^Bell n ^Phone— ^ R I T t e n h o u s e 5000 For Sale Household Goods THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. FRIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 14. 1942 Personals Household Goods Legal Notices Legal Notices **" ""'-.ZS&ZP. B R O A D 6000 Keystone— a d c f e Legal Notices ON SALES1' J TOOArS AUCTION 3 for the Oaaaty of Philadelphia. HIGHEST CASH PRICES T h e m a e B . L e v e u A S8™*SSPw § mwB^mr S P e S—SS>88" mS March T e n s , 1933 No. 333. Expert mala and femnie operatives for all To James F. Crawford, Address Unknown, S t . is.se A . FURNITURE A HOUSEHOLD GOODS branches of investigations. Open day land arid Margaret R. Crawford, His Wife, , S. W. CORNER night Globe Detective System. 1614 N. Now or Lass of 512 Station Avenue, HadBIG AUGUST SALE OF IMMEDIATE REMOVAL Broad s t Stevenson 3500-1-2-3. Licensed don Heights, N. J., and Anna O. Dyson, FINE FURNITURE Bonded. Contact offices everywhere. Address Unknown: Notice Is hereby given that on January 13, 1943, The Western Saving Fund Society of Esecutrix. ASK ABOUT OUR ALL-AMERICAN 1109 W. GIRARD AVE. Philadelphia, to use of The Philadelphia Or to her Attorney: BUDGET PLAN PLUMBING-HEATING— ROOFING Saving Fund Society, have filed In the Office OPEN DAILY 9 A. M. - 9 P. M. J. HARRY WACNER. JR.. GALL BLADDER A N D LIVER OONIDI- of the Prothaiiotary of the above-named GAS RANGES 1600 Arch Street AUCTIONIIIS HIGHEST CASH PRICES TlONS, INTERNAL AILMENTS. Court Its petition requesting the Court to HARDWARE-PAINT-GLASS Philadelphia. Pa. BUY WAR BONDS isee-ie DK. CAUFFMAN, 13 NORTH 13TH ST. fix the fair market value of premises known WALL BOARD—TILE BOARD PAID FOR FURNITURE WITH THE MONEY Dally, 9 to 8 P. M.: Sunday and Holidays, as 1170 Atwood Road, Philadelphia, Pa., DOORS—SASH—SCR SENS ESTATE OF CLARENCE HXNSEX, DEIMMEDIATE REMOVAL SALE FOB ACCOUNT OF Said petition will be heard 9 to 12 Noon; Tues. and Thurs., 9 to 5 P. M. at 83500.00. COMBINATION STORM DOORS. ETC eeasat. Letters Testamentary on the above YOU SAVE AT WHOM IT MAY CONCERN by the said Court on Monday, September 88, LOWEST PRICES—FREE ESTIMATE Estate have been granted to the undersigned. 194$, at 10 • ' d o c k A. M., Eastern War 1-STORF BRICK GARAGE AJ who request all persons having claims or 1320 Packard Building. 19 & SECOND ST. WALnut 9914 Time, in Room " F ' \ No. 285 City Hall, MFG. BC1LDINO demands against the Estate o f the decedent Philadelphia, Pennsylvsnla. 8 COR. PENN A KPSfl BTB.. DR. C. T. FERRY offers you a thorough Broad and Market Streets, Philadelphia, Pa., to make known the same, and all persons OPEN EVES: TILL 6 P.M. ESTATE OF B34IL MILLER, DECEASED, GERMAN TOWN Indebted to the decedent to make payment, physical and fluoroscopic X-ray examine* when and where any Interested party may BEDS, furniture, rugs. elec. refrfi.. "etc tlon for 51. Hours dally until 4 P. M. Man., appear and show cause, if any they have, Late of 1530 North 60th Street. Philadel- without delay, to TODAY, AUGUST 14. 1843. A T IS XL] WAR VET. buys turn, any kind, rugs, beds, phia. Pennsylvania. Letters Testamentary Nagle. 2717 W. Dauphin st. Fre. 1977. why the prayer of the said peUtion should SIZE 32x48" MARGARET HENSEL, IN OUR REAL ESTA1 sewing mach. Cole, 907 N. 7 th st. Lom. 9332 Wed., Frl. A S a t . eve. hours 6-8 P. M. not be granted. o n t h e above Estate & * 1 « l * « a T a n h K l t o No. 138 E. Wyoming Avenue, 4 N. l l t h s t Suite 206. Denckla BMg. OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS 1808-10 CHESTS LT Harry S Rodearmel. No. 5805 Morris Street PhUadelphla, Pa. - OPEN EVES.—FREE DELIVERY DAVID E. WATSON. MASSAC'g cabinet b.th-.rWuclng.treatm'te. Philadelphia. Pa., and Girard Trust Com- INDUSTRIAL TRUST COMPANY, S Ft. x 7 Ft. Complete with Hardware Clear of Encumbrance.. VThe Store That Cannot Be Undersold" S-T-3 ' Sheriff. IDA*3 STUDIO.4007 YORK R D . M I C ' pany, all persons Indebted to the ssld Estate J. EDW. SCHNEIDER. President. 1 0 * to be paid to cash o r $36.50 are requested to make payment and those Buy Your War Stamps and Bonds Hera LADIES! Hair dye. touch up. $1.50. Ms 1944-52 N. Front Street, rcheck at thn time of sale; settlement. Of THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. —• — -— '—' n having claims to present the same, without Ann, 808 Chestnut St.. 2d floor. Wal. 4 for the County e t Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Pa. In 10 days. 7 FLOORS FINE FURNITUREdelay, at the office of Or to their Attorney, March Term, 1333 No. 8980. AND PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT S50 3-pc. Maple Finish Bedim. Suite—834.75 GIRARD TRUST COsWANT H. JAMES SAUTTER. ESQ., To James W. Ferry, Address Unknown, and Positively do not sell your Diamonds to 855 SoUd Maple Bunk Beds % $29.50 1439 Walnut Street, young Men's Building Association, Real Broad and Chestnut Streets, JPJMtedejpeln. $120 3 - p c Modern Living Room Suit*. anyone before you get our offer. JAMES E. GOWEN. Philadelphia. Pa. Owner, Address Unknown: To the several defendants beret-after LQOSB Insulating Rock Woo! Choice of covers $89.00 President. WE GUARANTEE TO PAY MORE Notice Is hereby given that on January 6, Thomas B. Lovatt A Sons named: 35-LB. BAG $40 5-pc Solid Maple Breakfast Room GROSSMAN. ESQ.. Attorney. ESTATE OF EMMA IZORA KERCHNER Notice Is siren to each of the eases here- 1942. T h e Philadelphia Saving Fund Society, ISAAC Suite 829.50 1518 Guarantee Trust Building, (else known a s Emma D . Kerehaer, Emma AUCTIONEERS, 2X0 8 . 8th 8 t „ Phila.. F a . inafter named to the defendant- In each of Assignee of Empire Title and Trust Com$150 Water Fall Dining Room Suite—$89.00 Philadelphia. Pa. , F. Kerehaer aad E . Isere Kerehaer), deEstablished 44 Years said eases that a city claim has beea filed pany. Mortgagee, have filed In the Office of 5-pc. Porcelain Breakfast Set with ceased. Letters Testamentary on the above N. W. COR, n t h A WALNUT S T S against the premises In each case hereinafter the Prothonotary of the above-named Court ESTATE OF ALLISON SHARr. DE- Estate have been granted to the undersigned, Weekly Furniture Sale BOARD 3'Ac sq.ft. Sliding leaves and box seat chairs—829.50 WANTED Its petiUon requesting the Court to fix the specified, of the character and amount and to buy: Two Blowers, capacity eeasei. Late of Beach Haven, Ocean Coun- who request all persons having claims or $60 Twin Bed Outfits. Poster Beds, 3 fair market value of premises known as AT THE AUCTION HOCSK. g » fl. Sth ST. AINTED ON SIDE In the court, term and number hereinSprings, 3 Mattresses 839.80 25,000 cubic feet per minute with or with- after la each ease stated: the writs of scire 4640 Larchwood Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa., ty, New Jersey. Ancillary Letters of Ad- demands against the Estate of the decedent $12—50-lb. Cotton Mattress 17.75 out motor. Must be In good condition. Write, facias have been issued oh each of said at $8000.00 Said petition will be heard by ministration on the above Estate having to make known the same, and all persons In- Today, Aug. 14, 10.30 A. M. giving complete data, make, type, number granted to the undersigned, all persons debted to the decedent to make payment the said Court on Tuesday, September 29, been 12x34 Wsvettne— Rel. and best price. Post Office Box 565, Greens- claims and that unless la each of said eases 194$, Indebted to the said Estate are requested to without delay, to Dining Room Dinettes FACTORS TO YOU at 10 o'clock A. M.. Eastern War an affidavit of defense be filed within fifteen S 3 * Sg Ft- Bdle. In S-Bdk. Lot* payment, and those having claims to boro, North Carolina. ^__ ELIZABETH M. SELTZER. Time, to Room H, No. 443 City Hall, Broad make days front August 88,1848, judgment may be N. E. COR. 2ND & MARKET STS. Bedroom, Living Room Suits DIAMONDS, old Gold. Silver, Pawn tickets entered against the defendants named In and Market Streets. Philadelphia. Pa., when present the same, without delay, a t the ofExecutrix, $1.35 per bdls>v^ Porcelain Breakfast For 4 generations, leading diamond buyers each of the -aid cases for the whole of the and where any Interested party may appear 838 South 45th Street, GIRARD TRUST COMPANT. . . Item* above and below In stock. In Phlla. Highest prices paid,courteous treat- claim la each ease, and the property de- and show cause. If any they have, why the MOSCOW'S PhUadelphla. Pa. desks, chairs. Broad and Chestnut Streets, PhUadelphla. Or to her Attorneys, I t e — marked (•» t. o. b. at yard. ment assured. Cash for pawn tickets on dlaprayer of the told petition should not be scribed in said several claims sold. WORLD FURNITURE CO. JAMES E. GOWEN, • * PLASTER BOARD 2 * c sq. ft. moods and jewelry. Simpson, 116 S. 12th s t STRONG. BAYLOR A FERGUSON. granted. To Katie Graham, Defendant: President. (Sixes 4*6—4x7—4x8—4x9—4x10) 1700 Girard Trust Company Building. 