YES! Programm

YES! – Young Economic Summit // Vorläufiges Programm Tag 1, 22. September 2016
Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich im Programm noch die Reihenfolge der Präsentationen der Schulen ändern kann.
09:00 - 09:25
Welcome Tag 1
09:30 - 10:15
Max-Planck-Schule, Kiel
10:15 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:15
Helene-Lange-Gymnasium, Rendsburg
11:20 - 12:05
Richard-Hallmann-Schule, Trappenkamp
12:05 - 12:45
12:45 - 13:30
Peter-Ustinov-Schule, Eckernförde
13:35 - 13:45
Ministerpräsident Torsten Albig
13:45 – 14:30
14:30 - 14:45
14:45 – 15:30
Heinrich-Heine-Gymnasium, Hamburg
15:35 - 16:20
Heinrich-Heine-Schule, Heikendorf
16:25 - 16:40
Pitch Tag 1
Reforming Asylum and Migration Governance
Diskutant: Ferry Pausch, Sarah Tietze
Moderator: Cian Mulligan
Bringing Refugees into Work
Diskutant: Ferry Pausch, Sevim Schmid-Coşkun
Moderator: Cian Mulligan
A World without Waste: Putting the Circular Economy to Work
Diskutant: Thorsten Grenz, Helge Wendenburg
Moderator: Tina Teucher
A World without Waste: Putting the Circular Economy to Work
Diskutant: Thorsten Grenz, Helge Wendenburg
Moderator: Tina Teucher
Rede: Torsten Albig
Anmoderation: Willi Scholz
Implementing the SDGs – Measuring the Sustainable Ocean
Diskutant: Mark Lenz, Martin Quaas
Moderator: Mark Lenz
Future Cooperation between Turkey and the EU
Diskutant: Jan Taşçı
Moderator: Esther Ademmer
How to Implement Sustainable Infrastructure Projects?
Diskutant: Ingo List, Ole Wintermann
Moderator: Tamara Pianos
YES! – Young Economic Summit // Vorläufiges Programm Tag 2, 23. September 2016
09:00 - 09:05
Welcome Tag 2
09:10 - 09:55
09:55 - 10:10
Gruppenfoto der Teilnehmer/innen
10:10 – 10:55
Gymnasium Wellingdorf
11:00 – 11:45
Kieler Wirtschaftsgymnasium
11:45 - 12:30
12:30 - 13:15
Alexander-von-Humboldt Schule,
13:20 - 14:05
Hermann-Tast-Schule, Husum
14:05 - 14:20
14:20 - 15:05
Anne-Frank-Schule, Bargteheide
15:10 - 15:55
RBZ Wirtschaft . Kiel
15:55 - 16:10
16:10 – 16:55
FMV Işık High School
17:00 – 17:15
Pitch Tag 2
17:15 - 17:30
Good Bye
Implementing the SDGs – Measuring the Sustainable Ocean
Diskutant: Hugo-Maria Schally, Max Schön
Moderator: Kai Meinke
Libertarian Paternalism and Choice Architecture: Nudging People into the ‘Right’ Direction.
Diskutant: Ulf Kämpfer, Katrine Lund Skov
Moderator: Julia Wenkowitsch
Digitalization and Trade: Which Governance is Required to Let All People Benefit from New
Diskutant: Henrik Müller, Pauline Weinzierl
Moderator: Rolf Langhammer
Making Trade Agreements work for Citizens. How an Ideal Trade Agreement Could Look
Diskutant: Stormy-Annika Mildner, Pauline Weinzierl
Moderator: Rolf Langhammer
Sharing Economy – Innovative and Sustainable?
Diskutant: Henrik Müller, Hugo-Maria Schally
Moderator: Julia Wenkowitsch
Building Sustainable and Smart Cities: Challenges for Industries and Societies
Diskutant: Johannes Bröcker, Hans-Peter Egler, Max Schön
Moderator: Tina Teucher
Building Sustainable and Smart Cities: Challenges for Industries and Societies
Diskutant: Johannes Bröcker, Hans-Peter Egler, Thorsten Grenz
Moderator: Tina Teucher
Financial Governance – Making Global Finance Inclusive and Green
Diskutant: Cyrus de la Rubia, Philipp Nimmermann
Moderator: Cyrus de la Rubia