日本小児循環器学会編集委員会より 英文誌“Journal of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery”発刊のお知らせ 日本小児循環器学会では、今後学術活動をさらに国際的に発展させるとともに、若手医師へ の教育啓蒙活動を推進することを目的として、2017 年より英文学術誌“Journal of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery”を年 1-2 回発刊いたします(2014 年に行われた会員アンケ ート調査に基づき、理事会、評議員会、総会にて承認された内容です)。 日本語の学会雑誌である“日本小児循環器学会雑誌”も、これまで通り年 6 回発刊いたし ます。 以下に英文誌の編集方針と投稿規定を記載しています。新しく発刊される英文誌にもふる ってご投稿ください。 1) 英文誌も完全電子ジャーナルとします。 2) 原著、総説、症例報告、Editorial Comments、Images in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease、 Letter to the Editor などの原稿形式を受け付けます。 3) 投稿前には必ず native speaker による英文校正を受けることをお願いします。 4) 2 名もしくはそれ以上の査読者による査読を行います。 5) 既に日本語で発刊された日本論文の Secondary Publication も受け付けます。英文への翻訳 (有料)も可能ですので、詳細は編集委員会にご相談ください。 6) 日本小児循環器学会雑誌の論文の中から、編集委員会が選定した優秀な論文を英文化し て掲載することも予定しています。 7) 学術集会、分科会で招聘した外国人に総説の投稿を依頼し、適宜掲載します。 8) Journal は J-Stage に掲載されますので、インターネットでの検索が可能で、無料でダウ ンロードすることができます。 9) 発刊当初は日本小児循環器学会編集委員会が編集を担当しますが、将来的には海外の医 師および研究者にも編集委員を依頼し、国際化を図る予定です。 10) 掲載論文数を重ね、将来は PubMed Central への掲載を目指します。 投稿先および質問受付:日本小児循環器学会編集室 〒169-0075 東京都新宿区高田馬場 4-4-19(株)国際文献社内 TEL: 03-5389-6492 FAX: 03-3368-2830 E-mail: [email protected] 日本小児循環器学会編集委員会一同 編集委員長 白石 公 Journal of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery (JPCCS) Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery General Information: The Journal of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery is an official journal of Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery. The editors encourage authors to submit excellent articles on diagnosis, management, and treatment of congenital heart disease, Kawasaki disease, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, pulmonary hypertension, and other related fields in fetus, neonates, children, and adolescents and adults. The journal also deals with basic science article such as anatomy, physiology, pathology, and genetics of the pediatric and congenital heart disease. Categories of the articles include original articles, review articles, case reports, images in pediatric cardiology, case challenges, and letters to the editors. Please read the following instructions before you prepare the manuscript. Submitted manuscripts are peer reviewed and judged by two (or more) experts of the field. Acceptance decisions are made solely on the quality of data, originality of ideas, and their presentation. Copyright Permissions: Submission of a manuscript implies that, when accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Society. Every Figure and Table must have permissions from the copyright holders. Please obtain them yourselves in advance and clearly state them in Figure legends. Ethics: When reporting experiments on human subjects, the authors should indicate whether the procedures were in accordance with ethical standards of the responsible committee (institutional or regional). The participants' informed consent should be obtained and should be indicated in the article. When reporting experiments on animals, indicate whether institutional or national guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals were followed. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Policy: The corresponding author should submit the online form in order to disclose all authors’ relationships that could be perceived as real or apparent conflict(s) of interest. When submitting a manuscript for publication, all authors are required to disclose any financial relationship (within the past 12 months) with a biotechnology manufacturer, a pharmaceutical company, or other commercial entity that has been involved in the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript. English Proofreading: The authors who are not native English speakers should get English proofreading before the initial submission of the manuscript. The authors have to submit a certificate of English proofreading. Secondary Publications: The editorial office allows Secondary Publication of the original publication (written in Japanese) according to the regulations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). 1) The authors should notify about the secondary publication to the editorial office of the original article and that of JPCCS. 2) The authors should clearly describe that this manuscript has been already published in other journal (title, journal name, year published, volume, and pages). 3) The authors should faithfully translate the entire original manuscript into English. The priority of the publication belongs to the first original article. Manuscript Form: 1. Original Articles: Manuscripts should be written in English (Microsoft Word file) and submitted electrically (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/pccs). The manuscript should be written in double space and should not exceed 6,000 words. Manuscript includes Title page, Abstract, Text, Acknowledgements, References, and Legends for Figures. The total number of Tables and Figures should not exceed 6. Figures can be submitted in full-color with a resolution over 300dpi. Costs of the color figures are free. Movies can be submitted as additional information for the Figures in cost-free (mpeg, mpg, mov, avi files are recommended). 