1634 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, lOra MARCH 1959 Appointment to commission (short service) As Acting Pilot Officers (Supplementary List) (five years on the active list and four years on the reserve) : Cadet Pilots 23rd Dec. 1958 4230335 Geoffrey CORNWEL-SMITH (42303_55) {period of service to count from 1st Oct. 1958). 4230384 Richard Bruce HARRIS (4230384) (period of service to counlt from 1st Oct. 1968). Regrading The -undermentioned Acting Pilot Officers are regraded as Pilot Officers : A. E. RYLE (505(723). 27'th Feb. 1959 (seniority 20th Sept. 1958). M. T. WILLIAMS (2608-898). 4th Mar. 1959. Extension of service The period of service on the active list of Flight (Lieutenant J. EVANS (406M869) is extended to .twelve years with effect from 4th Apr. 1951. The period of service on the active list of Flight Lieutenanlt P. MARKHAM (3002984) is extended untLl 26th Jan. 1962. Promotion Flying Officer to Flight Lieutenant: T. MENZIES (41lli25(27). 5th Nov. 1958. iB. P. V. JAMES (35ill<487). llth Dec. 1958. 1st Jan. 1959 A. D. DAVIES (2573593). R. E. POLLING (4105203). 9th Mar. 1959 A. W. J. BROWN (4032552). A. R. DRAPER (582086). Pilot Officer to Flying Officer : M. A. V. HARRIS (2773i5!ll). 14th Feb. 1959. 5th Mar. 1959 G. T. BENBOW (585i3il4). P. R. A. BERKELEY (4107069). H. E. BLEACKLEY (5011388). R. J. COLLER (5033732). P. H. GAUSDEN (I501il389). H. B. HALL (3il47112). B. SELIGMAN (5036259). Transfer between branches Squadron Leader K. S. DELBRIDGE, D.F.C. (11612793), to the Equipment Branch, retaining hcs existing rank and seniority. 2nd Feb. 1959. Transfer to reserve Flight Lieutenants: 28tth Feb. 1959 C. S. HAYTHORNTHWAITE (4089010). O. F. TEMPLE (4059931). A. J. ROBSON (24381769). 1st Mar. 1959. Flying Officer J. R. Moss (5010946). 28th Feb. ' 1959. Retirement iGtroup Captain D. R. S. BEVAN-JOHN, O.B.E. 30th Jan. 19-59 (at own request). Wing (Commander J. D. D. COLLIER, D.S.O., 'D.FJC. (39037X retaining the rank of Group Captain. 9th Mar. 19l59. Squadron Leaders : D. R. HIGGIN (1283«8). 27ith Feb. 1959. 28rtfti Feb. 1959. K. N. HASELWOOD (472I7U). A. YATES (145714). •E. S. HUGHES, DJF.C. (144000). 4th Mar. 1959. Flight Lieutenants: A. F. GODWIN ^152521). 1st 'Feb. 1959 (at own meque&t). G. P. WATTS, D.iF.'M. (488119). 24th Feb. 1959. W. H. HIGGS, D.F.C. (ITBlfSZ). 28-tih Feb. 1959. 'Flight Lrleutenanit T. V. WHATLING (48965), retaining the rank of Squadron Leader. 1st Mar. 1959 (at own> request). Direct commission relinquished Acting Pilot Officer A. L. TERRETT (4230348) (on appointment to a R.A.F. cadetship). 7th Jan. 1959. Commission resigned Flying Officer E. C. C. PILKINGTON (4100815). 19th Feb. 1959. TECHNICAL BRANCH Appointment to commission (national service) As Pilot Officer (Supplementary List) : John Anthony PASK, B.Sc. (2620569). 9th Oct. 1958. Promotion Pilot Officer to Flying Officer : M. J. KIRBY (5041768). 5th Mar. 1959. Retirement Wing Commanders : G. H. WASS, B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.F.R.Ae.S. (76383). 28th Feb. 1959. H. A. PRITCHARD (57917). 1st Mar. 1959. Squadron Leaders, retaining the rank of Wing Commander: E. W. COTTON (46498). 25th Feb. 1959. C. R. SHEPHERD, M.B.E. (46651). 3rd Mar. 1959. EQUIPMENT BRANCH Retirement Wing Commanders : C. R. ILLIFE (31227). 27th Feb. 1959. C. S. W. HARTE (31178), 2nd Mar. 1959. SECRETARIAL BRANCH Appointment to commission (permanent) As Flying Officers (General List) : 1st Oct. 1958 Richard Stephen ALLGOOD (3516189). Claude Howard DAVIS (2352046). Promotion Flying Officer to Flight Lieutenant: J. F. STUART (2484800). 5th Mar. 1959. Pilot Officer to Flying Officer : J. R. ASHDOWN (4177189). 6th Feb. 1959. Transfer to reserve Flying Officer G. RIPLEY (2823774). 25th Feb. 1959. Flying Officer Z. S. J. HOSKYNS (2823580), W.R.A.F. 25th Feb. 1959. Pilot Officers, W.R.A.F. : 31st Jan. 1959 R. A. JOY (nee THIRLBY) (2830159). P. A. RAINBOW (nee CLAYTON) (2829574). Transfer to reserve (national service list) 'Pilot Officer T. S. M. WILLIAMS (4203043). 28th Feb. 1959. Retirement Wing Officer K. M. COLLINS, M.B.E. (378)» W.R.A.F. 23rd Feb. 1959. Squadron Leaders : E. P. GRIFFITHS (56430). 2nd Mar. 1959. C. N. POLLOCK (80708). 6th Mar. 1959. Flight Lieutenant V. EVANS, D.F.C. (169420) (on account of medical unfitness for air force service). 28th Feb. 1959. ROYAL AIR FORCE REGIMENT Transfer between branches Flight Lieutenant E. H. D. BUTLER (503358) to the Secretarial Branch, retaining his existing rank and seniority. 27th Jan. 1959. AIRFIELD CONSTRUCTION BRANCH Temporary commission relinquished Flight Lieutenant J. J. LANGAN, A.M.I.C.E. (504373). 26th Feb. 1959. M.Eng.,. MEDICAL BRANCH Appointment to commission (short service) As Flight Lieutenant {Supplementary List) (threeyears on the active list and four years on the reserve) : Ernest Walter Geoffrey DAVIES, M.B., B.Chir. (506005). &th Dec. 195« {seniority 12th Oct. 1958) (period of service to count from 12th Oct. 1958). Promotion Flight Lieutenant to Squadron Leader: J. H. READING, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (502563). 31st Jan. 1959. Flying Officer to Flight Lieutenant: J. M. SPENCE, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., 'L.R.C.P.,. D.R.C.O.G. (505905). 31st Jan. 1959. 2nd Mar. 1959 F. G. HARRIS, M.B., Ch,B. (505724). R. W. HILES, M.B., Ch.B. <505718). C. D. JONES, B.Sc., M.B., B.Oh. (5057'21). P. C. ROBERTSON, M.B., Ch.B. (505731). A. F. BROAD, M.B., B-S., 'L.M.S.S.A. (505768). 7th Mar. 1959.
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