Download European Wilderness Days 2014

Academy Days
1 - 4 October 2014
Nationalpark Hohe Tauern, Austria
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European Wilderness Academy Days
1 - 4 October 2014
Research colleagues, wilderness managers and fellow wilderness advocates, you are all more than
welcome to participate in our first of many European Wilderness Academy Days.
Wilderness protection has a relatively short history. The focus on our continent’s wilderness started to increase when the European Parliament adopted a special resolution on 3 February 2009.
This resolution resulted in the approval of the Agenda for Wilderness and Wildland, which included 24 recommended actions.
The Wilderness Academy Days is a unique European event, which will act as a direct follow up of the 10th
World Wilderness Congress and will also prepare a message for the 2014 World Parks Congress in Sydney.
There is clearly still a huge lack of knowledge in relation to wilderness protection in Europe. Where are the
wilderness areas? What are the main threats and major opportunities to enhance its protection? Can wilderness
be restored? What are the management principles for wilderness? Is there enough practical experience to share?
These are just some of the questions, which we will address at the first European Wilderness Academy Days.
in the USA is as
important as it is in Europe, the world´s most
densely populated continent. The good news
is that, in the last 20 years, great and critical
strides have occurred to help raise awareness
of and protect wild nature… but the work has
just begun. Events like the European Wilderness Academy Days are the force needed to
continue and build this momentum. We all
need to join, assist, and promote this important event.
Vance G. Martin
President, Wild Foundation USA
Zoltan Kun, Chairman of the European Wilderness Society
about wilderness
in Europe is on the rise, not least being the
formation of the European Wilderness Society who are the focal point for the protection
of true wilderness in Europe, but it is clear
that there is still much work to be done. The
differing approaches to wilderness and wildlife across national borders creates a need for
better coordination and partnerships. The
Wilderness Days conferences will help maintain the momentum of recent work and are a
wonderful opportunity for wilderness protagonists, researchers and practitioners to meet,
share ideas and examples of best practice,
form and renew partnerships, coordinate actions and take these forward.
Stephen Carver
Wildland Research Institute UK
wilderness conference
in 2009 drew the focus of nature conservation
policy towards the last wild land areas on our
European continent.
It is a honour for the management of the
National Park Hohe Tauern in Mittersill to
welcome some of the finest and most renown
wilderness experts from all over the world to
the first European Wilderness Academy Days
presented by the European Wilderness Society.
The Nationalpark Hohe Tauern will certainly
use the outcome of the European Wilderness
Academy Days as a much needed impetus to
improve its wilderness areas and hopefully
many other areas will do likewise.
Wolfgang Urban
Direktor Nationalpark Hohe Tauern
Stephen Carver, Wildland Research Institute
The wilderness continuum and its practical
implication to wilderness protection
Michael Jungmeier, Alpe Adria University
Protected Areas 3.0: The challenges of the 21st
Garry Oye, US National Park Service
50 years wilderness act in the USA
Mark Fisher, University of Leeds
How essential wilderness monitoring is for the
development of wilderness in Europe
Manfred Klein, Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Developing and implementing a wilderness
strategy for Germany
Vasil Mochan, Deputy Director for Science NP
Zacharovanij kraj - Wilderness in the Ukraine
and the development of flora and fauna in
Chernobyl after the nuclear disaster
Max Rossberg, European Wilderness Society
The comeback of large carnivores in Europe
and the challenges caused by this
Vlado Vancura, European Wilderness Society
The European Wilderness Quality Standard and
Audit System (EWQA) and its implication for