7 and 9 So. 7th St. CASH IMMEDIATELY _ DAVID E. WATSON, City v. Graham, C, P. No. 2, Sept Term, Easy Payment Plan can be arranged on PhUadelphla. Penna. to y, DIAMONDS, GOLD A SILVER 1940, No. 8480, M. L. D. Claim for tajteslfor SHOP HERE IN CONFIDENCE >HN J. GALLAGHER. EfQ..^ »-7-3 Sheriff. Legal Notices a all merchandise purchased from us. Pawn Tk-ets—Highest Cash Prices 84,80. Premises N side Brunswick St. 160 ft IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO, CATHARINE A. DONAHUE. ESQ... ESTATE"" OF MART M. RANLON. DECARLTON'S. 135 S, 13TH ST. Est. 1898. D IVORCE NOTICES 6 Floors of New Furniture S. W. CORNER W 86th st. front 40 ft. 40th Ward. (See above 3 for the County of Philadelphia. 921 Welghtman Building, Philadelphia. reased. Letters Testamentary op the above noUce.) Estate have been granted to the undersigned, CASH OR CREDIT TERMS No. 181$ j a n e Term, 1830. ESTATE OF MARTHA M. HALDEMAN, COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. T CASH FOR DIAMONDS J2th and Spring Garden Sts. Open Monday. )RE PARKING OPPOSITE In the matter of John C. Bell. Jr., Secredeceased. Late of 3537 South 58th Street, who request all persons having claims or de- the County ef Philadelphia. Wed, and FrtdaytUl 9 P. M. I. PRESS A SONS, 629 Chestnut st.Lom.0281 To Frank Nadilakiewicz, et a t , Defendants: mands against the Estate of the decedent to FREE—UNLIMITED—PARKING AUGUST CLEARANCE tary of Banking of the Commonwealth of Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. Letters TestaOrder of PubUrettea to Drreeee. City v. Nadzlakiewlcz et al. C. P. No., 4. Pennsylvania. Receiver of the Edward Keis mentary DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD, JEWELRY, SILDINING RM. SUITES. NEW $89 up on the above Estate having: been make known the same, and ait persons In- To Stella Belle Stewart Essers. Late ef 201 VER. Pawn tickets. Best wices. Est. 1887. March Term. 1940. No. 16882, M. L. D. Clllm Building aad Loan AsseeiaUa-, of Phila- f ranted to Emma G. Haldeman and Girard debted to the decedent to make payment MAPLE BEDROOM. NEW—$32.50 up Market Street, SteubenvUle. Ohio: PENN SMELTING 0 0 7 9 0 6 FILBERT ST. for taxes for 8ZI.98. Premises E side Shimon delphia, Pennsylvania. WALNUT BEDROOM. NEW 859 up rust Company, all persons Indebted to the without delay, to Whereas, Harry WUBaea Enters, your husst. 80 ft N Clearfield st, front 17 ft fTin. HARRY OHANLON, SAVE U P TO 50%—TERMS said Estate are requested to make payment Notice to Creditors, Stockholders and WANTED—Ovens, g a s flred, 8 to 12 pan 25th ward. (See above notice.) band, has Died a libel in the Court of Com3609 N. 12th Street, FACTORY FURNITURE SALES 40-Room Mansion end those having claims to present the same, other interested parties: Blodgett or similar type. Write details mon Pleas No. 7 of June Term. 1942. Philadelphia, Pa. 203. praying a divorce from you. Sam you 4433 KRANKFORD AVE. OPEN EVES. White Engineering Co., 2552 Madison ave., John C. Bell, Jr., Secretary of Banking without delay, at the office of To Bernard McElhlney, Defendant: Or to his Attorney, of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, has hereby notified and required to appear m said NEW FURNITURE GIRARD TRUST COMPANY. Baltimore. Md. = City v. McElhlney. C. P. No. 7. Dec. Term. ALBERT S HERSKOWrrz, Court on or before Meager, she 7th dew es? of All kinds was bought from some Mfrs. DIAMONDS, filled or gold bracelets,watch- 1«W, No. 9795, M. L. D. Claim for taxes for filed a Second and Final Account on the Broad and Chestnut Streets. (DayJsaford, 1 Mile Past Berwyn on 1430 Walnut Street. 31st day of July. 1942. September n e x t to answer the computet of that are doing Defense work. Will be sold for es, spectacles, silverware, antiques. Best $4.62. Premises N side Suffolk ave, 300 ft PhUadelphla, PhUadelphla, Pa. Lancaster Pike) Exceptions to this account should be filed the said Harry WiUsaea Eaters, or in default prices that can never be duplicated anywhere. prices. Gardner's, 205 ft, 17th <nr. WalnuO. W 79th st, front 25 ft, 40th ward. (See above JAMES E. GOWEN. LUMBER. DOORS. SASH and answered in accordance with the law, Come over A wnv. yourself. Open every eve. OLD GOLD. SlCVER, PLATINUMJEWEL- notice.) President ESTATE OF LELAH HENDRICKS. D E - of such appearance you will be liable tebave a Spencer Bolters after which the said account will be con- C WILFRED CONARD, ESQ.. the divorce granted in your absence. I SCHULMAN FURN. ———2117 S- 7TH RY. DIA. BOUGHT. WE PAY HIGHEST sensed. Letters Testamentary on the above Radiation. Electric Fixtures, firmed absolutely. Last day for filing exAttorney, DAVID E. WATSON. Sheriff, To Michel* Riccione et al., Defendants: PRICES. PHILA. JEWELRY EX. 102 S.8th MUST SACRIFICE IMMEDIATELY Estate have been granted to the underCherry and Oak Paneling. ceptions August 31, 1942. 1416-18 S. Penn Square. 7-31-3 Philadelphia County. City v. Riccione et al. C. P. No. 1, Sept. 5 FLOORS SAMPLE HOME FURNITURE signed, who request all persons having claims Modern Steel Library Shelves. REVOLVERS, rifles, shotguns, gold, musiBy: JOHN B. WILLIAMSON, PhUadelphla. Pa. Term, 1938, No. 29275, M. L. D. Claim for Open Sunday and Daily 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. or demands against the Estate ot the deFireproof 4k Burglar-Proof Doors cal Instruments, sporting goods; all kinds of Dejputy Receiver. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. 4 FOR taxes for $79.97. Premises W aide 23d at, 16 ESTATE OF JOHN J. OLYNN, DECEASED, cedent to make known the same, and all GEORGE J. MALLEN, Esq.,the Ceaaty ef Psdladetpeav tools. 3631 Kensington ave. Gar. 1321. 2307 N. BROAD ST. ALL MATERIAL FOR SALE ON JOB ft N Indiana st, front 16 ft, 38th ward. (F persons Indebted to the decedent to make Late of 8843 North Park Avenue. PhUadelSpecial Deputy Attorney General, Order of PebllcaUoa la Dtrecea, . used rink rinjt roller'skates, ro 35 PR. sizes 4-5-8. above noUce.) phla, Pennsylvania. Letters Testamentary payment without delay, to BROAD A DAUPHIN STS : Broad Street Station Building, To Ranna ftlntsesberg. Late ot 594 Holly City Wrecking & Salvage Co. Write> O. Borgeeett.t Oiffi Moure. Pa on the above Estate having been granted JANE FORRESTER, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. Avtnue. Pitman. New Jersey: LIVING ROOM FURNITURE B : guns.toois.sport- To Harry M. Horner, Defendant: to William H. Glynn ancT Girard Trust ADD. Machs.. typewriter*, 5301 W. Penn S t , Phlla. typew Whereas, Robert J. Stalseebarg. your bus- . * N g "SO . WEST 1420 Closing out all floor samples of g d r 4 0 4 f M a r k e t . Bar. Sllfi. To Antonio Santera, Mary lantern. Colombo Company, all persons indebted to the said Or to her Attorney: Ing A mi ice 1 City v. Horner. C. P. No. 1, Dec. Term. bsnd, has filed a libel In the Court of Comfactory. Pries no object. Hiiiidlna and Loan Association, Keposta Estate are requested to make payment, and ISAAC S. GROSSMAN, mon Pleas No. 4, of June Term. 1843. No, • Bidg. & Bbg. Supplies, new & used REVOLVERS T-fifflTcsmas,"tenia. Highest 1939. No. 9795. M. L. D. Claim for t « } » i f 6 r 2838 GERMANTOWN A V E Lean Corporation, ««hoot District of Phil.