Seminar and Training Workshop on “Zero Liquid Discharge”

Seminar and Training Workshop
“Zero Liquid Discharge”
Policy Experience and Emergent Technologies
Mahatma Mandir, Gandhinagar
(January 27 – 28, 2014)
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
Day 1 – 27th January, 2014 ...................................................................................................
List of Dignitaries ................................................................................................................ 5
List of Speakers .................................................................................................................... 5
Inaugural Session ............................................................................................................. 6
Inauguration by Shri Ganpatsinh Vasava, Hon’ble Minister – Forests & Environment,
Government of Gujarat ................................................................................................... 6
Shri H. K. Dash, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary – Forests & Environment, Government
of Gujarat ........................................................................................................................ 7
Dr. K. U. Mistry, Chairman, GPCB .................................................................................. 7
Vote of Thanks by Shri Hardik Shah, Member Secretary, GPCB .................................... 8
Technical Session .................................................................................................. 8
Industrial Pollution Management: Green Economy addressing challenges and seizing
opportunities by Dr. Prasad Modak, Dean, IL&FS.......................................................... 8
Industrial Pollution Management: International Trends and Experiences by Prof.
Pratim Biswas, Washington University, St. Louis .......................................................... 9
Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) – Concept, Evolution and Technology Options by Prof.
Viatcheslav Freger, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel............................10
Overview of Industrial Pollution Management policies in India and context of ZLD by
Shri Hardik Shah, Member Secretary, GPCB ................................................................ 10
Case studies on ZLD – Indian Experience by Mr. Robinson, TWIC ................................ 11
Innovative and Cost Effective Zero Liquid Discharge Technology by Dr. Leif RammSchimdt, Finland ............................................................................................................ 11
Approach to ZLD – Special Reference to Textile and Paper Sectors by Shri Debajit Das,
Technical Advisor, GIZ ................................................................................................... 11
Panel Discussion on ZLD ...................................................................................... 12
Day 2 – 28th January, 2014 ................................................................................................ 13
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
List of Speakers .................................................................................................... 13
Training Session .................................................................................................. 13
ZLD Concept, ZLD Economics, Hierarchy of Technology Options and Associated
Strategies by Dr. Prasad Modak, Dean, IL&FS .............................................................. 13
Basic of Membrane Technology by Prof. Viatcheslav Freger, Technion, Israel Institute
of Technology, Israel ...................................................................................................... 13
Basics of Nanotechnology – Global Business Potential by Prof. Pratim Biswas,
Washington University, St. Louis ..................................................................................14
Development and Advancing Membrane Technologies by Prof. John Fortner,
Washington University, St. Louis ..................................................................................14
Indian Case Studies on ZLD by TWIC .............................................................................14
International and Indian Case Studies on ZLD by Dr. Leif Ramm-Schimdt, Finland .... 15
Question/Answer Session ............................................................................................... 15
Dr. K. U. Mistry, Chairman, GPCB ................................................................................16
Concluding Remarks by Shri Hardik Shah, Member Secretary, GPCB .............................16
Summary and Outcome of two daysWorkshop..................................................................17
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
List of Dignitaries
Shri Ganpatsinh
Government of Gujarat
Hon’ble Minister – Forests and
Shri H.K. Dash, IAS
Forests and Environment
Government of Gujarat
Additional Chief Secretary
Dr. K.U. Mistry
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
Dr. Prasad Modak
Dean IAAD and CSO IL&FS Ltd.
Mr. Alok Bhargava
CEO (Strategic Support Group)
Prof. Pratim Biswas
Washington University at St. Louis,
Shri Hardik Shah
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
Member Secretary
List of Speakers
Topic of Presentation
Dr. Prasad Modak, IL&FS
Industrial Pollution Management: Green Economy addressing
challenges and seizing opportunities
Prof. Pratim Biswas, Washington
Industrial Pollution Management: International Trends and
Prof. Viatcheslav Freger, Technion,
Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) – Concept, Evolution and
Technology Options
Shri Hardik Shah, GPCB
Overview of Industrial Pollution Management policies in India
and context of ZLD
Shri Robinson, TWIC
Case Studies on ZLD – Indian Experience
Dr. Leif Ramm-Schmidt, Finland
Innovative and Cost Effective Zero Liquid Discharge Technology
Shri Debajit Das, GIZ
Approach to ZLD – Special Reference to Textile and Paper Sectors
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
Inaugural Session
Inauguration by Shri Ganpatsinh Vasava, Hon’ble Minister –
Forests & Environment, Government of Gujarat
The seminar began through a warm welcome to all the dignitaries and participants.
