UNIVERSITY OF EAST ASIA ADMISSION GUIDE 2017 for International Applicants 東亜大学には、「他人のために汗を流し、一つの技術を身につける」「地域に生き、グローバルに考える」「友と出会い、友と生きる」の3つの教 育理念があります。昭和41年の創立発起以来、一貫して「国際的な場で学術的な研究・教育を実施し、他人のために汗を流し、一つの技術を身につ けた人材の養成を目的とする総合大学を目指す」ことを建学の精神とし、3学部7学科、1研究科を有する総合大学です。 University of East Asia which is located in Shimonoseki near Fukuoka is a private University founded in 1946 that has three education concepts, including "Sweat for Others, Master One Technology”, "Living Regionally, Thinking Globally" and "Meeting Friends, Living with Friends”. The university now boasts 3 schools and 7 faculties, and 1 graduate school, such as School of Human Sciences, School of Medical, School of Arts and Graduate school of Integrated Science and Arts. Studying as an Unsponsored International Student ここでは、私費留学生として東亜大学に入学するための方法などを簡単に説明します。より詳しい内容は、広報・入試室までご確認ください。 This section provides brief information regarding enrollment for Privately Financed International Students at University of East Asia. For more details, please contact for Administration Office. ■Undergraduate Course 東亜大学では、3学部で学部教育を行っており、学部に入学した場合、通常は4年在籍し、卒業すると学士号を取得することになります。 Each of the faculties offers undergraduate programs. Students enrolled in one of the undergraduate programs will normally study for four years. At the completion of the program, students will be awarded a bachelor’s degree. ■Language of Instruction 授業や試験は日本語で行われますので、入学時に十分な日本語能力を備えている必要があります。日本語を勉強してから入学することが望ましいです Most classes are taught in Japanese. Those who wish to enroll in regular undergraduate programs must have sufficient proficiency in Japanese upon enrollment. It is highly recommended that students acquire a high level of Japanese proficiency before applying to the university. 1 ■Admission Requirements 出願者は、出願資格や各学部が設定する「日本留学試験」「日本語能力検定試験」の取得得点条件などを満たさな ければなりません。以下に簡単に 抜粋した出願資格を紹介します。 "日本国籍を有しない者。 "外国において、学校教育における12年の課程を修了した者。 Each school has separate admission requirements, and applicants must obtain the required scores on the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) or Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). Following is a general overview of the eligibility requirements for the bachelor’s degree programs. For more details, please contact Administration Office. Example: *Individuals who is not possessing Japanese citizenship. *Individuals who have completed or are expected to complete a 12-years overseas school curriculum. ■Obtaining Application Materials "窓口での配布・・・広報・入試室にて毎年4月下旬頃。 "郵便による請求・・・[email protected].まで請求してください。 *At the Administration Office: Applications will be available around late April. *Request by mail: [email protected]. Admission Program for International Student This procedure is ONLY for applicants who reside outside of Japan, who do not possess Japanese nationality, and who intend to take classes taught in the Japanese language. この「私費外国人留学生」に関する入試では、志願者は受験のために来日することなく出願書類(必要に応じて面接試験を行うことがある)による 審査を経て、入学許可を得ることができます。なお、この入試には以下の3種類があり、どちらも日本国籍を有しない方が対象です。 With this procedure, applicants can receive screening results, in addition to interview results when deemed necessary, without being required to first travel to Japan. The procedure cover three different cases targeting applicants without Japanese nationality as outlined below : 日本国外に在住し、日本国外で学校教育を受けた、日本語能力検定レベルN2またはN1相当の者を対象とした入試。 この試験に合格した者は、学部入 学前の半年間の日本語研修・予備教育を受けずに直接学部に入学できます。 For students who completed education outside Japan and have passed the JapaneseLanguage Proficiency Test (JLPT), Levels N2 or N1 or equivalent. Students fulfilling these conditions will not be required to undergo preliminary language education, and may enter regular undergraduate courses directly in April. 日本国外に在住し、日本国外で学校教育を受けた、日本語能力検定レベルN4またはN3相当の者を対象とした入試。この試験に合格した者は、学部入 学前に半年間の日本語研修・予備教育を経て学部に入学できます。 