Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log MEDICAL Any Medical Assist, Non-Alcohol Related Feb 01, 2014-Saturday at 00:54 14-02-01-003658 Location : PEABODY HALL Summary : RP reports an intoxicated male party vomitting by the 6th floor elevator of Peabody Hall. Ptl. Cochrane reports that he has made contact with the party on the 5th floor. Party was sent on his way. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 01, 2014-Saturday at 00:57 14-02-01-003659 Location : PEABODY HALL Summary : RD reports a male yelling in room #315. Ofc. Cochrane and Sgt. Sherry to investigate. Ofc. Cochrane spoke with two males in the room and advised them to quiet down for the night. Both parties were advised that if we were to return they may face further consequences. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 01, 2014-Saturday at 01:24 14-02-01-003660 Location : COLLEGE DRIVE Summary : MV stop with MA Reg. 426XP5 on College Dr. in front of Peabody Hall. Operaotr issued a written warning for defective equipment. PUBLIC HEALTH Incapacitated persons; Assistance to Facility Feb 01, 2014-Saturday at 01:48 14-02-01-003663 140044 Location : PEABODY HALL Summary : RA reports that resident student Richard Shehand is on the 5th floor, yelling, banging on doors and looking to confront someone. Sgt. Sherry and Ptl. Cochrane responding. Sgt. Sherry reports SHEEHAN, Richard, d.o.b. 09/16/1993, was placed in Protective Custody and will be transported to SPD. MEDICAL Medical Assist, Alcohol Related Feb 01, 2014-Saturday at 02:51 14-02-01-003669 140045 Location : PEABODY HALL Summary : RP reports an intoxicated female subject vomitting in the 3rd floor bathroom. Sgt. Sherry and Ptl. Cochrane to respond. Ptl. Cochrane informed dispatch that the party provided a a breath sample of .140% BAC (Test #482) and requested EMS to respond. Atlantic Ambulance transported the subject to NSMC. MEDICAL Any Medical Assist, Non-Alcohol Related Feb 01, 2014-Saturday at 15:57 14-02-01-003722 140046 Location : BOWDITCH HALL Summary : RA reports of a resident who is feeling discomfort with his heart as well as feeling dizzy and nausea. Officer Gooley and Atlantic Ambulance to respond. Officer Hoole and S.F.D. to provide assistance. Officer Gooley reports that the patient to be transported to NSMC. See report for details. MEDICAL Any Medical Assist, Non-Alcohol Related Feb 01, 2014-Saturday at 20:57 14-02-01-003726 140047 Location : PEABODY HALL Summary : Front desk staff reports of a resident student with a cut finger. Officer Gooley to respond. At the request of Officer Gooley, Atlantic Ambulance was notified and will respond. Patient refused treatment. See report for further details. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 01, 2014-Saturday at 22:27 14-02-01-003762 Location : PEABODY HALL Summary : Officer Gooley to investigate a local smoke detector alarm. Alarm was set off by cooking in room #410. BREAK AND ENTERING Break and Entering w/ Intent to Commit Feb 02, 2014-Sunday at 04:27 Print Date and Time 14-02-02-003802 140048 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 1 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : Resident called to report that there is an intoxicated male party in his room. A Gaye, Nat DOB: 3-14-94 was placed under arrest for breaking and entering in the night time with intent to commit a misdemeanor, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest. See report for more details. ADMINSTRATIVE Confiscated due to Res. Life Health & Safety C Feb 02, 2014-Sunday at 23:08 14-02-02-003908 Location : BOWDITCH HALL Summary : Officer Schumann to respond to Bowditch front desk. While conducting random bag checks, front desk personel confiscated a bong from a resident student's back pack. The student was warned by Officer Schumann that this type of item is not allowed in the dorm. The item was confiscated and destroyed by officers.. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 03, 2014-Monday at 08:38 14-02-03-003948 140049 Location : LIBRARY & LEARNING COMMONS Summary : Off .Schumann to take a report of suspicious circumstances. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 03, 2014-Monday at 11:15 14-02-03-003969 Location : COLLEGE DRIVE Summary : Motor vehicle stop(Ma.Reg.RS36DM). Operator issued a verbal warning for a stop sign violation. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 03, 2014-Monday at 11:30 14-02-03-003972 Location : CENTRAL CAMPUS LOT Summary : Motor vehicle stop(Ma.Reg.22NR99).Operator issued Ctation # S32226850 for a stop sign violation. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 03, 2014-Monday at 16:50 14-02-03-004003 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : Ademco local smoke code 16 #31 Bates Complex. Ofc. Hoole Dispatched. Ofc. Hoole reported that the alarm is sounding and reading trouble for the basement of building #2. The fire alarm panal in building #2 is reading normal. Electrician Mark Malvitch notified. PARKING & TRAFFIC Motor Vehicle Offenses Feb 03, 2014-Monday at 18:50 14-02-03-004019 Location : Lafayette Street Summary : Ofc. Hoole out with MA REG 2CP970 Toyota Tundra near 349 Lafayette Street. Salem Pd notified. Ofc. Hoole reports operator issued a verbal warning for a marked lanes violation. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 04, 2014-Tuesday at 07:35 14-02-04-004093 Feb 04, 2014-Tuesday at 13:36 14-02-04-004116 140050 Location : PEABODY HALL LOT Summary : parking enforcement. HARASSMENT Annoying or Obscene Telephone Calls Location : ATLANTIC HALL Summary : Off .Bordenca to take a report of harrassment to two female students. HEALTH AND SAFETY Well Being Check Feb 04, 2014-Tuesday at 15:33 14-02-04-004123 Location : ATLANTIC HALL Summary : Father Peter Marggio of SSU student Marysa Marggio requested a well being check. He reported his daughter lives in Atlantic Hall room 107B and the last time he talked to he was yesterday.Mr. Marggios cell phone number is 617 970 5637. Sgt. Bruno and Ofc. Musto dispatched. Ofc. Musto reported he made contact with Ms. Marggio. HARASSMENT Annoying or Obscene Telephone Calls Feb 04, 2014-Tuesday at 15:58 Print Date and Time 14-02-04-004128 140051 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 2 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Location : COMMONS CAFETERIA Summary : Staff Shameeka Moreno reported she is having a problem with a coworker Evon Lopez SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 04, 2014-Tuesday at 16:09 14-02-04-004129 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : Sgt. Bruno reported out on Loring Ave for a MV assist for a jump. Sgt. Bruno reported unable to jump the vehicle, but another party will be coming with jumper cables. Sgt. Bruno clear. PARKING & TRAFFIC Motor Vehicle Offenses Feb 04, 2014-Tuesday at 17:58 14-02-04-004136 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : Ofc. Musto reported he will be out in front of Bowdich Hall on Loring Ave with MA reg 545PD8, Brown Honda Civic. Ofc. Musto reported clear, verbal warning. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 04, 2014-Tuesday at 18:10 14-02-04-004137 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : Sgt. Bruno and Ofc. Musto out on Broadway and Canal near Tulip for a MV roll over. Salem PD notified and reported units, Fire and Atlantic are on their way. The two veicle plates are 894MA2 and 12FE36. One vehicle is on its roof .. Operator of the roll over is out of the car, walking wounded. Other patient being treated. Sgt. Bruno and Ofc. Musto are out at Canal St and Rose with traffic assistance. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 04, 2014-Tuesday at 18:50 14-02-04-004139 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER SPORTS COM Summary : SSU student Taib Ben requested a jump start. His Grey VW is parked at the O'Keefe lot near the gym entrance. Mr. Bens number is 617 448 4651. Sgt. Bruno dispatched.Sgt. Bruno reported jump start successful. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 05, 2014-Wednesday at 00:08 14-02-05-004157 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : Local smoke alarm activation for Bates building #4D. Accidental activation due to burnt food. ASSAULT & BATTERY Domestic Assault & Battery Feb 05, 2014-Wednesday at 03:44 14-02-05-004183 140052 Location : ATLANTIC HALL Summary : Caller reports a disturbance with here ex-boyfriend at Atlantic Hall. Sgt. Sherry and Ptl. Santiago to respond. LOPES-POCKNETT, Aquinnah, d.o.b. 05/30/1991, was placed under arrest for Domestic Assault and Battery and Disturbing the Peace. See report for details. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 05, 2014-Wednesday at 14:33 14-02-05-004211 Location : ATLANTIC HALL Summary : Off .Bordenca to check on a report of a local smoke detector activation(Rm.404),reports the alarm was activated due to excessive cooking. HEALTH AND SAFETY Well Being Check Feb 05, 2014-Wednesday at 15:10 14-02-05-004215 Location : PEABODY HALL Summary : Mrs. Fatima Leanders reports that she has not heard from her daughter Lynsey since 19:00 Hrs on 02-04-14. Officer Musto to check on her well being. Officer Musto reports that the Lynsey was contacted and advised to call her mother. Dispatcher Cornacchio contacted the mother and advised her of our findings. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 05, 2014-Wednesday at 16:00 14-02-05-004217 Location : CAMPUS POLICE STATION Print Date and Time 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 3 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Summary : At the request of Sgt. Bruno and Officer Musto, Dispatcher Cornacchio contacted Bowditch Hall and Peabody Hall to have the residents move their m/v's for snow removal. Also had them make an announcement to have the following m/v's moved, Ma Reg 425CE1, 3556J0 and 992MM2. CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY All types of vandalism Feb 05, 2014-Wednesday at 16:22 14-02-05-004218 Location : ATLANTIC HALL LOT Summary : At the request of Cpt. Riggs, Officer Agneta to attempt to make contact with Ms. Nicole LeDuc. Officer Agneta to advise Ms. LeDuc to make a seperate report regarding vandelism to her m/v. Officer Agneta reports that she was unable to make contact with Ms. LeDuc. She was not in her apartment. For further information see Case #140052. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 05, 2014-Wednesday at 17:29 14-02-05-004221 Location : ATLANTIC HALL LOT Summary : Chief LaBonte request Bill's Auto towing for 2 m/v's. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 05, 2014-Wednesday at 17:49 14-02-05-004223 Location : PEABODY HALL LOT Summary : Officer Musto reports of two m/v's to be towed for impeading snow removal. Dispatcher Cornacchio notified Bill's Auto towing. Officer Musto reports that Ma Reg 3956JO, 25VP66 and 294GP3 for impeading snow removal. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 05, 2014-Wednesday at 18:47 14-02-05-004226 Location : CAMPUS POLICE STATION Summary : At the request of Sgt. Bruno, Dispatcher Cornacchio notified Marsh and Atlantic Hall's and advised them to make an announcement to have m/v's moved. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 05, 2014-Wednesday at 19:51 14-02-05-004227 Location : Summary : Officer Musto reports out with Ma Reg 6HS540. Officer Musto notified Salem P.D. by mobile radio. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 05, 2014-Wednesday at 19:59 14-02-05-004228 Location : CAMPUS POLICE STATION Summary : A female party came to the station to request an escort to the Bates Complex. Dispatcher Cornacchio inquired as to why (to determine if there are any issues). Party started to say something but due to the amount of radio traffic from Salem P.D and Salem Fire, Dispatcher Cornacchio was unable to understand what she had said. Dispatcher Cornacchio asked her to repeat herself but the party turned around and left the station. Officer Agneta came upon the female moments later near the Enterprise Center. Officer Agneta reports that the party did not ask her for an escort. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 05, 2014-Wednesday at 20:38 14-02-05-004229 Location : ATLANTIC HALL LOT Summary : Ma Reg 156PR3 was towed for impeading snow removal. WARRANT Warrant Arrest Feb 05, 2014-Wednesday at 21:51 14-02-05-004232 140054 Location : MEIER HALL Summary : SSU Maintenance foreman Luigi Nocci reports of a male party who says that they are sick and may need an ambulance. Officer Musto to respond. At the request of Officer Musto, Dispatcher Cornacchio notified Atlantic Ambulance. At the request of Officer Musto, Dispatcher Cornacchio canceled Atlantic Ambulance. Officer Musto reports that Mr. Micholas Meserve is in custody for two outstanding warrants. See Report for further detail. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 05, 2014-Wednesday at 22:18 Print Date and Time 14-02-05-004235 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 4 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Location : O'KEEFE CENTER LOT Summary : Out for parking and traffic enforcement. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 05, 2014-Wednesday at 23:57 14-02-05-004241 Location : ATLANTIC HALL Summary : Alarm panel is reading that the last alarm occurred at 14:30. No current alarm showing. A message was left with the HELP line regarding the alarms in the building. Area in order. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 06, 2014-Thursday at 07:12 14-02-06-004288 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER LOT Summary : Out on enforcement.Attempt to avoid triple parkers. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 06, 2014-Thursday at 07:28 14-02-06-004290 Location : PEABODY HALL LOT Summary : Out on enforcement. Attempt to avod triple parkers. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 06, 2014-Thursday at 07:46 14-02-06-004292 Location : PEABODY HALL LOT Summary : Out on enforcement. Attempt to avaod triple parkers. HEALTH AND SAFETY Well Being Check Feb 06, 2014-Thursday at 10:14 14-02-06-004299 140056 Location : PEABODY HALL Summary : Sgt.Defelice to check on student who has some health issues at request of SSU Health Services. Health Services request an ambulance to evaluate party. Atlantic responding.Party evaluated and signed a refusal of treatment form. All clear BREAK AND ENTERING Break and Entering w/ Intent to Commit Feb 06, 2014-Thursday at 10:33 14-02-06-004301 140055 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER SPORTS COM Summary : Off .Bordenca to investigate report of a past break and entering. CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY All types of vandalism Feb 06, 2014-Thursday at 10:50 14-02-06-004303 Location : ATLANTIC RESIDENT SPACES-LOT O Summary : Sgt.Defelice to take report of vandalism to windshield wipers. See case # 140052 PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 06, 2014-Thursday at 11:01 14-02-06-004305 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER LOT Summary : Out on enforcement. Assist with triple parking issues. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 06, 2014-Thursday at 12:00 14-02-06-004310 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER LOT Summary : Out on enforcement.Assist with triple parking issues PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 06, 2014-Thursday at 12:08 14-02-06-004314 Location : HARRINGTON BLDG. LOT (FRO Summary : Sgt.Defelice to check on unauthorized MV in reserved space. One vehicle ticketed. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 06, 2014-Thursday at 13:38 14-02-06-004317 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER LOT Summary : Out on enforcement.Assist with triple parking issues SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 06, 2014-Thursday at 15:20 14-02-06-004326 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER SPORTS COM Summary : Corporal Gargano dispatched to O'keefe for jump start. Officer reports successful start on 4796CC Print Date and Time 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 5 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 06, 2014-Thursday at 15:40 14-02-06-004328 Location : PEABODY HALL LOT Summary : Corporal Gargano dispatched to Peabody Hall parking lot for a party locked out of her motor vehicle. Officer reports he was able to gain access. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 06, 2014-Thursday at 18:22 14-02-06-004337 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER LOT Summary : Corporal Gargano dispatched to Okeefe lot for several complaints of triple parked vehicles. Officer reports announcements made in the rink, fitness center, and O'Keefe area. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 06, 2014-Thursday at 21:41 14-02-06-004342 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : SGT. Bruno dispatched for local smoke alarm Bates Complex. SGT. Bruno reports panel shows 14D activation. Upon investigation no alarm activation in the apartement. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 06, 2014-Thursday at 22:31 14-02-06-004348 Location : BOWDITCH HALL Summary : RA Martin called reporting several parties have snuck in through the emergency exit door and are trespassing in the building. Unknown gender or description of individuals. Officers report they walked the building and are uable to locate any of the parties. All units clear SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 06, 2014-Thursday at 23:04 14-02-06-004350 Location : ATLANTIC HALL Summary : Sgt Bruno to check a local smoke detector activation. Sgt reports alarm set off by steam from the shower. All OK SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 06, 2014-Thursday at 23:25 14-02-06-004352 140058 Location : MARSH HALL Summary : Officer to investigate possible false ID used to gain access to building..Officer reports party gone on arrival.Search of area, party not found. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 07, 2014-Friday at 00:48 14-02-07-004356 140057 Location : PEABODY HALL Summary : RA reports that he may have seen a bong in a resident's room. Sgt. Larivee reports that the item was confiscated and the party going on in the room was broken up. Item was destroyed at the station. See report for more details. SUSPICIOUS PERSON Suspicious Person Feb 07, 2014-Friday at 01:13 14-02-07-004358 Location : MARSH HALL Summary : RA reports that there is an intoxicated male party who is a guest of a resident student who is wondering the halls. Ptl. Cochrane and Sgt. Sherry checked the building but found no one matching the description of the party. Officers knocked on room 582 where he may be staying but no one answered. Building active and in order. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 07, 2014-Friday at 01:25 14-02-07-004359 140059 Location : PEABODY HALL Summary : RA report that there is a party in room 323. Sgt. Larivee and Ptl. Cochrane report that the party has been broken up. Alcohol and a bong were confiscated from the scene. Female party was also transported from the scene to Salem ER by Atlantic ambulance. See report for more details. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 07, 2014-Friday at 09:55 Print Date and Time 14-02-07-004392 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 6 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Location : Summary : Operator was issued a written warning for a stop sign violation. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 07, 2014-Friday at 11:14 14-02-07-004400 Location : ENTERPRISE CENTER Summary : Zero violations at this time, 8 spaces available. CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY All types of vandalism Feb 07, 2014-Friday at 11:39 14-02-07-004401 140060 Location : MARSH HALL Summary : Reporting party requesting an officer to take a report of vandalism to the elevator. See report. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 07, 2014-Friday at 11:41 14-02-07-004402 Location : PEABODY HALL LOT Summary : Officer Bordenca out to address the triple parking in the lot. Several vehicles tagged and cones were placed to enforce the issue. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 07, 2014-Friday at 13:44 14-02-07-004410 Location : BROADWAY LOT Summary : Reporting party stating a commuter student parked in a reserved space. Officer Bordenca to check the area. Officer Bordenca reporting the vehicle belongs to an employee Mass reg. 344PS8. It's all set. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 07, 2014-Friday at 14:32 14-02-07-004413 140061 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : Party in the lobby inquiring about a restraining order. Sgt. Defelice to assist the party. Issue happened off campus. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 07, 2014-Friday at 16:03 14-02-07-004419 Location : COLLEGE DRIVE Summary : Officer Cochrane reports out with Ma Reg 4RVB20 for a stop sign violation. Officer Cochrane reports that the operator was issued a written warning. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 07, 2014-Friday at 16:34 14-02-07-004423 Location : Summary : Officer Hoole reports out with Ma Reg 241VJB. Officer Hoole reports verbal warning issued. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 07, 2014-Friday at 16:46 14-02-07-004427 Location : CENTRAL CAMPUS LOT Summary : Operator was issued a written warning for marked lane violations on Loring Ave. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 07, 2014-Friday at 18:48 14-02-07-004433 Location : Summary : Officer Musto reports out with a Silver Dodge Pick up truck. Officer Musto notified Salem P.D. by mobile radio. Operator was issued a verbal warning. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 07, 2014-Friday at 19:24 14-02-07-004435 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : Officer Musto reports out with Ma Reg 4993WK. Officer Musto notified Salem P.D. by mobile radio. HEALTH AND SAFETY Well Being Check Feb 07, 2014-Friday at 19:24 14-02-07-004436 Location : ATLANTIC HALL Print Date and Time 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 7 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Summary : Parent in Lobby requesting a well being check on his son, David Hanson JR, who is overdue to meet him at the front of the building. Hanson JR was located asleep in his room, and advised to contact his father. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 07, 2014-Friday at 19:34 14-02-07-004437 Location : LIBRARY ANNEX Summary : Salem Police received a report of an individual breaking into the library annex building at 57 Loring Avenue. The individual was identified as Steven Setaro, and employee of Fraser Company who was entering the building to retreive stock for ongoing work in different areas around campus. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 07, 2014-Friday at 22:17 14-02-07-004442 Location : PEABODY HALL LOT Summary : Officer Cochrane reports out with Ma Reg 984DW4. CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC PEACE Noise Complaint Feb 07, 2014-Friday at 22:35 14-02-07-004445 140062 Location : MARSH HALL Summary : An anonymous caller called to report that the residents in room #453 are being loud and noisy. Officer Hoole to respond. Officer Musto to provide assistance. Officer Hoole reports that the party has been broken up. All units clear. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 08, 2014-Saturday at 00:17 14-02-08-004451 Location : COLLEGE DRIVE Summary : A written warning was issued to the operator for a stop sign violation and defective equipment. SUSPICIOUS PERSON Suspicious Person Feb 08, 2014-Saturday at 01:39 14-02-08-004469 Location : PEABODY HALL LOT Summary : RA called to report that there is a suspicious person looking into vehicles parked in the lot. Area around the lot was checked and the only person in the area was a male party on college drive. Party parked his vehicle in Peabody hall. Party and his vehicle both check out. Area in order. MEDICAL Any Medical Assist, Non-Alcohol Related Feb 08, 2014-Saturday at 13:11 14-02-08-004529 140063 Location : MARSH HALL Summary : 911 call via Salem PD for a female party with severe back pain. Salem PD dispatched Atlantic Ambulance. Female party transported to Salem Hospital. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 08, 2014-Saturday at 22:48 14-02-08-004570 140064 Location : PACIFIC STREET LOT Summary : Officer Hoole reports out with a parked m/v Ma Reg 853-WL3. Officer Gooley and Sgt. Bruno to provide assistance. Officer Hoole reports that one party was issued a civil citation was issued for possession of marijuana. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 08, 2014-Saturday at 23:52 14-02-08-004578 Location : BOWDITCH HALL Summary : RA reports that the rear emergency door alarm is going off . Ptl. Schumann secured the door but was not able to reset the alarm. A message was left with the HELP line regarding the issue. Area in order. SUSPICIOUS PERSON Suspicious Person Feb 09, 2014-Sunday at 00:19 14-02-09-004586 Location : BOWDITCH HALL Print Date and Time 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 8 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Summary : Front desk called to report that there is a male party in the building who is on the banned list. Ptl. Schumann reports that he escorted the party out of the building with no incidents. Front desk was advised to contact us if he returns. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 09, 2014-Sunday at 02:23 14-02-09-004608 140065 Location : MARSH HALL Summary : Front desk reports that an unknown female party who was bleeding was carried into the building. Ptl. Schumann reports that he spoke with parties in room 334, room 507. After an RA searched the female restrooms the party in question was found. Party blew a .207 on the PBT and had several cuts on her face from a fall that occured outside of the building. Altantic ambulance responded and transported said female party to Salem ER. See report for more details. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 09, 2014-Sunday at 02:30 14-02-09-004609 140066 Location : PEABODY HALL Summary : RA reports that alcohol was found in room 409. One of the parties in the room may have threatened the RA. Sgt. Sherry reports that a Caisse, Kathryn DOB: 10-4-94 and a Fitzgibbons, Lauren were summoned into court for being minors in possession of alcohol. See report for more details. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 09, 2014-Sunday at 03:02 14-02-09-004610 140067 Location : BOWDITCH HALL Summary : RA reports that a suspicious group of youths walking out of room 120. When the RA spoke with the resident in the room he noticed that a struggle may have occurred in the room. Sgt. Sherry out to investigate. Sgt. Sherry and Ptl. Schumann reports that they spoke with both parties involved. Sgt. Sherry also reports that no further action needs to be taken see report for more details. MUTUAL AID Assisting other Police Feb 09, 2014-Sunday at 04:07 14-02-09-004613 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : Ptl. Schumann out assisting Salem PD and Salem Fire with a male party who jumped out of a moving vehicle. Salem PD took the report. HARASSMENT Annoying or Obscene Telephone Calls Feb 09, 2014-Sunday at 13:03 14-02-09-004665 Location : BOWDITCH HALL Summary : Off .Schumann to take a report of sexual harrassment.SSU female resident student is reporting that she is a victim of sexual harrassment from a male SSU resident student. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 09, 2014-Sunday at 13:15 14-02-09-004666 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : A male student reported possible drug dealing being conducted by a student at the Bates Complex. The student refused to give a name or phone number and had no desire to come to file an official report. He stated that he does not know which apartment the resident resides in and hung up when the dispatcher stated that an officer would need to take over the phone call. The Criminal Investigations Division was notified. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 09, 2014-Sunday at 17:35 14-02-09-004681 Location : CENTRAL CAMPUS LOT Summary : Ofc. Hoole reported she is out on cental campus roadway with Ma reg 764PL2. Ofc. Hoole reported clear with a written warning. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 10, 2014-Monday at 07:28 14-02-10-004754 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER LOT Summary : parking enforcement. Print Date and Time 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 9 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 10, 2014-Monday at 07:52 14-02-10-004755 Feb 10, 2014-Monday at 18:36 14-02-10-004810 140069 Location : PEABODY HALL LOT Summary : parking enforcement. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : Ofc Gooley off with Ma Reg 25fc52, Ford Focus, Owner/operator S79677820 expired lic. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 10, 2014-Monday at 18:46 14-02-10-004811 Location : Summary : Ofc Hoole off with Ma REG 26FJ54. Verbal warning given ADMINISTRATIVE Complaint Received by Person or Persons Feb 10, 2014-Monday at 19:34 14-02-10-004814 Location : CAMPUS POLICE STATION Summary : Female caller called to state she thinks she received a call from the university asking personel questions, and was very uncomfortable about it. Phone # was 978-542-2470. This number was to the Alumni call ctr. Ofc Hoole comfirmed they were making calls till 8pm CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY All types of vandalism Feb 10, 2014-Monday at 22:09 14-02-10-004826 140070 Location : LIBRARY & LEARNING COMMONS Summary : Tom Mooore from the library called to report tagging in the 1st floor mens bathroom. Ofc Hoole to investigate. PARKING & TRAFFIC Motor Vehicle Offenses Feb 11, 2014-Tuesday at 00:49 14-02-11-004837 Location : HORACE MANN SCHOOL Summary : Ofc. Schumann out with MV 557JW6, no occupants. Ofc. Schumann reported all in order there is a parting pass C031 hanging from the mirror. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 11, 2014-Tuesday at 08:25 14-02-11-004887 Location : ELLISON CAMPUS CENTER Summary : Off . Wheatley radioed the station stating that Cruiser 1 has a flat tire. Bills Auto Clinic was contacted and en route. Bill's Auto has arrived and is placing the spare tire on C-1. C-1 back in service. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 11, 2014-Tuesday at 09:32 14-02-11-004890 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : A motorist called in need of a battery jump. Cpl. Haggstrom dispatched to assist. Jump start successful. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 11, 2014-Tuesday at 12:11 14-02-11-004904 Location : OLD LIBRARY PARKING LOT Summary : Off . Wheatley assist faculty member that is blocked in by another vehicle.Party able to free herself. One vehicle ticketed. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 11, 2014-Tuesday at 12:22 14-02-11-004906 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : Motorist from Bates Complex called (Same one from earlier) stating their vehicle needs a jump start. Cpl. Haggstrom dispatched. Vehicle was jumped successfully and party was advised their vehicle may need servicing. PARKING & TRAFFIC Any non-injury TA Feb 11, 2014-Tuesday at 13:19 14-02-11-004909 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER LOT Print Date and Time 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 10 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Summary : Chief Labonte requested a unit be dispatched to the O'Keefe lot to assist with a paperwork exchange of a minor motor vehicle accident. The 2 parties did not want a report and would handle it themselves. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 11, 2014-Tuesday at 13:57 14-02-11-004911 Location : PEABODY HALL LOT Summary : Off . Wheatley out in Peabody Hall lot for parking enforcement. 2 parking violations issued. MUTUAL AID Assisting other Police Feb 11, 2014-Tuesday at 16:35 14-02-11-004921 Location : CAMPUS POLICE STATION Summary : Sgt. David Tucker of the Salem Police Dept, called to request that we attempt to contact SSU student Jocelyn Smolinsky. She is to speak to them about an off campus incident. Dispatcher Cornacchio contacted Ms. Smolinsky and advised her to contact S.P.D. and speak with Sgt. D.Tucker. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 11, 2014-Tuesday at 16:52 14-02-11-004922 Location : Summary : Officer Gooley reports out with ME Reg 44398 for a stop sign violation. Officer Gooley reports that a written warning was issued. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 11, 2014-Tuesday at 17:21 14-02-11-004925 Location : Summary : Officer Gooley reports out with Ma Reg 378-TG6. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 11, 2014-Tuesday at 17:41 14-02-11-004926 Location : Summary : Officer Gooley reports out with Ma Reg 335KJ2. Dispatcher Cornacchio notified Salem P.D. by base radio. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 11, 2014-Tuesday at 18:18 14-02-11-004927 Location : Summary : Officer Agneta reports out with Ma Reg 447KR5. Operator was issued a written warning. MUTUAL AID Assisting other Police Feb 11, 2014-Tuesday at 19:28 14-02-11-004929 Location : BEHIND BUILDING #1 AND THE DORM Summary : At the request of Salem P.D, Officer Gooley to check the area of the bike path for male party involved in lewd and lascivious behavior. Party was observed in the area by a local resident from Fairview Ave. Officer Agneta to provide assistance. Officer Agneta reports that a search of the area was made with negative results. SAFETY/SECURITY Fire Alarm Feb 11, 2014-Tuesday at 21:57 14-02-11-004933 Location : SULLIVAN BUILDING Summary : Salem reports of a fire alarm activation. Salem Fire and Officer Agneta to respond. Officer Gooley to provide assistance. Salem Fire reports nothing found. Alarm may have been set off by dust. Dispatcher Cornacchio attempted to contact SSU Electricans Ken Athas and Matt Nicholes. Messages were left on their voice mails. Dispatcher Cornacchio then contacted Mark Malvitch and he will respond. ADMINISTRATIVE Complaint Received by Person or Persons Feb 12, 2014-Wednesday at 08:21 14-02-12-004983 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : City of Salem resident has complained that his house was shaking due to a contractor (Dorenzo) digging a trench adjacent to his residence. The Prersident's office representative was notified. The resident reported that he was never notified of the digging project. The report was called in at 7:30 a.m. Print Date and Time 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 11 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 12, 2014-Wednesday at 10:49 14-02-12-004995 Location : COLLEGE DRIVE Summary : Motor vehicle stop (Ma.Reg.666RF4).Operator issued a written warning (Citation # R2583489) for a stop sign violation. PARKING & TRAFFIC Any non-injury TA Feb 12, 2014-Wednesday at 11:04 14-02-12-004998 140072 Location : PEABODY HALL LOT Summary : Officer Bordenca to take a report of a motor vehicle accident without injury. The accident involved two vehicles ( Ma.Reg.55HV37 and Ma.Reg.516MH6). Report taken. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 12, 2014-Wednesday at 12:32 14-02-12-005005 Location : COLLEGE DRIVE Summary : Out with Ma reg. 658 BA7. Status active, no wants. Party issued verbal warning. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 12, 2014-Wednesday at 13:56 14-02-12-005013 Location : COLLEGE DRIVE Summary : Out with Ma reg. 487 ZPB. Status active, no warrants. Written warning given. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 12, 2014-Wednesday at 16:30 14-02-12-005022 Location : Old Salem Diner Summary : Officer Agneta reports that the door was found open. Officer Musto to provide assistance. Officer Agneta reports that all appears to be in order. Door was secured. Dispatcher Cornacchio notified the PTN and advised him of the situation. The PTN relayed that one of his staff will be by soon to open up the area for the evening. PARKING & TRAFFIC Past Hit and Run Feb 12, 2014-Wednesday at 16:46 14-02-12-005023 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : A male party called to report that his m/v was struck while parked on Broadway st near Pringles Barber shop. Dispatcher Cornacchio transfered his call to Salem P.D. HARASSMENT Annoying or Obscene Telephone Calls Feb 12, 2014-Wednesday at 18:56 14-02-12-005031 140073 Location : PEABODY HALL Summary : A female party came to the station to report about being harassed. Officer Musto to investigate. See report for further detail. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 12, 2014-Wednesday at 21:24 14-02-12-005034 Location : CENTRAL CAMPUS LOT Summary : Officer Agneta to assist a motorist with a jump start. M/V was restarted. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 12, 2014-Wednesday at 21:45 14-02-12-005035 Location : ATLANTIC HALL Summary : Officer Agneta to investigate a local smoke detector alarm in room #224. Alarm was set off by cooking. MUTUAL AID Assisting other Police Feb 12, 2014-Wednesday at 22:24 14-02-12-005036 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : Salem P.D. reports of a possible alcohol impaired driver that pulled into the parking lot of Loring Liquers store on Loring Ave. Officer Musto observed the suspect m/v pull out of the lot onto Loring Ave towards Lafayette St. Salem P.D. met up with Officer Musto took control of the incident from there on in. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 13, 2014-Thursday at 00:55 Print Date and Time 14-02-13-005050 140075 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 12 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Location : ATLANTIC HALL LOT Summary : Three reports that there are unauthorized vehicles parked in the Atlantic resident spaces. Twenty-eight vehicles were towed from the Atlantic Resident spots. Officers report that the vehicles parked in the area had Bates/Marsh parking decals and vehicles without any decals. Officers also report that some vehicles had temporary parking passes with the original dates scratched out and new dates written on them. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 13, 2014-Thursday at 02:22 14-02-13-005053 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : Request from a faculty member to be escorted to her vehicle. Party stated that she felt unsafe walking to her vehicle because of a suspicious male party who has been parked behind her vehicle for some time. Ptl. Cochrane reports that the male party is picking someone up from that location and is waiting for them to come out of the building. Area in order. LARCENY Larceny From Building Feb 13, 2014-Thursday at 10:20 14-02-13-005077 140074 Location : MARSH HALL Summary : Sgt.Defelice to investigate report of past theft of an edible arrangements bouquet. Report taken. CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY All types of vandalism Feb 13, 2014-Thursday at 11:59 14-02-13-005086 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER SPORTS COM Summary : Officer Bordenca to investigate vandalism to lockers and locks at O'Keefe men's pool locker room. Supplement to Case # 140055. ADMINISTRATIVE Information, Misc, Etc. Feb 13, 2014-Thursday at 15:37 14-02-13-005111 Location : COLLEGE DRIVE Summary : Officer reports that while attempting to assist a motorist that was stuck the tail light was cracked on the persons vehicle by the push bar on the cruiser. Person in MV being pushed knew of this and showed no concern. ADMINISTRATIVE Information, Misc, Etc. Feb 13, 2014-Thursday at 15:42 14-02-13-005112 Location : CAMPUS POLICE STATION Summary : Lt. Turcotte no longer required within Dispatch to assist Dispatcher Cornacchio at this time. MUTUAL AID Assisting other Police Feb 13, 2014-Thursday at 15:50 14-02-13-005113 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : Officer Musto reports out with a party who matches the description of a female who reported that she may do harm to herself. Dispatcher Cornacchio notified Salem P.D. Officer Musto reports that Salem P.D. to handle the situation from here on in. LARCENY Larceny Over $250.00 Feb 13, 2014-Thursday at 16:19 14-02-13-005116 140077 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : A resident student called to report unauthorized use of his credit card. Officer Bodenca to investigate. See report for further detail. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 13, 2014-Thursday at 16:59 14-02-13-005119 Location : PACIFIC STREET LOT Summary : Officer Musto to assist a motorist who is stuck in a snow bank. Sgt. Bruno to provide assistance. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 13, 2014-Thursday at 17:15 14-02-13-005123 Location : SMALL BROADWAY LOT Print Date and Time 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 13 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Summary : Two resident students came to the station to report of no parking in the two off site parking lots for Marsh residents. Officer Hoole to investigate. Dispatcher Cornacchio advised both parties to meet the officer at the location. Officer Hoole reports of several parking spaces open and available. MUTUAL AID Assisting other Police Feb 13, 2014-Thursday at 17:20 14-02-13-005124 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : Officer Hoole to assist Salem P.D. with a medical. Officer Hoole along with Salem P.D. officer escorted to the party to CVS Pharmacy on Canal St. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 13, 2014-Thursday at 17:25 14-02-13-005126 Location : PEABODY HALL Summary : Officer Musto to investigate a local smoke detector alarm. Officer Musto reports that the alarm shows normal activity. Dispatcher Cornacchio noted that the alarm did ring into the station. Dispatcher Cornacchio contacted SSU Foremann Steve Mularkey and he will have one of his staff investigate. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 14, 2014-Friday at 03:50 14-02-14-005184 Location : PEABODY HALL LOT Summary : Sergeant Larivee dispatched to check a report of a motor vehicle parked on the handicapped ramp in front of Peabody Hall. Sergeant Larivee spoke to the vehicles owner, Amanda Torres, and it was removed shortly thereafter. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 14, 2014-Friday at 07:33 14-02-14-005204 Feb 14, 2014-Friday at 07:34 14-02-14-005205 Feb 14, 2014-Friday at 07:35 14-02-14-005206 Feb 14, 2014-Friday at 07:35 14-02-14-005207 Feb 14, 2014-Friday at 10:11 14-02-14-005212 Location : PEABODY HALL LOT Summary : Out to enforce the parking. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Location : O'KEEFE CENTER LOT Summary : Out to enforce the parking. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Location : HARRINGTON BLDG. LOT (FRO Summary : Out to enforce the parking. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Location : CENTRAL CAMPUS LOT Summary : Out to enforce the parking. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Location : CENTRAL CAMPUS LOT Summary : Party is requesting a jump start. Officer Bordenca was not successful in starting the vehicle. Party will make other arrangements. ADMINISTRATIVE Complaint Received by Person or Persons Feb 14, 2014-Friday at 10:23 14-02-14-005214 Location : CAMPUS POLICE STATION Summary : Student came into the station to complain about her car being towed on Thursday morning from Atlantic Resident parking. Her vehicle was towed out of the Atlantic resident spots as she did not have a sticker. She stated that she has been turned down several times when she came into the police lobby to get a sticker and has no money to get her car out of the tow yard. She requested immediate reimbursement. Lt. Turcotte spoke to her and she was offered a ride to Bill's tow yard. She denied the offer and left the building. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 14, 2014-Friday at 15:54 14-02-14-005236 Location : COLLEGE DRIVE Print Date and Time 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 14 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Summary : Officer Cochrane reports out with PA Reg GLN5170. Officer Cochrane reports that the operator was issued a written warning for a stop sign violation. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 14, 2014-Friday at 16:18 14-02-14-005241 Location : COLLEGE DRIVE Summary : Officer Cochrane reports out with Ma Reg 476XD9. Officer Cochrane reports that the operator was issued a written warning for the stop sign violation. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 14, 2014-Friday at 17:01 14-02-14-005244 Location : COLLEGE DRIVE Summary : Officer Cochrane reports out with Ma Reg 3EVG30. ADMINSTRATIVE Confiscated due to Res. Life Health & Safety C Feb 14, 2014-Friday at 17:40 14-02-14-005245 140085 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : Officer Hoole to collect drug paraphernalia found during Health and Safety Checks at Bates. Resident was not present when items collected. ResLife was unable to positively identify who resides in this area. Officer Hoole gathered potential suspect information. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 14, 2014-Friday at 18:03 14-02-14-005246 Location : Summary : Officer Cochrane reports out with Ma Reg 133RV6. SUSPICIOUS PERSON Suspicious Person Feb 14, 2014-Friday at 18:32 14-02-14-005248 Location : BEHIND BUILDING #1 AND THE DORM Summary : Chartwells manager reports of two males smoking what appeared to be marijuana. Officer Hoole to investigate. Officer Musto to provide assistance. Officer Hoole checked the entire bike path with negative results. Gone upon arrival. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 14, 2014-Friday at 19:35 14-02-14-005250 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : Officer Hoole to investigate a local smoke detector alarm in apartment #10-B. Alarm set off by burnt food. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 14, 2014-Friday at 22:03 14-02-14-005254 Location : PACIFIC STREET LOT Summary : Officer Musto to assist a motorist who is stuck in the parking lot. Officer Hoole and Maintenance foremann Luigi Nocci provided assistance. M/V was freed from the snow and ice. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 15, 2014-Saturday at 10:58 14-02-15-005302 Location : CENTRAL CAMPUS LOT Summary : Off .Bordenca to assist a student with a jump start.Clear and successful. PARKING & TRAFFIC Past Hit and Run Feb 15, 2014-Saturday at 15:10 14-02-15-005314 140078 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER SPORTS COM Summary : A male party came to the station to report a past hit and run. Officer Agneta to investigate. at the request of Officer Agneta, Dispatcher Cornacchio notified Bills Towing. Officer Agneta reports that the owner of the m/v was issued a civil citation. See report for further details. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 15, 2014-Saturday at 15:55 14-02-15-005315 Location : PEABODY HALL LOT Summary : Officer Hoole reports of 4 m/v's that need to be moved to the fence line for snow removal. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 15, 2014-Saturday at 16:53 Print Date and Time 14-02-15-005318 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 15 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Location : ATLANTIC HALL LOT Summary : Officer Agneta reports of 5 to 6 m/v's that are to be towed for snow removal. Officer Hoole to provide assistance. Officer Agneta reports that several m/v's were towed and issued citations. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 15, 2014-Saturday at 18:45 14-02-15-005320 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER LOT Summary : Officer Hoole reports that an unknown party had re-opened the entrance gate. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 15, 2014-Saturday at 19:34 14-02-15-005322 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER SPORTS COM Summary : Officer Hoole reports out to monitor the parking for snow removal. Officer Hoole reports that 5 m/v's were issued citations. Officer Agneta to provide assistance. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 15, 2014-Saturday at 20:52 14-02-15-005323 Location : CENTRAL CAMPUS LOT Summary : Officer Hoole reports that 4 m/v's were issued citations. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 15, 2014-Saturday at 21:02 14-02-15-005324 Location : PEABODY HALL LOT Summary : Out for parking enforcement. 6 M/V's were issued citations. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 15, 2014-Saturday at 21:20 14-02-15-005326 Location : HARRINGTON BLDG. LOT (FRO Summary : Officer Hoole reports of a m/v that is sticking out into the roadway. Ma Reg 845WK9. Dispatcher Cornacchio was able to make contact with the owner and she will move the m/v to another space. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 15, 2014-Saturday at 23:36 14-02-15-005329 Location : ATLANTIC HALL LOT Summary : Sgt. Sherry reports of three vehicles towed for impeading snow removal. See tow file. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 15, 2014-Saturday at 23:45 14-02-15-005330 Location : Summary : Officer Schumann reports out with Ma Reg 85NL60. Verbal warning was issued for speed and a stop sign violation. CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC PEACE Noise Complaint Feb 16, 2014-Sunday at 03:39 14-02-16-005355 Location : ATLANTIC HALL Summary : Report of loud music coming from room 222. Sgt. Sherry reports that he spoke with the residents and advised them to turn the music down. MEDICAL Any Medical Assist, Non-Alcohol Related Feb 16, 2014-Sunday at 12:02 14-02-16-005388 140079 Location : Old Salem Diner Summary : Report of a party that has fallen. Units and Atlantic Ambulance responding. One party transported to NSMC. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 16, 2014-Sunday at 16:14 14-02-16-005413 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : Off . Agneta and Off. Hoole report 25 parking violations issued in the Bates Complex Lot. Both officers are clear and Bates is in order. Mackey's plow service was also at Bates clearing snow. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 16, 2014-Sunday at 16:39 14-02-16-005415 Location : ATLANTIC HALL LOT Print Date and Time 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 16 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Summary : Off . Agneta and Off. Hoole after making several announcements via the cruiser PA, state they are beginning to ticket vehicles. Mackey's plow service has also arrived on scene. Off . Hoole states both officers ticketed a total of 24 vehicles for parking violations in regards to snow removal. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 16, 2014-Sunday at 17:27 14-02-16-005416 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : Off . Hoole and Off . Agneta are out with Bill's towing in the Bates Complex parking area for snow removal enforcement. 2 vehicles reported as towed by Bill's Auto Clinic. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 17, 2014-Monday at 08:53 14-02-17-005482 140080 Location : BOWDITCH HALL Summary : SSU resident student reported to CPOL that her lost cellphone has recently been used. The RP is reporting that her cellphone GPS is reading(locate) that the cellphone was used from the Rainbow Terrace area.Salem Police has been notified and are assisting Off .Wheatley. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 17, 2014-Monday at 17:15 14-02-17-005499 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : A local smoke alarm sound in dispatch for the Bates Complex. Off . Hoole dispatched to assess and states apartment 7B was cooking and burned their food. Off . Hoole also states that the fire alarm lights are flashing in the apartment of 6A. The electrician has been notified and should be there in approximately 30-40 minutes. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 17, 2014-Monday at 17:50 14-02-17-005500 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : An alarm came in for a local smoke alarm within the Bates Complex. Off . Hoole dispatched to assess and states there are no alarms showing on the panel, and that it may be due to the incident at building 6. Off . Hoole is clear and Bates is in order. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 17, 2014-Monday at 18:18 14-02-17-005501 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : Officer Hoole dispatched to Bates Complex for local smoke alarm. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 17, 2014-Monday at 19:36 14-02-17-005503 Location : PEABODY HALL LOT Summary : A Peabody Hall resident staff member called requesting a jump start to his vehicle. Jump start successful. MEDICAL Any Medical Assist, Non-Alcohol Related Feb 17, 2014-Monday at 20:32 14-02-17-005507 140081 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER SPORTS COM Summary : A party called from training room number 112 of the O'Keefe Center reporting a softball athlete is having a severe back spasm and may require an ambulance. Off . Hoole and Off . Musto en route to evaluate. Atlantic Ambulance is on scene and will be transporting that party to Salem Hospital for further medical evaluation. MEDICAL Any Medical Assist, Non-Alcohol Related Feb 17, 2014-Monday at 23:46 14-02-17-005520 140082 Location : PEABODY HALL Summary : State Police called to report that they had received a E911 call for Peabody Hall, room #313, for a person having a seizure. EMS notified and responding. One female party transported to NSMC. MEDICAL Medical Assist, Alcohol Related Feb 18, 2014-Tuesday at 00:26 14-02-18-005522 140083 Location : MARSH HALL Print Date and Time 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 17 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Summary : Marsh Hall desk receptionist Brook called to report an intoxicated Male party in room 323. Sgt Larivee to respond. Sgt. Larivee requested an Atlantic Ambulance for transport. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 18, 2014-Tuesday at 01:13 14-02-18-005523 140084 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : Sgt. Larivee and Ptl. Santiago to respond to the Bates Complex, building #12A, for suspecious circumstances. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 18, 2014-Tuesday at 09:52 14-02-18-005565 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : Cav Coach bus driver has reported that a vehicle(Ma.Reg.656VH6) is parked in the no parking bus stop area.Off .Wheatley ticketed the vehicle VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 18, 2014-Tuesday at 11:30 14-02-18-005568 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER LOT Summary : Motor vehicle stop (Ma.Reg.389SS2).Operator issued Citation # R2583472 for a stop sign violation, improper left hand turn and a license not in possession. MEDICAL Any Medical Assist, Non-Alcohol Related Feb 18, 2014-Tuesday at 11:51 14-02-18-005569 140086 Location : STANLEY BUILDING Summary : Off .Wheatley and Off.Gooley to respond to a report of a female employee suffering from an allergic reaction. Atlantic Ambulance was notified and enroute.Salem Fire Department on scene.The victim was treated and transported to Salem Hospital by Atlantic Ambulance. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 18, 2014-Tuesday at 15:24 14-02-18-005577 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER SPORTS COM Summary : Sgt. Bruno will be out in the O'Keefe lot assisting a motorist. Assist successful. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 18, 2014-Tuesday at 16:20 14-02-18-005581 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : A local smoke alarm came in to dispatch. Sgt. Bruno dispatched to assess and reports apartment 8C was cooking. All in order at this time. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 18, 2014-Tuesday at 16:22 14-02-18-005583 Feb 18, 2014-Tuesday at 17:29 14-02-18-005586 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : All in order. PARKING & TRAFFIC Motor Vehicle Offenses Location : O'KEEFE CENTER LOT Summary : Off . Agneta stopped MA Registration 736PC9 in the O'Keefe Center Lot. Verbal warning given. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 18, 2014-Tuesday at 17:44 14-02-18-005587 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER LOT Summary : Caller states their car has died and is in need of a jump start. Off . Agneta dispatched to assist. Jump start successful PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 19, 2014-Wednesday at 08:42 14-02-19-005634 Location : CENTRAL CAMPUS LOT Summary : Sgt. Defelice to enforce the Residence Life reserved area. One ticket was issued. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 19, 2014-Wednesday at 10:42 14-02-19-005639 Location : OFF CAMPUS Print Date and Time 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 18 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Summary : Off .Gooley to enforce the area on a report of vehicle (CT 2AEWA6) parked in the roadway. Dispatch contacted Bowdicth and Peabody residence halls to make a notification to the residents. The owner moved the vehicle and one ticket was issued. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 19, 2014-Wednesday at 11:48 14-02-19-005649 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : Sgt.Defelice to assist the Salem resident with a lockout.Clear and successful. MEDICAL Any Medical Assist, Non-Alcohol Related Feb 19, 2014-Wednesday at 13:10 14-02-19-005652 140087 Location : PEABODY HALL Summary : Off .Gooley to respond to a report of a male party experiencing back pain.Atlantic Ambulance notified and enroute.The victim was treated and transported to Salem Hospital by Atlantic Ambulance. MEDICAL Any Medical Assist, Non-Alcohol Related Feb 20, 2014-Thursday at 08:10 14-02-20-005732 140088 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER SPORTS COM Summary : Student reports she slipped on ice and has some tailbone pain. Off .Gooley to evaluate party at her request. Party does not wish to go to the hospital. Party transported back Atlantic Hall. Party advised to contact us again if needed. Start miles 87,031. End miles 87,032. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 20, 2014-Thursday at 11:24 14-02-20-005742 Location : STANLEY BLDG. PARKING LOT Summary : To assist party that is blocked in by other cars. Messages left for parties to move. PARKING & TRAFFIC Any non-injury TA Feb 20, 2014-Thursday at 13:47 14-02-20-005751 140089 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER LOT Summary : Off .Gooley out with a minor MVA no injuries. Report taken. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 20, 2014-Thursday at 15:56 14-02-20-005755 Location : CENTRAL CAMPUS LOT Summary : Sgt. Bruno to assist a motorist with a jump start. M/V was restarted. PARKING & TRAFFIC Past Hit and Run Feb 20, 2014-Thursday at 16:37 14-02-20-005757 140090 Location : CENTRAL CAMPUS LOT Summary : Sgt. Bruno to take a report of a past hit and run. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 20, 2014-Thursday at 16:41 14-02-20-005758 Location : SMALL BROADWAY LOT Summary : Officer Hoole reports out with a parked m/v with no attached plates. At the request of Officer Hoole, Dispatcher Cornacchio contacted Bills Auto towing. Officer Hoole reports that the m/v has been towed. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 20, 2014-Thursday at 19:00 14-02-20-005762 Location : CENTRAL CAMPUS LOT Summary : Sgt. Bruno to assist a motorist with a jumpstart. M/V was restarted. MUTUAL AID Assisting other Police Feb 20, 2014-Thursday at 20:00 14-02-20-005763 Location : BOWDITCH HALL Print Date and Time 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 19 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Summary : Salem P.D. request our assistance with picking up a resident student on a 209-A violation. Officer Hoole to provide assistance. Officer Hoole and Salem P.D. report that the party no longer resides at Bowditch Hall. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 20, 2014-Thursday at 22:30 14-02-20-005766 Location : ADMINISTRATION BLDG Summary : SSU Boiler room Staff reports of a m/v that is blocking the driveway. Officer Hoole to investigate. SSU Boiler room staff called back to report that the suspect m/v is being moved. Ma Reg 960867. Officer Hoole was canceled in route. SUSPICIOUS PERSON Suspicious Person Feb 21, 2014-Friday at 00:59 14-02-21-005780 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : RA reports that there is a group of youths being disruptive in front of the lounge area. Sgt. Larivee reports that the small group of youths were dispersed with no issue. Area in order. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 21, 2014-Friday at 01:03 14-02-21-005781 Feb 21, 2014-Friday at 08:22 14-02-21-005821 140091 Location : HARRINGTON BLDG. LOT (FRO Summary : Verbal warning for one way violation. SAFETY/SECURITY Fire Alarm Location : MEIER HALL Summary : Units and Salem Fire responding to fire alarm activation. SSU electrician advised enroute. Sgt. Defelice reporting alarm set off by room 410. All in order. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 21, 2014-Friday at 12:49 14-02-21-005833 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : Officer out to assist a student with a jump start. Party will be calling AAA as it is not a jump start issue. PARKING & TRAFFIC Past Hit and Run Feb 21, 2014-Friday at 14:37 14-02-21-005838 140092 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER LOT Summary : Cpl. Haggstrom out to take a report of a past hit and run. HEALTH AND SAFETY Well Being Check Feb 21, 2014-Friday at 21:25 14-02-21-005849 Location : MARSH HALL Summary : A female party called to request a well being check on her son who is a resident student in Marsh Hall. She has not heard from him in a couple of weeks. While she was relaying information to Dispatcher Cornacchio her son called and she stated that he was fine. At that point the mother stated that she is in no need of our services. MEDICAL Any Medical Assist, Non-Alcohol Related Feb 21, 2014-Friday at 23:47 14-02-21-005855 140093 Location : PEABODY HALL Summary : Front desk reports that there is an unconscious female party in front of room 104. Ptl. Cochrane, Ptl. Schumann, and Atlantic ambulance responded. Ptl. Cochrane reports that the party is not unconscious but is intoxicated. Party was transported to Salem ER by Atlantic ambulance. See report for more details. SAFETY/SECURITY Emergency Telephone Activation Feb 22, 2014-Saturday at 01:50 14-02-22-005862 Location : CAMPUS POLICE STATION Summary : E-phone activation (CODE:CCTR). E hone location could not be determined. Central, North, and South campus as well as Cat Cove were checked. All areas are in order, nothing was found. Print Date and Time 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 20 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 22, 2014-Saturday at 10:57 14-02-22-005920 Location : CENTRAL CAMPUS LOT Summary : Off .Gooley and Sgt.Defelice to assist the student who has a vehicle that is temporarily disabled (empty gas tank) in the roadway. The vehicle has been placed in a parking space and the owner will begin the process of moving it. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 22, 2014-Saturday at 21:47 14-02-22-005946 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : Officer Bordenca reports out with a parked parked m/v with the rear hatch open. M/V is loaded with athletic equiptment. Ma Reg 7FF530. Dispatcher Cornacchio notified Salem P.D. and they will respond. Officer Bordence reports that S.P.D. to investigate further without our assitance. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 23, 2014-Sunday at 01:13 14-02-23-005950 140094 Location : PEABODY HALL Summary : RA Dedee reports a loud party with alochol in room #722 in Peabody Hall. RP reports that the parties are uncooperative with ResLife staff . CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC PEACE Noise Complaint Feb 23, 2014-Sunday at 02:10 14-02-23-005954 Location : MARSH HALL Summary : Annoynomous caller reports loud music coming from Marsh Hall #453. Sgt. Larivee reports that the entire 4th floor was checked and nothing was found. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 23, 2014-Sunday at 16:50 14-02-23-006011 Location : ATLANTIC HALL Summary : Off . Hoole Dispatched to Atlantic Resident Hall for a local smoke detector. Room 321 burned food, all is in order. SAFETY/SECURITY Emergency Telephone Activation Feb 23, 2014-Sunday at 17:26 14-02-23-006015 Location : ACADEMIC BUILDING(S.C) Summary : E-Phone Alarm testing and the building is in order. PARKING & TRAFFIC Motor Vehicle Offenses Feb 23, 2014-Sunday at 17:33 14-02-23-006018 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : Motor vehicle stop MA Registration 162TV6. Citation issued to operator. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 23, 2014-Sunday at 20:51 14-02-23-006031 Location : ATLANTIC HALL Summary : Local smoke alarm in Atlantic Residence Hall, Off . Hoole dispatched. Room 321 was cooking again, all in order. Officer Hoole states they are done cooking for the evening. MEDICAL Medical Assist, Alcohol Related Feb 24, 2014-Monday at 01:22 14-02-24-006052 140095 Location : MARSH HALL Summary : RA requesting an officer for a medical evaluation of a party who is vomiting in one of the 5th floor bathrooms. Ptl. Santiago reports gthat a female party was transported to Salem ER by Atlantic ambulance. See report for more details. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 24, 2014-Monday at 02:01 14-02-24-006061 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : Alarm caused by overcooked food. Area in order. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 24, 2014-Monday at 13:43 14-02-24-006106 140097 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER SPORTS COM Print Date and Time 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 21 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Summary : Off .Wheatley to take a suspicious circumstances report. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 24, 2014-Monday at 15:26 14-02-24-006118 Location : Summary : Motor vehicle stop New Jersey Registration ZZC91C. Verbal warning given. HEALTH AND SAFETY Well Being Check Feb 24, 2014-Monday at 17:46 14-02-24-006123 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : A party called in requesting a well being check on her brother Noe Escobar who stated they have not heard from him in 2 months. At this time he is not enrolled in Spring 2014 semester and his contact phone has been disconnected. The party (Sidia Escobar), was advised to contact Salem PD because he resides off campus in Salem. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 24, 2014-Monday at 20:24 14-02-24-006135 Location : COLLEGE DRIVE Summary : Motor vehicle stop on College Drive. Citation issued. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 24, 2014-Monday at 20:44 14-02-24-006136 Location : Summary : Motor vehicle stop, College Drive. Verbal warning given. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 24, 2014-Monday at 21:08 14-02-24-006138 Location : Summary : Ofc. Hoole reports out with MA REG 5SR550 by Atlantic Hall. Ofc. Hoole reports the operator was issued a verbal warning for a stop sign violation and speeding. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 24, 2014-Monday at 21:31 14-02-24-006140 Location : MEIER DRIVEWA Summary : Luigi from facilities called and stated that the Constellation Energy crew locked themselves out of their vehicle. Off . Agneta dispatched to assist. Lock out successful SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 25, 2014-Tuesday at 09:25 14-02-25-006191 Location : ALUMNI HOUSE Summary : Off .Gooley to assist the SSU student with a lockout. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 25, 2014-Tuesday at 10:35 14-02-25-006196 Location : STANLEY BLDG. PARKING LOT Summary : Off .Gooley to enforce the reserved area. The student has reported that there are several vehicles in the parking lot without proper permits.Off .Gooley reports the area is in order, one vehicle cleared the lot prior to a citation being written. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 25, 2014-Tuesday at 17:06 14-02-25-006232 140098 Location : FOLLET BOOK STORE Summary : Jennifer from the bookstore wanted to speak to an officer about strange phone calls they are receiving. Ofc. Bordenca to investigate. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 25, 2014-Tuesday at 17:35 14-02-25-006234 140099 Location : Summary : Ofc Musto reports a MV stop in front of Central Campus Classroom Bldg. Ma Reg 148FH8 Mercedes, silver. Owner/ Operator sus/rxp S63090382. Ofc Musto to summons operator, and a friend picked up the vehicle. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 25, 2014-Tuesday at 20:20 Print Date and Time 14-02-25-006246 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 22 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Location : PEABODY HALL Summary : Trouble alarm received for Peabody hall. Ofc, Musto to investigate. Officer reports room 507 dirty smoke head SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 25, 2014-Tuesday at 22:36 14-02-25-006254 Location : FOLLET BOOK STORE Summary : Received an atrouble alarm for the bookstore store/enterprise ctr. Ofc. Bordenca to investigate. Officer reports alarm due to a AC failure. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 26, 2014-Wednesday at 08:25 14-02-26-006312 140101 Location : PEABODY HALL Summary : Off .Gooley to take a report of a possible breaking and entering into Room 402. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 26, 2014-Wednesday at 08:31 14-02-26-006313 Location : COLLEGE DRIVE Summary : Sgt.Defelice to enforce the no parking zone along college drive,reports all in order. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 26, 2014-Wednesday at 10:06 14-02-26-006319 Location : MEIER HALL Summary : Sgt.Defelice to enforce the reserved area (bus stop). 1 vehicle ticketed. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 26, 2014-Wednesday at 12:29 14-02-26-006327 Location : CENTRAL CAMPUS LOT Summary : Sgt.Defelice to check on commuters parking in Enterprise Parking Only areas. Four vehicles were ticketed. BURGLARY Attempted Forcible Entry Feb 26, 2014-Wednesday at 12:49 14-02-26-006329 140102 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER SPORTS COM Summary : Off .Gooley to investigate report of forced entry into a gym storage closet. Report taken. PARKING & TRAFFIC Parking and Traffic Enforcement Feb 26, 2014-Wednesday at 13:30 14-02-26-006332 Location : ALUMNI HILL LOT Summary : Report of students parked in the faculty lot. Four vehicles ticketed. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 26, 2014-Wednesday at 15:38 14-02-26-006341 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER LOT Summary : Officer Musto to assist a motorist with a lockout. Access was gained. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 26, 2014-Wednesday at 16:03 14-02-26-006342 Location : Summary : Officer Agneta reports out with Ma Reg 616GT7. Citation issued R2583042, stop sign violation. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 26, 2014-Wednesday at 17:49 14-02-26-006345 Location : Summary : Officer Agneta reports out with Ma Reg 4BB470. Citation issued R2583043, stop sign violation. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 27, 2014-Thursday at 11:37 14-02-27-006411 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER LOT Summary : Off .Gooley out with MA Reg. 542FF8. Status active, no wants. One citation issued. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 27, 2014-Thursday at 12:02 14-02-27-006413 140104 Location : HARRINGTON BUILDING Print Date and Time 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 23 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Summary : Sgt.Defelice to speak with party concerning suspicious activity. LARCENY Larceny From Building Feb 27, 2014-Thursday at 12:18 14-02-27-006417 140103 Location : MEIER HALL Summary : Off .Gooley to investigate the past theft of a students art project. Report taken. MEDICAL Any Medical Assist, Non-Alcohol Related Feb 27, 2014-Thursday at 12:54 14-02-27-006418 140105 Location : ELLISON CAMPUS CENTER Summary : Health services request an ambulance for party that passed out while in the exam room. Party transported to Salem Hospital. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 27, 2014-Thursday at 13:14 14-02-27-006420 Location : ATLANTIC HALL Summary : Report of a local smoke detector. The detector was set off in room 212 by cooking. All in order. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 27, 2014-Thursday at 14:17 14-02-27-006423 Location : BATES COMPLEX Summary : Off .Gooley to investigate local smoke detector activation. Room 14A caused by cooking. All in order. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 27, 2014-Thursday at 15:45 14-02-27-006430 Location : O'KEEFE CENTER LOT Summary : Officer Musto to assist a motorist with a lockout. Access was gained. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 27, 2014-Thursday at 17:26 14-02-27-006437 Location : ALUMNI HILL LOT Summary : Officer Hoole to assist a motorist with a lockout. Access was gained. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 27, 2014-Thursday at 19:21 14-02-27-006446 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : A female caller reports that she may have locked her keys in her m/v. Officer Musto to provide her with assistance. Officer Musto reports that the m/v was opened but the keys were not inside. Owner of the m/v will not be able to get another set of keys until tomorrow (02/28). Dispatcher Cornacchio notified and advised Salem P.D. of the situation. Ma Reg 67WX87 SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 27, 2014-Thursday at 19:22 14-02-27-006447 Location : ATLANTIC HALL Summary : Officer Hoole to investigate a local smoke detector alarm. Officer Hoole reports that the printer for the alarm panel is jammed and is unable to determine where the alarm is coming from. Officer Hoole reports that all appears to be in order. Dispatcher Cornacchio attempted to contact SSU Electrician Mark Malvitch. A message was left on his voice mail. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 27, 2014-Thursday at 20:19 14-02-27-006450 Location : Summary : Officer Hoole reports out with Ma Reg 756HL7. Verbal warning was issued. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 27, 2014-Thursday at 22:16 14-02-27-006456 140106 Location : Summary : Officer Hoole reports out with RI Reg 888427. Officer Santiago and Officer Schumann to provide assistance. Officer Hoole reports that the operator was issued a written warning. Officer Santiago reports that a citation was also issued for possession of marijuana. See report for further details. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 27, 2014-Thursday at 22:51 Print Date and Time 14-02-27-006458 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 24 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Location : Summary : Officer Schumann and Officer Santiago report out with Ma Reg 334RZ7. Verbal warning was issued for a stop sign violation. MEDICAL Any Medical Assist, Non-Alcohol Related Feb 27, 2014-Thursday at 23:11 14-02-27-006459 140107 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : Student Shuttle Van reports of an passenger with a split lip. Injury occured on the campus. Sgt. Larivee to respond. Dispatcher Cornacchio notified Salem P.D. and advised them of the situation. Dispatcher Cornacchio also notified Atlantic Ambulance. At the request of Sgt. Larivee, Dispatcher Cornacchio canceled Atlantic Ambulance. See report for further details. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 27, 2014-Thursday at 23:28 14-02-27-006462 140108 Location : Summary : Officer Schumann and Officer Santiago report out with Ma Reg 722RL7. Officer Santiago reports that the operator of the m/v was issued a verbal warning for the m/v stop. Officer Santiago also reports that a civil citation was issued for possession of marijuana. See report for further details. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 28, 2014-Friday at 00:28 14-02-28-006467 Location : ENTERPRISE CENTER Summary : Sgt. Sherry reports that the front door was found ajar. All appears to be in order. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMS. Suspicious Circumstances Feb 28, 2014-Friday at 00:36 14-02-28-006468 Location : ENTERPRISE CENTER Summary : Sgt. Sherry to investigate a high temp alarm. Sgt. Sherry reports that one of the furnaces is on. Dispatcher Cornacchio attempted to contact John Volpacchio. A message was left on his voice mail. Dispatcher Cornacchio then contacted Jeff Mentuck and advised him of the situation and he will respond. E.T.A is ten minutes. PUBLIC HEALTH Incapacitated persons; Assistance to Facility Feb 28, 2014-Friday at 01:05 14-02-28-006469 140109 Location : HARRINGTON BLDG. LOT (FRO Summary : Sgt. Sherry reports of one party placed into protective custody by Ofc. Santiago. See Report for further detail. PARKING & TRAFFIC Any injury traffic accident Feb 28, 2014-Friday at 15:35 14-02-28-006517 Location : OFF CAMPUS Summary : A male caller reports of a minor m/v/a with no injuries reported. Dispatcher Cornacchio transferred his call to the Salem Police Dept. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 28, 2014-Friday at 16:21 14-02-28-006518 Location : Summary : Officer Cochrane reports out with CA Reg 5DYW540. Officer Cochrane reports that the operator was issued a citation for a stop sign violation. SERVICE CALL Motorist Assistance Feb 28, 2014-Friday at 16:31 14-02-28-006520 Location : ATLANTIC HALL LOT Summary : Sgt. Bruno is out to assist a motorist with a jump start. M/V was restarted. VEHICLE Vehicle Stop Feb 28, 2014-Friday at 16:56 14-02-28-006521 Location : Summary : Officer Cochrane reports out with Ma Reg 585TE1. Written warning for a stop sign violation. SAFETY/SECURITY Local Smoke Alarm Feb 28, 2014-Friday at 17:32 Print Date and Time 14-02-28-006522 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 25 Salem State University SSU Police Department Media Log Location : ATLANTIC HALL Summary : Officer Cochrane to investigate a local smoke detector alarm in room #221. Alarm was set off by shower steam. Print Date and Time 08/11/201 12:18:50 Page No. 26
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