$iW.54. Promises s side Locust st. 177 ft 1 those having claims to present the same, 1430 Walnut St., MfcNJAMIN. B O O N. 9th s t 62, praying a divorce from you. New yen prices paid. 812 N. BROAD ST. Hot w » t « t Boilers, Radiators. Pip*. Valves. adelphia, Philadelphia Rapid Transit Com- without delay, at the office of in W fllst st, front 19 ft 8Vs h v 4 6 t h waM. PhUa. nre hereby notified snd required to appear A r mug*. W A :t»t gml II W. Tunks. $4 up. SAMPLE HOUSE rUltfTfTURf pany, aad Edwin C. Myers: (See above notice.) GIRARD TRUST COMPANY, said Court, on or before Header, lea Ttb e a r I Water IB re,, 8 4 9 0 i f f Gas Ranges. $? * ) up. BEAUT. LIV.. DIN.. BEDROOM SUITES. Take nottce that in the matter of c i t y of Broad and Chestnut Streets.'Philadelphia. of September next, to answer the eompta r.t Pntr. Waetistand. 8)0. Comb. Screen Duors. VALUES TO $850. SOME $65 UP. Philadelphia vermis Antonio Santera and JAMES E. GOWEN, To Mary O'Keefe, Defendant: of th« said Robert J. Statseebarg. or in deWANTED DIVORCE NOTICES Porr 1 .sundry Tubs. Single * double. $7 up. 2826 GERMANTOWN AVE. Mary Santera. 0 , P. 7, September Term. . President. City v., O'Keefe, C. P. No. 3, Dec. . 9. Term, fault of aych appearance you wiU be Uaola U t u l Wardrobes. Re* $ 1 4 W Spec. $10,50. WTD Clothing, Clothl furs, Ihoes. Highest prices. 1989, No. 9599, M. L. D. Claim for taxes for mvf, No. 5359, T. I* D.. Claim for Tnxes JOSEPH W. O'CONNOR, Esqufre, Attorney. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. $ FOR to have the divorce granted In your absence. . 812 N. BROAD ST. Martin\'s, 4048 Market st. Bar. 8116. jflg^ey. $83,03. Premises N side Spruce st, 50 ft W $104.73, the Court hss granted a Rule upon 537 Hermitage Street, DAVID E. WATSONS Sheriff. the County of Philadelphia. FRANKLIN CO. AUGUST FURNITURE SALE Roxborough. Philadelphia, Pa. clithlnt A shoes boughtTTSesTpriee*. 58th st, front 16 ft, 46th ward. (See above you to show cause why a decree should not USED clet 8-7-3 Philadelphia County Order ef Publication la Divorce PARK XMf. xmtl GTN. AVE. SAG. SMS 10 FIOORS OF LIVING. DINING A notice.) be made that premises situate on the west gson. 1507 W. Suaauchanna. St*. 2254. P. Sellgso. To Ethel B e Graaf, Late of 407 Clifton Open Mom. Wed.. PTt A flag, t w t , 7 to 9. BEDROOM SUITES LOW AS $39.50. side of 22d Street 92' 3%' north of Somerset ESTATE OF EDNA HART, DECEASED, COURT OF COMMON PIJEAS NO. $ Avenue, Clifton, New Jersey: Late of 247 South Juniper Street, Philadel1903 MARKET ST. EASIEST TERMS S r i m ^ l l S B E S A STEEL DOORS. Large Street, In the 38th Ward, containing in front To Helen Haanon, Defendant: Whereas, Bernard Be uraaf (also known the County of Ptuiaeeipiua. phia. Pennsylvania. Letters Testamentary on Personals stock angle iron, chain l*on, H beams A AS ADVERTISED ON THE RADIO 15' 10" and in depth 100' to 3' wide alley, Order of Pesttevttea la Drveree. as Bernatk De Graaf,) your husband, has ,J3*K?H»nn°n. C. P. No. 1, March Term. 1 beam* ileal lockers, bin* and shelving. 3 rooms, completely furnished, $169. Liberal FAT WOMEN. I've helped thousands lose be sold freed and cleared of your respective the above Estate having been granted to the filed a libel in the Court of Common Pleas To Charles Whaley, Late of 2339 Nk-iotnB undersigned, all persons Indebted to the said credit terms Square Deal Furniture Co., 606 claims, mortgages, charges and estate. You Street. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: lbs. A Inches quickly by my famous Holly- $92.41. ITemlscs S side Green st, 251 ft 10 are hereby required to appear and show Estate are requested to make payment, and No. 3 of June Term, T942, No. 134, prayCleveland Wrecking Co. Market s t Open evenings. Free parking. Loretta J. Whaley, your wife. wood cream body massages. Indorsed by In W 19th at, front 18 ft, 15th ward. (See cause those having claims to present the same, ing a divorce from you. Now you are here- hasWhereas, Purchasers and Wreckers of Industrial within fifteen days from August 28, above notice.) filed s libel In the Court of Cosnmae, by notified and required to appear in said RUGS—Broadloom. Wilton. Axmlnster. Mills S y s l c l a n s . No cabinets. Recently returned without delay, at the office of Plants. Buildings and Equipment 1942. why said Rule should not be made abPleas No. 5 of March Term. 1943, No. Court, on or before Monday, the 7th day of # e a r a n c e ; large A small sizes. Save 40%. an Hot Springs. E s t 20 yrs. Jeanne SeltzGIRARD TRUST COMPANY. I solute and Decree made. 8th a Clearfield Sts. RAD. 6660. Park 4882 Standard 2295. praying a divorce from you. Now you To Mary A. Ryan, Defendant: September next, to answer the complaint of Rug Co., 2403 Kensington ave. er. 1301 Chestnut. Suite 211. Rit. 2553. Broad and Chestnut Streets, PhUadelphla. Ryan c p No 5 Mar n DAVID E. WATSON, the said Bernard De Graaf (also known as are hereby notified and required to appear •J_F-7' -1008. -M.- L.- D. -Claim > forc taxes - for 8-14-S JAMES E. GOWEN, HOG ISLAND LUMBER COT 28 PRACTICALLY new Venetian blinds $65. T Sheriff. in said Court on or before Moaday. the Ttb J W N f t President Reraath De Genes'), or In default of such ap- day of September n e x t to answer the comT*«1 ft <Wth St Sar. 6767. West 3978 Also 2-10" storage cupboards $45. No. 12 pearance you will be liable to have the di$76.84. Premises S side Larchwood ave. 388 tfo Leal. A. Rodin, A. O H. BnlMIng and SIDNEY R. ZALL, ESQUIRE, Attorney, Canterbury rd.. Ablngton. Ogontz 0841. Commonwealth Bureau of Investigation. plaint of the said Leretta J. Whaley, or la ft 6 in W 52d st. front 15 ft 6 in, 46th ward. vorce granted In your absence. Lean Association, Provident Title Com10 WOOD TRUSSES, 80" LONG. 927 Bankers Securities Building, default of such appearance you will be liabte DINING ROOM SUITE. WORfffUBTT" EXPERT DETECTIVES! QUICK ACTION. (See above notice.) pany, aad School District of Philadelphia: DAVID E. WATSON, Sheriff. •BUNGALOW TYPE WINDOWS $3.75 Philadelphia, Pa. 1610 FINANCE BLDG. RIT. 9959. to have the dlveree granted in your ebeenre, SELL FOR STORAGE $35. Take notice that In the matter of City of 7-31-3 Philadelphia County. Frame Assembled A Pair of Sash with Glass DAVID E. WATSON. Sheriff. To Philip S. Welch, Defendant: Philadelphia versus I,ouls A. Rodla, C. P. 2, ESTATE OF A D A U N E 4. CRAIG, D E 1902 COLLEGE AVE. •Cedar Lining 7c so,. f t SUMERSON'S Fur Coats Remodeled, $11.50 ceased. Late of PhUadelphla, Pennsylvania. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS No. 8 FOR 7-31-3 Philadelphia County. City v. Welch. C. P. No, 3. March Term, September Term. M81, No. 8805, T. L. D., BEDRM. Suit*. 3-pc. mah., $50; liv. rm., 3»F. O. B. yard Letters Testamentary on the above Estate 1943 styles: Insured storage free, Incl. new Claim for taxes $30.05, the Court hat the Oaaaty of PhUadelphia. pc.. $75: 5-pc. pore, b k f s t set. $14.95; 9x12 COMPLETE garage equipment Including lining, additional fur if needed at cost. Premises N side Pine st, 137 ft W granted a Rule upon you to show cause why having been granted to Girard Trust Com- To Elsie Stern (also known a s Else Stent). COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. 3 FOB practically brand new power prover. hy- rugs. $14. AH new. K. A R.. 615 Market s t Haynes Furrter. 41 & 17th. Op-eves. Rit.4288 $203.76. the County ef Philadelphia. 51st st, front 23 ft, 46th ward. (See above a decree should not be made that premises pany, all persons indebted to the said Estate Late of 228 Andulian Avenue, New York dreelM- auto lift with brand new .1 h. p. comOrder ef Psbllrattes ta Dtswree. situate on the west side of Beulah Street, 85' are requested to make payment, and those notice.) City, N. Y.: pressor Black ft Decker valve grinder. Com8" south of Dickinson Street, in the 1st Ward, having claims to present the same, without Whereas Sol Stern (also known as Sally To William J. Brennaa. Late of 7105 T h e o plete grease outfit with gun. beam tester, ADAMS FURNITURE MART, 19 S. 7th St. dore Street PhUadelphia. Pennsylvania: extending west 46' 2", thence south 12' %", delay, at the office of Stern), your husband, has filed a libel In the To William F . Relmann. Defendant. Whereas, Sosaa Breansn (also known as hydraulic tire Jack A many other fine units. thence southeast 18' 1V»\ thence east 28' GIRARD TRUST COMPANY, ty v No 5 Court of Common Pleas No. 6 of June Term, t r k b - - Dec- Term, 1", thence north 13' 7 4 " to beginning, be Broad and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, 1942, No. 649, praying a divorce from you. Susan M. Brennaa), your wife, h s s Sled a* Bargain for quirk buyer. Call Mar. 1717. _ BEDROOM SUITE, COST $350. i f KE NEW. O S reee. L7B ros °«g S B . e S T « » «_S « - ^ i ^ ^ - . C - J * SELL FOR STORAGE 895. COCO COLA box. large six*. 