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Tapankumar Sharma) g¼¿ @ª Ç¡Ë0 YÁ#¼ @ª0È#< Deputy Secretary (Admn), Ç&Èz# "b "b < "gÁ # ¼ SC/B/5&7 Manipur Legislative Assembly ¼@&@#Ö ¶Á#¼®ØÈNg#¼0¼&¼QØ=¿¶Á #@ª#¼ªg®¿ª@Q@¦Ò(Ç¡¼ ¶¼È¼®Ø®¼¶gÁ#¼Ç®Ë@/¼È(¼ g0¿ Ç®Ë#¼ Y &[× #¼ < "@&¼®ØÈ&¼È#¼@&ǼÈ&N#¼ ®Ø g Á # ¼ ¼ @g Ç/¼®Ø A Á ¼#0¿ [× ¼ z%gÁ # ¼ ɼ 0¼´Q¿ @ª&ÐÁ@@N Çϼª # ¼ Ç- Ú ¼N ÇYËgÁ # ¼ zÁÈ"¼&&È/ÔÖ ÇªÈ&%g@TzÁ¼®ØϪ&¿ &@%gb@Ϫ¼#¼Á@<b¼¡¿b ¶¼¼ @ª&Á@@N0¿ È-ÁÚ¼N gÁg¼ @TzÁ ¼®Ø Ï ª ®Ø @ %g¶¼# @A¼Y¼@¶#@g&¼È%g¼ z¼Èª ¼ È#@¡b ¶¼@/Ö ®¼ ¼ <b@¡#@/¼@ª&ÁÈ@@NÇ-¼N@¡bgÁ ¡¿b ¶¼Èg ®¼¶gÁ # ¼ NÒ & m¼®Ø@¡b#¼ @#7¼®Ø ÇYËg0¿ È®#¼ÇϼªÇ"¼@A¼YÁbg¼ NÒ& 0¼´Q¿@¡b gÁ Ç-ÁÚ¼N ÈYËgÁ#¼ zÁÈ"&&@/@#®¼¶@Ö #¿b@¡b¼¶¼@g¼g¼z%gÁ#¼ ɼ0¼´Q¿@¡b0¿[×0¿0¼´Q¿ #®¼# #Á @ g¼b ¡& /7g@¡b#¼ "Á0¼®ØY¼ #[#¼ 0¼´ Q ¿0¿ Ç¡¼ Á # 0¿ "& < "@/ªÁ É/Ô@#Ö Ç¼®Ø¼bg¼@ª0È#< Ç&Èz#ÇYËÈ/Ô ÇÈg¼@AÈ#Çz@%Nb Ç&zz¼7È"¼'ÈgË@ ,PSKDO6XQGD\1RYHPEHU EMPLOYMENT NEWS # (Ã|ÀRÜ NSIC recruitment 2016-17 notification executive assistant posts NSIC recruitment 2016-17 notification executive assistant posts :- National small industries Corporation limited (NSIC) invites application for the position of 15 executive assistant vacancies on contractual basis. Apply before 15th November 2016. Name of post:- executive assistant Eligibility:- Graduation, Diploma Job Location:- All India Pay Scale:- Rs.19360/- Per Month Last Date:- 15th November 2016 Total No. of Posts:-15 Posts Age Limit:- The age of the candidate is 35 years. Qualification:- Candidates should have graduation degree from a recognized university with one year certificate or diploma course in computer from a recognized institute. Selection Procedure:- The selection of the candidates will be on the basis of written examination and personal interview depending on the number of applications received. Application fee:- Candidatesare required to pay application fee Rs 100/- through demand draft in the favor of “ The national small industries Corporation limited” payable at New Delhi and 50% Concession in application fee is given to schedule caste categories candidates / schedule tribe categories candidates / person with disabilities categories candidates / women categories candidates. How to apply:- Candidates may apply in prescribed application form along with self – attested copies of all documents / degree / marks sheets / qualification / experience certificate and caste certificate send by ordinary post / registered post / speed post / courier / by hand to deputy General manager (HR), National small industries Corporation limited (NSIC), NSIC Bhawan, Okhla industrial Estate, New Delhi;- 110020 on or before 15th November 2016. Important Dates:Last date for the submission of online application is 15th November 2016. General Instruction:Eligible applicants applying for the position of executive assistant should have graduation degree from a recognized university with one year certificate or diploma course in computer from a recognized institute. ....................................................................................................................................... Karnataka High Court recruitment 2016-17 notification Law clerk posts Karnataka High Court recruitment 2016-17 notification Law clerk posts :-High Court of Karnataka invites application for the position of 26 law clerk-cum-research assistant vacancies. Apply online before 30th November 2016. Name of post:- law clerk-cum-research assistant Eligibility:- Degree in law Job Location:- Karnataka Pay Scale:- Rs.15600/- Per Month Last Date:- 30th November 2016 Total No. of Posts:-26 Posts Age Limit:- The age of the candidate will be according to rules and regulation of the Karnataka High court organization. Qualification:- Candidates should have degree in law with a minimum of 50% marks after under-going a regular course and who have enrolled as an Advocate with the Karnataka state bar council on or after 