesetc.)closeto the model. are switched Receiverbattery 4, Makesurethat no othertransmitters whenyoucarryout Youcan use the lollowingroughtormulato calculate channels) on (evenon different the receiverbatterycapacityrequiredin a particular thetest. model: Whenthe and receiver. 5. Switchon yourtransmitter 0.2 Ah x No.of servos= batterycapacityin Ah is 80 m tromthe modelthe equipment transmitter For example,a modelwith 5 servosshouldbe fitted test: shouldbeableto passthefollowing with a 1 Ah receiverbattery.A good idea is to go one PPM system: the controlsurfacesshould still "next size up", provided andmake step furtherand selectthe to stickmovements, respondimmediately thatweightandspacearenota problem. movements at all. no uncontrolled PCM system: the controlsurfacesshould still Switchharnesses to thebatteryandthe Theinherent Theswitchharnessis connected to stickmovements. respondpromptly (e.9.Order No.8 harnesses switch receiver. Some prevents of a PCMsystem interference suppression lJ the switchis integral charge socket. servosjittering.lf the signalreceivedis not strong 5100)havean you rechargethe can in the model's side installed enough,thena PCMreceiverwill continueto pass the model. without having to open receiver battery the last receivedsignalto the servos.The servos or will theneithernot respondto stickmovements, (closedloop)operation Diagnosis willhesitate beforeresponding. the transmitter ll your modelis fittedwith a motor,repeatthe testwith Forcheckingand makingadjustments, linked by the Diagnosis be receiving system can and the motorrunning. Lead(OrderNo.I5105).Themodelmustbe fittedwith socket a switchlead with integralcharge/diagnosis suppressionwith Interference (OrderNo.8 5100).The RF modulein the transmitter ignitionsystems is switchedout of circuitautomatically, magnetic/electronic and can even . Screenthe ignitionleadwitha metaltube,fixed be removed. closeto the igni(earthed) to the motorcrankcase operation: Closed-loop - savespower;as no RF signalis produced tioncoil. or radiplugconnectors ated by the transmitterits currentconsumption a Usescreened at alltimes. of the normalvalue; droDsto about330/o a Neverpowerthe ignitionsystemfromthereceiver disturbsnobody,becausethe RF moduleis not battery. functioning. the ignia Keepa distance of at least15cm between (in- - cannotsufferinterference, becauseRF signalsare tionsystemandallthe RCsystemcomponents receiver. ignored by the receiver battery). cludingthe lmportant: . Keepthe leadsfromthe ignitionbatteryandthe andsuffiYoucanonlycarryoutclosedloopcheckingif noneof as shortas possible, othercomponents as a Pupilfuncthe stickfunctionshasbeenreleased cientlythick(min.0.5sq mm). pages operations). (see Teacher/Pupil 74174: of tion . Theignitionswitchshouldbe ratedat a minimum the Whenyou pull out the plugfromthe transmitter, voltagedrop). 10A (minimum RF moduleis switchedintocircuitagain,whichcould withyourfellowmodellers. interfere Noteson servos to switch the transmitteroff beforedisSo: be sure The servotorquefor a particularcontrolsurfacecan plug! the connecting with sufficientaccuracyusing usuallybe calculated roughformula: thefollowing = torque (incm/kg). Careof the transmitter area(insqcm/100) x control surface 0.75 In large modelsit is often necessaryto extendservo Storage yourPROFImc3010from: leads,pleasenote Protect leads.lf youintendtittingextension . ll lead is more mechanical damage conditions.the thattheyaffectreception filter.lf . ambienttemperatures than 60 cm long you musl use a separation above60 degreesC (sunotherservoleadsrun parallelto theselongleadsfor a shinein a car) distanceof morethan 25 cm, thenthe shorterleads a damp,solvents, modelfuel,exhaustresidue filters.Thereare shouldalsobe fittedwithseparation . (in the workshop). dust methods: twoalternative may formon tilters for directconnection(O.No.I5083) Pleasebear in mindthat condensation Separation your warm you from move it il in the transmitter and the receiver between is connected lead simply This workshooto a cold car or vice versa.Condensation outDutandtheservoconnector. 