平成28年度Aセメスター(A1・A2ターム) 定期試験(本試験)時間割 Exam-period Exam Timetable for A Semester (A1/A2 Term) 2016 1限 (8:40~) Period 1 (8:40AM~) 2限 (10:35~) Period 2 (10:35AM~) 3限 (13:10~) Period 3 (1:10PM~) 4限 5限 (15:05~) Period 4 (3:05PM~) (17:00~) Period 5 (5:00PM~) A1ターム科目 A1ターム科目 A1 Term Courses A1 Term Courses 11月17日(木) Nov. 17 (Thu) A1 Term A1ターム 11月18日(金) Nov. 18 (Fri) 11月19日(土) Nov. 19 (Sat) 社会科学・人文科学・総合科目(原則として授業と同一曜限) 1月17日(火) Jan. 17 (Tue) A Semester Social Sciences, Humanities, Integrated Courses (In principle, examinations are held on the same day and period as the regular class) (Exams for PEAK's Foundation Courses are also held) 社会科学・人文科学・総合科目(原則として授業と同一曜限) 1月18日(水) Jan. 18 (Wed) 1月19日(木) Jan. 19 (Thu) A Semester Social Sciences, Humanities, Integrated Courses (In principle, examinations are held on the same day and period as the regular class) (Exams for PEAK's Foundation Courses are also held) 総合科目(原則として授業と同一曜限) Integrated Courses (In principle, examinations are held on the same day and period as the regular class)(Exams for PEAK's Foundation Courses are also held) ※外国語(非常勤講師担当の木曜日分授業)も行う。Exams for Foreign Language Part-time Instructor's course (Thursday classes) are also held) Aセメスター/A2ターム A Semester/A2 Term 社会科学・人文科学・総合科目(原則として授業と同一曜限) 1月23日(月) Jan. 23 (Mon) A Semester Social Sciences, Humanities, Integrated Courses (In principle, examinations are held on the same day and period as the regular class) (Exams for PEAK's Foundation Courses are also held) 必修外国語(1年) 1月24日(火) Jan. 24 (Tue) ※「演習」は除く April-entry students Required Foreign Languages (Year1) 必修外国語(1年) 1月25日(水) Jan. 25 (Wed) 1月26日(木) Jan. 26 (Thu) 1月27日(金) Jan. 27 (Fri) ※「演習」は除く April-entry students Required Foreign Languages (Year1) A2ターム科目 A2 Term Courses 構造化学 April-entry students Basics in Chemical Bonding 英語一列 English I (April-entry) 図形科学A 生命科学Ⅱ April-entry students Required Foreign Languages (Year2) Graphic Science A April-entry students Biological Sciences II アルゴリズム入門 微分積分学 April-entry students Introduction to Algorithms April-entry students Calculus 線型代数学 電磁気学 April-entry students Linear Algebra April-entry students Electricity and Magnetism 振動・波動論 Oscillations and Waves A2ターム科目 A2 Term Courses 総合科目(原則として授業と同一曜限) Integrated Courses (In principle, examinations are held on the same day and period as the regular class)(Exams for PEAK's Foundation Courses are also held) ※外国語(非常勤講師担当の金曜日分授業)も行う。Exams for Foreign Language Part-time Instructor's course (Friday classes) are also held) ※外国語特修クラスの試験は、「必修外国語(1年)」の時間帯に行う。 Exam for Special Class of foreign language will be conducted on the same schedule with "Required Foreign Languages (Year1)". 6限 (18:55~) Period 6 (6:55PM~)
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