Thermal time requirements of rootknot nematodes on zucchini-squash and population dynamics with associated yield losses on spring and autumn cropping cycles María Dolores Vela, Ariadna Giné, Manuel López-Gómez, Francisco Javier Sorribas, Cesar Ornat, Soledad VerdejoLucas, et al. European Journal of Plant Pathology Published in cooperation with the European Foundation for Plant Pathology ISSN 0929-1873 Eur J Plant Pathol DOI 10.1007/s10658-014-0482-x 1 23 Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Koninklijke Nederlandse Planteziektenkundige Vereniging. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at”. 1 23 Author's personal copy Eur J Plant Pathol DOI 10.1007/s10658-014-0482-x Thermal time requirements of root-knot nematodes on zucchini-squash and population dynamics with associated yield losses on spring and autumn cropping cycles María Dolores Vela & Ariadna Giné & Manuel López-Gómez & Francisco Javier Sorribas & Cesar Ornat & Soledad Verdejo-Lucas & Miguel Talavera Accepted: 7 July 2014 # Koninklijke Nederlandse Planteziektenkundige Vereniging 2014 Abstract The present research was undertaken to evaluate the effects of soil temperature on the life cycle of root-knot nematodes (RKN) on zucchini-squash in growth chambers and to assess the relationship between Meloidogyne incognita soil population densities at planting (Pi), its multiplication rate, and crop losses of zucchini in field conditions. Thermal requirements for M. incognita and M. javanica were determined by cultivating zucchini plants in pots inoculated with 200 second stage juveniles (J2) of each Meloidogyne species at constant temperatures of 17, 21, 25, and 28 °C. Number of days from nematode inoculation until appearance of egg laying females and until egg hatching were separately recorded. For life cycle completion, base temperatures (Tb) of 12ºC and 10.8ºC and M. D. Vela IFAPA Chipiona, Camino de Esparragosa, Chipiona Cádiz, Spain A. Giné : F. J. Sorribas : C. Ornat DEAB-UPC, Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain M. López-Gómez : S. Verdejo-Lucas IRTA Sustainable Plant Protection, Cabrils, Barcelona, Spain S. Verdejo-Lucas IFAPA La Mojonera, La Mojonera, Almería, Spain M. Talavera (*) IFAPA Camino de Purchil, Apdo. 2027, 18004 Granada, Spain e-mail: [email protected] accumulated degree-days above Tb (S) of 456 and 526, were estimated for M. incognita and M. javanica, respectively. The relationship between fruit weight and M. incognita Pi fits the Seinhorst damage function, but differed accordingly to the cropping season, spring or autumn. Tolerance limits for M. incognita on zucchini were 8.1 J2 per 250 cm3 of soil in spring and 1.5 in autumn cropping cycles, and the minimum relative yields were 0.61 in spring and 0.69 in autumn. Zucchini-squash was a poorer host for M. incognita in spring than in autumn, since maximum multiplication rates (a) and equilibrium densities (E) were lower in spring (a=16–96; E=274–484) than in autumn (a= 270–2307; E=787–1227). Keywords Cucurbita pepo . Damage functions . Meloidogyne incognita . M. javanica . Tolerance Introduction The family Cucurbitaceae consists of approximately 125 genera and 960 species, including important crops cultivated worldwide such as cucumber, luffa, melon, watermelon and squashes (gourds, pumpkins and zucchinis). Most cucurbits are susceptible to root-knot nematodes (RKN) (Fassuliotis 1971) causing yield losses in many growing areas (Edelstein et al. 2010; Wesemael et al. 2011; Talavera et al. 2012). Although plant species and cultivars differ in their tolerance to Meloidogyne species, it is assumed that for any RKN-host plant combination the damage caused by Author's personal copy Eur J Plant Pathol nematodes depends on the soil population densities at planting (Pi) as well as its reproductive potential in the host plant (Greco and Di Vito 2009). There is a direct positive correlation between Pi and yield loss and an inverse correlation between Pi and the nematode multiplication rate on the host plant (Pf/Pi), being Pf the nematode densities in soil at harvest (Seinhorst 1965, 1998). Moreover, the nematode reproductive rate is strongly influenced by temperature and directly related to the accumulated degree-days (DD) over a base