73 o Avoidplacingmechanical stresson thepowerleads andon thecellsthemselves. . Replace in goodtime. oldbatteries . NC packs fall into the categoryof dangerous Don'tjust of properly. waste,andmustbe disposed chuckthemin the rubbishbin! Storingbatteries for a long period, 11you do not use your transmitter points: takespecialnoteof thefollowing Stateof charge Experience showsthatNCpacksshouldbestoredin a (empty)state. discharged Self-discharge of theirchargeperdayunder NC packsloseabout10lo i.e.afterthreemonths'storconditions, unfavourable flat. completely agetheyaregenerally Maintenance charging Thetransmitterbattery Pleasenote that new batterypacks do not achieve The transmitterbatterycan be kepttoppedup, ready at about for useat anytime,by chargingit constantly theirfullcapacityuntilafterabout10charge/discharge Order No.14 70 mA. The MULTIPLEX Combi-Charger cycres. 70 mA output. 5540 includes a (orpackswhich . Chargenew,rapid-charge batteries havenot beenusedfor a longtime)at leastthree timesat the normal(slow)ratebeforerapid-chargingthem. Hot-Line MULTIPLEX a Do not rapid-charge a batteryunlessyou cerlain Forquestions regarding thetransmitter anditsuseour for it. thatit wasdesigned Youcan call us MonTeleohone Serviceis available. between2.00and4.00pm on the fol. Chargeup batteriesonly whenthe ambienttem- dayto Thursday -7233-7390. lowing number: 01049 perature is in therange0 to 40 degreesC. may preventthe transmitterworkingproperly.lf you are notsure,carryout a carefulrangetest,and letlhe The warm up or cool down thoroughly. transmitter dryinside. shouldbe completely transmitter Cleaningthe transmitter Takegreatcarethatno liquidsget insidethe transmitterwhenyouarecleaningthecase. cleaneron Do not use any abrasiveor solvent-based cleaneris quite case.A mildhousehold thetransmitter adeauate. witha softpaintbrush. Dustis bestremoved Maintenance containsno parts Your PROFImc 3010transmitter it is an Nevertheless which reouiremaintenance. safetymeasureto checkradiorangeand all essential periodically. workingtunctions Typesof servo Speed The right servolor everyapplication Servosare the musclesof your radiocontrolsystem. Servospeed,as in a car, is a tunctionof gearbox andsteeringlinkages, ratios.A low reductionratiogiveshighspeed,at the Theymovethe controlsurtaces our standard switches andrelease expenseoJpower.Formostapplications operatethrottlearmsandbrakes, "all- servosare quite fast enough.Only extremelyhighFor most purposesa high-quality mechanisms. SpeedServos. round"servois quitegoodenough.Theseservosusu- speedmodelsrequirespecialised (accuracy) price performance Resolution ratio. : allyofterthe best itself. of a servomanifests Thisis wherethe orecision Principaldifferencesin servos: figureol O.2o/o. a resolution Ourtopmodelsachieve Typeot output andweight Mostservosare of the "rotary-output"type.The out- Dimensions - especially forwinginstallation put arm rotates,usuallythroughan angleol +l- 45 Forsomepurposes is minimum degrees.For specialpurposes e.g.for retractable by far the most importantrequirement - thereare high-powerservoswhich size,combinedwith plentyof power.For suchcases undercarriages ourPicoServo. In sometypesof instaF we recommend movethrough+/- 90 degrees. offers distinct advantages. linear-output servo lationa is thatit is notpossible disadvantage Thefundamental to alterservotravelby fittinga longeror shorteroutput Themc servofamily (or:the computerin yourservo) lever,as is the casewithrotaryservos. Power(torque) mc servosare controlledby a micro-processor by the powerol the motor Our Servopoweris determined which have neverbeen and orovidecharacteristics ratioof the gearbox. Greaterpower possible and the reduction with technology. conventional requiresa more powerfulmotor (whichconsumes ratio(which Forexample: morecurrent)or a highergear reduction . highercontinuous performance slowsdownitsresponse). - e.g.for a retractable under. smallerdeadband lf speedis unimportant carriage- theslowPowerServois thebestsolution. .wideroperating voltagerange In large,heavymodelsourProfiServoscomeintotheir o programmability powercombined withhigh own.Theyofferoutstanding Royal-mc, Profiin this family- Micro-mc, The servos in a model, Profi are used servos soeed.lf several - arecapableof solving andJumbo-mc you should alwaysselect a receiverbatterywith a mc,Power-mc problem. manyan unusualandintractable largerthannormalcapacity. 