815; 2 double JAMES E. GOWEN, Now you are hereby notified and required to libel in the Court of Common Pleas No. 3. of, METHOD. $82.03 Premises S W cor 58th and Pember- sold, freed and cleared of your respective 1902 COLLEGE AVE. RUPTURE SUPPORT—SEW claims, mortgages, charges and estate. You booths. 815; 1 large candy case 112; 1 cicar SUMERSON'S President appear in said Court, on or before Monday, June Term, 1942, No. 90, praying a divorce Strong, washable, weighs 4 oz. Will not slip. ton sts, front 15 ft, 46th ward. (See above are hereby required to appear and show cause WILLIAM LOESCHE, JR., Attorney. ease 4H-ft. $7; 1 counter case 7*4 ft.. S10: DIN. RM. Suite. Mah. Chippendale, cost Ideal for defense work exams., etc. Guar, notice.) the 14th day of September next, to answer from you. Now you are hereby notified and within fifteen days from August 28, 1942, 1 top rase 2-ft 82. Also shelving and small •5950. Extra large size. Sell for storage, fit. No alibis. Davis, 138 South s t Mar. 9612. 2635 Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Bidg., the complaint of the said SoJ Stern (al«o required to appear in said Court on or be_.,,„ DAVID E. WATSON, why sal(i Rule should not be made absolute stork Will take 879* for lot or sell separate. SH7 Henry's Furn. Cor.. 21st A Market sts. X-RAY. real pictures, any part of body. Philadelphia, Pa. known as Sally Stern), or in default Of such fore Meaday, the 7th day of September next, 8 14 3 ' Sheriff. > d 534 Diamond st. ' ^ appearance you will be liable to have the di- to answer the complaint of the said Basse and Decree made. BEDROOM! living A dining rm. suites, new', ESTATE OF WILLIAM G. SHIELDS, JR., vorce granted Brennaa (also known as Ssseaa M. BreaStomach, bead. $2 ea. Teeth low cost. Medin your absence. PAPER. Tft tana, damaged by fir* A water. beaut. Interior Dec. Sac. Stev 5274. DAVID E. WATSON, naa), or in default of such appearance you deceased. Late of 414 West School Lane, Rolls 40" to 60*'. suitable for cheap wrap- LINOLEUM. 3 sci. yds..$l. Laid free. Shades lcai Research Lab.. 1028 Market. Lom. 6484. DAVID E . WATSON, Sheriff, 8-14-3 Sheriff. will be liable to have the divorce granted i s Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. EDITH--You are missed by Perkins. Get In png Now lying In open field at 30th and 8-14-3 Philadelphia County. your absence. Phoebe A. Greenman, Fidelity-Philadel- Letters Testamentary on the above Estate tench with me. If you no longer care, return ESTATE OF ROBERT F. RUNGE, DE- Tophia Grays av , **c lb or will accept offer. Must 35c up. Podover Bros.. 213 S. 52d. All. 2270. Trust Company, and School District having been granted to the undersigned, aU DAVID eS. WATSON. Sheriff. ceased. Letters Testamentary on the above move immediately. Penn Co., 410 Race st. GAS ranges, over 400 reconditioned. $15 A private papers and personal property. OF COMMON PLEAS NO. 1 FOR of Philadelphia: 8-7-3 Philadelphia County. persons indebted to thn said Estate are re- COURT Estate have been granted to the undersigned, up instal. S.E. cor. 54th A Market. Open.eve. GEORGE L. Market 3113 the County of Philadelphia. Take notice that in the matter of City s i quested to make payment and those having who request ail persons having clulms or Order of Publication la Dlveree. wall tapestry, COCBT OP COMMON PLEAS NO. S FOR ELASTIC HOSE, 2-way stretch. Invisible, demands against the Estate of the decedent Philadelphia versus Phoebe A. Oreeaman, claims to present the same, without delay, ORDER now. 2 in 1 prepared sheep's manure DINING RM., 9-pc. walnut To ABee Mockua Wilson, Late ot 446 BouleSklntone. definitely seamless, Also to make known the same, end all persons C. P. 2. June Term, 1939, No. 9117, T. L. D., at the office of the County of Philadelphia. - grass feed for a beaut, lawn to be a pp. covers, pads. nxtures._$60._Madlson_0lfi(i cool. vard, Bayonne, New Jersey: Mth st. Mar. 9477. Indebted "to the decedent to make payment, Claim for taxes $31.51. the Court has grantOrder of Publication In Divorce. stand type,$2.Sorokm.l30 Sou In Sept. 1 operation. $1.50 per 100-fb. bag. GIRARD TRUST COMPANY. MATTRESSES $6745; SPRINGS $4.95. Whereas, George R. Wilson, your husband, To Stephen Garabadiaa, Late of 6400 Dtt11 for 80 as., delivered. Clayton Waste Co.. FINGERPRINTING, detection, criminology without delay, to ed a Rule upon you to show cause why a De- Broad and Chestnut Streets. PhUadelphla, has filed a libel In the Court of Common man Street. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Allegheny Furn., 3019_Kjen_sington ave I .Die st. Mar. 9682. courses. New Term Sept. 29th. Catalogue. cree should not he made that premises situJAMES E. GOWEN, HALFORD RUNGE, Pleas No. 1 of December Term, 1941. No. Whereas. Margaret Garabadiaa. j o u r LINOLEUM. 3 sq. yds. $1. laid free; shades ?* , IL ,, tnst.Crlmlnology.431 Walnut.Wal.1170 ate on west side of Sepvlva Street, 115' 119 Windsor Avenue, President 531, praying a divorce from you. Now you wife, has filed a libel In the Court of Csea. LUMBER—PAINT—HARDWARE 49c up. Phlla. Floor. 6th A Poplar. Mar. 8673 TRUSSES. Bell-Horns. guar.,flt7Elastlc hose north of Cumberlsnd Street, in the 31 st JOSEPH K. COXE. Attorney. Heddohfleld, New Jersey. mon Pleas No. 5, of March Term. 1942, No. are hereby notified and required to appear ICER. Excellent cond. Sac. gTTSo. Ward, containing la front 15' and In depth 18 West Queen Lane, Machinist Tools—Compf. Line M.TOPGINTIS 2-way stretch in vis. $2 up. J. Rlchter. 9th A Or to his Attorney, In said Court, on or before Monday, the "*th 1829. praying a divorce from you. Now you 4906 WOODLAND AVE. 64', be sold, freed and cleared of your reROBERT H. MORROW, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. of September next, to answer the com- are hereby notified and required to appear ATLAS 13QSM8 BAINBBIPGE KIN. i:«0 HED, sprint A m a t NEW. ail sizes. Comp. Filbert. 2d fl. Open daily and Sun. to 9 P.M. spective claims, mortgages, charges and es- ESTATE OF HELEN R. TELLER, DB" day * 1328 Chestnut Street, alnt of the said George R. Wilson, or in in said Court, on or before Menda>. the s ^ U G S T O R E fixtexba. prescription dept. A 517 95. Fetnstein's. 9th A Spring Garden sts. DR. H X N W f' ^ e S C H T i S f i T w ^ l T l I X V r . tate. You are hereby required to appear and Philadelphia. Pa. . Letters Testamentary on the above (fault of such appearance you wUl be 7th day of September next, to answer ;ne The Latest Medical. Glandular and In> equipment Natl cash register A drugs. All show cause within fifteen days from August Estate having been granted to Gordon A. liable to have the divorce granted in your complaint of the said Margaret Garahadtaa. in gcTcond. Call Mad. 3239 or write 906 RUGS, factory 2ds A samples. % price, cash jeetion Treatments given, $2. Office Hrs. 9-9. ESTATE OF JULIEN B. DUPUY, DE* 88, 1942, why said Rule should not be made Block and The Pennsylvania Company for absence. or in default of such appearance you wi'.S be or terms. Axmlnster. 3553 Kensington a v MAN would1 like party living vie* West eeaeed. Letters Testamentary on Use above absolute and Decree made. B* rr "! svs.. Yeadon, Pa. liable to have the divorce granted in your Insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities, DAVID E. WATSON. Sheriff. DAVID E. WATSON. BEDRM. suites, new maple, walnut, mah.. Estate have been granted to the undersigned, Phlla. with car and working near Navy absence. CLOSING OUT stock gift and art shop. all persons Indebted to the said Estate are re7-31-3 Philadelphia County. 8,-l*j Sheriff. Ige. select.. 