^ Govcrnment oflndia 町R可 劇く mo歯 "lく 1.l合 計師輸 幸派可 Ministry ofCommunications and I.T. ヽ劇Чlく 蒻 赫 奇細 園 3ヾ 盲 ,論 管。 面 i町 円 Department ofTelecommunications 葡 嗣 ゴき7o/O The Dy.Director General,TERM Cell,Hydcrabad ,― 11 Floor,Iく avadiguda 漏誦 主 ,嵌 興 ,-80 Telephone Exchange,Bholakpur,Hyderabad-80 No.TERM/HYD/Vehicle Tender/2016-17/5, Dtd.16.11.2016 CORRIGENDUM This has reference to NIT and E-Tender floated for E-Procurement for supply of hired vehicles in the O/o DDG, TERM Cell, Hyderabad for the year 2016-17 vide No. TERM I HYD I Vehicle Tender I 2016-171, dtd 07.11.2016. The area of service given as 'Rangareddy and Hyderabad Districts' at 2.1 of Section Telangana State. V in Tender All other terms and conditions document and NIT, may be read as entire mentioned in the NIT and tender document remain unchanged. ADG(Admn), O/o Dy.Director General(TERM) 2nd Floor,Kavadiguda Tele Exch Bldg Bholakpur,Hyderabad-500080
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