74 to set Dividingthe flaperonintotwo makesit possible tlap up the functionsol aileronand camber-changing on terms,particularly in aerodynamic moreefficiently and improved wings(betterlift distribution long-span aileronresponse). ref,erri ng Sp_ecialist-terms In the interestsof good aileronresponse,the aileron movementof the outboardcontrolsurfaceshouldbe tcifixed-wingaircraft greater thanthatof the inboardsurface;on the other Spoilers: oJthe inboardcontrolsurface A'vagueterm usedfor any partof the controlsystem hand,the llap movement aftects shouldbe greaterthan that of the outboardsurface,to drag(andsometimes whichprimarilyproduces rotating trailingedge ensuredocilestallbehaviour. airbrakes, winglift).Forexample: flaps whichcan be debrakesor camber-changing tlectedmorethan30 degreesnegativeor positive. lbB cttarying naB Carnber- charu|.ng Carn!,or Aibron Fis65 flaps(or simplyflaps) camber-changing at thetrailingedgeof thewing,usedto surfaces Control andthusalsothe varythe camberof thewingsection, of the wing, to suit particularJlight characteristics (flapsdown)produce Positive deflections requirements. (slowflight), with in thewing'sliftcoeflicient an increase deflec-tions, in drag.Smallnegative a slightincrease llight. reducedragfor high-speed around2 - 3 degrees, lf flapsare deflectedmorethan about+30 degrees, Flapsmakea usetullanding drag risesconsiderably. crowsystem). aid(spoilers, Flaperons: controlsurtacesat the wing trailingedge, Fuli-span flaps. andcamber-changing double asailerons which Fis68 brakes) crow system(aileron An extension of the "Quadro"mixedfunction,utilising The inboard the mixedcontrolsurlacesas "spoilers". controlsurfacesare set to a positivebrakingposition braking (flapdown),theoutboard to a negative surfaces gliders position(flap up). Usedon high-performance (F3Bclass)whicharenotJittedwithproperairbrakes or sooilers. Oandr€r- a*Lnging lt p Snap-flaps: Mixed function: elevator- Cambr- cha.qang nap Fig.66 Apoibr spolbr Fig.69 camber-changingflaps. Oftenusedon aerobaticmodelsto reinforcethe effect is applied,the camberof the elevator.lf up-elevator changingflaps are deflecteddown;the resultis an is Down-elevator in the wing'slift coefficient. increase is litt wing's coefficient and the by up{lap, accompanied reduced.Theoveralleffectis thatthe aircraftis capable - ideal for the of very tight loopingmanoeuvres "square"figures. Delta("elevons"): at thewingtrailingedge,on controlsurfaces Full-length modelswithouta tailplane(delta,flying wing).The elevonsdoubleas aileronsandelevators. Fig.70 " Fis6/ V-tail(or buttertlytail') Combined elevatorand rudderin the form of a "V". euadro: dividedintotwo Whenelevatoris applied,bothcontrolsurfacesmovein controlsurfaces(flaperons) Full-length theymove Whenrudderis applied, separateflapsper wing. Eachcontrolsurfacedoubles the samedirection. directions. in opposite tlap. asaileronandcamber-changing TC in largespan whichcan be verynoticeable ot efficiency, Diffierential: gliders. model intended to Termusedlor unequalaileronmovements, compensatefor the " negative"roll effect,otherwise Unequalaileronmo/emenb(muchmoreup movement or eveneliminate knownas adverseyaw. thando!\,n) canreducethiseffectgreatly, lf aileronsmovean equalamountup and down,the it altogether. aileronon the outsideof the turn producesa yawing The effectof adverseyaw variesfrom modelto model, to thatoJtheturn,due depending direction geometryand wingsections. momentin theopposite on the aircraft's ruddermovement Forthis reasonit is alwaysnecessary in drag;an increased to the increase to carryout practical is thenrequiredto counlerthe yaw. tests. As a good startingpoint we recommend1000/o down-movement. and500/o-700lo anda loss ulmovement, Thismakesfor ditficultcontrolcharacteristics terms Somehelicopter Swashplate: curve": all controlmove- "3-Doint mixesand transfers Thiscomoonent hovercollective to the rotating Cornerpointsfor minimumcollective, mentsfromthe fixedcontrolmechanisms pitch. collective andmaximum rotorblades. "s-oointcurve": Collectivepitch variation: pitch,or simply"collec- As above,but wilh two additionalpointsbetweenthe knownas collective Generally corner points mentionedabove.The s-pointcurve tive". to be matched in the pitchangleof all rotorbladesat the allowsthe rotor power requirements Variation power output charactermotor's to the more accurately sametime,to controllift. istics. pitch, lift resultant the It no changeis madeto cyclic withthe rotorshaft. forceis coincident Throttlepre-select(ldle-Up): Throttlesettingfor rotoridle speedunder"no{oad" Cyclicpitch variation: "cyclic". "cyclic pitch",or simply conditions. knownas Generally A variationin rotorbladepitchwhichaltersoverthe "Schlueter"controlsystem: courseof one rotation.The effectiveresultis that the A seoarateservo is used lift tor eachof the threefuncolaneof the rotorbladesis tilted,andthe resultant withthe is tions