843 up.Op.eves.Solar,2136 M k t Yard to take him to work, P R R. Bar. 5532 who request all persons having claims or deDresden china figurtnas A lamps, cards. quested to make payment and those having DAVID E. WATSON. Sheriff. 4000 books, many at 10c each, framed pic- BIG SELEC. din. rm., dinettes; new A used SEWING MACHINES, vacuum cleaners, $1 mands against the Estate of the decedent To Kva Radke, John B. Karlsrht Huildlns claims to present the same without delay, COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. 8 FOR 8-7-3 Philadelphia County. to make known the same, and all persons tures at half. Owl's Nest. mm S. 47th St. _ at office of Corporate Executor. and Lean Association, Frankford Trust the Cointy of Philadelphia. wal ..mah.. maple. Sac. Solar, 2136 Market will oil, Inspect and adjust any make. Work Indebted to the decedent to make payment, COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. 7 THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR Company, and School District of PhilaOrder of Publication la Dlveree. A bedroom furn., complete set, guaranteed, Mason's. 130 S. l l t h . Pen. 8220. without delay, to Tripoli Barber Sup. Co., 604 S. 9th KITCHEN INSURANC1 I ON LIVES AND GRANT- To George Edgar Hummel (also known as the County of Philadelphia. delphia-: elec. refri£. Excel, cond. 5023 Girard ave. FUR COATSrembdeled, 1943 styles, $11.50. VERA JEVNE DUPUY, Order of Publication In Divorce. ING ANNUITIES. Take notice that In the matter of c i t y of George E. Hummel), Late of 202 Church Bargains In Barber Shop Equipment. Insured, storage free incl. lining. Add. furs ElETrfRIC ranges, all models, Immediate 8414 Stenton Avenue, To Charlotte Koblskl Koch. Late of 2209 Philadelphia versus Eva Radke. C. P. 4. DeWM. FULTON KURTZ. President. Street, New Haven. Connecticut: § S E D STEEL WINDOW SASH AND delivery. 4335 Lancaster ave. Philadelphia. P, South Lambert Street, PWladelphla, Pennat c o s t Adler .Furrier. 39 8. 16th, RJt 1397 cember Term, 193TT No. 2620, T. L. D., S. E. Cor. 15th A Chestnut Streets. Whereas, Martha S. Hummel, your wife, STEEL TOILET ROOM PARTITIONS sylvania: BEDRtX)M. 5-pc."walnut, perf. cond. Claim for taxes $7.8L the Court has granted Or to their Attorneys. NURSE1, expd. giving health A reducing Or to her Attorney, has filed a libel In the Court of Common A A Supply. 915 N. Delaware. M CINTIS ISAAC A. PENNY PACKER, Whereas, Stephen Keek, your husband, a Rule upon you to show cause why a Decree treatments. Ph. week-days ONLY 10 to 6 WOLF. BLOCK. SCHORR and S O U S - Pleas No. 5 of March Term, 1942. No. 754, 4906 WOODLAND AV RESTAUR Artf fixtures, excel, cond. New A 3228 Land Title BMg., should not be made.that premises situate on COHEN. praying a divorce irom you. Now you are has filed a libel in the Court of Coenmon CRYSTAL closet, sideboard, chiffonier, hall for app't. Sandra. 1604 Erie ave. Bal. 4207. modern, stainless steel compl. equip. Lease Philadelphia, Pa. Pleas No. 7. of March Term, 1942, No. 2718. the southeast side of Keystone Street, 350' 1204 Packard Building, hereby notified and required to appear In WEDDING tev. $3.50 100. Any style letter. chest. 5732 Christian, after 9 A. M. ' x r ! r"».-vfust- vacate. 2017 S.Broad.Dew.9005 praying a divorce from you. Now you are southwest of Benner Street, In the 41st Ward, Philadelphia. Pa. said Court otf or before Monday, the 24th OJ Samples free. 24-hr. serv.Emmert, 42 N.sth •^_itrHL _i «"^«4ESasTMl SOPHIA KCHEL- containing In front 3S' and in depth 125', be day of August next, to answer the com- hereby notified and required to appear in SODA FOUNTAIN, bobtail, mech. pert, WANTED MJSYEB, daeeased. Letters Testamentary sold, freed and cleared of your respective ESTATE OF SARAH QUINN, DECEASED. plaint of the said Martha 8. Hummel or in said Court, on or before Monday. the 7th Asp MASSAGE, cab. bths. A reducing Health beaut counter. Carh. $285.00. Tms. Others Letters Testamentary on the above Estate the above Estate have been granted to the claims, mortgages, charges and estate. You default of such appearance you will be of September next, to answer the complaint Must dispose, need room,'ROXY." 1617 N.2d HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for entire Centre, 1341 W. Rockland st. Call Dav.8118 on undersigned, who request all persons having are hereby required to appear and show having been granted to The Pennsylvania liable to have the divorce granted in your of the said Stephen Koch, or in default of estate, furniture, antiques, china, etc. All GREEN'S Massage Salon. NurseTcol., spec. claims Company for Insurances on Lives and GrantDOORS*" SASH DOORS such appearance you will be liable to have or demands against the Estate of bric-a-brac, baby grand pianos. massage and colonic irrtgation. Pen. 2973. the decedent to make known the same, and cause within fifteen days from August 28, ing Annuities, all persons Indebted to the absence. the divorce granted in your absence. 82 up. Ail sixes.. Also new lumber. Penn descriptions, DAVID E. WATSON. Sheriff, Call SCHAEFFER. 5728 SANSOM ST. GLASSES $5.50 .inc. oculist exam. Bifocals all persons indebted to the decedent to make 1842. why said Rule should not be made ab- said Estate are requested to make payment, Materials C o . 3800 W. 9th s t . Chester. DAVID E. WATSON. Sheriff. solute and Decree made. 7-31-3 PhUadelphia County. $6.50. Albert's. 3680 Frankford. Del. 6911. payment, without delay, to All 6036. Loc. 9174. and those having claims to present the same BOTTLE FILLER, can fllfer. can labeler, 10 2132 Market st. 8-7-3 Philadelphia County. . „ . DAVID E. WATSON, without delay, _ o WILLIAM HENRY ECHELMEYER, bbl vertical dry mixer. 35-gallon electric FURNITURE A ANTIQUES. Highest prices I WILL not pay any debts unless contracted M4-3 Sheriff. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. 2 FOR COURT OF COMMON FLEAS NO. 1 FOR 19 Ridley ave., Aldan, Del. Co., Pa. THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR paid. Oswell. 5850 Woodcrest sv. Gre. 1857. by myself. Albert Arcaro, 268 W. Wensley. heated pot. Fort. 2227 N. American st. of Philadelphia. .-»o . . . „ CHRISTINE BILSE, INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANT- i.the County Benjamin RosenTo Minnie Rosa the Connty of Philadelphia. Order ef Publication la Divorce SE VE S A T SER VTS- RECORDERS— Pract. ANTIQUES, household goods wanted. Chest* HEALTH A reducing massage by exp. maaPenasyl' ING ANNUITIES. Company for InsurOrder of Publleattea la Divorce P h U To Harry Dragon. Late .of 925 South 9th s e u s c Marie's Salon. Phone Mar. 5139. new. Used short time. John Cavello. 210 nut Antique Shop. 1909 Chestnut. Loc. 4679 or their a f j r n e y J * " ™ " * * *- * * on Lives Granting Annuities, WM. FULTON KURTZ, President To Battle R. Handy (also known as Hactss Street, Harrtsburg. Pennsylvania: • and < Mickle St.. Camden. N. 3. Ph. Camden 8316 DO NOT GIVE your furniture away. Call EXPERT MASSAGE, hrs. 9-9 A Sunday. ERICH D. ANGERMANN. Settlement Building and Loan Association, S. E. Cor. 15th A Chestnut Streets. R. Woods). Late of 1333 North 15th Whereas, Dorothy Dragon, your wife, has Brown. Reg. 7033. ,1322 N. 5th. s t Health Studio. 1922 Spring Garden. 3d floor aad School District of Philadelphia: 2324 Lincoln-Liberty Bidg. Or to Its Attorney, WRECKING buildings, bricks, lumber, etc.. Street. PhUadelphia, Pennsylvania: filed a libel In the Court of Common Pleas Take notice that In the matter of City of JAMES B. UCHTENBERGER, ESQ., f r sale. Chad** D. Heavey. 35th A Rid^e FURNITURE. Rugs, antiques, china, etc. MUSICIANS—3 pc. band wanted. Apply NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, PURWhereas. James O. Heady, your husband, No. 2 of June Term, 1942, No 244, praying Philadelphia versus Minnie Bosenbaum, C. 1917 Packard Building, a v e Phone Raddiff* 8787 or Park 3009 Reese, 5107 Springneid ave. Sar. 6061. a divorce from you. Now you are hereby has filed a Ubel In the Court of Ccwnmon 603 W. Girard ave. PhUadelphla. Pa. ., »"«"' to t h fu p r 2 v l *, l o n " ot Article X, Sec- P. 5, March Term, 1936, No. 26658, T. notified and required to appear in said Court, Pleas No. 1 of June Term, 1942. No. 151. 