ANNUAL REPORT 2013-14 MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN 2013-18 STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN FOR BALLARAT AND REGION COMMITTEE’S 5-YEAR PLAN In September 2013, we launched this important strategic document that outlines our 5-year plan and vision for the region based on the feedback from our members through the key issues process. To download a copy visit 2013-18 STATE ELECTION STRATEGY 2014 ADVANCING BALLARAT & WESTERN REGION PREPARING FOR GROWTH In March 2014 we launched our State Election Strategy document that outlines the key projects that are vital ‘game changers’ to future-proof our region. To read more see page 6. BRAND STRATEGY REVIEW FOR COMMITTEE REAFFIRMING OUR COMMITMENT TO THE WIDER REGIONAL COMMUNITY Our current branding is strong. However we wanted to engage with members on how our name and brand represents our wider regional community and project a clear understanding of our role and purpose. To read more see page 5. PUTTING REGIONAL VICTORIA ON THE NATIONAL AGENDA COMMITTEE REPRESENTATION IN CANBERRA Together with City of Ballarat Mayor Cr Joshua Morris and CEO Anthony Schinck, Committee Chair Judy Verlin and CEO John Kilgour conducted a 3-day visit to Canberra in May 2014 to position major projects under Council’s Regional Capital Growth Plan and Committee’s Advancing Ballarat and Western Region – Preparing for Growth State Election strategy. LBWR PROGRAM IN CANBERRA The opportunity for our community’s emerging leaders to meet with our Nation’s leaders is an annual highlight. In May 2014 our learning focussed on, “How do we influence government through lobbying and networking to make a difference for our region?” LBWR A FINALIST IN BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARDS BANK OF MELBOURNE NOT-FOR-PROFIT CATEGORY, CGU COMMERCE BALLARAT BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARDS This is recognition of the Leadership Ballarat & Western Region (LBWR) leadership program, our graduates and our community partnerships with whom we collaborate to create a sustainable, connected and responsive community. 02 OUR STRATEGIC DRIVERS OUR VISION OUR STRATEGIC DRIVERS OUR VISION OUR STRATEGIC D OUR STRATEGIC DRIVERS SUSTAINABILITY INNOVATION HEALTH OUR VISION We want to live in a region where all residents can enjoy a prosperous social and economic future because our leaders of today had great vision and the strength to act on that vision. COMMUNITY BUSINESS CONNECTIVITY CONTENTS HIGHLIGHTS02 VISION & STRATEGIC DRIVERS 03 We want to be part of a community that promotes sustainable, responsible and dynamic development to meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. CHAIR & CEO MESSAGE 04 INFLUENCE & REPRESENTATION 06 We want to celebrate a community that is truly connected, that values diversity and inclusion, that engages and empowers our young people, and where everyone – especially our aged and vulnerable neighbours – is cared for. BWGZ - Ballarat West Growth Zone08 We want to continue to enjoy the enviable lifestyle that our region offers. And we want to be proud of a city and region that is progressive and embraces innovation while respecting our history and cultural heritage. FASTTRACK BALLARAT PROJECT 10 LBWR - Leadership Ballarat & Western Region 12 VRCLP - Victorian Regional Community Leadership Program 14 SUSTAINABLE LIVING PROJECT 16 BRAND BALLARAT PROJECT18 RAHP - Revitalising the ACU-Hospitals-Lake Wendouree Precinct 20 MeT - Maximising eHealth Technology 21 EVENTS22 ADVOCACY, SUPPORT & CONGRATULATIONS 26 KEY CONVERSATIONS 27 MEDIA28 BOARD30 MEMBERS32 Front cover: Artists impression of Stage 1, Ballarat West Employment Zone (courtesy City of Ballarat). FINANCIALS34 03 HAIR & CEO MESSAGE CHAIR & CEO MESSAGE CHAIR & CEO MESSAGE CHAIR & CEO MESSAGE CHAIR & CEO MESSAGE INTRODUCTION Ballarat’s voice is being heard. Budget announcements this year start to address the need for key infrastructure and jobs to keep pace with projected population growth in our region. ” Judy Verlin AM, Chair We adopt a strategic long term focus that transcends short term political cycles. Our non-partisan position enables us to effectively advocate for sustainable, responsible and dynamic development in our region. John Kilgour, CEO 04 ” On behalf of our members we have continued to work hard with key stakeholders over the past 12 months to advocate visionary leadership from all three tiers of government and to ensure that our region attracts investment opportunities to protect our enviable lifestyle for future generations. OPPORTUNITIES The Ballarat West Growth Zone (BWGZ) incorporating the Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ) continues to provide huge opportunities for new and existing businesses. It will become the major manufacturing and transport hub for regional Victoria. We’re supporting the commercialisation and activation of this precinct through the development of a freight & logistics hub, a leading edge bio-economy innovation centre and a waste-toenergy manufacturing facility. MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS We welcome the Federal and State Budget announcements that impact on Ballarat and the region and working collaboratively with key stakeholders, we acknowledge our project teams contribution in driving our agenda forward. Summary of achievements across our projects and programs: • FastTrack Ballarat: Funding commitments of $40 million to deliver wi-fi connectivity for regional rail services and $14.2 million for a passing loop to be built at Rowsley near Bacchus Marsh • Ballarat West Growth Zone (BWGZ): State Government funding commitments totalling $30.2 million for major roads and trunk infrastructure to support activation and occupancy of the precinct. This includes the letting of contracts for construction of Stage 1 (Northbound section) which is due to commence construction in 4Q 2014. The Federal Government has also committed $9.13 million towards the establishment of a major freight and logistics terminal. For more details see page 10. • Leadership Ballarat & Western Region (LBWR): The leadership program is now in its 9th year and there are 30 participants in the 2014 program. With a total of 240 graduates to date, our LBWR Leaders in Action volunteers contributed an estimated Return on Investment of more than $1.5 million over the last year. • Victorian Regional Community Leadership Programs (VRCLP): Since being established as an incorporated association in June 2013, the VRCLP Secretariat has been working to raise the collective profile of its nine regional community leadership program members (of which LBWR is one) and to support the participants of the nine programs so that they can make a difference in their local communities. • Brand Ballarat: New brand narrative developed promoting Ballarat and the greater region • Sustainable Living: Committee contributed to the Living Ballarat Project – a project delivering a framework that integrates the planning of water systems into planning for construction or redevelopment of buildings and precincts in the City of Ballarat and neighbouring growth areas. We will stay focused in planning for a sustainable water supply as we develop opportunities generated through population growth. • Revitalising the ACU-Hospitals-Lake Wendouree Precinct (RAHP): Completion of the RAHP precinct pre-feasibility study with Kerr Partnering and Roberts Day in 2013 and the adoption of recommendations by the City of Ballarat, including a commitment to the development and implementation of a precinct structure plan. • Maximising eHealth Technology (MeT): An environmental scan of the Grampians region was completed with two key projects or focus areas identified following MeT project evaluation: Aged Care: significant improvement could be made with transfer of care and medication Secure Messaging: Use of secure messaging for hospital discharge summaries and e-referrals between specialists and GPs. Opportunities for implementation of a pilot program in these key areas are now being pursued. CHAIR & CEO MESSAGE CHAIR & CEO MESSAGE BRAND STRATEGY REVIEW Our commitment to the wider Regional Community With a proud history of championing social and economic growth in our region, Committee plays a vital role in advocating thought leadership and good governance from all levels of government. We want to reaffirm our position as the “go-to” organisation that projects a united regional approach to advocacy work securing critical government funding for key regional projects aligned with our strategy. Our brand must reflect our regional role and project a visionary, contemporary organisation that applies intellectual rigour and strategic thinking to solve the problems we face now and into the future. Our new Committee for Ballarat brand being launched in October 2014 will reflect this. YOUNG ADULT EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM (YAE) Our final YAE program concluded in July 2013. A report conducted by Federation University Australia concluded that the impact of the program on participants was life changing and dramatic and that it had enhanced their confidence, assisted them in achieving their dream of finding work, altered destructive life patterns and created a sense of optimism for the future. The YAE program was aimed at re-engaging young people with mainstream workforce participation. On behalf of Committee for Ballarat and the 71 YAE graduates we extend our thanks to Pam Anderson for the excellent work she did as YAE Coordinator, and her committment in steering YAE through the five programs. PARTNERSHIPS We continue to work collaboratively and in partnership with key stakeholders to achieve our vision, including the three tiers of government and Committees for Cities & Regions (an influential network of independent, like-minded organisations). MEMBERSHIP As a member based organisation our vision and work is directly influenced by our members. Thank you for investing in Ballarat and the region’s future. Our message has ‘cut through’ and our voice is being heard. Government commitment to our non-negotiable projects is coming to fruition and we will continue to advocate at the highest level to maintain momentum for project delivery. Membership funding enables us to continue delivering our 5 year strategic plan and we will seek your further refinement of our strategy early in the new year. For a list of members see page 32. FINANCIAL POSITION It is pleasing to report that the Secretariat has continued to maintain a strong focus containing operating costs and improving revenue streams from memberships, course participant fees and sponsorships. For full details of our financial accounts see page 34. STAFF During 2013-14, Adele Nairn, our Executive Support – Membership Engagement and Events took maternity leave from August and we welcomed Sally Kennedy who has delivered a series of memorable Round Table Dinners and provided support to our members during this period. We welcomed Stephanie Wallace to the LBWR team to take responsibility for Leaders in Action and we farewelled our YAE Program Coordinator Pam Anderson. CHAIR & CEO MESSAGE CHAIR & CEO MESSAG WHAT’S AHEAD As we celebrate our 10th year in 2015, we will continue to build on our work contained in Committee’s 2013-18 Strategic Action Plan with a key focus on health, education, small business and manufacturing sectors. BWEZ We are working with key partners to transition Ballarat and the region into a new economy based on new technologies, innovation and creativity. Our commitment is to support and encourage diversity of business for both existing and new investment opportunities. We believe in the new economy and jobs for the future. Specifically, we will continue to advocate the early activation and commercialisation of the Ballarat West Employment Zone. This includes supporting City of Ballarat and the Victoria Centre of Advanced Material Manufacturing (VCAMM) in the establishment of a new Ballarat Bio-Economy Innovation Centre at BWEZ. Within 10 years this centre will create the next generation of high value, high skill jobs for the future and generate at least $215 million in new investment helping transform the economy of Victoria. This includes support for facilities that will drive innovation/R&D capability in the Ballarat region, foster sustainable solutions for our growing regional population and contribute