JST 平成 28 年度第 1 回短期外国人研究者招へい事業(採択番号

JST 平成 28 年度第 1 回短期外国人研究者招へい事業(採択番号 S16081)
“Morphology in botanical education and research: how to maximise living collections”
講演者: Louis Phillip Ronse De Craene(イギリス・エジンバラ植物園)
日時:9 月 13 日
16:00-17:30 場所:講義棟 S102
2016 年 8 月 22 日
イギリス・Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh(エジンバラ植物園)より Dr. Ronse De
ラ植物園で修士コースの部門長を務めています。エジンバラ植物園は 13000 種もの植栽植
物(リビングコレクション)を持つ(2012 年時点)世界でも有数の植物園です。
Morphology forms the cornerstone of botanical research and instruction, as it is the basis
for the comparison and understanding of living organisms. Living plants and their flowers
represent the best material to learn about the plant characters and their evolution and the
manipulation of living plant material is an essential aspect of this. At the Royal Botanic
Garden Edinburgh plant collections form the basis for the instruction of botany, as they
provide an immediate source for identification, learning of diagnostic characters, and the
understanding of the diversity of plants. Walks are organized in the garden to observe and
identify plants. In addition, students are taught to dissect and draw plants, as well as
producing a floral formula and floral diagram. The learning method implies direct contact
with plant structures and a need to dissect, analyse and draw fresh or pickled flowers.
Other applications of living collections are presented, such as materials for research
projects. A field trip in a natural environment is a logical extension of immediate plant
本講演に関する問い合わせ:自然科学系・岩元([email protected]