1st January 2014. Selection Procedure:- The selection of the candidates will be on the basis of personal interview depending on the number of applications received. How to apply:- Candidates may apply in prescribed application form along with all relevant documents send to the Registrar General, High court of Karnataka, Bangalore on or before 30th November 2016. Important Dates:Last date for the submission of application is 30th November 2016. General Instruction:Applicant must be citizen of India. If he is dismissed or removed from service or compulsory retired by any high court, government or statutory or local authority or other employer. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstance. Those applicants called for viva-voce will have to appear before the recruitment committee in the presence of the High Court of Karnataka. Applicants sent in any other mode except online will not be considered. Applicants claiming reservation under EXSM shall possess the certificate or release or discharge from military service and to produce the same whenever directed by the authority to do so. The applicants shall furnish 2 character certificate of good character one from the Principal of the institution / college in which he / she studied with study detail and another from a responsible person not being a relative who is well acquainted with her / him. ..................................................................................................................................................... Maharashtra CIRT recruitment 2016-17 notification apprentice posts Maharashtra CIRT recruitment 2016-17 notification apprentice posts :- Central institute of Road Transport invites application for the position of 01 Technician apprentice on contractual basis. Applicants may online before15th November 2016. Name of post:- Technician apprentice Eligibility:- Diploma, +2 class Job Location:- Maharashtra Pay Scale:- As Per