5000 YARDS imperial .Bigetow Carpet. REFRIGERATORS, washers, ranges. High SEW. A wash, machs. repaired. None hope- tion L. D., Claim for taxes $137.11. the Court 1015, of the Business Corporation Law, Bough! large hotel. Must sell any quantity est prices paid. Phone Eve. 1332. less. Parke's, 1637 W.Susquehanna.Fre.6643 approved May 5. 1933. the New Process Gear has granted a Rule upon you to show cause ESTATE OF ANNIE KURTZ PORTER. on or before Meaday, the 7th day of Sep- praying a divorce from you. Now you are deceased. Letters Testamentary on the tember next, to answer ihe complaint of the hereby notified and required to appear in cheap.Wetl's Curiosity Shop. 12 Strawberryst Corporation, a^ corporation of the State of why a Decree should not be made that premsaid Dorothy Dragon, or in default of such said Court, on or before Monday, the *tk Delaware, with principal office at No. 100 ises situate on the southeast corner of Mar- above Estate having been granted to The appearance STORE FIXTURES A SHOW CASES, good yo-i will be liable to have the day of September next, to answer the comPennsylvania Company for Insurances on West Tenth Street, Wilmington. Delaware shall Street and Thompson Street, In the 20th used equipmt for any business. FRANKEL plaint of the said James G. Heady, or in and Pennsylvania address at No. 123 South W , a r 3:,S x U f Z , d l n *' s o u t " o n Marshall Street, Lives and Granting Annuities, all persons divorce granted In your absence. A BLENOER^68_N. 2d st__Wal. 66S5. default of such appearance you will be liable Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19' 8 H \ thence east 67' 6" to 2' 6" wide indebted to the said Estate are requested to DAVID E WATSON. Sheriff, to have the divorce granted in your absence. STORE FLXTURES-SHOWCASES which under date of July 29, 1935, was ? ! ! e , y ' . t h e n c e n o r t h W' 2 * " . thence west 67' make payment, and those having claims to 7-31-3 Philadelphia County. DAVID E WATSON. Sheriff. Oof«t u»e<i equipment at bargain prices. granted a Certificate of Authority by the 6j4" to beginning, be sold, freed and cleared present the same, without delay, to 7-31-3 Philadelphia County. Department of State of Pennsylvania to of your respective claims, mortgages, charges THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR COURT OF COMMON FLEAS NO. 1 FOR R1EDER. 610 CalkmhiU St. Lom. 7773. transact business in said Commonwealth, and estate. You are hereby required to appear INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANT- the County ef Philadelphia. DESKS Safes. Flies, chairs, etc. Transfer COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. 0 FOR Order of Publication in Dlveree. will, on the n o i day of Aucost. 194$. present and show cause within fifteen days from ING ANNUITIES. Cases. $1.75 New and Used. Frank Wolf. the County of PhUadelphla. Its application to said Department of State August 28. 1942, why said Rule should not To Harriet Hellyer, Late of 103 49th Street, WM. FULTON KURTZ, President, Order of Publication la Divorce. Loc 2824. IIE) Market st. Free parking. at Harrtsburg. Pennsylvania, for a Certlfl- be made absolute and Decree made. Sunnyslde Astoria, Long Island, New & E. Cor. 15th A Chestnut Streets. To Russell J. Adair, Present Residence la cate of Withdrawal. MICROSCOPE, B A ETa" obj . oil Imrnersion York: Or to its Attorney, Unknown: , DAVID E. WATSON, Sent, fine cond. Barg. $95. Public L'n. Co., Whereas. Robert R. Hellyer, your husband, RICHARD W. THORINGTON. ESQ., Whereas, Lucille M. Adair, your wife, has 8-14-3 Sheriff. ESTATE OF OEOROE E. MATTHEWS. 13 S 16th a t ^__ has filed a libel ut the Court of Common 1917 Packard BuUding. Deceased. Letters of Administration C. T. ESTATE OF H. THOMAS HEWINS, DEPleas No. 1 of Juno Term. 1942, No. 61, filed a libel in the Court of Common Pleas ALL kinds store fixts. Good used equip, at Philadelphia. Pa. No. 6. of March Tern. 1942. No. 1511. A. on the above Estate have been granted ba;gam prices. Call Kaskey A Kahn. 222 aying a divorce from you. Now you are praying ceased. (Late of 7417 Montour Street, PhilWE LEND TO MARRIED COUPLES a divorce from you. Now you are to the undersigned, who request all persons adelphia. P a . ) . Letters Testamentary on the ESTATE OF ROBERT COANE,'JR. "fiKChurch s t , and save money. Market 9409. reby notified and required to appear in hereby notified and required to appear in having claims or demands against the Es- above Estate have been granted to the under- ceaeed. Letters Testamentary on the above said Court on or before Monday, the 7th PEOPLE WITH HUSBAND OR WIFE DESKS! flies, chairs, tables, kardexes. safes'. tate of the decedent to make known the signed, who request all persons having estate having been granted to The Pennsyl- day of September next, to answer ths said Court, on or before Monday, the Ttb new A used. Largest stork in city. DUBIN same, nnd all persons indebted to the de- claims or demands against the Estate of the vania Company for Insurances on Lives and complaint of ths ssid Robert R. Hellyer, day of September next, to answer the comSUFFICIENT INCOME SINGLE PERSONS C o . 260 S. 5th. Main 7WH. Uim. 4717. cedent to make payment, without delay, to decedent to make known the same, and all Granting Annuities and C. Elwood Coane, all or In default of such appearance you will plaint of the ssld Lucille M. Adair, or in deCONFIDENTIAL fault of such appearance you will be liable NEW' AND USED OFFICE FURNITURE". AGNES BOYLE. »>ersons Indebted to the decedent to make persons Indebted to the said estate are re- be Uable tp have the divorce granted in your to have the divorce granted la your absence. Or to her Attorney: quested to make payment, and those having absence. SOLD. BOUGHT AND EXCHANGED. payment, without delay, to DAVID E, WATSON, Sheriff. to present the same without delay, CHARLES W- SWEENEY, DAVID E. WATSON, Sheriff, PATTEN FURNITURE CO.. 1312-16 ARCH. THE REAL ESTATE TRUST COMPANY claims 8-7-3 PhUadelphla County. at office of corporate Executor. Lewis Tower Bidg.. /• 7-81-8 PhUadelphla County. , _ OF PHILADELPHIA. e . " Ft >LDINQ CltAIRSC $1 EACJL OA_TTHE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY 15th A Locust sts.. Phlla., Pa. S K, Cor. Broad A Chestnut Streets. WOOD CHAIR MFG. CO. 1009 RACE_ST. COURT OF COMMON PLEAft NO. 7 FOR COl.-KT OP COMMON FLEAS NO. 6 FOR FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES Philadelphia, Pa.. the County ef Philadelphia. . ESTATE OF JOHN DUCZKOWSttl (ALJKJOL""TARLEsr" new A u*ed\ reits. Open AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, the County of Philadelphia. Executor. *1237 Market St. Rit. 9655 5201 Chestnut St. Gra. 4830 Order of Publleattea hi Dlveree. SO known as John Dyetkowskl and John _ WM. FULTON KURTZ, President, - 4 p '. M : Smt- ViCTOR C O . 1438 Federal st. Order of Publication la Divorce. To Mae Arrteoa, Late of Mantua, New Jer-» Dusckowskt), deceased. Letters of Ad- Or to Its Attorneys, _ , S. E. Cor. ISth A Chestnut Sts. (2nd Fleer—Over Aim Mm) To Samuel Ferlstein. Late of 2552 Mildred (2nd f\—r) l.K.W"ING tfwn, will sac. reclinmlg reducing ministration on the above Estate have NEWBOURG & GRUBB, ESQS., Or to their Attorneys, Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: , • cabtnet A massage table. _Jef,_8-106. Whereas. Elwood F. Arrteoa, your hue- ' been granted to the undersigned, who request 1318 Real Estate Trust Building. *101 So. llth St. Pen. 2582 931 W. Lehigh Are. Bal. 0300 CHARLES H. HEIDMANN, Esq. Whereas, Clara Perlstein (also known! as band, fi KECSof large heed"natla. l " r i ' * has filed a libel in the Court of Com- , all persons having claims or demands against Philadelphia. Pa^ Claire Perlstein), your wife, has filed s mon Pless 12 South Avenue, Media, Pa. (2nd Fleer—Over Linton's Rtstaurant) (2nd Floor—llth mi Cktttnmt) 4 %'• per lb Cail Locust 8136. 