Diagnosis and therapy of plexus and peripheral nerve disorders – an interdisciplinary course 4th Educational SSSR Meeting Saturday, 24th of September 2016 Kantonsspital Münsterlingen Meeting Program 08.30 ➔➔ Registration & Coffee 09.00 ➔➔ Welcome G. Andreisek, Münsterlingen; S. Duewell, Frauenfeld ➔➔ Anatomy and imaging principles Moderation: K. Stock, Münsterlingen; N. Mamisch-Saupe, Zürich 09.05 ➔➔ Nerve anatomy. What radiologists and clincians should know M. von Düring, Bochum 09.30 ➔➔ Neurologic examinations for dummies – How it works H. Jung, Zürich 09.50 ➔➔ Nerve ultrasound A. Felbecker, St. Gallen 10.10 ➔➔ MR neurography and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) G. Andreisek, Münsterlingen 10.30 ➔➔ Coffee Break ➔➔ Plexus Moderation: F. Becce, Lausanne; I. Scheer, Zürich 11.00 ➔➔ Anatomy and MR neurography appearance of the brachial and lumbosacral plexus M.-I. Vargas, Genève 11.20 ➔➔ Common pathologies and where imaging can aid J. Petersen, Zürich 11.40 ➔➔ MR neurography of plexopathy A. Lutz, Stanford 12.10 ➔➔ Surgical therapy of brachial plexopathy C. Bauer, Fribourg 12.30 ➔➔ Lunch Break ➔➔ Interdisciplinary case discussion Moderation: R. Guggenberger, Zürich; F. Kuhn, Zürich 13.30 ➔➔ Perspectives from a neurologist, radiologist and surgeon M. Ho, Zürich; A. Schiller, Zürich; P. Giovanoli, Zürich 14.30 ➔➔ Coffee break ➔➔ Peripheral nerves Moderation: T. Dietrich, St. Gallen; B. Fritz, Zürich 15.00 ➔➔ Compression neuropathies and MR neurography T. Godel, Heidelberg 15.30 ➔➔ MR neurography for diagnosis of polyneuropathies Ph. Bäumer, Heidelberg 16.00 ➔➔ Surgical therapy of peripheral nerve disorders and where the radiologist can provide important information M. Calcagni, Zürich 16.30 ➔➔ Final discussion Speakers and Moderators PD Dr. med. Gustav Andreisek Radiologie Kantonsspital Münsterlingen Spitalcampus 1 CH-8596 Münsterlingen Dr. med. Claudia Bauer Allgemeine Chirurgie Fribourgeois – HFR Tafers Maggenberg 1 CH-1712 Tafers Dr. med. Fabio Becce Service de radiodiagnostic et radiologie interventionnelle centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV) Bugnon 46 CH-1011 Lausanne Prof. Dr. med. Monika U. G. v. Düring Institut für Anatomie MA 6/147, Abteilung Neuroanatomie Ruhr-Universität Bochum Universitätsstr. 150 D-44801 Bochum Dr. med. Ansgar Felbecker Klinik für Neurologie Kantonsspital St. Gallen Rorschacher Strasse 95 CH-9007 St. Gallen Dr. med. Benjamin Fritz Radiologie Universitätsklinik Balgrist Forchstrasse 340 CH-8008 Zürich PD Dr. med. Philipp Bäumer Abteilung für Neuroradiologie Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg Im Neuenheimer Feld 400 D-69120 Heidelberg Prof. Dr. med. Pietro Giovanoli Klinik für Plastische Chirurgie und Handchirurgie Universitätsspital Zürich Rämistrasse 100 CH-8091 Zürich PD Dr. med. Maurizio Calcagni Klinik für Plastische Chirurgie und Handchirurgie Universitätsspital Zürich Rämistrasse 100 CH-8091 Zürich Dr. med. univ. Tim Godel Abteilung für Neuroradiologie Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg Im Neuenheimer Feld 400 D-69120 Heidelberg PD Dr. med. Tobias Dietrich Klinik für Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin Kantonsspital St.Gallen Rorschacherstrasse 95 CH-9007 St. Gallen PD Dr. med. univ. Roman Guggenberger Institut für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie Universitätsspital Zürich Rämistrasse 100 CH-8091 Zürich PD Dr. med. Stefan Duewell Radiologie Kantonsspital Frauenfeld Pfaffenholzstrasse 4 CH-8501 Frauenfeld PD Dr. med. Nadja Mamisch-Saupe Radiologie Klinik Hirslanden Witellikerstrasse 40 CH-8032 Zürich Dr. med. Michael Ho Institut für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie Universitätsspital Zürich Rämistrasse 100 CH-8091 Zürich Prof. Dr. med. Hans Jung Klinik für Neurologie Universitätsspital Zürich Frauenklinikstrasse 26 CH-8091 Zürich Dr. med. Felix Kuhn Institut für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie Universitätsspital Zürich Rämistrasse 100 CH-8091 Zürich Prof. Dr. med. Amelie Lutz Radiology Department 300 Pasteur Dr Grant SO62B MC USA, 5105 Stanford, CA94305 Dr. med. Jens Petersen Klinik für Neurologie Universitätsspital Zürich Frauenklinikstrasse 26 CH-8091 Zürich