notification Last Date:- 15th November 2016 Total No. of Posts:-01 Posts Age Limit:- The age of the candidate will be according to rules and regulation of the Central institute of Road Transport (CIRT) organization. Qualification:- Candidates should have diploma in relevant engineering or pass out of +2 level with accounts and auditing vocational subject from HSC board or pass out of +2 level with office secretary / stenography vocational subject from HSC board. Selection Procedure:- The selection of the candidates will be on the basis of personal interview depending on the number of applications received. How to apply:- Candidates may send their Resume through email [email protected] or send to the Head – ASD, Central institute of Road Transport, PB No 1897, Pune:- 411026 on or before 15th November 2016. Important Dates:Last date for the submission of application is 15th November 2016. General Instruction:Eligible applicants applying for the position of Technician apprentice should have diploma in relevant engineering or pass out of +2 level with accounts and auditing vocational subject from HSC board or pass out of +2 level with office secretary / stenography vocational subject from HSC board. The salary of the applicant applying for the position of Technician apprentice will be according to rules and regulation of the Central institute of Road Transport (CIRT) organization. The grade pay of the applicant applying for the position of Technician apprentice will be according to rules and regulation of the Central institute of Road Transport (CIRT) organization. ............................................................................................................................................. :Y¼ / ¼ ®Ø ¼&z <¼QØ ¼ ¡È0¼ÇY¼b¼z¼/bgÁÁ &#¼È#¼$ #¼®ØbÁ È7¼/¼®Ø¼&z0¿ÉÈ&¼#®¼¶¼@ªYgÁ0¿ Ƕb##¼Çz¼ ¼®Ø#¼Ç¼&@/Ö¼7g¼®Ø¼YÁÈ ¼Ç/¼®Ø Ç/¼®Ø#¼Ç<@®Ø¼YÁÈ%g0¿ÉÈ&¼%g¼Ç®&<b¼¶¼#¼z¿&ªÁ <Á¼¿<¼g¼É¿Ö¿gÁ0¿#¼&Ƕ ®Øg¼Ç#z ÇY˼¶¼¼É0¿A¼ y¼@YyÁ@Y¼@&¼¼@Y:&Á%g¼Ê @ª#@<b¼##Áb@¡¼É¼bA¼ ªt_ x¼YÁ®Ø#¼É®¼b ʼbzÄu &7u¼È#˼Ƕ#¿b³È¼µg¼Ç0¼¼z0¿ÉÏÈg¼g¼ ¡b¼#¼Çz¼È¼¡¼ ¼É¼b#¼ª#¼0¿¿[×¼@TY¼#5 @#b@"A@ÖÇ/¼bÈA¼Ï#¼Y<¼g#¼¡¼ ¼YÈ/Ê#¼È¶b¼ ¿0¿zÄ@&b£± #@Ö@Yb/b0¿ª#¼[׼ɼbÇ&YÁ&¿ªÁ zÁ /¼®Ø¼&z0¿#¿b¼&¼¶@/0@#®¼¶0¿Y¼5u¼ÉÈ&¼%g¼<b&z¼ #/7¼A¿zÄu &zÁ7¼®@Ö¿#¼&Ƕ ®Ø0¿Ï<¼#¼ "¼¼É¼b0¿A¼ #¼ÉÈYb¼ÉÈ&¼#gÁ0¿¶¼¶g¼<z<¼#¼ %gÁ#¼ÇY˼zÁ@/ÔzÁ@/ÔgÁg¼"ȼ7¼b¼¡b¼¶¼¼<Á0¿ "¼ÖzÁ@/Ô0¿@<È"&@g¼¼bÈAË#¼@¡:¼ÊÖgÁ0¿&gÁg¼ zz¼Ê¼b0¿Æ#¼¡¼®¼®Ø"¼&ȼÊ&Ö@<]Ê®Èg®¼¶0¿ Y¼5"¼¼®¼Ê¶¼@g#b#¼zÁÈÖÇYË®Ø5ªbÁ ÇYË@/bm¼ ¿®Ø¼&¶¼#¼#7ÁÁz¼<¼ ¼ÇYËÈ0ǼǮË/ÈɼbÊY#¼ QØmg¼Ç¼"¼0¿@#¶zÁ#¼5Ã#¼#7Á Ç¡¼# ^¼$Ç®Ë@A& ¡ "¼#¼Ç®Ë/Ôg¼#È/¼®Ø/#¼&@0¿@<]È®ËgÁ#¼zÁ0¿ÉÈ&¼ 7¼@&¼$¿#¼"¼Ãg#¼Ç®Ë&z¿Éz¼&Ê&&#¼0¿¶¼"bÇËgÁ#¼ zÁ0¿ÉÈ&¼@ªg¼¡¼ @¼$#7Á@gz¼uÈgY¼®Øbz¼# ¿ ɼbÖ#¼#¼È&¼ ¼Ç<¼b@gǶ&¼¶¼0@#®¼¶#¼/%gÁ#¼É¼b ®¼ ¼ QØ z¼$ ÉÏ #7ªÁ ¼@ªg@g ¡¼ È<ËÖ ÉÈ&¼#0¿ È&¼¶g¼ @<È0¼bÊz¼¿@¶ z5#¼Y¼Ç¶Ë#¼Ç®: ÈYÖ¡¼zļ ª#¼¼¼É¼b#¼Ç¶¼È/Ô&[×¼É<#/7¿¡¼È#Ë#¼#¼È<¼ g¼#¼Ç" z5u¼È#˼#¼Ç" @ÖªÁ¼u ÉÈ&¼ ¼Ç®&/g¼ ¡:¼®Ø£¼bÉgÁ0¿Ç®&/¼¼b¼z¼/¼&¶¼<¼g¼É®¼b z¼¿ÇYË®Ø5ªbÁ É®¼bz¼¿YªÁ ¡b#¼ÉA¼ÏbAÈg&#¼0¿ "[×¼ Ç/¼:ÁÈÊ &#¼0¿ "[×¼ ǶÃÊ [×¼ ÇÊ Éª#¼ Ç#¼bAÁz¼#&g¼u¼É#Áb@¡ÖÉ®¼bÉ®È#Ëz¼¿¡¼0#Á#È7¼%g¼ Ƕ[#@gɼbQØ@É#¼&u¼z¼#0@#$¡:¼®Ø£¼7@g¡bÔ¼$ Ñ%g¼##¼z¿#¼Ç&¼¶@&Á%gÊg#Ê#¼®¼ª"#¼¡¼ @Ñ%g¼0¿ /Á#¼[×¼&¼@#¿&ÁªÁz¼¿#¼/Á #¼Ç[Á#¼¡¼5#¼ [¼ Ç<¼®ØÈ"¼[×#¼ ¶Áb@Ö ¼gÁªÁ ¡bÈg #Á:¼®ØÊ @##¼ Y#ȶ Ƕ @z@#Ö¡:¼®Ø ¼È:¼#gÁªÁ oÁY¿#¼Ç¶ YÁ#¼7&z¼&ÁL#¼ ¼®Ø@Ö¼7¡È:¼®ØªÁ ¿< z¼É¼b#¼Ç¶¼@Ö0¼g¼"¼¼ ɼb¶¼#¼ÉÈYb@¡:¼®Ø#¼&Ƕ ®Øg¼&¼<»#¼@<b¼ ##Áb@¡¼//¼¶¼0¿É®¼bÖ¡:¼®Ø #¿bg¼É®È&¼# #¼&ȶ ®Øg¼®ØÈ9¼¼gÁg¼Ç&¼@®:¼#@<b¼YY0¿ #¼¡¿bÖ®Ø&#¼®ØbÁ È7¼0¿#@ª00 ¿#%g#&¼## ®¼¶¼gÁ&®Øȼ®Ø#¿bg¼¼#¼Ç"¼È&¼®ØÖ @ª5¼&ÁL#¼@ªg¼/¼®ØzÄu [×0¿Ç® ¼@#b@"A¼#¼®ØÈY¼ ¡¼ z¼É¼b¼É@¼gÁ@g#¼®ØbÁ È7¼0¿"[×¼¼¡¼^¼ /¼g¼ ¼ Çz¼m¼ [¼ Çz¼&z¿ ɼb &ÁLY¼@#Ö È"¼& &¼&z0¿Ç®Ë#¿zÄu &¼¡¼È[¼&¿ÖÇ®Ë@A'¿Yg¼®Ø@g "¼A¼YǮȮ¼¶gÁ#¼É&¼®Ø¿È#¼&<bªÁ¶¼@#ÇYË®Ø5ªbÁ YgÁ0¿@gÉ¡¼¿®Ø0¿ÏA¼Y®Ø#¿<®¿Y¼@#z¼ ¼ zÄbÇ®&z¼&zg¼¼0¿®Ø0¿&¼zÄu &¡¿bY¼¼ Y#¼ ¡¼0¿&¼¶¼ /Á@gbg¼Ç#¼b"¼b0¿®ØÈ<#5Ç<¿Ö&ÁLY¼0¿&Á<Á @ªÈ/¼®Ø#¼ª#¼0¼z¼%g@ub®Ø&Á<Á#¼ª#¼&¼@gÏAgªÁ¶¼®Ø ¼0¿ &Á<Á @ª@g Ç7Ë0¼ "¼bg@g #È[ ÇYË®Ø5ªbÁ ¶¼u¼ Ç7˼ ®¼¶¼@ª#¼Á&®¼&zÁ&¿®#@/gÁ#¼"¿®#ªÁ7ÈgÖ¼¶È"¼b