to diversification of our industry sector. CONNECTIVITY We will also seek to improve the connectivity and productivity for our region through research and advocacy that will enable better roads, rail and port access from our region to the Victorian capital, Melbourne. The proposed 16ha freight & logistics hub, strategically positioned within the BWEZ precinct to take optimal advantage of the new employment zone, will support the development of sustainable employment for the region and the continued growth and improved productivity of regionally located industry and manufacturers. REVITALISATION OF CBD We will continue to advocate for revitalising the CBD, and believe the activation of the Civic Hall site and Ballarat Railway Station Precinct are vital to achieving this. We must be bold and strive to create a capital city experience. This vision embraces our proud cultural heritage and, equally, aspires to deliver a thriving, retail, commercial, educational and cultural precinct. There is the rare opportunity to create ‘white collar’ jobs and set the foundation for future generations. We will support Council to deliver strong, visionary leadership in this area. COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL LEADERSHIP Finally, we will continue to drive the agenda to strengthen regional leadership capacity and capability through our Leadership Ballarat & Western Region (LBWR) program – a thriving community leadership program that supports the development of sustainable and connected communities by building community capacity through active and responsive citizenship. We will also continue to auspice the Victorian Regional Community Leadership Program (VRCLP) Secretariat. As always, our work will be focused on building a strong future for Ballarat and the greater region. Judy Verlin AM, Chair and John Kilgour, CEO 05 RESENTATION INFLUENCE & REPRESENTATION INFLUENCE & REPRESENTATION INFLUENCE & REPRESEN INFLUENCE & REPRESENTATION FEDERAL ELECTION 2013 Forum - 20 August 2013 Committee for Ballarat, in conjunction with ABC Radio Ballarat and The Courier, hosted an Election forum for the Federal Seat of Ballarat at Museum for Australian Democracy at Eureka (M.A.D.E). Moderated by ABC Radio Ballarat’s Dominic Brine, questions centred on key strategic issues important to our local region. These included sustainable living, business, health, innovation & education, connectivity and community. This forum provided a great opportunity for our members and the broader community to learn more about each candidate’s election platform and their respective priorities for our region. The election forum was podcast on ABC Radio, Ballarat. The panel was made up of the sitting member Catherine King MP (ALP), together with local candidates Shane Dunne (Katter’s Australia Party), John Fitzgibbon (Liberal Party), Stephanie Hodgins-May (The Greens), Gerard Murphy (Palmer United Party) and Stephen Vereker (Democratic Labour Party). STATE ELECTION 2014 Committee’s State Election Strategy Committee’s State election strategy document, Advancing Ballarat & Western Region - Preparing for Growth was launched at a breakfast for members on 13 March. It outlines the key projects that are vital ‘game changers’ to future-proof our region. We are working to build a strong future for Ballarat and the region and to achieve this we are unashamedly advocating for major projects and initiatives that will: • Stimulate the local economy and grow jobs • Position Ballarat as the Capital of Western Victoria • Foster and develop community leadership To read the full details of our election strategy download the document at Key conversations The Premier, The Hon Dr Denis Napthine Following the release of the State Budget on Tuesday 6 May, the Premier addressed Committee members at a breakfast briefing. Members heard directly from the Premier regarding his $27 billion infrastructure investment over the 4-year forward estimate period (2014-18) including $8-$10 billion for the Western Section of the East West Link which aims to reduce travel time leading to improved productivity and connectivity for business and residents in our region. A special forum conducted in Ballarat in March 2014 was attended by our Chair, Judy Verlin, together with representatives from manufacturing, industry and membership associations such as VECCI, Ai Group and Commerce Ballarat, to discuss key projects in the lead up to the State Election. As part of this meeting, Chair Judy Verlin positioned Committee’s State Election Strategy. The Leader of the State Opposition, the Hon Daniel Andrews At our Round Table Dinner in June members and guests heard from the State Opposition Leader. The key focus of The Opposition Leader’s address centred on jobs, education (pathways for youth), health and major infrastructure projects. At a meeting in February 2014 our Chair and CEO discussed Committee’s State Election Strategy and started positioning these critical projects with the State Opposition. 06 NTATION INFLUENCE & REPRESENTATION INFLUENCE & REPRESENTATION INFLUENCE & REPRESENTATI MAJOR POLITICAL VISITS & REPRESENTATIONS Canberra Visit 27, 28 & 29 May Together with City of Ballarat Mayor Cr Joshua Morris and CEO Anthony Schinck, Committee Chair Judy Verlin and CEO John Kilgour conducted a three-day visit to Canberra in May 2014 to position major projects under Council’s Regional Capital Growth Plan and Committee’s Advancing Ballarat and Western Region – Preparing for Growth State Election Strategy. Positive comments were received relating to Local Government and Business visiting Canberra collectively and with a united voice in positioning key issues and critical projects for social and economic growth in the region. Meetings Mr Dan Tehan (Federal Member for Wannon), The Hon Julie Collins (Shadow Minister for Regional Development and Local Government), The Hon Catherine King (Shadow Minister for Health and Federal Member for Ballarat), Advisors to Senator The Hon Michael Ronaldson (Minister for Veteran Affairs, Patron Senator of Victoria), The Hon Jason Clare (Shadow Minister for Communications), The Hon Anthony Albanese (Shadow Minister for Infrastructure & Transport, Shadow Minister for Tourism). Advisor to The Hon Jamie Briggs (Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development) Issues discussed and positioned • Establishment of a Bio-Economy and Freight & Logistics Hub at BWEZ • Regional Growth Plans incorporating Western District • Mobile Black Spot Funding (Federal Government $100m funding) • Sustainable funding model for M.A.D.E and plans for the 160th anniversary of Eureka Pre-Budget briefing session (lock down) 6 May 2014 This is the first time Committee has been invited to a formal briefing session by key state government ministers on the state budget Futures Workshop May 2014 The Chair and CEO attended a series of workshops conducted by the City of Ballarat that sought input on what kind of city Ballarat should be in 2040. Regional Mayors and CEOs at the Central Highlands CEO and Mayors Forum September 2013 Discussions centred around key projects within the Central Highlands Growth Plan and alignment with Committee’s strategic plan and advocacy work. For a full list of our key conversations see pages 27. • RDA and plans for introduction of the Stronger Regions Fund (1 July 2015) • LBWR program visit to Canberra • ANZAC centenary celebrations in Ballarat STATE BUDGET 2014 FUNDING ANNOUNCEMENTS Major infrastructure investment and jobs • $27 billion for State shaping infrastructure including $8-$10 billion to build the Western Section of the East West Link will provide a much needed alternate route to the West Gate Bridge benefiting commuters from Geelong, Ballarat and Melbourne’s West and which will improve productivity and connectivity for business and residents in our region. Key announcements impacting Ballarat and the Greater Region • $30.2 million for Stage 1 development of the Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ) including site preparation, internal roads, major trunk infrastructure and installation of services. • $40 million for free wi-fi on V/Line regional rail routes – this supports $100 million of Federal funding for removal of blackspots. • $14.2 million for a passing loop at Rowsley near Bacchus Marsh and additional car parking at Ballan • $1.2 billion to build a stronger and better regional Victoria, including: • $180 - $220 million for the Murray Basin Rail Project to upgrade and standardise country rail lines in Western Victoria • $447 million to increase prison capacity across Victoria including Langi Kal Kal prison • $8.4 million to build a new police station and emergency services hub in the Ballarat West Growth Zone (Lucas) • $7.8 million upgrade for Ballarat High School • Funding for pre-construction work for the Western Highway bypass between Beaufort and Ararat To view a full list of key funding announcements that impact our region visit 07 BUSINESS: We want to stimulate investment and business opportunities leading to sustainable employment BWGZ PROJECT The Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ) is ready to be activated and is open for business. 15,000 new jobs are needed by 2031 to support our region’s projected population increase. FOCUS AREAS OUR PERFORMANCE 2013-14 ” Making the BWEZ precinct Victoria’s premier business innovation, freight, logistics and employment precinct. Attracting businesses to set up, expand or relocate and commit to the region for the long term. Developing BWEZ into a competitive, productive and innovative hub that becomes the first choice for businesses considering expanding in Western Victoria. Substantially improving transport access (road, rail and air) for businesses in BWEZ and our region. (BALLARAT WEST GROWTH ZONE) The BWEZ is critical to drive sustainable employment and economic growth in the region. Goals Achievements To work closely with City of Ballarat and Major Projects Victoria (the developer) to push for the earliest possible release of land and occupancy for Stage 1 of the BWEZ. A key focus will be early installation of head works to support activation and commercialisation of the precinct. ✓ $38 million committed by the State Government covering Stage 1 of Western Link Road. The contracts for construction of Stage 1 (Northbound Section) has been awarded, with construction due to commence in Q4 2014. To continue to monitor the construction of Stage 1 of the Western Link Road which is critical to the activation and commercialisation of the precinct. ✓ $30.2 million funding for trunk infrastructure announced in the 2014 State Budget. To push for funding to establish a major freightlogistics hub to improve connectivity that will reduce freight costs and improve productivity for industry and manufacturers located in our region and, in turn, support sustainable employment growth for the region. ✓ $9.13 million committed by the Federal Government for the 16ha facility – this includes site preparation, internal roads, major trunk infrastructure and the installation of services to the hub which was announced in the 2014 Federal Budget. To push for funding to establish a new BioEconomy Innovation Centre at the BWEZ that will drive innovation and R&D capability in the region and attract investment. This includes a centre of excellence in waste-to-energy products that will deliver an innovative solution for our regional waste management. ✓ Supported City of Ballarat, Ballarat Technology Park and Ballarat ICT with their application for an IBM Smarter Cities Challenge grant. $500k awarded and consultancy work to be undertaken by IBM in October 2014. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the work of the BWEZ project team during the past 12 months. Chair: Judy Verlin (Chair Committee for Ballarat) Project team: Jeremy Cowan (Mars Chocolate), Bill Gitsham (UGL), Nick Grylewicz (Integra), Ewen Nevett/ Michael McCarthy (VicRoads – ‘observer’), Jeff Pulford (City of Ballarat), Ron Selkirk (Appleseed Consulting), Greg Veal (bankmecu), Glen Walker (Sargeant Transport), David Wright (Colliers International), John Kilgour (CEO Committee for Ballarat), Gayle Adams (Committee for Ballarat Secretariat Support) MAJOR PARTNERS/STAKEHOLDERS: City of Ballarat, Regional Development Victoria, VicRoads 08 and economic growth BUSINESS: We want to stimulate investment and business opportunities leading to sus There is currently $1.9 billion of escape expenditure annually in Ballarat. The BWEZ will target industry sectors that have the potential to address this. Freight costs are a major barrier for business attraction and investment – they are projected to double by 2030. The BWEZ is strategically located to host major commercial hubs that service the entire state. BIO-ECONOMY PRECINCT FOR BALLARAT This precinct will enable World class R&D and business innovation that will generate $215 million in investment, create 900 jobs and deliver $89 million in estimated value add. Source: Essential Economics BWEZ Economic Assessment Ballarat aspires to be a world leader in a bio-economy based future through the development of a Bio-Economy Industry Cluster consisting of academic, industry and non-government organisations working in collaboration. It will drive Ballarat’s competitive advantage in bioresources to position Victoria and Australia as the knowledge centre and leader in the bio-economy space and increase our global competitiveness. Within 10 years this precinct will create the next generation of high value, high skill jobs for the future and generate at least $215 million in new investment in helping transform the economy of Victoria. This includes support for facilities that will drive innovation and world-class R&D capability in the Ballarat region, foster sustainable solutions for our growing regional population and contribute to diversify our industry sector. BALLARAT WEST EMPLOYMENT ZONE (BWEZ) BWEZ Precinct Master Plan Stage 1 Source: Echelon Planning, City of Ballarat 2014 COMMITTEE PROUD OF ADVOCACY ROLE Ballarat wins IBM Smarter Cities Challenge grant: forward thinking approach to waste management recognised As part of the grant, a team of IBM experts will spend three weeks on the ground working with City of Ballarat to analyse existing data and help the city make more informed decisions about our waste management systems and waste-to-energy options. Ballarat is only the fifth Australian city to have been awarded this grant; other recipients are Perth, Gold Coast, Geraldton and Townsville. Work will commence in October 2014. The Bio-Economy Innovation Centre and R&D facility will support the development of an emerging industry to support the transition of the Ballarat economy to advanced manufacturing – see also page 17. Deputy Premier Peter Ryan announces $30.2 million funding for the BWEZ precinct as part of the 2014 State Budget. 09 munity CONNECTIVITY: We want to improve physical and virtual access for our regional community Better connectivity and productivity will drive prosperity for businesses and residents in our region. ” FOCUS AREAS Driving the agenda to improve rail infrastructure that will improve rail links within our region including access to Melbourne. Improving the frequency and reliability of our rail service and achieve reliable mobile connectivity for the entire journey. Investigating what improvements will be delivered by the activation of the $4.8 billion Regional Rail Link (RRL) in 2016. FASTTRACK BALLARAT PROJECT Commuters and regular users have lost confidence in our rail service. OUR PERFORMANCE 2013-14 Goals Achievements To secure funding for mobile connectivity and removal of blackspots. ✓ $40 million State funding that will give passengers free wi-fi by installing wireless connections to all V/Line trains travelling between major regional centres and Melbourne (to be delivered via towers, not satellite, at no extra cost to the ticket) and fix blackspots. Funding announced in the State Budget 2014. To secure a funding commitment for passing loops. ✓ $14.2 million State funding for a passing loop at Rowsley near Bacchus Marsh and additional car parking at Ballan. Funding announced in the State Budget 2014. To secure funding commitment for platform extensions. ✓ Ongoing To push for a review of Ballarat’s bus network by Public Transport Victoria (PTV) to make sure the service meets the growing transport needs of Ballarat and the greater region. ✓ Currently engaged in discussions with Public Transport Victoria about planning for an improved bus network for Ballarat to coincide with the completion of the RRL. An initiative of 10 We need to future-proof our transport services to match projected population growth through early planning and subsequent interventions by successive State Governments. Supported by CONN NECTIVITY: We want to improve physical and virtual access for our regional community CONNECTIVITY: We Two new dedicated tracks and new flyover to Southern Cross Station for Ballarat and Bendigo V/Line trains PLANNING IS NOW NEEDED WHAT’S AHEAD We are concerned about the growing pressure on our rail service based on current and forecast increases in demand. While acknowledging the efficiencies to be gained from the Regional Rail Link project, we will continue to advocate a more reliable service, a more frequent service (especially during peak times) and faster travel times. Specifically we will continue to push for funding for a feasibility study into: We need to plan NOW to increase capacity and deliver a dedicated Ballarat – Melbourne service that meets commuter expectations. • • • • • • The staged duplication of the Ballarat-Melbourne line The installation of a series of passing loops (identified from the study) The extension of platforms The provision of additional rolling stock The construction of a train holding facility at Wendouree The electrification of the Melton-Southern Cross line We warmly congratulate the FastTrack Ballarat project team and supporters for their hard work in advocating for a better rail service for our region. Chair: Ian Fry (Ballarat ICT) Project team: Nick Beale (ODP Associates), Angela Carey (Fairfax Media), Tony Chew (Community Member), Dominic Clark (Alstom), Daniel Moloney (Grounded Communications), Rodney Walton (Haymes), John Kilgour (CEO Committee for Ballarat), Gayle Adams (Committee for Ballarat Secretariat Support) MAJOR STAKEHOLDERS: City of Ballarat, V/Line, Public Transport Victoria (PTV) and Committees for Cities REGIONAL RAIL LINK PROJECT Site visit of key RRL sites, Monday 26 May Members of the FastTrack Ballarat project team and select members of the Committee for Ballarat Board had the opportunity to view key project sites and gain a better understanding of how the RRL works. The visit was conducted by RRL Authority CEO Corey Hannett who told the project team that the RRL project is 12 months ahead of schedule and is due to be completed in early 2015 with a projected savings of approximately $700 million. The total project cost is approximately $4.1 billion. MELBOURNE RAIL LINK PROJECT What are the knock-on benefits for regional rail services? We welcome the announcement in the 2014 State Budget for investment in infrastructure as part of the Melbourne Rail Link project. How will debottlenecking the metro loop improve the rail service for regional users in major regional centres? This project will benefit regional and metro train users by improving connectivity including better access to Melbourne’s CBD and Tullamarine airport which will lead to improved productivity and increased business opportunities for regional communities. Benefits for regional users • Shorter travel time and more reliable service • Dedicated regional rail and metro rail lines between Ballarat and Southern Cross Station will remove major bottlenecks for V/Line trains as they travel through Melbourne’s west • Grade separations and signal upgrades will also improve reliability by fixing signalling issues that are the cause of problems on extreme weather days NBN With the NBN now available to 12,000 in the Ballarat area, Committee will support the development of innovative ways to use the NBN to drive business productivity and investment across our region. • More peak services for regional lines • Streamlining the journey will mean an extra Ballarat service in the morning and evening peak times – in the 2012-13 State Budget the State Government committed to purchase more rolling stock (at least 30 new individual V-line VLocity rail cars across the regional network). 11 COMMUNITY: We want to promote and celebrate active and responsive citizenship LEADERSHIP BALLARAT & WESTERN REGION (LBWR) We invest in the social, economic and environmental future of the region by providing a unique development opportunity that inspires and mobilises emerging leaders. ” OUR FOCUS Continuing to deliver a quality regional leadership program. Providing personal and professional development for our graduates. Encouraging active citizenship. Supporting the participation of young people in our community. Fostering the social and economic development of vibrant regional communities. COMMUNITY: We wa “Leaders Forum highlights various ways to engage in the most effective and influential manner, maximising the opportunity for us to learn, flourish and make a difference in our region and beyond.” Tim Matthews, The Forge Pizzeria OUR PERFORMANCE 2013-14 Goals Achievements To provide a quality leadership program that strengthens regional leadership. ✓ Selected as a finalist in the CGU Commerce Ballarat Business Excellence Awards 2013 in the Bank of Melbourne Not-for-Profit category. To provide personal and professional development for our leadership program graduates. ✓ Hosted a Leadership Dinner with activist Stephen Mayne who spoke about good governance and leadership. To provide opportunities to support active citizenship of our Leaders in Action through Skills Bank. ✓ 240+ Leaders in Action volunteered for 15 hours/month on average in their local communities with an ROI of more than $1.5 million. ✓ Conducted a 3 day government, lobbying and networking trip to Canberra. ✓ Delivered a successful Leaders Forum program in 2013 with 27 graduates. ✓ Hosted leading@lunch sessions with local leaders Steve Moneghetti, Matthew Gill and Jane Smith. Provided governance training and leadership development with Mark Schultz and Leading Teams. ✓ Raised more than $10,000 for the ‘Love Your Sister’ campaign. ✓ Connected volunteers to boards, committees and project groups through our Skills Bank. ✓ Promoted volunteering as part of National and International Volunteers Week through our ‘Joy’ and ‘Legacy’ Campaigns. ✓ Partnered with Women’s Health Grampians to host a forum on women’s health. Leaders Forum To support the development of initiatives that promote the active participation of young people in the community. ✓ Sponsored a City of Ballarat Youth Volunteer Award – congratulations to the winner Alice Marquand. ✓ Hosted our second annual Year 12 Leaders Forum program. To contribute to the implementation of initiatives that foster the social and economic development of vibrant communities. ✓ Created community dialogue at a forum on violence against women, mental health and road safety. ✓ Facilitated Regional Development Australian Workforce Planning Ambassador training and local business mentoring. ✓ Partnered with Yannikan-Werrijt for a cultural awareness breakfast that led to the establishment of an employment support network for young indigenous people. ballarat + western region LEADERS in action LEADERS in action 12 ✓ Initiated the inaugural Rug Up Ballarat Winter Festival – a community arts and environment event to promote community wellbeing held at the Mining Exchange – 1900 people attended. ant to promote and celebrate active and responsive citizenship COMMUNITY: We want to promote and celeb “Leaders Forum helped me to identify that things could be done differently and that leadership is about courage. I was able to bring back to my workplace knowledge, information and a greater understanding of issues.” Katherine Gillespie, Central Highlands Primary Care Partnership Finalist, CGU Commerce Ballarat Business Excellence Awards 2013 Bernie Fradd (2008) is a White Ribbon Day Ambassador 2013 Leaders Forum program day Samuel Johnson and Tom Gleeson took part in our ‘Love Your Sister’ campaign fundraiser held in Ballarat in September 2013 Andrew Eales (2012) with students at our Year 12 Leaders Forum in February 2014 Katrina Beer (2013) presented at the cultural awareness breakfast Stephen Mayne (right), guest speaker at our Leadership Dinner in July 2013 with MC Brett Edgington (2008) Michelle Symes (2007), participated in our ‘Joy’ Volunteer Campaign Fiona Strauss (2014), participated in our ‘Legacy’ Volunteer Campaign Our Rug Up