temperature (Tb) during the cropping cycle (Trudgill 1995). Therefore, it has been suggested that damage thresholds for annual vegetable crops are also related to the planting time and the duration of the crop cycle (Ehwaeti et al. 1998). For sustainable management of RKN, it is fundamental to develop accurate information on the nematode population densities that cause yield losses and quantify them into plant damage functions. These damage functions allow the estimation of: i) the tolerance limit (t), defined as the nematode Pi up to which no measurable yield loss occurs; and ii) the minimum yield (m), when at high values of Pi, increasing numbers of nematodes may not further reduce crop yield or plant productivity (Seinhorst 1965). Estimation of these critical levels is basic for the design of integrated nematode management programs (Ferris et al. 1986). Damage functions for various Meloidogyne species have been described on some vegetable crops including common bean, pepper, tomato, artichoke, cabbage, eggplant, spinach and tomato as summarized in Greco and Di Vito (2009). In cucurbits, several studies have also established tolerance limits for RKN and estimated yield losses on cucumber (Cucumis sativus) (Giné et al. 2014), melon (Cucumis melo) (Di Vito et al. 1983; Ploeg and Phillips 2001; Kim and Ferris 2002) and watermelon (Citrillus lanatus) (Xing and Westphal 2012). However, for other cucurbit crops, such as squashes (Cucurbita pepo), these relationships have not been accurately determined and the quantitative yield response of squashes to RKN infection is poorly understood. Zucchini-squash is an important crop in Southern Spain, where it is cultivated either as a spring or autumn crop in growing periods of three to five months. Most of the production is concentrated in the provinces of Almería, Cádiz and Granada, which account for one third of the total zucchini production in Spain (MAGRAMA 2011). In 2010, 7,618 ha were dedicated to zucchini cultivation in Spain with a production of 366498 Tm. Losses caused by RKN on zucchini under protected cultivation were estimated at € 649504 in south-eastern Spain (Talavera et al. 2012). The present study was undertaken to determine the thermal requirements of M. incognita and M. javanica on zucchini-squash in growth chamber pot trials, and to evaluate the relationships of M. incognita Pi vs. crop yield and Pi vs. multiplication rate (Pf/Pi) in spring and autumn plantings of zucchini-squash under field conditions. Materials and methods Thermal requirements Development of two RKN isolates of Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica on zucchini-squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) cv. Amalthee HF1 was determined at four constant temperatures in separate climatic growth chambers set at 17, 21, 25, and 28 °C with a 16/8 h light/dark photoperiod. Nematode isolates were maintained on susceptible tomato cv. Durinta and eggs were extracted by blender maceration of infected roots in a 0.5 % NaOCl solution for 5 min accordingly to the Hussey and Barker (1973) procedure. The egg suspension was then passed through a 74-μm aperture sieve to remove root debris, and the dispersed eggs were collected on a 25-μm sieve, and placed on Whitehead trays at 25 °C to obtain second-stage juveniles (J2) (Whitehead and Hemming 1965). Juveniles were collected daily on a 25-μm sieve. The J2 emerging during the first 24 h were discarded, and those emerging from day 2 to 5 were used as inoculum. They were stored at 9 °C until 8 h before inoculation, when they were placed inside the respective growth chambers for acclimatization. Zucchini seeds were germinated in trays containing vermiculite. Two-week-old seedlings were transplanted singly into 250-cm3 pots containing steam-sterilized sand. Sixty replicated plants were prepared per RKN species temperature combination. Plants were allowed to grow and acclimatize, in each growth chamber for one-week, prior inoculation with 200 J2 per pot. The inoculum was added into opposite holes 1 cm apart from the stem and 3 cm deep. Plants were irrigated as needed with water at the same temperature of the growth chambers to prevent dramatic changes in soil temperature. Plants were fertilized with a slow