ZAZEN(Sitting Meditation)

ZAZEN(Sitting Meditation)
ZAZEN(Sitting Meditation)session will be held at Dokuonji Temple the 1 Saturday
of each month. Any visitor can join the session free of charge.
Kanagawa Systematized Goodwill Guide Club(KSGG) will voluntarily escort to
the temple. KSGG is a non-profit voluntary organization. We are introduce
Japanese cultures event and provides sightseeing guide in Kamakura and
Yokohama etc. When your families or friends come to Japan,
please contact us through KSGG web site.
DATE&TIME: Oct.1(Sat.)
18:15 Meet at Keikyu-line “OPPAMA “station .
18:30 Arrive at Dokuonji Temple. Orientation.
19:00 ZAZEN starts(3sessions) .
20:00 Talk with priest.
20:30 End.
We will escort you back to Keikyu-line “OPPAMA” Station.
Participation fee: Free of charge
If you are interested e-mail your Name to KSGG
at [email protected] (No later than Sept.28)
We can escort up to 5 participans.
KSGG’S web site; http://
ZAZEN(Sitting Meditation) experience
In Zen Buddhism, ZAZEN (literally "seated meditation") is a meditative discipline
practitioners perform to calm the body and the mind, and be able to concentrate enough
to experience insight into the nature of existence and thereby gain enlightenment.
Please wear modest and comfortable clothing (pants are preferred to skirts).
18:15 Meet at Keikyu-line “OPPAMA"station.
Walk to DOKUONJI-Temple for about 15 minutes.
18:30 Arrive at DOKUONJI-Temple.
Priest describes history and manner of ZAZEN.
19:00 ZAZEN session starts.
There will be Three ZAZEN sessions (10min~20min each)
Visitors who had received the Okyou(Sutra) written in the Roman alphabet.
Chanted the Okyou(Sutra) together.
20:00 ZAZEN session end.
Talk to priest (Questions and Answers).
20:30 END
We will escort you back to Keikyu-line “OPPAMA” Station.
We are looking forward to your participation
※ Schedule is subject to change by the religious ceremonies of the temple.
KSGG will not be liable for any accidents.
横須賀 追浜の「独園寺」が毎月第一土曜日に「座禅会」を開催しています
1.行程: 10月1日(土)
18:15 京浜急行「追浜駅」改札口集合
18:30 独園寺着、和尚さんが英語と日本語で座禅の歴史とマナーを説明します
19:00 約15分間の座禅を3回おこないます
20:00 和尚さんと対話を行います
20:30 終了
2 料金:無料
[email protected] にお申し込み下さい。
KSGG’S web site; http://
Let’s go to Twilight Zone
深浦隧道:Fukaura Tunnel
独園寺:Dokuon-ji Temple
慈母観音墓:Kannon statue