Ballarat Winter Festival attracted 1900 people in winter 2014 Leaders Forum 2013 graduation speakers Katrina Beer, Steph Wallace, Trent Bursill and Greg Murray Nelly Thomas spoke at the forum on women’s health Phil Cleary was the guest speaker at our community forum on preventing violence against women in September 2013 Will Austin (Year 12 student at St Patrick’s College) and headspace Ambassador spoke at the community forum on mental health in March 2014 LBWR COMMITTEE The LBWR Committee (a sub-committee of the Committee for Ballarat Board) oversees the strategic development of LBWR.We thank everyone who contributed their time and expertise to our committee this year. In particular we thank our outgoing Chair Lynne McLennan for the enormous amount of time, energy and passion she contributed during her tenure as Chair. Chair: Scott Williams (Scott Williams Consulting)/Lynne McLennan (UFS Dispensaries) Members: Michael Boatman (LBWR 2009, CFA), Angela Carey (LBWR 2006, Fairfax Media), Tony Chew (Learning Partner), Andrew Henwood (LBWR 2009, Federation University Australia), Kay Macaulay (Australian Industry Group), Karen McCraw (LBWR 2007, Karden Disability Services Foundation), Norman Prueter (LBWR 2012, Pyrenees Shire), Nicole Roberts (LBWR 2011, Sovereign Hill), Rodney Walton (Haymes Paint: Ex-Officio CfB), John Kilgour (CEO, Committee for Ballarat: Ex-Officio CfB) and Sofia Fiusco (EO, LBWR) Outgoing members: Adam Rogers (LBWR 2010, WorkSafe) 13 tizenship COMMUNITY: We want to promote and celebrate active and responsive citizenship COMMUNIT We are responding to the needs of our diverse regions. ” OUR FOCUS Demonstrating the impact of Regional Community Leadership Programs (RCLPs). Raising the collective profile of RCLPs. Auspiced by Committee for Ballarat OUR PERFORMANCE 2013-14 Goals Achievements To research, evaluate and share the impact of RCLPs. ✓ Updated our strategic action plan. ✓ Conducted a statewide stakeholder survey. Building the capability of RCLPs. Supporting the sustainable strategies of RCLPs. ✓ Conducted a statewide alumni survey. To develop, implement and evaluate a suite of tools to raise the profile of RCLPs. ✓ Published an eBook about our alumni Community Leadership Journey. ✓ Launched our new VRCLP website. ✓ Developed and implemented an active social media communications plan to raise the profile of the work of our programs and alumni and community projects (including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn profiles). To provide support, advice, information and professional development to RCLPs to build their capability. ✓ Delivered our VRCLP annual conference. ✓ Established an online groupsite accessible to members to ensure best practice data is stored and shared. ✓ Attended the ‘Private Ancillary Funds & Third Sector Expo’ workshop – shared learnings with members. To build relationships with key prospects to build the economic and social sustainability of RCLPs. ✓ Developed an advocacy campaign for ongoing funding from State Government. ✓ Signed a 3-year Memorandum of Understanding with the Gardiner Foundation for up to 10 dairy scholarships every year benefiting 5 programs. ✓ Established a Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal Scholarship Account for the deposit of tax deductible donations and grants accessible to programs to ensure their participants are representative of our populations. ✓ Developed state and program based infographs demonstrating survey outcomes. 14 TY: We want to promote and celebrate active and responsive citizenship COMMUNITY: We want to promote a BOARD The VRCLP Board is made up of representatives from each of the Victorian Regional Community Leadership Programs, with the exception of the Rivers & Ranges CLP which commences in July 2014. We live our values by demonstrating: • Strong collective leadership, leading from the front to shape a better future • Excellent networking, providing for sound collaboration to leverage our collective intellect while respecting our individuality and diversity • Committed to ensuring the success of VRCLP and embodying collective responsibility and actively contribute to society Chair: Julie Slater (Community Leadership Loddon Murray) Members: Kim Scanlon (Alpine Valleys Community Leadership Program), Amanda McClaren (Fairley Leadership, Goulburn Murray), Barry Rogers (Gippsland Community Leadership Program), Rosemary White (Leaders for Geelong), Sofia Fiusco (Leadership Ballarat & Western Region), Amanda Hennessy (Leadership Great South Coast), Jo Bourke (Leadership Wimmera), Cheryl Rix (Northern Mallee Leaders) We developed an advocacy campaign for ongoing funding from the State Government. We published an eBook to raise the profile of RCLPs… to download go to publications VRCLP annual conference Proudly supported by Regional Development Victoria with funding from the Victorian Government’s Regional Growth Fund 15 SUSTAINABILITY: We want to inspire our community to live sustainably so there’ll be enough for all, forever Meeting the needs of our generation must not compromise the liveability of future generations. ” FOCUS AREAS Ensuring a secure and sustainable water supply that will support our projected population growth. Managing and reusing our waste, particularly green waste, reducing our use of landfill, and identifying what opportunities are there to support biotechnology and innovative solutions. Securing affordable energy solutions to sustain and attract business in an increasingly expensive energy environment. Influencing political and community attitudes on preserving our natural environment. 16 SUSTAINABLE LIVING PROJECT With our population set to grow by a third by 2030, Ballarat is facing significant environmental challenges in the areas of landfill capacity, waste management and carbon emissions. Bio-energy solutions will demonstrate Ballarat’s innovative approach to waste management. Ballarat will become a centre of excellence in bio-economy and innovation. Ballarat is facing significant sustainability challenges in relation to our water supply. We need a sustainable water strategy for our region that supports unhindered growth and investment to support our community’s future social and economic wellbeing. OUR PERFORMANCE 2013-14 Goals Achievements To drive innovation around environmental issues including alternate sources of sustainable energy. ✓ Continued to work with City of Ballarat to advocate the development of a Bio-Economy Innovation Centre and R&D Testing Facility at Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ). To contribute to delivering an Integrated Water Cycle Management Framework under the Living Ballarat Project. This framework integrates the planning of water systems into the planning for construction or redevelopment of buildings and precincts in local growth areas. ✓ Contributed to the completion of a draft strategy document for the Living Ballarat Project which was launched at a special workshop for key stakeholders in June 2014. To advocate stormwater harvesting and aquifer recharge. ✓ Ongoing To advocate for sustainable systems for residential, commercial and industrial use in both the Ballarat West Growth (BWGZ) and Employment Zones (BWEZ). ✓ Ongoing To influence community and political attitudes to potable substitution and recycled water reuse. ✓ Ongoing To develop a clear position paper on climate change, including the opportunities and challenges. ✓ Published a position statement, July 2013 To develop a clear position paper on population growth, including the opportunities and challenges. ✓ Published a position statement, December 2013 SUSTAINABILITY: We want to inspire our community to live sustainably so there’ll be enough for all, forever Thank you to everyone who contributed to the work of the Sustainable Living project team during the past 12 months. Chair: Peter Tadgell (TGM Group) Project team: Lauren Burch (City of Ballarat), Michael Car (McCain Foods), Tony Chew (Community Member), Anita Holdsworth (McCain Foods), Craig Hurley (Federation University Australia), Cr Sebastian Klein (Hepburn Shire Council), Jeff Haydon (Central Highlands Water), Ian Rossiter (City of Ballarat), David Spear (Golden Plains Shire), Jim Xaiz (McCain Foods), John Kilgour (CEO Committee for Ballarat), Gayle Adams (Committee for Ballarat Secretariat Support) MAJOR PARTNERS/STAKEHOLDERS: City of Ballarat, Central Highlands Water, Hepburn Shire, Golden Plains Shire, Regional Sustainability Alliance, Corangamite Catchment Management Authority LIVING BALLARAT PROJECT Living Ballarat Project Control Board members with the Minister for Water, the Hon Peter Walsh at the launch of the Living Ballarat Water Framework Strategy document on 3 June 2014. The Living Victoria Policy is an initiative of the Victorian State Government, through the Office of Living Victoria (OLV), to help guide Victoria, our water industry, associated sectors and community through the transformation of the way urban environment and water cycle systems are planned for, designed and managed. The Living Ballarat Project involves the co-design with key stakeholders and the local community of a framework that integrates planning of water systems, into planning for construction or redevelopment of buildings, neighbourhoods, and precincts in the City of Ballarat and neighbouring growth areas. OUR POSITION ON POPULATION A SUMMARY The Ballarat region’s population is projected to increase by 54,000 to 223,500 by 2031 (DPCD, Victoria in Future 2012). We support regional development and investment that will consolidate Ballarat’s position as the Capital of Western Victoria as our regional communities look to Ballarat to meet their higher order retail, service, business, institutional, entertainment, recreation and cultural needs. We advocate for planned economic growth and diversification to create a ‘high tech’ and knowledge-base regional economy. This includes higher education, health services, research, manufacturing, information technology and business services that will grow, integrate and evolve to generate significant new investment and highly skilled jobs. To read more go to Ballarat’s water future strategy document Help Shape our Water Future will be published in 2014 with two foundation projects to be established. BIO-ECONOMY INNOVATION CENTRE AND R&D TESTING FACILITY FOR BALLARAT OUR POSITION ON CLIMATE CHANGE A SUMMARY As the introduction of a carbon tax as a precursor to a carbon trading scheme will inevitably drive the cost of fossil fuel derived energy up, we will work with the City of Ballarat and surrounding shires in their efforts to introduce bio-energy as a complementary source of energy for both industrial and residential consumption. In addition, Committee will work with all stakeholder groups on identifying emerging risks and opportunities associated with sustainable environmental management, living with a changing climate and actively contribute to any proposed changes in regulatory frameworks. While climate change will present some challenges, it will also provide opportunities to innovate and to lead the way. This will result in new industries, new jobs and new ways of living. Committee for Ballarat will communicate and strongly advocate on climate change initiatives that support sustainable environmental, social and economic growth in Ballarat and the greater regional community. To read more go to We will continue to actively support City of Ballarat and Victorian Centre for Advanced Materials Manufacturing (VCAMM) in advocating for funding to establish the Bio-Economy Innovation Centre at BWEZ and to accelerate the development of the emerging industry and facilitate technology transfer and collaborative projects. Waste to energy project The innovative project will use waste currently sent to landfill to produce higher value products including energy, recyclables and other products and materials. This will significantly reduce landfill and reduce carbon emissions. Further, with direct connection to industry within BWEZ, it will provide those businesses with access to a low cost and secure energy source. The concept is also an enabler for a growing a clean tech industry in Western Victoria. VCAMM will support industry participants and advanced waste management and resource recovery through R&D, trials, commercialisation and market deployment of high-end processes, materials and products. VCAMM will provide a critical link between establishing emerging bio-waste energy harvesting technologies and opportunities generated by manufacturing, universities and manufacturing research industries. 