For students who completed education outside Japan and have passed the JapaneseLanguage Proficiency Test (JLPT), Levels N4 or N3 or equivalent. Students fulfilling this condition must take preliminary and extensive Japanese language education for six months before beginning their regular studies as a full-time student. 2 日本国外に在住し、日本国外で学校教育を受けた、日本留学試験の受験者を対象とした入試。 この試験に合格した者は、学部入学前の半年間の日本 語研修・予備教育を受けずに直接学部に入学できます。 For students who completed education outside Japan and have passed the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU), 200 in total. Students fulfilling these conditions will not be required to undergo preliminary language education, and may enter regular undergraduate courses directly in April. ■Time Line JLPT score No more than 2 years before the date of entrance examination. Jun. or Nov. Take EJU. Oct., Dec. or Sep. Make application during the application period. Nov., Dec. or Mar. Announcement of successful applicants Application period Announcement of successful applicants Entrance Examination Fee Ⅰ October 1 2016 ∼ October 26 2016 November 12 2016 ¥20,000 Ⅱ November 7 2016 ∼ December 5 2016 December 7 2016 ¥20,000 Ⅲ February 6 2017 ∼ February 24 2017 March 9 2017 ¥20,000 Applicants are able to select from three of application period and send documents for application for admission and entrance examination fee to administration office during the application period. ■Required Documents for Application for Admission ・入学願書 ・志望理由書 ・出生証明書 ・パスポートのコピー(所有している者のみ) ・身分証のコピー(所有している者のみ) ・写真 (たて40mmX よこ30mm) 4枚 ・日本語の能力がわかる証明書 / 日本留学試験の成績 ・最終学歴の卒業証明書 ・最終学歴の成績証明書 ・在学証明書(高等学校に在学している者のみ) ・経費支弁を証明する書類(証明書は原本を提出、必ず日本語訳をつけること) 3 ・経費支弁者が本人の場合 本人名義の預金残高証明書(渡航費用および日本での留学期間中の学費、生活費に相当する金額以上であること 過去3年分の預金通帳のコピー 過去3年分の在職証明書(該当者のみ) 過去3年分の収入証明書 ・経費支弁者が本人以外(親族)の場合 経費支弁書(経費支弁者本人の直筆署名) 経費支弁者と本人の関係を証明する書類(戸籍抄本、親族関係を証明する公文書) 経費支弁者の預金残高証明書 経費支弁者の過去3年分の預金通帳のコピー 経費支弁者の過去3年分の在職証明 *Application form. *Essay for administration *Certification for birth. *Copy of the applicant’s passport. (Only those who have already obtained a passport.) *Copy of the applicant’s national identification card. (Only those who have.) *Four photographs (40mm X 30mm in size) *Certificate of Japanese language proficiency / EJU certification of scores. *Graduation certification. *Transcript. *Certificate of student status.(Only those who are high school student.) *Documents that prove the ability to pay expenses. (Please submit all the original certificates. For documents that are not written in Japanese, attach a Japanese translation for each document.) -In cases where the applicant is paying the expenses. *Bank Statement of the applicant for the past three years. (Showing sufficient funds for travel costs, tuition, and living expenses during the stay in Japan.) *Document that proves the applicant has enough savings to pay expenses including a copy of the passbook of the applicant. (All pages.) *Certificate of Income for the past three years. (Three certificates, one for each year.) *Certificate of Employment. -In the case other persons, such as relatives who reside outside of Japan, pay the expenses *Letter of Guarantee to pay expenses. (Written by the person guaranteeing to pay the expenses overseas guarantor.) *Documentation showing the relationship between the applicant and the overseas guarantor, such as a copy of his/her family register or a public document which shows the relationship between them. *Bank statement of the overseas guarantor. *Document that proves the overseas guarantor has enough savings to pay expenses including a copy of the bankbook of the overseas guarantor.(All pages.) *Certificate of employment of the overseas guarantor for past three years. *Certificate of income of the overseas guarantor for the past three years.(Three certificates, one for each year.) 4 Transfer International Admission 東亜大学では、すべての学部への3年次編入学試験を実施しています。 