Technisches Datenblatt

Technisches Datenblatt
Zwaluw® PU-Rooffix
Roof adhesive based on liquid polyurethane
Technical specifications
Application Temperature
+5°C till +30°C
1,12 g/ml
Frost Resistance during
till -15°C
Open time
@23°C/65% RH
15 min
0,2 kg/m2
12.000 mPas
Product Description
Zwaluw PU-Rooffix is a liquid polyurethane roof adhesive for bonding
insulation panels on concrete and galvanised steel. The adhesive cures
through reaction with moisture from the substrate and environment and
forms a strong, durable, water resistant connection. The adhesive has
excellent gap filling properties, which provide that the product slightly
foams during curing, depending on the amount of moisture on the
Not suitable for PE, PP, PC, PMMA, PTFE, soft plastics, neoprene
and bituminous substrates
Surface Preparations and Finishing
Application temperature (applies to environment and substrates): +5°C
to +35°C. All substrates must be solid, clean, dry, and free from grease
and dust. Undo adhesion surfaces from loose particles. Always test
adhesion prior to application.
For proper curing it is necessary that one of the substrates is porous.
Slightly foams during curing
Water resistant after curing
Usage 20-30 g/m2
Uncured material and tools can be cleaned by using Zwaluw Universal
PU-Cleaner. Cured material can only be mechanically removed. Hands
can be cleaned with Zwaluw Wipes.
Zwaluw PU-Rooffix has been developed for bonding of PS, PU, glass
fibre and rock wool panels on concrete, galvanised and coated steel.
Do not use below +5°C. Although the adhesive will expand and fill
larger cavities, there is a risk that a surface-skin will already be formed
before the adhesive will make contact with the insulation panel. No
adhesion will be achieved on these areas. Keep the adhesive
containers out of direct sunlight to prevent that the adhesive becomes
too liquid because of the heat. Prevent any deformation during 24 hours
after bonding.
Shelf Life
For more information see Technical Bulletins in the Knowledge Base on
our website
Bucket 5 kg
In unopened original packaging between +5°C and +25°C, shelf life till 6
months after production date, stored in a dry place.
Health & Safety
Die Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsdatenblätter des Produktes müssen
vor Gebrauch gelesen und verstanden werden. Sie sind auf Anfrage
und über die Den Braven Webseiten erhältlich.
Warranty & Guarantee
Den Braven Sealants
Steinabrückler Str. 48, A-2752 Wöllersdorf
T +43 2633 41 399 | E [email protected]
2016-10-09 07:33:03 UTC
Technisches Datenblatt
Zwaluw® PU-Rooffix
Roof adhesive based on liquid polyurethane
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Den Braven Sealants
Steinabrückler Str. 48, A-2752 Wöllersdorf
T +43 2633 41 399 | E [email protected]
2016-10-09 07:33:03 UTC