Dr. med. Ianina Scheer Bilddiagnostik Kinderspital Zürich – Eleonorenstiftung Steinwiesstrasse 75 CH-8032 Zürich Dr. med. Andreas Schiller Facharzt für Neurologie NeuroMed Zürich Im Eisernen Zeit 1 CH-8057 Zürich PD Dr. med. Klaus Wilhelm Stock Radiologie Kantonsspital Münsterlingen Spitalcampus 1 CH-8596 Münsterlingen Dr. med. Maria-Isabel Vargas Service neuro-diagnostique et neuro-interventionnel Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4 CH-1205 Genève General Information Badges You are kindly asked to keep your badge visible during the course at all time. Badges are available at the onsite registration desk after the course fee was paid. CME Accreditation SGR-SSR 6 points, ESSR 0.4 points Cat. 3, Swiss Plastic Surgery 5 points, SVMTRA 15 points, SNG 7 points, ChiroSwiss 6 points, Swiss Orthop. 8 points Contact Sibylla Baker, Radiologie Kantonsspital Münsterlingen Telefon +41 71 686 23 30 [email protected] Course language The official language of the course is English, thus slides, talks and discussions will be in English. No translation is provided. Disclaimer/Liability The organizers cannot accept any liability for the acts of the suppliers to this meeting or the attendees’ safety while travelling to or from the course. All participants and accompanying persons are strongly advised to carry adequate travel and health insurance, as the organizers cannot accept liability for accidents or injuries that may occur. The organizers are not liable for personal injury and loss or damage of private property. Hotel recommendation Hotel Kreuzlingen am Hafen, Kreuzlingen http://www.hotel-kreuzlingen.ch/ Hotel Ziil, Bottighofen http://www.ziil-hotel.ch Hotel Seemöwe, Güttingen http://www.seemoewe.ch/ Steigenberger Inselhotel, Konstanz https://www.steigenberger.com/hotels/alle-hotels/deutschland/konstanz/ steigenberger-inselhotel Location Kantonsspital Münsterlingen, Spitalcampus 1, CH-8596 Münsterlingen Public transportation: The hospital has an own SBB train station («Münsterlingen Spital»); www.sbb.ch Mobile Phones and Tablets Please do not forget to switch off your mobile phones and tablets before entering the course room. Organization PD Dr. med. Gustav Andreisek, MBA Parking Public parking is easy at the hospital and enough space is available. However, public transport is recommended. http://www.stgag.ch/kantonsspital-muensterlingen/patienten-besucher/eintritt/anreise-zum-kantonsspital-muensterlingen.html?Fsize=.html Registration and Fee Although onsite last minute registration is possible, we kindly ask for early pre-registration by email or attached post card. This makes us the organization much easier. The fee for this course is CHF 50 for SSSR members and CHF 80 for all other attendees. The fee needs to be paid in cash at the onsite registration desk. The fee includes attendance of the course program as well as two coffee breaks and lunch. Thank you for your registration until September 7th, 2016. Speaker and Moderator Information There is no media center. Please bring -readily on time- your presentation on a USB stick and make sure that your file is compatible with windows 8 and powerpoint 2010. If you are using Mac / Mac software or if you intend to use your own personal computer, please contact Mrs. Baker. We ask all speakers to stick to their alloted speaking time. All moderators are asked to remind speakers of their speaking time. Speakers should introduce themselves to the moderators at the beginning of the sessions. Target Audience Radiologists, radiologic technicians, orthopedic and plastic surgeons, neurologists, pain specialists, sports physicians, and chiropractors. Münsterlingen ngen Location Seebl Bodensee Postfa 8596 M HH Tel. 07 VH Fax 07 info.p U 1 2 3 4 O AZ GZ 5 AAZ Ha fen 3 feld we 30 P6 Hafenf K Seeblickstr asse 4 g AZ S1 P5 E eldstr asse f Müns RICHTUNG KREUZLINGEN Sees terlinge SSSR Conference A P Bahnho J C n-Sche rzingen F trass e M P4 O GZ Seeblickstr asse W 1 Seeblickstrasse 3 WB Postfach 154 8596 Münsterlingen Tel. 071 686 41 41 Fax 071 686 40 35 [email protected] 1 2 3 4 O AZ GZ Badewiese Tennisplatz Information/Portier Heizzentrale AAZ/Personalhaus (Zufahrt über Seestrasse/Hafenfeldweg) Offenes Atelier