release fertilizer Author's personal copy Eur J Plant Pathol (Osmocote Plus ®: NPK 15–10-12+2 % MgO+microelements) by adding approximately 1 g onto the soil surface at the time of transplanting. Soil temperatures were recorded daily at 30 min intervals with probes (PT100, Campbell Scientific Ltd. ®) placed 4 cm deep into the potted soil, one probe per growth chamber. Three developmental processes were separately assessed because different processes may have different thermal requirements (Madulu and Trudgill 1994). The processes considered were: i) development, from J2 inoculation until the first observation of female laying eggs, (ELF); ii) egg production, from ELF stage to first egg hatch of J2 (EH) as indicated by the presence of empty egg shells; and iii) life cycle completion, from J2 inoculation to EH. Three plants per incubation temperature were removed daily until infection had occurred. Thereafter, plants were removed periodically to follow the process. Nematodes inside roots were stained with 0.05 % acid fuchsine (Bridge and Page 1982) cleared and observed the same day under a stereoscopic microscope. To assess both egg production and egg hatching, the entire root system was submerged in a 0.1 g l -1 erioglaucine solution for 2 h to stain in blue the gelatinous matrix and facilitate counting of the egg masses (Omwega et al. 1988). For assessing the begining of egg hatching, egg masses were handpicked and dispersed in 0.5 % NaOCl solution to estimate the number of days until egg production started and the first empty eggs were observed. Rates of development and egg production for each temperature were calculated as the reciprocal of the number of days (days−1) required to reach a certain biological stage. Rates were related to temperature of incubation by regression analysis to calculate the base temperature (Tb) for each biological stage, which is the temperate below which the given rate is equal to zero, and the thermal constant (S), which is the accumulated DD over Tb, calculated as the reciprocal of the slope of the regression equation (Trudgill 1995). Field trials Four field trials were carried out from 2011 to 2013 in an experimental unheated plastic greenhouse (1040 m2) at IFAPA Chipiona, Cádiz, Spain (36°44’56”N 6°24’06”W). Two trials were carried out in spring from 23/02 to 08/06/2011 and from 01/03 to 14/06 2012, and the other two in autumn from 10/10/2011 to 24/01/2012 and from 04/10/2012 to 17/01/2013. All trials lasted 105 days. Ground beds containing sandy soil (90 % sand: 8 % silt: 2 % clay), with pH 8.1, electric conductivity 0.5 dS/ m and 1.0 % organic matter, were naturally infested with a population of M. incognita. The field was divided into 36 individual plots of 24.5 m2 (7×3.5 m). Ten plants of zucchini cv. Amalthee HF1 were planted per plot, in two rows with five plants each. Plants were spaced 100 cm within the row and 100 cm between rows with these in different plots being at least 200 cm apart. The soil was prepared by hand-hoeing plots individually to prevent cross contamination between them. Plants were irrigated as needed through a drip irrigation system and were fertilized weekly with a solution consisting of NPK (15-5-30) at 31 kg per ha and iron chelate and micronutrients at 0.9 kg per ha. Zucchini plants were vertically trellised and plant growth regulators (ANA 0.45 %+ANA-AMIDA 1.2 % w/v at 0.06 %) were applied at the start of flowering by foliar spraying. Weeds were removed manually during and between cropping cycles. Soil temperatures were recorded daily at 30 min intervals with probes (Tinytag plus 2, Gemini Data Loggers Ltd. ®) placed at 15 cm deep. At the end of each cropping cycle, plants were cut at ground level and the root systems removed from the plastic house. To determine zucchini yield, fruits produced by the ten plants of each plot were harvested once a fortnight. Fruit yields were expressed as kilograms of fruit per plant (mean±standard error). Composite soil samples were collected from each plot at the beginning and at the end of each cropping cycle to estimate Pi and Pf values, respectively. Individual samples, consisting of ten soil cores, were taken from the rhizosphere of each plant to a depth of 30 cm with a sampling tube (2.5 