Shri Ganpatsinh Vasava, Hon’ble Minister – Forests &
Environment, Government of Gujarat
Shri Ganpatsinh Vasava welcomed dignitaries on the dais and audience. He started by saying that
Gujarat has seen a major development in industrialization, commercialization, urbanization and green
revolution. He also said that in today’s world there is an immense need and scope for technological
development. He highlighted on the fact
that most of the industries in Gujarat are
aware about the reuse of waste water and
appreciated the initiatives and the efforts
of the state of Gujarat to implement
newer and advanced environmental
technologies. He said that some industries
discharge more waste into the water than
the permissible range which has resulted
in increased levels of water pollution and
that ZLD would be a useful technology to
overcome this problem. He concluded by
saying that the state government along
with GPCB has taken a good initiative on keeping this seminar on ZLD which could be used as a platform
for brainstorming and discussing various methods to overcome the waste water generation problem not
only in the state, but across the nation.
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
Shri H. K. Dash, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary – Forests &
Environment, Government of Gujarat
Shri H. K. Dash, IAS welcomed the
distinguished speakers and greeted the
audience. He reiterated the fact that the
nation saw tremendous growth in the
industrial sector. To support this growth,
various policies and laws have been
formulated. Such developments have put
immense pressure on the companies to
reduce the discharge of pollutants into the
water. Gujarat was not only a pioneer in
the Industrial Revolution but also in the
environmental revolution in the country.
He highlighted a point spoken by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Gujarat that the 20th century marked the
way for the Information Technology and now the 21st century would mark the way for the
environmental technologies. He insisted on an increase use of reused and recycled waste water. He also
mentioned that waste water treatment business should be seen as an opportunity in the coming days
since industries would be forced to minimize the discharge of pollutants into the water.
Dr. K. U. Mistry, Chairman, GPCB
Dr. Mistry expressed his gratitude
towards all the dignitaries present in the
inaugural session of the seminar. He
reinstated the enforcement of use of local
languages in the literature. He mentioned
that in spite of the knowledge of treating
the wastes properly, the industries do not
execute it as per the requirements. He
insisted to focus on the positives of the
development of industries, i.e. more
production, more employment, etc.
rather than the negatives. He mentioned
the three advantages of industrial growth
– more production, more income for the governments through different types of taxes and,
employment generation. But all this comes at the cost of– accidents and pollution. To tackle these
disadvantages or ill effect, the government has put into place certain laws and acts. He summarized by
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
saying that there is a need for a conducive environment, one which promotes sustainable
industrialization and growth. In wake of these things, such seminars are extremely important and should
be benefited from. He insisted to derive legal and operational definition of ZLD and also stressed to
adopt holistic approach and focus on the “Zero Waste Discharge” instead on ZLD.
Then, Shri Hardik Shah, GPCB and Dr. Prasad Modak, IL&FS were invited for signing of MOU on special
Signing of MoU between GPCB and IAAD
Vote of Thanks by Shri Hardik Shah, Member Secretary, GPCB
Shri Shah expressed his sincere gratitude to the Hon’ble Minister, Shri Ganpatsinh Vasava and
appreciated the support from Dr. K. U. Mistry, Dr. Prasad Modak, Shri H.K.Dash, IAS and all the other
speakers and delegates for attending the seminar.
Technical Session
Industrial Pollution Management: Green Economy addressing
challenges and seizing opportunities by Dr. Prasad Modak, Dean,
Dr. Modak began by highlighting the importance of the framework and perspective of Industrial
Pollution Management. He continued that the framework should not only focus on promotion of growth
and livelihood creation but also on preservation of resources. He reiterated that there are certain
speculations that the industrial output will decline in the next 100 years, due to factors such as decline
in resources and food availability and rise in pollution and population. He stated that there exists a
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
linear economy model is followed where industries take resources, make products, sell them to
consumers and dispose of the waste. Instead he suggested a circular economy (CE) model should be
adopted which is based on systems thinking, applied to people and their relationship to supporting
ecosystem services, material resources, energy, money and finance. He gave the example of RICOH’s CE
Business model. There is a need for a multi-pronged, multi level approach and to involve the academia,
industry and regulators in taking certain decisions to overcome the current situation of industrial
pollution. He ended his session by suggesting a hierarchy of waste and recommended rethinking and
redesigning of the models to promote lesser carbon emissions.