17 INNOVATION: We want to promote Ballarat and region as a leader in innovative thinking Ballarat. Full of ideas and vision. Optimistic about our future. ” OUR FOCUS Developing a compelling story about Ballarat and the region that we can use to engage with key stakeholder groups including the three tiers of government. Promoting Ballarat and the region as a thriving and innovative regional centre to attract capital investment that will facilitate social and economic growth. Influencing strategic planning to deliver a thriving major events precinct centred around community use, regional entertainment and elite sport. Planning for the revitalisation of Ballarat’s CBD to ensure development aspires to deliver a vibrant and contemporary destination. INNOVATION: W BRAND BALLARAT PROJECT Ballarat’s reputation of “Old, Cold and Gold” is a barrier to marketing our great city and region. We need to capitalise on our unique attributes and upsell Ballarat and region as a great place to live, work and visit. OUR PERFORMANCE 2013-14 Goals Achievements To establish a project team that will engage key stakeholders and facilitate the promotion of Ballarat and the region. ✓ Established and activated our project team in September 2013. To develop a brand narrative that promotes our enviable lifestyle, innovative projects and world-class facilities which can be used to develop a sense of pride in Ballarat by local residents and to attract new residents, new industry, students, and visitors to the region. ✓ Completed our ‘Brand Ballarat narrative’ in June 2014. To work collaboratively with key stakeholders to develop a detailed Master Plan for a Major Sports & Entertainment Precinct in North Ballarat. ✓ Supported Ballarat Basketball Association and North Ballarat Football Club for funding commitments to activate upgrades at their respective facilities aligned to the Major Sports & Entertainment Precinct Master Plan. To work collaboratively with City of Ballarat to develop a vibrant CBD precinct ✓ Contributed to the Ballarat Railway Station Precinct Master Plan launched in June 2014. ✓ Developed position paper and submission to council for the activation of the Civic Hall site. ✓ $1.2 million of additional State funding to refurbish the northern platform building. 18 We want to promote Ballarat and region as a leader in innovative thinking INNOVATION: We want to promote MAJOR SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT PRECINCT MASTER PLAN (NORTHERN END) Source: Coffey Report 2013 Upgrades to the Ballarat Basketball Association are highlighted in yellow BRAND BALLARAT NARRATIVE Following the completion of the narrative and subsequent approval by the Board, a sub-committee of the Brand Ballarat project team will now work on developing a strategy for its implementation. Thank you to all members of the Brand Ballarat project team for contributing your expertise during the past year. Chair: Steve Coltman (Sovereign Hill) Project team: Liz Crothers (Bold Communication), Andrew Eales (The Courier), Peter Eddy (Ballarat Basketball Association), Bill Mundy (Telstra Country Wide), Mark Patterson (North Ballarat Sports Club), Anthony Schinck (City of Ballarat), Jane Smith (M.A.D.E), George Sossi (Ballarat Regional Tourism), Judy Verlin (Committee for Ballarat), John Kilgour (CEO Committee for Ballarat), Gayle Adams (Committee for Ballarat Secretariat Support) The Master Plan for the Ballarat Railway Station Precinct was launched by Premier The Hon Dr Denis Napthine. 19 al community HEALTH: We want to create innovative ways to deliver quality health services to our growing An iconic health and education precinct will attract the professionals our growing community needs. ” FOCUS AREAS Enabling development of this area as an iconic precinct so that it is highly attractive, liveable and commercially viable. Embracing the benefits of accelerated growth in the health and education professions in this precinct. RAHP PROJECT (REVITALISING THE ACU-HOSPITALS-LAKE WENDOUREE PRECINCT) Our future health and education needs will not be met unless we attract highquality professionals in health and education to our region. An enlivened health and education precinct has the capacity to reposition Ballarat and the region in the minds of prospective residents, businesses, investors, students and workers. The ‘health and education precinct’ covers the area around the Australian Catholic University’s Ballarat Campus, Ballarat Health Service’s Ballarat campus, St John of God Hospital Ballarat, Ballarat Clarendon College’s Mair Street campus and the south-east area of Lake Wendouree. OUR PERFORMANCE 2013-14 Goals Achievements To develop a Precinct Structure Plan and incorporate it into the CBD Strategy (based on the findings of the feasibility study presented to City of Ballarat in March 2013). ✓ Contributed to the development of a draft tender document for the Precinct Structure Plan that has been completed by City of Ballarat. To secure representation on Council’s Project Steering Committee to continue to focus on attracting and retaining health and education professionals. ✓ Achieved Thank you to everyone who contributed to the work of the RAHP project team during the past 12 months. Chair: Michael Krieg (St John of God Ballarat Hospital) Project team: Robert Burns (Ballarat Clarendon College), Ian Dreher (Regional Development Victoria), Joe Fleming (Australian Catholic University Ballarat Campus), Natalie Reiter (City of Ballarat), Andrew Rowe (Ballarat Health Services), Deon van Baalen (City of Ballarat), John Kilgour (CEO Committee for Ballarat), Gayle Adams (Committee for Ballarat Secretariat Support) MAJOR PARTNERS/STAKEHOLDERS: Ballarat Health Services, St John of God Ballarat Hospital. Australian Catholic University Ballarat Campus, Ballarat Clarendon College, City of Ballarat, Regional Development Victoria 20 regional community HEALTH: We want to create innovative ways to deliver quality health services to our g Technology can enable greater levels of in-home care and reduce dependency on existing health infrastructure. ” FOCUS AREAS Exploring opportunities for using eHealth technology to improve delivery of heath services in our region. Improving access to appropriate care when and where it is needed for all in our region and keeping it cost effective. Reducing demand on hospital services. Improving the sharing of patient care information between care providers to improve the patient journey. MeT PROJECT (MAXIMISING eHEALTH TECHNOLOGY) The demand on our existing health infrastructure and services is growing and will only get worse as our ageing population increases. We need to look at innovative and sustainable solutions using world-best practice in eHealth technology to improve health outcomes and support patients, reduce demand on existing health infrastructure and services. This new project is timely with the NBN rollout happening in our region at a faster pace than elsewhere in Victoria and the federal government’s focus on the uptake of Patient Care Electronic Health Records (PCeHR) and telemedicine. OUR PERFORMANCE 2013-14 The following two major areas of focus were identified by the MeT project team following analysis of an environmental scan of how technology could improve delivery of health services in the Grampians region. Goals Achievements Secure messaging: To facilitate expanding the use of e-referrals and hospital discharge summaries from GP to specialists and GP to hospitals. ✓ The evaluation and implementation of a pilot program is currently under way. Aged care: To improve patient care by enabling all healthcare providers access to all of a patient’s health and medications information. ✓ The evaluation and implementation of a pilot program is currently under way. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the MeT project team during the past 12 months. Chair: George Fong (Lateral Plains P/L) Project team: Trevor Adem (Beaufort Skipton Health Services), Andrew McPherson (Grampians Medicare Local), Ross Davey (Argus Connect), Tanya Hahne (replaced Russell Venn Feb 2014) (Grampians Medicare Local), Garry Hurst (Ararat Medical), Meredith Johnson (Grampians Medicare Local), Gary Layton (Royal Flying Doctor Service), Kate Nolan (Ballarat Health Services IT Director), Robyn Reeves (Ballarat Community Health), David Ryan (Grampians Health Alliance), Diane Sartori (St John of God Ballarat Hospital), Chris Scott (Wimmera Health Care), Pat Standen (Department of Health), Dr Helen Thompson (Federation University Australia), Russell Venn (Grampians Medicare Local), John Kilgour (CEO Committee for Ballarat), Gayle Adams (Committee for Ballarat Secretariat Support) 21 VENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS Our events bring us together to share, learn, be inspired and build relationships. ” AB EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS ROUND TABLE DINNERS (RTDs) RTDs are our signature event for members and their guests and feature a keynote address by one of Australia’s prominent business leaders. These dinners have become a must-attend event on the Ballarat calendar. The speakers, drawn from a wide range of business backgrounds, are experts in their field, and deliver engaging and thought-provoking addresses. Value for members Our Round Table Dinners are a great opportunity for members to network with peers, gain and exchange ideas, extend their thinking and generate more business interactions. logo L E NN ER FAMILY BUSINESS AND SUCCESSION PLANNING David Smorgon, OAM September 2013 Ballarat Lodge Sponsor: Haymes Paint Guest speaker David Smorgon and David Haymes of Haymes Paint shared with members and guests their own personal journeys and key learnings in transitioning their respective family businesses during periods of accelerated change. The evening also featured the launch of Committee for Ballarat Strategic Action Plan for Ballarat and Region 2013-18 which will provide a focus for Committee’s work over the next five-year period. MAKING BOLD DECISIONS Janet Dore, CEO TAC December 2013 Ballarat Lodge Sponsor: Victorian State Government through the Department of State Development, Business and Innovation Guest speaker Janet Dore spoke passionately about our changing social and economic landscape. Her pitch to make bold decisions around the Civic Hall site resonated with many in the audience. Janet was the first CEO of the newly amalgamated City of Ballarat in 1994 and it was fantastic to have a guest speaker who understands Ballarat, the Ballarat community and the impact of transitioning a State Government department, such as the TAC, can have on a regional economy and in revitalising the CBD. The Electric Dreams trio capped off what was a great evening. 22 E EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS Guests on the streets of Sovereign Hill PRIORITIES FOR REGIONAL VICTORIA CELEBRATING OUR REGION Featuring regional producers March 2014 Sponsor: Sovereign Hill From the Farm Gate to your Plate A fresh format Round Table Dinner featuring a progressive-style dinner against a backdrop of Sovereign Hill streetscapes was a wonderful celebration of our region and a big hit with the crowd of 150 members and guests. The weather gods smiled on us as we enjoyed a selection of beautiful regional produce on a stunning March evening. The Hon Daniel Andrews State Opposition Leader 19 June 2014 Novotel Forest Resort Creswick At our June RTD the Hon Daniel Andrews spoke about the ALP’s priorities on the critical issues and challenges facing regional Victoria in the lead up to the State election in November 2014. This provided an excellent opportunity for members and guests to hear what a Labor Government would deliver should it win office. Mr Andrew’s address focused on jobs, education (pathways for youth), health and major infrastructure and investment. The evening featured a gold pour and the chance to hear from selected local producers who shared their stories while guests enjoyed the product of their labour. Guest speaker Andrew Prior of Queenie’s Food Tours spoke about his passion for quality produce and told guests about his plans to start a regional food tour. Our featured regional producers: Sher Wagyu, Meredith Dairy, Tuki (Trout Farm), Springhill Farm, Mount Prospect Produce, Western Plains Pork and Michael Unwin Wines. 