CITY OF SPARTA PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA August 18,2014 6:00 P.M. CITY HALL 1. Call meeting to order 2. Roll Call 3. ConsentAgenda: Minutesfrom theJuly 14,2014 meeting and the Special Planning Commission meeting on August 4, 2014 4. Consideration of Sign Approval for Childfirst Center of Care & Discovery at 711 W. Montgomery Street (formerly Connie's Day Care) 5. Consideration of CSM for Pierce/Jackson at 416 S' Court Street 6 Consideration of Site Plan for Theisen's on Hwy 27 7 Discussion of site grading for Dave Evenson on Hwy 27 I Consideration of Approval for storage accessory building for Hartland Lubes & Chemical at 2455 Commercial Ct, in Sparta 9 Items for Future Consideration 10. Adjourn A possible quorum of the common Council may be in attendance at this meeting, but no action will be taken by the Council Posted: 8-15-14 CITY OF SPARTA SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES August 4, 2014 PRESENT: Mayor Ron Button, John Ambro, Robert Halverson, Tom Schauer and Kevin Riley ABSENT: Norm Stanek, Jim Church ALSO PRESENT: Todd Fahning, Alli Karrels The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mayor Button Roll Call was done by the Clerk, The Mayor called the Public Hearing regarding a zoning change forJ & J Building, LLc at 2230 Julie Avenue, Sparta, from R-3 to R-2 per Zoning Ordinance chapter 17.o714]rlo 17.07(3) open for discussion Terry Jackson purchased a parcel of land from charlie Palmer's estate which was zoned R-3, 3 family, and would like to change it to R-2, 2 family. There was no further discussion and the public hearing was closed at 5:05 p.m A motion was made byJohn Ambro and seconded by Bob Halverson to approve the Zoning Change for J & J Building, LLC at 2230 Julie Avenue, Sparta, from R-3 to R-2 per Zoning Ordinance Chapter 17.07(4) to 17.07(3). Motion carried 5-0. Items for future consideration were New development will be mentioned at next month's meeting. There was a question regarding the creeks and rivers and when the improvements to them will be finished. lt was noted that all creeks and rivers in our area will be done within the next 5 years. A motion was made by Kevin Riley and seconded by Bob Halverson to adjourn the meeting at 5:10 p.m, Motion carried 5-0. Respectfully Submitted, J ulie Hanson City Clerk CITY OF SPARTA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES luly t4,20L4 PRESENT: Mayor Ron Button, John Ambro, Robert Halverson, Iim Church, Tom Schauer and Kevin Riley ABSENT: Norm Stanek ALSO PRESENT: Todd Fahning, Mark Sund and citizens The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Button. Roll Call was done by the Clerk. A motion was made byJohn Ambro and seconded by Bob Halverson to approve the consent agenda consisting of the June 16, 2014 minutes, Motion carried 5-0. A motion was made by Jim Church and seconded by Kevin Riley to approve a 30 X 30 addition at Lopez Dental for office space at 1123 W, Wisconsin Street, Motion carried 6'0. to haul sand from U. S. Silica to the County Shop a|5724 Hamlet Avenue to store for the winter. They intend to mix the sand and salt and apply to the roads in the winter. This process will only take one day and they will notify citizens in the newspaper when they plan to haul this. A motion was made by Jim Church and seconded by Bob Halverson to allow the Town of Sparta to haul sand from U, S, Silica to their County Shop at 5724 Hamlet Avenue' Motion The Town of Sparta is asking for approval carried 6-0. There were no items mentioned for future consideration A motion was made by