collective pitch, forceis no longercoincident usedlor: androll-axis. oitch-axis Ditch-axis control: feature:the Characteristic The resultantlift forceof the rotoris tilted forwardor swashplatecannot move -\ back(whenviewedfrombehindthe model,lookingfor- axially;collectivepitch is on a controlledby meansof a ward). Correspondsto up- and down-elevator aircraft. Jixed-wing oushrodlocatedinsidethe roll-axis control: hollowrotorshaft The resultantlift forceoJthe rotoris tiltedto rightor left. to aileronmovementon a fixed-wingairCorresponds craft. Tailrotor: the torqueof the Producesa torcewhichcounteracts Fig.71 Usedfor yawconhelicopters. mainrotorin single-rotor airto ruddercontrolin a fixed-wing trol,corresponding craft. "Heim"controlsystem: Gyro: The Junctionscollective and oitch and roll are mixed The gyro registersunwantedyaw-movements, sends appropriatecorrectivesignalsto the tail rotor electronically and passed controlsystem.As everycontrolcommandinvolvingthe to two servos.Thesesermainrotorresultsin a changein mainrotortorque,the vos controlthe swashplate gyroisan important aidto thepilot. in the "righVleft" and " uo/down" Gyrosuppression: directions. the effectof The oitch-axisfunctionis Thissystemreducesor entirelysuppresses the gyro,so that the pilot can effectlast, intentional mechanicallyde-coupled movements aroundtheyawaxis. Jrom collective pitch. A separatepitch-axisservo Pitch^hrottlecurve: therotorspeedwouldremaincon- controls the pitch-axis ln an idealhelicopter stantat all motorpowersettings;this is achievedby movementof the swashopeningand closingthe throttlewhenevercollective Dlate. Ditch is increasedor decreased.The relationshipSoecialfeature:mechanF is betweencollectivepitchandthrottlecan be considered cal flare compensation "curve";the Dossible. is graph, signal throttle or in theformof a pitchsignal. fromthecollective derived 76 "CPM" control system(HEADMlx): for CollectivePitchlvlixing.The controlsigAbbreviation nalsfor collectivepitch,pitch-axisand roll-axisare electronically"composed"and sentto the servos.Between servos and swashplatethere are no mixer leversor similar mechanics,so mechanicalcomplexityis minimised. Virtualswashplaterotation: lf a 3- (or more) bladedrotoris mountedon a swashplateintendedfor a 2-bladedsystem,then the tilt of the swashplateno longercorrespondsto the inclinationof the rotor disc, as it is not possiblein designterms to locatethe mechanicallinkageto each blade of a multi-bladerotor at a point 90 degreesin advanceof its highestpoint. lf the swashplatecontrolsystemcannot be rotatedthroughthe appropriateangleto matchthe bladesystem,the pitch-axisand roll-axisservosignals to achievean apparent(vircan be mixedelectronically tual)rotationot the swashplate. Arrangrm€d 9d bands,channels, Frequency and crystals spotfrequencies Four frequencybands are availablefor the controlot modelsin the U.K.: 27 l\llqz band 35 MHz band(A und B band) 40 MHz band 459 MHz band The latterband is usedvery littleat present;the PROFI mc 3010transmitterand receiverare only availableon the firstthreebands. The easiestway of imaginingfrequencybands is to comparethem withthe wavebandson yourradio.Think of longwave(LW),mediumwave(MW),and so on. On your radio you can probablychange bands by pressinga knob.With radiocontrolequipmentwe can't do that:the transmitterhas an RF modulewhich hasto be changed.The receiver,on the other hand,must be swappedfor a newone. is a narrowsectionof one A channel,or spotfrequency, to our radio analogy,a Going back frequencyband. or to one radiotransmitter, spot frequencycorresponds station.Insteadol the frequenciesthemselves,which channel are difficultto remember,we use standardised numbers. The crystals in the transmitterand receiverdetermine the frequencyand the channel.They mustthereforebe matchedto each otherwith extremeprecision.That is whv: crystalsin your Alwaysuse genuineMULTIPLEX equipment! MULTIPLEX radiocontrol The channelnumberis alwaysprintedon one faceof thecrystal.nextto it youwillseeeitheran "S" (Sender = receiver). = transmitter) or an "E" (Empfaenger blue in a transparent are enclosed Transmitter crystals in a transparent crystals casing,and "normal"receiver vellowone. Caution: Ordinaryreceivercrystals cannolbe usedwith double-suoerhet receivers. require Double-superhets special types (DS crystals).Theyare fittedwith plascolourless an integral (Fig. holder 66). tic Fig.66 77
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