Industrial Pollution Management: International Trends and
Experiences by Prof. Pratim Biswas, Washington University, St.
Acknowledging the efforts of GPCB, Prof. Biswas
started on a lighter note suggesting renaming of
GPCB to Gujarat Byproduct Use Board. He
suggested a paradigm shift in the way the
industries function and should increasingly focus
on process, improvement of efficiency and
minimizing waste rather than products. He
alarmed that the Byproduct Management
strategy is imperative at this moment of time.
He mentioned that the air pollutants constituted
only 1.4% of the total pollutants whereas the
water pollutants constituted of 24.3% of the total
pollutants. He also showed his concern on the
growth of e-waste since 80-85% of the e-products are discarded. He highlighted that nanotechnology
could play a major role in industrial pollution management. He summarized by stating that the
industries should explore opportunities to recycle and reuse waste water and should deploy state-ofthe-art pollution control technology.
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) – Concept, Evolution and Technology
Options by Prof. Viatcheslav Freger, Technion, Israel Institute of
Technology, Israel
Prof. Freger started his presentation by
giving a background about ZLD. He then
pointed out the drawbacks of ZLD like: high
cost, need for bespoke design and difficulty
to deal with complex streams. He
mentioned about the conventional ZLD
technologies that were based on
evaporation and crystallization but involved
high operational and capital costs due to
high energy consumption, use of chemicals
and expensive corrosion resistant materials.
He then highlighted new hybrid ZLD
technologies such as Reverse Osmosis (RO), Nanofiltration, ElectroDialysis (ED), etc. He summarized by
giving a broader outlook that progress is being made to lower the capital costs and find alternatives to
energy intensive evaporation/ crystallization systems and to focus more on hybrid system approach.
Overview of Industrial Pollution Management policies in India
and context of ZLD by Shri Hardik Shah, Member Secretary, GPCB
Shri Shah began by saying that there is immense need for ZLD due to water scarcity, strong enforcement
of environmental regulations, improper disposal points of wastes, highly polluting environment industry,
etc. He highlighted the benefits of ZLD such as water conservation, reduction of waste water discharge,
prevention of exploitation of hydraulic capacity of disposal system, ease in getting environmental
permissions, etc. He mentioned that approximately 10% industries were responsible for around 80%
of the pollution. He then highlighted the key process steps for ZLD: Pre-treatment, membrane filtration,
evaporation, crystallization and solids recovery and the applications of treated waste water like:
industrial cooling, reuse in parks, play grounds, etc., industrial washing operations, mechanic seal of
pumps, preparation of lime slurry for ETPs, etc. He informed all the initiates taken by GPCB to promote
ZLD via Fast track auto renewal of consent to operate, More 1 and 2 years validity of consents to ISO
14001 and RC logo holding industries
respectively. He also appreciated and
congratulated industries who have intiated
and adopted ZLD across the State. He
concluded by mentioning the way forward
for ZLD by highlighting crucial points aspects
like recovery of valuable products/ byproducts, green chemistry, co-processing
and incentives to industries having ZLD.
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
Case studies on ZLD – Indian Experience by Shri Robinson, TWIC
Mr. Robinson started with an introduction of TWIC and touched upon the need and importance of water
reuse and urban waste water. He then shared the concepts, benefits and challenges of ZLD, which were
further explained through case studies from Vellore and Tirupur.
Innovative and Cost Effective Zero Liquid Discharge Technology
by Dr. Leif Ramm-Schimdt, Finland
Dr. Leif started by highlighting the fact that the rivers have become polluted in India with the industries
playing a major role in it. He justified the need of ZLD by mentioning that conventional treatment is not
enough to remove the pollutants sufficiently. Similar to prior presenters, he touched upon the
drawbacks of conventional evaporation including scaling and fouling. He gave examples of various new
evaporation technologies such as 4-effect evaporation, Mechanical Vapour Recompression (MVR)
evaporation, etc. which can have more savings than the operational costs.