University of East Asia accepts Transfer International Admission Students. With this procedure is same as Admission Program for International Student. For more details, please contact for Administration Office. Date of examination Application period Entrance Examination Fee The Number to be Admitted September 9, 2016 August 22, 2016 ∼ August 31, 2016 ¥20,000 A few February 10, 2017 January 23, 2017 ∼ February 1, 2017 ¥20,000 A few Tuition Fee ■Tuition, Matriculation, Examination Fee, etc. Faculties Tuition Fee Matriculation Fee Educational Development Fee Experimental Lab Fee Misc. Fees Clinical and Child Psychology ¥620,000 ¥240,000 ¥200,000 ¥60,000 ¥20,000 International Communication ¥600,000 ¥240,000 ¥140,000 ¥50,000 ¥20,000 Health and Sports ¥660,000 ¥240,000 ¥270,000 ¥60,000 ¥20,000 Medical Technology ¥780,000 ¥240,000 ¥420,000 ¥100,000 ¥20,000 Health and Nutritional Science ¥680,000 ¥240,000 ¥250,000 ¥100,000 ¥20,000 Art and Design ¥840,000 ¥240,000 ¥240,000 ¥140,000 ¥20,000 Total Beauty ¥620,000 ¥240,000 ¥160,000 ¥140,000 ¥20,000 Tuition, Matriculation and Examination Fees are accepted by overseas remittance or international postal money order. University of East Asia 2-1 Ichinomiyagakuen-cho Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 751-8503 Japan SUMITOMO MITSUBISHI BANKING CORPORATION, SHIMONOSEKI BRANCHI 1-15-20 Takesaki-cho Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 750-0025 Japan SWIFT COADE : SMBC JP JT SAVING ACCOUNT : 0477112 5 ■Scholarship System 私費留学生にとって、日本での生活費を確保することは大変なことです。奨学金の申請は競争が厳しく、現実は大変厳しいことを承知しておいてくだ さい。また、渡日前に奨学金が支給されることが保証される奨学金の種類は非常に限られていますので、留学資金は十分に確保してから渡日するよう にしてください。 It is very difficult for unsponsored international students to earn an income sufficient to cover the costs of living in Japan. The financial resources of the scholarship programs are limited and are very competitive. Also, there are only a few scholarships available for prospective international students. If a student wishes to enroll in a Japanese University as an unsponsored international student, it is recommended to prepare sufficient funds prior to her/his arrival in Japan. ■Scholarships for Unsponsored International Students 文部科学省外国人留学生学習奨励費・・・私費留学生で、学業・人物とも優れかつ経済的理由により修学が困難な学生に対して学習奨励費を支給する制 度です。渡日後、申請書を提出し、選考の結果認められれば、学部レベルの留学生:48,000円(2016年度)が給付されます。 Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students This scholarship program is offered by the JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) to unsponsored international students with outstanding academic and personal records, who have economic difficulties with continuing school. An applicant awarded this scholarship receives financial support of ¥48.000 per month if they are an undergraduate student. (As of 2016) 民間奨学団体などの奨学金・・・民間の奨学団体等が提供する奨学金制度があります。大学を通して申請するものと、直接個人で応募するものの2種類 があります。奨学金は、月額3万円から20万円程度までさまざまですが、概ね5万円から10万円のものが中心です。奨学金によって応募資格・募集人 員などが異なりますので、詳しくは所属学部にお問い合わせください。募集通知は随時、通知されます。 【参考情報:日本学生支援機構ホームページ】 〈日本留学奨学金〉 Private and Public Scholarships A variety of scholarship programs are also offered by private scholarship organizations. Applications for some scholarship programs require a recommendation from the university, while other programs can be applied for directly by the students. The amount of the scholarships varies from ¥30,000 to ¥200,000 per month, but most of them are from ¥50,000 to ¥100,000 per month. Requirements for application and the number of awardees vary depending on the nature and purpose of the respective program. Announcements or advertisements for these scholarships are made through schools. 【JASSO(Japan Student Services Organization)】 〈Scholarships for Study in Japan〉 Entrance as Exchange Student 東亜大学では、海外の多くの大学と学術交流協定を締結しています。そのうち学生交流の覚書を交わした協定校に在籍している学生は、交換留学生と して学ぶことができます。 