1) The Title page includes title of the paper, name of the authors, department and institution of the authors, a short title (within 50 characters), name and address of the corresponding author, and total word count of the manuscript and total number of tables and figures. 2) Text consists of Abstract, Introduction, Materials (Patients) and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions. Abstract should be concise with no more than 250 words. The structural form of the abstract is recommended that consists of Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Five or less key words have to be listed at the end of the abstract. 3) Figures and Tables should be submitted in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, JPEG files. Letters and symbols in Figures should be in appropriate size to be understandable after reduction to the width of one column. 4) Units of measurement should be SI units, except for blood pressure (in mmHg). Do not spell out numbers and standard units of measurement except at the beginning of sentences. Use Arabic numerals and standard abbreviations to indicate numbers and units. 5) References must be numbered consecutively as they appear in the text. References are listed in the same numerical order at the end of the article with full list of authors. The titles of journals should be abbreviated to the style used in Index Medicus. If a reference is published only in an online manner, please use D.O.I. (Digital Object Identifier) of the article. When there are 7 or more authors, list only the first 6 authors and add et al. Examples: 1) Dusenbery SM, Jerosch-Herold M, Rickers C, Colan SD, Geva T, Newburger JW, et al. Myocardial extracellular remodeling is associated with ventricular diastolic dysfunction in children and young adults with congenital aortic stenosis. J Am Coll Cardiol 2014;63:1778-85. 2) Razzouk AJ, Bailey LL. Heart transplantation in children for end-stage congenital heart disease. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Pediatr Card Surg Annu 2014;17:69-76. Review. 3) Becker AE, Anderson RH: Pathology of Congenital Heart Disease. London, Butterworths, 1981, pp62‒66. 2. Review Articles: The editors also encourage specialists of the fields to submit excellent review article with cutting-edge information. The review articles also have to have general educational contents to readers of the journal. The manuscript should include the Title page, Abstract, Text, Acknowledgements, References, and Legends for the Figures within 6,000 words. The total number of Tables and Figures should not exceed 6. The general submission instructions also apply to Review Article. 3. Case Reports: Case Reports highlight unique presentations that contribute etiology, pathophysiology, and patient care and treatment in the pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery. Case Reports should consist of an unstructured abstract (less than 250 words) that summarizes the case(s), a brief introduction, patient clinical course, and discussion. Article length should be 3,000 words or fewer and the number of references should be less than15. The general submission instructions also apply to Case Reports. 4. Images in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease: The manuscripts should contain novel color images and/or movies with outstanding scientific impact. The manuscripts must not exceed 1,000 words in length, including a maximum of 5 references. The total number of color figures must be limited to 2 (assembled figures less than 4 are acceptable). Movies as additional information can be accepted (mpeg, mpg, mov, avi files are recommended). 5. Editorials (Invited): The editors request reviewers to write editorials. The manuscripts must be written in 1,500 words, including a maximum of 2 tables and figure, and 10 references. 6. Letter to the Editor/Author’s Reply: This is an opinion-letter forwarded to a published manuscript. The manuscripts must not exceed 500 words in length and have no more than 3 co-authors. Publication Charges: Eight pages for original articles and reviews, 4 pages for case reports, and 2 pages for How to do it and Letter for the Editors are free of charge. The editorial office charges JPY 10,000 for each exceeding page. Reprints: Reprints are available in a multiple of 100 copies at the author’s cost. Journal of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery (JPCCS) Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Editor-in-Chief: Isao Shiraishi, MD. Vice Editor-in-Chief: Naokata Sumitomo, MD., Naoki Yoshimura, MD. Associate Editors: Shozaburo Doi, MD., Hajime Ichikawa, MD., Ryo Inuzuka, MD., Masaaki Kawada, MD., Kagami Miyaji, MD., Ken Takahashi, MD., Keiko Toyohara, MD., Hiroyuki Yamagishi, MD. Editorial Office: Editorial Office of Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 4-4-19, Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 169-0075 Phone: +81‒3‒5389‒6492, Fax: +81‒3‒3368‒2830 E-mail: [email protected]
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