Approach to ZLD – Special Reference to Textile and Paper Sectors
by Shri Debajit Das, Technical Advisor, GIZ
Shri Das gave some sectoral statistics. Although the municipal usage accounted for more than 75% of
water, it caused very less pollution compared to that caused by industries and commercial users which
accounted for only around 25% of water. He focused on the driving forces of water such as restriction
on disposal to any recipient media, competitive users in proximity, etc. This was followed by stating
initiatives by GIZ on Textile and Pulp & paper sector.
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
Panel Discussion on ZLD
Dr. Prasad Modak
Prof. Pratim Biswas
Washington University
Shri Hardik Shah
Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB)
Member Secretary
Dr. Leif Ramm-Schimdt
Prof. Viatcheslav Freger
Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Shri Shailesh Patwari
Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Shri Dinesh Yadav
Arvind Envisol Pvt. Ltd.
The panel discussion began with a Q&A round where audiences’ questions/ comments were discussed,
followed by reflection on the seminar topics and discussions by each panelist. The following were the
prominent observations/conclusions:
Designing of the process of ZLD should be done analytically since each and every situation is unique
Experience sharing and knowledge transfer should be promoted between countries facing similar
problems of industrial waste water generation
Industries’ incompetency to convert the raw materials into products without taking into
consideration proper measures and guidelines laid by the governments
Try and think of beginning-of-the-pipe solutions rather than using end-of-the-pipe solutions
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
Day 2 – 28th January, 2014
List of Speakers
Topic of Presentation
Dr. Prasad Modak, IL&FS
ZLD Concept, ZLD Economics, Hierarchy of Technology Options and
Associated Strategies
Prof. Viatcheslav Freger,
Basic of Membrane Technology
Prof. Pratim Biswas, USA
Basics of Nanotechnology
Prof. John Fortner, USA
Development and Advancing Membrane Technologies
Shri Robinson, TWIC
Indian Case Studies on ZLD
Dr. Leif Ramm-Schmidt,
International and Indian Case Studies on ZLD
Training Session
ZLD Concept, ZLD Economics, Hierarchy of Technology Options
and Associated Strategies by Dr. Prasad Modak, Dean, IL&FS
In Dr. Modak’s opinion, there is a need for a
multi-pronged, multi level approach for
waste water management and involvement
of the academia, the industry and the
regulators in the same. He suggested a
hierarchy of waste and recommended
innovation in rethinking and redesigning of
the models to promote lesser carbon
emissions. He insisted the industries to take
on a strategic approach. He suggested some
technology options for organic, inorganic and
heavy metals/ complex wastes and touched
upon certain technologies such as MBR,
Ultrafiltration, Reverse Osmosis, etc.
Basic of Membrane Technology by Prof. Viatcheslav Freger,
Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Prof. Freger started by introducing membrane processes and highlighted pressure-driven, electro-driven
processes and other processes such as gas separation, prevaporation, membrane distillation, etc. He
also touched upon the materials for membranes such as natural, synthetic, inorganic and advanced
materials. He also discussed the membrane fouling caused by various deposits on the external and
internal membrane surface. He summarized that membranes have become an important part of the
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
separation toolbox and also stated that polarization, fouling and biofouling were the main problems in
membrane technology and that the use of membranes was expected to increase and expand in future.
Basics of Nanotechnology – Global Business Potential by Prof.
Pratim Biswas, Washington University, St. Louis
Prof. Biswas threw light on a new
dimension - usage of Nanotechnology in
industrial pollution management. He
shared the importance of the impact of
nanoparticles on human health and
environment and that they are critical to
meet our future energy needs. He also
stated that, Science should be used to
tackle the environmental challenges and
concluded by saying that in order to avoid
pitfalls and mistakes made on rapid
introduction of a new technology, impacts
on health, the environment and the society
must be understood at the early stage
before widespread use of nanoparticles.
Development and Advancing Membrane Technologies by Prof.
John Fortner, Washington University, St. Louis
Prof. Fortner started by explaining membrane technologies and touched upon various types of
membranes such as microfiltration/ultrafiltration membrane, reverse osmosis membrane, common
commercial membranes, advanced nano-enabled membranes, etc. He also deliberated on various topics
such as Aerosol synthesis, Binary CGO Nanocomposites, Ternary GOTIM Nanocomposites, fabrication of
CGO membrane, filtration and photocatalytic reaction, etc. and a case study on Magnetite Thin Film.