protected areas
Wolfgang Urban, Nationalpark Hohe Tauern
The impact of climate change on wilderness in
Europe especially in Austria
Stuart Brooks, John Muir Trust
A grand vision to bring wilderness back to
Scotland and beyond
Ladislav Miko, EU Commission
How Prague changed the protection of
wilderness in Europe
To be announced, WCPA
The need of auditing management effectiveness
to improve wilderness in Europe
Guido Plassmann, Alparc
How green corridors and stepping stones are
vital for interconnecting wilderness in Europe
Bernhard Kohler, WWF Austria
Wilderness mapping and the emerging key
points for an Austrian wilderness strategy
Jim O’Donnell, Photographer
Strategies for building a wilderness constituency
Zoltan Kun, European Wilderness Society
A European Wilderness Convention to protect
wilderness in Europe
Petra Riemann (tentative), Brandenburg
Wilderness Foundation - How military zones
can be turned into wilderness areas
Katharina Conradin, Mountain Wilderness
Switzerland - Threats and opportunities of
wilderness in Europe’s alps
Gaia Angelini, Lumina Consulting
Why we need to lobby for wilderness in Europe
even more than before
Claudiu Iusan, Rodnei Mountain National Park
The challenge to finance Romanian wilderness
in light of reduced public financial support
Michael Meyer, Ökologischer Tourismus in
Europa (Ö.T.E.) e.V. - How tourism can contribute to wilderness protection. – The Carpathian
Convention and its sustainable tourism strategy
To be announced, European Commission DG
Environment - European wilderness and the EU
biodiversity strategy with special attention on
the wilderness register
Prof Dr Roman Türk, Nature Conservation
Society Austria - Wilderness and its role concerning biodiversity
José Ignacio Vega, Ecoturismo I+D+i
Ecotourism as a chance for nature conservation
Erich Mayrhofer, Kalkalpen National Park
How the legislative framework concerning Bark
Beetle needed to be changed to support wilderness and its results
Luke Chamberlain, Wilderness Society Australia - Let’s connect: Community engagement
and Wilderness
L. Miko - Czech Republic
J. Vega - Spain
L. Chamberlain - Australia
V. Mochan - Ukraine
M. Klein - Germany
K. Conradin - Switzerland
M. Meyer - Germany
B. Kohler - Austria
J. Donnell - USA
M. Mayrhofer - Austria
European Wilderness Academy Days
1 - 4 October 2014
Agenda & Registration
Wed, October 1
Registration & Plenary Sessions
•Registration 11:00 o’clock
•Premiere - 50 years Wilderness
Act: The Meaning Of Wilderness
•Wilderness policy in the EU
•Wilderness in Germany, Romania,
Switzerland, Ukraine, Scotland
•European Wilderness Quality
Standard and Audit System
Thu, October 2
Field trip
•Visit to the glacial wilderness area
in the Nationalpark Hohe Tauern
•Presentation of the Nationalpark
Hohe Tauern
•Please bring good footwear and
be prepared for changing weather
•European Wilderness Film
Fri, October 3
Plenary & Special Presentations
•Carnivores in Europe
•Wilderness and society
•Wilderness monitoring
•The Draft European Wilderness
•Wilderness in Chernobyl
•Galadinner with Ladislav Miko
(European Commission)
Sat, October 4
Field Trip
•The effect of climate change on
glacier landscapes in the Nationalpark Hohe Tauern.
•Visit of the Glockner Glacier
•Visit of the Visitor Center Franz
Josefs Höhe
Full 4-day pass
Early Bird 4-day pass
1-day pass
Student 3-day pass
1 - 4 October 2014
Offer valid until 31.7.2014
valid 1st or 3rd October 2014
valid from 1 - 3 October 2014
€ 345,-
€ 199,-
€ 100,-
€ 395,-
3* Hotels
4* Hotels
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Single room: € 48,- *
Single room: € 68,- *
Double room: € 40,- *
Double room: € 60,- *
* Estimated price per night per person including breakfast
Book your accommodation at
Mittersill Plus GmbH
Stadtplatz 1
5730 Mittersill
Tel +43 (0)6562 40869
Email: [email protected]
How to get there
Nationalparkzentrum Hohe Tauern
Gerlos Straße 18, 5730 Mittersill, Austria
For further information and in case of questions
European Wilderness Society, ZVR: 305471009
Dechant Franz Fuchs Str. 5, 5580 Tamsweg, Austria
Phone: +43 (0)676 913 88 04
Email: [email protected]
All rights, errors and changes are reserved.
Information and Registration: