- smama Jahresevent MOBILE BUSINESS Day 28. September 2016 - Papiersaal | Zürich Programm smama Jahresevent | MOBILE BUSINESS Day | 28. September 2016 Joachim Hagger, Geschäftsführung | smama Sindy Amadei , Geschäftsführung | ÜBERALL scene development 15:20 WELCOME 15:30 Keynote „Das drahtlose Telefon 1910“ - Die real gewordene Vision!“ Mirza Sakic 15:45 Keynote „Wer Visionen hat, soll nicht zum Arzt!“ Franco Monti, Präsident | smama 16:05 Podiumsdiskussion 16:30 Keynote „Was sind die kommenden Trends im Mobile Business?“ Daniele Casella | Samsung, Roland Mäder | SAP, Ali Soy | Swisscom Moderation: Joachim Hagger, Geschäftsführung | smama „HoloLens: Mixed Reality in real business scenarios.“ Laurent Bugnion, Senior Director | IdentityMine AR, VR, MR, 2016 was the year where Augmented and Virtual Reality became mainstream. With games like Pokemon Go taking over the world, with Oculus Rift and HTC Vive being released to the public, and of course with Microsoft HoloLens being available in developer and commercial editions, we see a lot of interest not only for consumers but especially for enterprise and industrial solutions to be developed. Since the start, HoloLens was aimed at professionals wanting to use Mixed Reality to improve their work. IdentityMine, a firm with 15 years experience developing advanced user experience solutions with bleeding edge technologies, is using their combined skills to work with airlines, industries, museums and more to create compelling scenarios. Of course like with every new technology, it requires a lot of brainstorming, experiments and studies to see which scenarios are viable and which are not. Laurent Bugnion, a developer with 20 years experience will talk to you about our learnings in this field, and give you demos showing off how HoloLens’ innovative features can change the way you work. 17:00 Pause Programm smama Jahresevent | MOBILE BUSINESS Day | 28. September 2016 17:30 Keynote „Bridging the gap – merging the real with the digital world.“ Tobias Grosshauser, Co-Founder | Bonsai-Systems GmbH Apps for mobile devices in combination with sensors connect many real world scenarios with the digital world and opens up many new application fields. In this talk, an overview over new possibilities of miniature sensor hardware and apps, from simple micro-location beacons up to versatile motion and environmental sensing nodes, is given. Complicated and expensive measurements, data acquisition and storage – including real-time feedback and long term observations, the possibilities are vast and manifold. 17:55 Keynote „SiliconWadi 101, a glimpse into the Israeli startup ecosystem.“ Cilli Cegla, CEO | Novawind, Tel Aviv o Snapshot of the current status of Israeli startup ecosystem o Key drivers to the success of the ecosystem o What drives the accelerated innovation cycles 18:30 Keynote „How I created the world‘s first mobile social network.“ Neeraj Jhanji, CEO | ImaHima, Singapore/Palo Alto o The birth and journey of ImaHima o Exit to Facebook o The birth of AirMount and proximity networks ab 19:00 21:00 Networking Apéro Ende
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