cm diameter). Samples were mixed thoroughly and nematodes extracted from 250 cm3 soil subsamples using the Whitehead tray method (Whitehead and Hemming 1965). After 1 week of incubation in the trays, J2 were concentrated on a 25-μm aperture sieve and counted. Nematode counts were expressed per 250 cm3 of soil (mean±standard error). At the end of each cropping cycle, root systems of all the plants per plot were dug from the soil and the gall index rated according to a 0–10 scale to assess the disease severity. In this scale, 0=a well-developed and healthy root system and 10=plants and roots dead (Bridge and Page 1980). To determine egg production, Author's personal copy Eur J Plant Pathol the 10 root systems were bulked, chopped in 1 cm long segments, mixed and two 30 g sub-samples were used to extract eggs by maceration for 10 min in a blender containing a 0.5 % NaOCl solution (Hussey and Barker 1973). Eggs and J2s were counted and expressed per g of root. The relationship between Pi vs. fruit weight were determined by fitting the data to the Seinhorst model (Seinhorst 1998): Pi=t−1 y ¼ m þ ð1–mÞ0:95 when Pi > t y ¼ 1 when Pi < t where y=relative value of the plant growth parameter (fruit yield); m=minimum y value (y at a very large Pi) and t=tolerance limit (Pi at which plant growth is not impaired). Statistical analyses Statistical analyses were performed using Statistix 9.0 software © (Analytical Software, Tallahassee, FL) and the general linear model procedure of the SAS software version 8 © (SAS institute Inc. Cary, NC). For the thermal requirements, regression analyses were carried out to determine linear equations between the reciprocal of time elapsed between biological stages and the soil temperature recorded along the experiments. The slopes of the regression lines for the two RKN species were compared by the SAS GLM procedure. For field trials, data on soil nematode densities at harvest (Pf), multiplication rates (Pf/Pi), gall rating, eggs per g of roots and fruit yield were submitted to analysis of variance, using Pi as covariate, to compare data from Table 1 Number of days, base temperature (Tb) and accumulated degree-days (DD) above Tb (S) from inoculation of 200 secondstage juveniles until completion of several developmental stages in the four cropping cycles, and from the two cropping seasons (spring vs. autumn). Shapiro-Wilk and Levene’s tests were performed to check for normality and homoscedasticity of discrete variables. Where significant, numerical data were log (x+1) transformed before analysis. When the overall F test was significant (P<0.05), means were separated by the least significant difference (LSD) method. Regression analyses were used to determine the relationship between log (Pi+1) and log (Pf/Pi) and compare them between cropping cycles. When no differences were found, data were pooled to construct a single general model. The adjustment between Pi and the relative yield of zucchini to the Seinhorst function damage model was determined by the ‘nlin’ procedure of SAS version 8 ©. This is an iterative process starting with values of the parameters provided by the user, as well as the bounds between which they can vary. The values of m and t used to start the iteration were estimated from plotting experimental values of squash yield against log10 (Pi+1). The goodness of fit was estimated by the coefficient of determination. Results Thermal requirements Thermal requirements and values of Tb and S for the different biological processes and the whole life cycle of M. incognita and M. javanica on zucchini are shown in Table 1. The rates of development, egg production and life cycle completion did not differ (P>0.05) between these two RKN species (Figs. 1a, b and c). the life cycle of Meloidogyne incognita or M. javanica on zucchini cv. Amalthee HF1 in growth chambers M. incognita M. javanica Soil temperature (ºC) ELF EH LCC Soil temperature (ºC) ELF EH LCC 16.8 57 28 85 17.0 56 24 80 21.6 30 20 50 21.4 32 17 49 24.3 21 14 35 24.4 23 14 37 27.8 17 11 28 27.6 19 12 31 Tb (°C) 12.0 10.6 12.0 Tb (°C) 11.9 6.4 10.8 S (DD) 250.0 196.1 454.5 S (DD) 303.0 250.0 526.3 ELF: Egg laying females, EH: Egg hatching, and LCC: Life cycle completion Author's personal copy Eur J Plant