~ lnt. J. Engng Sci. Õïé. 25, Íï. 11/12, ññ. 1531-1534, 1987 ÑÞnted ßç Great ÂÞtain. ÁI1 Þghts reserved 0020-7225/87 $3.00 + 0.00 Copyright @ 1987 Pergamon Journals Ltd INDENTATION OF ÁÍ ORTHOTROPIC LAYER ÂÕ Á SEMI-INFINITE PUNCH Ç. G. GEORGIAD1St 33-35 G, PapandreouSt., 16231Athens, Greece Abstract-In thispaper,a p!anee!asticity prob!emtreatedinío!íingpunchindentation of an orthotropic stÞñ resting ïç a ÞgßdfÞctßïn!essfoundation. Á semi-infinitepunch and an infinite!y !ong !ayer were considered,so that the prob!emwasamenab!eto the Wiener-Hopf technique. App!ying FïuÞer transforms to the goíeming differentia! equations and the imposedboundaryconditions,we succeeded ßçformu!atinga Wiener-Hopf re!ationshipwhich then yie!dedthe asymptoticestimationof the stressand disp!acement fie!d ßçthe immediate íicinity of the edgeof stamp. 1. INTRODUCTION Contact problems ïß a similar type concerning isotropic layers were reported ßç [1]. Éç particular, Alblas and Kuipers ßç a series ïß papers [2-4] solíed approximately problems ïß indentation ïß an isotropic compressible and incompressible layer by a stamp ïß a finite base. ÂÕ using exponential and cosine Fourier transforms, they reduced the problems ßç integral equations solvable by the Wiener-Hopf method. Aleksandrov and Voroíich [5] haíe also worked earlier ïç similarproblems within the same analytical context. lt is noted that our problem is simpler than those previously cited since it iníolíes a semi-infinite punch. However, our method ïß solution differs essentially from the procedures employed there. Éç addition, we have considered an orthotropic material for the layer and this is a novel subject .ßçliterature. 2. BASIC PRELIMINARIES The material we considered was orthotropic with two mutually orthogonal axes ïß elastic symmetry ßç the plane. With respect to the principal material-axes ïß an orthotropic plate, the elastic constitutive expression relating the in-plane stressesand strains is [6] ó÷ ] = Cl2 Cl1 Cl2 óÕ C22 ÏÏ åÕ å÷ (2.1) [ ][ [ Ô×Õ Ï Ï C66 ] ¾×Õ Consider now a displacement-potential formulation, analogous to that utilized frequently ßç elastodynamics a Ux=-a:;(ö + ø), a UÕ=ay(áö+bØ), uz=O (2.2) where ö and Ø are the displacement potentials and the new constants are giíen by á = cllPl - C66 Cl2 + C66 = (Cl2 + C66)Pl, C22 - C66Pl b = CllP2 Cl2 C66 + C66 = (Cl2 + C66)P2 C22 - C66P2 (2.3) Éç (2.3) Ñé and Ñ2 are the roots ïß the characteristic equation CllC66P2+ (Ct2+ 2Cl2C66 - CllC22)P + C22C66 =Ï (2.4) Substitution(2.2) into the equationsïß equilibrium leads to Laplace type equations satisfiedby the displacementpotentials ó2ö ó2ö ~+Playz=O, t Presentaddress:ÌÅÁÌ, ó:éø ó2ø ~+P2ayz=O The Uniíersity of Michigan,Áçç Arbor, ÌÉ 48109-2125, U.S.A. 1531 (2.5) 1532 Ç. G. GEORGIADIS Finally, stressesare given ßç temlS of the displacement potentials by ó÷ =(1 + á)C66~ (1 + b)C66~ âé ay2 + â2 ay2 óÕ = -(1 + á)C66 ï2ö -Æ - (2.6.1) ï2ø (1 + b )C66 -;-2 Ï× (2.6.2) dX ï2ö + (1+ b) a;-ay ï2ø ] Ô×Õ =C66[ (1+ á) a;-ay (2.6.3) 3. STATEMENT ÁÍÏ SOLUTION ÏÑ ÔÇÅ PROBLEM As is shown ßç Fig. 1, we consider an elastic orthotropic body ßç the form of an infinitely long stÞñ with height h. This layer of mateÞaÉis ßçfrictionless contact with a rigid foundation. Á semi-infinite Þgßd punch indents the layer producing a uniform displacement Uo. It is noted that this vertical displacement may be an arbitrary function u(x) without any change ßç the procedure followed. Then the boundary conditions can be wÞtteç as uy(x,h)=-uo for -ïï<÷<Ï (3.1.1) uy(x,h)=m(x) for Ï<÷<ïï (3.1.2) óÕ(÷,h)=n(÷) for -ïï<÷<Ï óÕ(×'h) = Ï for Ï<÷ < 00 (3.1.3) (3.1.4) Ô×Õ(÷,h)=Ï fo~ -ïï<÷<ïï (3.1.5) Uy(x,Ï) = Ï for -00 < ÷ < 00 (3.1.6) Ô×Õ(×' Ï) = Ï for (3.1.7) -ïï<÷ <00 Obviously, the determination of the as yet unknown functions m(x) and n(x) completes our aim, íßÆ.the detemlination of the vertical stressesand displacements ïç the surface of the layer. The existence of infinite and semi-infinite domains ßç the boundary conditions ßç addition of eqns (2.5) implies the suitability of the WienerHopf method [7]. Applying the exponential FïuÞer transform to eqns (2.5) gives ~ ö*(ù, Õ) = Ï (3.2.1) a2 -ù2ø*(ù, Õ) + â2--ú ø*(ù, Õ)= Ï, (3.2.2) -ù2ö*(ù, Õ) + âé ay Õt [ i é ïß " --- rigid foundation ÷ Fig. 1. Punchindentationof an orthotropicelasticstÞñrestingïç a Þgid foundation. Indentation