8, of June Term, 1942, No. , the Estate of the decedent to make known ESTATE OF JOHN T. FALMKR, DECEASlibel In the Court o f Common Pleas No. 7 21, prayingNo. HOWARD M. LONG, Esq. a divorce from you. Now you , the same, and all persons indebted to the SAFES—2ND HAND BOUGHT A SOLD 1911 Packard Building. Philadelphia. Pa. of March Term, 1942, No. 2289, praying a are hereby notified if Osea (Vesassdey Events*s Until 8 P.M. ed. Letters Testamentary on the the above snd required to appear decedent to make payment, without delay, York Safe A Look Co.. 711 Chestnut St. estate having been granted to Fidelity-Phila- ESTATE 'OF FAYE S. CARTER. DE- divorce from you. Now you are hereby in ssld Court, on or before Meaaay, the Ttb notified and required to appear in said Court, ceased. Letters Testamentary on the above ABOUT 100 gallons of maple svrup from delphia Trust Company and James Palmer day of September n e x t to answer the comLEON DUCZKOWSKI. Administrator. the famous ^ Catakffl Mts. Ph. Sag. 0159. Henry, all persons indebted to the said es- Estate have been granted to the under- on or before Monday, the 7th day of Sep- plaint of toe said Elwood F . Arrteoa. or in Or to his Attorney: tember n e x t to answer the complaint of the signed, who request all persons having claims tate are requested to make payment, and default of such appearance you will be liable GAS' Range. 4. burner, white enamel. Good JOHN H. H. MORROW, those having claims to present the same, or demands against the Estate of the dece- said Clara Perlstein (also known as Claire to have the divorce granted in your absence. (•onditton. Gia. 1649. between 12 A 5 P. M. 737 Commercial Trust Building, Perlstein), or in default of such appearance dent to make known the same, and aU perwithout delay, to the office of said Company, DAVID E. WATSON. Sherifr. 16 S. Broad Street. Phila., Pa. AIR-CONDITIONER—Carrier DeLuxe 1941 sons indebted to the decedent to make pay- you will be liable to have the divorce granted 135 South Broad Street Philadelphia. Pa. 8-7-3 PhUadelphla County. i# Mod aaoo B.T.U. cap. COnshohocken 964. in your absence. ment, without delay, to FIDELITY-PHILADELPHIA TRUST *^0LD REUABLE"_stl860^ ESTATE OF SOPHIE BECKERLY, DEDAVID E. WATSON, Sheriff. COMP shoe repair mach. A tools, must sell, COURT OF COMMON FLEAS HO 3 FOR COMPANY, PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY OF f ceased. Letters Testamentary on the LNTKBESl RATES AS LOW AS 7-31-3 Philadelphia County. drafted 3538 Emerald. Del. R372. the County of PbOaeetpbta. PHILADELPHIA, above Estate have been granted to the Leans Under $1000. l ' / « * MORGAN Order of Pabtteattoa ta «•*•;<* „ , 17th and Chestnut Streets. undersigned, who request all persons having TOASTliXSTER. (User, four 8-slice toasters. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. 7 FOR Loans Over $1000, 1% President 0 a Oianwsds To Mary GentUeJte, Late of 47 West Colt W. LOGAN MscCOY. President. claims or demands against the Estate of Counsel: Nearly new. Recond. _Cheaj>. 1009 Arch. the County of Philadelphia. U A e s 01 0IASI808. JEWELRY, SILVtllStreet, New London, Conn.: Executor. Watches, Jewelry It Sirrei the decedent to make known the same, and Order of Publication la -Hroree. WAII. ru$8 AUD OTHm VALUABtES Joseph Kaplan, Esq, CASH registers, 900 Nationals, low as $20. Whereas Geanaro Geatllefla, your husOr to Its Attorneys. all persons Indebted to the decedent to To Bertha Alma Billings Tatre, Late of Hot Leant Ueder f l t M , 1 y , % 1211 Chestnut S t , Besight. sold A exch. 34t) N. 9th. Wal. 4853. band, has filed a libel in the Court of ComRAMBO A MAIR. Esquires. make payment, without delay, to Springs, V s , : Loans Over H M f , 1 % Phlla., Pa. mon Pleas No. 2 of March Term. 1942. No. 18th Floor, 1500 Walnut Street FRED BAUER, Whereas Ferris Alexander Tatre, your husTRUCK Scale, good cond. Heavy lumber. •re U s ttsetaly lets. Cssrtssss. ESTATE OF SOPHIA DOERR, DECEASED. Philadelphia, Pa. * J U U A BAUER W1DMAIER, band, has filed a libel in the Court of Com- 2931, praying a divorce from you. Now you Ad-reasograph. Going out bus. Sac.Gra.5^09 CesMsstlsi Ssnis* Issarasst — Letters Testamentary on the above Estate ESTATE OF EVA LOUISE HOLT (also mon Pleas No. 7 of March Term, 1942, No. are hereby notified and required to appear-. 106 South 16th S t , phila., Pa. DESKS. SAFES STEEL FILES. CHAIRS, having been granted to Fidelity-Philadelphia known as Eva L. Holt), deceased. Letters 389, praying a divorce from you. Now you In said Court on or before Monday, the 14th * Or to their Attorney: Mfiait PrttwtlM. Ststt Beste t c Very cheap. Ace Desk Co.. 9U5 Arch. CASH OR LOANS TO HEIRS Trust Company, all persons indebted to the of Administration on the above Estate have are hereby notified and required to appear day of September next, to answer the com- . EDGAR A. BARNETT, is« C*«sful*s tlCEHSE Ma L COAL Heater A s m a i l g a s range. Good cond. said Estate are requested to make payment, been granted to the undersigned, who request in said Court on or before Monday, the 14th plaint of the said Gennaro Gentllells, ot in | 106 s. 16th Street, WHY W A I T - G E T YOUR MONEY NOW. Reas. Wav. 4537. 5714 Virginian road. sstterbes Casttal and those having claims to present the same, all persona having claims or demands against day of September next, to answer the com- default of such appearance you will be lie- , Phlla., Pa. Estates, Legacies, Trusts, Incomes PurWithout delay, to the office of said Company, the Estate of the decedent to make known plaint of the said Ferris Alexander Tatro, or bie to have the divorce granted In your ab$1,000,000 chased Loan on Life Ins. Agents Ren. Com. CARBONATOR A fountain. Good cond. Will S> IsstresrsteJ 1907 J. P. FANNING, 121 N. Broad st. Loc. 0343. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. 1 FOR 135 South Broad Street„Philadelphia, Pa. the same, end all persons Indebted to the In default of such appearance you will be sence. se» cheap Drafted. 2565 N. Myrtlewood. DAVID E. WATSON. Sheriff. FIDELITY-PHILADELPHIA TRUST COM- decedent to make payment, without delay, to liable to have the divorce granted In your abthe County of Philadelphia. f'LOGR sanding mach. American. Good cond. PANY, June Term, 1942. No. $994. sence. 1310 Arch St. LOAN ON UNSETTLED ESTATES 8.14-3 Philadelphia County. «» JOSEPH WEINTRAUB, Paoi Kraus. Jr.. 2105 W. Tioga. Sag. 7321. —Notice is hereby given that on August 6, Trusts, legacies, life Incomes purchased. M. S. MORGAN, President 12 S. 12th Street DAVID E. WATSON. Sheriff. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. 2 FOR) e 6 FT. CANDY case, Coca-Cola WesUnghouse 1942. the petition of Joe Chudiovlcs was Counsel: Established 1890 Philadelphia, Pa. 8-14-8 Philadelphia County. LYONS FINANCE SERVICE, INC. cooler, electric fountain. Sag. 3484. the County of Philadelphia. * filed, praying for a decree to change his name HEIRS. 253 S. 9TH ST. KIN. 9747. PAUL A. RAFFERTY, Esquire, Or to his Attorney, COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. 2 FOR 1601 Chestnut Street RITtenhouse 0737 Order of Publication In Divorce. Joseph Goodover. The Court has fixed 1204-06 Land Title Sullding, SIGMUND S. VVEINTRAUB, KEW GAS RANGES-^^amb*rs7~QuiSty. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION. LOANS TO HEIRS """" —to the County of Philadelphia. To Jean H. Barley, Late of 3633 Haverford S. W. cor. Broad and Chestnut Streets, On estates, trusts, life incomes. Allied In- October i, 1042, at 10 o'clock A_ M., in 12 S. 13th Street Roper. G*n*ral Appliance Co., 713 S. 53d s t Order of Publication In Divorce. 1201 CHESTNUT ST.. 4TH FLR.Loc.4700. vestment Co., 1324 Chestnut Loc. 1237. Room B. No. 343. City Hail. Phlla., Pa.. Avenue, Philadelphia, P a . : Philadelphia. Pa. Philadelphia. Pa. To Catherine Bowman Videtto, Late of 2406 Whereas Carl F. Barley, your husband, has for hearing. All persons Interested may ELEC- DrUl. % - . rood cond. Special price. PERSONAL FINANCE CO, ESTATE OF LEONARD REED, D B N. Bancroft Street, Philadelphia, Pa.: fUed a libel In the Court of Common Pleas appear and show cause If any they have. OF GU8TAV A. GUSSMANN $13 95. Public Loan Co.. 928 South s t 1211 Chestnut st.. 2d floor. Loc. 6484. Letters Testamentary on the above ESTATE Whereas Markus Anthony Videtto. your No. 2 of June Term. 1942, No. 493, praying why the prayer of the said petition should Estate have (also known a s Gestav Adolf Gussmaaa), STEAM sterilizer. 