Pathol Development rate (days-1) 0.12 MJ y = 0.0038x - 0.0447 R² = 0.9926 MI y = 0.0040x - 0.0480 R² = 0.9903 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 a 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 25 30 25 30 Egg production rate (days-1) 0.12 MJ 0.10 MI 0.08 y = 0.0040x - 0.0255 R² = 0.9996 y = 0.0051x - 0.0539 R² = 0.9633 0.06 0.04 0.02 b 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 Life cycle completion rate (days-1) 0.12 0.10 0.08 MJ y = 0.0019x - 0.0197 R² = 0.9976 MI y = 0.0022x - 0.0263 R² = 0.9869 0.06 0.04 0.02 c 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 Soil Temperature (°C) Fig. 1 Relationship between soil temperature and rates of development a, egg production b, and life cycle completion c, of Meloidogyne incognita (MI, continuous line) and M. javanica (MJ, dashed line) on zucchini-squash cv. Amalthee HF1 in growth chambers Field trials The daily mean, maximum and minimum soil temperatures recorded during the four trials are presented in Fig. 2. In the spring cycles, mean daily temperatures at planting were in the range of 15.9–18.6ºC, and they gradually increased to 24.6–26.9ºC, close to the last harvest. In contrast, in the autumn cycles, mean daily temperatures at planting were 25.7–25.9ºC and gradually decreased to 14.7–16.7ºC at the last harvest. The sum of Celsius degrees, recorded during the trials, were 2409 and 2218 in the spring cycles and 1974 and 2085 in the autumn cycles. Nematode initial (Pi) and final densities (Pf), multiplication rates (Pf/Pi), gall rating and egg per g of roots at harvest per cropping cycle are shown in Table 2. Initial nematode densities were similar among cropping cycles, with the exception of the spring 2012, and averaged 408±38 J2 per 250 cm3 of soil in the spring crops and 221±18 in the autumn crops. Final population densities (Pf) and multiplication rates (Pf/Pi) were lower in the spring (422±33 J2 per 250 cm3 of soil and 2.4± 0.5, respectively) than autumn cropping cycles (1059± 71 per 250 cm3 and 15.5±2.9) (P<0.001), and there were no significant differences in Pf/Pi within the trials conducted in spring or autumn. There was no clear effect of cropping cycles on disease severity but the gall rating after four consecutive cropping cycles was lower than after the first cycle (P<0.05). Planting date did not affect the M. incognita population within the roots, since similar number of eggs per g of roots were produced on zucchini in each cropping cycle, except for autumn 2011. The relationship log10 (Pf/Pi) vs. log10 (Pi+1) differed among the four field trials (P<0.05) and a stronger correlation between the Pi and Pf/Pi was found in the autumn than spring cycles as indicated by the R2 values (Fig. 3). Maximum multiplication rates were 16 and 96 in spring cycles, and 270 and 2307 in autumn cycles. Equilibrium densities were 274 and 484 J2 per 250 cm3 of soil in spring cycles, and 787 and 1227 in autumn cycles. Yield, as fresh fruit weight per plant, was higher in spring (2.7±0.1 kg per plant) than in autumn cycles (2.1± 0.1) (P<0.001). Average yield in nematode-free plants was estimated in 3.4±0.7 kg per plant for spring and autumn cycles. The relationship between Pi and fruit yield fits the Seinhorst damage function equation (P<0.001), but differed between cropping seasons. The minimum relative yields were 0.61±0.05 and 0.69±0.04, for the spring and autumn cycles, respectively. The tolerance limits were 8.1±1.8 J2 per 250 cm3 of soil for the spring cycles and 1.5±0.3 for the autumn ones (Fig. 4). Discussion The epidemiological characterization of RKN-induced diseases is an important tool for decision-making in nematode management. It should include information on the geographical distribution of the nematode, the occurrence and relative abundance, the thermal Author's personal copy Eur J Plant Pathol Fig. 2 Maximum, minimum and mean daily soil temperatures during four cropping cycles of zucchini-squash cv. Amalthee HF1 in field trials conducted in a plastic greenhouse infested with Meloidogyne incognita 35 °C 30 °C 25 °C 20 °C 15 °C 2011 Spring daily temperatures 10 °C 35 °C ˚ — Average ··· Minimum --- Maximum Soil Temperature ( C) 30 °C 25 °C 20 °C 15 °C 2011 Autumn daily temperatures 10 °C 35 °C 