23 VENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS STATE BUDGET BRIEFING BREAKFAST Premier The Hon Dr Denis Napthine 9 May 2014 Craig’s Royal Hotel Following the release of the State Budget on Tuesday 6 May, the Premier addressed Committee for Ballarat members at a budget briefing. For details on the State Budget that impact Ballarat and the region see page 7. CHAIR’S LUNCH This special annual event is a benefit of Executive Membership. It provides an opportunity for Executive Members and their guests to hear from community and business leaders and discuss the issues and challenges facing their businesses and our region. CHAIR’S LUNCH 2014 Metropolitan Melbourne’s interface with the region: sharing the challenges and opportunities Kate Roffey, CEO Committee for Melbourne 10 June 2013 Craig’s Royal Hotel As the CEO of the Committee for Melbourne, Kate Roffey represents the views of their broad membership in the public realm, with Federal, State and Local government, and among business and academia, with the aim of turning innovative ideas into outcomes. Kate shared her views on the role of the Committee for Melbourne, its Board structure and membership; the challenges and issues confronting Melbourne as one of the world’s major capital cities; the ‘big picture’ projects and background research being undertaken to tackle these issues; and the interface between metro and regional Victoria. 1ST FRIDAY BREAKFAST Each month we invite a small group of members to meet informally over breakfast with our Chair and CEO. This provides members with the opportunity to be updated on Committee’s activities, build stronger relationships with other members, learn more about other member’s businesses and to exchange ideas on the issues facing businesses in our region. Five 1st Friday Breakfasts were held during the year and one for potential members. 24 E EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS CONNECT NETWORKING GROUP FOCUS To increase the knowledge and skills of office professionals so that they can provide increased levels of support to business executives and their organisations. PROGRAM 2013-14 ✓ Visited the new Museum of Australian Democracy at Eureka (M.A.D.E.) ✓ Participated in a training session on the changing world of the office professional (and to look at the challenges and opportunities that this presents) ✓ Toured of the City of Ballarat to look at current projects and planned developments as well as to learn more about the event and conference facilities that the City offers ✓ Participated in a workshop to learn about the value of creativity in the workplace ✓ Hosted ‘Connecting@lunch’ event with Committee for Ballarat Chair Judy Verlin AM ✓ Hosted ‘Dressing for Success’ event PLANNING COMMITTEE Gayle Adams, Committee for Ballarat, Anne McConnell (St John of God Ballarat), Shelley Best (Harwood Andrews Lawyers), Glenys Foy (City of Ballarat), Marg Keating (Mars Chocolate), Tracey Rayner (Nicholson Construction), Susan Scott (Federation University Australia), Faye Shepperson (Grampians Medicare Local) Connect Networking members toured Ballarat with City of Ballarat CEO Anthony Schinck A professional association of office professionals from Committee for Ballarat member organisations. New members are welcome. PETER DOHERTY SCIENCE AWARD We are encouraging excellence and innovation in scientific thought and activity in state secondary schools and the community. This award, an initiative of Committee and Nobel Laureate Professor Peter Doherty, is offered annually to students in Years 9 and 10. Winners and finalists Congratulations to the 2013 winners and finalists and to everyone who entered. Peter Doherty Science Award winners 2013, Kristopher Keays and Natalie Kirley from Phoenix P-12 Community College 2013 winners • Phoenix P-12 Community College: Kristopher Keays and Natalie Kirley (pictured) – The Dirt on Dirt 2013 finalists • Ballarat SC Wendouree Campus: Holly Elliss, Amy Kennedy and Emma Woodyatt – Bouncy Eggs • Ballarat SC Wendouree Campus: Corey Baker and Hannah White – Timing the Chemical Reaction • Phoenix P-12 Community College: Lamourette Folly and Danae Newman – Which Fabric makes the Best Lab Coat? 25 ATIONS ADVOCACY, SUPPORT & CONGRATULATIONS We are proud to have provided advocacy and support for initiatives that align with our strategic aspirations. ADVOCACY, SUPPORT & CONGRATULATIONS ADVOCACY, SUPPORT & CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS Mars Chocolate Australia (Executive Member) recently installed over 840 solar panels at their Ballarat site. We congratulate them on this initiative which will generate up to 25% of their power consumption and a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Deputy Premier, Peter Ryan BACK THE BID CAMPAIGN Ballarat has been selected as one of 16 host cities from across Australia. The Bahrain National Football Team will be hosted here for 16 nights in December 2014 in the lead up to the Asian Cup. They will use the new state-of-the-art facilities at the Ballarat Regional Soccer Facility at Morshead Park for their pre-competition training. Great for Ballarat. Great for business. REDUCING RED TAPE Victoria’s new red tape commissioner John Lloyd visited members to boost productivity and reduce costs. The Victorian Coalition Government has a comprehensive program to reduce red tape by 25 per cent and John Lloyd’s visit enabled him to consult directly with business and identify a series of key issues and make significant inroads in cutting red tape through significant reform. The meeting was attended by our Chair & CEO, together with members John King (JG King Homes), Richard Scholten & Colin Hoole (Powercorp - Citipower), Richard Nicholson (Nicholson Construction) and Peter Burnett (Ballarat Grammar) WE PROVIDED SUPPORT FOR THE FOLLOWING: Ballarat Destination Management Plan Prepared by Ballarat Regional Tourism (BRT). Eureka 160 Celebrations of the 160th anniversary of the Eureka Stockade throughout 2014 hosted by M.A.D.E.. Migrant Communities Employment Fund application to Department of Education, Employment and Work Relations (DEEWR) for funding for City of Ballarat’s CALD Careers Program Submitted by City of Ballarat in partnership with Ballarat Community Health, Centre for Multicultural Youth and Ballarat Regional Multicultural Council. Manufacturing Productivity Network Grants application for a Green Chemicals Project at Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ) Submitted by Victorian Centre for Advanced Materials Manufacturing (VCAMM) in conjunction with City of Ballarat. Automotive Department Fund Application for alteration works to accommodate heavy vehicle training Submitted by Federation University. Helen Macpherson Smith Trust grant application to assist with content refreshment and additions at M.A.D.E. Submitted by M.A.D.E. PhD student research into identifying the various social and environmental practices and activities of small businesses in the Ballarat region Submitted by Federation University. 28 26 KEY CONVERSATIONS KEY CONVERSATIONS KEY CONVERSATIONS KEY CONVERSATIONS KEY KEY CONVERSATIONS MEETINGS & WORKSHOPS WITH POLITICAL & ORGANISATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES Local government representatives State representatives/aspirants Federal representatives 3Q 2013 • Anthony Schinck & Jeff Pulford (with Andrew Rowe & Michael Krieg) re RAHP project • Golden Plains Mayor, CEO & Councillors (meeting with Judy Verlin & Ewan Nevett, VicRoads) •Meeting with Executive Unit, City of Ballarat • Anthony Schinck, CEO City of Ballarat • Cr Vicki Coltman re Civic Hall • Representation at Council Chamber meeting re vote on Civic Hall • Submission made to Central Highlands Regional Growth Plan • Simon Ramsay (Member for Western Victoria) • The Premier, the Hon Dr Denis Napthine at Committee for Ballarat Chair’s lunch • Sharon Knight (Member for Ballarat West), Geoff Howard (Member for Ballarat East), Jaala Pulford (Member for Western Vic) • The Hon Peter Walsh (Minister for Water) at Central Highlands Plan launch • Meeting with John Lloyd, Red Tape Commissioner with Committee members • Sharon Knight (Member for Ballarat West) re Fresh Bins pilot program • Launch of Red Tape Rubbish Bin program with Grampians RDV & Red Tape Commissioner • Andrew Gibbs (DEEWR) re future funding opportunities for YAE program • Andrew Gibbs & Jenny Keown (DEEWR), Maria Smith (Bounce), Jen Kelly (JK Personnel) & Ryan Waight (Glo) re future of YAE program • Federal Election Candidates Forum conducted at M.A.D.E 4Q 2013 • Jeff Pulford, City of Ballarat re Emergency Hub @ Ballarat Airport • Anthony Schinck, CEO – City of Ballarat •Cameron Duthie & Natalie Rieter, City of Ballarat re RAHP Project Natalie Reiter & Sean Cameron, City of Ballarat re RAHP Project • Simon Ramsay (Member for Western Victoria) • Visit to Ballarat by the Hon Alex Chernov AC QC, Governor of Victoria and Mrs Elizabeth Chernov • Central Highlands Region Workforce Development workshop (RDV) • Meeting with John Lloyd, Red Tape Commissioner with VECCI members • Andrew Holm & Sandra Taltry, RDV re VRCLP & LBWR funding • Sharon Knight (Member for Ballarat West), Jaala Pulford (Member for Western Victoria) • The Hon Daniel Andrews (Opposition Leader), Jacinta Allan (Shadow Minister for Regional & Rural Development), Sharon Knight (Member for Ballarat West), Jaala Pulford (Member for Western Victoria) & Geoff Howard (Member for Ballarat East) re round table discussion on Regional and Rural Economic Development • Simon Ramsay (Member for Western Victoria) • The Hon Catherine King MP, Federal Member for Ballarat & Shadow Health Minister 1Q 2014 •Reception @ City Hall for North Melbourne Football Club • NAB Challenge Breakfast with City of Ballarat • Reception @ City Hall for Start of Education Year • Meeting with Mayor & CEO, City of Ballarat re State Election Strategy & rebranding • FastTrack Ballarat task team meeting • Mayor & CEO: Golden Plains Shire re State Election Strategy & rebranding • Visit with City of Ballarat & VCAAM re Carbon Nexus Facility, Deakin University, Geelong • Mayor & CEO, Hepburn Shire re State Election Strategy & rebranding • Anthony Schinck, CEO City of Ballarat • Ewen Nevett (VicRoads) and Maree McNeilly (Department of Transport, Planning & Local Infrastructure) re Central Highlands Regional Transport Plan • Sharon Knight (Member for Ballarat West) • Local politicians meeting: Sharon Knight (Member for Ballarat West), Jaala Pulford (Member for Western Victoria) & Geoff Howard (Member for Ballarat East) • Ian Dreher, RDV • The Hon Daniel Andrews (Opposition Leader) & Sharon Knight (Member for Ballarat East) re State Election Strategy & Fresh Bins proposal • Meeting with Simon Ramsay (Member for Western Victoria) • Grant Wiltshire (new Regional Director, RDV Grampians Region) • Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (Patron Senator for Victoria) re meeting with Warren Truss to discuss funding for the BWEZ Freight & Logistics Hub • The Hon Catherine King MP, Federal Member for Ballarat & Shadow Health Minister 2Q 2014 • Pyrenees Shire – Business Luncheon • Mayor Cr Joshua Morris & Anthony Schinck CEO, City of Ballarat • Anthony Schinck & Jo Stevens (Premier PR) re Canberra delegation visit Ballarat Futures Workshops • Mayor - Cr Joshua Morris & Anthony Schinck – CEO, City of Ballarat • Angie Lush & Andrea Carroll re: BWEZ & Emergency Services Hub projects • Special briefing session at Morshead Park re: Asian Cup 2015 – host city • Anthony Schinck re: Regional Capital Growth Plan - projects status and updates • Deputy Premier, the Hon Peter Ryan re Election Strategy document • Minister for Ports, Major Projects & Manufacturing, David Hodgetts (AI Group launch) • Local members, Sharon Knight, Jaala Pulford and Geoff Howard • Attended State Budget “lock up” briefing session in Spring Street • State Budget Briefing breakfast for members by the Premier, the Hon Dr Denis Napthine • Regional Rail Link Authority site visit with FastTrack Ballarat project team • Ryan Smith – Minister for Environment • The Premier, the Hon Dr Denis Napthine @ M.A.D.E 160 anniversary funding announcement • Sharon Knight (Member for Ballarat West) – briefing session on RTD • Local members meeting – Sharon Knight, Jaala Pulford and Geoff Howard • Deputy Premier, the Hon Peter Ryan – MARS