Indian Case Studies on ZLD
by Mr. Robinson, TWIC
Mr. Robinson emphasized on the main
motivators for the need of ZLD – water
scarcity, water economics and regulatory
pressures. He then shared the concepts,
benefits and challenges of ZLD, which were
further explained through case studies from
Vellore and Tirupur. Then he highlighted that
ZLD was a technological challenge and the
focus must be on Zero Waste Disposal
(ZWD). He concluded that extensive research
and piloting was necessary for every single
case of technology selection and financial viability.
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
International and Indian Case Studies on ZLD by Dr. Leif RammSchimdt, Finland
Dr. Leif started by highlighting the fact
that the rivers have become polluted in
India with industries playing a major role
in it. In his opinion, evaporation is the
most powerful tool for removal of
dissolved pollutants but with a higher cost
Recompression (MVR) has a benefit of
reducing the operational costs. He
introduced polymeric film technology
which reduces the investment and
operational costs and allows easy
management of scaling and fouling.
Question/Answer Session
The session began with a Q&A round where participants’ questions/ comments were discussed,
followed by reflection on the topics and discussions by each panelist. The following were the prominent
• Create a knowledge base of all the information available
• State governments across the country to work in conjunction to find the best possible ZLD
technology and facilitate knowledge migration
Dr. Leif was impressed about the fact that ZLD concept was also prominent in India
Dr. Modak suggested that an innovation park should be set up which would look at the frontier
technologies which could be piloted and new emerging technologies can be tested
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
Dr. K. U. Mistry, Chairman, GPCB
Dr. Mistry summarized the two days by saying
that there was a need to define ZLD and instead
of “Zero Liquid Discharge”, the industry focus
should be on “Zero Waste Discharge”. He also
mentioned that these type of seminars should be
carried out in regional languages so that people
get the clear message that need to be conveyed.
Concluding Remarks by Shri Hardik Shah, Member Secretary,
Shri Shah thanked all the dignitaries and the
participants present and acknowledged that the
biggest breakthrough of the seminar was the
clarity in the definition of ZLD. He concluded that
the concept should be taken further for more
viable options for the industries for sustainable
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
Summary and Out-come of two days workshop on “Zero Liquid
On First Day
• Various
• GPCB Officials
400 +
Domestic Speakers
On Second day
• Various Stakeholders
• GPCB Officials
325 +
Out – come of Workshop
 Industries should explore incentive schemes which have been put in place by
the Government/ GPCB along with the subsidies allowed in the infrastructures
like Water Audit reimbursement, Common Environmental Facility subsidy,
Auto renewal – Fast track consent renewal, additional one year consent to
units having ISO 14000 series, additional two year extended consent to units
having Responsible Care Certification
 Government should draw Legal and Operational definition of ZLD or ZLW (Zero
Liquid Waste)
 Government/ GPCB should form a platform/ Forum/ Working Group on ZLD
with various Stakeholders from industries who already implemented ZLD,
Industries Associations, Regulatory authorities , Academia and Experts
 GPCB should identify issues, hurdles in the path of ZLD implementation and
provide experts guidance i.e VOC, Solvent recovery and other to various
sectors of industries.
 GPCB may have “Beyond Compliance Desk” at GPCB level to facilitate the
industries for ZLD like existing “Clinic approach” and “Help Desk”. Which are
good success.
 GPCB may compile and publish successful case studies on ZLD ( Country level,
State level)
 GPCB should prepare knowledge Dissemination Materials, Guidance Manual
with matrix conditions, integrated concepts from planning to operating stages,
decision making processes for industries who wants to adopt ZLD
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
 Universities should focus on need of more Research and Development on
energy audit, life cycle assessment, energy conservation, material/resources
utilization, wastage recovery etc and also develop research environment at
Universities level and permanent set-up to promote researches on innovative
technologies like membrane technology, nano technology etc.
 GPCB/ Government/ Industries should work for Field evaluation of ZLD plants
and study benefits of ZLD units located within the country and also worldwide
 GPCB/ Government/ Industries Associations should set-up Innovation Park/
Research and Piloting to demonstrate emergent technologies and validation
 GPCB should provide a kind of platform with academia, experts through IT
enabled support system.
 Government/ Academic Institutions/ Universities should explore possibilities
of students exchange program with Washington University at St. Louis for
wider R &D scope and experiences of innovative technologies.
 GPCB/ Government should organize more workshops and trainings on ZLD for
Consulting Firms to strengthen technical support to industries.
Gujarat Pollution Control Board