30 °C 25 °C 20 °C 15 °C 10 °C 2012 Spring daily temperatures 35 °C 30 °C 25 °C 20 °C 15 °C 10 °C 2012 Autumn daily temperatures Dates requirements of RKN species, the relationship between Pi and Pf/Pi on key crops cultivated in a certain area, and the nematode survival rate between crops. In addition, information on the relationship between Pi and crop yield is needed to determine the damage thresholds and maximum yield losses. Author's personal copy Eur J Plant Pathol Table 2 Average values of soil nematode densities at planting (Pi) and harvest (Pf), multiplication rates (Pf/Pi), gall rating, eggs per gram of roots of Meloidogyne incognita and fresh fruit yield from Year and season Pi x 2011 Spring 222±24 a 430±55 a Autumn 269±28 a 916±96 b Spring 594±58 b 415±38 a Autumn 174±22 a 1202±102 c 2012 x Pf x 36 plots cultivated with zucchini squash cv. Amalthee HF1 in a nematode infested plastic house in spring and autumn Gall rating Eggs y Fruit yield z 3.8±0.9 a 5.1±0.2 c 4961±306 a 2.7±0.1 b 12.9±3.7 b 1.7±0.2 a 6630±842 b 3.1±0.1 c 0.9±0.1 a 2.6±0.3 a 4089±770 a 2.7±0.1 b 18.1±4.4 b 3.0±0.1 b 4099±164 a 1.1±0.1 a Pf/Pi Juveniles per 250 cm3 of soil; y eggs per g of roots; z Kg per plant Values are the average±standard error of 36 plots. Values within the same column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly (P<0.05) according to the LSD test Information on thermal requirements can be useful to establish the most suitable planting dates for vegetables with the aim of reducing root infection or the number of generations per cropping cycle and thus preventing yield losses. In this study, thermal requirements of M. incognita and M. javanica on zucchini were determined by splitting the entire life cycle from J2 to J2 into two epidemiological key processes: i) development, which includes J2 penetration into the roots, infection and development until egg laying females; and ii) egg production until hatching. Thermal requirements of both RKN species from soil inoculation to ELF on zucchini (Tb=11.9–12.0; S= 250–303) were quite similar to those reported for egg mass formation of M. arenaria, M. incognita and M. javanica on squash under black polythene mulch (Davila et al. 2005) or M. arenaria on oriental melon (Tb = 12.2; S = 313) (Yeon et al. 2003), and for M. incognita and M. javanica on cucumber (Tb=12.1; S=294) (Giné et al. 2014). This result also agree with those reported by López-Gómez and Verdejo-Lucas (2014), who observed the presence of the same biological stages of these RKN species from 4–11 days post inoculation in zucchini. Thermal requirements for life cycle completion of M. incognita (Tb=12.0; S=454.5 DD) on zucchini were slightly different from those of M. javanica (Tb=10.8; S =526.3 DD), which could reflect a differential host status of zucchini squash cv. Amalthee to M. incognita than M. javanica as suggested by López-Gomez and Verdejo-Lucas (2014). However, both RKN species showed similar thermal requirements on cucumber (Tb =11.4; S=500 DD) (Giné et al. 2014) and these were similar to those on tomato (Tb=10.1, S=400 DD) (Ploeg and Maris 1999) or clover (Tb=10.1, S=410 DD) (Vrain et al. 1978). Our results support the suggestion that any factor delaying nematode development, such as host status, may affect thermal requirements (Tb and S) (Madulu and Trudgill 1994; Trudgill 1995). This hypothesis is further supported by the fact that development of M. konaensis on coffee was slower than on tomato (Zhang and Schmitt 1995), or that of M. hispanica on resistant than susceptible tomato (Maleita et al. 2012). Estimations based on thermal requirements of M. incognita on zucchini for life cycle completion and the accumulated degree-days over the base temperature in the field trials, indicated that the nematode has completed two generations during the spring cropping cycles but only one in the autumn cycles in the agro-environmental conditions of the field experiments. Maximum multiplication rates and equilibrium densities were higher in the autumn than spring cycles as it has been reported on tomato cropped in plastic house in the same growing area (Talavera et al. 2009), and on chickpea cropped in spring or winter (Di Vito and Greco 1988). These results sustain the concept