(英文) Hirai Shoko, Associate Professor

(英文) Graduate School of Humanities
嘉指 信雄・教授
(英文) Kazashi Nobuo, Professor
Panel topic
Panel summary
Panel topic
Panel summary
Reconsidering "Wars and Peace in East-Asia": A Multifaceted Approach
This panel aims to contribute to reconsidering “peace-building” in East
Asia. We will present some new perspectives so as to disentangle the
various negative legacies left by the wars started by Japan from the e
nd of the 19th century.
(英文) Graduate School of Humanities
平井 晶子・准教授
(英文) Hirai Shoko, Associate Professor
(英文) A Historical and Comparative Perspective on Various Phases of
Contemporary Japanese Marriage
What special features does marriage in modern Japan have when ex
amined in the context of its 300-year history? How does it appear co
mpared to other modern East Asian countries? The first report will cla
rify the modern traits of Japanese marriage while focusing on historica
l development. The second report will use international marriage as a
n example of the features of modern-day marriage, and consider spec
ifically Japanese traits through a comparison of Japan, the Republic o
f Korea, and Taiwan.