Kevin Riley and seconded by Bob Halverson to adjourn the meeting at 6:10 p,m. Motion carried 6-0. Respectfully Submitted, Julie Ha nson City Clerk CITY OF SPARTA PERMIT NO 201 W. OAK STREET SPARTA, WI 54656 APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY MAKES APPLICATION TO ERECT A SIGN SPECIFIED HEREIN, AND DOES AGREE THAT THE PROVISIONS OF THE SIGN ORDINANCE, BUILDING CODE AND ZONING ORDINANCE WILL BE COIVIPLIAED WITH WHETHER THE SAME ARE SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. GENERAL LOCATION Corner of North Black River Street and West Montgomery Street O\./VNER: Childfirst Center of Care & Discovery ADDRESS 711 West Montgomery Street SIGN ERECTOR CITY PHoNE: Sparta lool srArE wisconsin ztP 54656 PHoNE 608-526-6446 Noffke Sign Company ADoREss: 505 Empire street 608-783-3601 ext. clw Holmen srArE Wisconsin ztP 54636 PHONE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ctry ADDRESS ztP STATE USE TYPE OF SIGN FooTAGE Free Standing Post & Panel (non-lighied) Fr. X.8 SQUARE FEEr= 121 .60 ALONG FRONT PROPERTY LINE: 152 LENGTH OF BUILDING ToTAL SOUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN: HEIGHT OF FT. X 1,5 SQUARE Approx. 132 1 FEET= 198 MAX. AREA MAX. AREA 2 SIGN: 6, ESTI'ATED COST OF SIGN $765.00 sign - $185.00 delivery & installtion ToTAL SoUARE FOOTAGE OF ALL SIGNS ON PROPERTY: 12 LOCATION SIDE YARD (WN) SIDE YARD (S/E) FRONT YARD APPLICATION 12, A $3O.OO NON-REFUNDABLE APPLICATION/PERMIT FEE TWO COPIES OF A PLOT PLAN DRAWN TO SCALE SHOWING: THE LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED SIGN THE LOCATION AND THE TYPES OF ALL OTHER EXISTING OR PROPOSED SIGNS BUILDING AND DRIVEWAYS EITHER EXISTING OR PROPOSED TWO COPIES OF A SCALE DRAWING (NoT LESS THAN %" = 1 '0) oF THE PROPOSED SIGN SHoWING EXACTLY HoW THE PROPOSED SIGN WILL LOOKAND IT'S HEIGHTABOVE GROUND, THE PLANNING COMMISION MAY ACCEPT PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUFFICIENT SIZE AND CIARITY IN LEAU OF A DRAVMNG, 3. a. b. c. PLAN COMMISION APPROV APPROVAL DATE COMMENTS APPROVED MODIFIED DENIED IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY THE UNDERSIGNED AS OWNER, HIS AGENT OR SERVANT, AND THE CITY OF SPARTA, THAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PREMISES AND OF THE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT, ERECT, ALTER OR INSTALL AND FOR THE USE OF ADVERTISING STRUCTURE DESCRIBED ABOVE TO BE ISSUED AND GMNTED BY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR THAT THE WORK THEREON WILL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WTH THE DESCRIPTION HERIN SET FORTH IN THIS STATFI\,4ENT, AND AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE SPECIFCAT{ONS AND PT-ANS HEREIN FILED, AND IS FURTHERAGREED TO CONSTRUCT, ERECT, ALTER OR INSTALL IN STRICT COI\4PLIANCES OF THE CITY OF SPARTA, L, J/oln4 ofvftryAGENf 8t11t14 DATE -a -q 4112' (h a I C qffi$ Centers of Care & Discovery 6', 3' @2014 THE NOFFKE COMPANY, LLC., HOLMEN, WI 54636 This Design renai.s the property ol ThE NOFFKE CO. LLC., and may not be reproduced or <opied i. whole or part by ahy method without prior wnRen consent of Tl-lE NOFf(€ CO. LLC. Sinr Existing Sign Looking North East Existing Sign Looking S W Montgomery St Signlo.ation Parking Lot o o (, & ,y GI co z 7'!lWMontgomevySt Example of proposed sign chit, RTA -.r',r'''',: r':rr'r'r'\'r4':-5i*"'i ..l:.i,:jii. Plan Commission Annlication fiorm Date: So^J Narne/Cornpany Address: #, Phone C\/t\ Purpose 3+s- 3 3Yf Alb S Co,t rL Meeting Date /'"- 7\ Fee: $ r1) Fec Schedule: Colditional Use Permit: $75.00 Zoning Variance: Request for Zoning Change Development Review (business) Subdivision Plat Review PIID Review $2s0.00 Lot Division/CSM Approval Grading,4rillling/Stonnwater ET Zoning Pemrit Residential E'I Zoning pennit Accessory ET Zoning Permit Business, Industrial, Manufacturing Note : All itdirtt Ph: 608-269-6509 $s0,00 ss0.00 $2s.00 $7s.00 items for Plan cornmission must be received the Monday prior to the schedured meetin g. (Usually the All fees are due at the timc ofa pPl cation and are non-refundable. A sitc antl pltrt:,^ tttust he s'll builted no larser than I I ' .," ' 17". second Monday ofcvery rnonth.) bu s75.00 $7s.00 $ 150.00 $ 1s0.00 $s0.00 Mail to Building & Zoning Office 201 W, oak Street Sparta, WI 54656 # CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP BEING LO'I'S 8 & 9 OF DINKE & HILL ADDTION. CI'I"Y OF SPARTA, MONROE COUNTY, WISCONSIN, \ilti/ o JONATHAN A. SCHMITZ s-2465 SPARTA ilil ll\ u'AK8,t"Jllt'o 20 -33', 33',N 89.50'13" E 140.00' /;A I.F LOT 1 0.21 ACRES 8977.6 SQ, FT 1 LOT 8 BLOCK 5 2 !.8 N 89'58'04'W 31 19' 'i€ N 00.03'47'W 8.44', o o n ,l -l s a9.56'13r W /s-t GI LOf g RLOCX s II E LOT 2 0.18 ACRES s 7819.4 SQ. Fr 20 ,33',- 33, 'if"i;1"""*1:" PROPERIY ADDRESS 416 S, COURT ST, SPARTI, WI 54650 ,b ) E; LEGEND a 3/4'X 18' IRON BAR SEl'WEIGHING 1.solbs PER LINEAL FOOT c, IIARRISON MONUMENT FOUND + SPINDLE S['1' (a) 3/4' INON RAR 40' 0 80, Se E3 SCALE 1"=40' FO1JNIJ !, .+. I 4+ ;9 I POINT SURVEYING LLC. PO BOX 131 SPARTA, WI 54656 608-269-0744 JONATHAN SCHMITZ RLS #2465 THIS INSTRUMENTWAS DRAFTED ANI) DRAWN I}YJONATHAN SCIII'ITZ cl-tEN'l' JACKSON PIERCE LLC W5220 COUNTY ROAD F l cnossB wt 54601 JOB fS24r 7N4W PACE I OF 1 PAGES PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE R/W R/W BM 1 0 50 100 200 ATE T S R E T IN 90 R/W 27 R/ W STH PROJECT NO.: 3657001 PROJECT DATE: . DRAWN BY: F.B. : . CHECKED BY: . NO. DATE REVISION BY MJM . . . . BK . . . . . . . . SCALE: AS SHOWN . PLOT DATE: 8/14/14, P:\3600s\3650s\3657\03657001\CADD\Construction Documents\Overall Site Plan.dwg EPIC CONST.-2014 SPARTA SITE DEVELOPMENT 514 Main Street Friendship, WI 53934 608-339-3808 Fax: 608-339-8078 Web Address: SITE PLAN THEISEN CITY OF SPARTA, WISCONSIN FILE NO. 3657001 SHEET ST 1 RTA Plan Commission Applicatiou Form ?-z{-/r Date 1t/ Name/Company: Address: Jqsr 4 a/4e/C tco- / Phone: Purpose il.n*/ B",/J^r #o ,J-..< 9/ono-U6 Meeting Date: $ Fee: ?s"e Fee Schedule: Conditional Use Permit: ZoningVariance: Request for Zoning Change Development Review (business) Subdivision Plat Review PUD Review Lot Division/CsM Approval Grading/F i I ll ing/Stormwater ET Zoning Permit Residential ET Zoning permit Accessory ET Zoning Permit Business, Industrial, Manufacturing $7s.00 $2s0.00 $75.00 $7s.00 $ 150.00 $150.00 $s0.00 $s0.00 $s0.00 $2s.00 Mail to: Building &ZorungOffice 201 W. oak Street Sparla, WI 54656 Ph:608-269-6509 $7s.00 Note: All items for Plan Commission must be received the Monday prior to the scheduled meeting. (Jsually the second Monday of every month.) All fees are due at the time of application and are non-refundable. All site and buildine olans must be submitted no lsrser than 11" x 17". LEGEND COMMERCIALDRIVE I ffirffil,t'@lft 6@ aq Ets i:. i8. 3g e . fi0,0y 000,91) 6 . S 39aJr2'E (S 69re1f r [email protected] ([email protected]) c tffi--] p*1l.\ts4q4 lffi*] RILEYRoAD a) HELLMAN BUILDING 2455 COMMERCIAL oRi\€ SPARTA WI 54556 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ffi l$ L,I h G,i t-' ,if 2 t t 1 I rt I ,f' ','. i t t t fr I I, P ! l :. t- j : t f I .t
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