University of East Asia has completed academic exchange agreements with a large number of universities in other countries and regions. In keeping with these 6 agreements, University of East Asia accepts exchange students from those universities that allow the students to take classes at University of East Asia without paying any additional tuition fees. ■How to Apply 所属大学(協定校)の学内選考を経て、所属大学(協定校)の留学担当部署を通じて申請してください。 Application should be made through the office handling international exchange at one's home university. Admission Program for Non-Regular Student 東亜大学では、短期研修生として学ぶことができます。 University of East Asia accepts non-degree students(those who take specific subjects but non-receive credit) at each schools. ■Japanese Studies Students 日本語能力および日本事情、日本文化の理解の向上ための教育を受けるコース。身分は学部レベルで、研修期間は3か月です。所定の学習を修めた者 には、修了証明書を発行します。このコースでは、留学ビザが発給されませんので、申込者は自身で短期滞在ビザを各国の日本大使館および領事館で 申請することになります。また、大きなけがや事故に備えて、旅行保険に加入してください。日本滞在中における事故やけがについて、一切責任を持 ちません。このコースの参加者は、大学の留学生宿舎を使うことができます(3か月:72,000円、光熱費を含む)。 Japanese Studies students who are accepted as undergraduate students at a University of East Asia to improve their Japanese proficiency and deepen their understanding of Japanese society and culture. The duration of study in japan is three months. Japanese Studies students will not receive credits and degree. However University of East Asia will issue certification of completion. A Student Visa will be not issued for this course. Japanese Studies students need to be have short stay visa by one’s self. University of East Asia request Japanese Studies students subscription travel insurance. University of East Asia will not bear full responsibility for Japanese Studies students’s accident and health problems. Japanese Studies students can use residential facilities. Fee is ¥72,000(including utility costs) for three months per room. !Admission Requirement 日本国籍を有しない者。 外国において、学校教育における12年の課程を修了した者。 外国における現役大学生であること。 *Individuals who is not possessing Japanese citizenship. *Individuals who have completed or are expected to complete a 12-years overseas school curriculum. *Individuals who are university/college student now. !The Number to be Admitted Courses Enrollment The Number to be Admitted Application period Tuition Fee Summer course April A few February 2, 2016 ∼ February 15, 2016 ¥240,000 7 Winter course September July 1, 2016 ∼ July 15, 2016 A few ¥240,000 !How to Apply 入試/広報室に申請書類を添えて、申し込みをしてください。 Send documents for application for admission to administration office during the application period. ■Required Documents for Application for Admission ・入学願書 ・志望理由書 ・日本語の能力がわかる証明書 / 日本留学試験の成績 ・最終学歴の成績証明書 ・最終学歴の卒業証明書 ・在学証明書 ・パスポートのコピー(所有している者のみ) ・身分証のコピー(所有している者のみ) ・写真 (たて40mmX よこ30mm) 2枚 *Application form. *Essay for administration *Certificate of Japanese language proficiency / EJU certification of scores. *Graduation certificate. *Transcript. *Certificate of student status.(Only those who are University/College student.) *Copy of the applicant’s passport. (Only those who have already obtained a passport.) *Copy of the applicant’s national identification card. (Only those who have.) *Two photographs (40mm X 30mm in size) Admission to Graduate School Gradate School of University of East Asia accepts international students. However the number of students to be admitted is a few both of master’s degree course and Doctor’s degree course. For further more details, please contact to Administration Office. Courses Enrollment in Oct. Selection method Date of examination Life Science and Medical Engineering × Written exam and interview September / February Human Science × Written exam and interview September / February Advance Studies in Arts and design × Written exam or sketch, and interview September / February Clinical Psychology × Written exam and interview September / February ※An examination will be conducted in February only if the enrollment capacity is not 8 reached after the September examination. "Admission Requirement 日本国籍を有しない者。 