gÁÇ&¼®ØzY¼®Ø#7#¼¼gÁÁ "¼0¼z¼%g@#bªÁ¶¼0@#Öȼ Ç"¼&¼@ ª#¼"¼@#gÁ#¼¿zÄu '¿"ȼ®ØÁ YzÄu [×¼ Ç&Ë@ÖÉ®¼¿#¼YÁ@z¼¶gÁ#¼Ç¶&z5u¼¼gÁ0¿"[×¼Ç&¼®Øz ÇY˼z¿£#¿gÁ#¼¼b®Øg#Á ¼#Áb@¡/7¼¿&#¼0¿zÄ@&bÁ Ƕ @¡#®È¼®Ø®¼¶ªÁ&®¼¶0@#$ "b"b Ȯˡ¼ ¼È¶b z"¼z ªÁb È/¼¶0¿ ®&<¼b zÔ È ¼@g@# Çg¿ 7¼b0¿ /¼ "¼'¿#¼¼Ç&¼&¼z¼Ê@¡b @®g¼&¼#¼¼Ï® ¼/#¼ªÁb@®g¼&Ç&¼®Ø@"@Yg¼zÁ@&b <b0¿³[¼#¼@¡b#¼<¼¼"&z¼ªÁb®ÊY¡¼ÈA#zÁÈA#g¼ ®&È¡0¿¿g¼Ç® ¼zÁ@&b<b0g@#Ö@¼#¼@¡b#¼/¼®Øg0¿ Ç<&@¡#0g@g<¼¼"&z0¿¼Ï@#Ö Ç#¼b0¼<¼¼@#g0¿Ç® ¼<¼¼®Øg@#ÖgÁªÁ <È/¼ ¼ #¼<¼0¼ÇY¼'g@#Ö@ª#¼®&<¼b¶¼b#¼"¼7®ØªÁb¼¼ Çz¼&®#g¼ ÈYb ®ØÖ ¿#¼ #¼@¼ @ª@g ¶¼g¼ Ç®#@A ¼ <¼@¡#g0¿®Ø¼7¼[×@#®¼¶¼¶¼®Ø <¼¼Yg¼<¼&# ^0¼Y #¼%#¼@¡b#¼%®Ø¼#¼¼Ï®#g¼ÈYb®ØÖ ¼Ê®@¡b ¼"¿ Á#¼ Ǫ &¼ Èϼ®Ø Á#¼ É®È#Ë Á#¼YÁA@ª#@<b¼@ª0¿#Ábg0¿Ïb¼/¼# ^0¼ #¿ &0¼ <¼b #¼®Ø#¼ #Á@ /Á@gb0¿ <¼@g ®&<b0¿ Ç¡b®#¼ ªÁb#¼¼Ï®#g¼ÈYb¶¼u¼®ØÖ È/¼¶#¼ Ç<&@¡#0g¼ ®¿ #¼ ¶Á& <¼& <¼¼bg¼ Çz¼ È<¼¶zb<¼¼<¼¼Ç®Ë#Èg¼Ö"¼gY¼¼Y#@<bY¼<¼gÁ#¼# ^0¼ Ç®¼ÈN0¿&bÈ7Ë@¡bN¼&È<Ë@#@<b¼zÁ&"z<¼3¼ª0¼ Ǽ¶##¼"&@¡#<¼@¡#¼@ªÇ®Ë@A@[×ÏzÁu [×¼< #¿®ØÈ&Ö @ª @#¼ Ç<#¼ ¿@¡b0¿g[×@g zÁ"¼ "¼Èg¼&z#¼ Ç® ¼ ÉÏÖ È/¼¶@¡bgÁ0¿³[¼Ç/¼ª@® @¡b<»¼®¿/¼¶¼ 0¼"&z¼ # ^0¼&¼#@<b¼É®0¿®¿Ç/¼®Ø@®/¼ @¡b/¼¶¼ 0¼"&z#¼ Ç® ¼Ï¼Ç®@Ö<¼&/¼0¿¼¶#¼É¼¿@¡b0¿g[×@gÇY¼È¼ ®¿@¡b@A #¼@¡[Á#¼ÇË0¼# ^0¼ÏÁ 0¼"&z¼@ªg¼7®@Ð #¼¼z®#g¼ÈYb®ØÖ @¡bzÁ&< &¿¼¶#¼0¿g[׼ɮ/¼È0¼& #¼0¿ ®¿ Ég¼ Ǽ0¼ "&z¼ # ^¼ #¼¼ ¶¼g¼ < ¼ ÇzÃ&@<b¿0®¿"&z¼#¼¼Ï0 zg¼È<˼ÈYb®Ø<¼b #¼®Ø#¼¶Á&7#g @¡bz¼"&z¼®&<¼bg¼&¼Ê Ö¼b¼ ɶ/ ®È%g ®&<¼b Ç¡b®@ ªÁb @¼ #¼¼ / /Á@gbgb Ï®#g¼ÈYb¶¼u¼®ØÖ @¡b"&¼YÁbzÁb#¿Ï¼@gz¼b0¿ ®Ø¼@<L¼&<¼¼ÏÈ[<¼È¼ªg@#Ö ¶Á'¿Yg¼YÁ¼7g¼#¼@¡bÇ&¼&7¼¼Ç&¼& @<&z¼Ç¼¶#¼#¼@¡b0¿g[×¼¡È:¼u@<b¼"&z¼z¼bÈgÖgÁ#¼ ¼Á ¼7®@ÖªÁb#¼¼Ï®#¼¼®ØÖgÁ#¼¶Á'¿ <¼&<¼bg¼È<¼®Øz¼zb<¼<¼¼¶¼ÈgÖ<¼¼Y¼ªÁ¼¼¼7g#¼ ǶbgÁ#¼<¼b¶¼u¼®tf#¼<¼0g@#Ö @¼#¼¼É¼¿ª@¡bªÁb®&<¼bÏ#¼"È0/@¼ ¿®Ø@¡b0¿g[×¼YY0¿È®Ë¡¼Ç&˼¼®ØÈ¿#¼È/¼¶g¼ Ïb®@¼#¼@¡bªÁbQØÊ®¼Ê®<¼gÁ#¼Ç#0g@#ÖÈ/¼¶0¿ g¼Ïb@¼@<L¼&@¡b0¿#Ábg¼®:¼Ç&¼¿Ç&¼"ÈA z¼b½¼&ǶÈ%g/¼È#Ç/¼bmÃÇY¼È¼ ǡȼ &¼È¼ &¼È¼#/¼¿gª&Áª®¼ª"¼&<¼&¼®Ø®¼®ØQØ@Ç&¼@ ®¼®Ø/¼È#@¡#¼0¼AǼ#A¼¿Ç¶ÃÊ&Ã"¿ ®:¼Á¼ª¼È0¼@ª#@<b¼@ªYY0¿YÁb®Ø ¼@#b@"A#¼ ¼b&¼¶#¼@¡@A 0¼®&<¼bÏ#¼"¼7®ØÖ "b"b ®¶Á@ªg¼
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