ïß anorthotropic layer 1533 with the following solutions ø*(ù, Õ) = Áé(ù)eVéùÕ+Á2(ù)e-véùÕ (3.3.1) ø*(ù, Õ) = Âé(ù)eV2ùÕ + Â2(ù)e-V2ùÕ, (3.3.2) where ù = ó + ßôis the complexvariableßçthe Fourier-transformplane and Vj = âéÉ/2 (j = 1, 2). Further, due to evennessïß the displacement potentials ßç Õ the above expressions take the following simplified form ø*(ù, Õ) =Á(ù)cïsh(véùÕ) ø*(ù, Õ) = Â(ù)cïsh(V2ùÕ) (3.4.1) (3.4.2) Designate now as m~(ù) and n~(ù) the half Fourier transforms ïß the functions ïß interest over positive and negative x-axis, respectively. The (+) and (-) subscripts denote that the functions are analytic above or below a certain line ßn the complex ù-ÑÉane. Application ïß the Fourier transform to the boundary conditions and elimination ïß Á(ù) and Â(ù) from the resulting system gives the following Wiener-Hopf equation m~(ù) =~ (-.!! ) ~ C66 1 + b 1+ á [ 1 ù --cot h( õé n~(ù) h) 1 õéù +-cot V2 h( õ2ù h)] +-:--~~ é(2ð) ù (3.5) The kemel ßç the above equation seems to be too complicated for a closed form solution. But ßßit suffices to find only asymptotic results near the point (Ï, h) ßn the physical plane we may consider Nilsson's [8] procedure. Following the latter we find hm . m(x) = -uo + uo õé + V2 É/2 ) ( h ÷-Ï+ xlrl. (3.6) ðõéõ2 and 1. ( ) lmnx=÷-Ï- (õé (-.!! iC66UO ~ ) + õ2)(õé õ2)É/2 (ðh)É/2(VÉV2)3/2 1+b -.1/2 ÷ . (3 7) 1+á Relations (3.6) and (3.7) are the asymptotic expressionsïß the Uy(x, h )-displacement and the óÕ(×'h )-stress for small values ïß ×. It is noted that for ÷ = Ï eqn (3.6) gives Uy(x, h) = -uo as is expected. Equation (3.7) also gives real values ïß the pressure under the stamp for negative ×, since it contains the imaginary õçßé.The stresspresents a square root singularity tending to infinity as the position ïß the edge ïß the punch (comer) is approached. The latter result is common to indentations by punches having sharp edges. Since ßçliterature such expressionsas (3.6) and (3.7) were çïÉ given explicitly for the isotropic case, we confine ourselves Éï compare our result with that given by Alblas and Kuipers [2] for a finite-base punch. Indeed, their relations (2.21) and (2.24) for the asymptotic values ïß the normal stress and displacement near the edge ïß the punch have the same functional form as relations (3.6) and (3.7) ßç the present work. Relations ßç both papers include the (ðh )-l/2-term, whereas stress behaves as the inverse square root ïß distance and displacement as the square root ïß distance. When the material becomes isotropic the orthotropic material constants take the value õé = V2 = 1. Éç this case eqn (3.6) gives for the displacement profile Uy(x,h)=-uo+u°;h ( 2 ) ÷É/2 for É/2 ÷-ï+ (3.8) However, isotropic results for the stressescan not be extracted by setting õé = V2= 1 1534 Ç. G. GEORGIADIS becauseboth the numerator and denominatorvanish ßç (3.7). This is a well-known result also appearingßç other physical contexts (see for instanceßç [9] for a crack problem). The limitingisotropic casemay be deducednumeÞcaÉÉÕ by assignvaluesto õé, V2near unity. 4. CONCLUSIONS Á plane contactproblem was solvedßçthis paper within the context of linear and orthotropic elastostatics.The solution was obtained by direct application of the Fourier transform and the Wiener-Hopf technique.The mathematicalanalysiswas greatly simplified by the choice of a semi-infinite punch. However, our problem possesses a 10tof practicalinterestßçthe caseof smallheightsof the layer ascompared to the length of the baseof a punch, viz. for thin layers. REFERENCES [1] G. Ì. L. GLADWELL, ContactProb/emsin the C/assica/Theoryï[ E/asticity.Sijthoff and Noordhoff, Alphen aanden Rijn (1980). [2] J. Â. ALBLAS and Ì. KUIPERS,Acta Mech.8, 133(1969). [3] J. Â. ALBLAS and Ì. KUIPERS,Acta Mech.9, 1 (1970). [4] J. Â. ALBLAS and Ì. KUIPERS,Acta Mech.9,292 (1970). [5] V. Ì. ALEKSANDROV and É.É.VOROVICH, ÑÌÌ 24, 462(1960). [6] S. G. LEKHNITSKII, Theoryï[ E/asticityï[ an AnisotropicE/asticBody. Holden-Day,SanFrancisco (1963). [7] Â. NOBLE, MethodI'Basedon the Wiener-Hop[ Technique.PergamonPress,New York (1958). [8] F. NILSSON,lnt. J. Fracture8,403 (1972). [9] Ñ. Ê. SATARATHY and Ç. PARHI, lnt. J. EngngSci. 16,147 (1978). ,;--",.I,j~ ti }.; j-f, (Revisedversionreceived6 July 1987) -É'-', "É' ,,:' ""É: , . 0'0'
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