専門職大学院公衆衛生学研究科(Graduate School of Public Health)

2016 年 9 月 5 日
Progress report on the application for approval of St. Luke’s Graduate School of Public Health
(provisional name)
「専門職大学院公衆衛生学研究科(Graduate School of Public Health)
」(仮称) の設置認可に関
St. Luke’s International University has submitted application for approval of a Graduate
School of Public Health, planned to open in April 2017, to the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science and Technology. The situation as of August is that review is continuing
(pending). The next report on approval is expected by the end of October according to the
case of the last year. As soon as the result is known we will inform everybody.
We apologize for any inconvenience to students who wish to apply, and any other concerned
parties. Thank you for your patience.
聖路加国際大学は、2017 年 4 月に開設を計画している専門職大学院公衆衛生学研究科の設置認
可を文部科学省に申請しておりますが、8 月の大学設置・学校法人審議会におきまして審査が継続さ
昨年の例によると、次回の設置に係る答申は 10 月末の見込みです。決まり次第、皆様にお知らせ
学校法人 聖路加国際大学
〒104-0044 東京都中央区明石町 10-1
Tel 03-3543-6391
fax 03-5565-1626
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