Adquisiciones incorporadas en nuestra colección en ene-mar 2015 Abraham, Ralph. : Manifolds, tensor analysis, and applications / R. Abraham, J. E. Marsden, T. Ratiu. New York : Springer-Verlag, c1988.[ISBN 0387967907] (#000432861) All yesterdays : unique and speculative views of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals / [by John Conway ... [et al.]; with skeletal diagrams by Scott Hartman]. Lexington : Irregular Books, [2015].[ISBN 9781291177121] (#000433539) Alley, Michael, author. : The craft of scientific presentations : critical steps to succeed and critical errors to avoid / Michael Alley.[ISBN 9781441982780] (#000433378) Atlas : uncovering earth [videograbación] 9780766245761] (#000430657) Lousville, CO : Discovery Channel, c2011.[ISBN Beccaceci, Marcelo. : Paraná : peces = peixes = fish : guía de bolsillo = guia do bolso = pocket guide / por Marcelo Beccaceci; ilustraciones de Marcelo Gianechini. [Argentina] : Southworld, c2012.[ISBN 9789872817411] (#000430459) Becker, Katrin. : String theory and m-theory : a modern introduction / Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, Schwarz, John H. Cambridge, MA : Cambridge University Press, 2007.[ISBN 0521860695] (#000275344) Benedetto, Luciana : Sueño y maternidad : rol del área preóptica y la MCH / Luciana Benedetto. Montevideo : UR. FC, 2014. (#000432976) Benton, Michael J. : Vertebrate palaeontology / Michael J. Benton. Blackwell, 2015.[ISBN 9781118406847] (#000433153) Oxford : Wiley Blumenhagen, R. (Ralph) : Basic concepts of string theory / Ralph Blumenhagen, Dieter Lust, Stefan Theisen. Heidelberg : Springer Verlag, c2013.[ISBN 9783642294969] (#000432985) Burgess, C. P. (Cliff Peter), 1957- : The standard model : a primer / C. P. Burgess and Guy D. Moore. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007.[ISBN 9781107404267] (#000432857) Clementi, Luis Alberto. : Estimación de distribuciones de tamaños de nanopartículas en coloides : nuevos desarrollos basados en técnicas de dispersión de luz / Luis Alberto Clementi. Saarbrücken : Editorial Académica Española, 2012.[ISBN 9783848450305] (#000433158) Climate change 2013 : the physical science basis : Working Group I contribution to the Fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / edited by Thomas F. Stocker, Working Group I co-chair, University of Bern [and nine others].[ISBN 9781107661820] (#000431170) Csotonyi, Julius, 1973- author, artist. : The paleoart of Julius Csotonyi : dinosaurs, saber-tooths & beyond / written by Julius Csotonyi & Steve White ; foreword by Davis C. Evans ; introduction by Robert T. Bakker. London : Titan Books, 2014[ISBN 9781781169124] (#000433453) Current developments in bioerosion / Max Wisshak, Leif Tapanila (eds.). c2008.[ISBN 9783540775973] (#000430922) Berlin : Springer, Derezinski, Jan, 1957- : Mathematics of quantization and quantum fields / Jan Derezinski, University of Warsaw, Poland, Christian Gerard, Universite de Paris-Sud, France.[ISBN 9781107011113] (#000432873) Dijkstra, Henk A. : Nonlinear climate dynamics / Henk A. Dijkstra. University Press, 2013.[ISBN 9780521879170] (#000426545) New York : Cambridge Dinosaur art : the world's greatest paleoart / edited by Steve White. 2012.[ISBN 9780857685841] (#000433456) London : Titan Books, Dinosaur tracks and traces / edited by David D. Gillette and Martin G. Lockley. Cambridge University Press, 1989.[ISBN 9780521407885] (#000334221) Earth : collection [videograbación] 9780766252233] (#000430651) Cambridge : Lousville, CO : Discovery Channel, c2011.[ISBN Ehler, Charles. : A guide to evaluating marine spatial plans / Charles Ehler. 2014. (#000432975) París : UNESCO, Ehler, Charles. : Planificación espacial marina : una guía paso a paso : hacia la gestión ecosistémica / edición, Rachel Dahl ; textos, Charles Ehler and Fanny Douvere. [Madrid] : Comisión Oceanográfica Intergubernamental Programa del Hombre y la Biósfera, 2013.[ISBN 9788495877260] (#000432974) Faral Tello, Paula : Actividad contra trypanosoma cruzi de compuestos derivados de imidazol / Paula Faral Tello. Montevideo : UR. FC, 2014. (#000432795) Fish for life : interactive governance for fisheries / edited by Jan Kooiman ... [et al.]. Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, c2005.[ISBN 9789053566862] (#000431037) FitzPatrick, E. A. (Ewart Adsil) : Micromorphology of soils / E. A. FitzPatrick. Springer, 2013.[ISBN 9789401089463] (#000430900) New York : Fulling, S. A. : Aspects of quantum field theory in curved space-time / Stephen A. Fulling. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1989.[ISBN 9780521377683] (#000433421) Geroch, Robert. : Mathematical physics / Robert Geroch. Press, 1985.[ISBN 0226288625] (#000433410) Chicago : University of Chicago Hall, Brian C. : Lie groups, Lie algebras and representations : an elementary introduction / Brian C. Hall. Notre Dame, IN : Springer, 2003.[ISBN 0387401229] (#000024012) Hawking, Stephen 1942- : The nature of space and time : with a new afterword by the authors / Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose. Princeton : Princeton University Press, c1996.[ISBN 0691-03791-4] (#000020130) Hesse, Manfred, 1935- : Spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry / Manfred Hesse, Herbert Meier, Bernd Zeeh ; translated by Anthony Linden and Martin Murray. Stuttgart : Thieme, c2008.[ISBN 9783131060426] (#000431194) Hewitt, John. : Canine parvovirus : causes, tests and treatments / John Hewitt, Mohamed Awad (Ed.). Middletow, DE : [John Hewitt, Mohamed Awad], c2011.[ISBN 9781466413122] (#000433126) Hoskins, Brian. : Fluid dynamics of the midlatitude atmosphere / B. J. Hoskins & I. N. James.[ISBN 9780470795194] (#000431178) How the universe works [videograbación] hosted by Mike Rowe. Channel, c2011.[ISBN 9780766253797] (#000430653) Lousville, CO : Discovery Huggett, S. A. : An introduction to twistor theory / S. A. Huggett, K. P. Tod. Cambridge University Press, 1994.[ISBN 9780521456890] (#000433418) Cambridge : Irodov, I. E. (Igor Evgenevich) : Problems in general physics / by I. E. Irodov. Publications, [2008]. (#000433376) Noida : G.K. Khesin, Boris. : The geometry of infinite-dimensional groups / Boris Khesin, Robert Wendt. Verlag : Springer, 2009.[ISBN 9783540852056] (#000432839) Kirillov, A. A. (Aleksandr Aleksandrovich), 1936- : Lectures on the orbit method / A. A. Kirillov. Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, 2004.[ISBN 0821835300] (#000432841) Landsman, N. P. (Nicholas P.) : Mathematical topics between classical and quantum mechanics / N. P. Landsman. New York : Springer, c1998.[ISBN 038798318X] (#000433385) Lucas, Rodrigo : Evaluación de células tronco/progenitoras hematopoyeticas : optimización de un sistema de aislamiento de células tronco a partir de sangre periférica sin estimulación / Rodrigo Lucas. Montevideo : UR. FC, 2014. (#000430137) Macnamara, Peggy. : Architecture by birds and insects : a natural art / written and illustrated by Peggy Macnamara ; contributors, John M. Bates and James H. Boone ; with a foreword by David Quammen. Chicago : University of Chicago Press : In association with the Field Museum, 2008.[ISBN 9780226500973] (#000430894) Mak, Mankin, 1939- : Atmospheric dynamics / Mankin Mak. Cambridge ; Cambridge University Press, 2011.[ISBN 9780521195737] (#000431140) New York : Michener, Charles Duncan, 1918- : The bees of the world / Charles D. Michener. Md. : Johns Hopkins University Press, c2007.[ISBN 9780801885730] (#000430909) Baltimore, Nin, Verónica : El complejo SIRT1/DBC1 : su regulación por vías de señalización y papel en el metabolismo glucídico / Verónica Nin. Montevideo : UR. FC, 2014. (#000432809) O ambiente oceanográfico da plataforma continental e do talude na região sudeste-sul do Brasil / organizadores: Carmen Lúcia Del Bianco Rossi-Wongtschowski, Lauro Saint-Pastous Madureira. São Paulo : Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, 2006.[ISBN 8531409489] (#000433271) Ocean circulation and climate : a 21st century perspective / edited by Gerold Siedler, Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany, Stephen M. Griffies, NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, USA, John Gould, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK, John A. Church, Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research, a partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology, Hobart, Australia.