Patientenbibliothek, Schulungsraum Ärztezentrum (Direktion, Verwaltung) Gemeinschaftszentrum (Personalrestaurant, Cafeteria, Saal) Stationen A Akutpsychiatrie 1 und 2/ Sozialpsychiatrie B Psychotherapie der Persönlichkeitsstörungen EPD Münsterlingen C Forensische Psychiatrie 1 und 2 F Psychotherapie im mittleren Lebensalter Eltern-Kind-Behandlung J Somatoforme Störungen und Transkulturelle Psychiatrie Frühe Psychosen K Psychotherapie im höheren Lebensalter Drogenentzug und Therapie Adoleszentenpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie S1 Alkoholentzug und Therapie U Neurokognitive Störungen Akutpsychiatrie im höheren Lebensalter Parkplätze Spita l HTUNG ROMANSHORN P3 P4 81 P5 61 P6 70 66 (nur für Mitarbeiter) HH, VH, E, M, P, W, 5 Stiftung Mansio WB Wäscherei Bodensee AG B 2 Badewiese Tennisplatz Bahn hof M P3 Seestrasse Parking ünste rlinge Inform Heizz AAZ/ Offen Patie Ärzte Gem Stationen A Akutp B Psych EPD M C Foren F Psych Eltern J Soma Frühe K Psych Drog Adole S1 Alkoh U Neuro Akutp Parkplätz n Spita l Train Station RICHTUNG ROMANSHORN P3 P4 81 P5 61 P6 70 66 (n HH, VH, E WB Wäsc History History of the Kantonsspital Münsterlingen Kantonsspital Münsterlingen finds its origin in an early monastery, The foundation of this monastery was about 986. A medieval legend tells: «Angela, the daughter of the English King Edward was returning from her brother, the Anglo-Saxon abbot Gregor (964-996) in Einsiedeln, when her boat came into a violent storm on Lake Constance. She praised that she will build a chapel and a refuge for women if she is being saved. When she put her foot back on dry land, she kept her promise.» The church was built near the lake and was called Monasteriolum, later Münsterlingen. Shortly before, an Augustinian monastery was founded in Kreuzlingen. Besides friars, there also worked nuns. In the period 986 – 1000, these nuns were moved into the newly founded Monasteriolum, but still lived under Augustinian rules. This was confirmed in 1254 by Pope Innocent III. Since then, patients are cared for in Münsterlingen, so that the monastery can look back on a 1000-year tradition of medical nursing and care. Bildquelle Gemeinde Münsterlingen Travel Tipp We recommend an overnight weekend trip to Münsterlingen area which could include a visit of the historical city of Konstanz, Germany (http:// www.konstanz.de/) which celebrates the 600th anniversary of the Council of Constance (http://www.konstanzer-konzil.de/en/history). Constance is within walking distance! The Council of Constance Three popes, which simultaneously claimed the right to the throne of Peter, a divided Christianity, turmoil and conflict throughout Europe – for these reasons, spiritual and secular dignitaries came together for the Council of Constance in the bishop city of Constance between 1414 and 1418. From 2014 to 2018, Constance invites Europe to Lake Constance again. «600 Years Council of Consta e» is an opportunity to come in contact with the past and at the same time, face the challenges of the present and future. The Council of Constance shaped European history with long-lasting effects. While turmoil shook Europe, the theological, political, and social issues of the day were mainly solved through dialogue on Lake Constance. This approach has paid off: the discussion across borders still forms the foundation of the European idea. Bild- und Textquelle: www.konstanzer-konzil.de Industry Partner We cordially thank our industry partners for supporting this interdiciplinary course on diagnosis and therapy of plexus and peripheral nerve disorders. The industry thereby shows great responsibility for this interesting and emerging field. Notes Notes Please register until September 7th, 20166. On-site registration is also possible, but early registration helps us for the organization. E-Mail Full Address Company Full Name I here with register Diagnosis and therapy of plexus and peripheral nerve disorders – an interdiciplinary course Saturday, 24th of September 2016, Kantonsspital Münsterlingen to 4th Educational SSSR Meeting Registration Kantonsspital Münsterlingen Radiologie Sibylla Baker-Züllig Spitalcampus 1 Postfach 8596 Scherzingen
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