大学を卒業し、学位を取得した者。 日本語能力検定レベルN2またはN1相当の者。 *Individuals not possessing Japanese citizenship. *Individuals who are graduate university and have a bachelor degree. *Individuals who have passed the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), Levels N2 or N1or equivalent. Tuition Fee ■Tuition, Matriculation, Examination Fee Master’s courses Tuition Fee per year Matriculation Fee Entrance Examination Fee Life Science and Medical Engineering ¥880,000 ¥280,000 ¥30,000 Human Science ¥780,000 ¥280,000 ¥30,000 ¥880,000 ¥280,000 ¥30,000 ¥780,000 ¥280,000 ¥30,000 Advance Studies in Arts and design Clinical Psychology Doctor’s courses Tuition Fee per year Matriculation Fee Entrance Examination Fee Life Science and Medical Engineering ¥520,000 ¥280,000 ¥30,000 Human Science ¥520,000 ¥280,000 ¥30,000 ¥520,000 ¥280,000 ¥30,000 ¥520,000 ¥280,000 ¥30,000 Advance Studies in Arts and design Clinical Psychology Support Systems for International Students ■VISA・Status of Residence 日本に3ヶ月以上滞在する留学生は、「留学」の在留資格が必要です。これから日本に来日する留学生は、来日前に最寄りの日本国大使館、あるいは 日本国総領事館にて「留学ビザ」を取得しなければなりません。ビザの申請をする際に在留資格認定証明書(CESR)を提出する必要があります。入 9 学が決まった留学生の在留資格認定証明書は、東亜大学が日本の入国管理局に申請します。発行された在留資格認定証明書は、大学から申請者へ送 付します。 A Student Visa is required when your expected period of stay is more than three months. International students need to obtain a“Student Visa”at the nearest Japanese Embassy or Consulate General before entering Japan. A Certificate of Eligibility for Status of Residence (CESR) is required for your visa application.The Administration Office for International Students and Scholars, University of East Asia, will apply for the CESR to the Japanese Immigration Bureau for all international students who are accepted into University of East Asia. ■Housing 留学生宿舎:東亜大学が独自に運営している留学生宿舎のほかに、公的機関により運営されている宿舎もあります。留学生宿舎は、いずれも民間住宅 に比べて安い料金で入居できますが、入居期間や戸数が限られています。 Residential Facilities for International Students University of East Asia and other public organizations have a limited number of residential facilities for international students. The rent of rooms of these publicly managed facilities are inexpensive compared with those of private housing. The maximum duration of an overseas student’s residence at these publicly owned facilities is one to two years. 日本では通常、契約の際に、敷金・保証金・仲介手数料(家賃の半月~3か月分)を支払います。部屋のタイプや立地によって賃料も変動しますの で、資金面での十分な準備が必要です。 Some International students at University of East Asia live in private housing. To find and rent private housing, local real estate brokers are generally used. When you make a contract to rent private housing, in most cases you will be required to pay a "Shiki-kin" (deposit) and/or a "Reikin" (key money) to the lessor. Also, you must pay a brokerage fee to the real estate broker. The average rent in Shimonoseki is ¥20,000, although the rent and other terms of lease vary depending on the location, conditions of the property and other factors. ■Notification of place of residence(address), (procedure at the local municipal office) 出入国港において在留カードが交付された方は、住居地を定めてから14日以内に、在留カードを持参の上、住居地の市区町村の窓口でその住居地を 届け出てください。旅券に「在留カードを後日交付する」旨の記載がなされた方を含みます。その場合には、当該旅券を持参の上、手続をしてくださ い。後日、入国管理局から在留カードが、届出された住所に簡易書留で郵送されます。 Those who have received a residence card at a port of entry are asked to visit the municipal office where you live with your residence card, and notify your address within 14 days of finding a place to settle down. This includes those in possession of a passport stating“A residence card will be issued late”. In such a case, please be sure to bring your passport to your municipality's office and follow the necessary procedures. After you notify your address, your residence card will be sent to the address by the Immigration Bureau by registered mail. ■National Health Insurance (procedures at the local municipal office) 日本に滞在する外国人で、適法に3か月を超えて在留する人で、勤務先の社会保険などに加入していない人(同伴家族も含む)は国民健康保険に加入し なければなりません。