[ISBN 9780123918512] (#000431128) Ostrom, Elinor. : Elinor Ostrom. (#000433156) Governing the commons : the evolution of institutions for collective action / Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1990.[ISBN 9780521405997] Perelomov, A. M. (Askold Mikhailovich), 1935- : Generalized coherent states and their applications / A. Perelomov. Berlin : Springer-Verlag, c1986.[ISBN 9783540159124] (#000433397) Pickrell, John. : Flying dinosaurs : how fearsome reptiles became birds / John Pickrell. York : Columbia University Press, 2014.[ISBN 9780231171786] (#000433466) New Protein modelling / Gábor Náray-Szabó editor.[ISBN 9783319099750] (#000431112) Rennie, James, 1787-1867. : Insect architecture / James Rennie. London : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014.[ISBN 9781499632644] (#000430898) Reptile biodiversity : standard methods for inventory and monitoring / edited by Roy W. McDiarmid ... [et al.]. Berkeley : University of California Press, c2012.[ISBN 9780520266711] (#000431106) Rogers, Alice (Frances Alice) : Supermanifolds : theory and applications / Alice Rogers. Jersey : World Scientific, c2007.[ISBN 9789810212285] (#000432978) New Sánchez Saldías, Andrea : Forzamiento astronómico en el neógeno de la tierra y marte / Andrea Sánchez Saldías. Montevideo : UR. FC, 2014. (#000433210) Seinfeld, John H. : Atmospheric chemistry and physics : from air pollution to climate change / John H. Seinfeld, Spyros N. Pandis. Hoboken, N.J. : J. Wiley, c2006.[ISBN 9780471720188] (#000185357) Semana de la ciencia y la tecnología en Uruguay 2014 : 19 al 25 de mayo / Comisión organizadora de la Semana de la Ciencia y la Tecnología ; Federico Viana Matturro redactor responsable del informe. [Montevideo] : La Imprenta, [2014]. (#000433200) Sivamurthy, Parthiban. : Isolation and characterization of canine parvovirus / Parthiban Sivamurthy, Hirak Kumar Mukhopadhyay. Saarbrücken : LAP Lambert, c2013.[ISBN 9783659501968] (#000433133) Strocchi, Franco. author. : theory / Franco Strocchi. (#000432858) An introduction to non-perturbative foundations of quantum field Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013.[ISBN 9780199671571] Study guide for Nonlinear physics by Enns, Richard H. / written and prepared by Cram101 Publishing. [Estados Unidos] : Cram101, 2013.[ISBN 9781478482130] (#000433003) Takhtajan, Leon A. : Quantum mechanics for mathematicians / Leon A. Takhtajan. Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2008.[ISBN 9780821846308] (#000274996) Taylor, F. W. : Elementary climate physics / F. W. Taylor. Press, 2005.[ISBN 9780198567349] (#000431171) New York : Oxford University Tibbs, Chris. : Manual de meteorología marina : guía completa de la RYA sobre el tiempo en el mar / Chris Tibbs ; [traducción, Max Strempel]. Madrid : Tutor, 2007.[ISBN 9788479026561] (#000431180) Trace fossils : concepts, problems, prospects / edited by William Miller, III. Amsterdam, Netherlands ; Boston [Mass.] : Elsevier, 2007.[ISBN 9780444529497] (#000401035) Tyrannosaurid paleobiology / edited by J. Michael Parrish, Ralph E. Molnar, Philip J. Currie, and Eva B. Koppelhus. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, [2013][ISBN 9780253009302] (#000433549) Wang, Pao K. : Physics and dynamics of clouds and precipitation / Pao K. Wang, University of Wisconsin, Madison.[ISBN 9781107005563] (#000431172) Waterborne pathogens : detection methods and applications / edited by Helen Bridle, HeriotWatt University, Institute of Biological Chemistry, Biophysics and Bioengineering, Riccarton, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS Scotland.[ISBN 9780444595430] (#000431030) Wisshak, Max. : High latitude bioerosion : the Kosterfjord experiment / Max Wisshak. Berlin : Springer, c2006.[ISBN 9783642071959] (#000430919) Woodhouse, N. M. J. : Geometric quantization / N. M. J. Woodhouse. Press, 1997.[ISBN 0198502702] (#000014769) Oxford : Clarendon
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