that environmental conditions have a strong impact on population dynamics of RKN. Ferris et al. (1986) reported a maximum multiplication rate of 495 for M. incognita on zucchini cv. Fordhook in field experiments, which is within the range obtained in the autumn cycles (270– 2307). The maximum multiplication rate (a) and the equilibrium density (E) are indicators of the host status for a given set of agro-environmental conditions (Seinhorst 1967). Accordingly, zucchini was a better host of M. incognita in autumn than in spring cycles because the higher values of “a” and “E”, but it was more sensitive to RKN infection, as shown by a lower Author's personal copy Eur J Plant Pathol 2.0 1 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Spring 2011 -0.5 0 1 2 2.0 3 4 y = -0.7869x + 2.4306 R² = 0.835 1.5 Relative yield (Fresh Fruit Weight) y = -0.7434x + 1.982 R² = 0.6332 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 y = 0.61+(1-0.61)·0.95 (Pi / 8.1-1); R2 = 0.9626 Spring 0.5 Autumn y = 0.69+(1-0.69)·0.95 (Pi / 1.5-1); R2 = 0.9462 0.4 1.0 0 2 3 4 Log10(Pi+1) 0.5 Autumn 2011 Log10(Pf/Pi) 1 0.0 0 1 2 0.4 3 y = -0.4976x + 1.2128 R² = 0.5051 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Spring 2012 -0.8 0 1 2 2.5 3 4 y = -1.1613x + 3.3631 R² = 0.8254 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 Autumn 2012 0.0 0 1 2 3 Log10(Pi+1) Fig. 3 Relationship between log10 (Pi+1) and log10 (Pf/Pi) of Meloidogyne incognita on zucchini-squash cv. Amalthee HF1 in field trials conducted in spring and autumn tolerance limit in the autumn cycles. The higher temperatures observed at planting in autumn (25ºC), could favour J2 movement, root penetration, infection, and subsequent development, in comparison to the lower temperatures observed at planting in spring (16ºC), with the result of higher multiplication rates and stronger negative effects on plants in the autumn than spring cycles. The reduced inoculum effectiveness due to lower soil temperatures (reduced movement to penetrate and infect roots) could be the cause of a major Fig. 4 Relationship between log (Pi+1) of Meloidogyne incognita and relative yield (fruit fresh weight) of zucchini-squash cv. Amalthee HF1 in field trials conducted in spring and autumn dispersion of data in spring than in autumn, which results in a stronger correlation between Pi and PF/Pi in autumn than in spring cycles. Yield losses in squash due to pests and nematodes also differed between spring and autumn cycles in Florida, USA (McSorley and Waddill 1982) and Australia (Vawdrey and Stirling 1996). In addition, root injury in carrot was reduced at late planting dates in Southern California, when soil temperatures were reduced and fluctuated near or under the M. incognita activity threshold of 18 °C (Roberts 1987). Although Cucurbita species have been suggested as the most susceptible cucurbits to RKN (Edelstein et al. 2010), Pi values below 125 nematodes per 250 cm3 of soil had little impact on squash yield in Australia (Stirling 2000). Continuous cropping of zucchini did not increase progressively egg production (Table 2), which is in agreement with the poorer status of zucchini to M. incognita, compared to other cucurbit crops (López-Gómez and Verdejo-Lucas 2014). In this study, tolerance limits for M. incognita in zucchini were between 1.5 J2 per 250 cm3 of soil in autumn cycles and 8.1 J2 in spring cycles, within the range of to those reported for melon and cucumber (Kim and Ferris 2002; Giné et al. 2014). This study shows that there is a range of susceptibility-tolerance to RKN in zucchini-squash depending on the agro-environmental conditions it is cultivated in, since differences in crop tolerance were observed between spring and autumn cycles. These results suggest that modification of planting time and a careful selection of the cultivars to be planted could reduce the Author's personal copy Eur J Plant Pathol economic impact of RKN on production of zucchini and other vegetables. Acknowledgments This work was funded by INIA project RTA2010-00017-C02 and FEDER support from European Union. Authors are thankful to Juan José Pertíñez and Maria Rubio for technical assistance in the field and laboratory. 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