30x40. auto.Clave"* boilboon granted to the under„ PEOPLES FINANCE COMPAN? Letters of Administration on the husband, has filed a libel In the Court of a divorce from you. Now you are hereby nonot be granted. Auto Loans signed, who request au persons having claims deceased. ^er Ca_ Bar 6133. 3340 Chestnut st. 5555 GERMANTOWN AVE. Vic. 3377. NATHANIEL SHAPIRO, Attorney, above Estate have been granted to the un- Common Pleas No. 2 of June Term. 1943, tified and required to appear in said Court, or demands against the Estate of the decet*SED Plumbing Fixtures. Recond. gas, coal LOANS UP TO $300. Cl'l'V (L'RWlIK LOA>T 1411 Walnut S t . Phlla. dent to make known the same, and all per- dersigned, who request all persons having No. 315, praying a divorce from you. Now on or before Monday, the 14th day ef Sepclaims or demands against the Estate of the you are hereby notified and required to ap- tember next, to answer the complaint of the CO.. 121 N. BROAD ST. LOC. 0240. ranges, r a d i a t o r s . S K . E x c . l l 3 6 Bainbridge Indebted to the decedent to make pay- decedent ESTATE OF ANDREW HIRSCHMAN, DKto make known the same, and aU pear In said Court, on or before Monday, the said Carl P. Burley, or in default of such n t without delay, to IsOFFMAN Pressing machine, almost'new, eeased. Letters of Administration on the persons Indebted to the decedent to make 14th day of September next, to answer the appearance you will be liable to have the diabove Estate have been granted to the uncomplaint of the said Markus Anthony Vi- vorce granted In your absence. JANE R. REED, Auto Loans will sncrtSce, Call Boulevard 9984. payment without delay, to dersigned, who request all persons having detto, or In default of such appearance you 1303 Snackamaxon S t , REFRICCPtATORS DAVTD E. WATSON. Sheriff. L A U R A E . WASSEROTT. claims or demands against the Estate of the wUl be liable to have the divorce granted in PhUadelphla, Pa. 8-14-3 Philadelphia County. * 260 Main Street decedent to make known the same, and all Or to her Attorney, your absence. > Wilkes-Barre. Pa, persons indebted to the decedent to make H. M. McCAUGHEY, DAVID E, WATSON, Sheriff. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. Or to her Attorneys, payment, without delay, to 1 0 U Chestnut Street 8-14-3 Philadelphia County. the Connty of PhUadelphla. WILLARD, GREENWOOD A WTLLARD. ELECTRIC & GA$ GEORGE HIRSCHMAN. PhUadelphia. Pa, Order of Publication la Dlroree. 806 Land Title Building. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. 3 FOR To James A c a s h Joan o n j o u r c a r t h e Or to his Attorney. Refrigerators, washers, cleaners. 1 to 100 Caps sen, Late of 1152 South 13th Philadelphia. Pa. ESTATE OP EMILY READ FOX, DEthe Connty of Philadelphia. ALBERT S. HERSKOWrrz, Cm anywhere. See us for the best deal. Any Street, Philadelphia, Pa.: quicker C o s m o s w a r breaks nil ceased. Letters Testamentary on the Order of Publication in Divorce. 1400 Walnut Street, OF JAMES HILFERTY, DEWhereas Rosaria Capasso, your wife, has make, a-y size, any condition. Ger. 6611. above Estate have been granted to the un- ESTATE speed records. T h e m o n e y is Philadelphia. Pa. ceased. Letters Testamentary on the above To Harry F. Gartland, Late of 825 Capitol filed s libel in the Court of Common Pleas CASH FOR ANY OLD TYPE ELECTRIC dersigned, who requests Jul persons having Estate O N AUTOS A TRUCKS Street. Philadelphia. P a . : have been granted to the undersigned, F o u r s i n 1 5 m i n u t e s — n n d it's ESTATE OF PHILIP AUGUST 8A GER, claims or demands against the Estate of who request REFRIGERATOR PHONE RAD. 3443 Whereas Helen D. Gartland, your wife, has Ne. 4 of June Term, 1942, No. 357, praying all persons having claims or deLowest R a t e — 1 % en MentUy Balance deceased. Letters Testamentary on the the decedent to make known the same, and mands against the Estate of the decedent to filed a Ubel In the Court of Common Pleas a divorce from you. Now you are hereby no$trictly private, too. No time for REFRIGERATORS. Wash. Machs. bought. above Estate have been granted to the un- all persons Indebted to the decedent to make make known the same, and all persons in- No. 3 of March Term, 1942, No. 735, praying tified and required to appear in said Courjt, No Inrettifatioa , any copd,cash. Vic.7733 aft.6 P . M . P a v J i a o or before Monday, the 14th day ef Sepinvestigations. Call o n C o s m o s ! dersigned, who request all persons having payment without delay, to debted to the decedent to make payment a divorce from you. Now you are hereby no- on tember next, to answer the complaint of the F%IGtt>. 12 cubic nord. -lined, remote comprT claims or demands against the Estate of COLUMBUS FINANCE CO. WILLIAM LOGAN FOX. without dotey, to rsPIar 7474 tified and required to appear in said Court, said Rosaria Capasso, or in default of such Perfect, make offer. Private. Vic. 1331. the decedent to make known the same, Executor, on or before Monday, the 21st day of Sep- appearance ELEANOR C HILFERTY, you will be liable to have the diTHt OtDfir AUTO LOAN COMPANY 4242 !• Bread St.cor. Rooseveu stvd. and all persons indebted to the decedent to 13 South 12th Street, tember next, to answer the complaint of the 3328 N. 15th S t . vorce granted in your absence. A WANT AD INSERTED IN THE CLASmake payment, without delay, to D A V . 1861—North 0 1 3 0 Philadelphia, Pa, said Helen D. Qertland, or in default of such Philadelphia, Pa. m r p _ D OOU'MNS OF THE INQUIRER DAVID E. WATSON. Sheriff, CAROLINE K. KENWORTHY. Or .o his Attorneys, Open Evgs. till » P.M.—Sat.. 8.30 P.M. appearance you will be liable to have the diOr to her attorneys, WILL BRING QUICK RESULTS. 8-14-3 Philadelphia County. Executrix. FREEMAN. FOX A STEEBLB. vorce granted in your absence. BARNES, DICHERT, PRICE A SMITH, • t O A B A S ' l I N O O A R O I N S T S . BELL: RITTENHOUSE 5000 1507 Finance Building, 13 South 12th Street, DAVID E. WATSON. Sheriff. 1330 Packard BMg., OlVISfON OF THE HEINEL MOTORS BIAMCN IFNCE: 6435 Msrfcst $trstt Blvd. 3535 Philadelphia. F t , Other Legal Notions on l*af» It Philadelphia. Penna. KEYSTONE: BROAD 5000 8-14-3 PhUadelphla County. Philadelphia. Pa. . POPLAR 2800 RACE 6791 "KEEP THE HOMES WE'RE FIGHTING FOR" CENTRAL ,12th and Spring Garden S+s. LUMBER—MILLWORK WANTED NELSON'S DETECTIVES Fre. 9784 • ' " — — — " | Stomach Trouble's ACME FURNITURE CO. *3/ " PLASTERBOARD 2c SQ. FT. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. CRANE BROS. ESTATE O r EMILY M. KEENAN, DEceaeed (Late of 5448 Wayne Avenue, Philadelphia, Psnnsylvanla). Letters Testamentary on the above Estate having beea granted to Percy K. Goodwin, Executor, c / o Girard Trust Company, Broad and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make payment and those having claims to present the same, without delay. at the office of GIRARD TRUST COMPANY, Broad and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. JAMES B. GOWEN, President BARNES, DECHERT, PRICE A SMITH, ESTATE OF MARK W. COIJLET, DsV esaeea. Letters Testamentary on the above Estate have been granted to the undersigned, who request aU persons having claims or _;emar.ds against the Estate ot the decedent to make known the same, and all parsons indebted to the decedent to make payment without delay, to ^ ^ ^ ^ oottLVPt STOMACH SUFFERERS S. W. Cor. 23d & Market Wanted to Buy DIAMONDS, OLD GOLD *AIRLOK City Claims 70c *AS3ES • — — • — • I — • • • — — — • KELLY & CO. SIDING I'— - I - • — • ' • •Mllllllllll— DEMOLISHING •'OAK KNOLL" Wearing Apparel PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS 7-Pc. Bedroom Suite, $49.00 SEWING MACHINES Legal Notices a 9. ST.- YOU C.4N BORROW UP TO $300 PRIVATE AND S NATIONAL LOAN SOCIETY Tv ARVERW.REED SOCIETY SPEED BUY, SELL OR SWAP I 5Minute LIMIT COSMOS tOVN? •• • — •• '- . l i n n •a————i . i Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com ii in •! — — • — — — _ — — — _ _ — [
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