opening of solar project (stegosaurus) & BWEZ announcement • The Hon Daniel Andrews (Opposition Leader) – June Round Table Dinner • Charles Spanjer – Director, Property Development Major Projects Victoria • Marc Boxer – Senior Ministerial Advisor, Minister for Planning • Lachlan Bruce – Executive Director, Regional Development Victoria • Canberra Delegation… see CEO report for more details: Mr Dan Tehan (Federal Member for Wannon) The Hon Julie Collins (Shadow Minister for Regional Development and Local Government) The Hon Catherine King (Shadow Minister for Health and Federal Member for Ballarat) Advisors to Senator The Hon Michael Ronaldson (Minister for Veteran Affairs) The Hon Jason Clare (Shadow Minister for Communications) The Hon Anthony Albanese (Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, and Tourism) Advisor to Jamie Briggs (Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development) 27 MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA We are proud to have contributed to discussions impacting on our Region’s future… 28 MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA Date Media Focus July 2013 The Courier Cleary to be at forum (LBWR forum on family violence) Fears for bio-energy projects (concern over future funding) West job zone given the go ahead (development to provide employment) August 2013 The Courier Push to promote Ballarat’s projects (Chair’s luncheon) Election Forum – candidates under the spotlight Phil Cleary speaks in Ballarat (LBWR) Call to demolish Civic Hall (Committee for Ballarat wants commercial development on site) Candidates go under the election spotlight An investment by employers & sponsors in the future of our regional communities (LBWR) Win TV &ABC Coverage and pod cast of Election Forum (M.A.D.E.) September 2013 The Courier Mayor and CEO do not feel compromised on Civic Hall (City chiefs cry no conflict) Who’s in it today (Round Table Dinner) October 2013 The Courier Issues keep coming (Civic Hall angst) Passion and power in marathon battle Civic Hall the sequel is over, revitalisation is now the key (editorial) Higher density living planned (Ballarat population to increase to more than 200,000 by 2050) Trains on track this month Honours for two Ballarat women (Judy Verlin) October 2013 Win TV MEDIA John Kilgour interviewed about Committee’s follow-up to key Federal election projects November 2013 The Courier Ballarat’s industrial heart is under threat (job losses) Civic Hall backers look at similar case (supporters to gain insight) Plan for railyards art precinct (residents seek help) Review on Hub Funds/PM putting jobs at risk Frustrating lack of action on funding for employment zone Sacred sites claim – road project faces setback ($38m Western Link Road project delayed) Anger at delay to road (group disappointed) State election will be a referendum on transport priorities We’ll look at stadium (Andrews takes a broader view) Paralympian encourages people to enjoy the world (Don Elgin – LBWR/Karden sponsored breakfast) City leaders guide strategy (BT3 – 30-year plan) December 2013 The Courier Future leaders graduate with honours (LBWR) Action on Civic Hall is well overdue (editorial) Who’s in it today (photos Round Table Dinner) WIN TV John Kilgour interviewed about Ballarat Station Precinct ABC Radio John Kilgour interviewed about BWEZ freight hub funding The Courier John Kilgour interviewed about FastTrack Ballarat Project ABC Radio John Kilgour interviewed about 2014 priority projects January 2014 WIN TV John Kilgour interviewed about 2014 priority projects Voice FM John Kilgour interviewed about Civic Hall Debate The Courier Young leaders hard at work (LBWR/LIA – Year 12 Leaders Forum) Who’s in it today (photos LBWR 2014 program launch) Opinion by Ron Egeberg (Civic Hall Debate) The Courier Ballarat Business Leaders discuss City’s future with Premier Group’s wish list for funds (Committee for Ballarat to lobby state government before budget) United front is the way to push Ballarat into the spotlight (editorial) Time for action is now (editorial – last paragraph) WIN TV Advancing Ballarat & Western Region – preparing for growth (State Election Strategy Launch) ABC Radio John Kilgour interviewed about State Election Strategy The Courier Ballarat’s election priorities WIN TV John Kilgour interviewed about meeting with Deputy Premier in Ballarat The Courier Major investment kick-start zone (State Budget) Freight hub a boon for Ballarat (Federal Budget) Hub is big win for City (Federal Budget) WIN TV John Kilgour interviewed about State Budget wish list John Kilgour interviewed about State Budget Review John Kilgour interviewed about Freight Hub funding - Federal Budget May 2014 The Courier Link on track for better rail service (RRL visit) June 2014 The Courier City leaders get a close up view of government at work (LBWR trip to Canberra) Bus network faces review (changes to coincide with completion of Regional Rail Link: PTV Application set to ignite hall debate Andrews out to woo Committee - job creation pledge (June RTD) February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 MEDIA 29 BOARD BOARD BOARD We sincerely thank Board Members for contributing their vision, expertise and time during the past year. BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD JUNE 2014 Judy Verlin AM Chair Mayor Cr Joshua Morris City of Ballarat Lynne McLennan Deputy Chair UFS Dispensaries Bill Mundy Telstra Country Wide Prof David Battersby Federation University Paul O’Donohue Central Highlands Water Stephen Byrne BJT Legal Luke Rieniets Bendigo Bank Steven Coltman Sovereign Hill Andrew Rowe Ballarat Health Services Jeremy Cowan Mars Chocolate Australia Tony Stone Community Member Torben Fink-Jensen Alstom Transport Greg Veal bankmecu LTD Bill Gitsham UGL Rail Rodney Walton Haymes Paint John King JG King Building Group Scott Williams Principal, Scott Williams Consulting Michael Krieg St John of God Hospital, Ballarat Thank you to Board Members who resigned or retired during the year Matthew Gill resigned May 2014 Cr John Burt resigned November 2013 Dominic Clark resigned May 2014 David James retired October 2013 30 Welcome to our new Board Members Mayor Cr Joshua Morris Torben Fink-Jensen BO OARD BOARD BOARD BOARD Thank you to all Board sub-committee members for contributing their time, energy and expertise. BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD SUB-COMMITTEES MAC COMMITTEE (MEMBERSHIP & COMMUNICATIONS) This Committee provides advice to the Board on attracting and retaining a broad membership base and communicating effectively about Committee’s work. Chair: John King (JG King Building Group) Members: Liz Crothers (Bold Communication), Joanna Monahan (Harwood Andrews), Tony Stone (Selkirk Group of Companies), Judy Verlin (Chair Committee for Ballarat), Morgan Williams (Designscope), Sally Kennedy (Committee for Ballarat), John Kilgour (CEO Committee for Ballarat), Gayle Adams (Committee for Ballarat Secretariat Support) FARM COMMITTEE (FINANCE, AUDIT AND RISK MANAGEMENT) This Committee provides advice to the Board on all matters related to finance, statutory reporting, audits and risk management to ensure Committee meets its responsibilities in these areas. Chair: Luke Rieniets (Bendigo Bank) Members: Stephen Byrne (BJT Legal), Graeme Dixon (FMP Group), Brendan Foley (Foley Wilson & Co), Robert Hook (community member), Rodney Walton (Haymes Paint) Observers: Sandra Campbell (RSM Bird Cameron), Lynne McLennan (Deputy Chair Committee for Ballarat), Judy Verlin (Chair Committee for Ballarat), Scott Williams (Chair LBWR Committee), John Kilgour (CEO Committee for Ballarat), Sofia Fiusco (EO LBWR), Paula Vagg (RSM Bird Cameron, Secretariat Support) GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE This Committee ensures that the Board is performing at optimal levels, engaging and involving its members and planning for leadership succession. Chair: Judy Verlin (Chair Committee for Ballarat) Members: Greg Veal (bankmecu), Lynne McLennan (UFS Dispensaries), Gayle Adams (Committee for Ballarat Secretariat Support) LBWR COMMITTEE The LBWR Committee (a sub-committee of the Committee for Ballarat Board) oversees the strategic development of LBWR. Chair: Scott Williams (Scott Williams Consulting)/Lynne McLennan (UFS Dispensaries) Members: Michael Boatman (LBWR 2009, CFA), Angela Carey (LBWR 2006, Fairfax Media), Tony Chew (Learning Partner), Andrew Henwood (LBWR 2009, Federation University Australia), Kay Macaulay (Australian Industry Group), Karen McCraw (LBWR 2007, Karden Disability Services Foundation), Norman Prueter (LBWR 2012, Pyrenees Shire), Nicole Roberts (LBWR 2011, Sovereign Hill), Rodney Walton (Haymes Paint: Ex-Officio CfB), John Kilgour (CEO, Committee for Ballarat: Ex-Officio CfB) and Sofia Fiusco (EO, LBWR) 31 RS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS LIST OF MEMBERS JUNE 2014 EXECUTIVE Alstom - Torben Fink-Jensen* City of Ballarat - Mayor Cr Joshua Morris* St John of God Hospital, Ballarat - Michael Krieg* Ballarat Health Services - Andrew Rowe* Federation University - Prof David Battersby* Telstra Country Wide - Bill Mundy* Castlemaine Goldfields Ltd Mars Chocolate Australia - Jeremy Cowan* Central Highlands Water - Paul O’Donohue* Sovereign Hill - Steve Coltman* CORPORATE GOLD Ballarat Lodge - Jeff Brand Fresh Bins Pty Ltd - Paul Sewell McDonald’s Family Restaurant - Richard Alexander bankmecu Limited - Greg Veal* Harwood Andrews Lawyers - Don Robinson Selkirk Group of Companies - Jock Selkirk BGT Employment - David Edwards J G King Building Group - John King* SkillsPlus & BRACE – Sue Cattermole Adroit Insurance Group - Joseph Agostino Foley Wilson & Co - Brendan Foley PRD Jens Gaunt - Neil Jens & Brenden Barclay Ararat Rural City Council - Andrew Evans G Gay & Co Home Hardware - David Gay Pyrenees Shire Council - Stephen Cornish Australian Catholic University - Joe Fleming Goldacres Trading - Roger Richards Radio Ballarat - John Fitzgibbon Avis Ballarat - Darren Rix Golden Plains Shire Council - Rod Nicholls Ray White Ballarat - Trevor Booth & Phillip Lee Ballarat Clarendon College - Robert Burns Grampians Medicare Local - Andrew McPherson Red Lion Hotel - David Canny Ballarat Grammar - Peter Hunt Haymes Paint - Rodney Walton* RSM Bird Cameron - Daryl Powell Ballarat Holden - Chris Alizzi Heinz & Partners - Graham Hills Sargeant Transport Pty Ltd - Glen Walker Ballarat Regional Tourism - George Sossi Hepburn Shire Council - Aaron van Egmond SED Consulting - Tony Irish Ballarat Regional Industries - Paul Crosbie Integra Land - Nick Grylewicz 61 Design - Stefan Batstra Ballarat Oncology & Haematology Services JK Personnel - Samantha Thayer Southern Cross Business Machines - Danny Swanton CORPORATE Lake Imaging - John Livingston Telstra Shop - Simon Gilbert Bank of Melbourne - Mark O’Dowd - Prof George Kannourakis McCain Foods (Aust) Pty Ltd - Gerard Richmond TGM Group - Andrew Harman Bendigo Bank - Luke Rieniets* M.A.D.E. - Jane Smith The Courier - Andrew Eales BJT Legal - Stephen Byrne* MaxiTrans Australia Pty Ltd - Paul Buttler The Forge Pizzeria - Tim Matthews CE Bartlett Pty Ltd - Keith Bartlett Mulcahy & Co Accounting Services - James Mulcahy Toll Express - John Rudden Colliers International - David Wright National Australia Bank - Rob McNaughton UFS Dispensaries - Lynne McLennan* Craig’s Royal Hotel - John Finning Nicholson Construction - Richard Nicholson UGL Rail - Bill Gitsham* Dennis Family Homes - Peter Martin Novotel Forest Resort Pty Ltd - Jessie Sheehan VECCI - Joe Agius# Eclipse Ford - Gerald Meagher North Ballarat Football Club - Mark Patterson WM Flynn Pty Ltd - Peter Flynn Eureka Concrete - Troy Beaston People at Work - Michelle Williams YMCA Ballarat Inc - Mal Healey FMP Group - Graeme Dixon Powercor Australia - Richard Scholten SMALL BUSINESS Appleseed Consulting Pty Ltd - Ron Selkirk Fifo Capital - Nigel Fitzpatrick SJ Butler Financial Services Pty Ltd - Shane Butler Bold Communication - Liz Crothers Kaufmann Property Consultants - Mike Kaufmann Vicwest Community Telco - Chris Prehn Designscope - Kim Percy & Morgan Williams ODP Associates - Nick Beale Fenix Performance Solutions - Stewart Howe Premier PR - Joanna Stevens LEADERS IN ACTION Belinda Burley - Telstra Matthew Lyttle - Country Fire Authority Nicole Roberts - Sovereign Hill Tony Chew Doug Lloyd Judy Verlin AM* Robert Hook Anthony Schinck Scott Williams* Prof David James Tony Stone* COMMUNITY *Board Member #Associate Member 32 We sincerely thank each member for your ongoing support of our work. M MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMB NEW MEMBERS 2013-14 We were delighted to welcome the following new members in 2013-14 CORPORATE MEMBERS The Forge Pizzeria - Tim Matthews Ballarat Regional Industries - Paul Crosbie (Annie De Jong collected the certificate) Bolton’s Office National - Alex Campbell M.A.D.E. - Jane Smith Ballarat Regional Tourism - George Sossi (Grant Wiltshire collected the certificate) JK Personnel - Samantha Thayer Ararat Rural City Council - Andrew Evans (Mayor Cr Paul Hooper collected the certificate) Ballarat Turf Club - Lachlan McKenzie (David Fara collected the certificate) SMALL BUSINESS MEMBER ODP Associates - Nick Beale SMALL BUSINESS MEMBER Designscope - Kim Percy ASSOCIATE MEMBER VECCI - Joe Agius (Ross Wheatland collected the certificate) 33 COMMITTEE FOR BALLARAT INCORPORATED FINANCIAL REPORT AS AT 30 JUNE 2014 INDEX 34 Statement by Members of the Committee 35 Income Statement 36 Balance Sheet 36 Statement of Changes in Equity 37 Statement of Cashflows 37 Notes to the Financial Statements 38 Detailed Income Statement 42 Auditor’s Report to Committee 45 STATEMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE In the opinion of the Committee the financial report as set out on pages 36 to 46: 1. Presents a true and fair view of the financial position of the Committee for Ballarat Incorporated as at 30 June 2 014 and its performance for the year ended on that date in accordance with the Australian Accounting Standards, mandatory professional reporting requirements and other pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board. 