加入すると、保険証が発行され、国民健康保険を取り扱う病院 で治療を受ける場合、診療受付で保険証を提示すると、保険適 用内医療費総額のうち3割のみの支払いで済みます。加入手続きは市役所で行います。 10 All foreigners(including accompanying family members)who reside legally in Japan longer than three months are required to enroll in this program unless they are enrolled in some other social insurance program, such as that offered at their workplace. Once enrolled, subscribers will receive a health insurance card. When they receive treatment at any healthcare provider that accepts the NHI, they will only need to pay 30% of the expenses when presenting the insurance card at the reception desk before treatment. To become a National Health Insurance policyholder, go to the relevant division of your local municipal office. ■Part-time Jobs 留学生は、入国管理局へ資格外活動許可申請を行い、認められた場合のみアルバイトをすることができます。新しい在留管理制度の導入に伴い、 2012年7月9日から在留カードが交付される成田空港、羽田空港、中部空港及び関西空港では、「留学査証」で入国する新規来日者は、入国時に資格 外活動許可申請ができるようになりました。資格外活 動許可を取得しても、以下の点を守ってください。 1. 学業に支障を來たさないものであること。 2. アルバイトができる時間は1週間28時間以内。授業がない長期休暇の期間は1日8時間まで。 3. 風俗営業等、公序良俗に反するアルバイトはできません。 Those who have a“Student(/ryugaku)”status are not permitted to work or be compensated in the form of payment. Only those who need to supplement school and living expenses will be able to obtain a work permit. With the new residence management system, permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the resident status is given at Narita, Haneda, Chubu, and Kansai Airports(where resident cards are issued), to persons with Student visa, who enter Japan for the first time. They are allowed to work part time under the following requirements. 1. The part-time job must not interfere with academic work. 2. Those who have“Student(/ryugaku)”status are permitted to work up to 28 hours per week and 8 hours a day only during a long vacation. 3. The part-time job must not affect public order and morals (e.g., sex-related industry employment is forbidden). Frequently asked questions from International students How do I obtain the Application Guideline or forms for the entrance exam of Osaka University? Please contact the Administration Office ([email protected]) I would like to study the Japanese language at University of East Asia. Do you have a suitable program? Yes, we have Japanese Language Program(Ryugakusei-Bekka). Please contact Japanese Language Program office. 11 What is the language of instruction at University of East Asia? Most classes at University of East Asia are taught in Japanese. In order to enroll in these courses, applicants must have sufficient proficiency in Japanese upon entering the university. I would like to know how much is the cost of living in Japan. For general information in living and studying in Japan, please refer to the“Student Guide to Japan”on the JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) website. Student Guide to Japan (refer to chapter 4) : Contact Person Dr. Ryuen Hiramatsu Associate Professor / Director of Public Relations University of East Asia Administration Office 2-1 Ichinomiyagakuen-cho Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 751-0807 Japan Phone +81-83-256-1111 E-mail [email protected] Monday through Saturday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (JST) Please note that the office hours may be shortened during students’ summer vacation. Closed on Sundays, public holidays, and other holidays as defined by University rules. Other unscheduled closures will be posted separately. ※If there are any discrepancies between Japanese admission guide, English admission guide, Japanese admission guide shall be regarded as correct. 12
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