2. At the date of this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Committee for Ballarat Incorporated will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due. 3. The Committee for Ballarat Incorporated has operated in accordance with its rules and the Associations Incorporation Act 2012. This statement is made in accordance with a resolution of the Committee and is signed for and on behalf of the Committee by: Chairman - Judy Verlin Secretary - John Kilgour Signed and excuted as at 23rd September 2014 At Ballarat 35 INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2014 Note 2014 $ 2013 $ Revenues from Ordinary Activities 2 1,180,648 1,383,386 Expenses from Ordinary Activities 3 (1,085,567) (1,272,111) 10 95,081 111,275 Note 2014 $ 2013 $ Cash and cash equivalents 4 960,236 928,395 Receivables 5 396,651 348,969 Other Current Assets 6 - 1,477 1,356,887 1,278,841 21 ,172 30,001 21 ,172 30,001 1,378,059 1,308,842 Net Profit from Ordinary Activities BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 JUNE 2014 CURRENT ASSETS Total Current Assets NON CURRENT ASSETS Property, Plant and Equipment 7 Total Non-Current Assets Total Assets CURRENT LIABILITIES Payables 8 77,413 67,426 Tax Liabilities 9 27,211 35,530 19,005 25,608 629,817 658,502 28,889 25,090 782,335 812,156 Employee Entitlements 3,957 - Total Non Current Liabilities 3,957 - Total Liabilities 786,292 812,156 Net Assets 591,767 496,686 Retained Profits 591,767 496,686 Total Members' Funds 591 ,767 496,686 Employee Entitlements Income in advance Scholarship Funds Total Current Liabilities NON CURRENT LIABILITIES MEMBERS' FUNDS The accompanying notes form part of this financial report. 36 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2014 Note Total Equity at the Beginning of the year Profit for the year Total Equity at the End of the Year 2014 $ 2013 $ 496,686 385,411 95,081 111,275 591,767 496,686 2014 $ 2013 $ 1,055,042 1,537,630 (1,053,591) (1,252,876) 30,872 40,146 32,323 324,900 (482) (6,743) (482) (6,743) 31,841 318,157 928,395 610,238 960,236 928,395 STATEMENT OF CASHFLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2014 Note Cashflows from Operating activities Receipts from Customers Payments to Suppliers Interest Received Cash flows provided by operating activities 11 Cashflows from Investing activities Payments for Property, Plant & Equipment Net increase in cash held Cash held at the beginning of the year Cash held at the end of the year 4 The accompanying notes form part of this financial report. 37 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2014 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES a) Basis of Presentation This financial report is a special purpose financial report prepared in order to satisfy the financial reporting requirements of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Victoria). The committee has determined that the association is not a reporting entity. The financial report has been prepared on an accruals basis and is based on historic costs and does not take into account changing money values or, except where stated specifically, current valuations of non-current assets. The following significant accounting policies, which are consistent with the previous period unless stated otherwise, have been adopted in the preparation of this financial report. b) Income Tax The Association has operated as a tax exempt non profit association. The Association had recently had a tax audit completed for the 2011 and 2012 financial years. The Australian Taxation Office have rejected the income tax exempt status of the organisation based on its current activities. The association has made an objection to this assessment. Pending the outcome of this objection a contingent liability has been recognised in these financial statements at Note 10. There are sufficient funds available in the cash reserves to cover the liability. c) Property, plant and equipment Office Equipment is carried at cost less, where applicable, any accumulated depreciation. The carrying amount of fixed assets is reviewed annually by members of the Committee to ensure it is not in excess of the recoverable amount of these assets. The recoverable amount is assessed on the basis of expected net cash flows which will be received from the asset’s employment and subsequent disposal. The expected net cash flows have not been discounted to their present values in determining the recoverable amounts. The depreciation amount of all fixed assets are depreciated over the useful lives of the assets to the association commencing from the time the asset is held ready for use. The average depreciation rate is 20% for office equipment. d)Revenue Revenue is accounted for on an accrual basis when it is earned. e) For the purposes of the statement of cash flows, cash includes cash on hand and in banks and term deposit investments. f) Leadership Ballarat and Western Region received some in-kind payments during the year from sponsors which are not reflected in the accounts. This was with respect to catering on those program days and it is estimated that there was $58,920 of in-kind payments made to the organisation for the financial year. g) Funding in Advance includes memberships for the 2014-15 financial year and also grants that relate to the 2014-15 financial year for the LBWR and VRCLPS Programs. h) During the financial year the Committee received donations to Peter Davies Scholarship Fund amounting to the value of $7,638. 38 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2014 NOTE 2 REVENUE 2014 $ 2013 $ Memberships/Course Fees 637,292 612,251 Grant Funding 389,898 532,315 Sponsorships 57,550 59,878 Other Income 65,036 138,796 1,149,776 1,343,240 30,872 40,146 30,872 40,146 1,180,648 1,383,386 9,311 12,862 14,225 - 555,406 630,657 Cash at Bank - Committee for Ballarat 246,457 107,684 Investment Accounts 553,865 497,599 - 549 67 181,523 2,815 66,409 157,032 74,631 960,236 928,395 Operating Activities Non-Operating Revenue Interest Received Total Revenue NOTE 3 PROFIT FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIES Expenses include: Depreciation Doubtful Debts Salary & Wage Expenditure NOTE 4 CASH ASSETS Scholarship funds - Leadership for Ballarat and Western Region Cash at Bank Cash at Bank - YAE Project Cash at Bank - VRCLPS 39 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2014 NOTE 5 RECEIVABLES 2014 $ 2013 $ Trade Debtors 410,876 348,969 Less Provision for Doubtful Debts (14,225) - 396,651 348,969 - 1,477 - 1,477 87,853 87,352 (66,661) (57,351) 21,172 30,001 Movements in carrying value 21,172 (57,351) Balance at beginning of year 30,001 36,120 482 6,743 (9,311) (12,862) - - 21,172 30,001 3,049 5,738 74,364 61 ,688 77,413 67,426 NOTE 6 OTHER CURRENT ASSETS Prepaid expenditure - Leadership Dinner NOTE 7 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Office Equipment Less Accumulated Depreciation Additions (net of proceeds from sale) Depreciation Expenses Loss on Disposal on assets Closing balance at end of year NOTE 8 PAYABLES Credit Card Sundry Creditors 40 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2014 NOTE 9 TAX LIABILITIES GST Payable 2014 $ 2013 $ 27,211 35,530 NOTE 10 RETAINED PROFITS A contingent liability exists for the payment of income tax and payroll tax as a result of the recent tax office audit activity. We estimate that the tax payable by the organisation if unsuccessful with its objection could be approximately $135,000. There are sufficient funds available in the cash reserves to cover the liability. NOTE 11 CASH FLOW INFORMATION Reconciliation of net cash provided by operating activities to Operating surplus 95,081 111,275 9,311 12,862 14,225 - (Increase)/Decrease in Receivables (61 ,909) 66,851 (Increase)/Decrease in Prepayments 1,477 2,451 (28,684) 119,420 9,987 15,427 (Decrease)/Increase in GST Payable (8,319) (5,683) (Decrease)/Increase in Employee Entitlements (2,645) 4,177 3,799 (1,880) 32,323 324,900 Non cash flows in profit from ordinary activities Depreciation Doubtful Debts CHANGES IN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES (Decrease)/Increase in Income in Advance (Decrease)/Increase in Creditors (Decrease)/Increase in Scholarship Funds Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 41 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2014 NOTE 11 (CONTINUED) 2014 $ 2013 $ - Executives 198,695 189,928 - Corporates 215,390 216,800 - Corporate Gold 55,420 66,600 - Small Business 22,055 16,423 57,550 59,878 365,000 355,000 Round Table 16,107 14,255 Course Fees 145,732 123,500 Interest – Bank 30,872 40,146 YAE Funding 24,898 222,891 7,427 10,646 41,502 67,319 1,180,648 1,383,386 Accounting 25,100 20,550 Advertising 5,574 15,820 Annual Report 5,442 6,089 Audit Report 4,550 4,100 741 961 20,953 - 7,314 11,502 Chair's Luncheon and other expenses 10,067 5,766 Consulting Fees 30,330 21,833 Conferences and seminars 5,090 7,360 Depreciation 9,311 12,862 14,225 - INCOME Members' subscriptions Sponsorships Funding Grants Leadership Dinner Sundry Income EXPENDITURE Bank charges Brand Strategy Catering Doubtful Debts 42 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2014 NOTE 11 (CONTINUED) 2014 $ 2013 $ (2,646) 4,177 5,100 3,673 Insurance 16,368 13,210 Leadership dinner 11,255 19,677 667 8,107 LIA Expenses 9,254 4,053 Advocacy Costs 8,006 10,223 Meeting & Conference Costs 18,696 17,751 Office Supplies & Stationery 13,440 14,012 Overnight Retreats 19,832 17,752 2,000 2,182 - 7,062 Postage 2,275 1,918 Program Dinner 4,762 - 32,142 3,610 90 - 7,532 - METS 274 - RHAP - 55,000 - 130 - 2,207 1,111 6,142 11,746 2,774 3,652 1,155 1,643 2,543 15,593 19,039 3,967 464 78,856 70,089 Employee Entitlements Graduation Legal Costs Participant Assessments and Coaching Participant Direct Expenses Project Development Community Events Ballarat West Growth Zone RDS Peter Doherty Award Connectivity Peter Davies Scholarship Key Issues Executive Assistance Network Recruitment Costs Repairs & Maintenance Room Hire Round Table Dinners 43 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2014 NOTE 11 (CONTINUED) 2014 $ 2013 $ 555,406 630,657 49,912 40,211 Speaker Fees & Expenses 8,367 2,142 Subscriptions 4,155 2,853 Sundry Expenses 6,194 17,826 Telephone 16,703 15,660 Travelling Expenses 34,552 30,080 Website Expenses 1,878 - YAE Program Costs (1,553) 123,502 VRCLPS Recruitment 5,641 15,387 1,085,567 1,272,111 95,081 111,275 Salaries & Wages inc Superannuation Serviced Office NET PROFIT FOR YEAR 44 45 46 Level 4, 17 Lydiard Street North, Ballarat Vic 3350 PO Box 743 Ballarat Vic 3353 P 03 5335 1240 F 03 5332 1241 E [email protected]
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